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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
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i i i OANS • L up to '5000 Loans on furniture, automobiles, equip- ment, livestock, or other security and take up to 48 months to repay. Credit Life Insurance is avail. able. Phone, stop in or write: SERVICE FINANCE GO. Injury, Ineligibility Bug Baseball Coach kind of CLIHBER DIAMOND TARHiSHED Those devastating big I's of can't be ready for any prep athletics -- ineligibity and action before mid-April or later. injury ...... have tarnished the tint Sloah and junior catcllet; RAndy of championship Coach Chet Dbm- Kingsbury bit the dust pbrmanent- broski detected about his High- ly as the result of scholastic fail- climber baseball squad through- ures last emester. out a hopeful winter. Sloan and Droscher, besides then- When he called his diamond as-' pitching prowess, also were the pirants to their labors last weet¢ squad's two most danger0tl§' hit- .he found 40 candidates ready tO t6rs and filled left-side infield battle for his attention, but con- positions when not on the spicuous by their absences were moimd..As sefii0r§ they Were tab- three lettermen on whom he haft bed co lye sqtad lecrel; With the counted heavily, MI of them out settling influence of their experi- of that key departmeiit, the bat- ence frbm two previo{i§ Seasons as tery. - regulars. INJURY HAS ALSO erased an- Prime loses are the two senior Other athlete on whom Dombroski righthanders who have been the nucleus of a Grade-A slab staff had placed high hopes. Although a sophomore, Larry Powetl, the the past two years ..... Bill Sloan transfer from California who thor- and Ken Droscher. oughly lived up to his advance re- 124 Railroad Ave. DROSCHER broke a bone in putation in basketball, had an Shelton, Washington his right foot in a basketball mish- equally impressive baseball repute, Phone 426-4447 ap early in January and it hasn't as pitcher and hitter. Torn liga- healed as expected. It is now en- ments in his right elbow ha/Je shel- seonsed in its third cast, Even if ved him for the season. D0mbroski Ill I I the third time is the ch/rm he figured he could have taken up SHA---- - --------- R[S HAPPINESS much of the slack caused by the loss of Sloan and Droscher. The situation leaves the Climber coach with only five lettermen to build around Tom Wingard a handyman type who can catch, pitch, play infield or.outfield, and WIT HUSOANO likely do pretty well at the plate this year; and outfielder A1 Wag- ner, Mike Sheedy, Gary Peterson (all lefthanded hitters) and Smith. Another who forfeited a letter last year but is out again is in- fielder Kelly Hurst. WHAT MAY SAVE the day for 0mbr0ski is a fine Sopfiomores ah d Juiiior legion grads. The pitching burden, for in- stance, is likely to fall heavily oh husky righthander Brian Sny- der (who can play a good third base and swing a strong stck) nd lefthander Tim Rose (another pretty fair hitter who can double in the outfield). Sophomore Jim Richards and junior Terry Kadoun lead the cat- cluing brigade, sophs Ron Landis id Don Clary are battling sen- ior John Anderson at first base; suph Tim Sheedy and junior Dar- rell Cochran will bid strongly for outfield consideration; sophs Dave Johnson and Denny Bailey are promising infield aspirants. THE CLIMBERS are calen- dared for an ambitious schedule of nearly 20 games (weather per- mitting), including I0 league con- tests in an Olympic Peninsula con- ference consisting of 11 teams-- East and West Bremerton, North, South and Central Kitsap, Port Angeles and Shelton (the AA schools), Port Townsend, Bain- bridge, North Mason, and Sequim (A schools) for one game apiece. Relative--thought seriously ill--is going to recoverl Wife above First on the slate is a twin bill calls husband long distance, shares good news with him. Or even with Port Townsend (one game only counts in the standings) if it's bad news, shouldn't it be shared? What person should March 30 on Loop Field. An ex- you have called this week? Parent? Child? Friend? Rela- tra game is also ticketed with West Bremerton along with home live? Why not call this evening, after 6, when long dis- / and home non-league games With North Thurston, Olympia, Elma lance rates are even lower? PACIFIC NORTHWEST BELL  and possibly Hoquiam. NOW YOUCAN GET . . . NEW Vacuum,o, THERMO MUGS Filled With Oarigold Cottage Cheese A LENTEN SEASON NECESSITY packaged inuseful, ioveiy i0-oz. RAFFIAwARE MUGS which you can use to keep hot drinks hot and cold drinks cold longer. o_o 69' e0000lar DECORATOR COLORS $1.25 • DISHWASHER SAFE • LIMITED TIME OFFER valueT. Now available at your store or at your door through KffSAP. MASOR Shelton Plant at 3rd & Grove DAIRY Phone 426-4473 BIG PRIZE FOR SMALL BOWLERS  Sonja Ahlquist and Bruce Pearson hold the trophies they won fop 20th place in the mixed doubles division in a nat(off-wide tournament for bantam bowlers which attracted 26,650 entries in that one segment of the com- petition last Christmas. The trophies arrived just last week and were presented to Sonja and Bruce last Saturday by Timber Bowi proprietor L, L. Mclnelly, on whose anes they rolled their tro- phy-winning scores. Sonja hit games of 174 and 164, had a hand- icap of 16 pins for a 354 total and Bruce hit 140 and 163 with 22 handicap for 325. Together their score was 679, a tie for 20th place with two Alabama teams. The winning total was 711 shot by a team from Georgia. It was the fourth best prize-winning score shot by Pacific Coast entries. Varsity?vershad°wec!0100'[00[008th GRADE S ,AMAZES JUNIOR HIGH BASKETBALL ned ga]u  orin (final) W L pf pa points. " Miller .................. 12 0 510 332 ONE OF THE VCashington ........ 8 4 400 339 Jefferson ............ 6 6 407 438 6 467 408 6 357 384 entralia ............ 6 Hoquiam 6 SHELTON .......... 2 10 361 Hopkins .............. 2 10 358 Final Games Hoquiam 35. Shelton 31 Hopkins 38, Centralia 34 H0quiam 28. Hopkins 24 Centralia 38. Jefferson 35 In a foul-infested finale to a bad season all-around, the Shel- ton Blazers battled Hoquiam right down to the wire before surrend- ering a 35-31 varsity decision ac Hoquiam last Thursday to wind up the 1963 junior high school basketball schedule. Close-calling officials whistled 32 fouls against the Blazers and sent four Shelton players to the bench, while two Hoquiam play- ers met the same fate as the Cubs were accumulating 19 nersonals. AFTER A 13-13 deadlock at the half, the Cubs sped ahead at 27- 22 after the third quarter and then fought off the Blazer chal- lenge in the final period. Steve Looney, the Blazers' 8th grade starter on the varsity, was the first to hit the bench on fouls, early in the third quarter, then was followed by Dave Winn, an- 'other starter, and substitutes Ton] Fredson and Bill Archer in the final period. The .Blazers' Scott Swisher ear- Schuffenhauer 643, Wilson 607 Series MAJOR LEAGUE W L Northwest Evergreen .... 19% 10½ Timber Bowl .................... 17 13 LaBissoniere Agency .... 16 14 Jim Pauley Inc ............... 15 15 Dan's Nile Hawks .......... 14½ 15½ Olson's B & B Shop ...... 8 22 245High_ games Fred Snelgrove Chub Nutt 230 Lee Schuf- fenhauer 229 and 224, Bob Wuench 223, Glen Roessel 221. High series--Lee Schuffenhauer 643. Dan Wilson 607. Lee Schuffenhauer powered a stout 643 series in Major league bowling play Friday night by fol- loWing up his 190 opener with 224 and P:29 efforts. But you know something? His tam, Olson's Barber & Beauty Shop, got shut out by LaBisson- (6re Agency just the same be- ctuse the insurancemen had cort- stStency on their side with all four team members between 505 and 5t6 (Carl Downing). Dan WilsOn, on the other hand, made his 607 series effective (199- 202-206) for a 2-1 victory by hiS Nile Hawks over Timber Bowl (L. L. McInelly 560) as Chub Nutt put the clincher on with a 230 finale. Glen Roessel's 221 opener earned the losers their lone point. Fred Snelgrove banged a blist- ering 245 open yet his Jim Pauley Inc. quartet took a whitewashing from Northwest Evergreen (Har- ry Peterson 576). JUNIOR LEAGUE W L Angle Agency ................ 26 10 Hembroff Agency .......... 21 15 BloOmfield Logging ...... 19 17 $oslin insurance .... ........ 18½ 17½ Beckwith Jewelry .......... 15½ 20½ *The HUt .......................... 8 28 High game--Reid Preppernau High series--Reid Preppernau 505. ned game scoring honors with 15 MOST remark- able achievements in the memory of junior high basketball followers was recorded by the Blazer 8th grade team in rolling up 64 points 511 during 24 minutes playing time 442 while winning one of the prelimi- nary games, 64-30. Chief Clayton hit seven of 14 field goal attempts and Dii?k Knautz six of 14 as they respec- tively totalled 22 and 17 points in leading the 8th graders to their 10th victory in 12 games. Blazer 7th graders captured a low-scoring, tightly contested 16- 15 verdict in tire other prelim when Dale Koningsfeld dunked a field goal with ten seconds to go. The 7th graders finished the year with a 7-3 record. The lineups: VARSITY GAME HOQUIAM 35 SHELTON 31 Thompson 11 f Looney 1 Ford 3 f B. Johnson Arthaud 9 c Swisher 15 Paulson g" M. Johnson 3 McNeely 10 g Vinn 8 Subs: Hoquiam Scott 2, Wi- se. Bearson. Shelton ..... Archer 4, Fredson. Preppernau, Olson. Bry- ant. Renccker. Score by Quarters Hoquiam 7 6 14 8---35 Shelton 5 8 9 9---31 8th GRADE GAME SHELTON 64 HOQUIAM 30 Clayton 22 f Pelligrini 2 B. Masteller I f Irion 2 Purvis 5 c Sturm 5 Knautz 17 g Ross 6 Olson 6 g Knudson 3 Subs: Shelton -- T. Marshall 4. Duckham 3. K. Masteller 2. Hilde- brandt 2. Gunter 2, Joslin. R. Marshall, Carper, Armstrong, Wil- son. Score by Quarters Shelton 12 12 23 17--64 Hoquiam 8 7 8 7---30 7th GRADE GAME SHELTON 16 .... HOQUiAM 15 Swope 2  Armstrong 9 Donaldson f Wilson Konigsfeld 6 c Fletcher 1 IV[alloy 4 g Patnode 4 Swisher 2 . g Manwell 1 Subs: Shelton -- Howe 2. Dem- mon, Young, Fredson. Grytness. Hoquiam Boettche2r, Curry, Ai- ken, Hilderbrandt. Zedrick. Bob- neon. Score by Quarters Shelton 4 5 5 2---16 Hoquiam 0 7 2 6--15 SWISHER BROTHERS , CLAYTON TOP SCORERS Leading scorers for the three Blazer basketball clubs this year found the brothers Swisher lead- ing the 7th and 9th grade teams and Chief Clayton the 8th graders. Scott Swisher amassed 166 points for a 13.9 average in the 12 varsity games Clayton piled up 11 for a 9.3 average and Mike Swisher totalled 97 in ten games for 9.7 average. VARSITY -- Swisher 166. Loo- ney 62. Mike Johnson 37, Winn 34, Archer 24, Bob Johnson 14. Fredson 6, Bryant 4. Olsen 4, Preppernau 1 8th GRADE -- Clayton 111; Knautz 92, Olson 49, Bob Mastel- ler 39, Purvis 38, Ton] Marshall 31, Glnter 26, Kelly Masteller 11. Dtmkham 7, Joslin 6, Carpel', Wil- son, Hildebrandt 4 each. Arm- strong 3, Rick Marshall 2. 7th GRADE --_ Swisher 97, Ko- nlgsfeld 60, Swope 52, Malloy 25 D0imIds0n 24, Fredson 8, Petty 8, Howe 6, Demm0n 4, Busack 4, Young 3, Anderson 3, Smith 2. JOHN MILOSEVICH Opportuni|y Beckons Sophomores As '83 Track S?ason Opens Sophomor,s must shoulder n heavy share of the load if the Hi£hclimber krack team is m en- joy success this year dm'ing its christening as a member of the Olympic Peninsula leagne. Coach Bob Sund listed 11 1962 ]ctteruleu ,several of thcnl nlarg- (hall among 45 aspirants who op- ened conditioning workouts last week. aiming al the ammal inter- class meet Marcia 22 as the com- pel(live kick-off to (he 1963 sea- son. Sund feels his squad will bc strongest in the three distance events with lettermen Brnce Gar- dner in the mile. Brian Briekert and Jim Orr in the half mile. and Paul Brown in the 440 as the probable top men in those events. with Lentz Robinson adding depth. THE CLIMBERS will paCR point strength in tire weights, to(} with letterman Gary Combs and promising sophs Fred Lament and Bill Batstone to back him up. Let- terman Jim Lamont is capable of 11 feet and up in the pole vault but will need help from sopho- mores to strengthen this event. The hurdles appear to be the weakest point in the Climber track armor. Letterman Joe Wa- ters is a capable low-sticker but has nothing in sight to back him up. The broad and high jumps will be anchored by a trio of let- termen--George Johnson. Ron Orr and Paul Hanson- who will likely find some rough competition from sophomores coming along. THERE ARE NO leLtermen in the sprints unless Waters is used in the century, but such sophs as Tom Lowe and Terry LaBissoniere brighten the outlook in this de- partment, as does Ed Latham. an- other soph in from Hood Canal, in the discus. Sund said he is at a loss to evaluate Highelimber strength in comparison with the other six Olympic schools but feels his Red and Black thinelads will give a good account of themselves if the BAG BLASTS 605 IN MERCHANTS LEAGUE Thurston S & L 21 15 Olympic Plywood ............ 20 16 Kimbel Motors ................ 19 1.7 Timber A pplianee .......... 18 18 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 17,2 18!5 Old Mill Tavern ........... 13% 22% Ralph's Serve-U ............ 13 23 High game--Lynn \\;,Vhite 217 High series--Ed Bac 605. I/d Bac backed np his 177 open- cr with a pair of 214 trailers to slid into the select circle at 605 in Merchants league bowling play last week. but surprisingly his Thnrston County Savings & Loan team lost its first place position in the process. Despite Bac's pin-blasting -the financiers dropped a 3-1 decision to lowly. Old Mill Tavern whose Lynn White missed the 600 cir- cle by a bare three pins. allow- ing Bill's Shell Service ( Don Johnson 554 to grab the league lead after a 3-1 victory over Prepp's Rexall Store ,Bud Don- aldson 553 . The other two matches ended in stalemates: Olympic Plywood (Jim Simmons 527) with Ralph's Serve-U (Stan Lyman 484) Kim- bel Motors Ed Dunbar 529) with Timber Appliance (Bryan John- son 543). BANTAM I,EAGUE W L Cook's Plant Farm ............ 49 20 Timber Bowl ...................... 43 26 Morgan, Eaerett Lbr. ........ 37 32 Shelton Journal .................. 32 37 "Wilson Mill .......................... 31 38 Lions Club .......................... 28 41 Boon's Plumbing .............. 28 41 Eagles Aerie 2079 ............ 27 42 High games--Sonja Ahlquist, 181, Bruce Pearson 181. High series---Sonic Ahlquist, 288. Bruce Pearson 304. 13 Lettermen Big Blazer Of Track As, Thirteen 1962 among the 113 who responded for turnouts called last er coach Bill This is the year in which call has brought 100 candidates. were 65. ill his Ever since the 100 topped. Brickmt will be 1963 squad to keep of 22 consecutive tories and five district cham won two of the rict titles. He figures his the season will ril 5 in Olympia son His returnin include seven in the is(on (biggest and Loving, pole vault; springs and broad son. pole vault Johnson. 660: Ron put; Roger SampleS; Purvis. high jump four in class B: vault; Duane Fa Dennis Whiteaker, Colin Orr. high and one in Class pole vault. ROGERS Tommy Kunkle fert staged a close score ir the Saturday bowling Tommy hitting 239 in two games. The scores: 96. Jerry Seifert Bloomfield 63-79, man 65-49, and See What Happens When sophomores come through an lie has reasonable hopes they will. Following the inter-class meet PAY next week the Climbers get their first taste of inter-school compe- tition March 29 at East Bremer- The Third annual Shclton Invi- tational night meet, which Sund initiated in 1961, is scheduled for :::!:!:::i:::!:i.:.:! , homeApril 27, as tbe highlight of thetrack season. //- YO U RSl 600 ON SNOZZLE MEN'S CO:MMERCIAL \\;V L Wingard's Sport Shop _.2(; 14 B & R Oil ........................ 22 18 \\;¥ilson Company .......... 2020  f :: :e::l::iI Ziegler' Camera Shop ..1.q; 20½ Verle's Sporting Goods 19 21 CoLt Oil ........................... 184 21% l Ritner's Highballers .... 18 22 Moose Lodge .................. 18 22 High games---Fred Snelgrove, 231. Gene Lindberg 223. High series -Fred Snclg'rove 600. Fred Snelgrove had just enough oomph behind his 231 opener to hit 600 smack on the beak in men's Commercial league bowling action last week. He followed up with 190 and 179 games to steer B & R Oil to a shutout suecesss over Moose Lodge tBill Wilson 512). Gott Oil (AI Luhm 532, escaped the basement after blanknig Wil- son's Highballers (Gene Lindberg 556-223). and the other two match- es returned 3-1 victories to Win- gard's Sport Shop (Joe Engen 577) over Verle's Sporting Goods (Glen Sowers 519) and Ritner's Highball- ers (Dick Gardner 563 over Zieg- ler's Camera Shop. WOMENS 12:30 LEAGUE NeWs Pharmacy ............ 59'2 36 Phil's Richfield .............. 51 45 Shelton Union Serv ....... 49½ 46½ Dairy Queen ................... 31 65 High game Edith Levett 193. High series--Vera Bishop 504. Dairy Queen 4 (Ellen LeBresh 464), Phil's 0 tVera Bishop 504). NeWs 3 (Edith Levett 500. Shel- ton Union Service 1 (Connie Cron- quist 442t. THAT'S THE SUREST WAY TO a substantial savings account for C00;ew Prosperous-. Stay Through Syslemalic Saving Get rich schemes seldom succeed. But SAVING  works -- if you work at it. Most people who security do so through regular planned saVit sured safety, provided by an agency of the Government. will guarantee your savings. Why Don't You Practice What We --The Place To Save Is Here --The Time To Start Is No€ YOUR SAVINGS at current annual EARN DIVIDENDS AT 4%% compounded four times Shellon Branch Thurst0n g0unty I Sa'vings & Loan Ass i Accounts Insured to $10,000.00 by the '% 9 A.M. -- 4 P.M. Monday thru Thursday 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fridays Home Office Branch off( 5th & Capitol Way • 313 Railroad Olympia, Wash, Sheltom SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES • Private, Confidentiab A SPECIAL INVITATION TO ALL RAMBLER CAR PROSPECTS from John and Jerry to come see them at Rambler IIeadLquarters in Mason County NOW LOCATED IN SHELTON AT $00ELTON M'OT(}R ¢OMPAIff 233 SOUTH FIRST STREET PHONE 426-8252 For Service to Your Present Rambler or Purchase of a new one G. E. (Jerry) T UBN