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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 13, 1969     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 13, 1969
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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"- WARRIOR BRAND POTATOES Good for 10 pound ba K Each J-! IIOLDEN DELICIOUS APPLES POUND  JkAmwu rAntiAA Full Cups, red & ripe  I'1 UllUlI| /UIII|IUUI chill & serve, Eaoh 4P V I r'-"l qrnmm|m, Crisp, mild, for stews 1 I€ L_.J/UllllpU and roasts, lb. • -I Dillehaa'td Crisp, mild, for stews 11€ L...J IIHIglBgHI and roasts, lb. l I'"1 !1,*.= m'lAlau Slice on hamburgers, € [_..J U|][ UII|UIH) 3 lb. bag- Medium, Each ,K.]V "'1 I,A,NA I''|A Daily Sun, just chill and 4 o, ._J UlUlI60 I/MlUU serve, Quarts Each 1 ["' Red Potatoes NewCal.orn,a, ooodfor 2/: ..., boiling or frying, lb. Z9' Freshly Made Every Day r--] Dressing Western F.m,,y,= ,.,andB'eu Chee./Each 69 ¢ GROCERY BUYS . HILLS enos. COFFEE  I All,rinds $1 ,'7n I €. ooo,.o I I t'f J,J with coupon 1= • g I 7 Hills ares. Coffee .,, :rind: ,o: tl. 70 € -] Hills Bros. Coffee ,,, or,.* on ..,,, , ,,n '1.37 ..,.go, ''- ' r -] Insta ee 10 ounce Jar 1.29 Fruit Drinks $ Hawaiian Punch , oz t,.. 3/ ]v ': .o,.,... , ionna Sausap , o.noe t 4/ "1 tfll..L,,. U|,., New Betty Crocker, 21Y= oz. a¢ /UJIKU IIIIA Upside Down Pineapple ]r l- -] Evaporated Milk ] ssion Noodles Oashew Nuls Western Family 13 oz tin l; ]l€ 11: Wide 29' 12 oz. Crescent, fresh 61' stocks, 5 oz. pkg. PORK ROAST Fresh, tenderpork 39' ['-I shoulder. Picnic style. Per pound DLLI | i L . " O = Ti p B°;l:d:S Spi::°p: u n d 98 ¢ r-l00 A ]00T]00Tl00ll g I= M Swift's Premium, nn,00=00vn Pf::ldY;°:kedperb. 89 € HYOADE'S CORNED BEEF BRISKET FRESH GREEN CRISP CABBAGE Mild cure. well O trimmed, lots of lean meat. per pound 9' New California, 13 i::l=r, wi,  € Corned Beef. Pound THRIF'FWAY'S CORNED BEEF & CABBAGE 1 large head Fresh Cabbage Cover meat with cold water and simmer for 3 hours. Cut Cabbage into eighths and add to water and cook until tender. Serves 8. [[ J.m.mmm Dkmum Thriftway's Chef's mO¢ r"-I IA. (ImAAJ IBis.Am Western Family IIIUMIIU II1MBMHH Choice, Ib, II  'bgall OlIIIUU uaunn Ob. 79 ¢ Bulk, fresh • Morrell's German Pure Pork Sausage °round, ,b SV E German Wieners ,,y,o ,b 79 ¢ Blade Pork Steak shoulder., lb. 69 I-7 Dungoness Crab wih butter ,b 49' maui iBABi _lLam= Hygrade s Fi- QO¢ r"-I U.IIL,,i €|11.0. Skinless, broil, bake glllUngu ruin UllUpOesta, rib cut, lb. em L,_..J nallNlUl rlllgll or fry. lb. In SEEOSO, ,o, OC,E, NEEDS -- WEA LIDO CUSTOM CUTTING. I GREEN GIANT i 2 Kinds GREEN BEANS, 16 oz. CREAM CORN 17 oz. NIBLETS or MEXICORN CORN 12 oz. 00KidnoyBeans .,w 5/=1 CHILl &BE ANS 4/001 15 oz. tins Hormel's, rich [ ] NesHo's Quik 'lb. ox 45' and thick. Heat , 'n Serve. 15 oz. tin i.] Rg Nowion s ,a,:c:.c::;.. 3/'1 El Graham 0raoken NablS(. pkg. 37' TTTI00 1)1 l I I//I 'l I I Pure'sweet creamGrade AA, prints 75 ¢ JL / .n_ JL. JLJ mm IK/ or cubes. Per pound L flavors. Half gallon pack IOIJLJITIVLI ; iGnkuS:i:to: U ] SHUR4:RESH,,,,o ,,.. ,no BUTTERHORNSl (. prices effeo.,.  ,o, ,..k,=, drlk dr € \\; IMARCH 13-14-15_% Serve with butter. _ _-  - " (\\; limit rights .) m laaal D.JI. 8hur-frelh, assorted O.d¢ .J 11111111111 nVlll 24 to a package 07" Page 22 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 13, 1969 !-7 FABULOUS LUX DETER6ENT Mild, gentle liquid. 59 € Easy on hands and dainty apparel. 32-ounce bottle SCOTT BATHROOM TISSUES colors. Family Scott. Big 4 roll package J'-] All 3-B Detergent c°"%t,2% oz 'IR$ ----u---I RP- u ..... Scott, white or A1$1 I-' Fa?lal/ISGUU assorted, 200 ct. a/l Paper Towels $ I-7 Ch,fl.on Towels ,s, couot 3/1 I-7 Plaslnc Wrap "a"di w;;'foot to,, 33  [-'-1 DOWNEY FABRIC SOFTENER Thrifty Special [-7 CAMAY BEAUTY BAR SOAP Bath size bar. Big 9 5 5 bar pack. € Big Value r-! TOP JOB MOULD CLEANER Excellent, all-pur- t  p I1.00* E VAL [-7 JERGEN'S HAND LOTIONS Famous for its gentleness to P7N¢ Hands. 91//2 OZ. / 11 Regular $1.02 g (1 -] Waste Basket :w ::..,, =l.fll THRIFIT FROZEN FOODS [-1 CHEF BOY-AR-DEE PIZZASt 14 oz. Pepperoni and Cheese or 13 oz. Sausage and Cheese. Eoh Cheese Pizza I-! Rsh Sticks c,,, 0o,.,,., S¢ 12V2 oz. size 4Fi,hermen $€ 14 ounce package VOLUMmlIIII  N°m: OASALE" " 'll/lllllllll  THRiFTWAY . THRI:FTWAY