March 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAIJ- Published in '¢Chrstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington Thursday,
$])dton'iiE000000onrna] Group Sees
Founded 1886 by Grant C. Angle
Mailing Addre: Box 446, Shelton Phone 426-4412
Published at Shelton, Mason County, Washington, every Thursday.
Entered as Second-Class Matter at the Postoffice, Shelton, Washington
SUBSCRIPON RATES--S4.50 per year in Mason County, in advance;
Outside Mason County, $5.00
Member of National Editorial Association
Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
SOCIETY NEWS -- Tuesday noon
PICTURES AND NEWS -- Tuesday 5 p.m.
WANT ADS -- Wednesday 10 a.m.
| , ,w
Poor judgment is found eerywhere, in high and low.
important and meaningless places.
One of the very important places i'n which it cannot be
tolerated, in which it can do much damage in the shaping of
young minds, is in public school teaching.
Such a case of unfortunate poor judgment came to light
here in Shelton a few days ago when an 8th grade English
instructor assigned his pupils to write an essay on who they
would kill in a theoretical situation involving four people
with only enough food to sustain two through the survival
period following an atomic blast.
That 8th grade minds should be turned to such
macabre and degrading thoughts is intolerable, but the
alarming thing about the situation is that the idea came
out of a national magazine circulated to teachers offer-
ing suggested subjects for classroom essays.
It is to their credit that Shelton school authorities, upon
learning of the matter, took firm and immediate steps to
prevent any repitition.
Their superiors cannot be expected to know every de-
tail of the teachings of classroom instructors nor can par-
ents keep track of everything their children do in school,
but this incident suggests it would be an excellent idea for
parents, particularly, to be more interested and follow more
closely the subject matter assigned in classrooms.
It was only through one parent's watchfulness that this
particular matter was brought to light.
This being the Ides of March and income tax final reck-
oning, it might relieve some of the grimness of the period
to read this take-off on the Gettysburg address as it might
be related to todgy's taxpayer.
Just what its origination is we confess ignorance to, but it
might prove light and amusing reading, whoever the author
Two score and ten years ago our fathers brought
forth upon this nation a new tax, conceived in despera-
tion and dedicated to the proposition that all men are
]air game.
Now we are engaged in a great mass of calcula-
tions, testing whether that taxpayer or any taxpayer
so confused and so impoverished can long endure. We
are met on Form 1040. We have come to dedicate a large
portion of our income to a final resting place with those
who spend their rives that they may spend our money.
It is altogether anquish and torture that we should
do this, but in the legal sense we cannot evade, we can-
not cheat, we cannot understand this tax. The collect-
ors, clever and sly, who compute here, have gone far be-
yond our power to add or subtract. Our creditors will
little note nor long remember what we pay here, but the
Bureau of Internal Revenue can never forget what we
report here. It is for us taxpayers rather to be devoted
here to the tax return which the government has thus
/at so nobly spent for future yenerations . . . From these
vanquished dollars, we take increased devotion of the
few remainingWe here highly resolve that next year
will not find us in a higher income tax bracket.
That all taxpayers, underpaid, shall figure out more
deductions and that taxation of the people, by the Con-
gress, for the government shall not cause our solvency
to perish.
On Tree Grafting
Received too late for last week)
HOODSPORT.-- All nature
seems to be singing a song of
spring the past week. The ever
recurring rgiracle of new growth
and life is evident in every yard
and garden. Violet. crocuses, snow-
drops and various other spring
beauties are making their where-
abouts known. Mr. and Mrs. T. R.
Turner. ardent gardeners from Un-
ion. came over on Sunday to visit
the Frank McIntyres, The neigh-
bors. Roy Aselson, the Liembacks,
and their guests, the Bernard
Richels. gathered in the McIntyre
yard to watch a demonstration of
grafting. A peach plum was
grafted into an Italian prune and
the apple tree which has faith-
fully produced winter apples will
saon be bearing Early Transpar-
ents. This proved to be a most
interesting afternoon. If the en-
thusiasm of my informant is a cor-
rect indicator, from now on you
never can tell what a bush or
tree on that hill might bring forth!
Hale's Market Center is under-
going a face lifting job. It ap-
peared that Steve was going out
of business for a time when the
carpenters first tore into the front.
Some unknown scribe, employing
a red crayon, even condemned the
building one night. Now the gen-
eral public is agreed that the
crew knows what it is doing and
all will end well. Steve assured
us that a fine looking modern front
with a fibre glass marquee will
soon be in place, giving the Mar-
ket a new look for the approach-
ing summer season.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Jacobsen and
their children spent the weekend
in Everett visiting Mrs. Jacobsen's
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison DeVoe
and Doug are most happy to have
David home for a 30-day leave
from Uncle Sam's Navy. David is
stationed at Pearl Harbor aboard
the U.S.S. Kawishawii, an oil tank-
er. His family met him at the
SeaTac Airport on Saturday.
Esary, former resident here, are
sorry to learn of her critical ill-
ness. She is confined to an Everett
Hospital. The Esary family was
transferred from the local Hatch-
ery to Gold Bar a few years back
and are still living there.
The Tall Timber Girl Scout
Council wishes to express thanks
to the community for their co-
operation during the Fund Drive.
There are many places where the various pension sys.
terns set up for public employes can stand improvement, no
doubt, but the state legislature, due to end its regular bien-
nial session today, would be making no improvement, indeed.
would be retrogressing, if it passes proposals introduced in
both chambers to change the preent pension system for tea-
These measures, which may even have been enacted
c you rcad thiG would c?ange teacher pensions from a
basis of years of service to a basis of salaries.
In view of the accepted fact that the important work
of chools takes place in tbe classroom, i[ would appear in-
defensible that retirement benefits should be based on salary
The proposed change in teacher pensions would result
in great inequalities in benefits to educators.
The apathy shown for current events and politics on
the part of many students is disheartening and is actually
a menace to our democratic society.
Who will be voting in several and helping make the
decisions necessary to insure our way of life? The an=
swer is, we students, of course. How can we perform our
duties intelligently without being informed properly?
Some teachers have made valiant efforts to instill the
needed interest in their pupils. However, it will take effort
on the part ofhe individual to accomplish this end. So take
a hint: read something besides the funnies. I from the High-
climber, student newspaper at Irene S. Reed high school)
Dear Editor:
Living in the Agate District for
23 years, I've only had the pleas-
ure of meeting one obtuse person,
deficient m perception and under-
standing enough to think the flag
of our election board was hung
in disgrace. I thank all other ciwl
minded and good people who
recognized the conditions under
which we have to place the flag.
On page 2 of our guide book
I quote:
The display of the American
flag is a means of identifying
polling place for voters. For this
reason, flag should remain out-
doors during polling hours ir-
respective of sunset or inclement
weather. In this respect, normal
rules concerning display of na-
tiona! colors are not observed.
As for the flag never being
draped we had five brothers,
nephews and cousins sent home to
us during World War II with flags
draped over their caskets. May
God help the poor floundering soul
who thinks they soiled those flags.
I wish to extend my thanks to
the good people of Agate who have
not ridiculed our board and bless
those that have.
I thank you Dear Editor for
printing this for the good peOple
of Agate. May God bless them all.
Your Sincerely
Route 2, Box 740.
Shelton. Wash.
This will make possible profes-
sional help in Scouting in this
Linda Hale and Jodeen O'Niel
attended a performance at the
Opera House in Seattle on Sun-
day afternoon and reported hav-
ing had a grand time
Jack Liemback also spent a few
days in the hospital battling
pneumonia. He returned home on
Saturday and is progressing nicely.
Mr. and Mrs. Russel Carty of
Burton and Mr. and Mrs. Mark
Ryan were Sunday dinner guests
of the Steve Hales
Mrs. Marjorie Akers called to
tell me what an interesting time
she and two other local ladies,
Mr Edith Kraus and Mrs. Lois
Pierce, are having a they attend
an art class each week. These
classes are taught by David Bar-
clay, a young artist living in the
Skokomish Valley. They meet from
1:30-3:30 p.m. on Monday after-
noons in the Waldo Chase home in
Union. If you are interested, call
Mrs. Akers for details.
Dear Editor:
In your interesting article last
week about a 50-mile hike. the
comment was made that that was
the first report of such a hike in
Mason County.
On Feb. 16, a group of NorLh
Mason High School students hikecl
from the high school to the Nar-.
rows Bridge. Those who made it
to the bridge and back to Rocky
Bay, completing the 50 miles, were
Jim Paris of Victor and Tom Hig-
gins of the South Shore.
A Mason County girl now at
the University of Washington, our
daughter Linda Spooner. hiked 50
miles around Lake Washington
with others from the University
on March 3.
Perhaps there are others who
have made hikes and not thought
to report it. If there are. I hope
we hear from them. as I for one
find this an interesting subject.
Mrs. W. R. Spooner
Dear Mr. Dickie:
In response to a letter which
appeared in the Journal last week
I have just a few comments to
make on the article concerning
displaying of the flag at polling
I'll admit that perhaps the flag
was not displayed in the best pos-
sible manner but it was displayed
in what was believed to be the
best form at the time, Due to the
fact that there is no flag pole and
that the building is constructed of
concrete blocks, except for the
gables which are out of reach, the
door was the only place left where
the flag could be hung outside.
I'm sure the writer of the article
which appeared would have com-
plained just as much if, the flag
hadn't been displayed outside at
all. You can't please everybody
all the time so you just have to
do the best you can in a given
situation. I feel that the election
officers have done the best pos-
sible with what they had to work
I also question the writer's au-
thority of the following quote from
her letter. "May this letter serve
to you as a public notice that what
has happened REPEATEDLY
FOR at LEAT 20 YEARS. never
again occur within our Mason
County." I happen to know that
she has NOT lived in the area for
that long, so she could not pos-
sibly know what's gone on RE-
PEATEDLY for the last 20 years
without a little research, which is
obvious she did not take the time
to concern herself with. Having
grown up m the community I
happen to know that the flag used
i o be flown from the flag pole at
the Grange hall which also served
as a school at that time. When
the school was built at the pres-
ent location the flag pole was then
moved to the new site. This was
in the fall of 1954. The flag was
then hung from the door of the
building with little or no dif-
ficulties. However. recently the
new flags which are bigger have
presented some problems which
the election officers handled in the
best way they knew how. It yeas
Abraham Lincoln who once said.
"'It's better to remain silent and
thought a fool . . . than to speak
up and remove all doubt."
Waller Hall
Pullman. Wash.
Open letter to the director of
the Senior class play, "The Girls
in 509"
Last week I witnessed the pres-
entation of the play with mixed
emotions. Although much work was
put into it and the performances
were well done. I was embarrassed
and ashamed of our school sys-
tem for allowing the cursing and
profanity that was so evident in
the play.
All teachers should be above re-
proach. The teachers and coaches
that must resort to swearing and
cursing should take a look at
ihemselves to see what examples
they are setting before our chil-
The thought with most parents
when they hear of it is that they
do not want to complain because
of the pressure that may be
brought against the child whose
parent is complaining. This is not
Nor is it just to keep in our
school system those teachers who
do not measure up to the kind of
teacher we want setting an ex-
ample before our children.
Getting back to the play--it was
well done and I'm sure the chil-
dren are without blame. Good with
bad is bad. But Good with Good
is always Good.
MRS. L. B.
t Mrs. Larry Burfiend)
Editor. The Journal:
During the past 4 years I have
tried, without too much success,
to get our local doctors to under-
stand, and follow, the attached
U. S. Veterans Administration Re-
gulations. Today, I am sure one
of our best known doctors failed
to gel a patient into a V. A. Hos-
pital because he failed to comply
with the No. 3 Rule.
Anyone who can asmst in get-
king our local doctors to under-
stand and follow the VA Regula-
tions will certainly have the thanks
of the particular veterans concern-
Veterans Administration Hospital-
ization of War Veterans for Non-
Service Connected Disabilities
1. The Physician musL know the
veterans "C" Number or his
dates of "Service" Service Num-
ber': Rank; Organization and
type of Discharge.
,'.If the Veteran in n lmnita!
the V. A. holds tim, t:mre is no
e122ergency 7.: " f!2 v're,,o', must
await his LUl for hospitaliza-
3. During office hour the Physi-
cian must call the Seattle Vet;er-
ans Administration Office: Ma-
4-7200. The V. A will accept'the
expense of the call and if the
Physician demands an ambu-
lance they will either send one
or will authorize the expense of
one. This is the only time at
which such authorization is
4. At other than office hours the
Physician may call the nearest
V. A. Hospital: Seattle: MU-2-
2670. Vancouver. Wash.. OX- 4-
3335. The same procedure holds
as given in No. 3, above.
5. If the Physician insists that the
Veterans case IS
the V. A. 4or
pita]] will accept
for immediate ho
No diviation from th
les are permitted
Physician has
Veterans ease is an
Veteran must await
vacant bed.
This Organization
sary blank forms
all times (day or
the Veteran and
in complying with
ans Adm inistration
Albert D.
V. F. \\;r.
416 Bellevue
Dept. of
Jay Umphenour,
J. Mel Dobson,
Meetings 1st and 3rd
-- At The
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driving pleasure
He gives your car a li ftl
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Come let our ex
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