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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Miller&apos;s Offers to the saVlnv,, on Ne people of Mason County once only tlonll lay' w and Seasonable merchandise at excep- kin IN tn 9s. A One-Half Day Sale is NOT a clearance Stl- nnot be used as one. The name, Half-Da sin1,, can" is only with special authority that this Tk.__ ,;thPe; Inclples that founded this sale are in effect today ¢ult0rneter=e over 20 years ago. That is the pledge to our ill 0ffers d znat only regular and seasonable merchandise their rsnu° n Sale for Y2 day only. Prices must return to - ,=r price the next day. Bud Laudahl, mgr ORIGINAL I e PANT SUITS n' In Ilss 100o1... orted colors and atterns made of ttl. R-- '' Styled in California and hand tailor- 'tUlSrly $59.90 $48.88 CORDUROY CAR COATS ,i aide of 100o cotton and is the ultimate _ -v,,n 9 ..j % left t, sir ""a weaving comfort. Four (4) only ml 42, 44 and 2 46's Values to JL?.2.95. • $ I[N,$ PANTS $3.99 tOlla, rtl Sizes and colors wlt perma-press and It.'=le'lse' Machine washable with no-ironing. "umMy .99. (NIT SPORT SHIRTS Ll.llls°rtment of colors and styles in all -= tn short and Ion sine u ,]L. g vs. Val es to t/3 OFF" ORIGINAL PRICE !EAT SHIRTS $1.88 Ei'Slf:: style in black with Shelton High ltlt<._ Blez- ked on the front, Also green with Jl, L . era flocked on the front 81zes S, '"" Regularly $3.00. WOOL SHIRTS Men's 100% fine quality worsted virgin wool shirts with a large selection of colors and distinc- tive patterns to choose from. Hand washable in cold water soak or dry cleaaable. Regularly S8.95 and $10.95. lD'*,An MEN'S SPORT SHIRTS Available in button down and regular collar styles also in solid, plaid and stripe coior Reg. $4.§9. $3.44 BOY'S SWEATERS $4.89 A wool and wool blend sweater in a variety of knits and colors. Available in pull-over and cardigan styles. Regularly S6.98. Long Sleeve KNIT SHIRTS Boy's, with turtle, mock turtle or crew necks, in cotton acryllcs and blends. Values to $3.00. BOY'S SPORT SHIRTS Available in long sleeve or short sleeve with but- ton-down collars. In solid or plaid colors. Sizes 8-1S. Values to .00. $1.u (ISF. OUR LAYAWAY! BOY'S WOOL SHIRTS OJl:)j'lks A---- -- A light 100% wool worsted sport shirt In " "- so30 FRIDAY ! beautiful plaids and plain colors. Regularly S4.98. SMART WALKING SHOES THAT STRESS COMFORT AT IT1 lUltl Color. CRO88TOWN Doors Open at 12 Noon and Close at 8:30 p.m. FRIDAY, SPORT COATS 20% OFF Choose from approximately 75 coats from our stock. Regularly priced from $30.00 to $40.00. LEATHER WALLETS $1.99 An assortment of leather and textured leather. Values from $4.00 to $5.00. BOY'S COTTON PAJAMAS One group, regularly $3.00 to $3.95. $1.99 RAINGEAR One group, regularly $10.95. $7.99 UNION SUITS $1.99 Long and short sleeve, available in thermal, spring, standard and heavy weights. Reg. $3.98. LADLES DRESSES $5.88 Assorted group in misses, juniors and half-sizes. Values to $25.00. KNIT DRESSES $S.44 Ladies, in orlon acrylic and lambs wool. Plain and stripe in assorted spring colors. Sizes 6-16. Regularly $15.95. MARCH 14 WOMEN'S RAIN PARKAS Plain and plaid colors in small, medium and large with zipper front. Regularly $1600. $8.88 LADIES RAIN COATS $6.22 7 Only, in assorted colors. Sizes 7-14. Regular- ly $13.95. Ladies Vinyl. suede jackets in brown and gold , colors. Sizes 10 to 18. A $7.95 value• Regularly $11.00 $79o ,,,o, WINDBREAKERS Available in small or medium and in assorted colors. Reg. r2.22 .... $1.z2 When you "swing it", here's the way to go... toes on the square, heels down to earth, strapped or stripping embellished to accent their mannish looks. They're priced to save you BIG, tool LADIES DRESSY PANTS One group of Alex Colman stretch pants. Sizes 8-18. Colors: pink, green and gold. Ret,tl:$ ALL .CHILDREN'S CLASSIC STRIDES Sizes: 81/2 to 3 Size Run DRESSY PANTS $3.44 One group of ladies pants in colorful spring col- ors. Regularly $5.00. LADIES SWEATERS $5.44 Bulky knit wool sweaters in assorted styles and colors. Regularly $10.00. LONG SLEEVE SWEATERS One group of ladies nylon and orlon long sleeve sweaters In light blue, black and white with stripes. Regularly $6.00 and $8.00. $4.44 GIRLS DRESSES One group, by Tiny Town, in all cotton print with white eyelet trim. Sizes: T2-T4 and 3-6x and 7- 14. Regularly $9.00 and $12.00. $4.99 and $7.99 SHOES and BOOTIES $1.44 Infants, in moccasin toe leathers and corduroys with patent T straps and saddle oxfords. Reg- ularly $1.79 and $1.98. INFANTS WEAR One group, of topper sets, coveralls, rompers, carriage suits, etc. Regularly $4.00 and $6:50. $2.99 and $3.99 BOY'S SHIRTS $1.88 One group of Boy's T.shlrts and out & sewn shirts in long-sleeve osttons and aorilans. All In good basic colors. 81s 2 to 7. Regularly $2.50 to $3.25. CARDIGAN SWEATERS One group of Boy's, made of orlon aorylics in sizes 3 to 7. Regularly $5.00 and $6,00. $2.99 NYLON SHELLS $3.88 Ladies nylon shells in sizes 36-40. Regularly N. BOBBI BROOKS SWEATERS $10.88 Ladles, pastel colored sweaters of pink, blue, green and yellow with a Jewel or turtle neck. Regularly $16.00 and $15.00. JR. KNIT SKIRTS $11.88 Junior polyester knit skirts that are washable In two styles. Colors of blue, white or beige. Reg- ularly $16.00. LADIES SKI PANTS $14.88 Name brand ski pants In colors of brown, olive or navy, Sizes 10-16. Regularly $20.00. FOUNDATIONS $4.44 Ladies girdle and half-slip combination. Sizes small, medium or large In white only. Regularly so.go. LADIES SPORT BRIEF Available in small, medium or large. Regularly S2.1i0. S1.88 BOY'S PAJAMAS One group, in flannel or knit. ularly K.7S A ll $2.44 81zes 2.7. Rag- SKIRTS & JACKETS One group, girls, made of 100% virgin vinyl backed with 100% cotton, Jacket hal no-iron collar and skirts are wrap around. Regularly $8.00 and $7.00. $3lS0 and rl4l s0 COATS AND JACKETS Boys and Girls, in broken sizes and styles of fall -= Bo£0000TaC00l0000[00ji00AL PRICE SLIP-ON SWEATERS Girl's, made of 100% acrylic in long sleeve. Available in white and faehion colors. Sizes 3- 6x and 7-14. Regularly S4.00 to $65. 1/3 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE GIRLS KNIT TOPS $2.49 Name brand, in prints, solids and stripes. Sizes 3-6x and 7-14. Regularly $3.25 to $4.00. KATHY O'BRIEN HOSIERY 69c pr. Our own regular brand. Choose from CImtrsco, Flat Knit or Mesh. 81zes 8-11. RegulaHy $1.00 pair. KATHY O'BRIEN PANTY HOSE Two very good shades. Sizse=petlts" small, medium and tall. Regularly $1.69 pair. z/..oo LADLES RAYON BRIEFS 3/$1.00 Stock up now at thin low pries. Sizes 5-10. Regularly 4gtl rich. FABRICS $1.88 yd. 52" wide in bright spring colors. A 100% Rayon 2-ply yarn. Washable and crush resistant. Regularly $3.00. BONDED FABRICS $2.88 yd. In acryllcs, wools and blends. Many assorted plaids, solids and tweeds. 54" wide. Regularly $5.00. COTrON & COTTON BLEND FABRICS 2 yds./S1.00 All 45 Inches wide. Regularly $1.29 yard. MOSAIC ROBE $4.88 12 Only, in carrying case. 54 x 72 size, made of 55% Avisoo Ray- on and 45% Nylon. Can be used as a stadium cushion, picnicking, car robe, bunk bed orat the beach. Washable. Regularly $7.98. GIFT & HOUSEWARES 20% OFF One large group of assorted glass ware, canister sets, dishes, etc. A ehoppere paradise. STATIONERY ITEMS 1/2 PRICE Fancy stationery with matching envelopes. KITCHEN ORGANIZERS 20% OFF One table of a large assortment of Rubbermaid kitchen organizers and household accessories. ii ,, ESSEX TOWEL PATTERN by SPRINGMAID A solid color style with a Dobby border. BATH TOWEL  Regularly $1.29. HAND TOWEL -- Regularly 79¢. WASH CLOTH -- Regularly 49€. ow 88C ow 48C NOW 28C FANCY PERCALE SHEETS In twin and double sizes. Colors of dots, stripes and prints. Parts of broken iota. Regularly to $4.99. Twin $1.99 Double $2.99 SATIN PILLOW CASES Two lovely cases in each beautiful gift box, Regularly to $9.98. $4.88 pair Printed or plain. CARD TABLES and CHAIRS By a famous maker in a brown or tan finish. TABLE -- Regullrly $1G40. CHAIR  Regularly $7.96. .E. VACUUM CLEANER One only, canister style. Regularly $89.95. LENOX CHINA White Ironstone d,nnearsi2keblilGiNAL $22.88 PRICE 3rd & Railroadffy°ur $200 Shelton Thursday, Mat 13, 1969 - 51 S --l-m-,.