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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Y, Marc : Page  , , , , ....... SH'ELTON-MASON COUNTY 5OITRN :  . ur ne neafls woaLo 'TAI U yIl LLL:UIED IO art UOl , lor er :i* ,. /IMi:00lP.llN /f:alfll F,o ,i PECIALTIE :" E GIFT S S ::: Junior Chamber ALL BUT ONE V.F.W. POST OFFICE Sheltoman, Dies m where I ,'llA ttrAr|'-a/: Permanent organization of the World War lI veterans were commander, h. J. Anstey chap- Funeral services werelheld SaL- Jl I liWE!  ilm   I • E g    I lf; .,/-- " ':., fl illUt • tYVltJl:ICo ShelLon .hinter Chamber of Com- elected to all but one office of lain, and %. I .... Judah and R. L, urday for Arthur A. Co., ,t6, for- . ".!'; ,1 ;'i!'il . ' merce and election of permanent Mason County Post No, 169'1, Vet-Pearson trustees, mer credit manager of the Lun,- ..7. .rf, o .,' .....r .r-a..ft.... II' '_ .  [,A ]oi2 £,A r|-tlr officers were achieved at last erans of Foreign Wars, at the an- TO ive the x,ouno vets o'uid- bermen's Mercantile, who d ed DlJhli 22kl O K . ±1. ILN I¥1JEIilUI'IILt la [-'.'"b. -- .;zxiaY. " -X±.l.X week's third session of the new nual election Friday evening a ,.r  " '  ' s ), Wednesdav March 5 at Portland   i! '!?: i)ill ...........  ,- . .-u,..,z=,= local civic group, leaving only de- W.T. 'Bill" Jackson, operator" ience'nCe andin V,F.w.benefitaffairs°L pa, ttheCXtepost- Ore.,' following" " " a I)rotracted ill-' ' lJ- ,...l €)1 rl[T'[]-1h • t7" :' ' 'hi .,.. . EL' rm*,,.o  .... , ...... tails of a permanent meeting of Bill'sDelivery Service in,this membership retur(ed J H Gray nev. , .... lt illlU Ol'Ut IUlla.DYl-]klO : '" -"--  RAqKET.q  f)F'CORATIONS sehcdt|le and place to be decided community, received the honor of to the imo/)rtant nos teen of oua:- During tne perioa ot his rest- ..........................  ...... . ...... - .....  tt0sklns has a favorite rock to complete the working details becoming the hst V!nld WaR II Lermaster-adjutant, which he has dence at S!aeltm). Mr. Cole 3xed _ '; ' of the new orga a zation. . veteran to oe emvate(t to the h,,., ,, ......... ,,e. 7,.,e.,...,...,.-....-o,-_. as presiaent. ot tne netton wnap- "" . -'[[hair that's worn and shabby, ' ROONEY'S DIME STORE o,ne Burgoyne, commercial highest seal in Lhe post when he The following ;,ight S'tturd,y ter of the Active Club and also 'iaaBolsyereak. PaHo.ukinsha:; photographer, was elected first was elected commander, it:ed to that squeal€ for tlfirty . . ........................... ,,, president of the group, Henry Ed- WiLh him will serve five other some 30 vets and V.F.'W, auxi- the internaLional president of the ANTED ' i w"" " and he decided to do --- .................................................... .-.-.----. :- - __ _ L-_ .......... Waegk ab0ut it.. So be bought EXPERIENCED  bar rater' aad hid the °ther in ENOINE REBUILD MOTOR BORING VALVE REFACING & SEATING BRAKE SHOE RELINING COMPIETE ENGINE MACHINE SERVICE We will bore your muter'and reseat your valves in our shop or your garage. Come in and get estimates for complete rebuild of your motor. (BALL WORK  ALL PARTS GUARANTEED See Us For Your Parts Needs WESTERN SUPPLY CO. 218 N. First St.  Phone 126 ler first vice-president, George Clark second vice-president, Mel Olsen secretary, and Gay Taylor, treasurer. These officers, plus Curt Onstad and Cam'ell McElroy comprise tlm board of directors. For the time being aL lcasL the new Junior Chamber plans to meet on Wednesday nights twice a month in the courthouse, Presi- dent Burgoyne said. Dunoyier's TAXI Phone 620 Stand at Chevron Gas Statln - First & Cota World War IIvets. J. C. McElroy having been elected senior vice- commander, Mel Olson ] unior vice- IF YOU WANT OIL ON YOUR STREET PHONE 150 NOW Shelton residents living on gravel streets who wish to have their streets oiled are askl to contact the office of the City Engineer, telephone 150, lo re- ceive information and instruc- tions as to the method of pro- cedure. The cost will be imid by the abutting property owners along the street that Is to be oiled. The job will consist of two coats of oil "and pe gmtvel which will give st smooth azd clean riding surface. All requests should be filed, at the City Hall during March In order to allow /:line for phm- ulng the work, purchasing the necessary materials, and award- lng the contracts for the work. II HEAR FORMER CONGRESSMAN CHARLES R. SAVAGE SPEAK SATURDAY NIGHT On "Work of Congrdss and State Legislature IN MEMORIAL HALL Under Auspices of THE GENERAL WELFARE CLUB Quick action is necessary to save what we have gained in social security. In this crisis the help of all old and young who understand economic importance of social security i needed. .. Refreshments, Old Time Dance Follow AIRWAY COFFEE NOB HILL COFFEE O.LS. P,G. z.s) PKG. q',U c 2.,. pku. € PKG: " 24 GI 6ERBREAD MIX c us, AB WATER .B PKG.  "k MRS. WRIGItT'S BREAD ...................... ...... Lge, 10af 16c 000000DWARDS COFFEE = i: ca, 46 € . ,.,., ,,,,s ,,o,.} 48, 0, c,,st s,,,0,, • MAXWELL HOUSE . lb. 50¢ KAFFEE HAG lb. 52¢ SANKA COFFEE ...... Ib. 55¢ BURDEN'S INST. 2-oz. 41€ FANCY GRAPEFRUIT o.. MAYONNAISE "'0' '""" FINEST INGREDIENTS HALLOWl DATES °"""'°°'"" SELECTED FRUIT 19 ¢ PT. 50¢ 29: VAN CAMP'S, IT'S QUICI(I TEHDEROHI .... 7.0z. Pkg... 9c BREAKFAST CEREAL MALT.O.MEAL, 26.0z. Pkg. 26c NABISCO CEREAL 100% BRAN ...... Pkg. 19c LARGE "TENDERIZED," 1-LB. $UHSWEET PRUHES ..... 26¢ BLENHEIM, SUNSHINE DRIED APRICOTS ........ 1.1b. 49c BEVERLY, CHUNK OR REGULAR PEANUT BUTTER ...... 1.1b. 33c A DELICIOUS FLAVOR BAKER'S COCOA ...... 14c CAKE FLOUR'w'"°o"'x'"'"' 29. CAKE FLOUR. 2-Ib. PKG, FLOUR ""°"'"°"'-'""""" '-' 1 85 (5.LB. 430 (ZO-LR. eZ=) BAG = Fox Beverages 2 for 25. Chocolate M 9. Ul}liO 7-,, :,,,, l LIMABEAHS .v.....0 o, .o "',aa FANCY LARGE LIMA BEANS 2.kO, PRG. PURITY, WHOLE PACIFIC OYSTERS .... 50z. 45c QUEEN CHARLOTTE MINCED CLAMS ........ 70z. 3c DEL MONTE CREAM CORH .......... 20-oz. 16c NEW WEST APPLE JUICE ................ Of. 24c TOWN HOUSE, LGE. 46-0Z. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE ........ 21¢ UNION LEADER SMOKIHG TOBACCO .Lge. 68c OLD GOLD, CAMELS, ETC. CIGARETTES ......... ctn. 1.69 NEW LOW PRICE! D00NISON'S PORK & ' 2 for 27¢ CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS lb. Fresh, Tender, California Spears. For Dinner Tonight! GRAPEFRUIT SALE ! Extra Large Sizes! Serve For Breakfast. l:exas PoundPillk 9  Arizonapound 6 ¢ a:ox,,, Whitepound 6f Calif., Solid Heads Fresh I.attuce .. lb. 11¢ Large, Jtlicy Sunldst Lemons lb. 15¢ Clip-Top, Tender Calif. Carrots., lb. 7 ½ ¢ Med. Size, Mild, Yellow Oregon Onions " lb. 4¢ Clean, White ' Lb. Oregon Parsnil)s .. 11¢ Solid, Crisp Heads Calif. Cbbage ..... lb. 6¢ ' ' 69f I IE(,E BACON Eastern Sugar-Cured, whole or half . LB. EVISCERATED GRADE 'A' FANCY POULTRY (h,.mua fully dressed (ready to cook) poultry . . I#allcy, milk fed birds . . . Yore don't pay or wnsLe lneat. Economical , . . Saves timc! FRICASSE FOWL ...... : ....... lb. 55¢ FRYERS OR ROASTERS , lb. 67¢ 1J.S. Graded "Good" Beef PRIME RIB ROAST ................................. lb. 55¢ l.I.,% Graded "Good" Beef SIRLOIN STEAK ........................................... lb. 55¢ UA-L Graded "Good" Lamb LEG OF,LAMB ....................................... lb. 55¢ U.S. Grtded "Good' Lamb LOIN LAMB CHOPS ................................. Ib, 69¢ NO SALES TO DEALERS: PRICES START MARCH 14, 1947, SUBJECT TO MARKET CHANGES AND STOCK. )tory members were so highly en- thusiastic over the benefit and pleasure derived from a. trip by bus to the Gra.y8 Harbor County , Council session held in Olympia that in all probability all future trips to out-of-town meetings will be made, in a "co-ed" bus, Adju- tant Gray reports. Friday's election session was also marked by the initiation of E. E. Lumsden, Jr., Jack Neuert, and Joe D. Gruvcr into the post, while menabership applications were approved from Ralph Jones, Lawrence Latham and Kenneth Latham. Discussion of turning the veter- ans division of Shelton Memorial Park over to the Shelton Ceme- tery Association for management under a perpetual care plan re- suited in Quartermaster Gray pointing out that the cost would run over $1000 to puL it in proper shape before such a transfer could be made and that inquiry to the Veterans Admiuistration had re- vealed that no federal aid could be obtained for such a project. Arcadia Resident Of 12 Years Dies Mrs. Mildred Riclcerson, 43, of he Arcadia district, where she made her home for the past 12 years died Saturday, March 8, following a short illness. She was born September 4. 1904, in Earl- ville, Ill., and her body was ship- ped to Earlville, for burial Mon- day. She is survived by her widow, er, Francis and three sons, Joseph F., John E., and Russell E., and one daughter Mary Margaret, all of Shelton; her father Joe Vor- mclad of Earlville and a bro- ther. Julian of Chicago. Lake Cushman (By Frances Radtke) Friends of 131aneh Radtke will be glad to know that she did noL have her finger amputated after all. The operation was delayed in favor of further treatments to see if it could be saved. Mrs. Radtke's son and daughter-in-law, the Lee Stouts of Seattle, spent the week end at Cushman. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dell Lara- mie on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Townsend of Dupont, and Mr. and Mr& Floyd Townsend of Olym- pia. Week enders were Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Ahorn of ShelLon. Mrs. W. G. Peterson left Thurs- (laY for a month visit tO L0 2l)- geles. Calif.. and vicinity where she plans to visit her children, the G'erald Minchers and the Wendall Petersons. Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hill. Jr,, are spending a week with their par- ents at Cushman before leavltag for Pasadena where young Verne is to start spring baseball training. Mr. and Mrs. P. W.Jones spent Saturday and Sunday at Cushman visiting the Don Browns. Universal Pumps PIPE and FITTINGS for Complete Installations Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORT - PHONE 10 I: We do.'t lust TALK Servi(e We get it done! Maybe you've hesitated to puL your washer in for serv- ice for fear we might be slow in finishing the work. Please don't worry about that. We ARE .busy of course, but we , make a rule to finish each service job. WHEN PROM- 1SED--and as early as pos- sible. Phone us today, NASH BROTHERS 123 S. 2nd St. Phone 334 Active Club. At the time of his death he was office manager for System Freight Service at El Paso, Texas, and had served in that capacity at Seattle and Yakima. Surviving are his wife, :Mrs. Monte Cole of Portland, Ore., a brother, Herbert Cole of Lynden, Wash., a sister, Mrs. T. D. Church, Gotham, New Hampshire, and a brother, Frank Cole of Buffalo, New York. Mr. Cole was born December 19, 1901, in New Hampshire. One of the things thaL Mr. Cole will be remembered for in Shelton is Lhe minstrel shows he directed and the Active Club sponsored. They were presented to surround- ing communities, and schools and were very popular. Mr. Cole di- rected the show for three years, the first one being presented in 1930 by George Kellogg. :Mr. KeN logg'left Shelton and Art took over for the rest of the time the shows were presented. • Lumbermen Lose Game From Lead Losing a game unexpectedly to the lowly Charlie's Hamburger team, Morgan Lumber saw a game of its lead in the Olympia scratch bowling league shaved away Mon- day night when the second place Sports Electric five whitewashed Olympia Recreation. The hamburger kegelers were hot their first game and shellacked the Shelton club, but behind Bab Stewart's steady pin- punishing Morgan Lumber came back to take the last pair by overwhelming mar- gins. Stewart hit 606 for the nighL. The third matcl of .the night also provided a surprise when the tailend Olympia Eagles won a pair 'from the third place, first-half champion Capitol Cigars, to make the standings as of this week, with three weeks of play remaining, read: OLYMPIA SCRATCH LEAGUE W L Morgan Lumber. ....... 24 6 Sports Electric .......... 20 10 Capitol Cigars ............ 15 15 Olympia Recreation .. 13 17 Charlies Hamburger .. 12 18 Olympia Eagles .......... 6 24 Morgan LUmber meets the Re- creation, Eagles, and Capitol Ci- gars in the last three matches of the schedule. Chemists To Attend Session In Seattle Representtives from the re- search laboratories of Rayonier Incorporated and the Simpson Logging Company will attend the regular meeting of the American Chemical Society at the Univers- ity of Washington campus tomor- row evening to hear a lecture of special interest to the She]Lon chemists, when "The SLructure and Properties of Natural and Manmade Fibers" will be discus- sed by Henry Eyring, professor from the University of California. Those attending the" meeting from the Rayonier laboratory in- clude Otto Goldschmid, Dean Balkema, M. E. Kinsey, Louis Kcyscr, Ben Briggs, John Hooper, Bob Bampton, Lloyd Van BlarE- corn, Robert Tabke, Rolla W. Hal, bert, Peter Zopolis, Simon Posen, Edwiu Lovell, J. E. Jeffrey, Ken- neth Gray, Gray King, Jud Hollo- way, Joseph Alexander, Albert Hughes, B. B. Thomas, Clarence Anderson and Earl Johnson. Due to the complexities of the new Simpson Logging Company" operations at the wood fiber plant, a definite ammuncement of the re- search men to attend the meeting from%here has not been made. 'Goop' Demonstration Scheduled Saturday A "Goop" demonstration will be held Saturday, March 15, at 10:30 a.m. at the Ephram Johnson farm. The Johnson place is located on the Dayton road about half a mile fz'om the Matloek-Shelton highway at Dayton. "Coop" is a war surplus mater- ial mgde of magnesium ribbon, carbide and a petrolemn product. "Goop" has been used as a kindling agent Lo bnrn old logs piled from land clearings. Our farm folks who have recently cleared land should be interested in Goop. Thd demonstration will be held rain or shine. IDA O. PEEBLES ESTATE Judge Wright signed an order approving the final report and de- cree of distribution in the Ida O. PeebIes estate Saturday during Supmor Court session. I[()rINS ]lAVE BOY :Mr. and :Mrs. Clinton Rowin of Allyn are the parents of a boy born Tuesday, :Mai'eh 11, in the hospiLal. THINGS AS THEY SEEM (Continued from page 1) Wc need a sustaining yield from the sportsmen and their various organizations in Mason county. We have very few upland birds in this county and they will mul- tiply here if the right species are planLed. The sportsmen in the Da- kotas have so many pheasants that they are permitted to shoot a very large bag limit. The local outfits should trade them trout fry for pheasant eggs, eLc. This woukl require a ]mtchery so lct's promote this sustaining yield. The sustaining yields that could be mentioned from time to time are unlimited and when the only Chamber of commerce in Mason county and the merchants of the only city in Mason county realize the possibilities there will be no limit to the city limits. a allowed as'how grateful she  nIln]3l-) ', but when Pa missed h CHOCOLATE tnrr. ,if, Be " ' ' °n, he heazd a familiar td that led him to the barn. PIIONE 788 la , Ma rocking happily in clarsqueak.., squeak. Beed to tell you how Pa felt. Copyrigh t, We Have Mr. View Next Door to Mr. View From Our Former Location at Brothers Garage One Mile South Shelton. RIDLEY'S BODY & WORKS Pholm 610 If you ha They're ] There's ( They'll rr Russ, the While A1 SEE US FOR i KIMBEL . MOTORS i Factory Approv d - Chrysler- Plymouth- Internatio"iF&IE SALES - PARTS- SERVICIg;I:i : We Are Equipped t:o Repair and Reba tli : : All Makes of Cars - Truck - Tractors and HeaVY Logging Equipment In Our NEW SERVICE BUILDING :,, AT SOUTH FIRST AND MILL ST And Brazing l PHONI!I Motor 00o00ting 465- Electric Welding I by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Guess Work _. II i S00E.RVl I a, CaZ0N STO! Tltf Y'RE 8f The trademark "Form-tested" is back on the bags. With government restrictions removed feed ingredients , you tan once agoin buy "Form-tested" Feeds. And they are bettor ! before, because Lrro Research Farm bus stopped striving for improved feeds and feeding methods. Today you get all the Come in and see us now. = FEEQ DEPARTMENT Established :1895 ISE Ever Fri T 1-1t 2 f( lie Ilt F! GL Browl Wrenche - Higl: - File - Sawd Stones TA CL, Linen