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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday issol]Y, or PRY ou[ of lhe : [ I&apos;:L a (!C(IFd- ;ol!t)Fli l;J es est Clemrnl talm]'t6d r lnd trllc]{ ,let totMed pt is 42,928 ()i h('i' lil',] ]fO kg" said. I-'as- < NO EXTRA F! EXTRA PASSEN Phone 3 FREIGHT SERVICE )OOR DELIVERY IN SH muld be routed via Str" Indian vm. ,tr. Skookum Chief, No. 2 e Schedule as follows: ..; ma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. In, In* Olympia and Shelton s Shelton daily, except Sunday ENCE CARL/NDER, President SOUND FI00IGHT March 13 3947. FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ALDERCROFT, NURSERY Wilbert Catto Walker Park - 15hone 591-W Savage Speaks Sunday On Social Security Charles Savage, fol'iner con- gressman from this district, will speak on the work of the national congress and the state legislature before members of the General Welfare Club when they meet Saturday evening, March 15, at 8 p.m. at the Memorial Hall. The General Welfare Club is particularly concerned with legis- lative action pertaining to social security. Following the business meeting, refreshments and old time music will be presented. Margie's Taxi.Gr0cery i (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND PINE Open Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES--MEATS--VEGETABLES ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOFT DRINKS -- Plus HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RCHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS -- AUTO SUPPLIES r Seattle Couple Hurt In Hood Canal Wreck Mr. and Mrs. William P. De- Jarlais, .Jr., of 2602 4th Ave., Seat- tle, were removed to the Shelton General Hospital early Saturday morning with cuts and bruises on the face and head and Mrs. De- Jarlais with a fractured pelvis suffered when their car went over a 60 foot embankment a mile and a quarter north of Traveler's Rest in Jefferson county. Mr. De- Jarlais apparently fell asleep at the wheel, according to Patrolman H. V. Leonard, who investigated. Mrs. De Jarlais was thrown clear of the car, but he remained in the car until it stopped at the bottom of the bank. Rainbow Fountain Reopens at Hoodsport Completely renovated, the Rain- bow Fountain Lunch at Hoodsport, operated by Bob and Jean Bear- den, reopens Saturday and will offer steaks and seafoods to its patrons in addition to the foun- tai lunch menu it featured here- tofo're. Shelton Lodge No. 62 I.O.O.F. Meets Every Wednesday 8 p.m. I.O.O.F. HALL Visiting lV[erdbers will be Cordially Welcomed MARION HELSER, N.G. GUY CALL, Secretary Ruby Rebekh Lodge Meets Second and Fourth Fridays Mary Dobson, N.G. Elizabeth Butler, Secretary SHELTON=MASON COUNTY JOURNAl; Park Service Now .............. DeMOLAY TO RUN Responsible In Olympic Park The problem of protecting prop- erty owners inside the Olympic National Park boundaries from big game damage now rests squarely on the shoulders of the U.S. Park Service, following the recent decis- ion of the Tacoma federal district court, Game Director Don Clarke has commented. The court, ruling in a test case instigated by the game department, held that the private lands remain under the control of the park serv- ice and thatthe game department cannot open these lands to hunt- ing. Game Supervisor Clyde Norton of Aberdeen and M. M. (Buck) Fruit, Chief Patroj Officer of the game department, have reported that several property owners have suffered heavy losses because none of the surplus elk on.and near their farms could be killed. The game department had sought to re- lieve the situation, as well as pro- vide added hunting for many nim- rods, by opening the private lands to hunters during the past season. "These property owners deserve protection and remuneration," Clarke asserted. "The U.S. Paa-k Service should take steps to assist them." ROSES HAVE S()N Mr. and Mrs. James Rose are the parents of a son born Mon- day, March 10, at the Shelton hos- pital. SEEDS ' ' .,,, FERTILIZERS . SWEET PEA ;!]*;i I" [    lYlO C p .New and Rare Varieties ":,i t,r/', ::-,.--: and Vioro 50 F  _ {,; - • ¢ per pkg. g i o, __ aw ! 5 lbs .......... .=35¢ NASTURTIUM <" '.  25 lbs ....... $1.5o Tall or Dwarf t, '°'' l. .  ; 100 !bs ..... $4.00 ,. __-7"-'------ .,,o ,y,Jd) ..,;2 Sheep Fertilizer .'i:' i "Lb. Packages . - . •  40¢  Spray Material @ r i !L 0N SETS  :" IIIIII Sulphur & Lime lb. 15¢ IIIIII"" Solution .. ga1.-45¢ I ONION PLANTS (In Your Own Container) • ;h,te or Yellow NAPTHA FLAKES -- i 00b,o,o00 GA R D E m ed Potatoes  'tied   lhur lUlI I I EelTesn:f Gd 0oi n SggDS  Dusting Su p ilF''I Im " :r " 'l: fd'i'kWin!:IEallflcR°l:e]dT . ." '   F£ED :b;ATMENT , For Ford.Serwce, to,,', I 'll l: the assuranCe I lfE¢f/Mg#r ave ."  ' 74#hPJT#' r a lmporlmm; reason., I • .... . . , [  Garden Hose - . Mechanic,, ' ' ' ;?8;" e n;;h; 0 " Vtethods; [ '  '5g-Ft. Lengths .- / ,i meat, .i _...__/r $6.65 to $11.95 . -/fl" P '  , Hose Nozzles - 59¢ Irfs; " r'   " S ,ru; .. Garden Spade /  <'i " ' - $1.69, *2.OO, *2.75  ' i }I Hoes- $1.65 - " . ,  lie '":-' [ Ill Grass Shears .1.75 k., li' I'' : If"" Weeder - 15¢ - ' ' ' Hand Spade  25¢ s ' --" " ,.....,@ " III ;o. ooo..a, o..,oo o.o '  ' HARDWARE DEPARTMENT • rd Agency ' ' . - Shelton - Established 1895 CITY AFFAIRS FOR A DAY SOON Bill Valley, Jr., master coun- sellor of the Shelton Order of DeMolay, conferred with Mayor Frank Travis and the city com- mission Tuesday regarding a program by which members of the order shall take over official duties and run the city for some day that will be announced soon. The DeMolay boys will take over all official positions of the city for a day, the experience giving them an insight into the duties that are connected with official life. Details of t h e DeMolay city government and the program for the day will be announced at a later date and when the Mayor and DeMolay Valley can arrange the transfer. I Kent Police Officer Added to Local Force Charles Phillips, formerly acting chief of the Kent, Washington, po- lice department and one of the candidates for the chief position at recent civil service examina- tions here, has been employed on the Shelton department as night sergeant, it was announced by the city commission at their regular n2eeting this week. Sergeant Phil- lips passed the examination for chief, the post, however, being awarded to Claude Havens, former Thurston county sheriff, who was high man in the ivil service exam- inations, Two Shelton Couples In Chicago for Conventions Two Shelton couples are in Chi- cago this weekend, attending their respective conventions. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Smith are attending the Bakery Engineer's convention and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Price the Dry Cleaners convention. They both left Seattle Friday on the new Empire Builder and report they are having a fine time. Mrs. Smith planned to fly to Windsor. Ontario, the remainder of this week to visit her parents. Both couples plan to return to Shelton March 22. _ GIRL FOR KENDALLS Mr. and Mrs. Marvin T. Ken- dall are the parents of a daugh- ter born Tuesday, March 11, in the Shelton hospital. Ul i t ' We have a fleet of trucks ' , and a staff of experts to handle your moving job speedily and efficient!y, whatever type of article you want moved. You're insured of course while we take over. SHELTON TRANSFER ' i SONNY, WHEN YOU GROW UP YOU MAY HAVE TO PAY MONEY TO HEAR THAT FELLOW ' Sl ' . ADMIRAL Table Modil Combinatmn RADIOS and . PHONOGRAPHS m BE[TIll[ I ,v v ,v ,,,,-v v,,v-v' v'v'qr ',g, 'v'qr 'qrqr v'v'q Dewatto It was erreneously stated in a previous writeup that Alexander Muir of Seattle had bought tim George Cunningham place• Mr. Muir came from Seattle to finish negotiations to this effect and was taken ill and found "it neces- :sary to return to his borne in Seattle." Ann and Dick King took Page 3 .... ---.:, ................................ ! ........................ .'=' ..' ............ ' , , , I John Scbring returned home last [ IIYA'rTS IIAVIL' BOY week from soutbcrn California] Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hyatt are where he has been working with the parents of a bov born Sun- his brothers all winter, day, March 9, in tim lospital here. Signs of Spring and Nature's awakening are .all about us despite the cold nights, and not too warm days. Little lambs arid baby pigs are romping around tim barn. LITTLE JACK yards while gay, redheaded finct are mingling with the snow birds, v,. , ..... HORNER • Mrs. Kmwlton welcomed her new granddaughter witli ahmch- over the deal and are the pur- chasers of the Cunningham place. They plan to move there in the near future, fix up and lease their other place near Dewatto bay. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gleason have returned to their home after ...................................................... con on Thursday at which all the I AINT GOT A JEALOUS ONC IN female representatives' of the wit- H'/ OO'¢ BUT IF FRED[)7 DONT / ious "branches of the fanlily were STOP (NINNING JULI M[- ARC) / guests. iMr. and Mrs. Edwin Mei:zler ()f ,'. IIMS GOIN6"O 14AV iT OUT \\;l Shelton, Capt. and Mrs. James of {[ i Wl4N IG['t MAD I(OUNT TN {1 Port Angeles, Ray Hadley and '< \\;"f hO TI,EN LooOUT' t • 2"1 ,i, C" <':"-l ' .................... " 4e',,le' three months spent in Olympia, niece and Victor Nyl)erg of Brem- Portland, Ore., and .central Wash- erton were Sunday guests at l ington. In Portland they visited Rendsland's. with Rolla Tobyne, brother of Mrs.  ................................................... Gleason, who formerly spent some- time in this vicinity. Mr. Tobyne has been very ill during the' past ATTENTION year but is somewhat improved noW. Bills Tipton came home with his grandparents and will be their guest while school is out. The road crew here just finish- ed thoroughly going over the roads with the grader, picking up rocks and fixing bridges and other necessary improvements, making this territory more attrac- tive as the beginping of the spring fishing season approaches. Mrs. Riedell is visiting with' the G. W. Dennis family at their home on Bainbridge Island. Ann King plans a trip their soon when Mrs. Reidell will return home with her. Mrs. Reidell has also visited some- time with her daughter in Seat- tle during the winter season. Lee Baxter has purchaser the Clarence Williams house and has moved there, where he will be closer to the bay for fishing and eliminate the climbing of the hill to his former home. Mrs. Jack King left today for a few week's visit in Seattle with her folks, also in Tacoma with Mr. King's parents. Jack is ex- pected home from a sea trip with- in the next few days. Joyce Nason and Philip Cassi- dy have as their houseguests a sister, Beatrice Nason, and a bro- ther of Shelton. We understand there is a change in the school bus driver. A lady takes over the route in the morn- Loggers .... Cat Operators WIRE ROPE New Selected Surplus Good Used Line BLOCKS HOOKS Splicing and Ferruling Special on 1Vs" WRC & HC. Used Charles H. Rasmussen & Co. 1101 West Spokane St. EL5821 Seattle, Wash. on*nvoro,oll can add charm and style to any ensemble with our delicately appointed costume ) jewelry. The BECKWlTH store • jewelry headquarters in Shelton. BECKWITH'S GIFTS - JEWELRY - MUSIC 129 Raih'oad Plione 143 ................................ "7 .............................................. FLAMEPROOFING Wood products or structures such as cedar shingle roofts, etc, or fabric materials such as rugs, ctrrtains, drapes, mattresses, etc. when treated will not support flame or eombustio¢. Pro- , tect your business, home. furnishings and loved ones from man's ever dreaded enemy .... FIRE! Local Distributorship Available-- For Details Call or Write C & C CHEMICAL CO. Rout 3. Box 613 Centralia. Wn. Tel. 1490J2 ing, using her own car. The pres- ent driver is moving away. There are now around six or seven pu- ' huya.pils going from Dewatto to Ta- lee ( N E W P R ! N € I P k E .o.roo.on.o.oom. REPAIR,',, ,,.,_.o,= a 00tne. good winter at his place on De- watto Bay. This item is a bit late but is keeping a promise the writer made during January while a patient in St. Peters hospital in Olympia to an outstanding student nurse, Miss Philis Leonard, at. 2, Shel- ton, who was one of 15 student nrses who received their caps at the traditional,, impressive cap- ping exercise held in the chapel of the hospital. It .wa a very stormy day, snow fell, piling high against the windows and covering house and tree tops. A very ex- citing and interesting day and A , " ""-- *%: ' [!2ning for the girls. The patient S much i mpressed with the loy- &|" A alty of the young nurses who never failed once in the discharge of their duties, Miss Leonard was RePAIRS#hOt the last to care for her before Og., T iNFRA RAyH' Ru::::l '/i the exercise which she was able to heat" a po'tion from her sick ]l(( bed quite near tle chapel. v 'n and OK s. me¢.hamCa ., Tahuya ..i,, ,..... ,ig,} .v .................... ... ::;t; b3|anceO r;7[0R - ':,' Oroutt wo,o 00n.,o First Baptist Church of Bremerton relatives and chums ot each pres- " f €0st of a ne t,,, The bride wore a dusty pink pep- lure styled dress with white gar-:K/, .denia corsage and carried a bou- quet of white cai'nations and Ill- lies, with bows and streamers of white satin ribbon and net. Jessie C,geg¢ T| 'e,' Lou Whitman was maid of honor and wore a powder blno dress, car- RAUSCHER tying a bouquet of light pink and white carnations and white ribbon & SON and net. Donald" Huson was his brother's best }nan. I The bride s.mother, Eleanor Or- 1528 Olympic Highway Phone 585 ' cuLt, wore a powder blue gown and white gardenias, while the groom's mother, Frances HClson, was dressed in brown with a cor- sage of white gardenias. After the brief ceremony the group repaired to the apartment overlooking the souffd that the newlyweds will occupy for the present. The rooms ;ere beauti- fully decorated with pink'and  NE white carnations and Japanese iris. ON FAR R$ W- ' The table bore an elaborate lace cloth, a three tier wedding cake with customary bride and groom atop and pale pink taper.. The 6 CC  bride and ler maid of honor added to the artistic setting by daping their .bouquets beside the .lighted tapers. Mabel South presided at the cof- fee urn. After the bride and groom had made their customary first cut of the cake, the groom's grand- mother, Effie Knowlton, was called up beside them to finish cutting = c,u,o00 m00c, =,- r.o00,zct I riment, because as everyone except t the bride and groom was aware, she had her right hand full of. rice. E Y Being decidedly right handed, ,she V MON found herself o,:. the spot, to the " SA E enjoyment of the youngsters pres- ent, but backed up to friend hus- You Pay One FIa÷ Premium Each Slx MonChs and Gel band, who happened to be sitting $5,000/'$10,000 BODILY INJURY LIABILITY directly bebin¢l her, arid unloaded in his one empty hand, and went " $5,000 PROPERTY DAMAGE on with the show. 80/'20 COLLISION The newlyweds will be at home to their many frtcnds on Sunday . . FIRE & THEFT afternoon, March 9, from three to five. at the home of the bride's CURRENT SIX MONTHS RATES parents on Hood Canal. FOR Ilnsorf Clfy or CounfyJ TERRITORY -- 1940 Chevrolef, Ford, Plymouth, .... , ,$ .,)( School election found Rtnka 1940 Dodge, Ponflac 6, 41 Plymouth . • • )Q Z[ 0 Rendsland, Ewt Curl and Effie , , , ,g,,.== Knowlton on the election board. 40, 41 Bulck Spl.; '39, 40 Chrysler b Royal ) ,) Qdt Harry Curl and Robert Lawrence '39, '40, '41 DeSofo 5; '40, '41, '42 Morcury J' /,,O.o' were elected to three and two-year $12.00 Lifeflmo Membersh|p Fee a÷ Inception of Policy. terms. They were the (rely two SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS ON OTHER MAKES AND YEAR MODELS. to file, _vet Ted Blair received five of the {hirty-five votes cast, Dick )   :,   , . King of Dewatt0, four, and Leslie BILL t I',ARSON OSCAI MELL Wyers, three. 118 E. Grove - Phgne 654 1st & Grove - Phone 777 The WomeW.s Executive Club met with Mrs. Retake on Wed- nesday afternoon• The club is gTowing larger at each meeting, Phyllis Nolan went to Portland to meet the captaiu whose ship iS to arrive at that port from the Orient.