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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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- aEe ii i SHELTON--MAg0N COUNTY JOURNAL---Published in &apos;(Chrishastown, U.S.A.", ghelton. Washington Thursday, M " Reception Honors Former Residents A reception honoring Mr. and Mrs. William Htmiiton on their 50th wedding anniversary was held Feb. 28 at the couple's home : in Centralia. Host and host esses for the event were the honored couple's son-in- law and daughters. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Lund and Mrs. Ralph Pauley of Shelton. Several relalives and " friends were on hand tO help cele- brate the occasion. Mr .and Mrs. Hamilton are for- mev Sbelton residents, ...... V Na y Mothers Club ': To Have Speakers Navy Mothers Chib members are : in for a treat when they meet at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday at the Memorial hall. Chief Don McCewen and Chief Winner will be their guests. They will show films of , the nuclear submarine's voyage and talk on different phases of the navy. Mothers of navy men or women and marine or coast guard have a : special invitation to attend the progTam. u 2 ? JAYETTES MEET THIS EVENING Shelton Jayettes wilt meet at 8 p.m. this evening at the home of M. J. B. Mikelthun, Walker Park Addition. Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses at the MasGn county auditor's of- fice this past week were: Ingvold & Gronvold, legal, Pot- latch, and Genevieve J. McEnvoy, legal, Hodosport. Larry L. Rodgers, 21. Shelton, and Phyllis Hanson, 20, Bremer- ton. John J. Isaacson, 39. Bremer- ton, and Agnes Andrews, 38, Port Orchard. Fred A. Freddrickson, legal, Seattle, and Helen Chapman, legal, Seattle. Dm]iel Mulford, 27, Gardiner, and Fleets Shmp, 29, Gardiner. NEW HOURS The Mason County Credit Union Office will be open Fridays until 6 p.m. and Closed Saturday Office Hours -- Men, thru Thurs ...... 8:30-5:30 Fridays ...................... 8:30 - 6:00 Closed Saturday St. Patrick's Day Theme For March 8 and 40 Meet St. Patrick's Day decorations with daffodils and pussy willows were used for the tables at the March 1l meeting of Mason Co. Salon 508 Eight and Forty. Four- teen partners were served a de- licious 7 p.m. dinner by hostesses Mattie Backlund. JEnny Hog and Merle Smith. The meeting convened at 8 p.m. with Chapeau Beryle Faubert pre- siding. Child relfare bulletins from Departmental were read and disenssed but no action was'takcn tm several new proposals. Several items in the current budget came up for discussion with no action taken. Partners Shirley Clinton. Rue Metcum. Ann Camp- bell and Augnta Twohy were re- ported ill. Hostesses for the April 8 meet- ing will be Partners Beryle Fau- bert, LiKian Nmwold and Alice Hill. Following adjournment a skit under direction of Partners Agnes Alexander and Mary Dob- son added fun to the meeting. Title. "The Doctor's Infernal Machine." ..................... Sale Plans Made By D. J. Guild The Donnie J. OIChopedic Guild held its March meeting at the home of Mrs. Jim Cross with Mrs. Ray Cook as co-hostess. A combination rummage and plant sale will be held April 5-6 in the building formerly occupied by the Bamboo Shop, next to the public Library. Mrs. Jim Cross is general chairman for this sale. A nominating committee was appointed by president, Joan Man- ke, to prepare a slate of prospec- tive officers to be voted upon at the next meeting. Also, many dif- ferent ideas were presented for projects for the coming year. FINAL CARD PARTY FOR SKOKOMISH CLUB Skokomish Community Club will sponsor the final pinochle card party in the winter series this Saturday evening in the Com- munity hall. Playing will begin at 8:15 p.m. The series prizes will be award. ed. Everyone is welcome. EAGLES OFFICIAL VISITS ABERDEEN Eagles District Deputy ;Marie Lewis made her official visit to Aberdeen March 7. Others at- tending were Mesdames 5can Dor- sett, Ruby Lorenzen, Edna Knee- .land. Tenna Stockwell, Dorothy Cads, Charlotte Gardner and Ber- tha Johnson. Used Cars00 and Trucks 1961 Hillman 4-dr., 12,000 actual mileage 1959 Rambler Ambassador 4-dr., HT 1958 I.H. Heavy-Duty -ton pickup 1956 Chrysler Windsor 4-door sedan ,|m|lmu||lom iN |mum| |mm|u=mm|mmm||mm|wmn||n||m= m |mmm mllmmmmmmB i = HOW = i ._ .. , 5-YEAg -- 50,000 MILE WARRANTY ! i : ON ALL 1963 I : CHRYSLER -- PLYMOUTH -- VALIANT ! • | n I 6.WHEEL LOGGER 1957 International OF-200 cab & chassis V-549 engine, 5-speed main transmission, 4-speed auxiliary, 36,()0-1b, rear-bogie. Ready tO go -- completely reconditioned. } : I ' KIHBEL HOTORS, IH¢. LER  PLYMOUTH mVALIANT • aNAL TRUCKS • PHONE 426-3433 HERE'S HOW IT WORKS= I. Anoutgoing envelope I (Customer'| Nme I Address Is In up- L City and State) per lef hand 2, Detachable form Customer desash your statement, or- alex form. collection notice, dues, etc.t and inserts-check In pocket of return. envelope. Detach- able flap provide= CUatomers with scord of expensee, = E {Return Envelsl 3. Return envelope cstomer ro, ' -,,. ow. ,.d /ifIt \\;\\'(- =i*.Nowalnl W"I   "It ,.vep, has be- I |//T',A / come a return on- I IW I I ".'1 | velop, rdy for" L -4"" | speedy, accurato IRaturn gflvMona n -- ou.  (Return Envelop@ getu to y So cial Even ts Society Editor Marj Waters • Phone 426-4412 I ,Americanism is February Program For Legion Juxiliary Americanism was the February program for the American Legion Auxiliary. Mrs. Amy Frank. chair- man. gave extensive reports and will distribute 200 flag codes to the 4th grades in Shelton Constitution and by-laws and Community Service reports were given by chairmen Mrs. Charlotte Gardner and Mrs. Beryle Faubert at the March 5 meeting. "Let There Be Peace and Let it Begin With Me" was used as the subject of a discussion. Strict law enforcement of Safety taws and Highway safety was consid- erad each one's duty. Under Child Welfare, articles for t]se at Rogers school are to be brought to the next meeting. A pedal sewing machine is needed at the school. March 19. next meeting date, is the Legion birthday. May 19 was set as the date for the Girls' State Tea to be held in Shelton. Following adjournment refresh- ments were served to auxiliary and post. It'00 A Date WWl Veterans nd Auxiliary To Neet With Hew Officers Madrona Bal'racl<s No. 1462. Ve- terans of V¢o]'ld War 1 and Auxili- Today, Thurs., Mreh 14 Golden Age Club birthday din- ner, 12 noon, Memorial hall. Madrona Barracks, Veterans of WWI meeting, 8 p.m., Memorial hall. Rotary Club luncheon, noon Mine Tree Cafe. Shelton Jayettes, 8 p.m., home of Mrs. J. B. Mikelthun. Shelton-Mason County Chamber of Commerce monthly meeting, dinner 7 p.m., program 8 p.m., Rit- ner's. Friday, March 15 Shelton Woman's Club rummage sale, 9 a.m., PUD building. Cub Scout Pack 12 Sale, 11 a.m., Safeway: VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Memor- ial hall. Saiasrday, March 16 Shelton Woman's Club Rumm- age'Sale, 9 a.m., PUD bldg. Drivers license examiner, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., police station. Pioneer Fire District potluck dinner and Game Night, 6:30 p.m., Agate Grange hall. Have your bags ready by 9 a.m. for Boy Scouts "Good "Turn Day" Sunday, March 17 Shelton churches invite you to attend the church of your choice. Monday, March 18 Shelton Garden Club Conserva- tion luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Colon, iad house. SRA PinoChle club, 8 p.m., Me= hall. County Commission's meeting, a.m., courthouse. Preschool PTA, 8 p.m., at the play school. Tuesday, March 19 Mason Co. Fair Board meeting, 8 p.m., Cmnmissioner's room, courthouse. Shelton Chapter of American Rhododendron Society, 8 p.m., PUD bldg. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon, Memorial hall. City commission's meeting, 2 p,m., city hall. Fred B. Wiveli Post 31, Ameri- can Legion, 8 p.m., :Memorial hall. Wednesday, Mreh 20 Drivers license examiner. 10 a.m. -5 p.m.. police station. Laurel Court Order of Ama- ranth Friend's Night, 8 p.m., Ma- sonic temple. BPW dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Ritner's Banquet room. Thursday, March 21 -Past-Matrons ef Welcome Chap- ter No. 40, 12:30 p.m. luncheon meeting, Masonic temple. Navy Motllers Club. 7:30 p.m., Memorial hall. - Catholic.Women's Rummage and Plant sale, 9 a.m.. old JOurnal Bldg. Rotary Club luncheon, noon, Ming Tree Care. Port commission's meeting, 8 p.m., courthouse. Men's 19th Hole Club monthly dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Bay shore clubhouse. Ideal for Savings Accounts Statements Past Due Notlcee Personnel Inquiry Contract Payments Fund Drlvei Mail Order Selling Mail.Well Returnelopes are available ia the following colored papers: Whito Mail-Well and Pink, Green and Golden Autumn in Glowtone Stock. Mail-Well envelopes for your every businesg need THE JOURNAL Republican Women To Hear About Aus|raia A| Next Meeting Mrs. Harold C. Stirling, cam- paign chairman of WasMngton SLat(: Confederation of V¢omcn's Republican Clubs. will speak at the 1:30 p.m. meeting of the Ma- :on County \\;Vomen's Republican Club next Wednesday at tim home :,f Mrs. George G. Shaeklefm'd: president of the group. Mrs. Stirling reeenlly retm'ned from a tour of Australia and New Zealand. She will give impressions of her trip that will include con- trasts between their governments and OURS. Mrs. ShacklefmM's home is lo- cated on Hood-Canal about one- half mile north of the Happy Hot- low store. Members or visitors. who will be welcome, may call Mrs Guy Norris at 426-6066 or Mrs, L. L Mclnelly at 426-3198 for transportation, LAUREL COURT SLATES FRIEND'S NIGHT WEDNESDAY Laurel Court Order of Amaranth will have its Friend's Night meet- ing next Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the Masonic temple. All officers invite friends from outside courts to perform the opening and clos- ing ceremonies. On the agenda for the evening will be the honoring of Life mem- bers, Honorary members and the Court's choir. Flower matrons and the ladies of Sir Knights who hold offices will be hostesses. Grand Court of the State of WashingtOn will open session at 7:30 p.m. tonight and will con- tinue through Saturday at the Masonic temple in Tacoma at 47 St. Helena avenue. The laurel Court Amaranth choir conducted by Mrs. Lout Lar- son has been invited to sing again this year which will make the 8th appearance at Grand Court ses- sion. All members are invited to at- tend. Paid up dues cards will be your admission. VFW Auxiliary Meets Tomorrow The next regular business meet- Auxiliary to the Wars will be Friday ir the Ae- 1 building. Reports will be heard on recent district-meeting held in Hoqtiiam. Hostesses will be Josephine Sparks, chairman; Lucille Arbo- gasl. Mary Dawson and Juanita Potter. ry will meet at 8 p.m. tonight at. the Memorial bfilding for their re- gular m[mthly sessions. The now 1.963 officers will pre- side. A Legisiative report will be made as well as a report on tile advance sale nf Mason Collnty ]or- est Festival tickets which the Ve- terans and Auxiliary memhers are helping u) promote. Following the business sessions rcfreslmenl s and entertainment will be enjoyed. A large attendance is; desired. cat Lee uxiliary ,nuai Hamper Benefi! The Vieki Lee Orthol)edie Auxil- iary hehl its March 11 meeting at the home of Mrs. Don Lund. Co- hostess yeas Mrs. Arden Pierce. 'Pickets were given to men]- bets to sell for tile annual Hamp- er Benefit. For tickets call Mrs. Bill Jaekstadt at 426-4508 oz memhers will be at Scar's Catalog office Saturday. The drawing will be held at 1:30 p.m. Marei 30. The April 8 meeting will be hel¢l at Ms. Bill Jackstadt's with Mrs. Bud Helser as co-hostess. ...................................... Shelton Genemtl Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Carney, Rt. 1. Box 160, a boy, March 6. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gouley, 525 Arcadia. a boy, March 7. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Deno, Star Rt. 2, Box 35, Union. a boy, March 8, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Little. 319 Wyandotte, a boy, March 12. Word has been received that Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Clark of Mid- west City, Oklahoma, became the parents of a baby boy October 17. Richard graduated from Irene S. Reed high school with the class of 1958, He is now Airman First Class, stationed with the 1707 FMS, Tinder AFB. Okla. ISABELLA CLUB SLATES CARD PARTY The Isabella Women's Club will hold a card party at 1 p.m. next Wednesday at he home of Mrs. Gertie Lombard. The public is wel- conic. FACULTY VIVES MEETING MONDAY Shelton Facully Wives will meet next Monday at the home of Mrs. Bill Merifield. Mrs. Arne Johnson and Mrs. Paul Gillie will be co- hostesses. Charles Peck will show slides of the Pacific Northwest. Choose your Easter gifts from our complete selection of Russell Stover Candies. 1 lb. $1.50 Assorted Chocolates  /i  Easter Basket assorted Easter candies BE5 E00$E YOU LIKED IT SO and because we ere aNe o otain anolher shipment at purchase prices... WE REPEAT LAST WEEK'S GIBSOH 2-feral). REFRIOEBATOR- 13.02 cu. ft. capacity, automatic defrosting refrigerator, 104-1b, zone freezer, butter-cheese chest, two 15-qt. porcelain crm movable door racks, sliding-adjust able shelf, full 5-yr. ORIGINALLY SOLD FOR $359.95 2 Days Only NO DOWN PAYMENT Im NO PAYMENTS UNTIl_ APRIL 15 Due to so Many Trade-Ins On New Sales We Have OER 0001} IJSED REFRIGERA and FREEZERS AT BARGAIN TAPPAH DEL 30-inch ELECTRIC Hothing Gooks Like a REGULARLY SELLS DURING THIS SI 2-DAY SALE... 169 $i 9!5 trade By the makers of UHIVERSAL 4- 10 cup size in silvery chrome over solid copper PU,00P Starts perking immediately || During This • FLAVOR SELECTOR @ Sale Only.! a regular $19.95 value ..... _ ....... HAIR DRYER "'!].i]ii::] with Bouffant hood and fitted carrying case. Perfect as a table m $1.25 Fruit & Nut Egg dipped in milk chocolate 75¢ 12 Marshmallow Eggs dipped in milk chocolate 4.¢ = '¢ &:::: "4 R, "::: , t ''- 55¢ ii::;i:{ii 4,] Easter Quartet 60¢ chocolate &l butter bon eggs Chocolate Cream Egg assorted cream centers dipped in milk chocolate McConkey Dru[Ceder Evergreen Square 426-3456 I hangs from shoulder user can do other th ng' 4 temperatures to choose $24.95 value Extended Range SPDAY STEAH Use this • Spray and • Spray and @ Steam only @ Dry only $22.95 valu' ' WA0000ER REFRiGE lt:7 So. 2nd St. 'qCs The Service Alter he 8ale That Counts"