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Hearing Evidence In Trep÷ow Trial
((htled from Page One) He asked Cates if he thought She stated that she had seen
older man was lying
and the younger
15, testified
to the Post Office
and her aunt
the three men
they arrived.
the older man
the gun pointed at
men and that
the older man slap
two young men.
she had seen
fire hose sprayed
Young men, and, be-
Same man who was
was the one who
in his hand at
that the older man
and the young-
the gun when she
e, Tahuya, told the
on his way home
he had seen Cates
the road with a
land and saw a
! the road.
he shouhl h.'!n', the fire truck
over and water down the road in
case any gasoline had been spil-
led in the accident, and, had
gone and gotten the fire truck.
He said he had started the fire
truck up and got the pump work-
ing, and, that water had been
sprayed on the boys at some
time. Tharpe said Cates and
the hoys were having an alterca-
tion, and, he heard the shot fired.
Cares was on the ground and
the taller of the two boys was
hoMing the gun.
Asked if he didn't "get th
fire truck out to hse down th
occupant of the car", by Shires,
Tharpe replied with an empha-
tic "no."
Tharl)e testified he had picked
the gun up and had put it in
the cab of the fire truck.
Margaret Livingston testified
she and her sister and niece had
come to the postoffice to mail
some items and she had obser-
ved the disagreement between
the men around the fire truck
which was parked in the road.
the hose turned on the younger
men, but, couldn't say for sure
which of the two older men was
holding the hose at the time, but,
believed that Cates had the gun
in one hand and the hose in the
other at the time.
Frances Huson, Tahuya Post-
master, told the jury she heard
the noise when the car went over
lhe bank and had gone to inves-
tigate. She had seen Cates come
across to ih scene from his car
with a gun in his hand and
had heard him tell the young
men "stay right where you ar.
until the sheriff arrives."
She said she had gone into the
Post Office and called the Sher-
iff's Office and had come back
()'at several times to see what
was going on.
Members of the jury hearing
the case are Allen McGee, Sally
Kimble, Corrine CIary, Anna
Marie Pyle, Lester Fields, Glen
Butler, Vincent Connolly, Arnold
Livingston, William Hughes, Mar-
ilyn Viger, Harriet Cheplak and
Ernest Maynard.
Golf Club Calendar ....
the men's Wednes-
matches top the
March meeting
Club next Wed-
at the Bayshore
SA served at 7:00
sorority cooks,
business meet-
chairman of
is scheduled
for league oper-
this year. He
il0LE CLUB MEETS Their weekly play resumes
next Tuesday, Captain Hazel Dur-
and announces, and the annual
tea and style show, an affair
• open to members and guests, is
scheduled for March 27 at the
Bayshore clubhouse at 10:00 a.m.
Jay Elder of Olympia again .....
will stage the style show. Tic-
kets may be obtained at Kay's
Draperies for $1 each.
need play will
ay follow-
of daylight saving
activities of the
the men's club
d also.
go into "for-
the third time
When the March
the Central Golf
place at Ocean
Previous CGA
held at Cosine-
and Willapa Har-
the latter a
Dick Bostrom
Shelton squad's
matches at the
meeting next
Sixty Le÷termen
Return +o Squad
Twenty-one returning letter-
men are getting in shape for the
Shelton IIighclimbers inter-class
meet March 19 and 20. Time
trials are being held today and
Thirteen seniors and eight jun-
iors make up the letterman list
for Coach Bill Brickert's Clim-
bers. Abbreviations are " HJ
high jump, HH high hurdles,
MR mile relay, PV pole vault,
JA javelin, LH low hurdles, LJ
long jump.
The seniors returning are John
Flower, LH; Dave Fitzgerald,
I J-I; Ross Godwin, distance; Kurt
Grubb, HH; Dick Shrum, HJ;
Larry Hergert, PV; John La-
Marsh, 440; Paul McQullkin, dis-
tance; Les Okonek, sprints; Scott
Puhn, 440; Gene Purvis, weights;
Bill Richards, weights; Doug
Wright, PV.
Juniors are Scott Busack, H J,
HH, MR; Jim Connolly, distance;
Vic Downer, PV, Ja; Dallas Gun-
AIRMAN David A. Williams
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roger
Williams, Shelton, has com-
pleted basic training at
Lackland AFB, Tax. He has
been assigned to Chanute
AFB, Ill., for trning in air-
craft maintenance. Airman
Williams is a graduate of
Shelton High School.
Hearing On
Funds For
• The ,L S. House Appropria-
tions subcommittee on Interior
and related agencies Monday
N SEASON'S opens hearing on the Geological
I[ONTH Survey budget.
tar, 440, LJ; Randy Lewis, PV, Included will be a review of
the feminine con- HJ; Jim Spilseth, PV; Warren the propo6ed EROS satellite
Shelton Golf Club Workman, weights; Joel Zehe, which would map natural resour-
ion too. 880.
ces using three television cam-
eras and exotic photographic
200 .Mil techniques EROS was the sub-
n H a s I, e s ject Feb. 4 of a public presenta-
tion in Olympia.
ROads For Logg,ng Work the Office of Saline
Water and Office of Water Re-
sources Research justify their
Timber Company's
ow totals more
ers, fishermen and outdoor re-
creationists are finding their way
into the areas to enjoy the beau-
ty of the woods. One can see
the reforestation going on each
year and watch the new forests
grow. Schmidt says this is the
best way to watch nature renew
budgets before the committee
which Rep. Julia Butler Hansen,
of Washington State's third Con-
gressional dist-,dct, chairs.
Office of Oil and Gas and the
office of Coal Research appear
Wednesday. On Thursday, the
Bureau of Indian Affairs' bud-
get will be reviewed by the Hart.
its bounty and the public is wel- sen Committee.
come to be part of this audi-
ence. _
Directions can be obtained to _d27/'
visit this outdoor showcase by
inquiring at the Simpson office /-..,--,'...L
in Shelton or the U. S. Forest YIV" ll][' p'
Service Shelton District office. Jr--- -- "" tk-
Con gra t, uo la tions
Bob's Shoe Tree
on Your Grand Opening !
We at Lumberman's are proud
to have been the supplier
of lumber products
used in remodeling your store.
Just another way we're
"Building Mason County"
of Shelton
1st & Pine 426-2611
and is probably
I counties road
im, announces
r., Washington
of new roads
roads were built
With the U. S.
and are in the
ag areas of the
Sop and Skoko-
Wevle miles of
leered in the se-
Lh of Simpson
. t miles were
ravelled for cur-
! Part of the val-
a Well managed
..Program, says
Year more hunt-
If Traimng
John W. Ander-
d Mrs. Clar.
Shelton, and
r Miss Pat,
gles, Ariz.
Flight Sys'-
Naval Air
rse includ-
s, aviation
to the next
the Naval
Jury Finds Frank Collins Not Guilty On Driving While Intoxicated
A Mason County Superior
Court jury last week found Frank
W. C(;llins, Shelton, not guilty
of driving while intoxicated.
Collins had al)pealed a con-
viction from Justice Court to the
higher court.
Collins had been arrested on
the charge Oct. 10, 1968 by State
Trooper Henry Dean, who was
the principal witness for the state
in the case.
The prosecution's case was
handled by Frank Owens, Olym-
pia attorney, who serves as de-
puty prosecut(:r to Prosecuting
Attorney John C. Ragan.
Dean testified he was on pa-
trol the night of Oct. 10 and
had obseryed a car cross over
the center line as he met it near
Kneeland Park in Shelton. lie
turned around and followed the
car up the hill to Hillcrest and
observed it weaving as it went
up the hill. The car had turned
off the Highway and then onto
Ridge Road where the driver
Clearing Protect
• The Department of Natural
Resources announced this week
it has let a contract for 310
acres of scarification on the old
Skokomish Road. The work con-
sists of removing trees and brush
to make way fr a Christmas
Tree plantation. The Department
also announced it is starting its
seeding program Monday.
stopped for the red light whic.h
had been turned on in the patrol
Dean said Collins was alone in
the vehicle, lie testified that he
smelled a strong order of intoxi-
cants and that the man's eyes
were bloodshot and that he stag-
gered when he got out of the car.
Collins, Dean said, was unable
to perform the test of walking
a line heel to toe and the finger
to nose test.
Collins was taken to the Mason
County Seriff's office where he
was booked into jail, Dean said.
Collins, 51, testified he lives
alone at 1719 Ridge Road. He
said the night in question he had
gone to the Shelton Recreation
bowling alley and tavern after
eating dinner and had drunk
three beers and played a few
games of shuffelb:mrd.
He left there between 11:30 and
midnight, Collins said, and stop-
ped at Bob's Tavern where he
got two orde,'s of chicken to go
and started home. The road up
the hill was under construction,
he testified, and he had to sort
of "feel" his way up.
He stated he turned left on
Cascade and then right on Ridge-
road when he observed the red
lgiht$ of the patrol car flashing
and stopped.
He stated he had one leg which
gave him trouble and he stum-
bled a little when he got out of
the car.
Collins said he wasn't asked
to do any tests and was taken
to Mason County Jail after rid-
ing around about 10 or 15 min-
utes with Dean and another man
who was in the patrol car.
He stated that after he was
booked into jail, he had called
Gale Albrecht, owner of Shelton
recreation, and Albrecht had
come down to the jail and bail-
ed him out.
Collins stated he and Alhrecht
stopped at the 40 and 8 club
where Albrecht was to meet some
people who had been at his place
of business when he closed it to
come to the court house after
getting Collins' call.
Collins said he had had two
mixed drinks in the 40 and 8
Club and then Albrecht had tak-
en him to where his car had
been left and he had driven home.
The chicken, which had been
left in tim car when he was ar-
rested, was missing when he got
back, Collins testified.
Also testifying was Albrecht,
who tokt the jury Collins came
to his place the evening in ques-
tion and had had three beers
before leaving.
Albrecht said Collins was not
intoxicated when he left Shelton
Recreation and that he was
very surprised when Collins cal-
led later to ask him to come to
the court house to help him.
Albrecht said when he receiv-
ed Collins' call, there were some
people who came into the bowl-
hng alley, and, that he had told
them, they both said, he would
meet them later at the 40 and
8 Club.
He arrived theI with Collins,
they said, and the four had a
drink. Collins, both said, did
not appear intoxicated when he
came to the 40 and 8 with Al-
Also testifying was Ed Rich-
ards, who assists at Shelton
Recreation as a part-time bar
tender. He stated Collins came in
the night in question, and had
three beers and played shuffel-
board for a while before leaving.
Collins (lid not appear intoxica-
ted when he left, Richards said.
them he had to close and that
if they would go to the 40 and
8 Club he would meet them later.
lie said he went to the cour
house and after Collins was re-
leased the two of them had gone
to the 40 and 8 where they had
two drinks before he took Col*
tins to where his car had been
Collins, Albrecht said, did not
appear drunk when he saw him
at the jail and when he took
him to get his car tater
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dunbar testi-
fied they had gone to the Shelton
Recreation about 1 a.m. and
were told by Albrecht he was
Collins was represented by
closing because he had to go to Shelton Attorney Byron McClan-
the court house. Albrecht told ahan.
Thursday, March 13
Saturday, March 22
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Thursday, March 13, 1969. Shelton-Mason County Journal - PNe 9