March 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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................ ¢fOhr,sfmaSfow, U:S:A:.", SheltDn, W:ashlnton Thursday, M
* Converts from direct to gear
drive in 9 minutes or less
= Cuts in any position, even up-
side down
= Ideal for all-round use--cord*
wood. clearing, pruning, etc.
ONLY $149 ms
for direct drive with 14" bar and chain
Saeger Motor Shop
We Service What We Setl
Students Get Honors For Work Ill Band;
Basketball Season Concludes; Baseball Starts
lmd Honors
This week's band honors of
special chairs in the band for out-
standing performance goes to Su-
sie McDowell and Bob Plant. trom-
bone; Sandy Bollinger.- baritone;
Vic Anderson. trumpet: Becky
Hall, clarinet; Vickie Pierce. and
Susan Mm'ris flute: Wendy Be-
lender. .ax. and Chuct Viger,
The Hood Canal 9th grade Tro-
jans played their last basketball
game Friday at the Hoodsport
gym They played tile faculty. The
score was tied at I8 to 18.
The Hood Canal 7th grade Tro-
jans also played the 6th grade
on the same evening at the Hoods-
port gym. The score was the 7th
grade 35 andt he 6th grade 25,
Mr. Bryant tins started track
season and is progressing very
Mr, Jackson will start baseball
"in about a week.
The 9th grade class had a fudge
and popcorn sale March 7. The
money they earned went into their
treasury for their plans towards a
spring dance and graduation.
The 8th grade class had a book
and magazine sate March 8. The
money they received went to-
wards a swimming party.
The 7th grade are making plans
for some kind of sale to make
His Honor The Judge
Mr. Endicott's drams class pre-
sented three plays March 8..Acting
4 Window Shades
Ib Kirsch Rods & Hooks
(All types and sizes)
4 Draperies
4 Decorative Shades
4 Venetian Blinds
Furniture Dept. - 2nd Floor
Miller's of Shelton
in the first play, which had no
title, was Linda Dillon. Sylvia
Staid, Becky Hall. Leslee La Bis-
moneire. Kathy Bolender. and Jill
In the second play titled "His
Honor the Judge," were Karen
Smith, Donnie Bearden. David
Rose• Robert Johnson, Calvin Pet-
erson. Marlene Johns. Chert Rich-
ardson, Mary Lynn Avey, Bill
Johnson. Mike MeDowell. George
Morse. Carolyn Johns, and Linda
It was about a Judge and his
problems in court.
The third play was a comedy
"Saturday Night at the Movies,"
the main two were "Chuck Viger
and Karen Smith.
The faculay of Hood Canal
Jr. High wishes to thank everyone
who helped with the three ball
games they sponsored. A special
thank you goes to the players who
helped the faculty out, the refe-
rees. and the 9th grade team.
The teachers room in the Junior
High School looks very becoming
with its new furniture.
Hew Members Join
Baptist Ghurch
Nine new members were wel*
corned into the membership of the
First Baptist Church last Snnday
morning. They were honored guests
at a reception held Sunday even-
ing at the church. They are Mr.
and Mrs. Dave Powell. Larry Pew-
ell, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carey, Mr.
and Mrs. Ray MeBide, Bob Stine
and Glenn Peterson.
A new series of membership
classes will begin next Sunday at
5:30 .p.m. and continue for five
weeks. These classes are taught
by the. pastor, Rev. E. C. Knautz
andnclude subjects on hOW to be
sure of personal Christianity, the
meaning and significance of bap-
tism. the meaning and personal
value of communion and church
organization and affiliations. Any
one interested in attending these
classes should contact key, Mr,
Don't Miss the Fun and
Entertainment of Television
4th &Cota 426-6602
Lake Nahwatzel
Couple Visit In
By Joann Tul)l)er
and Mrs. F. E. Hewson. travelled
down to Vancouver and then over
to Yakima Valley spending a week
visiting friends and relatives in
the Yakima area,
Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amel
Tveit last Saturday were Mrs.
Paul Webster and son. Terry, Bre-
Sunday ealler at. Mr. and Mrs.
Arehie Kelley's home was Mrs.
Nellie Chappell.
Last Tuesday Mrs. AI Tupper
accompanied by Mrs. Frank Coo-
per attended the h'en'e S. Reed
High School Senior Play.
Wednesday Mrs. Frank Cooper
and Mrs. J. B. McClanahan of
Shelton drove up to Tacoma to do
some shopping.
Mrs, Mary Hansen along with
Mrs. Ralph Springer of the Lake,
Mrs. Jeanette Thomas, Shelton,
Mrs. Jerry Brehmeyer and Mrs.
at:tie De'ore, both of Matlock
have joined the swimming classes
in Shelton. They meet every Wed-
-esday night at Nuotare Swim°
ming'Pool onthe Olympic High-
MR. AND MRS. Sam Diggle and
family were Sunday dinner guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Valley of Matlock.
Friday night visitors at M. and
Mrs, John Patten's home were
Jim McCosky and Sharron White,
both of Aberdeen.
Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
William McKimson of the State
Fish Hatchery to Matlock visited
the Pattens. Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Patten were dinner guests at tbe
McKimson home.
Saturday morning Mrs. A1 Tup-
per and daughter Sandra,. Mrs.
Dick Tupper and daughter Susan,
accompaniecl by Mrs. Archle Kel-
ley and daughter Betty all drove
to Olympia to dO some shopping
and make preparations for Sand-
ra:s forthcoming weddin
Last Ttiesday the.Lak Natwa-
zel V01uliteeV Fii:e :DBLri .rner{t
their monthly metihg at the hom
Of CliffotQt Fod..
MRS. AilT PALMER, Matlock,
Lloyd Payne, Jerry Christian, Ted
Booth, all of the Lake were din-
ner guests last Wednesday even-
ing at the Tupper's home.
The newly formed Nimrods Club
of Shelton had a fund-raising dan-
ce last Saturday night at the Day-
ton Hall. The main goal of the
club is to try to create and provide
more recreation for the young
people in the Shelton area, The
public response to the club's first
projec was very gratifying and
the dance showed a good profit
for the club according to the dance
chairman, Dick Tupper.
in the open test that tears'em apart...the Daytona 500
[0rd durability conquered the field
lst,2nd,3rd,4th, an d 5th
AT DAYi'ONA, FEB.24,1963
12 *6PA FORDS 9 !
10,11,17, 24
5 '63 CHEVRoLETS 2 i 9,14
7 '63 PONTiACS 3 7, 8,13
5 '63 PLYMOUTHS 3 6,19;23
2 '63 DOgGES O
Daytona is no "private" test arranged by a manufacturer to favor his Car's strong
points. It is opei competition--anyone can enter--and the one thing that is
proved by its searing 500 miles is just exactly how well a car hangs together. At
Daytona, Florida, on February 24, five brand-new 19631/= Fords showed the world
what durability means by sweeping the first five places. And that has never been
equaled in Daytona history l
The box score at the left tells the true endurance that takes brutal
punishment and comes back for more.
No proving ground can equal this
kind of torture. Daytona was a chal-
lenge we welcomed, a chance to
prove in open competition the essen-
tial durability that makes possible the
silence, the solid road-grip, the ease of
control, the balanced braking.., and
all the other things that go into Ford's
concept of total performance.
These were the same '63 Super
Torque Fords that made styling history
at their preview at Monaco, and
which were recently announced at
your Ford Dealer's. They're yours now;
get behind the wheel and find out for
yourself what total performance means!
Lambert Grocery At Kamilche To
Open Monday In New Building
KAMILCHE Monday of next
week, March 18. the newly built
and furnished grocery store of the
Mere Lambert's will be opened for
business. Their previous sore bur-
ped July 31 of last year. Congra-
Lulations are in order on the fine
new building from which the Lam-
berts will serve the community
again with groceries and meat and
gas and oil.
Next Sunday Mrs. Nat \\;¥aldrip
will snake a flying trip to the land
of the rising sun where she will
meet her husband and where they
will spend a few weeks before they
return home next manth. Mrs.
Waldrip will fly from Seattle to
Vancouver, B. C. where she will
boarda jet for an eight and one-
half hour ride to Tokyo, Japan.
Waldrip has been in Japan since
January in tile interest of his oys-
ter business.
The S. S. Washington Mail dock-
ed in Olympia last Sunday with
oyster seed front Japan for dis-
tribution to the various oyster
firms in the sound.
A birthday dinner was gven
Sunday by Mrs. Nat Waldrip in
aonor of Joe Wahtrip's twelfth
birthday. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. James Waldrip, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Davitg0n. Mrs. Leslie Mul-
ler, sister Jeannette Waldrip and
brother Jimmy Waldrip. After din-
her a visit was made to the oyster
ship from Japan, the S. S. Wash-
ington Mail where they met the
captain who a week previous had
lurieheon with "vValdrip in Japan•
REV. AND MI{. Richard Cad-
dey of South Bend visited Friday
with the Gus Ellison family who
together with Rev. Richard Cad-
dey Jr. oY Ilwaco motored to Ta-
coma the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McFie of Twisp
visited last. weekend at the home
of her parents, the Cecil Black-
A motor trip to Seattle Smday
was enjoyed by Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Blackwelder. Mr. nod Mrs. tlarry
Simmons. and Mr. and Mrs. Ira
Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Whitener drove to Silverdale where
they enjoyed birthday dinner with
their two year old granddaughter,
Andrienne. daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ronald Whitener.
The Kamilehe boys lost their
baskethall game with Hoquiam
last Friday night.. The score was
36 to 55. Boys playing and their
points is as follows: Tom Villines,
13; Darrel Krise. 9: Danny David
7; Jim Kelley 4; Monty Marshall
1; An item of interest. Hoquiam
made one half of their foul shots
and Kamilehe scored one quarter
of theirs.
Kamilche boys and girls both
play baskethatl next Thursday
afternoon at 1 p.m. when they
meet the Skokomish school on Ka-
milehe floor.
The Pioneer Kitchen Band (12
pieces) put on the entertainment
aL Lhc Grange pot hmch dinner
last Friday nite.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson visit-
ed Mrs. John Adams at Delphi last
Coming from Portland to visit
at the Frances Simmons home
over the weekend were Mr. and
Mrs. Roland Simn]ons. Grace Sim-
nmns and Elizabeth Christenson.
There will be a dance at Kam-
ilche Grange hall Saturday, March
Grapeview Well Represented At
4-H Rally Day Last Saturday
Local Seniors Have
Ghance To Try For
Art Scholarships
Graduating seniors in Mason
County this spring have the oppor-
hmity to compete for three art
scholarships being offered by tile
General Federation of Women's
Clubs and Hallmark Cards. Inc.
Deadline for entries is April 1.
Ethel Dalby, Union. fine arts
chairman for the Peninsula Dis-
trict. State Federation of Wom-
en's Clubs announced this week.
The scholarships are offered to
any a;1 school or college approved
by the federation and Halhnark.
Fun(b are paid directly to the
The teem entries are first sub-
mitted to the State Federation.
Each state submits its winning
art work to the national contest
from which tile three scholarship
winners are picked.
Paintings can be in oil. water
color, pastel or mixed media. They
must not be smaller than 11 by
14 inches nor larger than 20 By
24 inches.
Oil paintings most have a simple
frame, other media nmst be in
mats. ISastels should be sprayed
with a fixative. There most be no
glass used on any entry.
Theme fro' the contest is "The
American Vision "'and may inter-
pret by the use of historical sub-
jeers, landscapes, still life or port-
Each entry must contain suffi-
cient postage to insure return of
the entry. The name of the spon-
soring club. which can be obtained
from Mrs. Dalby, mus also be in-
Entries shonld be sent to Mrs.
Ivard Strauss. State Federation
of Women's Clubs Art Chairman,
232 Harvard East. Seattle 3. Wash.
Building permits were approved
by the Mason County Commission
Monday to L. S. Rutherford, wood
residence and barn, $5,000; T. B.
Griffin, toolshed. $200; Leslie C.
Pederson. add to residence, $1,500;
L. A, Fields, carport, $150.
GRAPEVIEW- "Kids. koEa,
kolor and konfushion" are the in-
gredients. Mix these together with
a dash of camaradarie plus a ge-
nerous sprLnkling of youthful ex-
uberance and you have the basic
recipe for a 4-H Rally Day. The
recipe was a success when put to
the test last Saturday evening as
4-H groups from all of Mason
County gathered aL the Mountain
View School in Shelton for their
annual rally.
Grapeview "Barnacles" can boast
of having very nearly 100 per cent
attendance with 16 of its members
present. Robert Spooner represen-
ted our Community as a member
of the "Builders" Club and also
was a very capable Master of Ce-
remonies for the entertainment
segment of the program. "Barnac-
les" leaders Mesdames Jubie Hicks
Art Nicklaus and Jerry Hill added
to our community's representation
as did parents and grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Burt Benson, Mr. and
Mrs. Howard Somers. Art Niek-
laus, Mrs. Ruby Crane, Mrs. Alma
Fredson. Don Query, Mrs. Art
Zehe, Mrs. Louise Spooner. Mrs.
Joe Engen, Mrs. Walt Clayton Jr.
Mrs. Ed Okonek and Mrs. Walter
Clayton, Sr. Small fry enjoying
the festivities were Jerry, Susan
and Pete Hill, Alice, David, Kathy
and Clifford Hicks, Art, Kim and
Chris Nicklaus, Georgia Clayton,
Leslie Okonek, Bonnie and Mike
Benson, Susan and 5ante Pogreba,
Bueky, Kathy and 5amie Query,
Jody Engen, Joel Zehe and Don
and Kristi Seiners. Games, skits
by the various clubs and a deli-
cious spaghetti dinner plus the
excitement of electing the 1963
Fair Queen and her princesses
were highlight of the evening fest-
Unable to take part in her club's
fun day, Miss Marcella Westberg
remained at her home, nursing a
severe case of flu which had kept
her out of school all week. We are
appY to hear she was well enough
to return to school on Monday.
Also bitten by one of the pesky
lugs that have plagued so many
of us this winter is Mrs. Don Que-
ry who is feeling better now after
being laid up most of last week.
A lively group gathered at tile
home of Mr. and Mrs. Russ Wells ev'ening to take part in
or listen to a "jumpin jam session"
to indulge in some scrumptuous
chicken cacciatore prepared by the
hostess, and Lo catch up on news
with friends and neighborS. Guests
from Grapeview were the Clem
Halls, Art Nicklauses, Joe Engens,
Ed Okoneks, Don Pogrebas, Bill
Staudts, Walt Claytons, "Speck"
Fredricks and Howard Somerses.
Weekend guests from Tacoma
were rang-time friends, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Walden and Mr. and
Mrs. Mike Murray. Also enjoying
the Well's hospitality Saturday
evening and Staying on until Mon-
day were Ruth's sister Miss Bever-
ly Thompson. and friend Miss Con-
nie Holden who drove fz:om vashon
The Wells' home might have
been slightly bursting its seams
Saturday evening, but it was hap-
pily so and the addition of their
sor, Airman Clem Wells, who
drove down from Neah Bay for the
weekend, only added to the plea-
sure of his folks.
Another serviceman home for
the weekend with his parents was
Airman Chick Staudt on weekend
liberty from McChord Air Base.
He is the son of Mr. and Mz's.
Bill StaudL of Mason Lake.
It was a long drive to dinner
for Mr. Walter Clayton, Sr. last
Saturday evening but evidently
well worth the Lime and effort. The
sumptuous smorgasbord which
offered "just about everything"
was hosted by Rayonier, Inc. and
honored the company's retired per-
sonnel. An annual affair, the din-
ner this Year was held at Hoqui-
am's Emerson Hotel. Mr. Clayton,
who worked as Chief Engineer for
the company for more than 30
years and retired just three years
ago, was accompanied by his son
Mrs. Richard Davis of Zenith,
aeeom9 anted by her mother and
two friends from Tacoma, spent
Thursday afternoon here in Grape-
view with Mrs. Amelia Davis, her
mother-in-law. After enjoying a
nice visit, the ladies gathered oys-
ters for a take-home treat.
noon was spent by the A. V, Rich-
ards when Hood Canal friends,
the "Dutch" Gillings stopped by
briefly and both couples then pro-
ceded to the Agate property of
Mr. and Mrs, Ed Dahlgren. The
Dahlgrens are at present building
a lovely new waterfront home
and both couples, as well as IVh'.
and Mrs. Edwin Cliffe of Tacoma,
very much enjoyed a tout' of the
partly constructed home. After the
tour the four couples retired to
the Dahlgrens' spacious forty-foot
trailer where a delicious dinner
was thorougly enjoyed by all.
Ed and Louise Okonek were up
bright and early Sunday morning
and, with young Leslie, trailed
their sleek runaboat to the laun-
ching ramp and "swished" over to
Anderson Island where they dined
with friends Bob and Carol Rey-
nolds. The return trip wasn't such
a "swisher", however, as a brisk
wind had come up and the ensuing
roughened waers forced them to
slacken speed.
Monday marked the beginning
of a venture for Julie and Doris
Stock as they broke ground for
their new home on Treasure Is-
land's north shore. Bulldozing ope-
rations are in the capable hands
of Don and Bob Anderson.
Use Journal Wani Ads
Try A Journal Want Ad
Services Set
The deep, spiritual
real "Substance" will
ject at services a
First Church of Christ,
Bible readings will
verses from I
"As it is written.
seen. nor ear heard.
entered into the heart
things which God hath
for tllem that love hi,
hath revealed tl:em unto
Spirit: for the Spirit
all things, yea. the
of God."
Other Scriptural
bring out what
taught about substanO
be accompanied by
from "Science and
Key to tile Scri
Baker Eddy (p. 313),
Life Insurance Company
• Many beautiful
Plant now for
beauty. Have hundreds
giant-size blossoms
beautiful rainbow of
all summer long.
Large No. 1 iz¢.
beautiful varietie
;: :i::,i from.
ROTARY POWER MOWERS F OM ..................................
Large Selection Including
- 3 Only - ] - 2 Only -
Self- Propelled 20" ,6788 00o,,,oo
were $77.99 were $104.95
CHROME HIGH CHAIR ....................
Life Magazine for $5.00 ....................
Evergreen Square Phone
Plant Now for Summer Beauty
MUFFLERS .............................. $350
TAILPIPES ................................ $200
FUEL PUMPS .......................... $250
TACKLE BOXES ...................... $15°
VOLTAGE REGULATOR ........................
RUBBER BASE PAINT ........ $Io0 per
Western Auto Supply 315
Continuing Close