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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1969
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ood Crowd Attends George Howard Benefit Dance YATES -- A large group and mainhmders at the Harstine Corn- Hall this past weekend ! a helping hand to a mar- friend and neighhor and bit of fun at the same the donations and neighbors on and those from his employed by the e and the proceeds was an impres- indeed. road crew was represented at the par- of these men worked became good friends Howard during the he was ferry cap- ttarstine II, For the motorcycle people it opportunity to for the many they've all en- ful beach in through his kindness generosity. h. we were most for- Is dance. Wouhl yet there was not ,just two, both dona- and musical that is just what One of the bands up of local talent; on the drums anti on the accordian Hliboki on the and Mrs. Law- mg guitars. The no one seem- how they came called themslevcs from Olympia the other band to time throughout and was eomlg)sed Words alone are to properly thank groups for a mar- e" of music for aJ°Yment, which ac- the desired purpose; sizeable contribu- te report George which at- The two did long to get well each other. The a Small bla(,k ball at answers to the The name of the is the one thing destined for a in the very near is, if it hasn't al- taken care of by Social Club will business p.m. this Fri- wch 14. of the Har- was held at Pridham for the meet- the annual Spring nOnth were discus- Will first tour the in Olympia then lunch at the lunch do some shop- otherwise at the until time to Were plans for Piekering Party committee qr progress and out and Present. the Club as at the meeting Was heartily wel- or fifteen Present for the arriving last View, Calif. is a brother-in- The a cabin across and Ella. The will remain Such time as from high a request- work much and m a n y, :s are in order new Mr. and The new Mrs. Florence for a The newlyweds Vada following the trip their home a vacation this week and her two girls Tuesday and Mrs. O]ds girl friend two weeks Mrs. stays as so the glrls can see the Island at one of its Ix'st seasons. I.ila Peugh enjoye(t a special treat a weck ago today when she accepted tit] invitation from SWig and Beula Gabrielsen to join them on a trip to Seattle and lunch at the Space Ncedle. Coming back through Tacoma the Gahrielsens anti parted company; the Steig and Beula h) bring a bast down to the Is- land from where they had had it moored at Day Ishmd and Lita to drive their pickup home. Esther (;ortz recently spent about: a week caring for her three grandchildren, Jamie, Steve and Tracy at her daughter, Bernice's home in Olympia. Bernice's re- gular sitter had a very special (late to keep with her service- husband on his Rest and Recrea- lion leave in Hawaii. Ollie MaCay returned home tas! week afler spending a few days recuperating at her nep- hew, Wally Carpenter's home in Olympia following surgery in a Sea;tic tlospital. Start and Beth Craft were busy last week getting all their house- hold belongings packed at their home in Spokane in preparation for their move to the Island. The Marvin Benglesdorf family from Tacoma spent the weekend visitin the Glenn Yates and Dale Peugh families. They had l)hmned to come down over the first weekend this month, but after hearing about the dance decided to wait and come this las weekend so they could at- t(n(l the dan('e, since they too, had enjoyed a few clambakes on George Howard's beach. Suntiay the three gals accom- panied by the four small-fry took off for a drive around the Ishmd so Carol could see a few spots she had never seen before. They first turned off at Island Shores. Their first stop was at Ike anti Pauline Carlson's lot on Division 1. The Otis Dwyer fam- ily ha(i come out for the day. Also visited with the Bragets who are presently busy putting in a picturesque breakwater in front of their property. They are burying four or five foot logs vertically at wlrious levels with twisted pieces of driftwood very artistically being worked in. The seagulls will especially appreci- ate all the additional perches to keep a check on the discarded bits of choice morsels the sum- mar people toss their way. Then a quick stop at the George WaSte lot where a group was phmning a spaghetti feed a bit later in the afternoon. A drive down Division 2 to point out the lots belonging to the Macfarlanes, Bob Sparks as well as some of the other names that are familiar and to see the fill across Whiskey Gulch which Alvin spent much of last summer working on ended the sightseeing trip of Island Shores. Driving on south the group found themselves at the Hole-in- the-Wall. They truned north to stop and see what progress was -'School [ 1"] Menus for Shelton Elementary Schools and Shelton Senior High School WEEK OF MARCH 17 - 21 Monday -- Lasagne with beef, French bread, buttered peas, applesauce cake, milk. Tuesday -- Cheeseburgor on buttered bun, lettuce with 1000 Island dressing, carrot sticks, chocolate pudding, milk. Wednesday -- Meat gravy over whipped potatoes, whole kernel corn, sandwich, fruit, milk. "lrlhuroday -- Pizza, cole slaw, apple crisp, milk. Friday -- Oreamed tuna on hot biscuits, green beans, cookie, ice cream, milk. being accomplished on George Kasonovic's cabin north of the I,agoon. From there down to sec the new pool. Shirley Craft told us that Har- ry was home sick in bed and had been under the weather since the previous Thursday. A number of children were in the pool when we arrive(l and before long ours had joined the others. The three gals spent a couple of enjoyable hours visiting wilh a number of the property owners who dropped in at the pool while they were there. Some of the property owners included Dick and Noenie Ryndahls and their youngsters; the Mel Hurshes of Olympia and their guests the Don Haywards; Harriet Paterson and children and keeping an eye on the cabin her mother, Mrs. Hopton; and the Orville Thomp- sons. Also dropping in was Au- dry Reid and children. At this time we'd like to wel- come the Thomas Reid and Har- ry Crafts as new readers of this column anti the Journal. Shirley tokt us that on the weekend days they average around 50 people in the pool throughout the day. As the weat- her improves it will undoubtably become even more poiSular. Unexpected guests at the Bill Williams home on Sunset Hill last Saturday were the John R. Sullivans from a small town just north of Vancouver. John and Bill were sea buddies a few years back when they were on a ship together. My Brassfleld returned this past Monday after being gone for about a week. She and some of her family the Elmon Chris- tophers and the Bill Schmidts traveled to Walla Walla to see her granddaughter, Linda and Bill Walkers new home. The Walkers had previously lived at Goldendale. They took a tour of the penitentiary, and the college while they were there. My's friend Wally Aldrich elnle for a visit over the weekend unaware that My was away. But all turned out well as he joined the Campbells and came to the Supplement your chlld'm diet with Plenamlns from Prepp's Rexall 133 Railroad Avs. Phons 426.4642 PPENING Shelton Armory March 1Sth --9 - 12 ilksL featuring two bands EUI=ROST" and the "FAITH" LITE SHOW by LITE BODY IIIIssion S2.O0 per person or $1.75 with a.s.b, card policed and chaperoned -- dance and had a wonderful time. When My got back on Men- (lay two friends from Tacoma had come down to pick up a mes of oysters to take back home. A recel)tion honoring Mr. and Mrs. Jack Powell, who were mar- rie(i recently, will be held at the Gordon Bennett residence, 815 Adams St., in Shelton. The new Mrs. Powell is the former Florence Jerrels of Harstine. The reception will be from 2-5 p.m. Skokomish: Matlock: Ladies Club Has Meeting At Community Hall Here By DORA ilEARING • MATLOCK -- Matlock Ladies Club met Wednesday at the Grange IIall with Mrs. I. C. Ford hostess. It was the first meeting this year because of the deep snow. The next meeting, March 19 the Club will celebrate Jan- uary, February anti March birtil- days. The club voted it) have a telephone installed in 1he Hall. Matlock Grange celebrated its Friendship meeting Friday even- ing with 61 members attending. The Pinochle Club will meet at the Grange Hall Saturday evening at 8 p.m. Mr, and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier were Wednesday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wells Mayer to celebrate Mr. Mayer's birthday, Mr. and Mrs. James Freden- burg of ttoquiam and Mrs. W. S. Jacobsen of Aberdeen were Sunday dinner guests at the EI- vin Hearing home. Sunday even- ing Mr. and Mrs. Ed Valley spent at the ttearing home. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Carl Portm'm spent from Tues- day to Friday with Mr. and Mrs. L. D, Portman in Tacoma. They celebrated Carl Portmans birth- day Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. ttarold Clift of Kennewick visited many friends in this vicinity Thursday. Local Family Has Visitors Here Sunday per was served by the hostesses. Bruce anti Jennifer Johnson of Milton spent the weekend with Hleir grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson. They returned home with their parents Sunday afternoon. Sun(lay afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley were Mr. and Mrs, George Lozier of Tumwater and Mr. and Mrs. Al- vin Hulbert of Shelton. Two members of the Skoko- mish Fire District attended the instruction class at Union last Wednesday evening. The meet- ings start at 7 p.m. They are to continue all this month. March 14 is the regular meet- ing of the Skokomish Grange. A potluck dinner will be served at 6:30 p.m. followed by the regular use N IPlRES 7 meeting at 8 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter and Paul Hunter drove to Port- land last week where they attend- ed the funeral of their uncle, George C. Emmott, at the Chapel of the Chimes. Mr. Emmott, born in Iowa, Dec. 22, 1879, was the last of a family of four, two brothers, Homer and Lewis and a sister, Ruey Fisher. They were former Shelton residents. Mr. Emmott had been a member of the Masonic lodge 41 years. By MARY VALEY • SKOKOMIStt - Mr. and Mr:. Bob Bearden were l)h'asantly surprised Sunday whc; Mrs, Bearden's brother Leroy Cart- right wilh son Stephen pilotin;, flew from Cottage Grove, Ore. to have dinner with the Beard- ens. They flew over the valley and dipped their wings to let them know they would be land- ing at the airport. Mrs. Linda Biechler, Mrs. Pal Johnson and Mrs. Shirley Smith were hostesses at a baby shower in honor of Mrs. Sandy Danford Friday evening in the Skokomish Community Church p a r 1 o r. Games were played and after the opening of the gifts a buffet suP- The Oyster Fry the oyster fry The Oyer Fry Mr. and Mrs, Dick Tupper and Susan took a picnic lunch and drove to Tacoma, Roy and Ten- ino Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Valley were Saturday evening supper guests with Jean Diggle and family of McCleary. Mr. and Mrs. Iterbert Helin were visitors at tim Frank Sparks home in Olyml)ia Friday. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford spent Saturday at Soutt Bend with the l,eRoy t)othe family. They visit- ed H, oy Boothe at the Witlapa Harbor ttospital. Mr, and Mrs. Gene Brehmeyer and son of Cosmopolis, and Mr. and Mrs, Mike Brehmeyer were Saturday dinner guests of their folks Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Breh- meyer Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Iverson were drop in guests, Mr, and Mrs. Roy Frizell of YOUR HEART FqUND fights them all - heart attack, stroke, high blood pressure, rheumatic heart disease, congenital heart disease and many other heart and blood vessel diseases. Monteasano were callers at tl tlerbert Brehmeyer Sr. home Sunday. Saturday guests at the Rossmaier home were Mr, and Mrs. Larry ChamberJin and fam- ily of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp and family and Mr. and Mrs. James Rossmier and girls, all of Olympia were Sunday dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs, Lud Rossmaier. Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lateen were luncheon guests at the Roumaier home. DANCE KAMILCHE HALL SAT., MARe IS Music by the Gran Tune Toppers Admission $1.00 Dance 9:30 - 2 If you are Interested in the possibilities of Long-Term Growth of capital, just call me, write, or atop in at my office for a free prospectus on Synchro Growth Fund ROCKY HEMBROFF, Registered Representative of Safeco Research .and Management Corporation t Rocky Hembroff Agency P. O. Box 206 506 W. Franklin, 426-3357, Shelton, Wash. Now and Join the ADVERTISED ON NBC-TV "TODAY SHOW" March 2 t00hru ALCO- REX 2,o,60c MILK OF Rq..69 2,0,70c   RexallBriteSet Rexall Facial }i::...,, I TISSUES 00HA_ R SPRAY $puntex LYCRA@ SPANDEX i Reg., Casual, Hard-to.Hold. i i.:i:::: ........ 13 oz. aerosol SUPPORT I II/iit WI "'"'""'"'°" ::! o.,u NYLONSUPPORTHOSi for;;; [ Pr0tectsallday. K| INENTS FOR  --XALRE NEEDLE Dical" Ph0Sl]llll|600°e°;"" 14° 0... ¢,0,..,,,,,... Regular or Fluoride. 6 ¼ oz. tube. Choice. 400's (200 2-ply) ViFCCh0wIIbl6 2 99 BOOK FO, Variety of designs, TOOTH "&'TE 69 colors. Envelopes. Your choice: Em- B COMPLEX ' " 596 2 59c "" Srlte Condition- C -- Mineralized  .,,.d 0, Ing Shampoo, in lOfts Reg. 5.95 FOR ,0,...,..,,,.,,. PAHOVITE With Minerals "300 ,,, lO0's RoS. 2.99 FOR VITAMIN-C*'"-'00" ,0," 104 lofts Reg. 1.03 Rt, Antiseptic 5.inch PLASTIC MOUTH POCKET WASHES COMBS OlOUR Household one "-.""-". r. 'I " ULUBLU Non-Slip Reg.89______¢ Pair ';2"'""' ItnURlU¢ ,,,x ,,, 2 C o':t:':.': IIPPHflBIN  gr. lO00's  C rlUlILUlIIL or ½" x lO. Reg. 53¢ FOR ?2:T"""" UlRggllrigllt RoE.saC FOR Single ofDoubie..,¢ FOR - |i#"reKdeP°CYflav°r' C SUPPOSITORIES "' "54 c ,,., Reg. S3€ FOR e ,. Transistor RubbingAIcohel '' 84' SOLID STATE REXALL: Chewable RADIO o. V,TAM,NS - ""' ,--0.,.. 0.,,c,o... ,..,,.,.,....,."t flll,nt C fruit.flav0r. 'i .0 hy.ermdi., II p,, ,,,, j, FOR5 6 lOO,s / MULTIPLE ' ,,.,ovo, - € VITAMINS APe , ,ri.tRos., FOR 84 ..,0..u,0,,.,, ,..,...0.... .A...-- HAZB" " c minimum daily vi., finer made! U al't 3-way relief. t,Jn ,,,r. eee. 1€ FOR ments. 100'$ 1.'$ fit 0 b lO0'S I'TAR VALUES" AND "COUPON SPECIALS" ARE NOT TWO FOR THE PRICE OF ONE PLUS A PENNY - BUT ARE GREAT VALUES TOO GOOD Tfflllg-- ,,, P R E P P" S R E X A L L Thursday, March 13, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - PsI 17