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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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DNS • Virginia , Mareh nd Alice [derwood :Helen V, lareh 7 of Yaki- :h'ikx 21, ll'eh 7 at 1 Mildred March 7 md Lois March 8 LngS and of Shel- Thur,,day Marc , M.atch ].o 194, S%WLTON-IIkS0N CO[rN'TY a., . _ . ael " :-- -------- " " ..... " I APPOINT APPRAISERS . " • " , ,  i . A 0000-+NIma I ,,+h^,-.. fqt,,00.tJ. eore Adams, oy Castle and I Layoff Pills For [Olympic Mines In Elk, Deer Decrease - . -'ll,..J.l  [Hary Hurst were appo!ntea ap- • i • [=W Luun;IoU 00.UUtn,, jp,00isers of j:00i00n F Sleep Producer, Bankruptcy Action Seen In Oregon Illlii'00 UATPUI:DV Dllffll laid [ 41t191qn=]jy ii  "xae Clmrch of the Lutheran .Hour . estate Saturaay ny atmge vx r'lgm:r -% . I 1 ' • ........ T ,, .  ah..l.s H t ...1 I1 r..]k; ..4.. hVl,1 ]I llNlIJlllIIl INIIIIVlll , ............. : .' ' . , I ' .... --:;=' '.-: .... ' .... ....... ' "l "  : • " - "  c : ;, ' ' ." • ".'  "  i ",',;,':%:.¼::MIVE,,PAST;' * H ".Te .lmf n. . o. ' :. . : .... .- ..,.. ... • ,  ..... . : . ,, Havmg;::.trouble getting - to ,Mints "Iq:, .ofH99,dsport, :a,,., Sllg])tde ,,lees:.nderad,e!k .',,....,z..,. ........ -,,., ..... ,., .... .. • .p c 39o M and .30 • -, JOH N,,A.,,R_0E.S.  £S.,A'Eg ,., ' :., k... ......., . . ] rupt"qn,Fe'derm. iscrict' Collrt/at. ..... are .,s iown'.. .... )ver'. ,,  year' in' boa,...... ....... er i 9:45 a;m. - Morning:.Worship.ll a.m..' /.,uugc .¥:r!g!lt.aj)pol,,t.;d-Is. A: slel). :... . " .... . -- Tc(marFridayo .An lnvolun.tary Ore[i-Oil an L'Wash]agton,'accold - ..... . . •   ^ Carlson aammzsv'ator,oz.u}e.sst,?cl Don't tm'n. re ste, ;pills,or petition in bankruptcy'was*filed ing to tie annual wildlife report .... Every.Wednesday, Evemng,ar'a:oo of John-'A. 'Roles during Super]or[help. Drugs will only lead to trou- against the company hy Seattle just issued by the Regional Fo- used Dy ItlllllllW-" zing - YOU'LL find sone BARGAINS in FURNITURE $ HAVE a complete EAR LY American  SUITES all the WSl :3 :l: $ 2-PIECE bed an ddl PRICED ,'tt only $ 6-PIECE twin-be Methodist Church 'AFriendly hurch in a Friendly Community" Fourth and Pine unday School at 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. 8ernn Tepic: Special Music "Four Soldiers At the Cross" I'IARD'vrICK W. HARSHMAN, Minister Parsonage 320 N. 4th Telephone 276 00Chu :-" rch of Christ, Scientist SH ELTON e Branch of Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass, Subject Next Sunday: ...... ' "SUBSTANCE" FOR ONLY $144,90' =•,,..-.. SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 ...... ' "Z /%% MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK theIll:,ll.:,E'DA EVENING MEETING AT8 O'CLOCK SHOULD see , .,...'gttoOro rn maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street * *  fftdaiiy, except Sunday, from 2 to 4,o'clock hoom fl , a, Wednesd - " NEED be( '  All-- .... ays from 6:4 to 7:45 oclock. .,, , C0rdiall , z , • * ::il "" Y invited to attend the services and, v s t e i#I the Reading Room FOR THEY core  C ' "i HURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET STYLES... sp Annual M; ;. v Con vention ...... .,, OR P00NELS .... ,,,.; 1 4 GREAT DAYS -- you March 12 to 16 ANY PLAN := , . ADDRESSES, SLIDES, COSTUMES, MOVIES FURNISHING Y Thursday, 7:30 p.m., Miss Prince. , Friday, 7:30 p.m., Miss Prince and Rev. Burnette .... '  Sunday, 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m., key. Burnette. SEE US for '[ce ,'. .'TY2,ma, South MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHAPEL : .... 'merica - Rev. Thee. W. Chapman, Pastor COMFC 321. O WALTER G MARCH 1 Y--WEDNE 00LTA (ALBI) TERH THE RHYTHM The COLORADO OUNT TH a lot of ways, Buick-- gs-to.come in g, follow- rs; sleek lines, broad action, packed with equally ready, for creep-speed quick-paced emergency :'Perfect poise--with for solidity-- around' on soft coil precise and exact- gine toler- thanin airplane floated on new Court Saturday. ' ble in the end. creditors. • ester, Portland, Ore. ----V ..... ,, I Dr. J. L Jones of the State February 10, Mason County The report estimates that there Treasurer S. E. Smith seized the are 67,000 blacktailed deer, 161,- WORSHIP HIM IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTII at Assembly of God Tabernacle 710 Dearborn Phone 476.M Rev. Sam McGill, Pastor DR. MICHELSON A./Converted Jew Hebrew Christian Hour Coast to Coast Address P. O. Box 707 Los Angeles, Calif. Silent Zone mountings for tautness and quiet--everything from rear- axle strut rods to water pump seal all tidily buttoned up to give you the best to be had today. Youdon't have to be told how eyes follow you when you're be- hind this wheel. You can sample for yourself'the great ease of this gallant traveler, the comfort, the room, the thrill-of-a-litetime lift that answers every nudge of your foot on the treadle. Ecuador, South America I-ealth Department said recently that people should correct the cause of their sleeplessness, not attempt to get around it With drugs. "People who use sleeping pills are leading abnormal lives. They may be losing out on good sleep partly because they don't go o bed early enough or eat meals regularly and don't live a regular life." According to Dr. Jones, who is chief of the Division of Preven- tive Medical Services, sleeping tablets should never e taken un- less prescribed by your family doc- tor. Most commercial sleeping tab- lets are drugs which relax you artifical!y, dull your nerves and induce sleep. Constant use of these drugs will slow your re- flexes and make you mentally dull--over a period Q time your whole character and per.qonality may deteriorate. And really exces- sive use of sleeping pills can lead to death. Next time you start to reach for those sleeping pills, plan in- stead how to improve your liv- ing habits. Cultivate natural re- laxation, have regular hours, and cut out the pills. Calvary Pentecostal Church 120 East Pine St. Sunday School9:45 a.m. Morning Worship---ll:00 a.m. Sunday Evangelistic, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Prayer Meeting, 8:00 p.m. Friday Regular Meeting, 8:00 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor First Baptist Church J,I). Bovee, Pastor Fifth and Cots Streets Bible School 9:45 a.m. - Young Peoples Meetings 6:30 p.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evening Service 7:30 p.m Topic: "Why Every ChriStian Should Be Lootdng for the Return of Christ." Why wait for someday- when that someday may have to he fol- lowed by more waiting between order and delivery? Why not call your shots now- and make sure your future will be  bright and happy? We'll take your order any time-- what's wrong with right now? * AIRFoh _ ,, 4CCOItirE --_ FENDE,( $ ' PlREBAI£ pOw£ • 8UICoIL -- %YLII }ER 80 ,. .. " ;PRINGIN( _, .,,r  , FLITEwEn. ' • S- 7 PER/ffI.FIR, I r' " FUL t.. WOrN To" "'#0" PI$'--.- rEPON PARKINg" EERIN6  ORonw= "uN$ , _.. 'RO00RIZ;,2.t00OR,00, CURL.AIOUN n _ NE BCDI fEPFLEx SEAT : Tune in "'"' IEUMpER$  4fOUNTIN$ mON$ HENRy j. TAYLOR lINE SMART OD$, on fhe elf fw]c e ,._ You've probably, even BOB I00.ll¥1N MOTORS , 633 South First Street, Shelton ' Phone 673 minirg property near Hoodsport 000 mule deer, 6,000 Roosevelt in lieu of $3,000 in unpaid taxes, elk, and 21.000 Rocky Mountain The property is valued at $75,375. elk on the 19 national forests of Distraint proceedings were author- the North Pacific region. Big ized through a "jeopardy act" game animals suffered more from which permits county officials to the rigors of winter in northern take into possession land or prop- Washington than in Oregon dur- erty which has deteriorated thvu ing the 1945-46 season, it is said. neglect and disuse. The property Increases are shown in bobcats and the equipment thereon will be and mountain lions, but coyotes held by Mason county for an up- are decreasing. The report notes propriate length of time and the little change in the number of county has first option to dispose fur bearers. In numbers of skins of the property, harvested, muskrat ranked first mink second and raccoon third. Washington issued 2,516 trapper Coast Guard Academy ncenses and Oregon 2,394. Beav- er are reported to have shown a Scheduled May 7, 8 substantial recovery on areas Washington, D. C,, March 10 where the tularemia disease took Congressman Fred Norman an- a heavy toll three years ago. nounccd today that the annual Hunting pressure in 1946 was competitive examination for p- the greatest in the history of pointments to cadetships in the either state, say forest sup, ervis- Coast Guard Acadmey, will be ors. They estinate that 56,000 held on May 7 and 8. The exam- fishermen, 156,000 big game hunt- ination is open to all physically ers, and 25,000 small game hunt- qualified young men in the United ers used national forest land in States, military or civilian, be- Oregon md Washington for their tween the ages of 17 and 22. who favorite recreation. are unmarried and meet the speci- Winter reports from several fled educational requirements. Ap- forests indicate that big game is pointments are based on the re- in good condition. sult of this competitive examina- tion, Successful completion of the , ,- ,ara"ev;ew four year course at the academy, which is basically scientific in v,,,'v,r..v',,,'.v..-v,,vv..''.'vvv character, leads to a bachelor of Grapeview Community Club met science degree in engineering and last Friday evening. These mect- a commission inthq regular coast ings are certainly well attended guard, and a lively .interest is taken in Detailed information and appli- the subjects brought up for 'dis- cations are available by writing cussion. Because of the date of to Hen. Fred Norman, 1038 House their next meeting falls on Good Office Building, Washington, D.C. Friday, they changed the time to March 28. .vv.,.rvvvvv-_ .. The Baby Show, which we told Cloquallum you about last week wan a scream. In fact it went over so big that ..vv.v.-..v,.,.v..v--vvv there is some talk of having a (By Marguerite LeGault) repeat performance. To really de- The long anticipated day has at monstrate that this is a "corn- last arrived for the Cloquallum munity" club, Mr. Web Etherton folks. We are asked to turn out announced they want volunteers to finish the slashing and get ready to get togther and prune and tie to dig the holes for the light poles Ted and Mrs. Rauschert's grape to be set. All those who wish to vines. All who are interested arc work on the project will please to be at Ted Rauchert's place on turn their names in to Mike Zelc- Saturday morning, March 15th. As nac or the power committee, you know, Ted had his leg ampu- Andrew Hilboki was a caller at toted a short while ago and is un- the Arthur Hilboki home Sunday. able to do his farm work at this Mrs. LeGault was an Everett time. We think this is a very visitor last week and also called kindly gesture on the part of the on friends and relatives in Seattle men of this district -- there are and Tacoma none finer anywhere. Albert-LeGault had.e misfor- Mrs. C. J. Mathews is visiting tune to fall on a log a break three] her marrieA son in Milwaukee, ribs and also bruise his hmg. He l is now under the doctor's care , I wise' Gerald Finger, meteorologist, is The bingo party given by the[ still in Daltar, West Africa. He Cloquallum Grange was well at-[ expects to be finished up there tended and everyone seemed to en- however and back in the states in joy the evening. There will be an- about three months. other invitation extended soon foi' ' Mr. and Mrs, A10lconek, Mr. an evening of pleasm;e with bingo Ind Mrs. Elmer Wesserling and and music included. Mr. and Mrs, Bill Sund helped Mrs. Fern Annensen is on the Mrs. Ross (Mrs. Okonek's and sick list and also her youngest Mrs. Wesserling's mother) cele- daughter, brute her 70th birthday on Sat- urday evening'. Mrs. Leonard Anderson, Mrs. Ar- A very lovely stork shower was thur Hilboki andMrs. Alvin Nagcl given for Mrs. Dorotly (Burk- were Shelton business callers Men- hart) Westfall by Mrs. Richard day. Coleman and Mrs. Gerald Finger, Earnest Loertscher, James Peine, last Thursday. Prizes for guessing Eugene Anderson and Bill Ridly games went to Mrs. J. C: Lom- wt to Copalis Beach Sunday to bard and Mrs. Frank Paynton di' clams. They all got the limit with the door prize going to Mrs. allowed. Charles Schwinn. The• decorations Among those who attended the were appropriate tothe occasion bingo party were Mr. and Mrs. --large baby basket piled high Rudy Locrtscler of Montesano and with presents, an umbrella made also the Hartley Loertscher family of crepe paper, typifying a show- from Shelton. let, of course, a short clothes line As some of the past news of in- hung across a corner with tiny retest in our district has been clothes pins, place cards of" tiny crowded out for two weeks and cradles. One of the amusing our community readers are wait- things was the guests were asked ing to learn about these affairs, I:to write two names on slips of will again endeavor to tell you paper, one a boy's name and one about them. l a girl's. One guest wrote Adam The Joe Whiteing family was and I Eva. Thos  enjoying the of- very agreeably surprised by mere- ternoon were Miss I-Iattie Barker, bets of the 'Cloquallum Priscilla Miss Clara Eddy .and Mesdames club and other neighbors wfth a Frances S150oner Louise Spooner, housewarming party the early part Andrus, Sarah Hansen, Rice, of February. There were about 45 Bucldngham, Syrjala, Inga Lore- or 50 guests present, gome few bard, Pyanton. Eckert, Reeves, from the Hatchery Grange were Stratford, Hilda Okonek, Stock, also there. The evening was spent Gertrude Lombard, S c hwin n, by listening to music played by Wren, Merritt, the linnet guest the Joe Whiteing family. Arthur and the two ho,$tesses. Hilboki and Bobby Shonac were Bobby SchwiiEn and Chester there with their accordions too and Hansen made an overnight trip to also Bob Gliger with his jungle Seattle Thursday and Friday, drum. Many lovely and useful Mr. and Mrs, Charles. Chester gifts were received by the host of Snohomish visited Mr. and Mrs.. and hostess. Charles Lombard a week ago ,,The John Whitein family are Tuesday. very happy in aWictpation of the I Mr. Howard Cook is tain fly- homecoming of their eldest son, ing lessons under the G.I. bill. Francis, and his wife and child. You may have seen him darting, She is a native of Italy, They have back and forth across our sky also had word that their youngest on ecent Saturdays. son, George is to be married in Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lombard en- Texas before long. Hc is serving tertained Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buck- with the 13 S Navy. ingham of Grapevlew and Mr. and John Hilboki, and sons, Andrew l Mrs. Earl Parks of Olympia at and George, were among those who dinner last Saturday evening. Mr. received twenty-year membership and Mrs. Uhle joined them later pins. Arthur, another, son, was in the evening and they playeff • also at the meeting of the Frater- cribbage. The occasion was Mr. I nal Order of Eagles to help enter- and Mrs. Buckingham's 23rd wed- tain the members with his accord- dine anniversary. ion music which is much in de- Warren Sund, in Uncle Sam's mand both in Mason and Grays service and son of Mr. and Mrs, Harbor counties. Oscar Sund, is on lfls way home Cupee Hilboki was the proud from Japan. He expects to reach winner of the fish derby which this country in a couple of weeks. was sponsored by the F.O,E. in Though Warren has enjoyed his Montesano. He won the high stay in the far eas, like so many powered outboard motor. The fish of us,' he has learned that there that was really the winner was a is no place like home. Incidentally, twenty-pound steelhead salmon, we might add that Warren has a The ladies auxiliary of the Clo- very happy dad and mother. qua llum Grange will meet at the Mr, and Mrs. John Reeves (our place desiated at eight o'elqck W. E. Reeve's brother) spent Friday evening (the Loertscher Monday and Tuesday visiting home). - here, This is the first time they A change of plans has been made have been together in ten years, in the labor situation on the power We haven't said much about lin4. The work is to be done by Dean Buckinghan lately. For a contractor from Oregon. But months he has been going to anyone who wishes to do so may school at Bremerton under the G. sign up to work for him. Itds to T. bill, coning home on week our advantage to have as many ends and going back to the old as possible to turn out for this grind on Monday morning. It's work as it means the line will be wonderful the way these young thru in thirty days or so. At least fellows take up a course of inten- that is what we are told, Ve have sive study after their eight years one fish story in the column. Do in the grades and four years of we have .two ? Or have we at last high school. More power to them. reached our goal. Also anyone having cedar poles suitable for FLOYD WATTERS -STATE light poles in or near the district Julia Watters was appointed ad- wil!..please report the size and ministratrix of the Floyd Daniel amt 0f poles to the power corn- Wattera estate during Supeicr mittee, Court session Saturday. L-EE LOGOIA & HIS ORCHESTRA Cafe - Dancing 'Til 2 a.m. Sat., & Holidays POPULAR PRICES L. A. Welsh, Prop. MORGAN LUMBER OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1324 OLYMPIC HIGITAY $ OO PHONE 656 HAULING AND BUILDING SUPPLIES Now on Display This year we have made a special effort to ar- range for you the larget displ/y of Easter cards ia Shelton. You wil,1 find a complete assortnmnt of Easter cards to choose from, and there are appropriate cards for everyone, and a large selec ti0n of gifts. Make it a point to shop early his • year for your exclusive Easter cards at MASON COUNTY STATIONERS JOE. D. FINN -- LOCALLY OWNED 118 N. Second St. Phone ,302 \\; can save as much time, ese as many chores, and serve you as, long as the Fowler Electric Watex Heater. Pe. fecl in construction and operation, it is backed by a 20.year replacement uaram tee. Think of it! You know you have a water heater that will sea, re yOU 20 years. Its long life makes a Fowler th mast economical wan, r heater you can buy. No oilier water lieater keeps water cleaner than a Fowlercoated insid.o with doublc.thick pure porcelain. De veloped by Fowler, the pioneer manufae. turer, this gleaming glass-like lining leavcs watcr by prevention of any contact with metal. You regulate your own water temperature by the automatic and adjustable economy tem- perature control, Your heating element never burns out because the Fowler non.immersion unit operates black in. stead of red. A Fowler Electrie Water Heater is your servant for 20 years and morel 0rdcr yours today. Shelton B. W. SOPER Gevey Bui4ding Phone 15,W