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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Fage, l Thursday, M: SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chr{stmastown, U.S.A.",. Shelton, Washington &apos; , l For FOR SALE---For good health. Merry- Mac Relax-O-Motor for exercise or reducing. 1/ price. $125. Can be seen at Mode O' Day 3/7 tfn 120 BASS Frontalini accordion for sale. Black. With case. Phone Hoods- port 87%5208 L 3/7-14 GLIDDEN Spred-Satin and pasts are your best buy at Shelton Electric Co. your best buy. 12/13 tfn "CHRISTMASTOWN, U.S.A." rubber stamps for sale at the Journal, $1.25 each. 227 West Cots. 12/1 tfn DUTCH BOY PAINTS -- We are open Sundays, Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FOR SALE: or lease. Shelton Junk Co. Business and property. Stock, equipment;,., trucks,, small' scales. Everything goes. Days phone 426- 8626. evenings 426-4567. SJ 2/21-3/14 FOR SALE: Used modern bathtub, Spark oil stone. Phone 426-2427 D 3/7 tfn CEED your leathered friends this winter, wild bird feed from Shelton Marine-Hillcrest Hardware, 11/29 tfn PIONEER SWS sales and service. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marine Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn IILECIYROLUX SALEI, service and supplies. Johll Rice. Phone 426-6108, Tee aemonswations. R 1/7 tfn ----'ATT, II0 volt right p--P-ia-, €rafters; boats, campers. $198.50. Saeger Motor Shop, 426-4602. 12/7 tfn YOU CAN P more water and longer with Fairbanks Morse pumps. See them at Shelton Electric Co., 419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn RICH, BLACK TOP sOIL, fill dirt, road and fill gravel, washed sand and gravel, drainage gravel and pea Travel for driveways. Norman An- lerson, phone 426-85,52. John's Creek Snd and Gravel, Bayshore. 7/25 tfn FORSALE -- Used steel, plates, pipe, pulleys and shafts. All types sal- vage. Shelton Junk Co,, First and Mill, phone 426-8626. 9/8 tfn • OR SAIE -- Large selection of re- conditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dyers. Eells & Valley Ap- pliance Center. 6/5 tfn LOREY ORGAN SALES--Johnny's Music Box, 205, Cota St., phofie 426- 4302. 2/1 tfn Iil--E OUR FINE stock of fireplace equipment. From flreglow to Frank- lin stoves, grates to glass doors. Carlsons Tile and Fireplace. Mt. View. 11/15 tfn SLAB WOOD for sale. You haul $9.50 per cord. We haul $12.50 cord. Length desired. Call 426-4353. Niell on Olympic Hiway So. Mac 10/11 tfn EMERSON TV and stereo. See them at Johnny's Music Box. 205 Cots St. 4/12 tfn COP SOIL, gravel fill dirt. F. E. Ogden. 426-6156. ' 2/i2 tfn ing machine repossessed with full balance due of only $41.20. Want responsible party to assume balance at only $5.00 per month. Machine will zig-zag, overcast, sew on but- tons, make buttonholes, all without attaehmints. Guaranteed. For further information call Olympia 352-8551, __a nytinl e _- .................. t1-1 t fn COW FERTILIZER fop 'al.. D,qivel'e0 Ill 2 yard loads. $9.00 m Siaelton. Phone 426-6077 L 3/7 tfn I-R- SALE--Used toilet and wash with fittings, in good condition. $25 for botlL May be seen 1229 No. ]3th. S 2/21-3/7 INSECTICIDE and garden seed time. Get them ]low at Shclton Marine Itillercst Iffardware 2/21 tfn VAN DYKE mobile ]tomes] Quality at a practical price" DeTray's Mo- bile Homes. 1617 F(mes Road Olym- pia, Wash. Phone 352-2907. 2/21 tfn FOR SALE Pole wood 16 in. and over $16, per cord. PhoHe 426-4867 S 1/31 tfn FOR SALE wooden cedar'sign 6'x10'. Call 426-6523 N 2/28-3/14 FOR SALE: Oil heater and electric range. Phone. 26-4594. C 2/28-3/14 IRON O1 WOOD lathe with grinder, Milling attachntent and four ehucks. Je"omc Kerhart. 204 E. Pine. 3/14 tfn Bargains---12x17 rug with rnbber pad. occasional chair, daven(], 30" rangc, ]'efrigerator. vacuual cleaner. dinette set, etc. Call 426-3406 ('xe- nings. P 3/14 -FbR--'NU'TRi:BI 0---f 6"6] ----up-ill 6-m e h-t call 426-3431. R 2/21 tfn wu. PLANT BLUEBERRIES NOW Berries this summer and beauti- fy grounds year round. Dis- counts for field plantings. Whips. Eberhardt Blueberry Nurseries, Rt. 1 Box 392, Olympia. Phone 352-8031. 2/21 tfn SUCCESS... every time you decorate with SUPER" KEM-TONE GRANT LUMBER 607 S. 1st -- Ph. 426-6612 For Sale I early sprin, conlpletc selection of j very fine stock. Oregon grown. Pears, L peaches, cherries and plums. Flower- ing crabapple and plums. Shade FRUIT Trees--Take advantage of our trees. Roses. Pink Dogwoods, Weep- cherries. Camellias. Rhododendrons. Extra fine Magnolias In several kinds. Evergreen shrubs. Island Belie grapes. Many spring blooming shrubs. Heathers. tulips, daffodils. The Garden Sh,,p, Olylnpla Highway Sooth. Phone 426-3710. 2/21 tfn WAX NO MORE -- PYLON liquid transparent plastic coating, never needs waxing, polishing or scrub- bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside or out. See Graystone, 5/25 tfn SLAB WOOD $10.50 cord. ole wood and fireplace wood $14.00 cord. Ph. 426-3010 after 6 p.m. F 7/19 tfn COUID YOU D. a monthly charge account on food? Below retail prices, free home delivery, no gimmicks, no high prices. Unconditional guaran- tee to satisfy you. Olympia 943-3720. Dll-ltfn BELL AND HOWELL movie camera, light bar. projector, beaded screen, Used twice $135. Phone Belfair CR 5- 2188 S 3/7-14 z t DOMESTIC Floor furnace with blower. $50.00. Good condition. Miscellaneous hot air ducts. Phone Hoodsport 877- 5458 after 5:30 p.m. Mc3/7-14 2t WHITE TREADLE Sewing machine. good condition. Inquire 1104 West Cota St. $20. P 3/7 tfn NEW TURTLES and goldfish In. 638 Arcadia. 426-4378. V 8/16 tfn DISHWASHER G.E. Mobile Maid. ex- cellent condition, bargain at $50. 877- 5464. Hoodspor] T 3/14-28 FOR SALE--Older refrigerator, run- nnl< condition. Suitable for sumlner cabiu. $10. Pi)onc 426-651.7. A 3/14-21 McCULLOCH 4-30 chain saw. Good condition. 2 bars 24" and 36"). $100. Phone 426-4688 evenings. L. E. Cole. 3/14-21 ZENITH T.V. with stand: Hotpolnt range good condition: Fluorescent light, fixture with 2 sets of lamps. 426-3779, W 3/14-21 FOR SALE 24 inch Alder. fireplace wood ; 16 per cord. Call 426-8630 or 426-2064. A 3/14 Sporting Goods 1 ' I r. PI ft. Boa.-- Excellent 1,, h.p. Evin- rude with tank controls. Trailer with winch. $300 cash. Phone 426-8475 S 3/14-28 FOR SALE: 8-foot hydroplane good condition $45. Phone 426-8920 E 2/2] tfn EVINRUDE SALb anI semice. We are open undays. Shelton Marine Hillerest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn BOATS, MOTORS, TRAILERS equip- sent at Walt's Marine Supply, on beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods- port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn FOR SALE or trade 14 it. Glaspar and traih'r with or without motor. Want ]al'ger cabin boat or camping trai- h'r Also Treskcv wall furnace 2 st):ed motor. 426-6085. 2/28-3/14 Used Cars 1955 PIylHouIh V8 motor, auto trails, ,nd diff I',r' salo. Car wrecked, Ptlone 426-636d. D 1/3 tfn "(- R--S,- LE-- ] 9d 2 - w,;r}j =(Te --t ( ,l{- - tl/ihfei { troel¢ g,)od condition 426-36()7 C 3/14 For Rent FOR RENT -- One-bedroom furnished house, water and garbage furnished. Phone 426-8150. N 5/25 tfn H()USEKEEPING rooms, stecpmg ri)ollJ and 2-roonl D, parlnlelllS. Lin- ens. dishes, utilities sufpliod 426- 2081. B 2/28 tfn 2 BEDROOM apartnmnt fer rent just out of City limits. Call 426-8423 W 2/28-3/i4 modern house on Lake Nahwatzel. Ph¢me 426-4033. F 3/14-21 FOR RENT : 1 bedrool-a furnished i]eose. Ear V walkin distanee U, Mills and oily center. (2all 426-6331. D 3114 tfn m, SPECIAL VALUES in good used upholstered furniture 1---3 pc. sectional ................ $75.00 1--3 pc. sectional ................ $95.00 1---2 pc. sectional ............ $110.00 1---2 pc. sectional ................ $95.00 ldavenport ...................... $100,00 1--davenport and chair .,.. $95.00 1---davenport and chair .... $55.00 1---davenport and chair .... $75.00 1--daveno and chair ........ $50.00 1-+ -upholstered chair. ........... $20.00 1--plastic chair and ottoman .......................... $55,00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots St, Phone 426-4702 USED FURNITURE & APPLIANCES 1-+6-year crib and mattress ............................ $25.00 3+ 4/6 mattres,,es ........ ca,. $10.00 3---4/6 coil springs ....... ca.. $12.00 1 refrigerator . ................... $65.00 1+-combo, refrig and freezer. ............................ $1a5.00 1 .--electric range ................ $85,00 1--*wood heater, very good ......................... $75.00 1-,.-Seiglcr oil heater . ....... $50.()0 2-TVs " ca. $50.00 6-- chrome chairs (new) .......................... c+. $10.00 Olsen Furniture Co. 328 Cots Street Phone 426-4702 GASH PAID FOR Good, Glean, Used Furnilure and Applian©es. KELLY'S FURNITURE 40000.24,1 For Rent FOUR-ROOM furnished apartment for rent. Call 426-6345. S 8/30 tfn EIEEPING ROOMS, with kitchen pri- vileges, for rent. Inquire 720 North Fourth, phone 426-3487. R 4/19 tfn APARTMENT for rent, one block from downtown. Laundry and utilities furnished, except lights. Phone 426- 2461 or 426-3283. B 8-9 tfn GOLDSBOROUGH TRAILER PARK Convenient to mills and downtown stores. City sewer and water. At highway bridge, S 4/4 tfn EDGEWOOD APARTMENTS -- Cheer- fnl one and two bedroom furnished apartments, lots of closets. Near Shelton Airport and pmson site. phone 426-3772. S 10/11 tfn 2 BEDRM, dup,ex for rent. garage and utility room, electric heat, water, garbage furnished. 426-8150. N 11/22 tfn LAWTON APARTMEITSo Bachelor unitu ideal for single men or wo- men. Also attractively furnished one bedroom apartments. All unfllities furnished, except lights. Reasonable. Phone 426-2121 or 426-8177. 1214 tfn FOR RENT -- Ree Apt. 2 bedroom, unfurnished, garage,yard. Call La- Bissoniere Agency, 426-4666 or 426- 4336. D 3/29 tfn ONE BEDROOM BUNGALOW, Angle- side, $45 per month. Phone 426-4475 days, 426-6692 evenings. S 10/4 tfn CLEAN, comfortable, one and two bed- room furnished cottages with or without linens or TV. Heat, elec- tricity, water, garbage collection in- cluded in low weekly or monthly winter rates. Mill Creek Motel. Call 4?6-4420. 9/6 tfn FOR RENT -- One bedroom partly furnished home, Angleside, $35 per month. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426- 4475 days. S 1/24 tfn FURNISHED apt. lor couple or single person. Close to town. Phone 426- 4481 or 426-4895. G 2/14 tfn FOR RENT -- Two bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. Hot water heat, city utilities, range and refrigera- tor furnished, golly Hill Apts. Con- tact Apt. No. 2 or 426-2493, or 426- 2446. B 5/18 tfn RENTAL EQUIPMENT UHAIN SAWS, Rotary Lawn Mowers, Reel Lawn Mowers, Garden Tillers, Floor Waxers and Polishes, Wheel Barrows, Electric Saws, Electric Drills, Saber Saws. Sanders, Exten- sion Ladders, Step Ladders, Pipe Wrenches. Shelton Marine Supply, 426-8163. 617 tfn 3-BEDROOM apt., close in. furnished or unfurnished. 426-3519. 526 Frank- lin. B 2/14 tfn APT. FOR RENT--Unfurnished one bedroonl tleated, with stove and re- frigerator. Adults only. 311 Ne, 1st. 426-3025, P 2/14 tfn bARGE unfurnished 3-bedroom house 2 ballls, full basement. Nice view, $75, Call 426-8277 W 3/14 ONE bedroom furnished duplex. 426- 2081. B 2/28 ttn 3 ROOM furnished apartment one block from Safcway, 528 Franklin. 1 3/7 tfn FOR RENT unfurnislmd 2 bedroom hoose Ileal" Pioneer school $35 per month, Call 426-8110 K 2/28-3/I4 2-BEDROOM home with fireplace and hot water he, atcr. 405 Dearborn In- quile 1601 Franklin. Phone 426-6265. G 2/1 th{ FOR RENT -- One bedroom, up- stairs mpat.tment. Ceramic tile kit- (:hen, and bath, Ample closets. Phone 426-6424 after 5 p.m. J" 7/19 tfn FOR RENT light housekeeping rooms. everything fm'nished but dishes. 426- 4679 or Inquire 100 West Pine. R 2/7 tfn FURNISHED APARTMENT available at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn FOR--RENT _Z2 P/e-asa,nt -onc-t,dl'ooni- heated, furnished apartment. Adults only Inquire 311 No. First. Phon( 426-3025. P 1124 tfn FOR RENT -- Large two-bedroom, heated apartment. Close_ in. Call 426-6283,  10/18 tfn (R RENT 2 bedroom cottage in mid- die Skokonlish Valley. Call 426-6827 or 426-6091 __ M 1/24 tfn MODERN beach cottage for rent. Partly i'nrnished liviug i'OOln, bcdroonl. kitchenette, Piekering Pass. Phone 426-3757, S 3/7 tfn ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment for rent. Heat. water and garbage furuished. Inquire 1119 Franklin st. Apt, 5 Phone 126-6496 B 3/14 tin FOR RENT -- THREE bedroom no Friday night or Sahu-day ealls. Anglcsidc. Phone 426-8563 A 3/14 tfn (')R RENT -- Furnished two bedroom ho(oe, water and garbage inchlded, Pimne 426-6564. Inquire 325 North Fifth, B 3/14 tfn Wanted WILL do ironing in my home. down- town area. $1 per hour. 426-8514, Mrs. Charles Lombard. 2/14 tfn ftOU----U--I TRAILER towing anywhere in state. Phone FL 7-5358 or FL 2-4940. LADY WANTS WORK by hour or day. Has own electric scrubber. 426- 4378. V 8/16 tfn SAW FILING. grinding and re-tooth- ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber- ry. 627 Wyandotte, phone 426-2433. 818 tfn FOUNDATION work. repairs leveling, re-posting, Reasonable. free estima- tes. Call Olympia FL 2-8551. C 3/14 tfn WANTED unimcumbered woman 40-50 years old for cooking and fountain work. For personal interview reply through box 100 c/o Journal. 3/14-28 /. ED_ 1000 recappable tires. OK bber welders, Mt. View. 1110 tfn Robert Shumate, Olympia. 9/20 ttn TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed. Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. 426- 4823. 2/13 tfn WANTED FEEDER calves. Heifers and steers, also baby calves. Call 426-4665 C 3/7-14 2 t WANTED -- Single shot 22 caliber rif- le. Good condition only. Phone 426- 3024. HOUSEWIVES--MOTHERS You can make good extra money this week. Nothing to buy. make or sell. Make up to $850.00 a year in your spare tinle. Every day you handle coins that are worth much more than face value. We buy these from you. Our simple booklei tells you all about this profitable home busi- ness. Send one dollar for conlplete instructions and our want list and start making money now. Tracy Pa- cific Division. P.O, Box 511. Red- mend. Wash. Wanted WANTED: Alders and maple logs, 10 inches and up. 8. 10. 16. and 20 foot lengths, Also alder stumpage. Phone Union 898-2457 or Port Angeles 452- 2175 after 7 or write 104 Co- lumbus st. Port Angeles, Wash C 1/24 tfn HANDY MAN -- Odd Jobs! If you think it can't be fixed call Henry Landis. 426-3098. 2/12 tfn BOOTH CONSTRUCTION CO. HOUSES MOVED, RAISED and FOUNDATIONS Phone 426-6441 3/27 tfn i NEED A FENCE? Beautiful, long-lasting, western red cedar fences of distinction by Versapanel. Installed or do-if yourself with nothing down, usual- W 3/7-14 2 t ly $10 per month. Fast guaranteed service or de- livery. FREE estimates. Glen Watson Ph, 426-3170 V 7/26 tfn WATERFRONT wanted, Tacoma pro- fessional family disires unimproved waterfront, Cash or contract with interest. No realtors. Wr+ite Box S. c/o The Journal. 2/21 tfn BOAT BUILDING Repairing and fiberglassing. Glass boats repaired or re- finished. 3 1/3 miles east of Agate Store. Phone 426-6977. 2/21-3/28 HELP WANTED Two experienced cooks. Refer- ences required. Call for ap- pointment. LAKE CUSHMAN RESORT Hoodsoort -- Ph, 877-5388 3/14 tfn Art's Bu{dozing ! • Excavating -- Cement Gravel Fill Dirt Art Indahl 'Ph.'TR 7-5454 Hoodsport, Wash. 5/17 tfn FENCE REPAIR PAINTING -- CARPENTRY Clean. Neat Work No job too small. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 426-8078 S 3/14 --- 4/4 WANTED TO RENT Three bedroom house. Pre- fer 1-year lease, Excellent references. PHONE 426-3076 R 3/14 W Ueed Furniture Wll] Buy or Consign KELLV'S FURNITURE Phone 426-2411 i i Classified Advertising Rates 15 words or less (minimum charge) $1.00 single insertion, $1.60 two insertions, $2.00 for three insertions. Additional insertions 25¢ each. Rates for larger ads on request. Classified display $1.25 per column inch. Card of thanks $1.50, Read- er notices 15 word minimum $1.00 or $2.00 per column inch. "Not Responsible" notices $1.50 per insertion. All classified advertisements must be paid in advance. Ads taken over the telephone must he paid before the end of the month. An extra charge of .10€ will be made when billing is necessary. Pets, Livestock EASSETT HOUND puppy for salc. Fe- male. 3 months, call after 6 426-6466. V 3/7-14 Hay & Feeds GET A "MILLER DEAL" ON YOUR APPLIANCE SERVICE CALL 426-8215 and "DEAL" your service worries to us! Miller's of Shellon H o I N T MiScellaneous MEAT COOLING. cutting and wrap- ping. Phone 426-6779 Lemke service. L 2/7 tfn GARDEN PLOWING and Rototilling. Small plots or large. W. A. Vander Veer. phone Hoodsport 877-5393. Shel- ton 426-3529. V 2/7 tfn CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere [hanks for the many kind offers of help from the people of Shelton and the person- nel or the Simpson Timber Co.. follow- ing the deaths of Peter and Mary Tim- mernlan. Mr. snd Mrs. John Tinlnlernlan Mr. and Mrs, Gerritt Timmcrnmn John Tilnnlernlan. Jr. Steven. Denise and Debra Tinlmer- nlan 3/14 It Classified Service ANNOUNCING Opening of Self Im- provenlent Counseling Service. Indi- vidual and Family counseling. For appointluent call Olynlpia 943-3602 R 3/14-28 VACUUM CLEANER REPAIRS all nlakes and nlodets. Lenl VY*aFi'en Re- frigeration. 2nd at Cota. Phone 26, 24;15. 3/14 tfn McCULLOCH SALES azaa SeIce. We are open Sundays. Shelton Marme Hillcrest Hardware. 426-8163. 3/29 tfn HAVE GUN WILL SPRAY! Exterior and "interior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. Bennett Painting Co, Phone 426-3248. 5/10 tfn JEROME :BURKE Garden rotovating, field plowing, well- aged older sawdust, pit-run grave'l. Phone 426-3678. B 10/4 tfn JACOBSEN SALES and service. We are open Sunday. Shelton Marine, Hillcrest Hardware, 426-8163. 3/29 tfn FURNAC CLE..ANING, repairing, in- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton Sheet Metal Co., 321 So. Third. Dial 426-6121. EXPERT AUTO GLASS Installation. Jim Pauley Inc. 501 Railroad Ave. Phone 426-8231. 4/28 tfn REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re- conditioned, reasonable. Shelton Re- frigeration Serviee. 315 Cota, phone 4Z-U2 aay or nlgnt. 1/18 tfn FO-R EXPERT M-ASONRY, fireplaces, chimneys, planters call R E Mason 426-2278. ' " " 3/1 tfn APIFICIAL BR-E-EDI-service pro- ven, and highly classified sires. Dairy, beef and charolais, $7.09. Pi- per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield, 426 2084 " • C 12/15 tfn ROOFING, blown rock wool Insula- tion guaranteed. Ph. 426-6417. 6/20 tfn N----ffA-S-HA'---RIE---N G, speedy, accurate precision grinding. Now at Saeger motor Shop. Hillcrest Phone 426-4602. 1/15 tfn ---l) lron, batteries, radia- tors copper, salvage af t  __ all kinds. Shel on 3unk Co., First and Mill Streets. Phone 426-8626. S 4/7 tfn L-Er'S IAlEdecor to F-r exper painting and wall papering. call Bennett Painting Company, 426*3248 B 11/8 tfn Business O p.lmrtuniti"es BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY 3rd & Railroad New exclusive franchise avail- able with National concern for Mason County. High profit dis- tributorship with small invest- mcnt to be sold to qualified op- Eells & Valley Applianoe Genter portunists. Write Ansa-Fone 3211 Center St,, Tacoma, Wash. Your Washer.Dryer Headquarlers 3/7.001 ALFALFA DAIRY HAY Fine stemmed, soft, leafy, green, 2700 tons, first, second and third cuttings. Also tops, bottoms an feeder hay, delivered anywhere lead lots only. Call collect evenings SU 1-2180, George, Wash. If no answer call OL 9-2003, Marysville, Wash. RENT A TELEVISION SET AT OLSEN FURNITURE 328 Cota Ph. 426-4702 Real Estate PeR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with 10 lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or phone 426-8150. N 7/23 tfn BECAUSE OF DEATH in family, am forced to sell mcome property. Also four large cleared lots. 426-3477. Call evenings. A 10/18 tfn MODERN. comfortable four-bedroom home. beautiful view Olympics, near school, excelh_!nt condition living room dinette have wood paneled fireplace wall. Family kitchen, hircI cabinets, dishwasher. Double carporl 1 baths, private patio. Must see to appreciate, Phono 426-44L. J ]/17 tfn FOI{ SALl--Threc-bcdroom Ilome on l=!ilh',resl ue:lr scholt] and s}loPt)inK eenl(;r. Electric heal. hardwood floors, l)arl basenleni, at{ached Fa- rage. 426-4531. H 2/28 ffn FOR SALE: 2 bedroonl house on 3 lots. Electric heat fenced yard. near school and stores on Mt. View. Call t26-3088. D 3/7-21 3t ]4 ACRES. 1.376 It county road. Beau- iiful se.l!nie, vi.w. Pickcrina Pass. Runte 2. easy ternls. Phone 426-3757. S 3/7 tfn MODERN 3-hedro<tal llonn' with fire- 1)lace and 100 ft. of waterfront on Island Lake. Call 426-4962 afler 5 C 3/14 tfn FOR SALE: 4- bedroom nlodern home located near hospital. Excellent dollh]c garage, spring water. Phone 426-4648. M 3/14 tfn HOOD GAHAL ON THE BEACH in Hoods- port, 2 bedroom, plus attic room, patio, low bank, tidelands. $13,900 Three bedroom Width guest fireplace, hot water ieat. $27,500 200 ft. Potlatch beach, 3 bed- room, view of mountain. $24,500 No-bank beach lots $200 down. For Rent--l, 2, & 3 BR homes. FOR LEASE Three bedroom, unfurnished, 17 acres, shop, view, oysters, 268 ft. waterfront. $65 month ITOO1) CANAL REAL ESTATE HOODSPORT Phone 877-5211 or 877-5575 Evenings Always the best deal, by George! at Eells & Valley 2nd & Cots St. Phone 426-4663 ........... 3/2--'l:fn M A Television and .Radio Y Repair Service T Orville ='Dutch" Stanley, fully qualified by experience A and special traiRing, is now handling our service work on television and radio repaw and maintenance. Having at- G tended RCA color-television school he is qualified in this special field also. EELLS and VALLEY APPLIANCE CEIITER Your sales center for RCA color TV, black and white TV, table model and transistor radios, stereo and hi-fi. 2nd and COTA STREET PHONE 426-4663 Legal Publications NIl. 3,;:;7 No'rICl,: OF ltl"AI;]NG FINAL ItE- I'ORT AND I'ETl'rioN FOR 1)L;TRI - B[:TION [N THE SUPERIOR COUKT OF q'ilE STATE OF WASHINGTON 'OR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of EDWARD KRABBENHOFT. Deceased. Elizabeth Burzloff. Administratrix of said Estate. has filed wilh said Cowt her final report and petition for distri- bution, asking the Court to settle said l'+'pol't dis%l'!DUte lhc property to the persms thereto entitled and to dis- cilargc said Administratrix. Said re- porL and petition will be heard on the 5th day of April. 196a. at 10 in the: Courtrooul of maid Court. in the County Courthouse aL Shelton, Wash- ington. DATED THIS 27th day of February, 1963. LAURA M. WAGENER Clerk of the Superior Court by : TECKLA VERMILLION Deputy Clerk ROBERT L. SNYDER AttorLey at Law 125/a No Fifth Shelton. Washington. 2/28-3/7-14 3t NO. 3176 NOTICE OF HEARIN(; FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTI{IBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. In the Mai, ter of the Estate o1" KAROLINA SUND. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Jehu E. Sund. the Administrator of the ,state of Karolina Sund has filed in the office of 1he Clerk of said Court his Fired Report and Petition for Distribution. asMng the Court to settle said report, distribute the prop- erty to the pers(ms thereto entitled and to discharge said Administrator and that said vepol't and t)etition will be heard on the 12tb day of April. 1963, at 10:00 A.M,. at the cour room of tile Probate, Deparlolent of said Court at which time and place any pers,)ns inlelesied ill said estate nlay appear and file objections thereto anal contest the sanle. Dated this 14th day of March 1963 LAURA M. VAGENER. Clerk of said Coln't. By TECKLA VERMILLION Dep uiy. ARTHUR F. YORK. 1610 Puget Sound Bank Bldg., Tacolln(. ;. Washington 3/1,1-21-28 3t Real Estate OUR EQUITY ill a IIillcvest lotn" bed- room ll01ne cheap'. Phone 426-8613. Fireplace, 2 cal' garage. 0 3/14 tfn OFFERED BY OWNER -- 8 bedroor Island Lake home. 50 ft. Irontage, good dock. new 12 x 36 sundeck, fire- place, hardwood fl0or in living-dining area. Includes 50 ft. lot across road. Reasonably pri'ed $10.800.00. Call 426-4608 between 7 and 10 E 10/4 tfn TtIREE bedroom, fenced patio large utility, fireplace, hardwood floors. plastered. Reasonably priced. We will paint. 2128 Jefferson, Phone 426- 4652. H 2/2] tfn EXCELLENT BUY on+country 10 acre ])lace. 2 bedr,mm house.: ,;cho01bus t)y {hi' doo:'. ;J a('l'es eleared voal' 1'¢)1!1tl cI'cpk, rtlns lhrougil ba(',]) of pl'operly I2 miles N,,rih of Shelhm ,7,500 will a('eop '2 t)('(ll'(l( II tl'ai!er Sill] $i200 do'wu Tr,,y Hamilton Ro-d tv Call Ross Evans, Shclton '126-8775. 3/7 ifn OLDER 3 EDROOM inmse on Angle- sid, or sale, No Friday niglli or Sa- lurday calls. 426-g563. A3/7 tfn 3 BEDROOM house fer sale large liv- ing, dining and fanlily rooms. Call 426-8078 S 2/7-3/14 BEAUTIFUL view properly, mounla-ils and watel.. Carolyn Beach Country Chlb hJl No. 63. $;}.000 vahle, sae- rifiee $1.700 equily for $950 or trade foF new Ol" llsed canlt)ing 1railer, lllaXinl(llll 15'. Box D c/o Journal. D 2/28-3/14 31 T---R-XD-] good house ill Skokomish val- ley, close to highway 101. for Christ- lOSS tree or timber land. Phone 426-6084. R 11/8/ tfn I-;I3 iEDIOOM ]louse, 3" lots. J!t26 Sooanit Dvivc. $8.500. phune 426-2154 or 426-3024. Garage. Fruit. P 1/24 tfn TIREE BEDROOM hoolc, 5 acres, fi- replae,,, mudevn and neat. $9850. Call 426-6692 evenings, 426-4475 days. S 1/2.1 tfn 9EST BUY Must sell beautiful waterfront home and acreage immediately. 10% Below Appraisal or best reasonable of- fer. Will help finance. By owner. Phone 426-81.32 R/3-7/tfn L - - " QUICK CASH FOR REAL ESTATE CONTRACTS Any Size or Location - call - J. L. HENDRICK Olympia 943-4570 Evenings - 943-3932 METROPOLITAN MORTGAGE & SECURITY COMPANY, INC. 2421 W. Harrison, Olympia Legal NATIONAl, SOUTH Public notice is purst(anl to 5 of Public (58 Slat. 132-16, tile Cooperative Management of est Properties in the tivc Sustained Yield by and between the Alnerica and the party, dated Decenlber merchantable tinlher signated for cutting ring 2.773 acres. Sections 1 2, 3. 4, 17, 18, 19 20. 21. 22. 22N.. t. 5W. parl tions 1. 2. 3. 4. I5. 16. 21. 22. R. 6W.. unsurveye 33. 34. 35. 36, T. 23 ",,eyed, W. M.. Skokoml County, Shelton Coop( Yi(ld Unit Olynlpic Wash.. will be sold Timber Company, on April 2. 1963. The arc: 5.900 M board 4.900 M board feet and other species. ceptable bid per M lows : Douglas-fir lock and other eludes the following leet for stumpage for sale area fate plus an [as-fir. $2 base rate $4.10 for western ilell species, and $0.75 lor sll species. The page sllall be rates subject to justmnt upward or ot the difference of the nlonthl D dices, as vice for "tile three tim following base 11] 2a tD). species 92.98 (A). Suc lhe price for stum able to timber nlonths period •foilOW for which tile Ill no event, however, nlent rates for eaclt than the base rates When the adjusted Hre h)wer lhan thc It; lerence between the of the linlbcl cut at at base rates will bc species. Tile slunl sperms will not be bast' i'me until the Iates lt)t)ve has(_' l.ate,S develop an ,tccunlulate alue in excss of tlle aceunmlated II the contract F0 i'esl Sel'vicc ln&y this contract and vales for stun]page posits as of and following the origina but l'edeternlincd ra cies-produel shall be the rate ill effect lint] the effectiw; date plus the following il" I)age l'ate per M species-product: DoUl tcrn hemlocl and ol If requested by the ton or by Mason 1)'erson deemed to lnteresl in the prop terms, a !)ublic lhe ()If ce ol tbC Post Office Buihling. ington on lhe 22nd da ttl 2:0(; i).nl. I,N'(ltleSt ing will not b." co nsl ceivcd in lhe officc pervisor. Post Office pia, Washington. 13. 1963. Dah'd G. (i'71Ihnor. Forest National Forest NO. NI)TICE TO IN THE SUPERIOF STATE t)IP FOR THE In the Matter of ERNEST G. NOICE IS Mabel R. Beley has and has qualified aS hlst will and cstaU of Ernest G. and lhat the an(I of said serve all elailns ceased and the said Meyer & O'Leary, exe(tltrix, al S(litC (ll C()lnnler('e ington, the place the bosiness of lhe sanlc with the cnlitled court. such service. after the dale of ul this notice to wilhin mx 28. 1963. or barred. MABEL R. Exocutrix Tesl anient Ernest G.  O'LIOABY, MEYER A[torE-eys for ExCCtl 12 Nat. Bank of Olympia. Washingion N0. NOTICE TO (IN PI{, IN TtIE SUPERIO STATE OlD TIiE COUNTY IN THE OF ttERBERT F. ceased. is herchy dersigned has been qualified as Exccutr HERBERT F, thai all persons hay ,aid dt,et, asod stl've lhc Sallle. Executrix or ]ler Iho ad(h'('ss heh.w sam,, wi/h the Clerk gother with proof of ia six n]ont]ls af|er p(ltqicalioo of Ibis I1( will lie lnirred, Dab" hi' I'il'St 1963. l)( ) RO'I'1-IY , Iqxeeuirix of lll6 No. 105! [1ANSEN & /, t I r )l'ln,yb* l(ll' 1116 No. 105th (,ommcrcial and Domestic MAJOR APPLIANCE Sul}crvised By Mr. (Jarence Ja: (formerly with L.M. Service Oept.) WH(/ 'IIEADS OUR SERVICE t%)l ALL MAKES OF WASHERS. Dg )' t RANGES. t iOT VATER TANKS. ETC. Lem Warren Iletri Sale -- 127S. 2ndSt. -- • Gib+on Refrigerators, II 8pced Queen L# Freezers and Rangcs Equipment @ Tappan Ranges  Chrysler Heat "'lt'a 7'hc Scrv@c A/tcr the 8ale Th, at