March 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 13, 1969 |
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Roberts Benefit
of IFs attached,
Memorial Fund
game next
tight will settle the
eOacern the abilities
and Verb's
- to win their
the season sche-
an Center
Valley Appli-
at the WCC
Sportsmen were
night in Lincoln
third place Jess'
written WCC and
the league's top
marks. They di-
In their own two
during the city
and then lost one
next Wednesday's
is being played
sponsored by the
Association in
Roberts, one
s most dedicated
Who died over a
year ago. This game will be the
second annual benefit for the
Memorial Fund, which provides
college scholarships for Shelton
high graduates interested in be-
coming physical education teach-
ers and coaches.
The Verle's team is composed
of Shelton school faculty mem-
bers, chiefly coaches, who have
congealed into a smooth-working
basketball aggregation. The Cor-
rections Center squad, with plen-
ty of practice time and several
topflight players, likewise has
plowed through its city league
opposition without much trouble.
Tipoff time for next Wednes-
day's benefit game is ticketed
for 7:33 p.m. The scene will be
Shelton gymnasium and all pro-
ceeds from admissions will go in-
to the Roberts Memorial Fund.
The game will be played whet-
her the city league title is at
stake or not, for if one of the
rivals loses its last league game
to erase the first place dead-
lock possibility then Wednesday's
game will be an exhibition with
only the benefit aspect and the
edge in the 3-game series on
the block.
Of Two-Year Ve÷s
Climber Net Squad
Richard Morton's
players this
and Bob Cole
list of those
a spot on the
have lettered
seven others are
first season.
are scheduled
the same as
Paign except that
up West Brem-
T open against
in Shelton.
Morton is Allan
Two year men are Elliot Carl-
son. Gary Creasy and Steve
Evander. Bob Quimby, Art Hait-
jema, Curt Bennett, Don Donald-
son, Art Nicklaus, Roger May-
nard and Pete Kneeland are in
their first year.
April 3 - SEQUI M
April 10 - at North Mason
April 17 - at Bainbridge
April 24 - VASHON
May 1 - at East Bremerton
May 5 - at West Bremerton
May 12 - at Central Kitsap
Scores 30 Points For Verle's
he team tied for 1st
League, play-
team on
and Valley put
but Verb's took
58, Terry Gregg
core of 30 points
Jorg and Dean
Points, highest
and Valley's.
and the Skoko-
Irk Brotche 211
Dankulich 504
City 59 V2_391/2,
!s 49½-42½,
44-47, Aero.
Profilers 251.
mish teams played on Mar: 6th.
It was a fairly close and hard-
fought game. Jess's Mobil took
it with a final score of 68 to 55.
Tom Fredson made high score
of 20 points for Jess's Mobil. Bob
Miller scored 10 points, high
score, for the Skok.
Gait Oil and Prepp's played
on Mar. 5th. Gait Oil won the
game, 75 to 68. The high score
on Gott's team was made by
Jerry Young who scored 28
points. Preppernau scored 19 and
Barrington scored 18, highest
scores for Prepp's.
The Jaycees and 20th Century's
teams played the first game on
Mar. 5th. 20th Century took it,
76 to 30. Mallory made 20 points
and Antilla made 19 on 20th
Century's team. Lavato scored
12 for the Jaycees.
7he WCC beat the Skokomish
team in a game on Mar. 5th.
The WCC also beat Jess's Mobil
in a game played Mar. 9th.
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Bowling Results and Statistics I o.+o...,,
MERCHANTSmimmHmm+mmliH[HHIHHimimmH[imIm[i[[lH[i[iii[i[[i[ii[i[IHHm[imm[HlH[iH[[[[fH[[li[[[i[H[[[m[iUB[[immiHiHHmmMEN'S COMMEItCIAL mR AND MRS HANDICAP SIMPSON WOMEN'S S][MSON MEN'S I, SATs MARs 15
Hi Game: Dutch Stanley 234 Hi Game: Wiley Evans 241 Men's Iti Game: Eldon Todd 193 Hi Game: Betty Dean 222 Hi Game: Ken Knight 213 !0 30 p i
Hi Series: Morley Preppernau Hi Series: Lee Schuffenhauer Men's Hi Series: Del Stormo 531 Hi Series: Lil Dale 547 Hi Series: Ken Knight 562 - ,m= to 2 a,mu
589 638 Women's Hi Game: Margaret Loggers -31, Norene Stevens Standings: Loggers 31-9, Load- t
Prepp's 3-1, M. Preppernau Ziegler's Cameras 1-3, Lee Bibbee 197 435; Engineering 3-1/2, Betty ers 25-15, IBP 23-17, Mill 3 21-19, Featuring
589; Kimbers 1-3, Bud Knutzen Schuffenhauer 638; Wolden's Women's Hi Series: Margaret Dean 520; Olympic 2-2, Cleo Hu- Mill 4 20-20, Shop 18-22, Railroad
524; FOodS 0"4, B. Ristine 480; Chevron 3-1, Gene Benedict 533; Bibbee 514 let 497; Purchasing 2-2, Helen MENS15-25' Chippers 7-33. l 'dLITYLE
Renecker's 4-0, D. Stanley 562; Clary Trucking 0-4, Wayne Clary Mikes McCulloch Sales 0-4, Ogden 462; Accounting 3-1, Helen
PoD's 1-3, C. Holman 426; TCF 499; B and R Oil 4-0, Bill Besch Lucille Chapman 390; Lannings, Rice 500; Lumber 1-3, Lil Dale CITY I BLUE
3-1, B. Mackey 552; Bean's 1-3, 584: Gott Oil 3-1, Jack Stewart Hoodsport Care 0-4, Mile Dilley 547; IBP 0-4, Jean Hartwell Hi Game: Duane Nault 223
T. Olson 521; White's 3-I, F. Ful- 561; Wilson Co. I-3, Ray Rice 406; Ruskin Fisher Assc. 3-1, 475; Research 4-0, Bobble Bum- Hi Series: Ron Strickland 564 l ECHO'S" I
ler 542. 512; Lumbermen's 2-2, Joe Holt Merle Lindgren 454; Eacrett Lum- ford 462. Standing: Beckwith's 19-11,
Standings: Prepp's 28-12, TCF 503; Wingard's Sport Shop 2-2, ber 0-4, Eldon Todd 530; Dicks Standings: Lumber 23-9, En- Hidden Haven 18-12, Naults Max-
26-14, White's 22-18, Kimbel's Roy Petty 510; Shelton Mobil Diggers 1-3, Ed Olson 445; gineerlng 18½-13Zz, Purchasing well 16-14, 40 and 8 16-14, J and ]nger, Tami Mason
21-19, Renecekr's 20½-19½, 2-2, Jim Archer 538; A. Roy Evergreen Florist 0-4, John 17-15, Olympic 16-16, Research J Service 13-17, Simpson 8-22. .p,.i.,40-
Bean's 18-21½, Shelton Foods Dunn 2-2, Jerry Christy 582; Pearson 427; Tyee Well Drilling 16-16, IBP 15-17, Accounting 13-19,
12½-27&, Bob's Tavern 11x&-28Vz. Dan's Nite Hawds 3-1, Chub 4-0, Dol Stormo 531; J and J Loggers 9½-22. PAINTS
Nutt 550; Verne's Clams 1-3, Service 4-0, Nina Dishon 452;
SIMPSON RECREATION ttarry Fletcher 530. Allyn Shell 4-0, Harold Hillman GRANGE
Hi Game: Georgia Coleman 175 Standings: Dan's Nite Hawks 437; Lake Cushman Sales Co. Men's HI Game: Dutch Stanley
Hi Series: Jo Ann Campbell 474 26-6, Wingard's Sport Shop' 21-11, 4-0, Margaret Bibbee 514. 206
Standings: Railroad 21-15, B and R Oil 19V,-12Vs, Gott Oil Standings: J and J Service Men's Hi Series: Dutch Stanley the only
Loggers 21-15, Loaders 17-19, 18-24, Lumbermen's 18-14, Zieg- 64-24, Lake Cushman Sales CO. 544 SUN PROOF
Shops 13-23. ler's Cameras 18-14, Verne's 62½-25, Ruskin Fisher Assc. Women'S Hi Game: Margie
FRIDAY NITE SLOW STARTERS Clams 13&-18½, Wolden's Chev- 50-38, Tyee Well Drilling 49-39, Knudsen 169
ron 131/-181/, A. Roy Dunn 12-20, Mikes McCulloch Sales 41-46Vs, Women's Hi Series: Nellie Ross- HOUSE PAINT
Men's Hi Game: Dean Smith 225 Shelton Mobil 11-21, Wilson Co. Eacrett Lumber 38-50, Dicks Dig- mater 444
Men's Hi Series: Dean Smith 537 11-21, Clary Trucking 10h-21Vs. gers 37-50/, Allyn Shell 36-52, Standings: Southside 30-6,
Women's Hi Game: Clara Erick- Larmings, Hoodsport Care 32-56, Agate 23-13, Harstine 18-18, in READY MIX
son 177 12:30 WOMEN'S Evergreen Florist 29t-58½. Skokomish 17-19, Pomona 10.26, Oil Base or Latex (that
Women's Hi Series: Clara Erick- Hi Game: Donna Coleman 215 Shelton Valley 19-26.
son 469 Hi Series: Donna Coleman 537 [,&DIES THUl TRIO Stretches and Shrinks)
Standings: Slow Pokes 24635, Hi Game: Ernie Strulz 177 8HELTON JUNIOR
Standings: C and L Time 22- Men's Hi Game: Mike Nutt 206
L and V 24378, U-Name-It 24138, Hi Series: Allene Stepper 474 PITTSBURGH
Upstarts 23936, Duds 23504, 14, Bob's Tavern 20-16, Jess's Men's Hi Series: Bill Schuffen-
Mobile 16-20, Neils 14-22. Standings: B and J Mart 13356, hauer 566
Wrights 23392. Cottage Care 13310, Pleines Log. Women's Hi Game: Linda Dodge " SI=IAK and
SUNDAY MIXED FOURSOME SLOPPY SIX DBI. 13284, Grant Lumber 13275, Clary 150 ' '+ ; +
Men's Hi Game: Ian Sytsma 214 Hi Game: Colleen Yorke 190 Truck. 13221, Balls Food 131, Women's Hi Series: Toni Jonker Z,lli:
Men's Hi Series: Ian Sytsma 554 Hi Series: Allene Stepper 485 The Hut 13136, Hardly Able LOg. 385 " is Mildew Resistant and is the
Co. 13047, Mamies Java Haus
Women's Hi Game: Jean Hart- Standings: Jo-Jos 8504, Sitters 12983, Timber Bowl 12928, Pac. Hembroff Agency 1-3, Rahn Superior rustic finish for wood.
well 189 8560, Try Hards 8402, Yaks 8421, Coast Bldrs. 12838, Johnson Redman 414; Trailblazer's II 1-3, Available in 12 beautiful ready-
Women's Hi Series: Jean Hart- We Too 8314, Var Mates 8170. Machine 12818, Gary Stites 422; Shelton JC's 3-1, .
well 480 Bill Schuffenhauer 566; Merv's bS.p.l' ' mixed colors,
Four Splits 3-1, Russ Deyette WOMEN'S COMMERCIAl, WOMEN'S CITY Tirecap 3-1, Mark Johnson 468;
503; What's Next 1-3, Gene Stro- Hi Game: Toni Hall 212 Hi Game: Charlotte Tobin 199 Joslin Ins. 1-3, Suzi Gruver 362;
zyk 471; Force 'era 0-4, T. Blair Hi Series: Toni Hall 556 Hi Series: Mary Wicken 485 VFW Aux. 4+0, Neal White 450;
447; Odd Balz 4-0, Del Hartwell Kellys 4-0, Toni Hall 556; Tim- Standings: IAlmbermen's 22,-6, Beckwlth's 3-1, Mike Nutt 502; ALSO -- 1200 Colors in CUSTOM MIXED PAINTS
488; Loggers 1-3, L. C. Leman ber 0-4, Lana Johnson 435; Car- Morgan's 13-15, Certified 11-17, Trailblazer's I. Available in Interior and Exterior Finishes
534; Board Busters 3-1, Glen tiffed 3-1, Allene Stepper 502; Millo's 10-18. Staadings: Shelton JC's 27-9,
Stepper480; Jack Pots 0-4, Bud Jim Pauleys 1-3, Ginger Manke VFWAux. 24-12, HembroffAgen- EACRETT LUMBER CO
Hildebrandt 471; Timber Ducks 413; Home Gas Co. 4-0, Iona Vls- ey 19-17, Trailblazer's II 18-18,
4-0, Jack Frost 523; Farmers 0-4, ser 464; Eells and Valley 0-4, ------------------v-----------_--_-_- Joslin Ins. 16-20, Beckwith's 16-20, +
Jim Brewer 507; Hooters 4-0, Ian Jeane McKasson 381; Ming Tree Trailblazer's I 13-23, Merv's 1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522
Sytsma 554. 3-1, Cecilia Gunter 438; Ogdens Tides Tireeap 10-26, '
Standings: Timber Ducks 21-15, 1-3, Marge Witcraft 503; Fuller +
Farmers 20-16, Force 'em 20-16, 3-1, Virginia Fuller 479; Rich-
Odd Balz 19&-16½, Board Bust- field Oil 1-3, Marlene Campagna ____________________
ers 18-171, Hooters 18-18, Jack 480; Gott's 3-1, Kathy Gaskill
Pots 18-18, Loggers 18-18, What's 445; Lumbermen's 1-3, Beth FRIDAY, 1
Next 14-22, Four Splits 13-23. Brown 415. High .................. 2:59 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Standings: Kelly's Furniture Low .................. 8:29 a.m. 7.8 ft.
24/-7. Certified Mfg. 19-13, High .................. 12:53 p.m. 10.1 ft.
Home Gas Co. 18-14, Richfield Low .................. 8:11 p.m. -1.1 ft.
Oil 18-14, Ming Tree 18-14, Gott's
Oilerettes 17½-14, Fuller Const. SATURDAY, MARCH 15
15-17, Lumbermen's 14x/-17, High .................. 3:41 a.m. 12.4 ft.
TEAM L Ogden's TV 13-19, Timber Low .................. 9:17 a.m. 6.6 ft.
Verb's 13 2 Bowl 13-19, Jim Pauley's 11-21, High .................. 2:11 p.m. 10.3 it.
WCC 13 2 Eells and Valley 10-21½. Low .................. 9:05 p.m. -0.9 ft.
Jess's Mobil 10 5 SUNDAY, MARC 16 ++,p ......... ++++++++++"++
Skokomish 8 7 ITT RAYONIER High ................. 4:11 a.m. 12.6 ft. |
20th Century 8 7 Men's Hi Game: Jerry Dickin- Low .................. 9:59 a.m. 5.3 ft.
Gott Oil 7 8 son 213 High .................. 3:23 p.m. 10.6 ft. 2+rr
Eells and Valley 6 8 Men's Hi Series : Dave Inutzen )w 9"53 0.6 t. , 14 " t i l t i
Prepp's 2 13 525 MONDAY, MARC"H 11
Jaycees 0 15
Bowling Results
Hi Game: Adair Neau 213
Hi Series: Donna Coleman 522
Standings : Shelton Recreation
22-10, B and J Mart 21-10,
Clary and Clary 18-14, tLarpers
17-15, Hoodsport Lumber 16-16,
Lucky Lager 13-18/, National
Bank of Mason Co. 11-21, Rainier
Women's Hi Game: Gerry Geist High .................. 4:41 a.m. 12.7 ft.
and Marge Tobler 175 Low .................. 10:41 a.m. 4.0 ft. +
Women's Hi Series: Gerry Geist High .................. 4:23 p.m. 10.8 ft.
469 | III
Waterboys 4-0, Jean Myers 501; Low .................. 10:35 p.m. 1.4 ft.
Woodbirds 0-4, Bill Lucke 411; TUESDAY, MARCH 18
Rayonettes 3-1, Gerry Geist 469; High 5:11 a.m. 12.6 ft. +:.:+
Silva Foxes 1-3, Jerry Mallory LOw .................. 11:17 a.m. 2.9 ft ....... !!:,
501; Maintenance 2-2, DOn Woods High .................. 5:17 p.m. 11.0 ft. --'> ...........
525; Acetate 2-2, Tom Kimberling Low ................. 11:17 p.m. 2.4 ft.
473; Makeups, Dave Knutzen WEDNESDAY, MARCH 19
514; Pin Curlers 2-2, Gigi Sather High .................. 5:35 a.m. 12.4 ft.
373. LOw .................. 11:53 a.m. 1.9 ft.
Standings : Waterboys PA-12, High .................. 6:11 p.m. 11.1 ft.
Makeups 22-14, Acetate Aces Low .................. 11:53 p.m. 3.5 R.
21t-14x, Woodbirds 17-19, Silva THIgSDAY, 0
Foxes 16/-19/, Payonettes 16-20, High ................. 5:59 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Maintenance 15-21, Pin Curlers Low .................. 12:29 p.m. 1.3 ft.
12-24. High ................. 6:59 p.m. 11.0 It.
Under New Management
Harry Coles, Manager
Alice Adams George Adam•
Banquet Manager Chef
R E S 0 R T WH:s°lld|SnPgro+rl
We would like +o welcome our Friends
and Neighbors. Drive our '+o scenic
Lake Cushman and enjoy a Delicious Gourmet Dinner. We ca÷er ÷o Private Parties
Cad Clubs. Our Buffet consis+s of 16 Gourmet Dishes prepared by our Expert Chefs.
"Bring Your Family"
p.m. - 10 p.m.
E77.529 6
Enjoy Our
Sunday Dinner Specials
served from
12 noon to 8 p.m.
Our "Liars Den"
and Enjoy Your Favorite Beverage
Out Lacey way Ellen's been talking all day about our absolutely
great daily dividend program. Why don't you talk to Ellen or Everett
•.. or Verne, Carlton, Gene, Mary or Gary in the Olympia office, or
Bud at Shelton. Ask us about this program. It is great.., you'll seel
Listen IHcE Sundoy to "Freedom
Forum" from 12:30 to 1 p.m., on
radio, KITN, feoturing our Thurston
County lellislotorl disculs+ng legislo-
tion of interest to everyone.
Home Office Branch Branch
Fifth & Copitol Wry 4131 Market Square 313 Roilrood Avenue
Th Maroh 13 11