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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
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u 14, t963 HELTON--MASON ¢0UNY JOURNAL- Publ[k¢fl in &apos;:C Shell Page ia Save Tax ey! all drug de- you are entitled? terns call be listed. free to our you all an- ill tcalay and DrugTax, It's free. tax moneyl %,: PP'S Store & Railroad 426-4642 Treble Clef Club Plans To Attend Seattle Convention Treble Clef Junior Music Club met March 4 at Bordeaux school. "Making Music Together" was the program topic for the day with Mary Jane Stanscll as chairman. Plans for attendance at the Ju- nior Day Convention at the Uni- versity of Washington March 30 were discussed. Cynthia Surratl. president of the group, played two pmno solos. Bet- ty Bloomfield entertained the group with a couple clarinet num- I)ers and Nancy Swanson played a piano medley. Two nulnbers \\;vere sting by Chevie Miljour, Terri ,;o- kojanee and Cynthia Surratt. The instruments of the sympho- ny orchestra wine discussed brief- lv and Mrs. Hansmeier. counselor. spoke of the use of the baton in directing group music. The Treble Clef is affiliated with the Washington State and National Federation of Music Clubs. OEM PAST MATRONS LUNCHEON MEETING Past Matrons of Welcome Chap- ter No. 40 will hold a 12:30 p.m. sack hmeh meeting at the Masonic temple next Thursday. . High School Spotlight • ,,.:;::.u .: : ::: ,%::: ER F Quarter-- 59 lb. Grain Fed Graded Good SHELTON MEAT CO. Phone 426-3581 SUE NORVOLD MANAGED to make Top Ten in her class and still be active in many school functions. She was general chairman for the recent Father-Daughter banquet held at the high school. Vitamin C 100  250 mg 80 ° Vilmin A 100  25,000 u. Sue Norvold has been an active members of her class of 1963 throughout her school years. In addition to being active m social functions she is one of the Top Ten in her class. Music has been of special inter- est to Sue. She is not only a mem- ber" of the high school band but Book Close-0ut Hard Bound Selection also plays in the Flute Trio. She is social chairman for Library Club. belongs to Pep Club, GAA, Scarlet "S". Honor Society, Girls' Club Executive Board, FTA and Band Council. She was general chairman of the recent Father- Daughter banquet. Outside of school Sue is trea- surer of the Faith Lutheran church youth group, Luther League, and a member of Young Life. She en- joys swimming as well as water and snow skiing. Band. civics. English French II, and chemistry are her subjects this year. Sue plans to attend either Paci- fic Lutheran university or Whit- man college in the fall. She has not decided definitely on her future but feels she will probably follow an education course. A blue-eyed blond. Sue is 5'3" tall. She makes her home on An- gleside with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. W. Norvoid. She was born May 28. 1945 in Shelton. 75 ° , i each.49 ° or 3/'1 °° ¢.,.o,,o Women's Rummage, Plaiit Sale Bandage .......... :: ............................................ 79' Catholic women will hold arum- magi and plant sale next Thurs- da3 and Friday in the old Journal Nell" s Pharmacy .m o.c00 m+='. Anyone wishing to donate rum- llage is asked to call Dorothy Bru- ,ato at 426-2416. For plant dona- oad Phone 426-3327 tions call Marta Kennerly at 246- - 2140. " COMET MARCH ANNOUNCEMENT "4' .. New V-8 hot you'll think it's July! r°°th, responsive, thrillincl: that's Comet's new Cyclone 260 V-8. This top performer adds hew fire to Comet's fun-and-sun line. It's available in any Comet fun-car--racy new W^ hardtops, jaunty new convertibles, sedans with Comet's classic roof, roomy station :;ns like the elegant Villager. For an extra-sporty touch, pick one of Comet's dashing a,,_ °Ucket-seaters. Of course, every Comet gives you service-  '63 M ER(2111::Iv v,l: rs. like self-adjusting brakes.., and the best record for resale I1 ,.,,,, ,;7,.':/. In its class, Sound worth trying? See your Mercury dealer.   |V I I| COMET, METEOR, MERCURY... PRODUCTS OF  MOTOR COMPANY...LINCOLN-MERCURY DIVISION FOR 60 YEARS THE SYMBOL OF DEPENDABLE PRODUCTS NOW AVAILABLE ONLY AT MEICURY DEALERS! EXCLUSIVE ARNOLD PALMER GOLF INSTRUCTION ALBUM--ON TWO LP RECORDS! JIM PAULEY, INC. 501 .RAILROAD AVENUE Job's Daughters Membership Drive In Full Swing The Job's Daughters of Bethel No. 37, Shelton. have been busy with the membership drive which \\;\,ill continue until the end of March. Jobies are all on the look- out for prospective members. A trip to Seattle has been planned for the incoming members and the girls \\;1o petitioned them. Honored Queen Paula Harmon announced that there will be in- itiaticn for the new girls at the Masonic temple March 19. At the last meting, March 5, a Memorial service was held for the death date of the founder, Ethel T. \\;Vead Mick. All members have cook books for sale containing favorite recipes of local women. Anyone interest- ed in purchasing one may call any Jobie gir4. Kool-aid and cookies were served by the refreshment committee at the close of the meeting. 6arden ,Club Slaie-s-- Annual Conservation Luncheon Next Monday The Shelton Garden Club annu- al Conservation luncheon will be held at 12:30 p.m. Monday at the Colonial house. Reservations should be made with Mrs. Isaac Jeffery, 426-2265. before this Friday. The theme of the luncheon wilt be Conservation of our National Forests. Virgil E. Alien. Forestry technician witb the U. S. Forest Servic will be the speaker. He is director of the Dennie Ahl seed erchard which is nationally famous for the original research in the growing of cone crops. Many fores- ters from foreign lands have come t0"lV[ason county to study the me- thods being developed. In addition to his talk Mr. Allen will show beautiful colored slides to illustrate the results obtained. The luncheon is open to the pub- lic. Surprise! Surprise! Who's Surprised? Mrs. Robert Rose of Tacoma came to Shelton last Saturday night to attend a surprise birthday party on her mother-in-law. The surprise, however, was on her. Nineteen guests awaited her ar- rival to surprise her with a stork shower. Mrs. Rose is the daughter- in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Buford Rose. Shelton. and the daughter of Mr'. and Mrs. Evo Hickman of Suman. Wash. Hostesses for the shower were Mrs. Des Haines and Mrs. Oren Ellison. The affair was held at the Buford Rose home which had been decorated with a pink stork on the mantle with streamers lead- ing' to a heaping basket of gifts for the expected baby. While the guests played games and enjoyed watching gifts being opened the husband adjourne!n the Oren Ellison home, whexe Mr. Ellison served them coffee and a chocolate cake he had baked for the occasion. ton+ Wo-ma-s c Shel lub Plans Rummage Sale A Rummage Sale will be held tomorrow and Saturday beginning at 9 a.m. in the PUD auditorimn. The Shelton Woman's Club will sponsor the sale to help finance its annual project of sending dele- gates each year to the 4-H Club State meeting at WSU at Pullman. Co-chaimnen for the sale are Mrs. W. A. *Witsiers and Mrs. Frank Smith. Guild Postpones Luncheon Meeting This Friday's hmcheon meeting of the Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild has been postponed until March 22. It will be held at 12:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale with Mrs. George Grisdale as co-hostess. Several work parties have been held in preparation for the Next to New Sale which will be held March 29-30 at the PUD auditorium. The final work larty will be held March 28. In addition to men. women's and children's clothing, the sale will feature dance costumes for girls. Pinochle Club Meets Monday The SRA Pinochle Club will meet at 8 p.m. Monday at the Memorial hall. .at the last meeting Helen Carl- son had high score'and Lucilte Speece 2rid high for women, For the men Walt Austin had high and Olaf Johnson, 2nd. Daisy Smith and Duane Dewell held 1000 aces. Double pinochle was won by Austin Larson and Alice Herzog. FOE Card Party High Score Winlmrs Winning high scores for the women at the March 9 FOE card party at the Eagles airport hall were Viola Laughen, high; Vera Huntington. 2nd high. For the men. Roy Moore held high score with Lester Hunting- ton. 2nd high. Vera Huntington and Art Hazel- quist held 300 pinochle. Roy Moore and Opal Asche had 1500 trump. The next party will be held March 23. CYO TO PRESENT PLAY SUNDAY The CYO will present a one act play titled "Answered Prayer" in Bremerton Suiday. Members of the cast include Jim Doerty, lIarie wrnes, Carolyn Gardner and Sal- I ly Hartman. Tim director is Mr. Ron Roblas; student director. Fran Demmon. t |lm|mmmm|mm mmm|mm|ammm|mm|mm|mi|m|mmm=ml m m==mml|=mmmlm|l|mmml: ) WHAT'S COOKING IN WHOSE KITGHEN? :" Recipe Favorites Of County Residents i WIIIIIIIII'III'IIII.... II..I II=lll[ IIIII1"1 "Illlll" " " " I =11"1"1t1¢ Minstrel Show At North Mason [This Saturday , The North Mason i]gh scho PTA will present a Minstrel Show at s p.m Saturday in the higll ' school gym This will be the one big money making event of tht year for the PTA. This old-fashioned Minstrel show \\;\'ill have an interlocutor, end-men, comedy skits, dances a chorus. and lots of music and fun and witl featul+e talent from the entire com- munity. The high school band and the Yachtsmen. exciting young singing group from the higll school, \\;\,ill be on the bill• Pices will be $1 for adults. 50 cents for high school students and 25 cents for children Tickets are available from PTA members or at the school office. Refreshments will be served in the home eeon- 9nnes room after the show. SUCCESS... every time you decorate with SUPER" gEM-TONE LATEX WALL PAINT BEY EDSON'S RECIPE for Lemon Fluff Pie is a delicious sound- ing variation of the traditional lemon pie. The cooking process in- volves a little more time but she feels it is not time wasted con- sidering the tasty results. Lemon Fluff Pie is a favorite at Bey Edson's house. It takes longer to prepare than a mix. naturally, but the results are well worth the extra time involved. Bev's husband. A1. is an accoun- tant for Simpson Timber Co. They have three children. Bruce. 13. Doug, 11, and Susie. 9. The Edson family moved imre from Portland two years ago. In that short time they have manag- ed to see more of our beautiful country than many of the natives. As much of the Edson's spare time as possible is spent hiking, weath- er permitting. With packs on their backs they have explored many wilderness spots in the Olympics which are unavailable by road and have plans to see many more such places. The Edsons feel hiking is not only entertaining but health- ful and educational. Bey is treasurer of Evergreen PTA. secretary of the Shot-Ton Orthopedic Guild and a Brownie leader. In addition to hiking she enjoys square and round dancing and sewing for herself and her daughter. I,EMON FLUFF PIE Sift together into top of double boiler: 1 cup sugar,  cup cornstarch Blend m : ., cup cold water. Add gradually, stirring in: 1!a cups boiling water Bring cornstarch mixture, to boil- ing over direct heat, stirring gent- ly and constantly. Cook 3 rain. Place over simmering water. Co- ver and cook about 12 rain.; stir or 4 times. Vigorously stir about 3 tbsp. of the hot mixture into 4 eggs yolks, slighlly beaten. Immediately blend into mixture in double boiler. Cook over simmering water 3-5 min. Stir slowly to keep mixture cooking evenly. Remove fronl w'a- ter and blend in: % cup lemon juice 2 tbsp. grated lemon peel 2 tbsp. butter or margarine Set mixture aside and beat until frothy: 4 egg whites Add gradually, beating well after each addition : , cup sugar Beat until rounded peaks are formed. Spread egg whites over lemon mixture and gently fold in. Use your favorite pie crust. GRANT LUMBER 607 S. 1st -- Ph. 426-6612 NOW ONE INSURANCE POLICY GIVES YOU COMPLETE HOME COVERAGE AT SUBSTANTIAL SAVINGS! Homeowners now can cover all their household insurance needs with one policy and one premium- from one SAFECO Agent! SAFEC0 makes it easy for agents, like ourselves, to give you the finest, most complete, insurance coverage possible. For example Today, the new GENERAL ItOMEOWNER policy preo vents dangerous coverage gaps--aves you money too*. SAFEC0 offers many other time-sav, ing, money-saviag benefits. It would be our pleasure to discuss rill the adva- tag-es of SAFEC0, LIFEC0 or GENERAL Insurance poli- cies-at your convenience. You CN RaAX WHEN YOURE'" _--.cO IN$%g'.- COVERED BY .: HEMBROFF AGENCY 116 NORTH SECOND 426-3357 The savings and convenience you en- joy at your supermarket or other stores --the sales and profits forthe merchant, manufacturer, processor or grower-- are made possible by today's distribu- tion methods. In one form or another, thousands of everyday items go to market every day the au to mate d railway, U nion Pacific is an important link in the nation's distribution system. Electroni- cally controlledtraffic and communica- tions help move the products of in- dustry and agriculture to market and to you. When you ship, be specific, route Union Pacific, Call FL 7-334 Super service for supermarket items over Union Pacific... i ;iii ii! ::?+'iii •+; rai!+l w iW, Ilii;Iii+]]i !? ": iii f:, +ii}+[ }:: !Ii:i¢{i!! .<. :-,? g ;:}1 ::[:,,%."(v[}:!::: I Travel relaxed in the Domeliner "City of Portland." Superb meals freshly prepared. Liberal baggage allow- an co. Money-saving Family Fares. Convenient schedules. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD I I I I II II