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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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&apos;i" .Z":: ':: " . Thurnday Marc Match -13, 1947; Spare No. 11 Next t.ov vi, gini00 ,t ,-, rr. ,- e utl The Office of Price Adnlinistr- Rov Lothard Itall .16, and Alice]l ;' ' ' ' ....... . .'. :..:;¢:: . .;:.:,: iMh,{Sg;tK'InI/h;i:Sholton'.l.IP"ekt£ [eR'al both of Ahli,rwood { I Hire '   m P a  '  e; r ain "  °  a  ' i 11 ' b  ' ' : c ° m e good On A P }' 1 ' 1 I for ' ] O ' '[ Imra Lynch To L' " Ilan" 'a..l':",IVa,%il.m 1,oth .f P,'iano,,."lCr"and -'£lonia,.ehV../17 SP00KS t • • • ms .AS BOriS " Christian Science On ..... z'_'.,; .,,, ,.,..,,,, i IL),J,, J'.rog]t'gm un(lay Mrs. Carl Johnson entertained a .... A Chrmuan cienee program en- group of Padies.. at a. ]uncheonW.-ed titled,. "T!e /mportance of Right nesday, March 5, in honor of Mrs. Thlnlmg, wil oe presenteu on -an Bohn tl e' 'CoIifllia,.'-l$h ,,of;e 'i Ad.l,"L{idesi'Pgeent!were"rIfrs.}Wit 2 neat* S,nd_:,  m0%g,' 1K@'c/' !6ii]ltd(n  <÷it[hSt Mrs. )'Claie1ce' at' .7:30. 'The. program, wnicnwin I Mdsen/MI's. David Swanson, Mrs. originate from Los Angeles, is l John Nordstrom, the honor guest, given with the approval of Tlmj Nh's. Bohn, and the hostess, Mrs. Christian Science,. Board of Direct- Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Bohn are ors of The Mother Church, planning to leave Shelton soon to The following Columbitt stations make their residence in Tacoma. will broadcast this program: Sta- _ ...... lions KIRO. Seattle: KXLY, Spo- kane; and KOtN, Portland. MIETING CALLED OFF :t was announced his week that there will be no Rainbow Motlers Club meeting during the month of March. .desaltpton r Weuion *eet" ,replace ht ",hih 'it abset from 'he rFng yau ilhdd; eontePete n qualRy . . ;  UHegt ,mMaste O ,It in he ,diamond elWll We '.l/e" . . , and we gum'&ee -uthfinl Ome i :n8 h'O th full onY¢noe "in -geeing dllr for dOl|ar alue. IVAN NEUENSCHWANDER JEWELER Angle BIdg• 'Phone 74,W  " :'l CASUAL coATs, Tailored i , . straight- hanging .,. smart! AiNwool bold weaves- some part-wool gabard!ne fronts! ' ....... • 14.5 SPORT ¢OATSl TaStl novelty or so weaves . , , well,tailored single breasted models . , lightweight wooll 18.75 AND SLACKS in we01 gabardine. 11.75 - 13.'/5 BOW TIES 98¢ , i ....... ;: The thing for Spring! Bold ptten/s and polka-dots. Club stripes and bold Zig- ures, Gay spring wear. 1.98 Spruee Up This Spring ......... ACe J- 8,90 The richly'- Hned CCLAIM has hand felled edge hn. Regular: width band, hand- some shades. By Marathon! EVENING MEET SLATED BY GARDEN CLUB The Shelton Garden Club will hold one of its first evening meet- ings when its members convene Monday night. March 17, at 7:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. L. D. Hack. Hostesses for the affair will be Mrs. Walter Elliott, Mrs. Wilbert Carte and Mrs. S. M. Gage. The progran will consist of a talk by Harry Clark on conserva- tion. Pictures of blossom time in WaShington state will also be shown. A roll call answer of a native Washington wild flower will be required. Tim flower arTangements for the meeting will be spring flower bud- ding branches. The flower for the month, as designated by the group, is the violet. W.C.T.U. LUNCHEON M,E:ETI'NG HELD FRFDAY The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperan'ce Union met Friday at the home of Mrs. A. L. Bell for a one o'clock luncheon. The presi- dent, Mrs. L. D. Hack, presided at the, meeting. Mrs. W. M. Elliott led thc devo- tions. Mrs. Arvilla Wiley had charge of, the pogram: The sub- ject was 'A Christ!,an Citizen and the Drink Problem. REV. MURRAY G U'EST oF EmSCOpAL GU,LD a St. David s Episeotal Guild met Monday at the home of Mrs. Oli- ver Ashford for its regular meet- ing, Mrs. M. E. IInsey assisted as co-hostess. The Roy. James 'Murray was a guest for the lunch- con and addressed the group. The next meeting.will be held Monday, March 17, at the home Of Mrs. George LeCompte. A one o'clbck lhneleon will be served. EASTER DUDS Men's Slek SOCKS 33¢ Wide Selection of Patterns! Corn.fortable slack socks in stripes and plaids! In Rayon, elastic or regular tops, Stamp For Sugar Church of th, pounds of sugar. Stamp No. 53. now good for fjve pounds of sugar, expires Match 31. The O.P.A. said that barring unforeseen circumstances, it will be possible to make another 10- pound stamp valid on July 1. The O.P.A. intends to allot 35 pounds of Sugar to housewives this year. Stamp No. 11 will be valid until September 30. It will cover both regular home use and home canning necds. The O.P.A., however, may not be around during all of this year. A Senate-House conference has approved a deficiency appropria- tion bill directing that the O.P.A. be ended by July 1. Some con- gressmen claimed that the reduc- tion in funds would end the agen- cy in a few ,reeks. The Senate banking committee, however, has approved a bill rans- ferring sugar controls to the Ag- riculture Department. MIXED CHORUS REHEARSALS SET FOR MONDAY EVENINGS The Shelton Mixed Chorus meets for rehearsal every Monday eve- ninK at the Senior High "School Auditorium at 7:30 o'clock. An in- vitation to attend the rehearsals is extended to men and women read- ing a musical score. Mrs. John L. Dotson has ac- cepted an invitation to become the pianist for the chorus. At the last rehearsal of the group the presi- dent, Mrs. Bernice Stewart, an- nounced the following committee for completing the associate mem- bership. Gommittee members are :Lilllan Norvald, Walter Eckert, Marguerite Ferwerda, Josephine Dickey, Lynn Sherwood, Mabel Burk and Bernice Stewart. VISITS COUSIN Miss Maz,lan Johnson spent sev- eral days last week in Tacoma vis- iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Templeton. Miss Johnson and Mr. Templeton are cousins. INSTALLATION SET Election of officers was held at the Saturday evening meeting of the Order of Eastern Stars. A public installation has been s et for Saturday, March 22. RETURNS FROM EAST Mrs. W. A. McKenzie tins re- turned to Shelton after a three week trip to New York. Mrs. Mc- Kenzie was accompanied to tim East by her sister. 'AItEWILL SERVIE SLATED A farewell service for Rev. 'roesbeck and his daughter, Corn, will be held Sunday, Narch 1,6, at the Calvary Pentecostal Church. Roy. Groesbeck and his daughter Will leave soon to return to the Dutch East Indies. A fellowship meeting with many visiting mln- igters is slated .for l¢nday, Mmch 17, according to Rev. R. Caddy:" Use the Journal Classifieds Cbddt AsHtSle, :,i ': !.. ." #/}:Gi'}:i :: :v/Pmtmos lStimlal Irto -upper'br0,- chest and back sur. chMI tUb)s with '.faces .llke :l warm- special sootbtng '1 nK,:.cemf oft Fn g medlclhal 'vapors. :poultee. This W0naerful ctal pene- trlaff- sln,mlatiR ctlon --brough to you 'OZq/ ,by' "ViekS VpoRtb. Works for hours to relieve .distress colds wMZe Tte Chffg eeps. New Motto for '47 4-H Dress Review "Make and Model Your Own" is the motto of rural girls who are participating in the 1947 Na- tional 4-H Dress Revue. With clothing fabrics now avail- able in .greater volume and variety the youthful seamstresses are de- signing their "best dress" which they will model in the County 4-H Dress Revue. All blue award win- ners in this event will receive sil- ver medals of honor. Those be- tween 14 and 21 who have com- pleted three years in club work may compete in the IState Dress Revue, which will be held later. The state winner will receive, also from the Simplicity Pattern Co., an all-expense trip to the 1947 Na- tional 4-H Club Congress, Chicago, next November. Each state winner participating in the National 4-H Dress Revue Presentation ,at the Club Congress will be given a $25 U. S. Savings Bond. ,In this activity, which is con- ducted under the direction of the Extension, Service, participants' outfits are judged on style and design, suitability of material to purpose and. Workmanship, be- comingness of color and fit, and cost. Grooming, posture and poise of the participant are also taken into consideration. Complete in- formation may be obtained from county home demonstration ag- ents. Last year's state winner in Washington was Julienne Jacoby, of Toledo. County wnners were named in Clallam, Columbia, Douglas, Garfield, Grays Harbor. Island, Jefferson, King,. Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Mason, Okan- ogan,.Pierce, Skagit, Snohomish, Spokane, Stevens, Thurston, Wal- la Walls, Whatcom, Whitman and Yakima counties. Skokomish P.T.C. Adopts Constitution The P.T.C. of the Middle Skoko- mish Valley, met at the school on Thursday evening.. A constitution and by-laws were adopted and a nominating committee was ap- pointed. Election of officers was set for the April meeting. The roonl count was won by Mrs, Wllson's room with the honor of the gold fish for the month. Following the business meeting the program was turned over to Mrs. Dugger who presented Bob Wilson who played his accordion" and Dill Dunman who played the violin_ accompanied by Mrs. Non- roe. Nancy Jacobsen played a piano solo. The Monroe children Anne and Patsy, sang and were accompanied by their mother. Shir- ley Bailey sang. She was accom- panied at the piano by Mrs. Mon- roe. Mildred Dugger presented a dance. Martin Smith spoke to the group about the opportunity of ob- taining a new school. At the close of the meeting pie and coffee were served by the mothers of the third and fifth grade students. Wed Bill Diclde C, Vo,ley fforri.qon ']7, Of Yaki- Of special interest to the many ma and Shirlcy Rose Hcnch'ikx 21, Shelton friends of hnra Lynch and of L(uK P,e'ch. \\;Va:;h., Mnreh 7 at Bill Dickie is the announcement Shelton. this week of their engagement. The Robert E. lemke 2:L and Mildred popular couple plan to be married E. lhines 20. of Shelton March 7 on clinic g. at Shell.on. :Mrs. Lynch is the daughter'of Louis N. Meyer 23, .rod Lois Mr. and Mrs. laz'l Turner of this P'tge 20. both of Slmlton. Mnreh 8 city. while Mr. Dickie advertis- at Shelton ing manager of The Journal, is Olivet' Benjamin Hastings and the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T, Norms Jean Bartow. both of Shel- Dickie of Scuttle. Mrs. Lynch is ton, at Olympia. employed by the Simpson Logging $OURNAL Want Ass are used oy Company. they really get results. Franchise Granted To String Telephone Wires Olympia, March 10.----Clarence B. Shain, state Director of Highways, today approved the granting of a franehisc to Frank Nosworthy and Candace Nosworthy, doing busi- ness as Hood Canal Telephone com- pany, for a telephone and tele- graph line upon a portion of pri- nmry state highway No. 14 from Union easterly for six miles, in Mason County for a period of 25 years, STEVE WALKER HONORED ON BIRTHDAY SATURDAY Mrs. Carl Krauf and Mrs. Steve Walker honored Mr. Walker's birthday anniversary with a sur- prise birthday party at the Walk- er's Lake Isabella home. Cards were enjoyed after which a late hmch was served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Leggett, Mr. anti Mrs. lerank Ream. Ed- ward Garves. Jack Killeerf, Mrs. Alice Kavanaugh, Mrs. Carrie I3ackhousen of Port Angeles and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krauf, and Mr. and Mrs. Steve Walker and chil- dren. Irene, Kay and Steve. Mr. and Mrs. Walker have re- cently moved here from North Bend,. Wash., as he is logging here. lz's. ,Walker will be remembered as the former Laurel Riley who at- tended school here. V.F.W. AUXILIARY ELECT OFFICERS FRIDAY EVENING The V.F.W. Auxiliary elected the following officers during their meeting Friday, March 7: Mamie Clark, presidert; Alma White, se- nior vice-president: Mamie Earl, junior vice-president; Lottie Em- erson, treasurer; Ben Gray, chap- lain; Arms Springer, conductress; Mary Jadih, guard and Lucy EI- ralston, trustee. i ° @ A mainspring that will nt rust, cannot be broken y overwding, delivers a steady flow of power for greater ac- curacy. See our display. = BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED In honor of Albert Rose's birth- day Mr. and Mrs. Rose entertained guests at their lmme "Sunday eve- ning, March 9. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Newton White of Olympia, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. R0se and Perry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Anderson and daughter, Sandra, and Mr. and Mrs. Rose. 4-1][ CLUB MEETS The "Can Do" 4-H Club of Oak- land Bay held a meeting Tuesday, !areh 4, at which eight prospec- ive members were present. A demonstration was given on fold- ing garments and household lin- ens by Viola KnucLen. 'RETURNS TO SCHOOL Bill Batstone left Tuesday by plane for Cincinnati from Seattle where he will resume his studies. He has been visiting here the past week or I0 days with his wife and snmll son, Bill, and his parents, O/f morn&,l.most:mtset of thecoZd is 4=t oitt W ' 6tmj i,,,, ....... I ,,u,i[ ...... i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Batstone. M TO ENTERTN- H-USBAN DS. 00RAHA I AND F'''ND' 'AT''DAY The Order of Eastern Star Soc= II .TRIKTEHI lal Club and the Amaranth Socia'li Club will jointly entertain their husbands and friends S/turday ' evening, Maz'01t 15 at the Masonic] ST'AT :F; --,,.v a.rdav Temple. Bridge, pinochle and oth" er card games will be enjoyed'and , ,, )) , at the close refreshments'will be served.  Play will start at 8 o'clock in the evening. n',o00..mos, W00ge,, Skokomish Valley Mrs. Oliver Peterson and her NEWS- .CARTOON son Boyd were in Tacoma for a few days. Saturday Art Peterson a ..... = ': ...... ": ........ ......... took Mr. Peterson and Ronny Pet- erson up and they brought Mrs. Sundad - Molday - Ttmtlay Peterson and B0yd back. MII l'r i/, 18 . Ray Jacobsen was home for the nes Cagney in week end .from Sekiu. Mrs, George Smart and her son "13 RUE ,, Delbert 1oore, were in Seattle MADELIgI . Thursday. . The fir. Womens' Club met last with Am, abelle, Rlchaxd Wednesday at the home of lI, rs. (9t, Frmk alme Richert. lY[rs. Sturdevmtt from the Extension Service office demon- Tlie YeS% Heroic Adventure strated how to make dress forms. of all Happens a't the Most The new officers for he year are Sinister Address in Historyi Mrs. Doris Sjoholm, president; NWS  ,ATROON Mrs. Ethel Richert, vice president; Mrs. Alice Cossan, secretary; and Mrs. Violet Peterson, treasurer. ......... ],lll l, :::-"::  :' : I!I[II'DI ( Mr, and Mrs. George Doak left Thursday evening for their home Wedsday- Thursday in South Dakota, after spending March 9, 0 ' the winter with their brother and ]oImt0nff Ca.,ddy in sister-in-law, Mr. and tVh.s, )on- "FOOLS GOLD" aid Doa. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Campbell Andy Clyde, Rand Brooks, are on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Valley visit- 3ane Randolph ed Mr. and Mrs. Harold Iunter and-- SundaV. , cmeAmO FFV Use t, oum laS-- I' II IIIll II ill [ , j they really get results! s .... Every, YOU'LL find BARGAINS ill ...... Metho, ' "A " Friendly dhurch in FURNITURE . ,  Fourth a: HAVE a complete " SUnday School Morning Worsh .... = * Semen Topic: Special "FOLn" EARLY American M I=&RDVCK W. HA: ,. . * •larsonage. 320 N. 4th SUITES all the WS • *   '' ' ' SHEL PRICED at only   eMo-- Brahe : met Church, The F rs .. ., $ - . .... ' b0(  Boa'*tOn, 6-PIECE txn- | " " ' , Subject Ne) ' ' ,i •SUNI • SUNDAY SCH • ::: * ,1' WDI% MORNIN G SE! LD e th e$I- 7. DAy EVENING I SHOU sc 'meam.g R ...... ;i :-2 core maintained b 4:1 • ' * "l. ope-a d " Y :' .... .SJ - and -y' except Sunda NEED bedroom f r.&l 1 . '+Wednesdays from .: • 1" ,u are COrdially invited to a • ome the Readi FOR THEY c C" ' HURCH AT 302 :3 STYLES ,, Anm OR PANELS ANY PLAN ADDF :': €: Wedn FURNISHING Thurs Frida ' Sund SEE US for nee MT. Elsie Zabroski was initiated as = -- 32]. -- The.e star4imed 17.jeu'el " | a new member, and during 'the = }:?gln De Luxemodels have . :l business meeting, it was voted to  lOK,,aturaloldfilledcase  ... ^dI donate $25.00 to the Lincoht School = operaLi playground equipment, and $5.00  ][)]-m'][A each to the Ied Cross and the  E}IILIJIk¥¥ ltlLlkE k.J'7][rT-]['  WALTER''I Heuer Fund. GIFTS - JEWELRY - MUSIC_  . :!i ThI' The sewing club will meet with c0uncil = " " ,29 Railroad Pt, one 143  L'ONE'L I;1 ,w] an Ben Gray March 14 at noon and a sack lunch will be served. Sth District which .. , , ,-,, ,'."=llK'illlql'H)nltl)!lHIBqtBl'BhtT was held in O1ympla Saturday eve- ""'"'""""'°, , t ning, March 8, was attended by 23 members from Shelton who chart- (' 1 '' ercda bus to attend the, meeting. I ROBERTA IRENE ANDERSON HONORED ON BIRTHDAY T U E S D A,Y-- W E D N E S I A birthday parl;y was held re- cently in honor of the 4th anni- versary of the birth of Roberts Irene Anderson. Mrs. Robert C. Springcr, grandmotler, entertained several small guests on the occas- ion. A large 18-inch birthday cake trimmed with pink and green, and pink and white ice cream was served. Those attending included Jo Ann and Mary 3ohnson; Judy and Jenni£cr Bridges of Olympia; I)vle Allen Anderson Mrs. Arnie ,/ohnson, Mrs. Viola Austen, Frauk and James Houston. Robert Springer, Mr. and Mrs. Robert An- derson and the honor guest, Rob- erta, who received many lovely gifts. ST. MARY'S ALTAR SOCIETY TO MEET The St. Mary's Altar Society Will meet with Mrs. Roy Rictor,. 219 S. 4th street, Thurrlay, March 13. The meeting will start at 8 o'clock in the evening. VISITS DAUGHT.ER Mrs. Nannie Kidwell of, Wen- atchbe arrived Friday for a visit Of several weeks with her son-in- law and daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Leigh Duffield. ipa ,N T RAM0 n THEATRE 8helton, Wash. _ Thursday - Saturday II March 13 - 15 1 TWO FEATURES I Red Ryder 1 "SUN VALLEY I CYCLONE" m . Comedy -- Songs . . "MEXICANA" I Sunday-'lVLonday I March 16 - 17 1 (2 DAYS ONLY) I Ingrid Bergman m m Robert Montgomery ,, HEAVEN" EXTRA! EXTRA! I! Tuesday - Wednesday I! March 8- 19 i On Our Stage I(ConUnuous Show from 4 p.m. I on These 2 Days Only) I T)m CAL SHRUM i SHOW 1 oF THE MOVIES'& RADIO 1 Music - Fun - Specialties Good Entertainment for IM Young, and Old DN TI, CREEN Cal Shrum's I "SWING COWBOY I SWING" I Adults 50¢, Students 25¢ I Children 12¢ w- I I a lot of Bui( gs-to.c( long, t : lines, i dynamic I: ]am-packe ::i I , equally  'i 'for creep, : around' on sc ' 1 I i ,arless, ease. %}W! ,:| Of precise and ; re,with engint :: loser than in ai v,, )-" . ALTA L - .... THE RHYTHN I :i PARAM00 ' @