March 14, 1963 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 14, 1963 |
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Chr,ta,Jow, U.S.A.", Shelton. Washington
1963 SI-IELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAU- Published in " "
I Skokomish Folks Pioneer Fire District Plans Game Fu.d, A,e e.,ob,, Lost Lake People ] Step the
Couple Honored At A
For AGP Practi©es
On 50th Anniversary Have.,v ,.Interesting Night, Potluck Supper Saturday Have Visz!o!,! LI I
than 350 no way of acknowledging each gift PIO1NEER---Everyone be sure to ture. Dell SinJpson and Joyce O1- manager reminded the courltv's |1
Mr. aud Mrs. Wil- individually. We of the community attend the Pioneer Fire District's son served refreshments. Mrs. farmers and part-time farmers
at the Golden Wed- with to extend our sincere best Potluck supper and game night, Paige's third and folLrth grade this week.
in their home at wishes for many more happy years By Mary Valley Satm'day night beginning at 6:30 class won the room count. Anyone intere.ted in getting
s Club House in Port- together. SKOKOMISH.--Mr. and lV[rs, p.m. in the Agate Grange Hall THE AGATE TIP-TOP 4-It more informatoin can contact
afternoon. The GiN Hood Canal P.T.A. is sponsoring Lester Crossan had an exciting The fire district's eommitlee has gronp lind a swimming party in MeAlfrey at the ASCS office in
lived in Hoodsport another movie at the Hoodsport trip, recently, to Juueau, iaska, worked hard on this project and Shelton Tuesday afternoon, the eom't honse annex on Railroad
nearly half of the school on Friday evening, March via the Alcan Highway, to deliver no matter what your feelings are Pioneer parents attending Troop Avenue. ' Clark of Kamllcle were callers in [1
been spent in 22. "The Pathfinder", a film based a propane gas truck. They left on the proposed fire distrie.t pla.n 60's Parent's Nio'ht in the Faith the McIrvin home. . tl
mlty. Mrs. Gilbert's on the novel by James Fenimore Seattle Saturday at 5 a.m. with a to attend this -tffair. Donal.ions of Lutheran Church were Mr alld Mr. and Mrs. Saeger's fost-er son, tl
e Garden Club deep- Cooper. has been secured for this 1962 license and got through 50 cents for" the adults and 25 Mrs. Randolph Filzthun. Mrs. Mrs. L. R. Raines Saturday eve- and wife, Mr. and Mrs. James t|
House fl)r the PC- shoving. The early days of our Washington without being stopped, cents for the children will he ae- John Ravm()nd. Mrs. Jael{ Shero. ning. The Raines had just re- Burwell,the SaegersP°rtland' Ore.,a presented/]
numerous friends as-country, complete with Indians. They checked through customs at eepted and Oliv(r t(elly. Brock Shero and turned recently from a wedding x, ith grandson,/| Lawto. L . ulum%r%.
arious ways. Four sis- makes exciting viewing. The film the border, paying" $4.17 for a per- This community was saddened to Wayne Sushak received 1heir ten- trip to California, where they March 5. [|
of the i]ouored guests will start promptly at 7 p.m. Pop- mit to drive through Canada. They learn of the death of "Doe" l=tam- derfoo[ badges. Allen Fit.zthm]] visited friends and relatives, andWednesdaYMrs. LeRoyMrS' BoulderJerry Riellyjlwere Joe V. Simpson
Paul Hunter, Mrs. corn and ice cream will be sold arrived at Prince Rupert Monday mond in a mill accident Friday and Gary Raymond advanced to Sunday night visitors at the |
from the Valley during intermmsion. Adult tickets afternoon, where they boarded the night. We all extend our syrups- second class. Jack Shero's were Betty Ann's guests of honor at a baby shower./I
Gill)erE of Seattle are 50 cents and students 35 cents, ferry for Juneau. Tuesday morn- thies to Audrey and the familv.
Gilbert from Stan- The profit from this movie will be ing. They arrived in Juneau Wed- • The Agate 4-H group attended niece and nephew and great-
granddaughter, Jo- used to purchase needed eqtfipment nesday after a rather eventful trip, Mrs. Corky Dickinson of Deer the Rally Day heht Saturday in nephew. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wick-
and a number of at the Junior High. when passengers were called from Creek Road went last Thursday the ME. View School. A potluck ert. Jr., and little Rick of Amboy.
their staterooms at 1 a.m. to stared to Medford. Ore., withher nu)ther, supper was served and the 4-Hers The County road crew is tmsy I_IA||! COST HOHE LOANS
the punch bowl. THE REGULAI[ IVIONTIILY by for an houp when there was Mrs. Robert Dodge and her sister, presented a progranl consisting of repairing the "bump" on the road
table and the meeting of the Hood Canal P.T.A. danger of the ferry going aground. Mrs. Jack Pearee of Port Angeles. skits, between the store and the school.
beautifully deep- will be on Monday, March 18 at They returned to Seattle by Jet, Mr. and Mrs. John Vander\\;Val The Jack Shero's spent the One never realizes the ineonven-
cake. Their two 8 p.m. at the Junior High. 'ihe encountering rough and foggy visited with relatives in Port weekend in Castle Rock visiting mnees such a job creates until it
Sam Hansen and program will inehlde a film show- weather. Townsend, Sunday. relatives and friends. They also happens especially when the school NEW CONSTIIUCTI[ON--IEMODELING
Were on hand to help ing brainwashing methtods used on
any guests. The American prmoners of war. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Coble and The Pioneer P.T.O. met March went smelt dipping and got their bus also breaks down But as 'of
to see Mr. and :Mrs. Bob Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lanning enjoyed 4 in the school. Mrs. Vernon Da- limit, this Tuesday morning things seem P][JICI-IS]
not met in forty Mr, and Mrs. Maurice Kaare en- a trip to Grays Harbor on Sunday. vidson presented an interesting The John Raymond's also went to be getting b, aek into shape and
as more recent ac- joyed the Boat Show in Olympia THE 4It CLUBS of the county program on tuberculosis and lung smelt dipping at Castle Rock over at least cars can travel on the 6/V7O On Reducing Balances -- No Commission
on Saturday. held a "Rally Day" at Mt. View diseases. Charlie Savage, State Tu- the weekend and dipped a lot of road.
iV[rs. Gilbert wish to The Roy. Pierce's, as well as the school last Saturday evening with berculosis Board Member. was smelt. Charges
: rE01tG
of thanking all those rest of the residents of Hoodsport, a potluck dinner, at which time a special guest. Paul Gillie was Wayne Sushak has been ill at
of monev with no were amazed at the speed with Miss Sandra Lyman was elected invited to speak on the school feelingh°me thebetterPaStthough.tWO weeks. He is Ma0 G0 Svig & L0a A0]ll]0
which their pre-fab house was as- Fair Queen of Mason County. FERRY RECEIPTS Jinny Gillespie of Silverdale was TITLE INSURANCE BUILDING
u g00-raB-e sembled. It arrived on Friday and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Whitmarsh Receipts from the Harstine Is- a weekend guest of Iva Lee Dan- SHELTON
by Saturday evening we could see are receiving congratulations on land Ferry for the week ending ielson. ,
a new" structure "up ther' on thet a new granddaughter, born to Mr, March 9 were $323.50, the Mason A RECEPTION A HELD in
hill'. Of course, there's still a lot and Mrs. Brian Schoening of Kent. County Engineer's Office reported, the Agate Grange for Mr. and
DaHCe to be done but the new home is She has been named Tamra Lee - '
well on the way[ and weighed 6 pounds and 10 ozs. I , I
The Ron Goos home is also un- M:onday at 8 p. m., the P.T,A.
der c°nstl'lcti°n just ab°ve the °f the H°°d Canal Juni°r High ,o, BETTER BUYS!
Hight Pierce's' It is being built °f c°n" will be sh°wing a film' "Meth°ds Sho O
crete blocks, of Brain Washing Used on the
MRS. PERCY COOLEY of Mort- American Prisoners of War."
roe was in charge of arrangements
IIearing for the Federated Women's Clubs Another important date at the
,ge dance of Washington State to visit the Hood Canal Junior High is the
night, March Legislature recently. Three car- P.T.A.'s presentation March 22, at
loads of women from this area at- 7 p.m. of a film "The Pathfinder".
.rs. Lud Rossmaier, Lended. Blanche Calahan was tour Admission will be: Adults 50 cents
I'C'F°rd'Mr'and chairman for the local group, and students 25 cents" During the PORK R.OAST :' ':
Augusta Lunch was enjoyed in the cafe- intermission popcorn and ice ...-.; ........
Creamer and Carl tez'ia at noon. The ladies highly cream will be served.
Mattock Grange at- recommend a similar tour to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson :i
neeting at Clo- "*:'!i 29CB
Friday evening, everyone, particularly a visit to drove to Sumner Sunday after-
the reception room, where many noon, to the home of Mr. and
Bo Dawson spent lovely pieces of furniture are iu Mrs. Ron Johnson, where they met
ung with Mr. and
use and objects of art are on dis- Mr, and Mrs. Arlan Johnson and ::" lrsh Picnic
play. Those attending from here daughter, Kim of Seattle, for a
Sam Diggle, Jr. and being personally greeted by joint birthday celebratio for Mr. Style
Were Sunday evening the Governor were Mesdames Hoff, Arthur Johnson and Mrs. Ron
.s at the Edward Val- Nieholson. Wilson. Backlund, Johnson.
Christensen. Pierce. Millo, Miles. MR,. AND MRS. Chet Valley
Howard Hunter Kraus. Rowe, Calahan and Akers. and daughter, Linda. of Seattle, PRICES EFFECTIVE i::i:i
ren of Aberdeen lIr. and Mrs. Roger Scott and spent the weekend with his par- "
Elvin Hearing MARCH 14-15-16 ,
children from Portland, spent the ents. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Right to limit.
on Mr. and Mrs. past week in Hoodsport. Roger re- Valley, Sue and Jan joined them
ports for work on a new job with for dinner. BUTTERHORNS 4Shur'FreShtoa . 29
the st,te .opartment of .atural Mr and Mrs ed Rickert were .... FRYERS " ......
at the ArLhllr Res°urces al; "Wash°ugal °n Fri" dinner geusLs °f Mr" and Mrs" D°n " , ""O,-ros" 3/99
evening in day. Doak. Later in the afternoon Mr. 39 Brn. n Serves white doz. €
Diane Sharp's Ing Grunvold has returned from and Mrs. Morris Karr of Potlatch SHUR-FRESH FRESH. C
family, of a two months trip to Texas and called at the Doak home. , Washington Grown, Cut-Up Ib Fro.tier BREAD Shut-Fresh 2/69'
Sunday dinner on nto Mexico. He's happy to be There will be a Gavel meeting 22ya-oz.
• back and is firmly convinced at Skokomish Grange, March 22,
and in there's no place like Hood Canal. with a potluck supper to be furn-
r. and Mrs. Chest- ished by the Skokomish Grange
G nly Has Four members.
Fredezburg 'OU Callers at the Chester Valley ,, .....
,eat Sunday after-
Hearing home. Traffic Deaths home during the past week were €
Mrs Leonard Lozier and Mrs. Bob BAR-S, Ctoice Briskets
spent Sunday u __ m, u Farringgon of Tumwater. Rev. and |b FRESH COUNTRY STYLE Ib
uurmg renruary Mrs Wallace Bell, Mrs. Max Lat-
zel, Mrs. Mabel Goodwin, Mrs.
at the Ken- Four persons died in traffic ac- Ads Howard, Mrs. Marie Miller, o
Saturday. cidents in Mason County last Mrs. Nell Eads, Mr. and Mrs. i PORK STEAK
Richard Hop-month. Washington State Pa-Otto Radke, Mrs. Jack Cole, all OYSTERS rnc
of Shelton trol Chief Roy A. Betlach of Shelton and Mrs. Velma Doak,
ter guests of Mr. the February deaths are the first Mr. and Mrs. Archie Vaughn. A/ € MEDIUM PACIFIC 12-OZ. ea
Brehmeyer, Sr. to be recorded in the County this MR. AND MRS, George Bark- LEAN, BLADE CUT Ib
Herbert Breh- year. The death count at the end ley attended the Gavel Meeting at
called on of February last year was zero. Cloquallum Grange last Friday
T' y of Ho- Chief Betlach said records of the evening. EGQS BLACKIE'S LOCAL RANCH 111
aey brought Di- Washington State Safety Council Mz'. and Mrs. Verne Hunter
the weekend show the February traffic death have moved to Mossy Rock, where AA LARGE ................................................................................ DOZ.
Mr. and toll for the state was 13 less than he is employed by the City of Ta-
it wasduringthesamemonthlast coma. SHORTEHiNG FROZEN TV DINrNERS Swa,,sons Meat, Fish or 49'
Boothe and year. He said it was the sixth con- Mr. and Mrs. James Dailey Poultry. REG. 59C--ONLY
spent Sunday seeuLive month that traffic deaths moved their house last week so it
)me. Diana re- had decreased in the state, will be more convenient to their
Speed, failure to yield the right store. We surely do appreciate
)t.ter of Port of way, and disregard of traffic the Dailey's store ad feel real Pork! 16-oz. Tins ........ 1
riday with her signs or signals are listed as the fortunate to have one in the Val- 9€ IIDquWHOLE KERNEL CORN
n-law, Mr. and major causes of February's 34 ley. NIBLETS, fancy top
traffic deaths. Everyone is cordially invited to '
Gene Brown The State Patrol Chief cau- attend the Bible Study held at quality, 12-oz. Tins .......
and Mrs. Ollie tioned motorists against becoming the Skokomish Community Church A Serve-U
Anderson beach overconfident in view of the iua-¥ednesday eveningat 8 p.m. The LIo00o00l Gookie Jar FIG NEWTONS, 16-oz. !ltC
Sunday. proved death record. He pointed studies for the next few weeks Sooper LORNA DOONES, lO-oz. YOUR
Club met at out that comparisons are being will be in the book of Romans. Special! SPEGIAL! wN,u w..s, ,.oz. .o,
week Wed- made against last year's record-- OREO CREAMS, 11-oz.
.rs, Pauline Ross one of the worst in our state's
Grange Ne CHUNK TUHA 4/1
ESS -, s.o,o ,oz ................
The AGATE GRANGE, in place
of their regular meeting Friday
Floor Coverings ngiht attended the Traveling Gavel
Meeting at the CLOQUALLUM
,Linoleum GRANGE. Sixteen members at- FLOUR
, Tile tended the meeting and ten of-
• Carpeting ricers answered roll call. PRINTS Tastes like
. Formica The CLOQULLUM RCE VERIFINE "Enriched" 10-lb. bag
TV ERVICE REX FLOOR COVERING Master. 3im Sauer, accepted the or CUBES Butter!
426-3172 Mr. View Ph. 426-2292 Traveling Gavel from the Master ll
of the TWANOH GRANGE at 9€ LB
their meetir/g Friday night. There
were 55 guests present at the
Radiator Repair meeting which )ncluded 17 from A SERVE-U
• Boiling out SOOPER •
Soldering RESS. 2; :MATLOCK, 9; SKO-
• New core 2; SOUTHSIDE, 3; and FAIR
BOON'S PLUMBING HARBOR, 4. The lecturer pre-
WELDERS HEATING, SHEET METAL sented an interesting St. Pat-
Ph. 426-4832 623 S. 1st, Ph. 426-3483 rick's Day program which includ-
ed several musical numbers. FloS-the ,. ! SWEET
GRANGE won the "What's in Washington Gro n Extra i TAYLOR'S
cake ?" guessing contest. The Fall(y Winesaps I
for all occasions take the gavel to the SKOKOlI-
e APpliance . Flowers ISH VALLEY GRANGE, March
22. $ S
CO. 4th & Birch 8 to 8 426-8479 a potluck supper before thezr regu. 4 iS/
- lar meeting Friday evening. 18-OUNCE TINS
Thirty-six members and twelve ...... 49 c t
A00,o - ,0,,,0,, 5
The Kitchen Band from Olympia ' \\;
lUbiastei cos- . Expert entertained the group auring the
lecture hour. One application for
Installation membership was received and it ]/29
COsmetics was reported that Paul Dittman S
ARMACy JIM PAULEY, INC. was in the hospital. O. I:::RI; €
Ph. 426-3327 5th & Railroad Ph. 426-231 Tle SKOKOMISI-I VALLEY I D ,
' - GRANGE had as their ,guest t
speaker Friday night, County
- Agent Charles Peck who spoke on 7
Draperies. custom made the resources of Mason CountY.during the CABBAGE CALIFORNIA € i" 400 Ct' Facial Tissue asstd" R/ t
r°ekeries, trees A cake walk was held Large Heads ................................................................................ LB. - -00/00KLEEHEX
i .free estimates lecture hour with the proceeds Make Crisp o.¢ 59'
g, leveling work guaranteed going for the purchase of shirts ROMAINE a t9¢ 'ili
Spring Salad ........................................................................ EACH
• for the Grange's bow/" o, 1 tail
• , mg team. . .
'.., .,. ¢. ,. ,,, .,, ,, o. soKos, v .i,, t,a RHUBARB "°" ooa, ;ii,,,o,.
.o,,ouso .................................................................................... . 19 .... ,° ....
426-4718 305 RR Ave. Ph. 426.82B3 the Gavel Meeting at their hall
, , , Friday, March- 22.