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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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" "" MUSIC NOTES ,00OM BECKWffH S 9 P.M. TO 2 A.M, mnty's Largest Dance 00lton moll Rink ic by The Star Dusters 00'TkL E , jilete, --1i8.50 [TY BUS SERVICE TO AND [ ; i,. r,,rnediot FROM THE DANCE i,u:L-- -. vOlee.¢on+acs w-.k" -- • • ,,,, J' .X °r derlvla TWo, way " I elved Pr" omm,n,o,,o . NEW COLLECTION++ " I 'IONG S QUAKER RUG: ,=iii, |  _= - = | .= IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATUE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOP. THE COUNTY 01' MASON 1N PROBATE . In tlle Matter of the Estate of Ira Bitnev. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBy GIVEN: Tllat ROBERT BINNS AND PEARL NOBLETT Kenneth Bitney, adnfinistrator with Have the will annexed, of the +estatr; of Ira Bitney. deceased• has presented In i ()tt--awa Next For Fred LaMarsh, 73, School Director Cast Rehearsing St- Peter and Karol Drops Dead Monday Voting Complete For Senior Play, kNCINff' ,, .... With the three missirlg school , , [ii€ The Kennedy Kids allived in Hosvital Fay "" " . . :. . , In er districts turning in their vote Adam's Evening Seattle y piano ao any ctosilg x- _  _.  .......... ' o' our t • m " " - " ...... dro--ed count l:ile list el new scnoot ai a six week, air t hat' cmuen Free ua Jvlarsn, , PP' ec'ors ov r "h ' ." - Tlae cast for the senior play, " • r  e t e county is now their entrance in the world's fig- dead suddenly Monday z n the foyer _..' .... ' _ ._ - • . a hilarious c o medy, "Adam's " " + " ................ "-"---here he comptee, mulongn ne count is Evening," has been' announced nre skating meet at: ZocKnolnl Ot tne mnelton nospxLat w . -':'" -'nof*'-'-" ....... "2 P ' ' 1 C le 1ll,l* U "/llll/l lot" I:ne annuat Sweden in xific+h they just mimed was just entering for memca a" . " . ....... ' .. . " . . and regular rehearsals are now in ' ' ' • "" - - 1- Sat scnoo* noara three[ors election winning a world s title coming in Ftmeral services witt oe ne a " ':a.; ,+,,,.. ,.,. " " • progress at h'ene S• Reed High + Saturday it* 'ok from ....... •+ ....... s .......... second after topping the point to- urday morning at 9 ocl c ::. ....... ..' . . . ." . _ __ School. "  " " " ....... Church wamp , xsr,cL o etectea Ken tals when the referees over-ruled the St Edwara camox,c ' ' n "- "" - / . + - Lee Rucker will play the title • s .... - ...... i hmann in en vtyers incumbent rot' a the judge.s. Reverena marJ+ we c +h ......... " ........ " .... role of Adam Adams, a victim of  " + - "h ended an ill t r¢c-ysar L(21]I[ WltIL egnt Votes Following their Stockhohn ap- cnarge, riis neat " and W A Gallowa., f .... .. ^ circumstances; Bernadine Win- pearance they visited Oslo, where ness of long' standing. ;year term'with fot(rvoVtes wu- iecki, Anna, his wife; Barbara i they skated before the Nozvegian He was born August 30, 1874, I  Tahuya, District 20, Harm, Curl Myers, Mrs. Bean, his mother-in- royal family, then to Scotland, Ice- in Alfred, Ont, Canada and had incumb[mt ,-s ol,o¢a  +,-' law; Bob Okano, Casper, his col- ' nt ................... " ored se%'vant; Shirley Dittman, land New York, To,onto and Ed been a resident of Mason cou y . official witl 20 - , + " " . yen term ................ votc as Gertie the maid; Tom Connolly, nmnton, where they gave a two- for many years. ' and Robert A Townsend to a two- day exhibition at a charity show. Surviving him is his widow, Mrs. year term with 28 votes. - Dr. Frogoni, the family physician; Maxine Holmanr Rostra, the doc- elore connng o eattie, mey Hattie La Marh of Shelton; six Belfair, District 45, elected Rex tots wife; A1 McBride; as Elmer competed in the U. S. titular meet sons, Richard, Lester, Vernon and Crossen, incumbent- to a three, Green, who wants to die; Harold at Berkeley, coming in as rm- Fred, Jr., of Shelton, F1/c Ken- year term with 137 votes, defeat- Anker as Mr. Cokes, who ought ners-up, neth in the Navy, New York, and ing N. W. Newkirk with 87 votes They next plan to go to Ottawa I Walter of Long Beach, Calif.; • to be dead, but isn't; and Shirley Carol *,w,yvvv,-T,,,v,vv,,vv  for the North American cham- three daughters, Lavey and " . Thorpe as Mrs. Cokes, who wish- pionships against the cream of I Jean La Marsh of Shelton and [..,i|. PlIlllIChTIflg es he were. The plot centers on a major Canadian and American skaters. I Mrs. Grog Graskle of Seattle; one -.--,,, --,ffi--avaavt tragedy wllich occurs when Mr. K I '' Peter and Karol are the chil-Isister, Mrs. Clara Beaudry of Ed ......................... Adams and a lonely lady board dren of Dr and Mrs. M E. Ken-lmonton Canada and two brothers, NO. 1729 I nedy, Jr., of Seattle residents, and William and Aiphonse, addresses IN THNvOTICpEpTOCID_tI)RO THE a taxi driven by a maniac 10ok- I Mi the'grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. unknown. STAT2 oIe "WASHINGTOhT . (E__ suicide.lag for Whena goodthePlaCegastOrunsCOmmitout gph E Kennedy Sr., and Charles Mr La Marsh had been taken InAtSON.COUI$ TY, _ ' ' ne Matter of tile ±,state of Alice and Mr. Adams finds himself Woodall of Shelton. ] to the hospital by one of his sons, L. Ahl. Deceased. "  • " miles from home. he and the lady land before he could be admitted .NOTICE .IS I-IEREBY GIVEN that are forced to walk: consequently I¢omMel. wlb ' ....... "'eted zae unoermgned has t)een appointed tnst,m.nt,] se the Journa', u-In,sifted,---I to one or the rooms, ne u and has qualified as executor of the he doesn't arrive home until four v llv  r sults' a tarot neart attack Iast Will and Ttstament of the. the, rea . oct e . ' . .  , in the morning. above namea oeceased . and of the The play is filled with intrigues, , above entitled estate" that all (1 -- '- "" --- sons having clai'n tgainst said P(e- sympathy and blackmail but in tim , ceased are hereby required to serve end the whole mysterious cloud is . . the same duly verified, on said exe- lifted. t't,rm ,r'T'm- ft%'"m 'T +IF cuter or on Charles T. Wright, his yourself,in five .JULVI U.l. IP L)UL¥1]P 2klal attorney of record at the ad,ess be- The play will be presented April enioY gem[ inter ...... zow.statea, arid file the same with 17-18 at+the junior .high auditor- /- T #- T  A, "  T T %T the Clerk ot said Court, together with under the direction of Mrs. 1 " ' proof of such smvice within six )4-WAY SWITCH . months after the da1+e of first publi- elite Cleveland, . , cation of this notice or t/to same will ..... unication be barred. . ' AT MEMORIAL HALL Date o re,st .,m.,io,. a,,,h  State Man Auditing " ' 19'17 A. 1),. ' • r +' -- = ." ..... OSCAR AEL ' very aturoay llgllt . ExecUtor of haid Estate " City's Books Now + CHARLES T. WRIGHT, " Geoffrey P. Lockwoodl tate ex- • ' Attorney for Estate coiner of the Division of Munici- • Anglo uildlng, ' Dancln 9 P.M. to 1 A, M. Shelton Mason County Washington pal corporations of the State of • 1 3-6-13-20-27--4t. Washington..the office of which is SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFARE CLUB I  directed by State Auditor Cliff • : N,OICE OF HEAR][NO FINAL Yelle, is in Shelton oonducting a i,, , "r ", t," RE10RT AND PET]LTION '()R regular audit of the btlsiness op- DI STRIIU TION One of the goofiest and Robert Shaw%direction. The catchiest recordings to come performance of Miss Ander- out in recent mon+hs has been, son is very fine with good "Open the Door, Richard!" background music and will composed by Jack McVea, appeal to Anderson fans as which immediately leaped to well as to people seeking good first place in record popular- religious music. Victor A1- ity. Now we are waiting Mc- bum No. DM 1087. Vea's sequel "The Key Is In Stravinsky's Fi'rebird Suite The Mailbox!" played by the Philharmonic You'll be well-dressed, The "A1 Jolson Story" has Symphony of New York un- You'll he a-preening, been named the Picture of der the direction of Igor Stra- When you trust us the Year by the New Jersey vinsky. This is an augmented With your cleaning. Parent Teachers' Association. version very well performed The new picture "The Feb- and interpreted by the com- ulous Dorseys" was released poser himself. It contains the last month. A story of the portions deleted from the ear- lives of the two famous broth- lier recordings in addition to ors Tommy and Jimmy, and some new material recently to tie in with the picture Vic- added to the score by Stra- tor has released a new album vinsky. Columbia AlbumNo. "Tommy Dorsey's All Time MM 653. Hits" which includes some of paid advertisement the best known recordings by. this popular orchestra leader. The demand for Gone Aut. ry has been answered by the Columbia release of "Gone Au, try's Western Classics";  f here in one collection are rom o S PARK P Lg6 many of the tunes that have  TO A COMPLETE . . Westernendeared him to the hearts Ofmusic fans. ENGI m j ]J On the Classical Side : .wU..,+ .n OF ,/ / Bach Arias sung by.Mario'n  $.0C v Anderson. with the RCA Vic- ., [ 2mSUr. Complete Satlsfa©tlon + eratlons of the City Commission [ I ....., 0F.+,,+,ow,. m. I and other officials' of the city. He B'aitery Cable= Mufflecs Hub Caps Fan Belts is expected to conclude his opera- Ignition Coils Tail Pipes Valve Springs Clutch DIIel tions here in late March. I Lamp Bulbs Carburetors ske ww irvv= wvvwvvww  ........ Ga ts Spark PlUgS . ae A  VaIvo$ Spapk phl¢l Wit|.. Brak. Shoe. RadJ.tOr Hog. sport ,+i Wipe, Bhldtm Head Light .mRs Brake Lining Hot. Clamp, llUUII Water Pumps Thermostats Connecting Rods Starlet Bru=he,  v,v .r v,r v',r ,v v ,,t. , v  v,-tr v , vv .v.r ,,v +u,. ,.. ,+o,+ ,+..+. +,:,,co+ 00oo00ko, GOLI}EH BEAM P Purchased r m m"ar'+ers"p to and filed m the above-entitt,.d for distribution, and that Saturdav : fWYTH/NG THAT IS ST FOR YOUR CAR 4 the 29th day of March. 1947. at ]6 The Rainbow Fountain Lunch is THE TOP HAT o'clock in the forenoon osaid day, being remodeled and will open Sat- • at the courtroom of the above-entitled urday to serve dinners as well as eou,.t, i. sd coun* o ason, a,,o  We Sell Parrs to Anyone • been fixed and appointed by the soda fountain service. Jean and q court as the time and place for tle Bob state that the cooking is to hearing of said petition, b,* dnn hv w n Haller :: cL E A NE   we invite the owners who do Dated th s 21st day of February ..... +'"+'::-" :=" ..... " ....... lb their own repair work to come ]947. ' The noousporL garage s to ue " ............ HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk taken over again by the owner, Sid atcr+oa  to us [or theft parts. V+IRGINIA+C. MALLOY, " Jarvis, who will run'it with the t,+ ....... + ................................  Ch00w01et Parts rll.tor state assistance of his son, Lowell. Wil- ?'?.::,tlL,+ .................................... Fourtaln and Drug Store on Hfllcrest o,ton +Washington. liam Dyer has sold his garage sup ..... ++:;'+=:;';:'Z" ...................... ' , 2-27--3-6-13--3t. plies an'd in comapny with Delbert ':+*" *"  ........... .++' "+-"" CA,' McGeatchey will open a new bust- .;..,,:TA,::%::'':3::2LT:;'  IS OUR BUSINESS 41 IJll +++++ ++on++++++o++utoo+e +n ................................. + .O, , , ., .+ ,, Mason CountY, Was},. ¢rmfin¢¢ -nil o ,,Pkin lot in" A h +m,, ++o, ,..o+ ,++,++ . ...... +,,+m.++ • ' NOTICE IS HEREEY GIVEN that ...... e,    v- , -" :U+:",+'+'::?,j%77;;7:,,:7,7,:$,,;.7+. + PqilA llli I .,Lir.N. sealed bids will be received by the erdeen. Mrs. Dyer and daughter , ................................. ; ..... Your car or truck is no stronger PLEDG ++" .................. + .................. • than its weakest link. Replace ] E Board of County Commissioners aL will remain ill Hoodsport a short +,., .... ,,+...,,,, ...... +. Shelton, Washington, on Monday,' ,. P ' , :12 GENUINE TOP QU P . . . their office in the Court House at while until, housin accommoda- ' ........ "+ .......... "": ............ 0 cont" ,; +,+o. ,- -. ,,. .+ ,++ + . ,.; ....  worn parts with Chevrolet Fac- 41 March 31st, 1947. at ]1:00 A.M. f;Jz.; uons can ve securea. I *- *., ........  o.+.,,.. .... ., -- ':¢l:J' " lnue and. improve the services rendered by past 6Der-.. the furnishing of the following de-:1. D. C. Mathews is home again' '+ ...... 6mce,e, mo+T cO.' ..................  ' P tory Engineered Parts. ,1:4 -,,+ . s m:furmshing residents of the Hillcrest community with • ""':" .... ' +....+'am QUAKER Rej00v_ scribed vehicles. , .... !from a Portland hosnital cud is P ' , ). #'c.;ey°°[t2e. 'ho:Lm.,:pl+ogressing fine afte+r a serious i :: .... '+'"''' . g'OUNTAIN LuNcHEs Q LIGHT DRUG SUPPLIES S SCHOOL,SUPPLIES l[i] Ooor +0+" +o'. .,,,o++ r i We A+ Always Glad t° Supply Indepe"dent value you can find to aS + 1-:,+ Town+ P!ck ut? in low. price : The hew schoolroom at Hoods-  - Garage= with hevrole Patti, - est : DracKe wttn Jv'u cnevrom .k ' o :" "o b -hi we-b the clean-easy floors. TheY,] STATIONERy • GREETING CARDS • SHEET MUSIC The Board of County Commission- first and second grade students.'  ' '[I[' to,, Pick up as trade in, p rt;iSI: e usea s eK y , !  MeH Chevrolet era ..... reserve the riglt to reject, any or ........ "lird and fourth rade students  +  and are styled] NEWSPAPERS • MAGAZINES' Hl till D ICIS. I -+- ng's master artists. There, ATED this :10th day of March 1947. will be moved up from the base- I AN IDEAL CLEANER . U BOARD OF COUNTY COJ[MIS - occupy the room vacated, l SIONERS OF MASON COUNTY ,p,. ,. ; ._ ..7 n-' ""-" Lal i colors for every decOra __BINNS ICE CREAM PROD CTS I[11 WASHINGTON ' a ................... j ,v+=,, Not Harmed by Water   :,akkk, :,I4L I! :By SUSIE E. PAULEY lathin, Hoodsport school teachers --For-- Clerk of the Board. ' who in comoany with Miss Fjel- WASHING FABRICS First and Grove - Phone 777 or 77S • -13-20-27--t langer and J'udy Palmer returned I '.= = = Use the Journal Classifieds-- r:altlea Stu:d:YwSrho°ppi.ger,triPal )me in and see them! Other Sizes: 12x12 9X101/2 they really get results, were forced to spend the night on n Furn" porary Stores to Serve PHONE 102 !. Fifth & 00arc T Will n M h 22 his Be Home  the corner of SECOND and FRANKLIN STREETS, facing on Second. If you've b a owrtown in Shetton any night in the past month you've noticed the lowin. • ,-& g i lt.laeon sign as you came from the shows or window-shopped along Railroad Ave g- \\; ,  ! % or gone to the p0stoffice. ' {-MARcH 22 WE OPEN THE DOORS OF OUR NEW HOME 'IX:) YOU FOR THE ,}ST T 11 mvzt u to attend o en house that da W • , IME and cordia y " " e yo P y. e hope you tset the date aside on your calendar and sometime while doing your shoPlJin  in 'elton ou will dro over and see us m./-,-r.lm'l@r'$' ." +| stores that Saturday we hope y " P . ..tT | "RE PR AND WANT TO SHOW YO AL 'tt3 OU D OF OUR NEW HOME . U L ITS FEA- ,''- m,-f/_  z/ clot E$, that's why we've scheduled thm open house on March 22. We'll give more zts ' o watch for our b ad next week wh j^,. on it in next week s Journal, s : "g en your raal arrives. We think you'll be interested in some of the things you'll seeand  When you step into our fne new home. " + £, Within A Week of.., : ..#+.+ , p Your Order we ca , your hands beautiful" less-engraved enUt., point wedding ' :: and marriage at; ments. Special given to silver a d i . |' wedding anniversary ] tions. I :+ "+ THE JOUgl / Phone 100 Yours very sincerely, GEORGE M. ANDREWS Iainbridge Island. Roy Simpson in company with Don Wilson of Shelton, took a hike this week end to Deer Lake but returned home very wet. Bed- :ling and supplies were soaked from the rain. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Palmer and Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Coon of Dung- encss were Sunday guests of the Ike PaImers. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Mille recent- ly purchased a tract of land at POtlatch beach tracts from Edward Radtke. ' Mrs Marie Wood has a most in- ; teresting and unusual collection of antiques among which is a chair made by a Mr. Smith who lived in Seattle at A1ki Point yeais ago. He was over eighty years of age at the time he mde tle chair and for material used oak from the first stage coach which ever came to Seattle. We sympathize with Dick Addle- man whose mother, Mrs. Mary Ad- dleman, passed away Thursday evening from a long i11ness, Ser- vices were held in Shelton Satur- day, Mrs. Art Heath, daughter of Mrs. Mary Jane Kflby, t|ent two ,+ days with her mother helping her Celebrate her 86th birthday Which occurred last Wednesday, March 5. Hoodspor and Cushman resi- dents were shocked to see snow Sunday. But thank goodness it didn't last long. Mrs. Katie Abbey is having some interior decorating done to her house by Mr. Pickering of Pot- latch• Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Zimmer of Tacoma spent four days of last week with their mother, Hazel Bleecker, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bleecker and infant son born Feb. 7, were also out from Tacoma on Sunday. The baby has red hair and is named Rodney. The B.Y. Group of the Shelton Bapttst Church is holding a fire- side meeting Saturday evening at 7:30 behind the church where tley will build a bonfire near the creek and rost weinie. All H0odsport young folks are invited. The Women's Society for Chris- tian Service meets at 2 p.m. Wed- nesday .in the church at which time officers will be elected for the comzng year. The society is not limited to church members and anyone interested will be welcomed. Mr. and Mrs.,Walter Berger mo- tored to Seasi°de last Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Blanch- ard. They returned Wednesday bringing Mrs. Lulu Bcrger with them. ' ANDREWS STUDIO Nh's. Alice McClanahan, P.T.A. program chairman, announces an .+ • interesting program for the Thurs- , day night March 13, meeting at ; + . the Hoodsport school. Cecil Bayes - will exhibit his fluorescent mineral I:.,. ......................... X I rocks. This coileCtion is well worth A • slam in 1946... FIRST IN CAR SALES--FIRST IN TRUCK SALES FIRST IN COMBINED CAR AND TRUCK SALES! The final registration figures are in, and again in 1946 America pur- chased more Chevrolet cars--more Chevrolet trucks--more Cevrolet cars and trucks combined--than anyothermake, despitethefactthat Chevrolet was out of production entirely during the first three months of the year: A magnificent tribute to Chevrolet production efficiency, as well as to the dollar value of Chevrolet productst It's the best proof you can possibly have that you're wise to choose Chevrolet, the only cars giving BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, and the only trucks rating as THRIFT-CARRIERS FOR THE NATION: True, there still aren't enough new Chevrolets to go around, but highest popular demand means higher dollar value, Just as highest productionlmeans quicker delivery of your new car or truck. Place your order--today! CHEVRoLET--LOWEST-PRICED LiNE IN ITS FIELD + MELL CHEVROLET COMPAHY ": + First and Grove Streets Phone 777. 7 ',+