March 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 14, 1963 |
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6Ol? S.E. 86th kve
Portland, Ore
Defeated At Polls
.................. 56 27 ---
.................. 64 27
9 .................. 61 27
t 10 .................. 55 29
t 11 ................ 04 37
12 ................ 54 32 .05
................ 57 27
March 14, 1963 Published in "Ohristmastown, U.S.A." Shelton, Washington 20 Pages 3 Sections
1][ Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton. Washington,
under Act of lIarch 8. 1879. Published weekly at 227 West Cota. 10 Cents per Cops
L yman h Mason County Fair Queen S¢00ool Board,+ To Have
ELECTED -- Sandra Lyman,
Mason County Fair Queen
!Y Day held last Saturday. Princes-
of operating
in the Mason
prisoners in the
recommended by
Clark to the
:ing, re-
were mty corn-
and Police Chief
the county
VOted to continue
Operation for six
allow for a de-
number of pris-
from the 1962
presented by Clark
by Hinton and
commissions as to
lasses of prisoners
ad been prepared by
V¢. A. Potter. The
mid it would be
the present
six months
get informs-
under his di-
judge costs.
was happy
houses some
jail, pay-
m apPointed Carl
the construction
County Fair
tWo cars for the
Was awarded to
Who submitted
bid opening last
ses elected were Karen Synith, left, and Cindy
Jackson, right. They will preside over the Ma-
son County Fair next fall.
City Declines
School Request
To Sell Land
In a letter to the Shelton School
board this week, the city commis-
sion told the school group they
ere not interested in selling the
area in Loop Field on which the
tennis courts are. located.
The school board had asked the
city about the possibility of pur-
Chasifig (hepYope+ty because the
school wanted to repair the courts
and did not feel it should as long
as it did not own the property.
told the city commissioners he had
a list of a number of sidewalks
in the city which were in need of
repair and asked ff a city ordin-
ance under which property owners
can be forced to put in sidewalk
would also apply to replacing side-
The commission asked City At-
tqrney John Ragan to check the
ordinance to see if it would apply.
Byrne reported that the work
on the Angle Way slide area was
about completed and that the
street should be open today.
reading to an ordinance to in-
crease the amount allowed a
prisoner serving out a fine in city
jail from $3 to $6 a day. The
ordinance also provides that pris-
oners serving city jail sentences
can be required to work eight
hours a day on city projects.
Ragan presented an opinion to
the commission that the Commun-
ity Concert Association would be
exempt from the city's admission
March 9 more than 200 Mason
County 4-H club members and
their leaders and parents cele-
brated 4-H Rally Day at the Mr.
View School Auditorium
The program consisted of indi-
vidual club skits, a potluck sup-
per and evening recreation for
older 4-H club members.
Mrs. Stanley Lyman, Skoko-
mish Valley, headed the Rally Day
program planning committee. She
was assisted by Mrs. Don Wilson,
Southside: Mrs. Joyce Snyder,
Southside; Mrs. Joyce Olson, Ag-
ate and Mrs. Art Nicklaus, Grape-
Robert Spooner, Graleview, pre-
sident' bf the Mason City "if:H
Builders' Club served as master
of ceremonies.
One of the highlights of the 4-H
Rally Day was the election of the
Mason County Fair Queen and
her court.
Sandra Lyman, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Lyman, Skoko-
mish Valley, was elected Queen.
Her Princesses are: Cindy Jack-
son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles M. Jackson, Southside,
and Karen Smith, daughter ot
1Vr. and Mrs. Alex Smith. Kamil-
Girl S©ouis Have
Window Display
As an activity for National Girl
Scout Week this week, Shelton
Girl Scouts have set up a display
in the window of Miller's Depart-
ment Store in which they are tak-
ing part each afternoon after
Four girls are in the window
each afternoon from 3:30 p.m. to
5:15 p.m. and will be there all day
The girls are taking turns With
the "modeling" project.
Ships First Lumber To Puerto
Foreign Ship Under New Regulation
kN "VF-o,-L TULANE tmes
er at Tacoma for San Juan,
)r\\;ve,'i;l n v('s-
)aded 709,000
zm Simpson
helton saw-
the Jones
aed from
In American
s Classified as
-s Act, l
vessels in
Puerto Rico. This is Simpson's first shipment
to Puerto Rico 'in a foreign vessel.
Puerto Rican irade.
Simpson is one of five lumbc;
hrms to apply for and receive
permission fPonl the governnlent
to use foreign vessels to ship to
Puerto Rico. This is Simpson's
first shipment to Puerto Rico un-
der terms of the Neuberger am-
The importance of the lumber
industry to Washington's econ-
omy is evident in these statistics
from the State Department of
Commerce and Economic Devel-
The 700,000 bd. ft. being loaded
by Simpson represents a year of
mnployment for nine people, a
direct payroll of $41,125, employ-
ment for 32 people in supporting
businesses, three (lays of work for
39 longshoremen, products val-
ued at $126.000 and direct state
and local taxes of $3500.
would not have had without the
NeubetT;er Amendment, so it's
pure gravy to our economy," said
Dave James, Simpson director oJ[
public affairs.
,IV[eanwhile, Northwest lumber-
lneu continue Lo seek furUler 1,e a
lie( from the Jones Act, which has
allowed British Cohunbia lumber-
men to jttmp their share of the
eastern U.S. waterborne cargo
lumber market from seven per-
cent in 1951 to 62 percent last
Athletic Field Study
The Shelton School Board Tnes-
day night voted $1.500 to have an
engineering study to get estimates
on the cost of a new athletic field
for the school system.
The step was taken as a follow+
np of an offer of a group of in-
terested citizens at the board
meeting last month to donate labor
and use of equipment in some
phages developing school-owned
property near Mt, View School as
an athletic field.
The engineering study will give
the board an idea how much
money would be required from the
school district and how the volun-
teer assistance could best be used.
man was instructed to look around
for a qualified engineer to make
the study.
The board opened bids on a
language laboratory for the new
Grant C. Angle School addition.
The bids were turned over to a
committee of school administrat-
ors and board members for study
and recommendation.
Bids were received from Audio-
Visual Center, Inc., Seattle;
American Seating Co., Portland
and Frank B. Cohen, Seattle.
The board was assured by school
administrators that there would be
no repetition of an eighth grade
English composition assignment
to which the board had objected
when it was brought to their at-
The assignment, taken from a
national scholastic publication
asked the students to write on
which two of four persons in a
fallout shelter should sacrifice
themselves so the limited amount
of food could be used by the other
two to survive.
The board adopted a policy set-
ting'*the.retirement age for.c'ool
employees at 65. +An employee
after that age could continue
working if requested by the school
administration and approved by
the board to do so.
an appraisal of school property for
insurance purposes made. Rocky
Hembroff appeared at the board
meeting to discuss having this
The board voted to ask the city
to do necessary repair work on the
tennis courts on Loop Field. The
school board had asked the city
about purchasing the property. In
a letter read at the meeting Tues-
day night the city said it would
not be interested in selling.
The board accepted the resig-
nation of Mrs. Laura Murphy as
clerk of the board, effective
March 31:
Red Cross
.Fund Drive
Workers Set
Christmas Tree
Growers To Meet
in Olympia
Northwest Christmas tree pro-
ducers from "Washington, Oregon,
Idaho and British Columbia are
expected to muster in Olympia
March 15-16. to tour commercial
Christmas tree farms and iron out
industry problems.
Dr. Mark Buchanan. Director of
WSU's Agricultural Experiment
Stations. Pullman, is featured
speaker for the Friday evening
banquet at the Olympian Hotel.
Registration will be March 15
from 10 a.m, to noon at the Hofert
Nursery across from the Olympia
airpo)t. Programs and time sche-
dules will be available there.
The two-day meeting will take
in field tours of Christmas tree
plantations operated by the G. R.
Kirk Company, J Hofert Company
and Sparkeel Tree Farm. Demon-
strations on pruning and thinning
and research studies on shipping
methods will be presented to the
Chrislmas tree producers. Growers
will have an opportunity at even-
ing pew-wows to hash over mutual
"problems and experiences.
Joe Buhaly, WSU Extension Fo-
rester. Puyallup. urges newcomers
to the Christmas tree business to
take advantage of the tours and
discussions. Everyone interested in
growing and marketing Christmas
trees is invited to attend.
The asseeiation was founded in
1951 by a group of growers and
fore,lers from "Washington, Idaho
and Oregon. The association aims
to develop public understanding of
the industry, promote production
of better (]ualitv trees improve
marketing, and to collect and dis-
tribule information. The associa-
tion met le,st year in Shelton.
Offieers of the association are:
Hal Sebudel. president. Corvallin,
Ore.; Lee rlls, Olympia. rind Jim
Gibbons. Portland. vice-presidents:
and Bob Kintigh, secretary-treastl-
rot, pringfield Ore. Directors are
Lm'ell Seljeetal' Shelton. and Herb
Plumb. Olympia, who iv also a na-
tional delegate.
Scouts To Goilecl
Good Turn Bags
Boy Scouts will bc picking up
the Good Turn filled bags Satur-
day, March 16. which in turn will
be delivered to the Goodwill hl-
The bags that were left at
homes last Saturday, should he
filled with discarded clothing and
small household articles. Have the
bags ready on your front porcll
early in the morning. Clatence An-
derson, collection chairman, said
that every effort will be made to
pick up the bags before noon.
Heads Campaign
Key leaders in the 1963 Mason
County Red Cross fund cam-
paign were named earlier this
week by campaign chairman,
Robert S. Tanner.
In the key Shelton residential
area Mrs. L. C. Van Arsdale and
Mrs. Leon Haynes will serve as
co-chaimnen, Assisting them as
district captains are Mrs. Ruby
Frisken, Miss Marion Johnson,
Mrs. Bill Johnson, Mrs. Gordon
Bennett, Mrs. Martin Hart. Mrs,
S. W, Vander Wegen, Mrs. Doug-
las Larson, Mrs, Bill Gott, Mrs.
Paul Hinton and Mrs. June Hoard.
El) FAUBERT IS in charge of
the Shelton business section of the
campaign and Bill Batstone will
make the professional contacts.
In other areas of the county the
following men will direct the cam-
paig: Hoodsport, Lilliwaup--R.
W. Messmer; Skokomish Valley,
Union--Harry Elmlund' Belfair--
I. W. Holm; Arcadia--Bill Le
THE CAMPAIGN is scheduled
to begin next week. Mrs. Van Ars-
dale and Mrs. Haynes will hold a
kickoff coffee hour at Heinie's
Broiler at I0:00 a.m. on Thurs-
day, Maroh 21 for the district lead-
ers and assistants.
Services performed by the local
Red Cross Chapter include, among
others, aid to servicemen and their
families, emergency aid to indi-
viduals struck by misfortune, first
aid instruction, home care of the
sick, direct participation in rec-
reational t)rograms at Madigan
General Hdspital and the Ameri-
can Lake Veterans Hospital.
Epnevgency aid and supplies are
paid for by Red Cross.; the services
are carried on and performed by
tmpaid voolunteer workers.
Auto Races For
Forest Festival '
Are Rejected
There wiil he no auto races at
the Mason County Forest Festival
this year, President Clive Troy
The executive board of the Fes-
lival Association met last week
and voted not to sponsor the
races, he said. Representatives of
the American Sports Car Associa-
tion appeared at a membership
meeting two weeks ago to urge
the group to support the races.
The question was turned over to
the executive board for study.
The contmittee also voted to
purchase two new street banners
and 50 pennant strings to be used
in street decorations for the event.
Mill Accident
Kills Simpson
Burnham P. Hammond. 47, a
resident of the Agate area. was
killed Friday night in an accident
at Simpson Mill No. 2.
He was feeding wood chips into
a conveyor, working on the swing
shift and apparently fell into the
machine, a company spokesman
His body was discovered at 7
a.m. by a day shift employee com-
ing on duty.
H A M M ON O was working alone
and there were no witnesses to
the accident. His shift was sup-
posed to have ended at 1:30 a.m.
Company, state and union safe-
ty officials are conducting an in-
They believe he fell into the
conveyor while working.
Mr. Hammond was born in Ar-
nold, Nebr., Dec. 27, 1915 and
lived in Mason County seven years
residing in the Agate area.
held at 1 p.m. Tuesday at Bat-
stone Funeral Home with Rev.
Eugene Knautz officiating.
Burial was in McPherson Na-
tional Cemetery, Nebraska.
Survivors include his wife, Aud-
rey, eight sons, Robert. Roland,
Charles, LeWayn, Roger, Rodney,
two daugh-
:Debts, - and,
two step sons, John and Ronald.
Healey, all at the home: his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ham-
mend, Corvalis, Ore.; five sisters.
Arma Jared, Corvalis; Bertha
Zimmerman, Corvalis; Dorothy
Waltermier. Brady, Neb., Grace
Daniels, Hoquiam, and one sister
in Parma, Ida.; three brothers,
Cacil, Selma, Calif.. Robert. North
Platte, Neb., and John Corvalis,
Grapeview Post
Office Enlargement
Gels Approval
Postmaster General J. Edward
Day advised Postmaster Julius
Stock today that the Post Office
Department has accepted the pro-
posal of Julius Stock to enlarge
the present postal facility at Gra-
Stock, the successful bidder, will
enlarge the building to 345 square
feet of interior floor space and
1,000 square feet of paved area.
The post office to he enlarged is
located in Grapeview. Terms of the
agreement are on a monthly ren-
tal basis.
First 5ra de
Registration Set
, All Shelton Elementary Schools
ill register children for the 1963-
64 kindergarten and first year
classes Tuesday and "Wednesday,
March 26 and 27. aL tim Evergreen
School. This spring registration is
very necessary as it is the only
way to determine how many class-
rooms to prepare for these groups
of children. A physical examina-
tion will not be given at the time
of registration this year. This may
be taken care of at another date.
Immunization will be available for
those desiring this service.
Children with i:,st names begin-
ning A through b will register
Tuesday, March 26. from 9 a.m.
through 1 p.m. Those with last
names M through Z will report
Wednesday, March 27. from 12
noon through 3:30 p.m.
With no physical exam and two
days for registration it should not
be necessary for anyone to spend
more than one-half hour to com-
plete their child's registration.
In order to be eligible to en-
ter kindergarten a child must be
five years of age by October 31.
1963. For firs£ year classes a
child must be six by October 31,
1963. Please bring the child's
birth certificate at the time of
CIasses be mad,
by enrolling hint or her at this
Children now enrolled in kinder-
garten are registered for 1963-64.
Prizes Offered
in Coupon Days
Hundreds of dollars worth o£
merchandise prizes are offered in
this week's Journal in a repeat
of the popular Coupon Days. A
promotion of the retail trade com-
mittee of the Shekon Chamber o
Commerce. Coupon Days w-ill last
from today until 3 p.m. Friday,
March 22 when drawings for prize
winners will be held in each of the
41 participating businesses.
Each store will have a winner,
so clip out the coupons on page
15 of this week's Journal, sign
your name and take them to the
stores. Nb purchase is necessary.
After the drawings winners
names will be posted in each store.
Th,', Harstine Island bridge bond
! was turr, ed down by Mason County
voters aL the polls Tuesday.
Although enough voters turned
out '., make the election valid
and m re than half of those vet-
mg we re in favor of the bridge,
,vhen the final tally -as in the
"yes" vote did not make the
necessary 60 per cent majority
The unofficial vote tally showed
1.658 ye: votes and 1,506 no, a
total of 3.164 or slightly more
than 52 per cent in favor. About
2,700 votes were required to make
the 40 per cent of those voting
in the last general election to vali-
date the bridge election.
School District returned B. Frank-
lin Heuston to the school board
with 1,939 votes to 475 ior his
opponent, Valentine Sienko.
Lester Spilseth was elected
1.016 to 443 over David McMillan
to the seat being vacated by Dr.
Q. Themes Ryan, who did not
seek re-election.
Vn)p:josed for re-election to the
board were Dr, Douglas Larson,
who got 1,469 votes; Mrs. Virginia
Martig, 1,329 ind Mrs. Betty Mc-
Clanahan. 1.343.
North Mason school district
voters returned two incumbents to
the board and defeated one.
John Sission lost in his hid for
re-election to Richard.Rassmussen
224 to 203.
votes to defeat Kenneth Leather-
man with 216 and Mrs. Betty
Criss 248 votes to defeat Larry
Deleface with 176.
Unopposed for re-election to the
board was Charles Amacher \\;'ho
received 369 votes.
S, /VL Baunsgard with 29 votes
and H. A. Glaser with 28 were
named to the Harstine Island
School board by a narrow margin
front a field of five candidates,
Mrs, Thelma Tierny received 26
votes and George Waite, Jr. 27.
The only incumbent seeking re-
election to the board, Mrs, Astrid
Saeger. received seven votes.
Harstine Island voters also
turned down 47 to 18 the forma-
tion of a fire district for the is-
Union Fire District voters were
in a more generous mood. approv-
,:rig a one-year special 10-mitl levy
to purchase a fire truck 99 to 25.
Appli©ation Deadline
On SludenbGarpen|er
Set,For,June I
is-here for
V.FAV. student-carpenter house
Desdiine for these applications
is June 1. rmninds Jack Gray,
chairman of the V.F.W. Housing
Committee. He will be glad to sup-
ply details to interested parties.
Applications should be ad+
dressed to the V.F.WL Housing
Committee. P.O. Box 204. Shelt0n.
Under this project all carpen-
try work is provided without
charge by students in instructor
Arne aohnsen's high school man,
nat arts classes, a saving of as
much as 40 percent on the total
cost of a home.
Applicants must provide a plan,
the site (in Shelton) and prove
financial ability to carry out the
rest of the project.
Voiture 135 of the 40 & 8 (Ma-
son County) iI1 be represented at
the Petite Promenade in Yakima
Saturday by delegates Glenn
Gardner aad Bill Dickie. They
were chosen at last week's month
ly voiture prom and will accom-
pany John Luhm, who is 40 & 8
Grand Correspondant, to Yakima.
First Phase Construction At Correction
Center h About 75 Per Cent Comeleted
PRISON BUILDING -- The outside work on
this building, a cell block, a+t the Washington
Correction Center is nearly completed and fin-
ishing work is in progress. This is one of the
eight buildings in the first phase construction
whicl is about 75 percent complete now.
Construction of the first phase
of the new rasbington Correction
Center being built west o Shelton
is getting down to the finishing
The first phase is about 75 pet"
cent completed, Lyle Lloyd, of the
Mutual Vallee Construction Com-
pany, general contractors says.
Almost all of the concrete work
has been completed oll seven of
the eight buildings in the first
...... Pouring'. concrete is in pro-
gress in the eigl]th building, the
power building.
Finishing work is in progress in
the rest of the buildings, with the
administration building the fur-
thest along,
Plastering attd laying ceramic
tile is in progress in the building,
Installation of the heating and
phunbing system is underway in
several of the btfildings.
Lloyd said that the weaHcr this
winter has been a great help in
keeping the work going at a good
About 150 employees of the vat-
Jells contractors are on the job
now. about the same number
have been working throughout the
Are Here Again See Page 15! Prizes, Prizes,