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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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[ J. ii [ .x;, i&apos; 00age !2 ....... arcilda.Y lareh ]3, ]q,17 BHELTON-MASO N COUNTY JOURNAL Thursday, M -.L"__" - ' " #,a -- ... I Ill .0 words or less (minimum FOR SALE: uscd hii.B,m,,. ..... --/ I i.=Im, mIIIm,mII J=LII_lh lit charge) 3 weeks $1,00. i week SUe. It good condition. Mc .Or.' W]W'PAM I Wllllilmmll111F Imlw Ill L°weerizrstr0At r larger ads ma, [I macy. ......... ..'.,.L I,L I PERSONAL: original ';Vl.Ig.l]li.11 ..#%I . i ill Reader notices 3c per word. 75c l[ MUis saleslady. " 2.,,:' i - ,.,,,,,-, ------,-,------, II Card ofthanks,. i..00; .o,.g}.n II fine wool. Also J:.-?-_--- - i ,-,i, .* -t  • II poetry ouc per Inch; classl[le0 I JlaSSlIleQ ervlee lifid ..rv|o I[ display rates on request. I I [ ................. If Advertisements accepted over I  F-0 R -S A-LE.7---c ry-- v or-'"i-- I • ..... _ _-....vv...vv -'"-'-""''" I I the telephone from phone cub- I I house trailer 16 ft .   l BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- ] ,WTa MACHINE REPAITn l[ scrlblrs. Cash should accompany I I Shelton for .ppolnt:, --v | vice^on all makes home_and auto I T-als""parts for all makes of "sewing I I alL°ther,. rders or payment *aae ]] 1l. Bradley, tvo-nlll[d, I ] ahdlo°" ll'ranfi'Ir, i. ''o-I-2': machines. _P_.hon_o._5.9._6J.. - ..... _!_ 0"3tfn II .';:;tlo'7o ';;vJT.6$:ee"o i;i,]: II .hero Ro.d.  [ Plk hp and delivery. Closed Sat- C--T()--MEAT CUTTING and--meat I[ log. An extra charge of 10e w1U i l-IoR'sE:-el)c7 cu. fL ....... i uraays or leave work at Killmer [ =rindin" Have your locker meat cut }[ be made when billing ie nece I er. 619 Arcadia ,NIE HILDEMAN'S i Electric. ll-7tfn. I y an expermnced meat cutter.. Beef, I I sary. PHONE 100 I I FOR SALE: vetch, _cl°_!lf'Ir .___ " ...... | - - pork veal and elk and deer in sea- J PRE.SCRIPTION SERVICE. oil d - I son.' Cut, wrapped and tr mmings ], --I I hay. Will trade for;4. ll2]['lV|]].i. ] cm contracts, ore'age assmmnce, orl ,'round 3c pound Don Williams t .... .-. .... vv....v..,.,- -- Phone 9F12. ....... ___,/ --.,*ux..z | direct with you on your doctor's l a Dearborn Phone 381M a ,g:l  ....   I FOR SALE: 17 coWS,r " g'm, | order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second I._?'_'_____ "" -------"• ' .... [ J[4"t)J .PlJ posing of mixed ber.,1P - 2K:lf]ld I and Railroad. 1O-dtfn. USED TIRES: passenger and truck] ............... Icy, Star Route 1, . -- i 215R5. _.._..:v/ | rec,apin anq_repairlng, S a{n B, I FOR---S-./LE:--liand--croclictdd--ba6y I 'OR SALE-i--s;){: pip0: | ria/ guaranteed, Vern Davideon, 903 A.mlm. ;o:t" ,usLqOn an.a un_erry, I sacques, caps, boottees and soakers, l Hillcrest I=lard)vare, . | Ell)nor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn aUn%pt.erenOno ,,.. u. fl : I _A;ssortment onhand or.ordeirs taken. I -OR--S2LE.---gal, bg 0 21 __ | --- -- I ........ "" ........ -" - .......... _" ._t" I 2ars• W. A. roaL 121 E. wcoar __ Hardware.. ......  r : i 4 k r r.TROLUX I HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- I._Street:_.Ph0.n_e__fi_82 J'_ ............ 10_724tfn ] FOR SALE: garden ,1 " a_" . , Z . EXPERT FITTING and alt'erations I -----W-E-LL--DL'IL-Fox I -OR SAIE;fgood--gasolYc--i, year old. $128, 1]V/'72 done. Mrs. M. McOann, .22 South l ..................... .i. , .., I good condition Prlccd reasonable, ffOR--SXLT--iw. M 2-27 3-13 r,,,,, ..... v.--a ................ - ..... Fourth St. Phone 489 . -- er .)hone 4801 Rochester [ Inqmre 915 FRo'mont. S3-1:l , Hampshire i:Or  __ eat ........................ Rt. 2, Box "A 4"// i--I liavrr,_ Pntoct I 2-27--3-13 ] FOR SALE: ranch liay, reasonable. On : = , ..._. .... o ....  .... .... I cqq'INS VCASHED' hanoi 25c ruf- I old Mason Lake highway. K. ' ] .......................................... 121 3 6 20 topcoat size -;I0. Lii(I I   -- I I 15F8. Also second growth wood for fled 35c. Hlllcrcst, Boundary 1912. [___Ant)tony, Itt. Z, Ifix,.. :.__. _.--_, [ Phone 290R, ! i I t ! I eale. Cut ah.ut four months, f/tin I It3-6-13 i FOR SALE: 16-incn t.:nevrolet wheels ' l at Pershall's Associated station, 3 F--OR---SA--I--t.dem I.-] 1  I i I miles south on Olyoipla highway. [ riding tractoi::-NeW ¢ )'] r$ ! ] | ) | Slmlton 22-F".-L._.:J".| ]/ 1/ ! • -- i 3"6"20 i OR SALE: ,J CONSTRUCTION WORK I r.nge, l,ko nw. m,.._-- Z-----V--'-- Fills and Basement Digging [ Executive and Typewriter Styles [ oC-XEheL: . .... d I Reasonably Priced [ used. $10, Earl E. Lll._-'------- • oaos travele [ TYPEWRITERS ,ickinson St) <o; TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS [ 1 Burroughs electric Shelton, Wasll tionally fine condl.'lt II. ..... I 1 Remington-Rand i M°na'ch w°°d l:l--_ Prompt Serwce -dR- SX LE__iS-: -;  --  L i qL,l L iWk,a. [ Very Nice Condition- Bargains I Furniture Co/ JL rmano i Route 2, Box'251(l)l. A/T "'KT P. CtT [ Used garden tractor w i t h and chickens. L,. Ai#! limits on cMatlock_[ ' . ,. ,,-x...', , J. [ plow, cultivator, good condi- ]b-0R--s'IE;-use(Ia r I-' ,. " Union, Washington Pimne Union 354 I tlon, $135. "" 00|b00viation, Ele, I S. L. PEARSON a SON i R 120 E. Pine Phone 676 adio and REAL ESTATE , r I'()I SALE: four-rworn house.  ae, ro of land. Wood shed, gilrag0, electric pump and drillcd well. One mile outside Shdlton on t)aved road, I:'hone 282J. M1-30tfu FOR SALE: nlodern five-room house .. with basement, oil furnace, nice view aml walking distance from towu, d27 Harvard or call 9W. E1-9tfn. - I[ i in i ,i NEW ANGLESIDE HOMES No G.I, Priority Required Skillfully designed by quali- fied architects, large modern windows, beautiful hardwood floors, 40-gallon automatic electric water heater, oil floor furnace. Convenient utility room and carport, sunny kit- chen overlooking patio. Large wardrobes, and ample storage lockers, Choice lots, all on busline. Better Home Builders Call )tck Kieburtz Phone 1.6D-J I . Classified Service radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phone l12W. PIck up and delivery. Closed Sat- urdays, or leave work at Killmer Electric. ca/ contracts, old' age assistance, or direct with you on your doctor'h order. Prepp's Drug Store. Second and Railroad. 10-3tfn. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- F() P, SA IA,] FUl'liihed [l-l'OOlli lllilli('l'll ]ionic. garag( lind conn,'Cling pol'ch large corner h,t. lawn, wsiklL t{ea(ly I.o llltJ%' into: prlc#t $500f}, (Jtll/J ICI'IlIS, ('!io.11( nl!w]y rt |t1€3 Jf:lq:(] IH.IIM i'. O11 South 1"1ill U(!lll*lll foundath)n. shower, OilIy ,35(Jti. ,)-FOOIII Ri)rill-l]lof(i)l'll, ,i(J3f). 60-fool Tiu.,;in(,s,; lot ou E. Iin0 rttqlr Idirsl, "inchldJll 2-.[I.I "V ,frttrllt buih]hl( ,.villi phniibing', ,r)3ljlJ. ()vc!r two af.rt!3 oi "i11( s(,il, will} ,I-i.o()nl [Hof|ii'll ]'l()Hc, .III,H fiii.lwd. f,llrlfnt flstl/ltlsltil)t. Wtl'(,d [or ,*h!c. tric rlln(', ,:ilb. %vhloP It f('w fruit h'fcs; insld;" ti v i ) it.< It bny at $6,500• 2 lot.q Oil lt. Vif%V wllh ct'l'llellt J'oIlt) d a [,1 ¢ii1 [€'1' hi'ills( h)t'Audtng atlii-tloor lit)(] hllnbt!r and n.+ti] for franiiliK, Clly water, light:3: $].5(}0 terms or $1,t00 (!ash, 3 h)ts in St(wart,'s Addi(]nn, iotal J Ze 150 X 129, facing' on tWO stre(,Is, city wRtor, light, f(illll(]llth)li ready for ]arg( IIOUS, A I')argain at $700. Cl(,+sr(d lol ltli Cal)iirl ]llll, new] graded s(r<;el water snd liglits; at. $300, For really bUY'L consult it Roalior II. C. ZINTItEO Title Ins, Bldg. Phon  157 3-13-20 REAL ESTATE For Sale: aerifice 20 a(',re8 tnd large modern sealed log t]011.C; eoi]cre];e fotnldat|on, 2 b(..+drooins and bath downstairs, fine cabinets, fireplace, fine bottom soil, 2 acres cultivated $1,500 down. Open afternoons, 11 , miles from Belfair on old Ircmerton Hlway. I n q u i r e Star Rout 2, Bremerton, Box 788. _ ;-i3-1t USED CARS JfO'R RAI]: '3t Cbev, nul,t(,r, n(,w panlt, Ii]otor oVerhaUh!d, n(w rctir end, !!0{). Also Ii' inboard hod(., 150. iew nlOtOr, Mt. View Gro- cery Ciibin No. 1. L3-6-27 2"Oil SALE : - 103.t Cl'i[;',[--ioi¢)li. $150 casli, 942 Iast Dearborn. M3-.6-]3 "l"OIt SALEi ",11." Fbrd," ] A, iidi,;b'i//h(i and ilouse furnished, $3.000, Inquire F.mnmtt Lancy, St, Rt. 1. Box 119, Skokoilish Va]h?y• 3-6-20 FOII SALE: 1931 Mod(dA ri)adster, good condition, $250, PlK, ne 290R, M3-13 IP(}I SALE; ].928 (!hrysler m'xian, Model A Ford. Inquire Naval Hous- ing Apt. 707. 1)3-13 ib()R SALE: tv;5-i;l-i57:i=Ji-f6fii" yard dlllnp trucks, new 8:25 l, lres resdy to .ork, SofJ WCS Jolln,on, Ci'II (,I)urator lit Tt*.anL Truck. M3-13-2(} FOR-*SALE: lieW 1946" Kaiser and Frazor 4-door seda/i. Inquire over Vanity D(Lnxe ]3cauty Shop, L3-13 son motorcycle $t65. one two to utie )'llal'illo re[uctJon gear and a{'ce- series, for any V+,8 engine $75; one rt.condil.loned power take off unit tl,r Ford irtlck $18 : une Vflllghn lLIJ, drag saw, dtsassenll)led $12.50, 192 Chev• Std, s dim $450• L; C, NELSON, l))mne 676, l.aiser-Frazm' (;arage, 3-6 "i/'b ff"SAiSET-r<ZFfk]IZ i ti")')ai['b',-ii'(i" (iS' 484cliadcr orator, hi8 Park, pil(>nc F3-6-2(i e',vvvv'vw-,"r  "iv ,w 'vvv" vv v vv"B"w"wm WANTED TO RENT VA NTED T(} Itli]NT: standurd J:}'pe- %v riter ill good condil ion, Wl.lto 'rant:i;l A[gl'r, St. Rtt,, 2. ]3ox 106. 3.-13 LOST AND FOUND LOST: red Cf)cklq" SpanhH from An- ghstdc 8hl(,'e Fcl)rultry 21. R4.ward. Phono 1]IIL A3-6-]3 CA'lID OF AI l liE( IATION M ly %vc (xtf*lld ]I1 t]ltl *iVIl otlr slll- Piq'P tll)l:)l•t('t:ltion fc)r {i1¢ I([i]dllCSSeS, stmlliat'l'ltes fl.t*id bPaLitiful fh)lal pil,ees (/i'(*(wed u dl,lrin' f)Ul" t)q,rtavt,nllInl )i' qlllr h,red oi)(,, ,P.all'd'l OsterbertT. Mrs, Franli ().l.crbel'K and falnily '1rs. An'lalldl (')sterb<q'g ,ll'a, ]PalIII,V ]{tlJ- f0<l ear Oteri)(;,rl MrM, (.lertrud¢,* Palil0y Lennart Osicrberg Mr's. ;lncz Danlmanil CAIII] OF TIIANItS [ti, y We ¢.XICU(I lit tlli. wuy Ollr Sill- t'('l'( sppr{!cililion ff)Y ttlQ, I{in(tn88v ymtlth cs and beaut IFtil floral ph,ce, (,}'f l+{d If( fllll'ing ollr brrea.vilnienl, of illl" bcdov('d busblJnd and fatli(n', Clif- lord 1%5ii I ere. Alnb;t Watt(trs flrid FOllS :No'.rlCl.l OF CI,OSIN(I II I,;G I,WIHA TI ON BOOK NotJ.',e i llProby giv(Yn lhst lbo )'eft- lrali( books uf Lliiiwa, up, Ilouds. i.'lrtl and k()k,o)ltsh l)rerinc(s will bP. efe4ed for rtl'tglll;ll r(,gisiratlon'# on ( I aid after al'Ch 22nd 1}H7, foJ' I' l);riod of two week8 ])rccodill/# the 4t..,cJal E/eclion ]'€)l' ann+×i)lg terri- tory tO l:[ood>;pdrt /fire l:'rolecti0u Dis- Ll'ici NO. I OU ApI'jl 5ill. 19,1"/, StlSIE t], PAIJLI']Y. Auditor of ]IRion Ct.ultty lind }'Logislrar OP Voliq's• 3-6- J,ti-20 -.,3 (. REAL ESTATE vvv v v v v v , v  v vvdrvvw FOR SALE: 5-room modern homo, huilt-lns,, automatic water lleater, elcetric rltngc, oil clreulator, excel- lent location, 732 Stevens St• Phone 776R. D2i27--3-13 FOil SALE; 80 acres. I0 clcared, 4- room house, barn, farm implements. Inquire after 5 p,m, week days, Rte. 1, 'Box 45, Shellon, Wn, $2-27--3-I3 I I FOR SALE 4-Room Modern ttome, close in with fruit trees and good gar- den tract. Also electric refrig- erator and oil cook stove. Cash $3450.00 6-Room Modern Home with large utility room nd ooler room, Excellent soil, own wa- ter pressure system, chicken house and yard/Property 200 by 200. Cash $5360. Terms, $5,600 with $2,000 down. 160 Acres, good soil and 5- room modern home, plastered. Gravity water system. 300 cords of wood in fir and alder timber. Located about 10 miles south of Shelton.. $8500.00 HERB ANGLE Angle Bldg, Phonc 30,1 FOR SALE: I0 acres land. 3 miles Oll Arcadia road I&ear school, bus line, cot)ld [,t: sub-divided• Inquire W• L Danicis, Rt,:. 3, Box 187, 2-273.13 "'( "'H.'I:E : 'k ""llTJiis-' 76"ff-F/m iifl'ord to bliy iu Itoodsport, Wash.. at $2700, ,1 roonis and baib, fnrnittl)ed. See Mrs, M• J. l(ilby, IIoodsport, Wash, 3-6-13 FOR SALE: new''2-bedl"o()nl hous0 and garage, $5500. On Mountain View. Inquire Mike Wieder, Star Route 1. Box 33B (near Roller Rink) 2-27--3-13 -iisi{-]}Ai:i:-ii:7:bl;ny- i75{Jsb, ' on- 41/., acre: of ground. Good wcll, chicken 1lOUSe. big garden spot. Located on lsabdia Lake loot) on Lost Lake Road. Phone 616R4, L3-13-29 F()I SAIE: larg:o 3"-iKifi'iTJfiVlSiihc; some furniture for sale also, 233 South 8th, it, Keh'. 3-13-20 i,OR S Xi] E - 26- -a ]F(,, --6--'iY.:h]' dY-7iJi) fi waterfront on Plcke.ring Pass- age, 10 miles fronl Shelton, gravity water, chic| l'h:ii y and telephone, hUllSC, lal'aglL chicken house, wood- sb0,d, fruit trees and herries and sonic tirubor. Maldor Lundqulst. phone 4-])'-23. 3-13-20 "FOR SALE: on tI()};d-Ci{nlll-.t Hoods- porl, 5-roonl Unllller honle, Oil [ur- ntlc , fJrcl)lace, Venetian shades, lulotly pine interior. 84 ft, beacb, -lllllledlail, occupancY. P]lon(! 3]JI or Bo. 1.23 II(mdsl)Ot' L .............. W8-13-27 7(JR-SALE: two hollies, ](J ttlld 20 acr()g, fruit trces outbuildings. Rea- sonably priced, Dosewailips Road• Contact R. Bennett, Brinnon, Wash# 3-13-27 "FOR 'SALE : 4-rooo{ 'ilotis'(.',"- oJle acre round bearing fruit, flowers, built- u cablnels and including linolcum, )lew shade curtains and window screens iu Mid Skokomish Valley, St. Rte. 1, Box 9.1, ]t. W. LePage, $2650, 3-18-27 i rR--sXY, iT;i#/'---4,:'ai;Si;-;iJSa I' conditioil. 1)hone 198J. ' $3-I3 / t,l:/i:-8? i,ii]T'- % 6 " k'-i (i0- 'i 5C-i=,Kii:--8 |"' 8tl] and' Alder. Phone 284R• ] ......... F3-6-20 / FOR SALE: waterrroht lot, excop- | tional view. boat harbor, $500. Lo- t cat(!d eight miles frolo Shelton, Con- cord Jeacli Addition. Sec. 21. Town- shil) 20, Range 2. Owner, 8517 Tentb N,W., Seattle 7, Wash. Phone Dcx- tcr 5082, E3-6-20 i i i i[1111 I FOR SALE 5-room modern home newly rebuilt, located close in $6200. 325 feet of waterfront includ-' ing all tidelands, good beach witl Low bank. Also 13 acres of good land, large house and outbuildings. Good fishing on bay. This is very desirable waterfront i)roperty. Priced at ............................. , ......... $7500. 1.77 ft. of waterfront and 3- roon modern home, electric water system, Located near Alln. Will make excellent year-round ,flroperty New 3-room house nearly ready for occupancy, located close-in. $22(}0 with $400 down, Auto-park and trailer camp with over 2 blocks of prop: erty, which includes 17 rental houses and cabins, operating store and equipped service sta- tion. Well located on maln ht- way, Will make an excellent investment for some operator. See it today, Plenty of prop- crty for expansion. 300 acres cattle ranch with 35 acres under cultivation. All machinery including new trac- tor. This will make an excel- lent investmcnt for an opcra- to]'. Paying property. 2-room well builL lmuse located on watdr-front lot on Lake NehwltZel. Includes funflture for living• Has running water in house and electric lights. %Vill lnalie a fine place for year-around home or summer l')ropcrty. $2450 casl], • 4-roonl nmdern home, includ- ing electric Hot water heater and oil eirculat0r. Has nice yard and is well located• $3750. ,I-room mod(irn home with ex- tra lot and in good condition• Located cLose-in. $48,)0,00. 9(}-acres illchtding 3 re. house and plenty of out-buildings, Plenty of wood timber, Creek runs Urougl ln'operty, good htu]ting and £hing', HERBERT G. ANGLE An',gle Bldg. Phone 304 ........... =.,..=. ............ =L ....................... =-=_ ii IT S NOT A H' OME UNTIL IT'S PLANT'ED I ' I T .... Cook Plant-Farm Annuals - Perennials- Pottcd Plants - Vegetable Plants - Bulbs = Cut Flowers I-L W. Cook, Prop. Rt. 3, Bx. 265, Shelton, Wash. 2 Miles ou Cole Rd. 'V'tyVfF'V V'qtV -4r s*','v -- v vql , Classified Service ,qvr V VV V VVV ' V V 'VV VV'Vv Stoves and Furnaces vAcuuM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service i Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair, 0 Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Ropalred O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX I I! CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop • JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys I FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 I I MOVING TO NEW LOCATION At 119 FRANKLIN ST. From 228 S, 2ND ST. A. F. OPPELT Swedish Massage, Zone Therapy, Mineral Bath -.rer. -T-- S-I.G-N-S Window  Highway TRUCK LETTERING A SPECIALTY Carl J. Arney Co. 219 N, Capitol Way Phone 5865 OLYMPIA, WASH. I III DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone 112-W 1221 Franklin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Klllmer Electric SHARP, ENING Lawnnlowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Keys, Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop , Third and Cota PHONE 24, H Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 MATHENQ & COMPANY CEMESTO HOME PREFABRICATORS For Information Contact ROBERT LEMAN 408 N. 12th Phone 665-J or Write P.O. Box 252, Slmlton 3-134-3.--4t VV'V'v'r'vv''P V V 'q*"'r'V 'qP"WVV'V'*VVVV'q FOR RENT FOR I:tENT: 2 roonis, uafurnishcd, (lowntown. Phone. 64, K3-13 'lJdR" RENT: -Bedutifiili "loeiit%d on North Bay and state highway 14A at AIlyn. washington, nown a Baysido Apts, Management fqr.a- snes usgal urniture an.d furnish- togs, no£ and cola ,tinning water, !'efrlgeratl0n, electric lights, oil D urnqr and. laundry facilities, Apartment prices from $5 to $8,50. ablns $15 end $17,50. W. A. BeaK. icy0 Manager, 3-28-tfn worii nnu care of children for free }'et end eompetlsatlon. Inquir0 Rlt- ller's Ca£e, l*16tfa, qp, ,qp' V,r,V,.r ,ql,qp,v-,qr V-q ,V ,V,8,,p, V, V qr r V 'qr N Classified Service I-IOM PLANNING SERVICE, do- signs, details and cost cstlnmtes, Lel us help you plan your kitchen• We design and manutaeture cabinets. Phone Shelton 8.-F-31. ..... _: .3S13"20_ ItAVE YOUR GARDEN PREPARED ready for planting by the Ro- totiller method. Inquire Cook Plant Farm, Route 3, Box 265 or Forrest Flowers. 3-6-20 DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Hall. Good music good time. ' WS-30tfn. FOR HIRE: farm tractor work. Ali modern, fast equipment, any place, any time. Located at Kamilche. M. M. Lytle. Rt. 1. Box 105, 2-20---5-8 Shelton Shoe Repair next to Gra- ham Theatre. V3-13--4-3 tlst Church Sunday night on "Wily every Christian should bo looking for Christ's return." 3.13 CUR-'rkINS-L--AUNDERED: hicc, pan- el or ruffle, also lace table clothes. 1409 Railroad. E3-6-20 I RAY'S JEWELRY o Prompt Watch Repairing o 117 Cota street Phone 633 O Exchange Your Old Alarm Clock O Westclox Alarm Clocks Now In Stock and many others, t Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCI:PTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 • For 17NION PAINTERS Call 221-J-5 H, G. ANDERSON Business Agent OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 II 'm THE GIFT BOX 200½ West 4th Olympia Wash. We invite you to visit onr shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-tfn Batteries Rebuilt Guaranteed FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street 1-9 tfn PLOWING - DISCING HARROWING Gardens - Acreage - Lawns TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY F. E. OGDEN Rt, 2, Box 18  PIlone 14-W J ROBERSON & FONZO • Heating & Plumbing Everything ill Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large oz' Small 222 S. 2nd Plmnc 685 $ i ii PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street " NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 6!] IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US I&mition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FAY AUTO REBUILD 513 Park Street Phone 284,R BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING -- UPHOLSTERING General Slleet Metal Work LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 i TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R, Lewis, President Blanch B. Bcll, Viec.Prcsidcnt C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE DON'T THROW IT AWAY We can Make It Like New -- We Repair Anything, From a Little Red Kiddy Kar to a Ten-Ton Truck No Job Too Big or Too Small Automotive - Diesel, Marine, or Farm Machinery Household Articles - and Gadgets All Types of Welding Silvcr Soldering, Aluminum and Erasing Cylinder Honing, Valve Refacing, and Seat Regrinding DONE ANYWHERE - FOR ANYONE LEO C. NELSON 120 E, Pine Phone 66 3/6-1t i KIMBEL OIL CO. " RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W _. ] I CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. II II AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK CO EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 Mr£CHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP o SIECIAIIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDIlG REBORING the Clcam Way VALVE SEAT GRI1NDING WATER PUMP REBILDNG BRAKE DRUhI REFIIISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton Working condition, i/5 - X L-7---i- cl ' cedar fence postS.' 0th delivery. Write Bog ( office. CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING FOR SALE: fresh Jersey cow; One- FC)R-SAI]I: Sincla)r ! Surge ))Hiking machine, pump and coils, good as ncW, two units. Inquire L. G. Sister, Rte. 1, Box 232, b-aelton Valley. 3-6-13 FOR-SALE: worl(h° F-() t.-- S.L E --2-wh e e i---Shult z---I r all c r 111.  house, Price $450. R, Franklin, Star ORS.A.-L-i.'b-b, ic Route 2, Shelton. Phone 1F22. culator heater, $F+'l 3-6-20 phone 596J. Mar hay; first ,quality baled oat straw. James Lot,zgesell. Sequin), Wash, One kitchen cabin bt Phone Seqmm 8Fll. 3-6-27 tor; phonograph; . -- - Goffer and Satfler " GOOD USED FURNITURE 1 Montag wood circulat- or ...................................... $39.50 1 Glcnwood circulator" .. $49.50 1 Kerosene Circulator .. $49.50 2 Davenport and chair sets .................................. $89,50 Living Room Chairs from ................ $7.50 to $29.50 Oak Drop Front Desks $18.50 Winsor .Rocker ....... , "':7 $.50.,, Oak LK$ary Tac ........ $,50 Birdseye Maple Dresser $24•50 Olsen Furniture Co. 325 Railroad Ave, 5th and Railroad ii F--0--ff-"S.bne Chevrolet tractor, $300 cash, Oscar E. Nelson, Grape- view, Wash. 2-27--3-13 }0R--SXIJE :--g--ff  { 5 F -ii, a-t e 7- ii2i gas lteater. Porfeet condition. 322 S. 3rd Street. C2-27tfn. ill ill  I Kitchen Cabinet SINKS Stainless Steel and Mica Tops $129,50 to $219.50 0LSEN FURNITURE 325 Railroad 5th and Railroad WANTED WANTED: '32 four clyindbr Plymouth motor• 518 Park. Phone 284R. F3-6-20 Y forraer Navy and alt. t flieir old ratin etilist as seamen, le- ays. Ex-Armv 177 'First Class[ -- J Officer ratio ' moa%hs, g 368R.  0OME IN AND FOR SALE: one you I sow ; one register e, W• McQuilkin, Rou Shclton. -='--ffa U'S COA FOR SALE: fic V_aJlt tractor, complete - RE00RUITI00 disc, cultivator, sp row. Also milk aria, e , Leander Geist RoU,', Harstine Ferl MU N I C;I P'A L VandcrWai, oute ' Second AVe., Seat ate). FOR SAIJE-:"large-, er, three used insl shape, extension ood chairs. MrS, 29 Pine. 'OR SALE:-kitcben- FARM.DAi and water tank, yp SUPI p6 i ---S ALE .7"---d hic s Each one 'produceS,'l Flora, RoutO 1, l?li.1  FO00. ()dLt "ie ' 10illor[,.ltl; pail" good qualitY., [ 0 slightly faded. Inqu'-J[[ L Hotel. ____.. ging Harnes motor. Also 6 * -- Utility lathe and power ",.i 10F2.  :. Lawrence 'FOR- S ./L E -:-', G tiig+/,'. . ,, i,.d A. ao-l: Hudson Un Hudson OiU Burr Silent Sioux Oil Bi '4{ $" We Are Hudson Foe Rite.Way Cr Univers Roth and 6 t :1: tho & A0me In L°ggi luipn and Oth bits. Inou 2, Box 6%]. /.ll,, • lights, ball hitch,. 't ' ity Gregg skiiS,  [i • . , bS  down sleeping 1 ' 5:30 p.m. to 6:30..j  watt light plantS,  pair parts, $25; .'l Co.. 218 North Flr- : FOR SAL3' i plants. Watcher First St. Phone 'tll, n,s00ings. A, so dog. Waunita G ,I li ell Ranch in sbe'Jl., "FOR SALE : plies. Wagene: FOR SALE: 5 [. T. D. Clark tween FOR SALE: drag saw. or phone 797J. KI fixtures, and ( made to order. Phene 217R2 Bros. CONVERT to oil. See the • Air Flow Sam B. Smith W /Nr E -:--6ifi an---f o--- i i{C- li6i. ,= Cherry. Ob work and as companion for lady. Stay nights. Write Route 1, Box 80. C3-6-20 WXi iqKD- -i.iii:l ih i[-pi a n 8-]'a--gK6 d con: dition. Write stating price. F. Silva, Route 3, Box 233, Shclton. 2-27:--3-13 WANTED: used bricks, about 10.000. Inquire A. T. Walton, phone 564R, 2-27---3-13 FOR SALE : W.( N T E D=. --iifd-- okT-"pf: 6inp t f ÷ e 6 ; courteous service. Phone us collect. Elma 1Fll. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Inc. 2-27tfn. WANTED: women to wor as oyster cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tfn wanteO W.AITRESS.and kitchen help Sh°tt .. Apply ilotei nelton Cff,e WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect• 1-1tfn W A N-Ti D " --X-L-DER--- APL E _ -Tb-P PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill. Lynch Road and HI- way, four miles eotrth of Shelton. 8-29tfn. W R  T-Eiff-TU ---U 7 :-- Kl; h)- r--d- KiV- izer. ook Plant Farm, Route 3. Box .265 (Cole Road). 3-6-20 WANTED:--youfig-S&:vibe - bifli--'Giv6. welght, ago and price. Write Box M, c-o Journal office. M3-13-27 WA NTED'--'Mo d (l--A'- F6].d-- (gi" triik. ninst be In runnlng coudition. Rte. 1, Box 219. Ed Brndt 3-13 WANTED : experienced cllc'ola-t'-dt- ___pc,..Phone 788. N3-13 WANTED: SOlUoono to refinish and remake htb]e. Inquire Journal of- lice or phone 274J. B3-13tfn. "WANTEb: unpeeled Douglas fh" spa*' n)aterial. Sultable for machine turn- ing. Length '26 to 60 ft, with 10 and 14 inch minimmn top diameters. Sec- ond growth permlssible. Truck, rail or water delivery acceptable. Cas- cade Pole Co. P,O. Box 743, Ta- cools, Wash. 1-13--.t-3 Miscellaneous FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone. 799-,i for appoint- mcnt or call at 1416 Sununit Drive, FOR SALE: see .' for auto and Mill $9-26 WE ARE DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equipment. Home freez- ers, locker plants, milk coolers, etc,, cold storag doors and insulation, ortable coolers power meat saws, 'Cat Line of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants, Prices right-- oulck deliveries. MISKELLA RE- RIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9690, Olympia, on the Highway at ud Bay "Y'L P.O. Box 612. 2d7-tfn O'Neill Buildin! BRIG.S AND gas engine. glen Way Phone ATTE zs. been a] FOR SALE: area for t lain lined. water heaters BURC] ture Co,, 325 Railroad. FOR SALE: BUILT IN condition, blankets place  1, and other linc:g hand or orders :i'[: MORRI Apparel 1416 Su , , ,E crest, phone 799'a' . BU I LT I N water ,tank an f#l bo,er, ,80 oash."00 ARD A) A-1. ,. s. ap00ro,'ed, 'r00il H[ flocks. Onty o)illlll .Wagner Feed - MOTORS 1st. CO Furnace Co " Thcrmostati ; | -|  i,vraders To 3, 9' ' S0 te YOU to drop $8 !l ,?tthe finesse pt, ,sl rd,aBLE PRICE' Full All t0111]ll' Q. er "1 ..... ' Y ' n th ,-ea now ' .... G th r W e Spring fishin, lYlo0r lyuru _. ay. • 10-In Burner - B'"L