March 13, 1969 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 13, 1969 |
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CK)ODPASTER, ri,,ht, daughter of Mr. cently served a week as a page for State
rsj W " " l
• ' • Goodpaster, tIoodsport, re- Sen GordoI Sandison, left.
High Sckool:
00lUsic Department To Present "Oklahoma!"
t iQRIID CRABTREE are interested in going should selling programs at football
I nting
. tajor as
department will
' Oklahoma
Production of the
:g Fore .... P sented
'Qlll,Ir est'val week.
I tL t team has been starte(
Under . • 1
I]ruce i, the direction of
1 rill team Will artl
he 'o .... P "cipate
lr. r,o restival Parade in
aaieYwsN this year's Paul
les .... II ride in the For-
val. Parade this
it. eCbons were heldMaY'last
olr Wittenberg was selected
est Festival Queen at the
;ffh 4.Selection Banquet on
contact Richard Wentz as soon
as possible.
AI ,'8
Day Nye has been selected as
the AFS sponsored exchange stu-
dent. He will be sent to a coun-
try as an exchange. The country
it will be hasn't been decided
yet. He will leave around June
If he would be unable to go
the alternate would be sent. His
alternate is Margie Tylczak. "
This month new members are
elected for the Honor Society.
Selection of students for the
Margaret Baldwin Chapter of the
National Honor Society is based
on, service, character, leader-
ship and scholarship.
Election of the Honor Society
is based on faculty ratings with
ratings from one to four. In case
b% er SI mere of borderline ca ses, a board of
etiw, berg of the For- five faculty members act as
ib,,aoa " royalty are Kathy judges. If a person gets two
tte ?, BRita Nutt. fours from different teachers he
E Clu'U is an organiza- is automatically eliminated.
S0dnt s During the time new members
in vocational are being selected the senior
| ea umre businessmen members are re-evaluated.
Members of the Honor Society
was organized participate in such activities as
by Mr.
and vocational
Alecia Brooks is
to raise money
class materials
Provided by the
of their plans
communities and
With the Future
in Wash-
Business Club
the state-
in becoming
Business Club
Mr. Thomp-
of the Drama
been express-
grow their own
their plays.
the produc-
brought up
of the Sen-
the fact that
would be al-
then the
would want to
much contro-
;ubjeet and as
has been de-
a school rule
be clean shav-
,t ar _ starring Paul
_g;;," Jackle GIeaaon
IP '.tl slo a comedy were
lit I_T taZored by the sen
h -It
in the
IK I;2 t o^. pe person.
m.u:ik''2 .T'. tOWards the sen-
.'-mea la held after
- 'estling Carp 'n
' Wrestlers who
I 'Ns. '
mlio a ----I*
| '-'¥, W vanue
"i t
games during the fall, to raise
money for scholarships.
Anyone interested in becoming
a member of the Honor Society
should study his handbook and
select clubs and organizations in
which he would like to partici-
pate. A "B" average must be
maintained to be eligible.
The Father-Daughter Banquet
spensored by the Girls' Club will
be held March 27. This is an
evening dinner held for all SHS
girls and their fathers or guests.
don't play with
Prl0es good Thurlay through dkaturday Only.
Regularly $1.75 98 ¢
"'uar'""00ow 1.19
Neil's Pharmacy
5th & Franklin 426-3327
The Dodge Boys have got it
ii |,
Church Schedules Presentation By Drama Group Here
Covenant Players
• March 16, the Covenant Play-
ers will be presented at the 11
a.m. Morning Worship Service.
They will also be present for a
presentation to the Sunday School
at 10:25. This group specializing
For Rally
• Dr. Raymond Cox will hold
a three day Prophetic Rally in
the Shelton Foursquare Church
beginning March 17. Dr. Cox is a
former pastor of the Shelton
Church. He is a world traveler,
having even preached in Mos-
cow. He is a free lance writer
with his articles being published
in a multitude of well-known
magazines. He is now District
Representative of the Foursquare
organization for Council of Four-
square Men and currently pastors
the church in Hillsboro, Ore.
He will illustrate each mes-
sage with colored slides.
Rev. Lewis Wysong invites
everyone interested in Prophecy
to especially plan to attend.
in Religious Drama is widely
known throughout America, They
have appeared at the Community
Church in Belfair on two pre-
vious occasions and were heart-
ily received.
Following the Worship Service
there will be a Family Potluck
Fellowship Dinner so everyone
can meet and talk with the mem-
bers of the Drama Group. Every-
one is welcome.
Jtmlor Membership Class
Rev. Wendell Harder will hold
a series of eight classes for boys
and girls in grades 4, 5, anti
6, in which they will study what
it means to be a Christian and
a member of the Church. The
classes will be held at 3:45 p.m.
Mondays. Boys and girls may
come from school on the bus
and transl)ortation home will
be arranged. The sessions will
last approximately 45 minutes.
More information may be obtain-
ed from Rev. Mr. Harder at Cr.
5-6262 or Cr. 5-2162.
It isn't too late to send in
your contribution to the Heart
Fund. Mail to Mrs. Walter Scott,
Star Rt. 2, Belfair, 98528. It's a
safeguard for you and your fam-
ily - giving support to continue
research in heart care.
The Cornucopia 4-H Club meets
at the home of Mrs. Dick Sharer
for their monthly meeting the
first Tuesday of every month.
I,as! Wednesday four car loads of
young people and five adult lead-
ers in the club attended the
county skating party at the Shel-
ton Roller Rink sponsored by the
Mason County 4-H Leaders Coun-
The Cornucopia club has four
project leaders; Mrs. Dorothy
Harper has cooking projects and
vegetable gardens, Mrs. Harer
has clothing, sewing, knitting,
and flowers (landscaping and ar-
ranging); Mrs. Ruth Nelson has
crafts and leather work; and
Leonard Nelson has wood work-
ing projects. Members of the
club meet each week with pro-
ject leaders to learn the different
This is a newly organized 4-H
group which meets at the hme
of their leader. Mrs. Claire Lop-
riore each Tuesday after school.
The girls in this group are study-
ing basic sewing and home econ-
omics projects.
All persons in the Belfair water
district wanting Fire Hydrants
should plan to attend the next
meeting of the Water District
Committee. It will be held in
the High School Library the even-
ing of March 19.
Grover Fleury has sold his ser-
vice station and garage to Gary
Ison. Fleury has been in business
at the North Shore location for
the past 15 years. Gary took
over Saturday IVIart.l 8. He and
his wife Sherri (former Shei
Brown) and two children Darmi
and Kim live on the North Shore
Don't forget to buy your Girl
Scout Cookies, Chocolate Mint or
Vanilla Shortbread. Help the Girl
Scouts earn money for their pro-
jects and camping. If you were
not home when the girls called
in your neighborhood and you
would like some cookies please
call Mrs. Betty Squire, Troop
Leader, and she will sate that
you get cookies.
Funeral Services were held in
Spanaway March 5, for Orville
D. Weeks, 59, former resident
of the area.
Mr. Weeks died Feb. 28, while
at his winter home in Indic,
Calif. His family said he died
of a heart attack. Mr. Weeks
retired because of his health last
year as director of special edu-
cation in the South Kitsap School
District. The Belfair School Dis-
trict subscribed to his services
from South as a speech thera-
pist aml in this capacity he taught
many young people in the Bel-
fair Community.
During the years he lived in
the Belfair Area he was very
active in church work at the
Belfair Community Baptist
Church. He served as Moderator,
Church Choir Director and soloist,
Deacon, Trustee and President of
the Men's Fellowship.
RONALD O. ORR, whose
wife, Elizabeth, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.
I1. Somers, Mercer Island,
has been commissioned a
scond lieutenant in the U. S.
Air Force, upon graduation
f r o m Officer Training
School (OTS) at Lackland
APB, Tex. Lt. Orr, selected
for OTS through competi-
tive examination, is being
assigned to Williams AIB,
Ariz., for pilot training. The
lieutenant, formerly of Shel-
ton, is a 1964 graduate of
Shelton High School. He re-
ceived his B.A. degree in
communications from
Washington State Univer-
sity in 1968 and is a mem-
ber of Beta Theta Pi.
Charger! The family-size sportscar. America's success car.
Driving competition wild with the greatest sales increase
in Dodge's history. Charger! Turning up the fever! Now!
Who's got 'em? The Dodge Boys. Along with great service
and the best used cars in town. Don't just buy a car when
you can get the care that goes with it for the same price!
Front & Railroad
Shelton, Wash. 98584
Thursday, March 13, 1969 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Pae 19