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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
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:h 14, 1963 SItELTONbMASON COUNTY JOURNAL  Published T ),, in "Christmastown, U.S.A. , Shelton. Washington Page 7 CLUB CALENDAR 4 OPEN ACTION activities swung into last Week on the wo- front with opening of play March 5 and a at the home ol: March 4. ,members of the wo- kon nmt at the Price tss the annual rum- for April 19. 3 building (9 a.m. g the club- and planning the Kimbel will accept to the rmnmage sale, to have run]- picked up should er Louise Schmidt, or Lila Scheel. and Mrs. Frank named co-chairmen ct to refurbish the Hal Nordeng was of the fall tea will be hostess meeting of the wo- women's Heuston won first flight, Helen See n TV and al Johnny's, c Box 205 Cota St. Brewer in the second flight. 194h HOLE DINES 21st Next regular monthly dinner meeting of the men's 19th Hole Club is scheduled for next Thurs- day night, March 21. in the Bay- shore clubhouse. President Laurie Carlson an- nounced the evening's feature will be a golf instrnetion period con- dueted by club pro-manager Ray Walker. Members should make dinner reservations with either Carlson (426-8295), vice president Andy Tuson (426-8369/. or secretary treasurer Gary Nieloy (426-2160). DROP-IN SATURDAY The St. Patrick's Day drop-in dance will be held this Saturday evening with dancing between 10 p.m. and 2 a.m. for members of the Shelton Golf Club at the Bay- shore clubhouse. EAST EARNS STATE TOURNAMENT BERTH East Bremerton emerged with a state tournament berth from the Olympic-Seamount leagne playoff last weekend after defeat- ing Bethel (Seamount). 44-42, ann Port Angeles, 45-38. Port Angeles, third place fin- isher in the Olympic league, elim- inated West Bremerton. 63-61, in the first round. East and West had tied for first in the Olympic league with 11-1 records. Port An- geles was 6-6 in conference play. East lost its opener yesterday to Ballard of Seattle. MEN'S INDUSTRIAL Pantorium Cleaners ...... 28 12 Lnmbermen's Mere ......... 27 13 Canteen ............................ 25 15 Clary Trucking .............. 24V 15/ Shelton Motors .............. 18a 21V, 20th Cent. Thriftway ...... 16½ 23, Cole's Mobil Service ...... 15/ 24,. Morgan Transfer .......... 5 35 High game= Carl Downing 212. High series Jim Archer 577. Cole's 4 (Sam Summers 507), Pantorium 0 [ Joe Holt 574) ; Can- teen 4 (Joe Gatehell 500), Clary Trucking 0 (Ken O'Dell 551); 20th Century 3 (Jim Archer 577), Mor- ganl,(Witey Surratt 512): L.M. 3 lWalt Elliott 5341. Shelton Mo- tors 1 (Bob Newell.511). LETTERHEAD DOESb,. IT REPRESENT YOUR =USINESS AS IT IS TODAY? Yr ur letterhead is important. An active, tasteful letterhead can in- Crease the prestige and impact of YOUr correspondence It should be P'to-date, assuming the present° ay personality of your bushiness. If ou think your letterhead could stand .uprovement, come In and discuss it width us. We'll ba glad to supply ou with a type layout or art sketch an ;'aheelOok" for YOur letterhead •  . pc. No chage or obliga- uo o[ courso, Late SMilers Place High, Don't Dislodge Leaders In Tourney Deadline entries in the annual women's city bowling association tom'nament failed to unseat the first place holders from earlier shifts in Sunday's close-out roll- ing at Shelton Recreation. Memory Smith came mghty close in the singles with a 663 aggregate but that still lacked three pins of being enough to beat out Donna Coleman for the championship. Lorraine White and Shirley Hol- man pushed into third place in the doubles with their 1213 ag- gregate, leaving Edith Walter ann Betty Dean unperturbed in the top spot with their 1331 total. EDITH CHAMBLIN and Stella Howard eased into 14th and 15th places respectively in the singles with their 605 and 604 totals while Wanda Marshall and Ellen Le- Bresh ran up an 1140 doubles ag- gregate to grab off 15th. the fin- al pay-off spot Thirty-one places earned pay-offs in the singles. All awards will be presented at the annual association banquet March 25 in the Moose Hall at the airport, at which time the all- events winners will be announced and election of vice president and secretary-treasurer held. ALL SINGLES scores over 600 as listed by association secretary Pauline Archer includes: Donna Coleman 665, Memory Smith. 663. Sally Pearee 622 Eva Han- sen 622. Margaret Tobler 621, Ann Cole 618. Mary Ann Beseh 616. Julie Coleman 612. Dona Moran 610, Helen Bloomfield 609. Shar- on Huisingh 608, Lorene Wilson 607, Carol Mallory 606, Edith Chamblin 605, Stella Howard 604. The prize winning scores in the doubles were: Edith Walter- Betty Dean 1331. Sally Pearce- Sharon Huisingh 1225, Lorraine White-Shirley Holman 1213, Ed- na Clary-Corrine Clary 1196, Dot Summers-Edith Huisingh 1196. Jeanne Peterson-Adair Neau 1180, Vi Hicks-Marj Knudsen 1179, Lil Dale-Jean Ream 1165, Wanda Marshall-Ellen LeBresh 1140. NEBEL SHINES .IN KINGG0 LEAGUE High athletic honors have been earned by a former Shelton youth for his basketball achievements for Mercer Island high school in tbe Kingco League this year. Jolm Nebel, 6-foot-5 son of Mr. and Mrs. Merle Nebel. was named second team center in the Kingco NEAU NUDGES 601 AFTER 224 START MEN'S CITY LEAGUE V L 40 & 8 .............................. 18½ 11,2 Beckwith Jewelry .......... 18 12 Wilson Company ............ 152 14,.5 Simpson Timber .............. 151,) 14] Frisken Oil .................... 15-/, 14  Rishel Logging ............. 14 16 Shaub-Ellison .................. 14 16 Lumbermen's Merc ......... 9 21 High game--Fritz Neau 224 High series- Fritz Neau 601. Fritz Neau's 224 opener put the pad under a 601 series m men's city league bowling play Monday night at Shelton Rec and helnea 40 & 8 gain the league lead. The voyageurs gained only a 1½-1,, split with Simpson Tim- ber [Keith Simpson 546). but that was good enough to move out of the top rung deadlock with Beck- with Jewelry when the jewelers (A1 Ferrier and Bud Knutzen 524 each) dropped the odd game to the L.M. (AI Tupper 485). Frisken Oil ,Hal Hubert 552) was the only shutout winner ot the night, whitewashing Shaub- Ellison ,Stan Ahlquist 523/. Ri- shel Logging Neal Demeree 533) took a 2-1 decision from. "Wilson Company ,Dan Wilson 5481. GAL MORAN'S 613 TOPS FOURSOMES MIXED FOURSOMES XV Board Busters .................... 25 Timber Ducks .................... 21 Rusty Ducks .................... 20 What's Next ...................... 17 Odd Balz .............................. 17 Strippers .............................. 16 Pin Busters ....................... 16 20 'Knock Outs ........................ 12 24 High games Shirley Frost. 173. Cal Moran 223. High series--Shir!ey Frost 496, Cal Moran 613. Cal Moran posted a 613 series in Sunday's Mixed Foursome league bowling action with a 223 game as the pillar on which it was built, No other details were re- ported by the league secretary. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL V¢ Gott's Oilerettes ............... 27 Allyn Shell Service ........ 25 league all-star selections and was Timber Bowl .................... 23 second high individual scorer in the Bill's Shell Service ............ 23 conference with his 238 point to- Darigold ............................ 21 tal and 15.9 per game average. Se- Ming Tree Cafe .............. 16 veral times during the season he Eells & Valley .................... 14 scored between 20 and 25 points. He is now a jnior, John first showed promme as a basketball player with the Shelton junior high squad but transferred to Mer- cer Island after his ninth grade year owhen his father was trans- ierred by Simpson Timber to its Seattle offices• SHORT SHRIFT ON THRONE FOR PINMEN RAYONIER IIESEARCH W L Silva Foxes .................... 30 >e 9,.fi Maintenance .................. 23 17 Rayonettes ...................... 23 17 Acetate Aces .................. 23 17 Pin Cirlers ...................... 18 22 Water Boys .................... 16 24 Wood Birds .................... 15½ 24½ Four Fowlers ................ 11 29 High games---Marg Bacon 188, A1 Johnston 223. High series--Marg Bacon 455, Mary Anstey 542. Acetate Aces 4 (Mary Anstey 542 ). Four Fowlers 0 (Beth Brown 431; Pin Curlers 3, (Jen Tratnick 454 ) : Rayonettes 1 (Marg Bacon 455): Water Boys 3 (Ralph Day(son 514}; Maintenance 1 (Don Woods 491); Wood Birds 2½ (A1 Johnston 526); Silva Foxes i (MarY Lund 480). HOUSEWIVES LEAGUI W L Bali's Food Center .......... 27 13 Jim Pauley Inc ............... 27 13 Hood Canal Marina ...... 25 15 Evergreen Florists ........ 211/ 18 Angle Agency ................ 18 22 Shelton Union Service ..15 25 Edward's Salon .............. 13½ 22 Shelton Marine Supply 12 28 High game--Verna Johanson 200. High series--Verna Johanson 535. Split pickNoreen Stevens 5-10 Ball's Food Center 4 (Noreen Stevens 433), Angle Agency 0 (Pearl Austin 384); Shelton Un- ion Service 3 (Stella Howard 515), Evergreen Florists 1 (Betty John- son 455); Jim Pauley Inc. 3 (Ver- na Johanson 535), Shelton Mar- ine Supply 1 (Sybil Sampson 460); Hood Canal Marina 3 (Betty Dean 462). Edwards Salon 1 (Edith Le- vett 429). $TAN HEATING OIL Gives you the warmest feeling Now's the time to order STANDARD HEATING OILfor the Warmest feeling all winter long. Call your Standard Men today for dependable service . •. and for the safe, Clean, all-enveloping warmth of Standard Heating Oil, For any Standard Oil product, call O, C. COLE & SONS * 118 S. Third * 426-4411 Richfield Oil .................... 11 29 High game Joyce Dion 199. High series--Joyee Dion 537. Split picks--June Loving 5-6-10, Lorraine \\;Vhite o-8-10. Bill's Shell 4 ,Helen Ogden While they ate hmeh Shelton's Timber Bowl entry in the Ever- green Traveling League enjoyed the aid to digestion which comes with riding the top rung, They had gained that exalted position by winning three of four decisions from Pacific Lanes on the mo}'ning shift as Dan W'ilson his 566. Ray Rice 554. But dinner wasn't so tasty. In the afternoon round the Timber Bowl. despite an almost identical scoring performance to that ot the morning, lost all four points to Centralia Bowl and with it the short-lived pacemaker role. VVilson again was high at 585. In the morning Timber Bowl hil 882-940-871--2693. while in the afternoon the scores were 888.- 957-846-2691 ENGEN GLIMBS TO 608 MIXED SERIES MR. & MRS. LEAGUE W L Vagabonds ........................ 58 34 I. Da. No ....................... 54 ½ 37 ,,.',, Skid Row-Lets .............. 53 39 Nite Owls ........................ 49 43 L Gutter Snipes ................ 46½ 45½ 11 Down Beats ................... 37,z 541/_, 15 Bowl Evils ...................... 35 57 16 Four Squares .................. 341/.., 57½ 19 High games--Oleo Hulet 184. 19 Jerry Christy 223. 20 High series--Cleo Hulet 511, Joe Engen 608. On an upswing all the way, Joe Engen wound up with a 608 ser- ies (182-209-217) in the Mr. and Mrs. mixed bowling league Sun- day night at the Timber Bowl. His Vagabond team profited' to the tune of a 4-0 victory over the 4 Squares (Vern Beeson 4751. tak- ing another game into its league lead when second place I. Da. No. (Roy Petty 520) had to settle for a 3-1 margin over the Down Beats (Jerry Christy 579) L The Nite Owls Cleo Hulet 511) 13 blanked the Bowl Evils (Wayne 15 Robinson 435) and the Gutter 17 Snipes Bill Staudt 531) took a 17 3-1 nod from the Skid Row-Lets 19 ,Del Stormo 490 in the other 24 pairings. 26 FRATERNAL LEAGUE W L Fuller Construction ......... 26 1,1 Kiwanis Club ...................... 26 14 Moose Antlers ................... 25 15 Lions Club .......................... 19 21 Shelton Hardware ............. 17 23 449: Richfield Oil 0 (Phyl Zieg- Rotary Club ........................ 17 23 let 449): Timber Bowl 3 (Suzie Bull Moose .......................... 17 23 Luhm 511). Darignld I (Virginia Eagles Aerie ...................... 13 25 Fuller 478; Gott's Oilerettes 3 High games--Gary Cowan 257. (Phyl Collins 515), Eells & Valley Ed Cole 236. Bill Johnson 229, Li- 1 rAndy Rodgers 459t: Allyn onel Leman 220. Shell 3 lJoyee Dion 537: Ming Tree Cafe 1 ,Iva Cook 469). GRANGE LEAGUE W L Matloek ............................ 26 14 Cloquallum ...................... 221,,.', 17½ Southside .......................... 22 18 Agate ................................ 21 19 Shelton Valley ................ 20 20 Pomona ............................. 19 21 Skokomish ........................ 18 22 Patrons ............................ 11½ 28V2 High gamesEva Rostvold 174. Webb Rostvold 215. High series--Eva Rostvold 463. Webb Rostvold 538. `4:  Agate 3 (Max Mikkelsen 503), Patrons 1 ITem Olsen 518: Shei- ton Valley 3 (Webb Rostvold 5381, Skokomish 1 (Dutch Stanley 479): Southside 2 ,Ira Cook 448), Clo- quallum 2 Jim Sauer 400): Mat- lock 2 (Jim Rossmaier 475). Po- mona 2 (Henry Cook Jr.. 472). SIMPSON WOMEN Lumber ............................ 26 14 Olympic Plywood .......... 25 15 Loggers ............................ 23, 16V Research .......................... 22, 17 Engineering ...................... 20 20 Accounting ...................... 19 21 Insulating Board ............ 12 28 Purchasing ...................... 12 28 High games---Lil Dale 232. Joan Sowers 228. High series---Lil Dale 551. Lumber 4 (Lil Dale 551), En- gineering 0 (Lavonne Cole 484): Accounting 4 (Jane White 514), Insulating Board 0 (Betty Olson 538): Olympic Plywood 3 (Millie Daniels 519), Research I (Katie Nile's 466); Loggers 3 (Marie Runnion 443), Purchasing 1 (Do- na Moran 425). WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE Sunbeam Bread ................ 28 Millo's Diner ...................... 23 Shelton Hotel .................... 22 Hoodsport Lumber ............ 20 Morgan Transfer .............. 19 Lumbermen's Merc ......... 17 Polka Dot .......................... 16 12 17 18 20 21 23 24 McConkey Drug Center ..15 25 High game---Trudy Ell(son 199. High series--Lois Albrecht 517. Split pidks--Helen Harris and Carole Howard 5-10, Helen Spald- ing 5-8-10 Bessie Hall. 3-8-10, Edna Urmey 3-10. Louise Stiner 2-7. Hoodsport Lumber 3 (Helen Spalding 421). Morgan Transfer 1 (Rubye Frisken 438: Millo's Diner 3 Carole Howard 433), Drug Center 1 (Mary Ann Besch 480/; L.M 3 Vera Lowe 500), Shelton Hotel 1 (Trudy Ell(son 484); Polka Dot 2 Lois Albrecht 517), Sunbeam Bread 2 (Millie Daniels t60). BANTAM LEAGUE W Jay Birds ............................ 49 Willour Imsurance .............. 33 Lumbermen's Mere ........... 32 V.F.W. Auxiliary .............. 30 Higla game--Gregg Hughes 122. High series--Gregg Hughes 227. High series--Buck Mackey 574 * "4: :I: Bull Moose 4 .Bill Wilson 496), Lions 0  Chuck White 557): Ful- ler Construction 3 (Bill Johnson 558-229). Moose Antlers 1 (Ger- ry Hart 557): Rotary 3 (Ed Cole 531-236), Eagles 1 Lionel Leman 521-220) : Kiwanis 3 (Gary Cowan 564-257) Shelton Hardware 1 Buck Mackey 574). SIMPSON MEN'S LEAGUE W L Engineers ............................ 28 12 Railroad ................................ 26 14 Mill 1 .................................... 25 15 Mill 2 .................................... 23 17 Loggers ................................ 18 22 Loaders ................................ 17 23 Shops .................................... 16 24 Insulating Board ............... 7 33 High gameCal Poe 236. High series---Cal Poe 583. Mill 1 four Glen Laugen 501), Loggers 0 (Norm Castle 461); Railroad 4 (Stan Ahlquist 566), Insulating Board 0 Jim Suther- land 451); Loaders 4 (Harry Cole 525) Shops 0 (Roy Petty 499); Engineers 3 I Cal Poe 583), Mill 2 1 IEldon Todd 549). Drunk in =Public Gharge Brings $100 Police Gourt Fine Francis X. Beatty. Shelton, was slapped with a $100 fine for be- ing drunk in public by Rolla Hal- bert in Shelton Police court Mon- day night. He was also assesse0 $2.50 costs, The heavy fine came on Beat- ty's tenth appearance on charges of being drunk in public in the last 10 months, the Shelton Po- lice Department said. Others appearing on the Police Court docket Monday night were Thomas R. Coleman. no valid op- erator's license, $5 forfeit: Steve C. Hanson, faulty equipment, $10 forfeit; Roy Evans, negligent dri- ving, $25 forfeit: Claude Richards, allowing unlicensed driver to op- erate motor vehicle. $10 fine and $2.50 costs; Edward J. Beatty, drunk in public. $20 forfeit: Francis Foley, drunk and dis- orderly and assault on an offi- cer. $50 fine. $2,50 costs and 1(1 days in jail. eight suspended: De- lores Rodgcrs. minor consuming and disorderly conduct. $25 fine and $2.50 costs; Ted Pulsifer Jr., drunk in public, $15 forfeit; WiN liam Ball. driving while intoxi- cated and negligent driving, $100 fine. $2•50 costs and five days in jail suspended: William Morris, minor consuming liquor, $25 for- feit: VVellington VVilbur, drnnk L in public, three days in jail: David 14 G. Johnson, no operator's license, 30 $5 forfeit: James V. Hoffman 31 drunk in public, $10 forfeit; Ed- 33 die Shoemaker. drunk in public, $10 forfeit and Wayne Stenberg, drunk in public. $25 forfeit. Methodists, Bapiists I BORDEAUX II-YEAR-OLD WINS Share Church League HOOP SHOrOT CHAMPIONSHIP Basketball Gonfalon CHURCH BASKETBALL final) \\;V L Methodist ............................ 6 1 Baptists No. 1 ...................... 6 1 Baptists No. 2 ........... 5 2 St. Edwards Ca[t-oiJc ........ 5 2 Mr. View Alliance .............. 3 4 Latter Day Saints .............. 1 6 ML. Olive Lutheran .......... 1 6 St. David's Episcopal ...... 1 6 Final Results Methodists 37. Catholic 32 Baptist 1 42. Baptist 2 30 Mt. View 47, Episcopal 20 LDSS 87. Mt. Olive Lutheran 53. By virtue of victories in their schedule-ending games, Metho- dists and Baptists No. 1 share the church league basketball champ- ionship for 1963. No playoff is contemplated. The Methodists defeated St. Ed- wards Catholic. 37-32 in a tight contest finale Monday at Mr. View gym with Tom Wingard and Ed Dawson topping the scoring at 12 and 1.0 but getting some critical late-game scoring from Jack Bry- ant. Bruce Gardner's nine led St. Edwards. The Methodists rallied from def- icits in both halves after trail- ing most of the way. In the all-Baptist finale, No. 1 got top scoring from Jerry Dona- hoe 13 and Jim Lamont 10 while No. 2 was led by Tim Schnitzer with 14 and Fred Lamont with 12. In second division windups, Mt. View Alliance captured top posi- tion with a 47-20 success over St David's Episcopal on a three- pronged attack led by Ron Lan- dis with 14 and Jerry Oakes and Bugs Monson with 12 apiece, and the Latter Day Saints posted their first win of the schedule in a free scoring affair with Mt. Olive Lu- theran. 87-53. The LDS total was high for the season with Mike Sheedy's 26 points. Tim Sheedy's 20. and a pair of I6-point contribu- tions by Steve Falkner and Leroy Austin priming the attack. Jean Sells scored 25 for the Lutherans. GRAWFORD VIGTOR ONGE AT PULLMAN Big Bruce Crawford. Shelton's first entry in the high school state wrestling meet. made an auspie- ious debut in the competition at Pullman last weekend, winning his first round match He pinned Bill Rhodes of R. A. Long high of Longview in 3:59. The state meet is not conducted on a round basis. In the second round Crawford, competing in the heavyweight div- ision, drew Jeff MacRae of High- line and found his shoulders on the canvas at 1:55. That put the Highclimber grappler on the side- lines. MacRae then went on to reach the finals, where he was defeated by Bill Stricldand of Bellewe for the championship. Crawford's triumph in the first round earned Shclton two points in the team totals, the first points ever credited to Shelton in the state meet and a tie for 40th place in the team standings. Fif- ty-five schools were entered. FRIDAY MIXED LEAGUE W L Hep Katz ............................ 54 30 You Name It ..................... 48 36 Twisters ................................ 37 47 Suburbanites ........................ 30 54 High games----Vi Hicks 174. Jack Sampson 234. High series- -Vi Hicks 459, Jack Sampson 591. Twisters 4 (Don Knudsen 551), You Name It 0 (Dick Sharpes 454) • Suburbanites 3 (Jack Samp- son 591), Hep Katz 1 (Lionel Le- man 473). OUTDOORS LIGIIT FISHING WEEK Very little action is reported for the past week on the fishing front but some respectable catches are included among those who did go out. Harvey Greenwood for instance, hit the Chehalis Friday for a pair of steelhead scaling 12 and 9/ ibs. Chuck Jackson had the only other steelhead, a 6V, pounder from the Skokomish Sunday. Steamboat Island and Harstine Island areas were productive for salmon fishermen. Best catch was Dick Glaser's 10 ,..-pounder, closely followed by Vern Chambers" 10- pounder, while Joe Gatchell hit for a pair at 8 and 4 lbs. All were blackmouth. Cutthroat are reportedly hitting well off Oakland Bay and Ham- mersley Inlet shorelines, too. Eleven-year-old Lee Burfiend, CLOSE IF, ItlNI) the top phil" next to the yollngest entry in the came a.nother t\\;vosolne in a tie 14-boy field, is Mason County'sfor third plaee at 21-25. In thi 1963 hoop shoot champion, after, one Mike McDowe/l. 12. of H:)od a shoot-off with 14-year-old David Stodden of Matloek. Lee. a sixth grade pupil at Bor- deaux grade school in Shelton. and David each hit 22 of 25 shots in the regular competition to tie for the title, then Lee converted nine to David's eight in a ten- shot shoot-off to determine which Canal. hit eight to edge David Puhn. 13. of Southside. in the ten- shot shoot-off for third place. The competition was held Tues- day night in the Shelton gym as a Shelhm Ki\\;vais Club project, the club providing a trophy for the winner and $10 expense money for ttis trip to Seattle to the state earned-the tri t) to the slate hoop finals. finals in Seaktle this Saturday. I Jack • event. LEE BURFIEND '63 Hoop Shoot Chalnp Kiwanians John Pill and Swanson supervised the THE TEN OTHER entranls fin- ished in this order: Chief Clayton, Shelton Jtmior High 20: Darrell Grytness. Evergreen 19: Mike Gripp, Bordeaux 17; Eddie Admns Mt. View. 16; Dick I'nautz. Shel- ton Junior High, 16: Gary Austin. Ever£Teen. 14: Bill Joilnson. Hood Canal. 14; Bob Hollatz. Mary M. Knight 13: Joe Burnett, Mt View, 10; Kevin "Vetter. Southside, 9. Of tbe 14 entrants, eleven will he eligible again next vear. Only Stodden. Hollatz and Clayton pass the age limit within the ne2t year. The champion s eligible for thrce more years as his birthday falls on 5iarch 27. The breakoff date is the 15th birthday. J J LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Shelton Lodge No. 1684 Gerry Hart, Governor Phone 426-3047 Russ Morken, Secretary Phone 426-4071 MEETINGS HELD EACH 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the Month 8 p.m. Airport HARCH HEAHS KITE FLYIHG season is here once again: March is the month of the kite flying season. The time of the year when all young boys and girls chal- lenge mother nature in trying to get into the space age act. As pwst o] you parents can remember, we didn't have some o[ the hazards of flying kites as we do today. Today there are many nwre power lines and of a higher voltage scattered over a larg- er area. We in the power business are aware of these dangers, but the chil- dren are ,not. So we are tryig to bring tM, s to the attention of all parents to help educate your child- ren as to where to fly them, the pro- per string to use (not wire or metal- lic string) md what to do in case a kite does get entangled in a power line. THE PUD WILL BE DISTRIB- UTING A BOOKLET ENTITLEl5 "KITE FLIGHT" TO THE ELE- MENTARY SCHOOLS OF THE PUD NO. 3 SERVICE AREA IN THE NEXT FEW DAYS which we hope will be of some assistance in making kite flying a safer and hap- Tier sport: If a boy or girl should happen to get over-looked, pick up a copy at the PUD office. 'So, with just this little bit of advice we say "'Happy Kite Flying" kids. MASON COUNTY P.U.D. NO. 3 JACK COLE, president; TOM WEBB, vice president; ED TAYLOR, secretary JERRY SAMPLES, manager LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY I L(.)(.)KING FOR 1_00,000 SAFE DP00IVEP00S !o tell Ihem about LOWER AUTO INSURANGE GOSTS CALL YOUR HAH FROH NORTHWESTERH DIGK ANGLE ..... HERB ANGLE Angle Agency 4th & RAILROAD PHONE 426-8272