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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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¸¸ / = &lt;, . 14, 1963 SHF, LTON--MASON COUNTY JouRNAL- Publkhed in u . ...... 07m, stma,town, U.S.A." 8helton ? Glassity fenced, 6 miles North. Fine shell, Older new roof. hlside upl)lied' hi,errs do- Plqeed' to sell at Balance. you John Devereux, 426- Agency, Shell on. [I/14 farnily-size )f built-ins, large euch)sed yard; deluxe features. an al)ooinl luen|. 42g-8277. 3,/14 , I Legal Publieation, NO. %261 NOTICE OF IIEAIIlNG FINAl, I{EPOI{T AN}) PETITH)N FOIl I)ISTRI IIU'rlON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE ,d' EDITH MARIE STOIIR Deeease(l. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN itmi ROBERT STOIIR. Adlninistralor of lira Estate o[ Edilil Marie Stobr, de- ceased llas fill'd ill |lie office of the Clerk (if said C(mrl a final rel)orl and petition for dislribulion, aMdng the Court lo mfltle said report, dislrit)ntl, the! Dl'(/t)eFi y lo the t)o l'S('qlS ill(tel( ............ entilh'd and to dis('haro'e lh(, petilioner oonl haas(, ]alld- l.<; Adlliinisli'aiol'; and Ilia! s:lid i'cpoPI well: 185 ft on and l)elitiiul will be heard (m the 12Ih $7,000. Piu)po R77- (itv of April 19(i3, at 10:00 o'clock in 3,/I,t-2g ill(' [iiFellOOa of said d; v, or tin soon ............. lhercaflel' as lilt? Illaliel' C,'lll be ilcaFd ill Mill Creek C 3t14 Used. three ('ompart- deep treozc 2g cu. feet. oth'r !repairs. Phone G 3/14 tin the Treasury permits receive tax reftlnds t-paying U. S. the right and it's all auto- al the Cotlrt l'O(,lil of tilt' aliuve-t,ntit- h'd cltllrl, i11 the Cotll'lhol!se ill Shel- ton. iV[as(ill (.lJUlll v. \\;Vas]lil e-4't on. al whh'h lilnp alld place gill.%' tlt'l*.;Oll in- terl'sti'd ill said Estalc lnay appear and fih, (ill ('('rio1 >' th('l't'il) and ('l)nle'-q lb(" saiuc. Dated this 811i day ()1" March 1963. LAURA 5I. WAfIENER Clerk ill said Cotlri lly T,'('lda Vermillion IS)epUIV. GLENN E. CORREA Allornev ['or Estate Bell P, ldfz.. 12i South ,tlh SI. .qllell(n -Va sll hl!tt on 3/14-21-28-4/4 4 , HEAR AGAIN... What a wonderful Gift'. h s someone you love been cut off from the rest of e World by the lonely tragedy of hearing loss? If u, YOU may be able to give the priceless gift of, bet- er hearing. Come to see our cepresentative at... Eells & Valley Appliance Center March 15, between 10 a.m. and 12 noon Or, if You can't make it then, telephone 426-4663 ti0n.and he Will be glad to call at your home. No obliga- DANIEL E. BRUNER BELTONE HEARING AIDS 106 E. 4th, Olympia Phone 357-3521 Serving Mason County Since 1950 If Legal Publications NI), 3.132 NOTI('F TO ('RIS]I)ITOIIS IN TIlE SUI'ERIt)}: CtiLTWI' ()b" TIlE STATE OF WAStI [NG'Ik.'N FOIl MASON COUNTY tiN i't(,E4TE) Ill Ill(' i/laill,r of the ronli)i,u,d ('slat( I>l" IgMELIA Is]. tII'NT and ALI4XAN- DER J. HUNT. deceased. NOTICE 1 £4 IIIS]:I,'V,Y (lIVEN lhai lilt" lllldersigned i]:is Ilct,n lili)tilll(>(l and llas qualified :-Is lhe Iqx,-c'illrx id tile conlbiaed Eslale of l']lncl;., E. llunl ;lli(t Ah,xanth'l' ,1. l'hu/i, tit'(' aspd: lbttl "l}l pelsons llqVill (']ailtl.n t ',.l!llSi said dt,('eaFed al'(, bOl'tq)y I'c(lllilt d l() blI)I'V(  ltle SDIIIO, dl!ly vorii'iod, (i.t tile under- signl'd lM,olla []lltll Vo, Ii F.'!} Ii ill' tier LIt(il'lh'y of le('oi'd :it llip address be,- low slated and file lih' S:ll!a wlth litc (?lcl'l: of lho said C.urt. tll<'llior wi!h pl'l)O[' Ill' pll"h Si'l'vic.*" %villlill NIx lllcllhs after Iht. (iDlt" ,,f first l/tliiii'3{ion el this Illtlice (lr lil(' ;;aloe wIH Ill, b:lrl'(,(l. 1,EONA HUNT \\;'.\IYGitN t?,.vron E. MrClauahan .\\;lttiilley Io1' Is;slate all'lOP and Post tiff ice A(ldl'OS>l: l,'la41)ll ('Otllliy (h)ui'lhous Stlt.ltltll. \\;,raNhin u i on. :4/7-14-.21 31 N(}. R351 S1HMMONN tlY I'UllLI('ATION IN TIlE SUI'ICRIOR C()I;RT ()l" TIlE STATE OF WASItl N(I'F( )N I,'OR MASON C()UNTY ilUSTIN E. TAY1A.)R and CAROL TAYLOP, his wife. Plainliffs. vs. 1NZA ZEL1,MER an(l l)t )ROTHY LITTLEFIELD. if livilm, and if de- ('eased. the unknti%gn bOil.S al law el hlza Zcllmcr and Dorothy Littlcfield: and all ()[ll(ll" t)ll'St)llS ill' ])ariics lln- kllOWll ('lainlhlg any rJRhI, till(, es- tate. lien or tntcrest in the real estah described ill tile ce!nplaint bcrein De fend,'t his. TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON to illc said INZA Zclhner and DOBOTHY LITTLEFIELD. if living, and if dc- ('.eased. [tic unknown heirs at law of Inza Zelhner and Dorothy Littlefield: and nil other persons or parlics illl- known claiming ally right, tith'. ('s- LaLe. lien or interest ill lhc real estale described In lhe complaint herein, DE* FENDANTS : YOU. and each at you. are hereby sulnnloned to appear within sixly (60) days after the (late of lbe first pub- lication of this sun/tllons, lo-wit within sixty (60) days alter the 7th day of February, 1J3. and dcfend tbe above-entilled action in the Superior Conrt aforesaid and answer the coin- plaint of the plaintiffs and serve a copy of your answer upon lle under- signed attorney for 1he plaintiffs, ai his office below stated; :ind. ill ease of yore" failure so lo do. jlldgmeni will be rendered against you according to the denumds of tile complaint ill this action which has been filed with the clerk of said court. The object of this action is to quiet title in plaintiffs lo real estate in Ma- son County. Washington. described as: The north half (if thc northeast quarter, tlle north half of the northwest quarter and the south- West quarter of said nor|hwest quarter of Section 6. Township 21 North. Range 2 West. W,M, against the claim of the defcndauts and ally one of tbonl. GLENN E. CORREA. Attorney fro' Plainliffs, GLENN E. CORREA. Bell Building 12I Soutth Fourth Strcet Shelton. Wasbinglon, 2/7-14-21-28-3/7-14 6t More than 2.600 communities throughout America. m every State and Territory have National Guard units. Legal Publications NO. 83[;I NI'MMONN iN TI!IS] HL']'IqIOR ('()U[{T OF THt: Sq',V!';,] (if \\;VASItINGT()N NOR MA;)N (kdINq "Y. CI,,\\;NA 14Til(GlqON, 1)lain(if(. vs. \\;VIq[I()EI,]. ST/]I{(IEON, DeI'ndaiii. ,'4";' ATI,; ,)I,' SASI-IIN(TON. TO: \\;VEN :)i,;].I STUR(;E(IN. I Jl'l't'll d altl. l'i!U at/ hl,Feby ;u/nlll(lllod Ill appear wi!hin : xlv tars sfh'" lilt* datc el' Ihe (ilsl pul]ir'alil)l] (tl" this S/lli]lllons. '1 '. -v¢ii" wiihill s xly days afh'r lb(, ] 21s;1 d;<\< of iG,bl'tlary, 19113. lily} d" ] I'elld 1 hc :lb(ive elil ilh'd aclh)n ill tile I ill)l)v. Olllilivd ('l}[ll'l alld alls%Vel' ilia ('(tllll)]:tilU Il' ltl' lflaintiIT }ln(l S(,l'\\;,l  I '() )'  V )1 ' t]l qVCI's I1 )()iI ill(' Illltl'i>Si.t!lt'd idloi'nc, l'l r llJ{in{i!l ", i:], t,'r;illklin ih,uslun, a: his OI/1C? iClO\\;S "t::h'd nd ill (':l.'t ' :it VOIlr i:/LlUFe S() o ,hi, .Itld.,%'li!<'ul will Ill' I' rid(wed ,t:lillSl Vail acc,l'ding' [(J [be dolliiiud d i[!l' ('l)illl)l:/illi w'iiell Ires i)eon fih!d ;ilh Ih," Cieik (,f said (',lll'I Plah/Iif's idt|cctive in i!iis aclion is it} sl.l,il1'p ;L ¢tivrcl fVI)lit the de- l t'll(13 Ill Ili)OU llh" 121"t )/I lld ;'i bi ;I1 I'll lii h(-r c(.J!i] hl[li Oll 'iie aS {l/ol'('sad anti h,l" ,-iuch addilhin:!l relic( as L.  prayeo for li aid c,mlpbtint. [I. t,'P, ANKLIN I{EUSTON. Atl,u'll('y f(ir Plainiill ()[lICe & Posl Office Address: Anle BId'.. .hol bin. \\;,\QI sb i na'l oil. B. FRANKLIN ]]EUSTO:I At hlrlley. ingle ]::hta.. Shpl|on %Vash. 2/21-28-3, 7-74.-21-28 6t NOTICE OF SIlEilIICF'E <%lA", OF ABANIIONEi) VEIilCIA,,S NOTICE IS t-tEREI-;Y GlVEN that ,ill 3111nday lhe lath clay of March. 1963. :tl Ill(" hour 10:00 A.M, o! saltl day at'I{aY's Service. Sl RI. l Shel- ion \\;Vashingon, I will sell the l'.lhlw- ing described ve}/i('le, hi-wit: 1950 Cll( vrolet Sedan. Mtr. No, D342072. Lilense No. ABR:/46. and. n the tlour el II :00 A.M. of sahl day al Line Equipmenl Co.. Bclfair. Wn.. I will sell the fifth)wing described vehicles, to-wil: 1950 lui/'k Sedan, ]Iir. No, 58681105 License No, NAK 308. 1947 DcSoio Coupe, Mtr. No. S118519g, License No. KSG 680, 1949 Butt'l( Hard Top Mir. NO. 551819 37 Li'(.onsc No. XAF $49. 1952 Plynioulh Coupe, Mtr. No, P2391172, Lieellse No. HAV 988. D. S. CLARK, Sheriff MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON 3/14 It NO, 3439 NOTI (H,] TO v(H{FDITOIIN IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF VCASHINGTON FOI{ MASON COUNTY In file Matter of the Estate of JOSEPH D, HILL, Dceeased, C<mnie Lambert is the appointed and qualified Executrix of said estate. All persons havil'lg :lainls against said de- ceased al'( required tO serve the SllUlC in duplicate, duly verified, on said ExccUlrix (Jr ilor alLoruey, Rob0rt L. Snyd'r, i tbe address below stated, and file 1he same wilh tile Clerk of said Court. together witil proof of such service, within six months after the date (if firsl 'publicathm of this no- licc. or tile sanle will bc barred DATE of first publication: March 1,t, 1%3. CONNIE LAMBERT Route "t. Box 261 S]/elton. Arasbin Khln. I{OBEI.T L. SNYDER ttol'ncy al Law 7251,,:, N 5th Shelton. Vashingt on 3 1.1-21-28 3 t STUDENTS VISIT -- As a field trip for their study of Washing- ton History, the ninth grade class made a trip recently to Port Townsend. The group was welcomed by Mayor and Mrs. Denny Sullivan. Mrs. Sullivan acted as their guide during a bus trip to points of historical interest in the city. Among them were a num- ber of the old homes of early-day residents, The Chinese Tree of Heaven, The Hawthorn trees at the Presbyterian church, St. Paul's NO. 3131 NOTICE TO (?REDI'rOR, IN THE SUPER]OI COURT OF T:IE STATE OF :vVASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, (IN PIIOBAT I,i1 In ibe Matter of the Estate, of BER- THA THERESA TAYLOR. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tile undersigned has been appointed and bas qualified as the Executor of the Estate of Bertha Theresa Taylor. deceascd: lhat all persons having claims against said deceased arc here- by required lo serve ihc same. duly verified, on ttlc undersigned Executor or his atlorney of record at the ad- dress below slated and file the same with the Clerk of ihc said court, to- gether with proof of snell service within six nlonths after the" date of first ilublication of this notice or the sal/lt • will be barred. Date of first publicalion: February 2,% 1963. EDWIN W. TAYLOR. ExecutoF. GLENN E. CORREA. Altorney for Estale. Bcll Building. Shetton. Washinglon, 2/28-3/7-14-21 4 t you took away the Rayonier Cellulose what do you suppose would be ]eft? tTURN THE PAGE AND SEE) Episcopal church, reputed to be the oldest church in the.state in continuous use, and an old sailing ship bell from the U.S. Navy, and Chetaernoka Park. named for an Indian who helped the early settlers of the city. Pictured left to right are Mrs. Sullivan, Mayor Sullivan, Hood Canal Principal Floyd Jackson, Bill Bryant. history teacher and the students. NO. 3437 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINOTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF INEZ M. SHORTER Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Administratrix of the Estate of Inez M. Sborter. de- ceased; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the same, duly veri- fied. on the undersigned Administra- trix or her attorney of record at the address below stated and file the same with the Clerk of the said cour%. together with proof of such service within six months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: March 14; 1963 ELEANOR" J. BOOTH Administratrix GLENN E. CORREA Attorney for Estate Bell Building Shelton, Washington 3/14-21-28-4/,1 4t NO. 8371 [ SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN ] FORECLOSURE OF DELINQUENT I L,I,D. ASESSMENTS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY City of Shelton, a Municipal Corpora- tion, Plaintiff, VS. Each and every lot, tract or parcel of land or other property in this eel-tiff- cate llereinafter described, and each and each and every person, firm or cor- poration named therein as being the owner or owners or tile reputed owner or owners thereof, according' to file District as hereinafter showlt in the City of Shelton and each and every person, firm or corporation, know or unknown: if any, having or claiming to have any lien upon or any right, title interest or estate in or each and every such lot. trac or parcel of lantl or other property, Defendants. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, to all persons hereinafter named and all persons unknown, if any, having or claiming to have an interest in and to the real property hereinafter describ- ed: You and each of you are hereby noti- fied that the City of Shelton the hol- der of Certificate of Delinquency, m- sued on tile 28th day of February, 1963, by the City of Shelton State of Wash- ington, for the mnoufit hcreiu set forth opposite he several pieces, parcels or tracts of land, the same being the amonnt., then due and delinqucnt for Local Improvements District Assess- ments together with penalty, illtelSt and costs thereon, upon real property assessed to you and of which you are the owners or reputcd owncrs, situated in said County, and pari:ieularly boun- (led and described as foliows, to-wit: Lot 10. 9. Block 1. tJnplatted. L.I.D. 16. Defemlants K, P. "Warner Ann)unt Due Prior to Judgment $125,68. Lot 7. Block C. Unplatted, L,I,D. 16 Dcfendmts Donald Paul. Anlount Due Prior to Judglent $80.20. Division N40'. Lot 4. 3. Block 1. Unplatted. LI.D. 16, Defendants ff.L. }irk, Anlount Due Prior lo Judgn/ent $161 7]. Lot 10. ]Mock L Unplatied, L.I,D. 16, Defendants Harold E, Smitb, Amount Due Prior to Judgment $100.66. And you are further notified that Plaintiff will apply to the Superior Court of the State of Washington, in and for the said Count)'. for a judg- withh sixty {iYs" ef{er the date of {i{e first publi(:ation of lhis sunln!ons, ex- clusive of the day of said first publi- cation, and defend this action or pay (be amount due, together with eosts: 9.rid In ease of yonr failure to do SO. judgment will be rendered foreclosing }he lien for said certificate of delin- quency, taxes, penalty, interest and costs, against the lands and premises hereinbefore mentioned. Date of first publication March 7. 1963. Any pleading or process may be serv- ed upon the undersigned at tile address hereinbefore mentioned. JOHN C. RAGAN Plaintiff's Attorney P O. Address: 121 Soulh Fourth Straet Shclton, Washington 3/7-14-2]-28-4/4 5 l sTATE OF WASHINGTON r DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURGES BERT L. COLE, Commissioner of l*ublic Lands NOTICE OF SALE. OF FOREST PRO- DUCTS VALUED AT NOT MORE THAN $2.000,00, Notice is hereby given that on Mon- tay the 25th day of March, 1963, com- mencing at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, at the Shelton District Head- quarters of tile Department of Natural Resources, the following described forest products will be sold at publb" auction to the highest bidder. Approximately 63,000 board feet of Douglas fir and 5,000 board feet ot Western hcmlock. Located in Pt, Si SE SE, Sec. 16 Twp. 19 N., Rge 6 (W), W. tYL. Mason County, Washington. CASH SALE Forest products will, be sold on a cash basis. Minimum acceptable bid will bc .',841.50. On or before March 25, 196, at 10:0v a,m., each bidder must make a mini- mum deposit of $84.15. plus a $5.00 bill of sale f,e, or a total of $89,15 in the form of (a, ch, money order or certified check. Said deposit shall constitute an opening bid at the appraised price Upon completion of this sale. the re- spective deposits shall be returned to the unsuccessful bidders. The pur- chaser must pay the balance betwee the bid deposit and 4he full bid price on the day of sale. Tlfis balance may be paid by personal check. All checks. money orders, etc., are to be made "avable to the Conlmissioner of Public Lands. BOND: Upon award of sale, the Dur. ehser must also furnish a cash bond of $100.00, in (he form of cash. money 0rder. certified cheek or bank draft to goarantee compliance with all tern: of the bill of sale, Any sale which has been offered, and for hi6h no bids are received shaU not be reoffered until it has been ro advertiscd. If atl sules c lllllot be offered within the speeitSed time ol lbe advertised date, the sale shall co.n- tlnue on the following day between th,  hours of tell o'cleek a.lqi, alld folll- (?cloek p.ln. The Sta;e ot %Vashington does Iml .:laFante0 its published cruises of the herein described ioresl p'oducts, atll  tpl'Fchllsors thereof shall }lave no re- ('ours( either t}lc Sir&e o- Washington or the Board of Natur'al Resources if lhe aetua| ('tlt does no! ,.u:t{ v, uch .ublb:,hed C "l[a('s, F',)I'CSl tired tlcIs ntusl be removed ]. c:-tcd app:% x Tlta, tt[V 21 li21tK; '.-4 ,:ihv;esl ,f Nh,qton: \\;ccts:,iid',i+,x Vi:} 0ub!ic roid, A CO[<V of tb¢ a fol'el pl'O<!:It'! h}{] 01[ -",, *ni:',ct is p ;tod at th Sil@lton District tleadquarters office, 13EI%T L .COLE Commi.sioner of t ublic Landis 3/14 it CALL FOR IIIDS Notice is bereby given that the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No, 3 of Mason Connty. Vasl(l- ington, does helby invite sealed pro- posals for construction of a single pimse feeder of about 8,400 feet and about 15,500 feet of single phase pri- mary distribution to serve Nfaggi( Lake Additions No's i 2, and 3, iIl' See(ion 2. 11. and 14 ,TWP. 22N, Rang 3W, W. M. -- nortlterly from Tahuya which is on the North Shore of I-Ioo{ Canal about 14 mites 11y road south. westerly from Belfair. Proposals for doing sald work nlust be sealed and filed at the District's office ill Shelton, Waslfington on Maroh 25th. 1963. at 1:30 p.m., Pacific Stan- dard Tune. Said proposal shall bc for construc- tion as eovered by the plans, specifi- cations nd contract documents on file at the office of the DisLrict, which are axmilable for Dublic insDection and may be obtained by bidders upon a deposit of $25.00. Two alternate: pro- posals are requested, one fo! 1he com., plete job including all required mate- rials (except poles) and tile second for labor only as defined in the specifica- tions. Each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the District for not less (ban five per- cent (5%) of tile amount of the bid or accompanied by a bid bond in an anlount not less lhan five percent (5%) of the bid. with a corporate Surety licensed to do business in ibis State. and no bid will be considered un{ess aecomlmnied /by such check or Md bond, Tile 5G, shall be based on the proposal resulting in the higher bid flntoLu2t. .t, I.t]c tillle alld place ]:L:lie. such bids will be publictY opencd :rod read :]nd the (,(.'])lr/i,,Sl)l]OFS ,i]I lira- feed tO canvass the, bids alid ll'};IN let i:he contract to tht lowest r(:spot{siblo I)iddel" upon speeific:tions on'file, :rf, in the opinnion of the Comlrdssioners, all bids ale unsatisfa0tory, they may reject all of them and in such ease all checks shalt bo returned to tbc bid- ders, The (OIllllUS+iollePs Fe.serve the unqualified rig}it ill their sole and !bs:tllte discretion to re jeer ally aIld all bids, and to aecVpt the bid or bids which, ill their sole .4rid, absolute judg- ment. will. Undor all circtnnstances best serve the interests l,r the District. If the contraot is !et, all checks will be returned to the bidders (xcept that of the suecesshll bidder, which witl be retained until a conlract is entered into ['or the work and a bolld lo per- torn] the work furnislled, x%'il]l sure- lies satisfactory tl, lhe Conlnlissiollers, in an amount to be fixed by ihe Colutuissioners. if the Success(tit bid- der fails lo enter into said contract in accordance with his bid add larltish such bolnt wilhin ten (10) clays frc, nl the dale at w/rich he is notified tllat he is the successful bidder, said ehec.k -a" bid bond and the amount (her(eli will be forfeited to the District. PUBLIC UTILITY DISTRICT NO. 3 OF MASON COUNTY JACK A. COLE, Pr@sident E. "W. TAYLOR. Secretary DATE: February lg. 1963 2/21-28-3/7-1,1-21 5t COUNTY I{OA|) I*ItO,1ECT NO. 40it Ill the nlathq' Of C•R.P. No, 406 to be ":onstructed on Mason County Road No, 270 known locally am (be MeI{eavy <oad, and nlore specifically located k;ections 30. 19, 20, an(}. 7, T 21 N,  .q W. and Sec. a. T 21 N. R 4 L2N'. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED by tlle Board of County CotnrGissioners th%t 1_ is their in[ellli/)n [0 v¢idcn alld make ;ery n/inoi reloeatittns, Principle quantities invoh-e: Clearing and grubbing---3 acres. Excavation.--.2,000 C,Y. Lineal grading---t20 Sta. l+lisceltaneous eUlwTts---120 L.+ nd that said Work is to be performed hy day labor in aecm dance -with the Washington State Standard Speeifiea- tors for Road and Bridge Construction s adopted by Mason County, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that he above described county road pro- ect is necessary and proper, !nd tile ztimated cgsts of said project are erewith set out in detail as follows: Engineering ' $ 200 Road Construction 6,800 TOTAL $7.000 The county road project herein de- cribed is HEREBY DECLARED to be public necessity and the County Road ngineer is I-1EREBY ORDERED AND UTHORIZED to report and procel, d by law provided, ADOPTID* this llth day of March, !963, BOARD OF COIINTY COMMIS- SI:ONEI{S OF MASON COUNTY. WASHINGTON. MARTIN AUSETIK Chairman IIARRY ELMLUND FFOHN BARIEKIAN Attest : . NOLAN MASON Clerk f Board, $/14 It Smokey Says: TRSEDY Yes,, o flm little fires, Mg ones growl