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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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: '"""""'""'"""""'""'"')= Laundrymen Roll Into Major Lead With Clean Sweep MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE W L Mason Lanndry .................. 34 22 Simpson Log ....................... 30 26 ._ Morgan Lumber . ............... 25 31 m Fir Drug ............................ 23 33 ,  = YHgh game.--Bill Noblett, 209 :   High total-...-Bab Stewart, 576 Mason Laundry shattered the , first place tie which had existed in the meu's major league by -- --, sweeping all four points from  Simpson Logging company bowl- _ [ ers Thursday night in spite of the ------_ [top individual total rolled by Bab J [ Stewart for the Loggers. Blondie Peterson kicked through g Power=d  with the offsetting pins, his 559 by Either Ga= or Electd¢lt, total going away over his aver- mm "W .. HAS STOOD ag  = Tailend Fir Drug closed the gap materially between itself and THE TEST OF TIME' Morg.n Lumber by earning a 3 _  to I decision over the two-by-four --._ • ---- dispensers with Bill Noblett sup- = THOUSANDS IN plying the kick. Generally speak- ing, scoring throughout the lea- - DALLY USE : gaw. was far under par. The line- = THROUOHOUT THE! 'ups: )o -- Mason (4) Simpson (0 = NATION handicap lS6 handicap ---- AJlerl 538[ Stewart 576 --'--" Holt 480 Daniels 487 = a$ [O[ a _ Peterson o, 9 Merrick 525 = Smith 506 Ma.ckey 541 -  IJ=T.Woc)da 412] Pettier 485 = Free Demomra¢on = Total 26SIL Tolal 2604 .  Fir Drug (8) Morgan Lhr. (1) " ) 4 , . :153] handicap 60 :: =z I,in(, man 52S Gu,;l,ofson 474 =: :;' Noblett 539 P.Fredson 564 _=_ & SON Z c,pl)(,rm- 4(m B.yl,y ,()7 : 120 E. Vine - PIIonc 575 Dtmmxy 501] Dummy ,198 -- Earl 509 V.Woods 500 'J|ll|JlJ||l|ll| Jll|Hl|]l[|llHilH[J|[|li Total 2639 ToLal 2603 Bremerton-Tacom Stages The Finest In Motor Coach Transportation Tickets Sold and Baggage Checked to'Any Destination Direct Connectious With North Coast, Greyhound and Traiiways Motor Coach Lines Let Us Help You Plan Your Next Trip -- SAMPLE FARES '- : ..... ',,' :,:., "  . OneWay Rd. Trip.. Bhelton to POrtland ,:.:.. ............ 2.88 4.89 Shelton to San Francisco ............ 13.75 24.56 Shelton to Los Angeles ................. 18.06 32.33 Shelton to Salt Lake ..................... 27.03 48.48, Shelton to Chicago ....................... 43.13 77.55 Charter Work a Specialty CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT Depot at First & Grove Phone 162 PHONE j IIH 196 For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE r " , N WE'LL I'ILL UP YOUR TA K PI.OM:PTLY WITH BETTEi% BURNING, MORE I)EPENDABLE  ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL, t!OR YOU We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS from 50 to J,000 gallons for new off burner installations F00isken Oil Co. Mason County Oh;tvibutor for Associatecl Oil Products gWI.TON-MASON COUNTY JOURNKE I ' ,I j" . ....... Mid.Standing Jam [n Rayonier Pin Loop As Ferns Lose RAYONIER LEAGUE IV L Maintenance ................ 40 29 Supervisors .................. 39 30 Research Girls ............ 36 33 Chemists ...................... 36 33 Office ............................ 36 33 Electricians ................ 32 37 Bleach Plant ................ 30 39 Grease Balls ................ 27 42 ttigh game-.-Joe Rank 218 Itigh total.-Joe Rank 592 aintenance and the Supervisors l widened their margins atop the/ Rayonir bowling league in Mon-[ day's weekly matches both win- nin odd-game verdicts to remain one-two in the circuit, but the Re- search Girls tumbled into a three- way tie for third place on a three- game loss to the tailend Grease Bails, The Chemists and Office crowded onto the third rung beside the league's feminine competitors when ttm former lost a 2 to 1 de- cision to the latter. Heavy pin-topplers during the night included Joe Rank's leading figures of 218 and 592 which paced the Maintenance triumph, Ade Wright and Bill Oliver who fat- tened their averages to steer the Grease Balls to victory, and Ernie Lcmley and Ron Dodds who pro- duced the winning pins for the Su- pervisors. The lineups: Maintenance (2) Bleach Plant (1) Handicap 216 Handicap 513 Skelsey 496 Lemke 418 Dummy 501 Wolden 414 Temple 429' Cab Rains 384 Dummy 447 Frutiger 358 Rank 592 Friend 483 Total 2681 Total" 2570 Grease Balls (3) Res. Girls (0), Handicap 669[Handicap 924 H. Cole 402 Dammann 374 Devlin 362' Mays 286 , CL Cole 317 .Price 3281 Ol{ver • 4 571Franson 248 I Wright 4811MeKinney  3511 Total 2688 Total 2511 j Office (2) Chemists (1) I Handicap 468 Handicap 702 Holt; 480 Stoy 350 Dunseatl 3731 Lynch , 301 I Briggs 397[ Dielle 286 I Thozq)e 407I J. Eagcr 403 GaValeski 449 t Tobler 4531 To ti'd 2574 Total 2495 [ Supervisors (2) Electricians (1) I Handicap 5251 Handicap 504 Dndds 533 Stevenson 4.t3 Moore 356  Joslin. 362 McCann 392 Carlson 415 Hawks 3001Dnmmy 450 Lemley 510' Dittman 447 Total 2616 Total 2621 Fishing Regulations in Today's Journal Among the legal publications in today's edition of The Journal are two fresh water fishermen would do well to peruse thoroughly and clip for reference. They are Regulation No. 760 and CITY LEAGUE CHAMPIONSAIIow us to introduce players who won the city league bas- ketball championship recently wearing the spangles of the Pantorium Cleaners. From left to right they are Joe Parsons, Del Johnson, Don Phillips, Paul Johnson Sponsor Buck Prica, Bob Phill- ips, Warren Woods, and Manager Ken Fredson, Pantorium win the first half title, then defeated MC- Conkey Ph'armacy, second half champs, in the playoff game. (Photo by Burgoyne.) LEVETT'S 124 POINTS TOPS CITY LEAGUE SCORERS; MORGAN LUMBER, PANTORIUM BEST TEAM RECORD, Before stowing the city league standings wotfld read as follows: basketball season away in moth- V L pf l)a balls for another year, a few in- teresting statistics, are worth re- cording. If the two halves of the season had been computed as one, Morgan Lumber would have been circuit champs with ten victories in 14 starts, although Pantorium Clean- ers probably would have tied the lumber dealers. In games actually played,,the cleaners won nine and lost four, a snow-cancelled game with Belfair, which didn't win a game all season, having never been made up. The lumber quint failed to Win either half, tying" for second on both occasions behind Pantorium in the first half and MeConkey, Pharmacy in the second. Despite, playing one less game, Pantor- ium scored the most points, 474, and also had the best defensive record wit,s only 315 points scor- ed against. McConkey Pharmacy performed the most astonishing about-face from one half to the next, win- ning only two of seven games m fine first half but six of seven in the second half. Lumping the two halves, the Regulation No. 783 of the State from last years northern division Game Commission which outline'l championship aggregation, f i v e omplete ,pe, and,.cled J(regulars from Aast mtmmer's ju- ter 4tret f0r tl the  elngjfh-] nior, le.gton teaL and oneadditio)-, ingseason, and regulatioas g.n -) al member of last year' }tighi ing daily mad veekly bag and'pos- climber roster who did not win a session "lirnits, metllods of fishing letter form the nucleus of the 1947 permitted, season dates, and other Red and Black club. pertiuent information. The returning insignia winneYs ........................ from the 1946 champions include Catcher Carl Sundsten, Infielders VISIT llOSP1TAL PATIENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward N• Dun- lap, sons Ralph, Bruce and David, and Leslie E. Cochran, all of Brin- non were in Shelton Sunday to visit Mrs. Coehran who is confin- ed to the hospital. Morgan Lumber ..10 4 439 354 Pantorium ............ 9 4. 474 315 Needham's :Men's @ 5 440 372 Burgoyne Photo .... 9 5 383 355 McConkey Pharm. 8 6 391" 375 Rayonier .............. 6 8 385 440 Olympic Plywood.. 3 10 341 388 Belfair .................. 0 12 258 439 Getting into the individual stat- istics, Bill Levett of the Morgan Lumber team won the scoring championship with 124 points, six more than his teammate, Danny Cormier. Three other players top- ped the 100-point mark, Larry Cardinal of Burgoyne Photograph- ers totalling 112, Buck Armstrong of Olympic Plywood netting 109, and Bill Coburn of Needham's Men's Wear picking off 107. Levett was far and away the field goal champion of the circuit with 61 connections from the floor, but on the other hand he was probably the league's worst foul shot, converting only two gift tosses all season, Coburn was the loop's dead-eye from the foul line, picking up 27 points to nose out the season, as follows: Levett, ML ................ 61 2 124 Cormier, ML ............ 4-7 2.1 118 Cardinal, BP ............ 49 14 112 B.Armstrong, O ........ 45 19 109 Coburn, N ................ 40 27 107 Dickinson, N ............ 44 7 95 Eaton, ML ................ 40 13 93 Somers, IV[ ................ 40 10 90 McCann, BP ................ 34 13 81 J.Phillips, N ............ 33 13 79 Lee :M 77 Lumsdea 0 27 Jeffrey R 761 Valley ML 27 Kelly R 751C.Johnson IV[ 26 Underwood P 721Pedersen B 26 l-I.Gruver BP 711 Fletcher O 25 Woods P 691Fredson P 24 Sehirmer 1V£ 671MePherson P 21 Bazo O 66[ L.Gruver /3P 20 Wilson BP 641Barger i 20 B.Phillips P 62/Hope B 18 B.Vtger 5I 59 R.Vlger M 17 White O 55 W 11 ares ML 16 D.Phlllips P 15 551Eacrett ML S.Armstrong R 511Coffnmn I 13 I-Iutchtnson O 50. Thomas B 13 Shnonson B 49i Bednarski N ]3 Gardner N d8]Crow B 12 Steinberg ll 46 Howarth O 12 Parsons P 451 Price P 11 Sntlth M 45 Cole P S Daniels R 421 Stevenson N 8 D•Johnson P .i21Redman O 5 Nealy B 381 Walton N 4 Burgoyne BP 37 Dunl)ar ML 4 Chase N :6 Eliott 0 3 Davis B 35 Moore O 2 Kendall ]2 34 Salisbury BP 2 Morgan 5IL 32 Hanson "M 2 Pedersen B 2 30 Surralt R P.Johnson P 291LaBissoniere BP ] Bell R. 29 Willard M 1 Foster B 29 A(lhms R 1 Cormier by three for that honor. Seventy-four players entered the scoring column sometime during HIGHCLIMBERS OPEN BASEBALL TURNOUTS; 6 LETTERMEN BACK Hardly pausing for br'ath be- First Baseman Ken Cardinal, and tween seasons, Highclimber ath- Outfielders Gene Wells and Bill letes who just closed their basket- Valley, and Infielder Wayne Clary. ball'play Friday night turned out The returning non-letterman who for their first baseball condition- may win himself a varsity job this ing Tuesday afternoon under Coach year is Dick Angle, leftvhanded Norm Hillyard. Six lettermen pitcher-outfielder. Cardinal a n d Grocers Gain On Feminine Leaders With Clean Sweep Shelton Grocery gained back a bit of lost ground on the league leading Ritner's Corner in feninine bowling competition Tuesday night with a whitewash triumph over Mary Cartwright and Kenny Carl- son, and Outfielders Herb Baze, Bob Wells and Herb Angle. Tim five jtmior legionnaires ex- pected to make strong bids for Highclimber starting positions "in- clude Southpaw Pitcher Bob Tobey, BIKINI TEST ' .... ALK, PICI URnS THRILL SPORTS CLUB MEMBERS First hand information on "Op- Shelton audience official motion eattoll. Crossrqd, the , Bikini atom bomb tests last summer, was given members and friends of the Mason Courlty Sports & Skeet Club last Thursday by a man who was there. Clarence Pautzke, chief fisheries biologist for the State Game Department. A member of the Bikini test staff, Mr. showed his WHY NOT Give your ear a new Easte¢ dress with tailored-to-fit l seat covers. All types of auto Upholstery a specialty. LITERAL TRIM SHOP 120 E. Pine Phone 145 ,_ . ..... ' , , . , , u, pictures taken by the Navy of the operation, in color and with sound, and told of his own experiences studying the effects of the bomb- ing on fish life. He told of preparations for arid after effects uf the bombing, on which he worked as an official government observer. ]t as a treat members of the club. will re- member a long time. Originator of the steelhead tag- ging idea, Mr. Pautzke also dis- cussed at some length this method of Jceeping Check on the movements and habits of this favorite game fish. The club's next meeting, sched  ulcd for March 21, will feature Valley were "also non-letter win- ners on last year's Highclimber squad. The I-Ilgllclimbers will opet'ae 'i'a:g'd1'ti thi,q yeaI' in tlie ablJ/'vtaed four-team northern division of the Southwest Washington conference with Olympia, Ohehalis and Cen- tralia on a home-and-home basis, giving a six-game championship schedule. Conference play ()pens April 18 and closes May 16. So far Coach Hillyard has arranged five non- conference games and is after more, hoping t5 play all team in the southern division. Tle first practice game takes the High- climbers to Vaughn March 21, a week from tomorrpw, wttile the opening home game brings Ho- quimn, a southern division club, here on Tuesday, March 25. The Highclimber mentor hopes to arrange a game or possibly a ,doubleheader,for Forest Festival day, May 17, as well as games to fill out several other open dates on the Shelton calendar during the season. March 21--at Vaughn March 25--.Hoquiam here March 28--Va.ughn here March 31-.--at Hoquiam April 11--Bremerton here April 18--=at Centralia aApril 25 Chehalis here May 2--Olynapia here May 6--Centralia here May 9at Olympia May 16--at Ohehalis Dates which Hillyard may fill if he can include April 4, 8, 15, 22, and 29, May 13 and 17. election of officers. • mom00o,, Illllil IIIIIII! Hank Durand, Ken Frank and I P  q • • • • P'q' • • Harold Mead.--assisted Game War-]IIF i II" !1 den F T McMartin in plantingll, • •" "l some year-old pheasants in several I F,  F Mason county spots last Friday r turning out at 6 the ram. ,-- • -_ .... ,. The birds aI'e a cross between at II! Ih/I,,t((ttlll I-I Mongolian and a Chinese pheasant I II I Ill/Ill/{Ill II and run approximatel: two pounds I !1 I Ill |1'11 II heavier on the' average than the I /I t-.ll  'i II comnmn ringnecks of this locality. I q'l [q,,,.. Hopes'. of getting two hatchings ] [J J"L\\; from these birds if weather condi- ] [ i fTlt'/ tions are favorable were expressed l lJ I  \\;\ by Game Warden McMartin. 1 J[ ] HOME, SAFE HOME? Not according to the £acts. Nearly five million home accidents a year! That's why every house- wife ought to have an 2Etna Housewi£e's Acci- dent Insurance Policy. Costs very little. Herbert G. Angle Insurance .As a Business Not a Sideline Angle Bldg. - Phone 304 Reprentlng the AEtna IM¢ Insurance mpatiy O[ liar(ford, Cancdcut McConkey Pharmacy while the pace-makers were decisioning Pas- time bya 2to 1 count• Pantorium Cleaners and Mason Laundry each earned odd-game victories over Mac's Corner and Werberger Winery respectively in the night's other matches. Best scoring of the evening was done for a losing cause, Mary Sutherland hanging up the top in- dividual figures at 182 and 495 as Pastime lost the week's closest matcit to Ritner's by margins of ten and two pins. Vera Bishop got the big scores which won the two tight ones for the league lead- ers. Ann Barger, Mabel Brewster and Shirley Hanson took turns pro- vidilg, the fuel which brought the grocery girls their triple win. Inez Dodds. Edna Robinson and Evelyn Smith hit at the right tin)e for the Mason Laundry, Ruth Jacobsen scored Werberger XVincry's lone point, and the mother-daughter combination of Freda and Frankie Fredson found the 13 pocket at timely moments for Paptorium's victory, only to have Ruth Edgely and lelen Srnith steam up to win the finals for Mac's Corner. The )ineups: Ritner's (2) Pastime (1) Handicap 510{Handicap 192 Godden 361"1Staley 416 McCaslin 332 Kopperman 364 Willour 291! Lindeman 401 Hunter 304 Schuffenh'r 377 Bishop 423 Sutherland 495 Total 2221' Total 2245 Pantorium (2) Mac's (1) Handicap 366[ I=[andical) 377 Fre. Fredson 424 Frislcen 324 Tembruell 404H. Smith 390 M. Fredson 343 Tiffany 421 Cart 294 Edgely 459 Fra. Fredson 4371 Lynch 245 Total 2268 Total 2216 Shelton Groc. (3) McConkeys (0) Handicap 43ol Handicap 144 Brewster 333 McConkey 440 Hanson ,357 Bolen 399 Dummy 381 Russell 416 Barger 341 Schirmer 368 Durand 332 Cole 360 Total 2179[ Total 2127 Mason Ldy. (2) Werberger (1) Handicap 1381Handicai) 435 E. Smith 4'33'F. Cormier 265 Simpson 359 Kimbel 373 aMifflin 412 ffacobson 400 Robinson 434 Dummy 294 Dodds 462 Dummy 381 Total 2238 Total 2148 ......................... Sheltou War Veteran Reenlists In U.S. Army Charles Ream. 26-year old veter- an of World War 2. Box -154. Shcl- ton, has recnlisted as a technician fifth grade in the United States Army and has been assigned to duty with the 1]5,tth Engineers at Fort Lewis, it was announced to- day by Technical Sergeant C. B. Dickinson of the Tacoma Central Recruiting office. Ream was sworn in last Tuesday. Ridley Body'& Fender Moves to New Quarters Switching its scene of action from the southend to the north- end of Shelton, the Ridley Body and Fender Works is moving from ' the Rodgers Brothers garage a mile south of town on the Olympic tighway to new quarters on Mt. View next door to the Mr. View i grocery, Proprietor Harold Ridley J I announced this week. Blazers Yield To 4th Quarter Rally, Season Sans Win Coming closer than m any other game of the season, the Blazons of Shelton junior high led at all the quarterly rest periods but failed in their belated attempt to score at least one victory during the schedule when a last qluu'ter Hoquiam rally earned a 37 to 26 decision for the Cubs on their home floor last Friday. Coach Ray Patrick had visions of a basketball upset to match the gridiron surprise the Blazers handed Hoquiam last fail when his inexperienced cagers held a 7 to 5 lead at the first quarter. 16 to 11 margin at half. and were still in the van by 21 to 17 at the third rest period, but the Blazers defense fell apart in the final round and the Cubs, with Hyde setting the pace, whipped 20 points through the meshes to snatch the decision. Ted Dale and Deb Getty kept the Blazers in the game for the first three quarters with their point making. The preliminary game went to the Hoquiam second team by a 41 to 18 margin. It was the final game of the season for the Blaz- ers. who thus failed to post a single victory all year. lloquiam 37 Shelton 26 Hazelquist 5 F Dale 9 Lawrence 3 F Hunter 1 Hyde 11 C Cleveland 2 Wieland 8 G Edgely 4 Mason 1 G Getty 7 Fairbanks-Morse PUMPS For Every Purpose I SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. Govey Bldg. Phone 154-W Thursday, he Flagship style-- and you're going with tinction. Clean, lig,t: weight make for the man MEN'S Hotel SheltO" Tie=Mill Slab NEVER BEEN IN SALT DELIVERED IN 2-CORD LOADS Phone 656 MORGAN FUEL CO. How Open for In Our Location on Mountain 00iew -Shelton Company, Due to present onmtions or will be limited for some time, soon as possible .we will complete line of building PHONE 657 P.O. Home • WHEN you need help to finance a not shop around and select the best pla able. We invite you- t6 g& the details ' Direct-Reduction Home Loan Plan bringing DEBT-FREE honle ownership to others so conveniently and eeonohaicallY' THURSTON COUNTY SAVINGS & LOAN Directors I HAZEL WOLMER G. W. DRAHAM CARLTON 1. K. L. PARTLOW FRED HOLM V. BRIDENSTINE H.C. BRODIE NO. 7(|I) E resoh tion and regt ffld regalal,ly pass(, I'eg'tll,'11' a( jol 'n( 6, 19,17. t fOl' tF it shMl Im lawl' fish t!g.% I'i, II(I stlbs[dll('.o I'( taking, and fo('(lin4' l'i g Waters of lho Stw That 1 lawful to fiF fish with hmltip Itlore th;lll t% ,r liko. attra, lakes in Adan Lal, Grec y Lal¢ kes ; Wapa JPl)er Whee Rese Aldwell ; le ; Mud Lake! ?yee) Lak( Lake ; L n Lake erwin Lake; Mtl Lake; Elh' Twin Lak Lake ; S(,ut ,OUntyAll lakes in Frani lakes in Gra sty -- Aberdec Lake; Satsc YAll lakes in Islan Crocker Lak [Ho(,ket') Lak Sandy SAm Lak6 ;Ttt: La , evtle Lake; Bi Black Dlatnofi Lake flian) Lak( Lake ; D6 or Drunke ke (near Pre: Francis Lak Green Lak( Holm( Juai ; Killarne Lak( etcalf Lak( mith Lake; Mo (Wapato) ; Mu Mnd Lake (ne (ne$ Lhk rd Lake.s (ne Panther Lak( Steel Lak( Lake ; Ta5 ; Trad Lake : U Lake Wasl : White Lak( d ; Wilderne; (Mud) : Ye  eouatVAl! lakos in Kitsa Elum Lake Lake Trout Lake e ; Miner( C°UntYAll lakes in Ltncol Lak6 ollins Lake san Luke: De Lake; Erdma ; Hanks Lake rake ; Larso Lke ; l NTihhtz Panther Lake Lake; Simpso StetSon Lake Tiger Lake (Deverau er Lake; Wooto I.,ake ; A] Beth Lake Lake: Bonner Buzzard Lake Conconull t Lake ; L nnis Lake Lake : M' Palme lakes on th Unty Anderso of the Woods Lira Me$ ow Sulllva Lake Shom.e t Lake Dam Lake BoWma lPlorene Lake 3"ackso (headwater Brld Lak Lake; LaY LRtle ..Twi Lake ; (WaRes Lak Cocl Cranberr Lake Lake Ho Lak Lal( (nee Lake ; Panther Lak( Serer Lak Lake ; Sixtee Stevens Lak( Lake: Swar Wagner Lak( lakes in Sp( Def Lak Hatoh Lak Joe Lak Lak( Lake: Pirl Lak( ms La