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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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To , ,ally, ! i Pin I any ,,thei i le Btaze/s led at all riods but At(rapt to i ry durir&lt;g st quarter L 37 to 26 on their i ad visions' to match " m Blazers 1 when his ld a 7 to %er, 16 to were still 17 at the le Blazers the final vith Hyde upped 20 aeshes to letty kept le for the ¢ith their e went to am by a 3 the final the Blaz- :o post a heltun 26 Dale 9 Hunter 1 lcveiand 2 Edgely 4 Getty 7 Thursday, i he Flagship starts style-and takes you;re going with tinctiou. Clean, lig it: weight make for tim man who MEN'S Hotel :ill Slab BEEN IN SALT NO. 78(; E resotntiml and reKu- tnd rEgulllriy passed regtlla i, a d.ii)llr n(,(l IL libt7, of I or llle it shall bc lawful fi,h gK.q, f S l ll([ SllbStIlliCO ['[H" taking, at- and l'oedint' 1'i.h Waters of the StaD That tn lawfLil to fish fish with hndtillle n|oro I}IHII {We or like ;lttra(!- !tlllitYAll*" lakes ill Adams Lake ; Lake Lake; Green Lilly Lake ; Lakes; Wapau, Upl)er Wheel- 'ileehw RosE'r- Aldwell; lea- Mnd Lakes ; ?yee) Lake; Lake ; La- n Lake crwin Lake; Mud Lake: EIh, n Twin Lake ; I Lake; South ,uallntYAll lalEes ill Frani¢- lakes ill Grant nty -- Aberdeen LaiN(; Satsop ;YAll lakes ill Island Crocker Lake; Hooker) Lake; Sandy Shore Lake ; Tale Anderson Beaver Lake evue Lake ; FAt- Black Dlalnolkl Lake ; Brew- Lake ; thn'ien ; Clark Lake; erldian) Lake;. he Lake; Dbl- rlie or Drunken (near Pre, s- Lake ; Green Lake ; ; Holmes Lak6 Juan- Killarney Lake ; Lake ; Larson Lake; Leota alf Lake ; Inith Lake; Mor- cWt Mud Mud Lake tnear Lake (near ()ale Lake : rd Lakes (near Panther Lake; ; Pine , Lake ; Steel Lake ; Lake ; Tay- art); Tradl- Lake : Un- Lake Wash- ; White Lake; id ; Wilderne,:s --l (Mud) ; Yel- /ERED IN 2-CORD LOADS i!0ountYAllir2P lakes in Kitsap Elum Lake: •    :lid'-tat 0(tint " lelus Lake P h o n e 6 oti ::]kk. L.--Car,, Lake. (ha,h- ill e-Po'thm, ek L. ake: No1"fhwest- • i : U0luit.'.."atLe; Trout Lake la oavis Lake; Mineral ',GAN FUEL CO. I.)l m':F'la0°UntY--AlllakesinLine°ln C l l°ll y -- Armstrong Lake: 00atto Lake: E.d00an k'li.2":00gvo. Lake: Hanks Lake; /filtlt.f:, Island Lake La)son - ' sl . .ti • " Mllili i li,,l| l,@llg'q|Sake, ovate; Pantimr Lake: r  ........... ib cel i tloe Lake; Sinipson " ; . T-'aae; Stetson Lake; ,;,ke: ,.ee I.ake: Tiger Lake; 'u%'). Vout Lake (Deveraux .  , _ ' wlleeler Lake' Woolen 1 UUF l.iocal;lon on ,untain 00iew ompany ent onmfions o%lr ited for some time, ossible we will ae of building 657 P.O. I.,ake ; Al- Beth Lake ; Lake; Banners Bnzzard Lake ; Coneomdly Crawfish Fish Leader t Lake ; Ly- nnts Lake ; Lake : hit. Palmer Lake ; SUnl- Lakes ; lakes on the Anderson BabbRz ; Blue Lake Lake ;; Fan Lake ; of the Woods; Lime Mea- ow Sullivan r Lake ; ; Shearer out Lake; Dam Lake; Bowman icy Lake ; .Creek) ; lke ; Florence Hart Lake ; Jackson Stans- Sur- lakes ih need help to finance a hoi nd and select the best it( you t6 get the details' lion Home Loan Plan r-FREE home ownership vent(oily and econonicallY; DN COUNTY , & LOAN 'ASS Directors HAZEL WOLMER rAM CARLTON I. hOW FRED HOLM '* ;TINE H. C, BRODIE 2 W Pond ; es (headwatets 5 Lake : Cattail Lake' Lava Little' Twirl Lake ; (WaRes sldy Lake ; Co(h- Cranberry Lake : Halls Lake; Lake ; ttow- Julia Lake; Lake (nee9 Lake (Warm Panther Lake ; Serene Lake ; Lake ; Sixteen Stevens Lake Lake : Swartz Wagner Lake ; ltY'All lakes in Spo- Lake ; ten- BUzzard Lake ; Deer Lake ; ; Hatch Lake; ff Joe Lake; ake; Lake: x-qer re Lake ; oil ,-Lake -;Tdlom- W Ilia, ms Lake Thurston Counly---All lakes ill Thur.- Ion ("ollnl ' \\;Vhatcmn Cotlntv--l';aker Lake; ]ar- )',tt Lake: Cain (Wind(mere) Lake: ('l'(ltt r Llil{e : JQa(hlen Lakq. ; b',I El *11 Lake : |Potlniain La]Ee : I;'l'flgl'IIIcc Lake (I.oM): tiDal Lake: Greell IAlkO: l{arksell Lake: Hiddt,n Lak(,: J.rg*'n- SOil LIJk('; Jtlds(in Lak(- : I(ocfe Lake : L*sl IAlkc near Maril*ita): Lost l,ak. { nelLl' lallwri,nce) : Lost Lllk( (nPal' (:layton llay) ; 1.nli':e Lake; M.-;qlli(o lako Mud Lake : PilIo Imke : H.ecd Lal(c Russian Laltes (2) ; Samish Lake Sihvr 1.eke; Squalimln l,a'l¢,': .-qllit'e:; L:l]o' ; St l'llVt' IAIIo* ; TPlulan[ Lake: Torrell Lake: Ltlke; %Vhat- conl Lake ; Wilh,y Lake : " Vim' Lake. Whitman County--All lakes in Vhit- nlan (:OUll[ y Yltkin HI Count- I-] llnl p i 11 t Lake : Clear L<uko: ltiillrot'k lalEe: Wenls Lake (reservoir) iExct,Jilion: Alder Danl L,lke is (.his- ell lo the use of food onlY. AND" fie IT FURTHEI RESOLV- ED: Tilat tilt* el)eve resolutbnl and I regulation shall be 1)ronlulg'ated I)y ptlblishinK tilt" santo Ior I)lllt iSSLIe ill tile Olynll)ia News ILl Olyni)ia. Wash- ington, tile off c al newspaper of the State anle Coninlissbln. and in tile Rtlzville .lotlrnal q_'inws. Wena tcheo ])aily Worh]. Pol't AIIt'Ies Evt,llillg News• Vall('( luver Daily SIIll, Long- view Daily News. Ileliul)lic News Min- er, Paste Ilerald (rant Cliunt.v JOllt'- nal (Elfln'ata), Monlcsano Vidette. Tile Farnl ]lll'eaE News leak Harl.}ol'), Port Townsend Leader, Seattle Stac. Hrenl- orlon Sun Ellenshurg Daily Record, Goldendale Sentinel. The Cheilalis Ad- vocate; Tile Davenport Times Tribune, MaSOll County Journal (Shelton), Okanogan Independent Chinook Ob- server (Long Beach). Newport Miner. Taconla News Tribune, Friday Hal'- bor Jonrnal, Mt. Vernon Daily Herald, Skanlanla Ciiunty Pioneer (Steven- son) Arlington Times. Spokeslnan-Re- view (Spokane), Chewelah Independ- ent (Chewelah). Bellinghmn tlerald, Colfax (lazetlc Col)llllOnel'. and Yakilna Daily llcpat)lic, for one issue. Dated at Seattle• WashingtSn, this 7111 d iv of Janllal'y, li).17, "STATE GAME COMMISSION, Jas. A. Leaden. Chaicman Virgil B. Bennington Sani Gjerde R. D. Hand Marcus Nalley C, A. Peterson DON r CLARKE, Directm" Department of Genie. 3-12--1t. ItI,:(IUI,ATION NO. 783 NOTICE The following resolution and regu- lation was duly and reguhnqy passed and adopted at the regular January meeting, Januacy 6. 1947, of the State Ganle Commission for the State of Washington, RESOLVED: That it shall be unlaw- ful to eatch or angh for game l'isiL ill tile waters of Mason county except durlng the following open seasons an- nually until ehanged by the State  anle. Colinnission. Closed water;; : Aldridge Lake : Horseshoe Lake ; Trail's End or Prh'.kett Lake. Open soasoif from the third Sunday of April to first Monday of Seplember, both dates ant.lusty(: Price's Lake. Open season frmn the third Sun- day of Apcil to the last day of Nov- ember, hath dates inchlsive: All lakes in Mason County EXCEPT the fat lowing lakes which are OPEN frolfl tie fourth Sunday of May to last day of October, both dates inchlslve--- Lower Dry Bed Lake; Lower Lena Lake; Upper Dry. Bed Lake: Upper Lena Lake; Elk Lake; Jefferson Lake: Scout Lake; Snider Lake. Open season f,'om the fourtlt Sun- day of May to first Monday of Sep- tember, both dates inclusive: All tri- butaries to Price's Lake and the out- let to the first falls. Waters open the year around: Sko-" komish River from mouth to forks, Open season from the fourth Sun- day of May to the last day of Octo- ber. both dates inclusive, on all other waters. Open winter season from the first day of December each year to last day of following February, both dates inclusive: (Note: Trlbutarie of tile following streams are closed unless )ecifically mentioned as being open,): oultm' Creek; Gol4isborough Creek; Hainma }ffamma Rh'cr: Skokomisit, main river: SkokmnisiL north fork to within 400 feet of lower dam; Skokom- ish river, south fork; Tahuya Creek fronl moutil to Dewatto Road: Union llllii'nLout ' t .%lDper bridg on 01d +aw" Yard ,Highway. Extended winter season from lhe first day of March each year to fif- teenth (ay of Marcll, both dates in- clusive: Skokonlish River to Forks (tributaries closed), RESOLVED FURTHER: That it shall be lawful to angle for whitefish in those rivers and streal}ls east Of the sumnlit o' the Cascades, includ- ing the PAg Willie Sallnon River, ]'rt:)nl and in(hiding the second Sunday ill December to and lnchlding the last day of February: AND. it shall be lawful to angle for whitefish in tiros( rivers and streanls west of the sum- nat of the Cascades and west of the Big White Salmon PAver, at such times as.the seasmt is open dm-ing the regular trent season and/or winter fishing season. . RESOLVED FURTHER: That those Waters designated above as being open to fishing tim year around, in the case of :treams applies to the main Stream only. On all tributaries the'e- to, the regular fishing season ls ef- fective except where otherwise speci- fieally nlentioned, DAILY CATCH AND POSSESSION LIMIT (Regular Summer Season): It shall be unlawful for any person to catch, take or kill in ally one day 0r to have in possession at any one time more than ten (101 pounds and One (11 game fish providing the numbers of fish so taken do not exceed,twenty (20) in number: PROVIDED, That tile above daily catch and possession limit shall not contain nmre than two (2), steclhead over the ]engtii of twenty (20) inches, EXCEPT as other@is( prO- vided. ,WEEKLY CATCH LIMIT (Regular Rammer Season}: It shall be unlawful for any person to cat(h, take or kill more than twenty (20) pounds and two (2).game fish providing the num- bers of fish so taken do not: exceed forty (40) ill number in any one cal- ender week: PROVIDED, That tile above weekly catch limit shall not tientsin more than four (4) steelhead over %he length of twenty (20) IncheS, EXCEPT as otherwise provided. (The term "week'.' as, used here shall be- in on Suilday morning and end on turday a midnight.) . It shall be unlawful for any person to eaten, take, kill ,or have in posses- sion game fish under six (6) inchs in length except as otherw|se pr0vid- ed by this regulation, pRoVIDED IURTHER, That there shall be no size limit on blnegllls, .sunfish, cat- fish, perch or crappie. DAILY CATCH AND POSSESSION LIMIT (winter season): It shall be unlawful for ahy person to cat(h, take or kill in any oh( day or to have in possession at any one time moi-e than three (3) trout, each of which must be Idxteen (161 inches or over in le th. EEKLY CATCH LIMIT (winter Season): It shall be unlawful for any ersoli, to catch, take or kill more art six (8) trout, each of which must bt sixteen (161 inches or over In length, iu any oue week, (The terni "wek'.' as used here shall begin on Sunday morning and end Saturday at mldnlgltt;) " inter SEASON CATCH LIMIT (w . season): It shall be unlawful for atly person to catch, take or kill mope than twenty-four (24) trout, each of which must be sixteen (16) inches or over in length, during the entire open winter seasons. RESOLVED FURTHER: That it shall be lawful to angle for, hand dip net and spehr bullfrogs in the watei's of Mason county at such times and ill such waters as are open t'of the tak- ing of game fisiL annually until ftir- ther changed by the,State Game Com- )nission, AND, it shall be unlawful to take bull-frogs in any other man- net than by hook and line held in tit( hand, hand dip ,net and spearini', and the can be legally taken only durihg the tilte above' spetifieu: DAILY CATCH AND POSSESSION LIMIT: The daily catcii and possession limit on bull-frogs hall be Ave (5).. AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLV- ED:That the above Tegulation shall be promulgated by pnblishing the same in the_ Olympia News at Olympia, Washiniton, the official newspaper of the State Game Comnliss on for abe ISsUe and in the Mason Count" J.a)'- nal at Sllclton, Washington, tor one issue, Dated at Seattle. Washington, tiffs 7th day of January, 1947. STATE GAME cOMMISSION, Jas. A. Loudon. Cimirman Virgil B. Bennington Sam GJerde It. D, Hand Marcns Nalley C. A. Peterson DON W. CLARKE, Dh'ector Depar]ment of Game 3-13--lt. ADVERTISE!WENT FOR BIDS NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: Scah,d I)hls will be rec.eived 173' the Connly (.oninlissillneFs of 3as()l). COUU- tv Washington at the Aiasoa County (4(}tlct l-louse. ShPltlui. Wllshinglon. un- til '!:00 P.M. March 31. .1947. for ihe constrLlcti(in of a Shop and hJailllO- nance lulhlillK for Road Distrh'l No. 2 an( V/i I h'a and lhere be l)Ul)]h'lY o'en(.([ :lilt] .ead alond. ]:rids rvc('ived al't('r the 1lille fix('d I'l)r oT)onhlg" ('an- not I)e t'i)lLsid ?l•cd. Specificalions. im.ludhlg cmltrnct doctlnlenls, isnd drawiligs lilay I)1 i!x- ainined al the flffice o[ ihe Archilects. Jos. II. Wohleb and Robt. }l. Wohb, b. 201 Cllanlbers ]uilding, Olynillia, Washhig(on, and at the CeunlY Audi- |or's Office, Court Itonse, She}ton. Washingtou and may be ohlained at the Al'chile'is' offh'.e ill)On del)osit Of 5.00 for each set. q_'ile full alnount Of tlw deposit for one set ef doc.ultlents will be reftlnded to a tua bidders u)on return of tim doeL Ient:, t nnlutilatcd and without marks or annotations, within 10 days after the thne set for opening i)ids. Other deposits will i)e refunded wilh dedt(i ons for the actual cost of re- produc.iug the drawings, ulIder the same conditions. " )inch bid inst be aceolnpanled l)y a certified check, cashlet"s cheek Or, bid bond with StaLe-lh:ensed snrety colnpany as surety, in an alnonnl lll)l h{ss t}ffm 5'/,,' of the Base Bid. made payab]t' IO Mason Cc)nnty. The right is reserved Lo reject an.',, or all bids and to waive Informal- It 'es. No bidder may withdraw his bid after Ihe lime set for lira opening thereof, nnless the award of contract is delayed for a period exceeding 30 days. EOARD OP COMMISSIONERS. MASON COUNTY, WASHING- ] TON By II, R, DICKINSON, C}ia h'nian. Attest: SUSIE E. PAULEY. Auditor of Mason County, ) 3-6-19-20--31. NO'ICE. oF RALE OF STATE LANDS NOTICE tS tlEREBY GIVEN, Tlmt on Tnt,sday, the 1st day of April, 1947, co)nmnclng' at •ten .o'cloek in [he forenoon of said day, in front at e nlain entrance d0or tO the .CounLy Court House in the city of Shelton, cofinty of Mason State of Washing- ton, by tile Couilty Anditor f s a!d county, the following describes state lands tog'ether with the intprove- merits situated t mr(on, will be sold at public atlction to the hlghest bid- der tilerefor, to-wit: NOTE.--No one except citizens .of the united States or persons Who have declared their .intention to I!e- come such, can purchase state, lands. APPLICA'r]ON NO. 19529 SE/ of NE of section 36, town- ship 21 norlh range 3 west, W.M., containing 40 acres, nlore or less, ac- cording to the govermueht survey thereof, appraised at $25.00 per acre or $1,000,00. Subject to rigiit of way for State Road heretofore re,anted under State Road Plat No. 631. Said ,lands will be sold for not less than the ap raised value above tated and upon Phe terms and conditions following : N)t less than one-tenth of the pur- chahe price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, If he be not tile owner of the improvements, must torthw!th Pay to tile officer maaing the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually ttiereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per cen.- tdm pet' annum: Provided, That any purchaser nlay make full payment of principal, lilt(rest and statltory fees at any time and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of land containing ttmbe'r or other valuable materials fs prohibited by law from entting or removing any such timber or materials without first obtaining consent of the Commissioner of ]ublic Lands, until the full anlount of the purthase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state, lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, c0al, ores, mindrals and fossils of et, ery name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and con- ditioa_ pre:rjea in ectjgn.3 of chap= her 20t oI the lawS Or lVt)'/. ' Said land wll be sold subJegt z to the tt'nls, eonditions at_ reservauons of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927. relatin to easetnents for rights-of-way nn the carry ng of tim- her. stone, nllnet.als and other pro- dncts over file same. OTTO A. CASE; (omnlissloner of Pnblic Lands. 2-27--3-6-3 3-20-27--5t. NO. 4771 , .qUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE sTm'E OUgSHINaTON FOR MASON C0 Y . , Ural E. Btttle and Velma F. Btttle, hnshand and wife, and Frank Cuelbo, Plaintiffs," • +--VS. John F. Slade ind the Unknown heirs of Jolln I. Slade, ,deeeased als all other perso l or partles .unknown claiuflng anY. r gR, tl.tle, .etate, lien, of interest In the real estate tleserib- i ed in the coinplaiht hei-ein. Defend- ants. E D " ' THE STAT F WA,.%IINGTON to John F, Sladq a31d lle unknown, heirs of John F. Slaae, lie(eased; Also, a|I other persons ii p.a!,tles, unknown claiming ny rig  tltt:tler estate, IIen, or interest tn)l  1 estate described in the domp a h . rein,. Defendants: You and eae el: You are ,hereby f,suntm01ed to slap.ear lthin. slkty (80) i-days afei:.tpe uate of the first ptlbli- | cation of tml smmons, to-wit, within | sixLy days tl.ftel the 6th day of arell, 1 1947, ana de]cna the .above,ehtitied | action ih the above-ehtitled (earl and l ansWerrth  lltlalnt of the Plain- I tiffs U :. . nd Velmal. Bit- fie, hUsimna and lfe, and Fi'ahk t Coelho, an ,serve a copy of yonr an- swer upon bile miaerslgnea attorney for pla[nt.lffs, at her off|i¢ below stat- ed; ann in caaelo your failure ao to do judgment i I be re hdered against I you aceorain, to tne aentand of thai complaint, w men. ns beeh filed witl]l the Clei'k Ot sale CoUrt. I The obj.eet of this action is to --let title. "to the .[ollqwlng' described "reai,l :rank Coelho: West Half[ (W) ot ,.qt , .a.d all uf Lot 5, of l Block 4p, Up,n L, w ashigt.on) per plat I of Hood ana ana and'linprovllnent I Company s .plan of Union City, Wash-I ington; ma(l o .quiet title to tile tel-1 lowing aescr)qea. ?'eaLpropert In Ural I E. Blttle ana_venna 1 e. Bittle httsband I and wife: ast Haft (EVo of ¥,ntl k .... 6, of Bloc  49, Union, .Vasltington, I per pint 9 moeu canal Land ahd Ira- I proveinent .uotnpany's pl@n of Union City, .w.astn.gton, an ot saldpropol ertY oenK, lnhim? Connt¥ of Mason I State o was iigton. VIRGINIA C. MALLOY Attorney for Plaintiffs.' Office and Post Office Address: City Hall, Sltelton, Washin!.h 1. -. NO 1889 NOTICE TO CREBITDR$ 'IN) PRESENT AND FLE THEIR CLAIM [S IN THE SU0000R'OR COURT STATE % WASHINGTON F0100 MASON CQN Y " ' IN PR0ikATE In the Miittei" of- thl Estite of Frank A, lore, Deeead ..... , . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned, Jonetta Moore, hhs been appointeu and has qualified as Executrix of the last Will and Testa- lent and of file estate of Frank A. Moore, deceasdi, and fltat all per- sons having cla ms against he said estate m" the sasaid deceased are hereby require.d, to.serve the same, duly veri- fiea wlta ne necessary Vouchers at- tached, up0,the Ulidei-lgned Exeetl- trix Or hdt Attorney of Record at the law. office of.Chas0 R. Lewis, .Bell Building, v iouth 4th Street, Shel- ton, Masofi Luht, Washingtbn, the amebeing designated as e place for the transaction of the btmlness nf the said estate, and file such cla|m.4 together wilk, prtogf of service With the Clerk of toe alcove entitled court within six lnotttl After the. date of first publication of.tIs notice, to- wit! February 20, 1947.' ol" all claims not so served and tited shah be J'or- ever barrvd.. TT .... E JONE A MOOR , i Ete&tltrik ,of the estate or I FranR A, Moore: elI 'Build- tng.,:119 Sputa h 8,treet, I __SheJ, loa)' .ltmon uounty, I CHS. ' R.. ,WI,, IBi I Att0rniY fr tstate .of,- Frank . ! A., Moorg) qg.cea_a.efL,OlIJSuildlng, 1 119 6utn th tXtt. 511ltoti, Mason County, Washingto,. I 2-0-27---0-19--41, SI-rELTON-MAgON CO JOURNAL NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS I]II¢.EBY GIVEN, That on Tnesdny, tim Jst day of April. 39-17. cointueILcillg .<it Jell o'c]otq¢ in tilt; forenoon Of said day in front of t/e /llatn enll'anee door to the Ci-)nnty Colirt tiou:e in ilie eity of Shelton COllil[y of Mason. Stnte of Wasbing(ou. by IJ)e Coun[.v Audllor (tf said ('Oil) t/" lhe f(llh,win' dvscril)e(l slit<, title hinds, tog'olher wlih the inl u'ovcnil.nls situated lhere()n, will he so (I :,.[ l)uhlh: anclion |tJ the hlt4hest I)idder |hlH'ttf(jr. to-wit: NOTE-No one except citizmls of the United States. or persons who have declared their intention I, become SllCh. can 1)LlrClUlse slale iand.q. Alqq,ICA'rlON NO. 11:175 All tide lands o' the s,''o d ('hiss owned by 1he State of Washingt,,nl situate ill front of, adtu'tqlt to or abutthlg up{ li I d*2. slq:[ioll 35. town- ship 22 north, range 3 wcst W,M., with a frontage of 21.79 lineal chains. nlore or less, al)Praised Lit $1,634,25 ($75.00 per cllaln). APPIACATION NO. 1137g All tide lands of the second class, owned by the Stale of Washington, sitnate tn frollt of, adia(,ent to c)r abutting upon the north 367 feet of the soutlL (;29.2 feet of lot 5, section 34, I I township 2t north, linge 2 WE'sl W. M.. with a lrOntage of 5.83 lineal chains, lnDre or less eel)raised at $262,35 ($45.00 I)er ehain). Said< lands will he sold for not less than the appraised value abow ,tatcd and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of lhe pur- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the iml)rovemtnts, must fortilwIth pay to the officer nlat(ing the sale the full anLount of the ap- praised value of tlv: iinprovenienls, as ahoy( stated, One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually tllereafLer with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six pcr cen- tmn per antrum: Provided, Tllat all), purchaser may make full payment Of principal, interest and statntm,y fees at any time and obtain deed. The pur- chaser of lahd containing tinlber or other valuable materials is prohibited by law fron cutting or removing any snch timber or materials without first obtaining consent of tit( ComIIllsion- er of Public Lattds. uniil the full ant- ount of the pure]lase p flee ]LtLS been paid and deed issued, AI l sales of state lands are miide subjeel to the reserva,lonS of oils, gas- es, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of every name, kind and description, and to the additional terms and conditions prescribed in sectiou 3 of chapter 256 or tile lawa of 1907. Said laird will be sold subject to the terms, conditits and reservations of chapter 312 o the Session of 1927, relating to easements ior rlgnts-0f-way and thd carrying of timber, stone, min- erals altd other products over the same ' OTTO A. CASE. Commissioner of Public Lands. 2-27--3-6-13-20-27---5t, NO. 91 SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN THESUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tim Matter of the Dependency of Dorothy Shoemaker and Llla Shoe- maker. Minors, THE STATE OF WASHIIGTON, TO; Mrs.. Myrtle Morris and Otis Shoonlaker. YOU AND EACH OF YOUare here= by notified and .cquircd to be and appear at the uourt Rooul ill the Court House in Shelton, Washington, at 10:00 a,nt, on Satnrday tile 3rd day of May, 1947, said date being nmre than sixty days after the first publi- cation of this summons, to-wit: More than 60 days after ,the 27th day of February, 1947 and then and there have with you yonr minor daughters, Dorothy Shoemaker and Lila Shoe- makei-, then and there to answer a eonlPlatnt and lletition flied herein by B. 'ranklin. Heuston, Prosecuting At- torney of Mason County, to the. el- feet that tile said Dorothy Shoemaker and Lila Shoenlakec are dependent children. Dated this 25th day of February, 1947, HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of Mason County, Washington. 2-27--3-6-13-20-27--4-3-10--71. NO, 1850 NOTICE TO ClEDITORS T 'E 'H .', ,THE SUPERIOR COURT OF • T, (F WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ht the ,Matter of tie Estate of Frank C. Chester. Deceased, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has aualified as , exeentrix of tll Last Will and Testament of the aBbve named deeeased and of the above entitled, estate; titat all per- sons having claims against said de- ceased are hereby required to serve the same dlly yet'if Led on sa/d exc- cp,trlx or on Charles T. Wright, her attorney of record, at the address below statetl, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, togetier with proof of such servlee, within six (6) months after the date of first publi cation of this notice or the same will be barred, Date of first publication Fehruary 27, 1947 --.A'DE N CHESTER. Executrix of said Estate. CHARLES T, WRIGHT, Attorney for Estate, Angle Buildihg W s! ] i ton Sh6"lton, Mason County, a, l'ig • 2-27--3-6-] 3--3t, ORDINANCE NO. 440-43 AN OADINANCE provldlng for the annexation of certain territory to the City of Shelton, Washington, WHELEAS, an for annexatioh to the City of Shlton Washington, of certain real property hereinafter de- scribed, was filed with the City Clerk "of the City of helton, and pursuant ,to Resoiutlon No. 31, ananlmously adopted by the City Cmnmission of tile City of Shelton, on the 28th day of January, 1947, a hearing was had on the 251h day of .February, 1947, to which hearing all interested per- sons were lnvited to voice their ap- proval or aisapproval of said annex- ation, and it appearing that the an- nexation of the hereinafter described real property " olSf to the best Interest of the City Shelton. now. there- fgIE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS : Section t, That th following de- scribed real property situated ih,!the County of Mason, State of Washing- toll. be: and, the. same hereby is, ,,an- nexes to me City of Shelton, Wash ington: Blocks One '(1) and Two () of Forest Park Addition to Sheltork; said annexation shall become effective on the 18th day of March" 1947, and said new territory shall bcome part of the City of Shelton, subject to all its laws and ordinances, " Read first time March 4, 1947. Passed .on seeondd.eading the llth day of Mill(h, 1947, F. A.TRAVIS, Mayor REGINALD SYKES. CommiSslbner of Finance and Accountinl ROY J. KIMBEL. Commissioner of Streets and Public Utilities AtteSt: ALMA K. CATTO Clerk Approved as to Form: %'ztGINIA C. MALLOY, CRy Attorney, 3-13--1t, NOTic O DtSS0UTION OF PARTNERSHIP NOTICE IS HEREBY G][VEN ttlat DelhertMoeateby and W J Dyer of H0dsp(tt.t, Washtngtbn wio have been operating the Hoodsport Garage in Hgodsport, Washington have dis- solves parttiershlp and tACit .the said W. g: Dyer .will continue to operate the.lio.0dgport Garage as his own sep- arate ousmess. .W., J. Dyer will pay all outstanding Clalms. Dated this 2th dayof January. 1947. DELBERT MdGEATCY, D. MCGEATCHY W. J. D R " , 2-6-1,-2f7R.6.1,.20-27--St. N0ICE "01 CA£L F6n gills NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE TIAT sealed bids will be received by .the City Clerk of Shelton until 2 pro. March 18, 1947,'for 4000 ft. of No. I2 gauge or heavier asohaltunl dpped, 6" dia, steel Pipe, (To be used for water ntain). Bidders to furnlsh com- plete specifications to cover pipe, couplingS0 l:ittln's0 tc. , The-City of Blelton reserves the right to reject any and all blds. A eIt|tted hk paYabl(l to the City clbi'k of' Slieln, Wash,, fin the amount of /}% of pmce bid must accompany eaeh nronoaai. Dated thls 5th day&bl March, 197. ALMA i{, C,TTO :  ; Clerk 6f the City of Shelton, wasld ngton, 3-6-132t. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS 1'O ])URCIIASE C|IOOI, 1)ItTRICT I'Rlll' E R'I! Y Nniire Is horchy glveil that sealed b (ls will he acceph,d until Marc]l 22, 3917, by Ilia clerk of School District No, 401) at the ilddross lisled below f )r lhe pLIFChase Of the folll)winl$ (h!- s(ril)"(I, sclm(d l:i'l)perly I,ehliiglilg t(i School I)iIrlcl. No. 11)0 J'or)tlerty knol'n Ils lilo tlPIWr Slc.llkOiilish clilml llliilLl- ing. i:iginntIl at a )()tilt 12,42 rolls ltlll•lh of the .tlllihcas[ cill.ner ()| NWl of S%V.7 of lecliou :12 "lhiwns]lll 21 Norlh..ftan( . VeH{, I'on tl'iCll('C IlOl*t I along t fast l 1(' t)f said tracl -10 rods ; thehce ill it norlhwesterly dt- rcction to a pohlt oil tlw West lille of sa d NW .4 of 'IVUI of Seel.ion 12. Towtlship 21 North Range 5 West, ,12 rods Novtlt of the. SW corner hi' mild NWW )f SW!,I 1" Secthm 12 Townsllil) 21 North, Range 5 West, therice south along tile west line of sail NW. .l SWl, I of Section 32 .30 rods, tllenee east 80 rods to tile place of beginning, coniainlng ]0 acres ]Ilorc or ICSS. The bl)ard l'esil'ves the l•Ighl to r( •- jeer any and all bids, MARTIN SMITH, SLar ltoute 1 Box 79 3-(;-13--2t. NO. 1893 , S NOTICE TO CflEI)ITOR. IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT oie THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF M2SON IN PROBATE In the Matte)' or the estate of Al- berta E. Gifford, Deceased. Notice is hereby given tltat tim un- dersigned has been appoitlted and has qualified as Exeeutor of the. estate of Alberta E. Gifford. De(eased, that all ersons, having clalnis against said eeeaseu are hereby rcqnired lo serve the sailie, duly. verified, on said Gil- bert T. Belland ,Ell' iriS attorneys of record at the address bel6w Stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Com't, together with proof of such serviee withhL six nlontbs afLel' tie date -f first pnhlicati()n (if this *notice, or the same will tie !)a!'red. 1)ate elf fh'st publh:atlcu EeDruary 27111, J947, • GILRERT T. BELLAND, Executor of said Estate Address 4462 White Henry Stuart t.ldg. Scatll0, Wasl. MAXWELL, SEERING & JONES Attorneys for Estate, 442 Willie Henry Stuart P.ld., Seattle, Wash. 2-27--3-6-13---31, NO. 4859 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY Nine Stapleton. Plaintiff. --vs. E. R. Stapleton, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGTON to E. R. Stapleton, Defendant: You are hereby summoned to ap- pear within sixty. (60) days alter Elate of the first puolieation of this stun- mons and to-wit, within 60 days after Febiary 27. 1947. and defend tile above (ntitled action in the conrt aforesaid and serve a copy of yonr answer npl)n tile undersigned atto)- ney for Plaintiff at his office, address herelnbelow stated, and in case t)f onr faihn'e so to do, judgment will e rendered agahLst you according to the denmnd of the complaint which has be(it filed with the Clerk of said eout't, The 'purpose of the said action is to. Scui'e a decree of divorce upofl tlte groutd Of non-Uppprt. $. W. GRAHAM, AttOrney for Plaintiff. 0ffiLe Addles8 Govey Bldg., Shldton, WaShington, 2-27--3-1112-20-27--4 -3 - 10--71, . NO. 179 ........... n ............ • . NO" )018t NOTICE OF ilEARING, ON I."INAL REPORT ADPETITION FOR • . DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THI STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY ' IN PROBATE "..In tlte Matter 0f the Estate of Gust West, Decjeased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W, A. Witslers. Administrator with the Will annexed, de bonis non of the estate of Gust West. deceased, has filed hgrein ill Final Report and Petit. tion for Distribution asking the ,cedric, to settle and approve the same, distri- bute the property to tile persbns thereto entitled, and to discqtarge the said Admhiistrator W. W. A., dbn, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVE that said Final Report and Petitioit for Dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday, tile 5th day of April, ]947,' at the Imuc of 10 o'clock, in the forenoon, at the Court Room. in the Court l-Iouse, in Sholton. Washington. Dated this 1st day of March, ]947. HARRY DEYETTE; (SEAL) County Clerk. CHAS. R, LEWIS• Attorney for said (stats. ell Building, 139 South 4th Street, Shelton, Mason County. Washington, 3-6-13-20-27--4 t. NO. 1884 NOTICE TO CIII,;DITORR IN TH] SUPERIO COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of Ihe Estate of How- ard Holly Emerson, Deceased.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN = tllat the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as executrix of the Last Will attd Testament of the above named deceased and of tit( above entitled estate; that all per- sons having claims against said de- ceased are hereby required to Serve the same, duly verifies, ou atd exe- cutrix or on Charles T, Wright, her attorney of record, at tit( address be- low stated, and file the same witli the Clerk of said Court, tog(tiler i)th proof of snch service, within six months after the date of i'lrat publication of this notice or tile same will be barred, Date of first publication February 27, 1947 A.D. LOTTIE EMERSON. Executrix of said Estate CHARLES T. WRIGHT. Attorney for Estate, r Cot,nty. Wash,,gton - 2-27--8-6-13--3t. Magnetometers, suspended fm airplanes and used by the NaVy during the war to detect efiemy snbmarines, are now serving as aerial divining rods to discover new oil fields in inaccessible re- gions, TOTEM CURIOS ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAL i/2-Mile South of Unon i • CLEARANCE SALE Navajo Rugs, Blankets and Saddle Blankets Only 20?/o Reduction To Make Way €or New Merclandlse SALIb TERMINATE AT 8 P. M. MARH 16, 947' No Phone brders or Mall Orders Doo o ooooooo Q Too Late to Classify WANTED: snlaNportahle sawmill. In- quire Toni Cool(, Bt)tlte 3, ]'JOX 230A, on the Lyncil Road. 3-1:1 FOR SALE: 19tl Chev. 5qassenger coupe. $-1350 cash. M:lriin Stel'(.ns pllone 19F12, :1-13 EX CELI..'ENT. =W ii: I'; "--it'-IT.' iT"ii]]-i 7] " i$ ('IAIll)EN LOT for tease Oil shal'P.. (3. A. lhltler. 1221 ilh'c.h. Ph(ne 309M, 3-1:t-27 FOIl SALE: 1912 Vestcrafi traiter house, Good as new. sh'cl)s f()ul •, 8- I)IY airl)laae tires. ])'(.ed to t(.l . 1705 Sunlnlit l)riv, Sllqton, L3-13-2(I lelellilone dh'cclory as hts list of prlJspects has b.en (lis(lUftli- fled. so t'Oll life still al)lc to eal'n O|10 i'll" our $30 l'e%var(ts. lint he had the rlgttl }(lea, everyone SfIOULD Itave one of OU' a 1-a dniinu ) Mob I gl de Trailer Coaelles. Come and get yours at Dick Valley's. 3525 Raih'oad Ave. Phone 652W. Terms if desired, 3-13 iPOR S.LE: 3kluch and Lonli) binr)- i!ulars 7 x .0 Di)wer. made for tJ. S. iNiav , Vecy good night glasses See • . Midd]et(tn lit She]ton CabhLet Shop or Shellon llotel. 3-13 iT0\\;T-:-i:Uw-iii•{i fi:;i" -i :iliTli'-7i'-77"i ; year-old pet inale Springer Spaniel. liver and white coloring. Missing since Fel)ruary 9`1. Hank Durand. Sheltoll..Gr.ocery. ph()ne 93. 3-13 ];'()P SALE'. kltei'u • range, wood or C|iai. creanl ellalilO] with cavils. Phone 253J. W3-13 WIDOW WISHES TO ERC[.NG RANCH for hnproved snlall place for honie. 480 aeres snlall ihnber. Cut-over land nsed fop i)asttn'c. 75 aeres for farlnlnK. Ial'n. garale) 14ranarv with ccnlent celhir. Chtek- en and hrooder lionse. Snlall sly FOOII] h0LISe with furnace, etc. About 35 iililes froni Sl)okan( ltoar sinall- er towns, Was tsed for dairy and chicken farm, Write 603 I,]×change. Bank P.ldg., Spokane 8. Wn, A3-6-13 Fort S.-L-7-771i[]; oiii.. ib- Y f./ l- d {]ii; and New Zealand willt rabbits Jun- h}r (loPs, older does. sonic I)red and some with litters. J3.13 FOH SALE: '2g Model "A" "I)lckup, 16" rubber. .195. One Contlnenhil heat motor, one Ivlodel "A" sedan, $115, At Persball's Assoclaled Sta- tion. 3-13-27 FOR SALE'i- hh;-e-f(oFd-]5iil:, as davenporl sat, swing rocker, bed and springs, sewing nla(,htne, cof- fec table ete, Inquire 1019 Cota, O3-13 MEN WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 PHOTOGRAPHERS 4 POWER LINEMEN 6 WEATHER OBSERVERS 1 WATCHMAKER These are only a few of the 40,UOU Job openings ntontidy hi ;lie new itegular Army. A wide ehoice of occupations. expert initruction and excellent pay while learning make enlistment In the United States Army a career Well worth investigating NOW! Inquire to- day at MEZZANINE FLOOR HOTEL OLYMPIAN ] Olympia, Wash. 1 " f I " I I ......... Idlh iin ................... ! AUTOMOTIV I PAINTING GLASS INSTALLED IDLEY'S Body and Fender Works PICKUP and DELIVERY SERVICE WORK . UARANTEI=0 NOW LOCATED AT Mt. VIEW Next to Mt. View Grocery Phone 610 State of %%'llSlillllllOll OFFICr] OF SII'lglIVIS()R OF IIYDltAIJLIC "+ t)lympht NOTICE O1," WATEII. RIGllT AI'PI.ICATION NO. 7635 TO %VIIOM IT MAY CONt?EIIN: Notik.e is herelly given tll[lt North ]"ell'air (}oinliiUnil y Waler (.h illlpany ill llelfair Slali! ill Vi'ashln!41111i. uu- der (late of lrclti'tiai'. ,, 13. lii.17. I'iled wtth tile lli{e ll/Wvlslli • of tiydran- Ihs. Olvnu hL. Washhlgl IL all al lili- cation for It llel•iilit to dh'ert ]he pnll- lic wali!l's of ;in ulinaluod Sll'[lil] tri- lllihlry o[ Unhni ltiver, ia the alnotinl. of 0.15 second-foot, sLibjvct IO exisl- iag rig}its, frolu April 15 to Oct(diet 1 of eae]t year for tile l'qtrpose of i|'r[gaih)n and contlnu()usly for d()ill- (!lic supply: th'lt Ih(! :lpl)roxhilall point ()f dk.oi'ston is Io(ate(l wilhin NW..I if S'V!.7 of Seclh-n °8. Town- ship 23 N.. Range i W.W.:M.. ill Vla- son County. A rnal) shotiiitf tlte h)- cation and phnl )f sahi dtversha alid i]le place of the ln'opose(l nse is on filc in tile office of tile State Super- visor of lfydranlh.s. Olyilipia. Wa,lh- ing'ton, togelher with snvh other llL- fornlation as is requh'ed by law. Ally pe.rsoli, firnl {ir cor|)or'ltioll WImm right will be iniuriouslyl af- fected by said aT)plication nnLy. file with the Slate Supervisi}r of tlyurau- lics, at Olyntpia, Washington, such objections or rellresentlltions, In writ.. in', as lie may des re to ma Lb,. wltlfln tiurty ('1(I) Elaya iter data of lasl: Dub- lication, will(it date is March 13. 1947, Witness nty hand amt official seal this 24th day of l%hruary, A. D, 1947, (SEAL) RODNEY "RYI4ER. State Supervisor of Itydraulics, 3-[;-13--21:. NO. 1894 NOTICE TO CREDITOR, IN THE SUPERIOR CouRT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON leer MASON COUNTY In the Mattec of tile Estate of Floyd Daniel Wetters. Sr.. Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Julia Wetters has beeu aPl/ointcd and qwtl- ified as AdmhListratrix oi the almvo entitled estate that all persons hav- ing clahris against said ilecease(l are hereby required to serve the same, duly verlfied, on said Admlnlstratrlx or upon 0harles T. Wright attoluy of record at the address below stated. and file the salne with tin: Clerk of to • said C,)nrt. gf#ther Witll proof <)f such servh'e, withhl six months aftcr the date (,f first publication of tbts notice or tile sanie-will be barre.d. Date of first pnblication, MarL:It 13: 1947 A.D. JULIA WA.TTERS, Admblistratrlx of aaid Estate. Address: Sholton, Wsshington. CHARLES T. WRIGttT, Attorney for Estate Angle -hlilding, Shclton Ma,.ton County, Was]lllig LOll, 3 - 13-20 -27--,31. IT'S CHICK TIME For the poultry raiser who wants a money - making flock of high egg producers and more proiitable birds for market, select y0ui' chicks from us. Bred for health and vigor, early ma- turity and big egg size. We Handle CENTENNIAL and HOLM CHICK FEED Olympia Feed C6mpany O'Neill Bldg.- Sholton \\; inventory PRINTED .°. FORMS • LETTERHEADS @ ENVELOPES STATEMENTS tt CARDS • INVOICES PURCHASE ORDERS 0 PAYROLL FORMS 0 SHIPPING TAGS 0 PERSONAL STATIONERY • WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PHONE 100 FOR OUR REPRESENTATIVE He Will gladly assist you in planning your print- ing, designing your forms, odei'nizing your stationery, or help you in any Way he can, Our job iS erving you. " . THE J HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms * Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title InsuranCe Bldg, I i i [ '... ,',< Pr0FESSlON00 VirginiacttyLaWyerCoHallMalloy ! Phone 192 .,,, i ..... , B. Frank|in Iteusto [ ATTORN EY-AT-'LAW Courthouse, Shelton • Phone 312 i': n ,. A. K. McCampbell i Pers0nallzed Aoo0unting \\; Servloe AddreSs:lt, 3,Sllelt°n'Box 54AWaSh /Ij Phone: Shelton 111V CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Eliot Electric Equipment C0, Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 CHARLE R. LEWIS 1111-121 SoUth FoUrtli St. L Bell Buildii3  Shltnn. wailblhgtin • TT ZY AT LAW Supply