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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1969
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Sty Of Playground Here Discussed r ONA NEIL Ten civic gathered at the evening to dis- of having a the younger child- Erin Kirk has use of his property to the post office for he owns it. Right now is involved with the being done by the Department for The state the property Ls they are done with plans include a base- along the Cush- and Possible swings. has offered to tory poles for and the men of the supply the labor to do their the money nec- liability insurance amount to $39 per time this commu- raise out of Well it's time again for a good a generation has first efforts, and Is different, but the the same. BETTER of Feb. 24 made a speedy Anderson home on to the Mason Gen- in Shelton. Dan suffered a stroke. time friends and been concerned Hoodsport Fire Azaleas as a The Mason Mason County Sheriff's Depart- ment were greatly appreciated. TWO NEW 4-H CLUBS Cherri Peterson, reporter for the 4-H Golden Thimbles would like to report that on March 5 the group had its first meeting at the home of Barbara Ward. At this first meeting election of officers was held. Those elected were president, Barbara Ward; vice president, Teresa West; Sec- retary, Mary Johns; treasurer, Laura Russell and reporter, Cher- ri Peterson. There are seven Charter members in the club with Mrs. Ben Drake as their leader and Lois Pearsall as Junior Lead- er. Their projects will be sewing and their next meeting will be March 17 at the home of Mary Johns. The 4-H Hood Canal Hi Rig- gers is another new 4-H Club just getting into the swing of things. Their officers are presi- dent, Jesse Sharpes; vice pre- sident, Rebecca Sharpes; secre- tary, Robin Velkov; treasurer, Allan Velllov, and reporter, George Velkov. As part of the program for the last meeting Rebecca Sharpes gave an illus- trated talk on the parts of a dog using diagrammed poster il- lustrations. Plans for the immedi- ate future Include a western style litter round up at which time the 4-Hers will dress west- ern and get out and pick up litter around the area. The projects in this club range from dogs and forestry to cooking. They have twelve charter members with Mrs. Harold Drake and Mrs. Robert Velkov as their leaders. The club is sponsored by the Hood Canal Womans Club and will hold their next meeting at the home of Judy Collins March BETTER BELATED THAN NEVER It was reported last week that Shannon Sharpes, five year old daughter of Rick Sharpes, was a victim of the flu bug and therefore her big birthday party hopes were chased off by the thermometer and cough medi- cine. Well cheer up, here com the happy ending. A fifth birth- day can hardly be allowed to pass unacknowledged and it was decided by the higher echelons that the party would be better belated than never. Thanks to the generous initia- tive of cousin Him Aitken the games were planned and the party hats created. Mrs. An- drew Scott baked a little girls dream cake in the person of a big doll dressed in a gown and frosted with very good taste. To make the party perfect, two favo- rite boys and 11 girls ranging in age from four years to eight years old delightfully accepted the invitations to share in the fun. The favorite gift? -- a re- cord called "Sing along with the Grasshoppers". AUTOMOBILE LAUNCHED A weekend boating excursion proved to be a little more ex- citing than anticipated by Ker- mit Livermore former Shelton resident. He was launching his boat at the Cushman Hydro Park located on Highway 101 next to Milo's Diner. As he backed his car down the ramp, hitched to his boat and trailer, the weight of the boat lifted the rear tires of the auto off the slick ramp and both vehicles slid out into the water. The boat floated, the 1967 model automobile did not. The aid of Curly Donovan, with ed to get a line on the sunken auto so that the wrecking ser- vice from Hoe×lsport couhl re- trieve the remains. Needless 1o say, the automobile was It total salted loss but liability insur- ance may replace it. $ THINGS TO NOTE Mrs. Herb Boeck is not stay- ing in a hotel, as was reported last week. Her address is Rine- hart Hospital, Room 103, Wheeler, Ore. 97147. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert who cele- brated their 56th wedding anni- versary March 8. Many more happy returns and lets hope that the rest of us can do as well. office, Dan's co- 17 at 3:30 p.m. his skin diving gear, was enlist- pG among the first F°l'able :rops, Mirrors, Aluminum Sash, Shower and Tub Doors, Storm Doors and Window Glass Replacements of all kinds s0000isLTON e,Ass co. 710 Cedar • Leroy Dale • 426-1152 Call for Free Estimates M t , MAYONNAI$E (First Quart Please) Qt. Jar His daughters 0   =     =    = = = and his niece r immediately to now intends to A C 99  ,.  of,ce of Power Oufage Sing in Seattle J lsport on the DuBuQUE wellbetter'process.bUt it willHe The P.U.D. No. 3 ahnounced that there will Z Ful|B°ne%eSSc°°ked mends and is be- be POWER OUTAGE affecting the AGATE, PICK- i Per With the exerciser Ib" most active peo- ERING AREA, SHORECREST, TIMBER LAKES ll is hospttaliz- TIN visits are al- AND H&RSTINE ISLAND on SUNDAY, MARCH Birthday con- be in order FRESHIE " Flavors 3 oz. PKG. GELATIN SNOWDRIFT (lmt Tin Please) TIN Sweef & Mild MEDIUM YELLOW ONIONS WAREHOUSE DIRECT PRICES * WHYPAY MORE! * • LIMIT RIGHT8 RESERVED • 16, 1969 from 4:00 A.M. to approximately 6 A.M. This outage is necessary to replace existing wire with new larger conductor. II-POqlIIPOO ....    A O4ilPqlllll I Dan celebrates WOuld like to let that the genuine by friends and of the Hoods- ent and the OPPORTUNITY for LEARNING Shelton Evening Classes OLYMPIC COLLEGE Spring Quarter-- 1969 IECilSTRATION  Reed Building Office, March 17 - 28; March 31 - . APril 10 (in class) H0 MAY ENROLL  Any person 18 years or older may enroll without SPecial arrancements. High School students must have written per- nlission from their principal. PEtE --. All courses are $6.00 per credit unless otherwise stated. Check the credits on the schedule and multiply by $6.00. Fees are due at registration. Fees are the same if you wish to take a course for non- redit. Credit fees do not include the cost involved for supplies, equip snt and textbooks. EIEI31TS --- All courses carry Olympic College Credit. Academic courses licted 100 and above are college transfer; academic courses below 100 are developmental courses. Vocational courses provide credit toward job proficiency and advancement. All courses may be used in degree Pr°Krams at Olympic College. All courses may be used for high ( SChool completion credit. LYMPIc COLLEGE reserves the right to cancel or modify any part f this shedule if enrollment in any class is less than 15 or if adequate inCtruction cannot be employed. Olympic College will endeavor to {( notify interested persons in case of schedule change. .FURTHEtR- INFORMATION PHONE: 426-3502 (days) A. q26-3089 (evenings) uun. .aLT BASIC EDUCATION t to im c communication and arithmetic review. A course for adults who wan ).  their skills in reading, writing and arithmetic; a non graded course. UIIV a " 7-9 Evergreen School Instructor - Irene Harvey HcouTRAINING to re th='- lves- for adults who want to learn how to drive a car and p pare ,, l0e .3¢. ° take the Washington State drivers test, a non graded course. u 1"-" ,00  Mon. 7-9 Room A-17 L-mtructor - Tom Aaron =1 TYPING and Refresher) A course for those who want to learn how to type for those who want to improve their typing skills. 7-9 Room A-ll 2 Credits Instructor - Fenton Burgess HAND and Refresher) A course for those who want to leaxn  to take and also for t.hose who want to improve their skills. 7-9 Room A-14 2 ts Imtructor - Fenton Burge CRIMINAL EVIDENCE of the three mJor classifications of evidence  direct, circumstantial including a study of the origin, development and philosophy ot the evidence. " 7-I0 Room A-15 3 Credits Inructor - 102 ELEMENTAIRY SPANISH requisite for good pronunciation and a specking and reading Room A-9 5 Credits Instructor - Lillian Moskeland Y 230 MARINE BIOLOGY of local marine organisms and the basic biological factors of the marine includes several field trips to the local intertidal axea. 7-9:30 Room A-6 5 Credits Instructor - Eric Tokax ENGINE REPAIR mainteemnce of small gasoline engines. Auto Shop 2 Credits Instructor - M. Musser 101 COMPOSITION of the development and structure of English, the levels of liah umNe, 3 rodita Instructor. MAYONNAISE ,,.,.,, 39 ¢ tuart Jar € € € DURKEE'S COCONUT 7, OFF 49 c 14 oz. Pkg. GREEN WALLA WALLAB EAN S French303CUtTinOrStyle 6/001 SWEET WALLA WALLA 303 PEAS 5/001 PINEAPPLE DILL PICKLES APPLESAUCE NEW CEREAL Pacific Friend, Tidbits, 6/6Y Sliced, Crushed 81/2 oz. tin Farman's Reg. or Kosher LO¢ 48 oz. jar Seneca Blended 3/$1 25 oz. size Captain Crunch Berrie, Ao¢ 11 oz. pkg "rl Dl:eheO,-e=oe Sun Country Tradewinds, r.t¢ Ilblllai.ll Aspen or Coral Isle, 9 oz. sz. I-7 APPLE JUICE Seneca 33' 32 oz. size HOT CEREAL Quaker o.., "e9 or Quick 42 OZ. size 53' FLORAL NAPKINS Cooneto or. pko. 2/29' DETERGENT Trend Liquid (10€ off) == oz. bott,. 36 ¢ NU SOFT RINSE 10€ off 32 oz. size 75' (lb. tin 73€) (3 lb. tin $1.99) MJB COFFEE "" r,nd, INSTANT COFFEE -B (lb. tin 71€) (3 lb. tin $1.89) HIGHLAND ,*,n $1.3S 6oz. jar 1.03 COFFEE ^'' .nd, 2 lb. tin 128 STORE HOURS Mon. thru Thurs.: .... 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. Friday: ........................ 9 a.m. - 7 p.m. Saturday: .................... 9 a.m. - 5 p,m, '" Thursday, March 13 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15