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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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19 1963 SHLff&apos;0N--MASON COUNTY J01NAL- Published in "Ohristmastown, U.8.A.', Shelton, Washi/gton I i:king tapered leaders Legal Publications Legal Publications ,u that a 5F2-turn bar- --  strongest. NO, 3426 LANI) FOR SALE AT I)I'II,1C NOTICE 're CREDITORS AUCTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE 11:00 a.m. AT BELFAIR March 19. 1963 STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR BY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON. MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE DEPARTMENT OF ttIGH%VAYS, h/ IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE tlh" highesl and best bidder: OF EUGENE MARTIN. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that A portion of the Northwest quarter lhe undersigned llas been appointed of ihe Southeast qnarter of Section 29. and has qu'dified as the Administrator Township 23 Norlll. Range 1 "West W, ]lerein; that all persons having claims M. ill tile Towa of ]elfair. eolunlonly against said deceased are hereby re- kaown as tlle Betfair Maintcnance Site. qnired IO serve the saule, dilly verified. Containing approxinlately 0.44 acres, MINIMUM ACCEPTABLE BID: $13,, Values. on o, Iris auorneY of record at tile address 000.00. below stated and file the sanle with The sale will h. (onduct( al the site tlle Clerk of the said court, together of tile p 'ope "ly described above at 11 with proof of sneh serwce within six a.m.. March 19. 1963, EK FRONT months after the date of first pul)li- Terms of ill(" sale: CASII. Convey- HOME cation of this notice or the same will ance will be by Quih'lain Deed. No 1/2 garden acres, be barred lille insurance will be llrovided by the ROY C. McCONKEY seller. The State reserves the right lO lorth. Fabulous Adnlinistrator postllone thc sale and reject any and brook with 10' GLENN E. CORREA all bids. channel winding Attorney for Estate For further information write to: Bell Building of your lawn. Shelton, Washington Property Manager older home. 2 2/21-28-3/7-14 4 t Dept. of Hig 1ways ace and oil furn- - _ __ _ Highways -- Licenses Bldg. g. Real Estate PLACE OUtdoor living. l  Real 90'x 100' lot. HOMES home in Mr. 18' living room. fireplace. Faro- Estate ,o,v,o smart open kit- You'll understand why when you Two-car garage see this friendly home. The two bedrooms are jtunbo, There is a breezeway. Pric- ROOMY- colorful fireplace, easy care kit- appraisal at This spacious home with 2 bed- chen and nice bath. You'll like down. Priz- rooms and a den could be what the pretty fireplace in the fully be purchased you have been looking for. It has fenced yard and the garage with :lion of cost. an extra large living room, full extra leated room. The price is sized bedrooms, handy kitchen ann $7.650 on easy terms. Call for an W/TL cheery dining area. There is also appointment. acres. Close in. a utility porch, garage and a large bedroom home back yard. Close to the stores and - A. ROY DUNE Two baths, 2 priced right at $7750. LET'S GO TO THE COUNTRY $32,500. MT. VIEW- This one is located just less Need lots of room on a small bud- than 3 miles from town. out the ING BAY VIEW get? Then this 3 bedroom Mt. Olympic Highway. There is 30 three bedroom View home is a must-see this acres of good cleared land, a spacious elegance, week. When you see this home large barn and other out build- Play and you will find lots of storage, con- inks. The house is new and de- Ins, Radiant h'eat, venient room arrangement, ann luxe. It features built in range arranged, many, many more reasons that and oven, natural wood cabinets. MT. VIEW. make this home a good buy. Ev- large living room with French Large living erything on one level, FHA ap- doors that lead to sundeek. There With fireplace, praised at $10,750. are 3 large bedrooms, colorful bath. and full basement. This is mace. A big tam- SOUTH HILL -- one of the nicer small farms in this nice older Don't miss out on this one. It this area Better see it today, With $850 down, is one of our "better buys" at only $12,750. This home has your A. ROY DUNN =M, CLOSE IN. dream kitchen with all kinds ot Family sized built-ins, even a dishwasher. Lots FULL BASEMENT PLUS 4 rooms. Fire- of storage throughout this excel- BEDROOMS Furnace. 2- lent family home. Tiled bath has Need lots of room? Here's a Easy terms both tub and shower. Living room king sized dandy. There is a brand size fenced lot. has fireplace. One bedroom is ex- new Wintrier oil furnace in the $1,250 Ira large. We know you will like basement. The living room and Owners. Over- it. Terms arranged, dining room have just been re- Two bed- modelled and very attractive. The 3rd., phls sep- ISLAND LAKE -- kitchen has plenty of cupboards Space fire- If you need lots of room and want and a breakfast nook. All bed- doors. Elec, a waterfront home, this choice rooms are large and have extra for listing will give you both. This storage space. How can you go Pay $850 family-sized home with its pretty wrong at $9.250. Call now. kitchen, 3 large bedrooms ann in. Lovely rio- huge living room is located on A. ROY DUNE -- -- Call us now. 130 ft. of the finest frontage on CHANCE FOR A TRADE OMS, BUILT 3 the lake. Just minutes from town This is your opportunity to get located. Two fire and priced at $18,000 with terms one shower, arranged, a good going business for one per- room. Big fa- son on short hours. Compact liv- port. ]Pine CLOSE TO SCHOOL -- ink quarters are possible in build- appraised at Just 3 blocks to school from this ing and owner will consider trade includes budget priced 3 bedroom home. for your present home. This is a It is just right for the growing well known short order cafe with .family with its large bedrooms, all kinds of expansion possibili- fenced yard and full basement, ties. We have been asked to ae- in. Beautiful Morn will love the beautiful eept offers and hope to sell this s, floors. Lovely "knotty pine" cabinets in the well week. Call Now! Dream kit- planned kitchen. Best of all is the A. ROY DUNN $10,700 FHA low price of only $9,750 with con- tract terms. LOW DOWN EASY MONTHLY SOUTH EASY TO OWN -- And it's so convenient. You'll love the new kitchen with stain- :d lawn. Large If you have been looking for an less steel sinks, natural wood ca- heater includ- inexpensive two bedroom home, binets and tile floor. There is a $600 down, $60 this is it. For just $5000 we can put you into this dandy Hillcrest cozy dining room. large carpeted living room with corner fireplace, /N EASY WALK home. It has a large living room, 2 bedrooms and a full color bath. and nice liv- roomy kitchen, utility porch, ga- Also a very large brand new ga- arpeted. SoN rage and fenced yard. We know rage and, workshop. All this for kitchen, you won't find a better buy any arge extra room. where, so why not see it and buy $7950.00. See this one for sure. A, ROY DUNN Fenced gar- it today. town buy at down and bat- JUST OUT OF TOWN WATERFRONT Just t stone's throw from the city limits to this "new on the HOW ABOUT THIS? ACREAGE market" 2 bedroom home. This This home has been recently d several good home has a large newly remodel- modernized with panelled kitchen acres to 300 ed kitchen, unfinished attic, util- and dinette, stainless steel sink River fronts, ity room and storage area. The and formica counter tops. The ex- extra large lot provides a perfect Ira large living room has wall to us on acreages, garden area. There is a goes wall carpet of top quality and ou 40. 80, 160 drilled well for an excellent wa- vast expanses of drapes, The best part clear ter supply. Priced at $5,850 for a part of all is the choice 245 feet fir, quick sale. Call Vince HimHe for of waterfront. The tract contains an appointment. 2 acres in all and is one of the • finest iu this area. It's only 4  /kk 426-4666 miles from town and priced way MAN'N REAL ESTATE below average at $13.000. If you • have been wanting a waterfront CALL 426-6592 ANYTIME home don't miss this one. N C y 321 South First Street  A. ROY DUNE INSURANCE SHELTON  PHILLIPS LAKE Wash. EVENINGS CALL Fun in the sun on this 60 ft. tract. There is a small dock for 426-8544 VINCE HIMLIE--426-6501 your boat, a cabin with gas range KURT MANN'-426-3228 and some furnishings. There is a large plot cleared for barbeque - - and lounging. The price is $3,250 Terms available. Ritner, Herb Rotter SPENCERA'ROYDUNNLAKE We still have available several ASsociateS Inc 100' lots on this fine lake. The price is right and easy terms can be arranged. Now is the time to = begin that summer cottage. Why YX Prepared not call today? Some very cheap money on FHA loans -- A. ROY DUNN ORGE __ OFFICE M'ANAGER, BROKER HAMMERSLEY INLET Here is a comfy cottage on fine bEE 426-6642 HOME PHONE 426-3530 Hammersley Inlet waterfront. 41/2 HOUSE, lovely wooded acres with pretty 3 bedrooms, garage, Lot 60' x 120' -- winding stream. There is a goes drilled well, (lots of water). The house has 2 bedrooms, living room, nice corner lot downtown close to kitchen mid bath. A nice buy at mall business with property. Some groceries $11,000. $16,000. A. ROY DUNE bedrooms, five acres, good well and water. small barn, large work shop. Full price $8,500. TOTTEN SHORES $9,000 will make you the owner of this tract, It's just a few miles three bedrooms, fireplace, electric heat from town and the view is mag- 60 ft. of waterfront, close to town. $12,000 nificent. The owner has started a s. home and has the daylight base- ment finished, plumbed and fully acres. 1/ acres cleared. Other outbuild- furnished, ready to live in while building. There is a well. 2 car carport and workshop. Call any- garage, part basement. Priced at time. payment $350. lreplace, electric heat, wall-to-wall carpet. AI ROY DUNN $6,850. R E A L T O R dining room, fireplace, garage and car- Eves Call: $18,500. Mary ross ................ 426-8074 (3ME CLEARED. Old house, drilled well, $2,800. A. Roy Ounn .......... 426-4601 PHONE 426-6363 .1, 4-bedroom house. One acre of land. spring Uble garage, workshop -- $9,500. 126 Railroad Legal Publications NO. ,3435 NOTI('E TO CI{EI)ITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF \\;VASItlNGT()N FOR MASON COUNTY (IN PIIOBATE) Ill tile Matter of the Con/I)in¢d Es- tates of PETER TIMMERMAN and MARY MARIA TIMMERMAN De- teased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the mldersigned. L. A. Carlson has I)e, en aPl)ointed and has qualified as Adlninistrator of tlle estates of Peter Tinllllerlnan and 5Iary IIaria Tilnnler- n/an. deceased : aad that all persons baying elainls ag'tinst the said deceased or tile said estates are hereby req.uirod to scrv*, the sam(' duly verified witll the necessary voul-llers flttactled upon the nllders u'nod Adllnist"at)' or his attol'lley el record tit tbe law office of R. Franklin Heuston. Angle Ruild- in'. Stleltoll. Washington. and file such clailns t0getller with proof of service willl tile Chu'k ot tile above entitled Court wi|llin six (6) nmnlhs alter the daU, of first publication of tiffs notice, to-wit: 14 March 1963. or all ch/hns nol so presented and filed ",viii he forever l)arred. L A. CARLSON. Adnlinistral[)l, of th( Conll)ined Estates of Peter Tilnnlernlan and Ma t'y Maria Tinlnlernlan. deceased. Address : Stlelton Branch. Seattle-First Nat'l Bank. Slletton. Washington B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON. Attorney for said Estates Angle Bld.. Shelton. Washington 3/14-21-28-4/4 4t Real Estate EXGEPTIONAL VALUES PROMISE HER ANYTHING, BUY HER THIS First time on the market for this family home, 21/2 lots provide easy care yard, shade trees, play area and garden spot. Three bed- rooms, double plumbing, ample storage room, electric heat, well designed kitchen and separate din- ing room. This fine home has wall to wall carpet, is completely fur- nished and ready to move in. One payment enables you to enjoy country living in one of the cities finest residential areas. Priced at $13,500. 18 CARAT VALUE PLANNED FOR IMPORTANT PEOPLE Located in a fine residental area with enchanting view of the whole city and bay, also mrs. This home has 2 bedrooms and a possible third, easy care kitchen fun fil- led recreation room with fireplace, award winning yard, double gar- age with lots of storage space, must be seen to be appreciated. Shown only by appointment. OWNER MOVES TO BREMERTON This family home is priced just right for the lucky family. Large yard with roorn to breath with ex- tra lot, separate garage and work- shop, close to stores, schools, and churches. This roomy home has two bedrooms down and two up, tiled bath, large cheery kitchen with dining area, economical to heat. just recently remodeled, so move in for only $8.500. LOCATION IDEAL, PRICE JUST RIGHT This lovely home is really a buy, large living teen1 with fire- place, separate dining room. kit- chen with eating space, two large bedrooms down and a complete bath all tiled, two bedrooms up with a complete tiled bath up, full basement with room for a recrea- tion room, surrounded by trees and secluded, on Angleside for $16,500. FOR RENT Two bedroom home. completely furnished, new washer and dryer, Will rent to right party for $"80. Two bedroom unfurnished house on Angleside for $55, Two bedroom unfurnished apart- ment, very clean and new. only $60. TILLICUM BEACH TRACTS AND CABINS FOR SALE Only a few left so better cheek on this right now. ANGLE AGENGY Real Estate  Insurance HERB  Phone 426-8272 -- DICK SUE DANIELS DONALD (Bean) DANIELS 426-3434 Legal Publications F4tale af Washington DI,A'AI{TMENT OF NATURAL It ESO IT RC 1 ¢ S Bert L. Cole. Conlmissioner of Pablic Lands" NOTICE OF SAI,E OI" TIDE LAND.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That on Tuesday, the 26th day of March. 1963, colnlnencing al tell o'clock in the forenoon of said day. at the County Courthouse in the city of Shelton. connty of Mason. State of Washington. by the County Auditor of said county, the folh/wing described ide lands, to- Nelllor with the inll)roven]ents situated thereon, will be sold at puMic auction lo the highest bidder therefor, to-wit: NO'rF--N( one except citizens of the Unit,'d States. or persons who have de- clared their intention lo becolne such, ('.Jill ./urc]lase state lands. ApIllieation Nil. 2142 Tracl 262. Second Supplemental Maps of Shelton Tide Lands. as S]l()¢n on the official nlaps thereof on file in the office of the Conlmissioncr oI :Pub- lic Lands at Olympia. Washington. ap- praised at $1.200.00. Subject. ]lowever to an easement for right of way for State Road acquired by the State of Washington, Depart- n/enl of Highways by the filing of Stale Road Plat No. 636 in the offic el the Conlmissioner of Public Lands at Olymilia. Washington, April 14, 1947: also Tract 265, Second Supplemental Maps of Shelton Tide Lands as shown on the official maps thereof on file in the of- ['iee of the Conunissioner of Public Lands at Olympia, %Vashington, ap- praised at $400.00. Said Tract 262 has a frontage of 20.63 lineal Cllains and an area of 2.57 acres, Said Tract 265 has a frontage of 5.88 lineal chains and all area of 0.60 acres, Located on the northerly side of Oakland Bay about  nlile northeast- erly of the easterly city limits of Shelton in Mason County. Purchaser nlust also pay a $5.00 statutory fee. To be sold at Shelton County Set, on Tuesday. March 26. 1963, at 10 o'ch)ek Any sale which has been )ffel'ed, and for which no bids are received shall not be reoffered until it has been readvertised, If all sales cannot be offered within the specified time on the "tdvertised date, the sale shall con- tinue on the following day between the ilours of ten o'clock and four o'clock p.m. Said lands will be sold for not less ttian the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- chase price lnust be paid at the time of sale. The purcllaser, if he be not the owner of the inlprovements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount of the ap- l)raised value of the in]provenlents, as above stated One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of six per centum per ammm: Provided That any purchaser may lnake full pay- ment of principal, interest and statu- tory fces at any time and obtain deed, The purchaser of land containing tinl- ber or other valuable materials is pro- hibited by law from cutting or re- moving any snch tin]bec or materials without first obtaining consent of the Conlmissioner of Public Lands. until the full amounl of tile purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils. gases, coal. ores. nlincrals and fossils of every nmne. kind and description, and to the additional lerlns and con- ditions prescribed ill seetien 3 of chap- tel" 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terl]lS, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 oi the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights- of-wtv and the carrying of timber. ston>, lnincrals and other products over the salne. BERT L. COLE Commissioner of Public Lands. 2/28-/7-14-2I 4t OR])INACI,: NO. 703 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PROCEDURE FOR THE ENACT- MENT OF ORDINANCES: AND RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN ()N- FLICT HEREWITH THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SHELTON DOES HEREBY ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. ENACTMENT PROCED- URE. The title of an ordinance shall in alt cases be read prior to its pass- age, provided that upon the request of ally Con}nlissioner or (If any alentbtH' of the pubtic in attendance, the ordin- ance sball he read ill part or in its en- tirety prior TO its I)assage. Every ord- innnce shall receive two readings by iith prior to its passage, and the first readin lnay be upon lhe day of its introduction. The Mayor shall give notice of each reading whether it bc thc first or second reading. There shall nol be less than SCVeII days be,- tween the se('ond and the first read- inks. Se,ction 2, EMERGENCY AND FRAN- CHISE ORDINANCES EXEMPTED. This ordinance shall not apply to the passage of emergency ordinances ag specified by state statute or the grant- ill" of any franchises. Section 3. REPEAL. All former or- diuances or parts thereof which are in confliet with tlle llrovisions of this ord- inanc.e are tlereby repealed, Section 4. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect lllirty days after pasaic and publication as required by law. PASSED THIS 5th day of March, 1963. F. A. TRAVIS Jr. Mayo]' DAVID KNEELAND Conuuissioner of Finance ELROY NELSON Conunissioner of Public Works ALSIA K. CATTO City Clerk Approved aS lo fOlnl. JOHN C. RAGAN. Attorney 3/I4- It Preferred Properlies by Waterfront Realty 317 Railroad Ave. Call 426-8277 FREE RENT! Perfect for a young couple! Live in one and rent the other. Two-unit duplex, showers, floor furnace. The xterior is stucco and each unit has two bedrooms. Call Dick Belling today--S8500 with terms. INCOME PLUS! A wonderful way to retire and have a good income from this beautifully situated motel and waterfront home. We'll show it to you and you decide the terms or trade. Don't hesitate to call as this is a REAL GOOD opportunity property. TAKE OVER A CONTRACT! A totai cash payment of $195 is all you need to purchase this three bedroom home on two acres. Possession can be im- mediate, so call right away. A BIG ONE! Four large bedrooms, full basement, family-size living roo, dining room and kitchen. Condition is excellent throughout. Ideal for the family that needs lots of house. FHA terms, of Course. HERE IS A DANDY! Clean, neat, large two bedroom home. Floor furnace, extra nice utility room, double lot. All for just $500 down and terms on the total price of $6950. ARE YOU A FIXER? A beautiful waterfront lot with a very sound 3 bedroom home that needs just that touch of remodeling to make a really lovely property. 85' of low bank frontage, stream, choice beach. -- Evenings Call -- Marden Stroud .................... 426,4000 Dick Belling ........................ 426-8162 i ii Legal Publications NO. 8353 •  UMMONS RY I)URI, I('ATION Ill THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY, MAllEt E. ROGERS, Plaintiff, vs. ANTONIO ROGERS. Defendanl. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said Defendant. ANTONIO ROGERS : YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to appear within sixty (60 days after the date of the first publicaiion of this Sunulu)ns, fo-wit: within sixty days after the 14th day of Fcbruary, 1963, and defend tbe above-entitled action in the al)ove-entitled Court, and answer the Conlplaint of plaintiff, and serve a CO1) }" of your answer upon the under- signed attorneys for l]le plaintiff at their office below, stated: and ill case of your failure so to do. iudgment will be rendered against you according tO ttle demand of the Complaint, which has been filed witll the Clerk of the Court. Tile object of the above-entitled ac- tion iN tO obtain a divorce froln tle defendant ,)n the grounds of desertion, FOSTER & FOSTER Attorneys for Plaintiff By Donald J. Horowitz OFFICE AND POSTOFFICE AD- DRESS : 501 Security Building Oiynlpia, \\;Vashington. 2/14-21-28-3/7-14-21 6t Legal Publications NO. g365 SUMMON IIY I)I'II,I('AT1ON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE1 STATE OF WASH INGTON IeOi MASON COUNTY JAMES PAUL. Plaintiff. vs/ SHIRLEY Z'AU:[. Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO ! TtlE SAID SHIRLEY PAUL DEFEN- ])ANT : Yogi are bel'oby SllllllaOn('d Io appeal' Legal Publications Caase No. 834: NOTICE OF SltERIFI?'S AI,E OF REAL ESTATE UNDER (IENERAL EXECUTION IN THE SUPERIO COURT OF THE STATE ()I' )VASIIINGTON tt)R MASON COUNTY. MASON COUNTY F E D E R A L CRE1)IT UNION Plaintiff vs. JOliN A tqMPOLEN AND I=ILANCHE M. EMP(/LEN his wHe and EDWIN A. }{ELSE AND DARLENE 5[, ttEISE. within sixty (60) daYs aft, of the first ]ublieation ,)1' 1his sum- mons two-wit: withiu sixly (60) da,vsl aft,:," the 21st day of February, 1963, i and defend the above entitled aclion I in 1lie above entitled eonrt, and answer t the eolnplahlt of lhe 1)laiutiff. andll Se1'V:' a copy of yollr ans'er npon the tndelsigned attolllC) at his office be- 10", r staled; and ill case of yotlr faihlre so to do, judgnlent will t)t, rendered against yOU accerding to the dcnland el the complainl, which has been filed will/ the clerk of said coin'[. t}lc dale l his wife. Defendanl Utl(ltw alld l)y \\;ivl/iO of a general oxc('Lltioll is,<tled OlU of and under the seal of the Superior Court of tile Stah el \\;Vas}lin'l(n. ill and for said ('OtUlly. cn lhe 1st da3 of February, 1.%3. upon a judgolenl rendered ill said Cotlrt eli the lsl day of 'd)ruar:v. 1963. in l'avll' O1 51asoll Connly Federal Credit IJnion and againsi JOtlN A. EMPOLEN and YIIANCHE M, EMPOLEN. his wife. and ED,VIN A. HEISE cad DARLENE M. HEISE. his wife, judgnlenL debh/rs for 1lie sunl of ¢)Lll" Tilousand Nine That the cause of aetion ilerein is l+tundl'ed Follrleen and 97/10(I for ' divorce between the parties above ($,t,914,97) Dollar IoKetber with altol r- nam,d Wllerein Plaintiff allegcs deser- "lion and cruel Lreatnlent on the parl of tlle defendant GLENN E, CORREA Attorney for Plaintiff Office alld Post Offiqe Adress: Bell :Building 121 South Fourt]l Street Sheltcn. Washington 2/21-28-3/7-14-21-28 6 t NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE NO. 3433 WyNOOCHEE SALVAGE NO, 2 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Public notice is hereby gaven that IN THE SUPERIOR COURT O]  THE pursuant to the provisions of Section STATE OF %VASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CORA RELLE KOZLOVTSKE De- ceas,3d. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that tile undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Adnlinistrator herein: that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve the stone, duly vrified, on the undersigned Administrator or his attorney of record at. the address below staled and file the same with the Clerk of tim said court, together With proof of such service within six months after the date of first pnblication of this notice or the same will be barred. JOHN A KOZLOWSKE. Administrator GLENN E. CORREA Attorlley for Estate Bell Building Sh,lton, 'Wasllington 2/21-28-3/7-14 4 t 5 of public Law 273. 78th Congress (53 Stat. 132-16. U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Mana- gement of the Participating Forest Properties In the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of Ame- rica and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12. 1946. all nlerchan- table tintber marked or designated for cutting on an area embracing 1.707 acres, lnore or less. witrdn Sections 29. 31, 32, 33. 34. 35. T. 2gN. R. 7W un- survc:ed, Sections 35 and 36, T. 23N, R. 8W.. unsurveyed Sections 1.. 2 3. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27, 34, 35. 36. T, 22N. R. 8\\;V.. surveyed, Sections 2, 3. 4. 5. 6, 7, 8. 9. 10, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20, 21. 29, 30. 31 T, 22N R. 77.. surveyed. W.M., Wynoochee Block. GraTs Harbor County, Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit. Olympic National Forest. Washington, will be sold to the Simpson Timber Company, Seattle. Washington on April 1 1963. The estinmted volumes are: 3.900 M board feet of Douglas-fir. 7.500 M board feet of wesLern hemlock and other species. 200 M board feet of western redcedar. The nlininlunl accep- table bid per M board feet is as fol- lows: Douglas-fire $9.15. western hem- leek. and otber species $4.85. western ledeedar 4.75. This includes the fol- lowing rates, per M board feet for stun]page (including deposit for sale area betternlent). $3.00 base rate plus an additional $5.35 for Douglas-fir, $2.- 00 base rate plus an additional $2.05 for western hemlock and other species. $3.95 for western rcdcedar and $0.80 for slash disposal for all species, The pri- ces bid for stunlpac shall bc consider- ed as tentative rates subject to quar- terly calendar adjustnlcnt upward or downwm'd by 0.5 of the difference be- tween the average of the nlontbIy Douglas-fir region indices, as calculat- ed by tlle Forest Service for the three previous lnonths, and the folIowing bse indices: Douglas-fir 117.31 (El, Western henlloek and other species 92. 98 (A), western redcedar None. Such fijustments in the price for stunlpage shall be applicable to timber scaled duririg tile threo-nlontbs period follow- ink ;he quarter for which the adjust- nieltt, is computed. In no event, how- ever. shall the payment rales for each quarter be, less than the base rates as slated above. When the adjusted rates by species are lower than the base rates, the difference between the total dollar value of the timber cut at adjus- ted rates and al base rates wilt be re- cored for each species. The stumpage rate for any species will not be increas- ed above ;he base rate until the sub- sequent adjusted rales at/eve base rates for all species develop all accnnullated total, dollar value in excess of the total recorded aeculnulated difference for all species. If the conlract period is ex- tended, the Forest Service may alodify the terms of tllis contract and shall rodetertuinc the t'3lls for Stulnpage and fl)r required deposits as of and effec- tive on the day folhlwing the original termination date. but determined rates for each species-product shall be no h)'4"er than the rate in effect im- nlediately prior to the effective date of the extension, plus the following in- creases in stunlpage rate per M board feet for each species-product: Douglas- fir $0.90. westcrn henfloek and other species $0.75. western redcedar $0.70. If reqnested by the State of Washing- ton or by Grays Harbor County or by' any person deenlcd to have a re- sonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its ternls, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor. Post Office Building. Olym- pia. Washington on the 22nd day of March 1963 at 2:00 Requests for public bearing will not be considercd nnless received in the office of the Forest Supervisor. Post Office Build- ing, Olympia. Washington. on or be- forle March 13. 1963. Dated February 25. 1963. Lloyd C Gilhnor. Forest Supervisor. Olympic National orest. 2/28-3/7-14-21 4 t NO 3377 :NOTICE OF PRIVATE SALE OF REAL PROPERTY I74 THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE 'OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. Ill tile Matter of the Guardianship of the Person and Estate of MAUD WUN- NO. 3428 NOTICE TO CREDITOR IN- THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. (IN PROBATE) In the Matter of the Estate of VE]A BELLE ULRICH. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that lhe undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as the Adnlinistrator of th. Estate of Vera Belle Uh-ieh, de- erased: that all persons having- claims against said deceased are hereby re- quired to serve llle sanle, duly veri- fied. on tlle undersigned Administra- h)r or hi. attorney of record at the address below stated and file tbc same with the Clerk of the said Court. to- .geth?r with proof of sucll service with- mmx montlls after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will tm barred. Date of first publication:February 28. 1963. A. ROY DUNN. Adnlinistrator. GLENN E. CORREA. Attorney for Estate. Bell :Building. Shelton. Washington. 2/28-3 7-]4-21 4 ll0 y "L.' fees. intere.t. (:()sis and 111- creased costs, and lo nle directed and delivered I did ,)n the 21st day of February, ]963. levy IlpOu all lhe rigbl, title cud iniercst of said judgownt debtors ill and t,) Ibe fo]- lowinu" (h'cribed Pret)erty lo satisfy said judglncnt, t()-wi: Tracts len |10/ and eleven (ll). Lake- wood Plat "M". according to the re- corded plat thereof in the Office of the Auditer for said Colulty and State,, Vohnne 4 of Plats. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on the 29th day of March. 1963, al 10 o'clock in the F(l'enoon of said day, I will sell tlle above described property, or so I/lUeh thereof as inay 1)t" necessary lo satisfy said judgnlent, together with attorney's fees. Jnteresl. cOStS and ill- creased eosls, in all anlounting to fhe stun of Five Thousand Ei'llt Hundred Fourt(en and 24/100---t5.S14.24)--DoI- lars. Said sah. will lake place at the East door oI the Court House at 'tth & Pine ill said County and State. and will be al public auction, for cash in hand to the highest and besl bidder. Dated at Shelton.. Wash. this 21st day of February, 1963. D. S. CLARK. Sheriff of said County By Nat Stairs Civil Deputy. 2/28-3/7-14-21-28" 5t MT. VIEW Alliance Church Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. NIorning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m, Prayer Hour (Wed0 7:30 p.m. Robert S. Wick, Pastor J Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Nforning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. C, Y.'s & Cadets ........ 6:00 p.m, Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m, Bible Study (Wed.) .... 7:00 pnl. Lewis B. Wysong, pastor 1/31 tfn FISHERHEN'S CLUB P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd and Cota SUNDAY, MARCH 17 9:30 a.m.--Guest Speaker Harry Senn Fisheries Biologist 10:00 a.m. -- "A NEW POSITION" FIRST BAPTIST CHglCH Rev. E. C. Knautz, Pastor 5th & Cota Rev. Alfred Sandoval, Minister of Christian Education SUNDAY, MARCH 17 9:30 a.m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship "Mismanaged Information" 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups. 7:00 p.m. Evening Service WED. Broadcast over J KMAS 1280 - 11:00 a m . * • "A Reigning Life Through Christ" 7:00 p.m. -- Bible Study and prayer for the family] ST. DAVID'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fourth and Cedar, Shelton, Washington The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest Thursday, March 7 -- 7:30 p.m. evening prayer and sermon. Sunday, March 10  Services --- 7:30 a.m. --; 9:30 a,m. -- ii a,m. Wednesday, March 13 Holy Communion -- 10 a.m. & 5:15 p.m. The Church is always open for meditation and prayer DERL1CH. Incompetent. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that - - pursuant tO an order of the courl signed in the above entitled cause, the undersigned Guardian will on the 12th day of March. 1963. or thereafter, sell all interest of the above named in- competent, Maud "WundeHich. in the following described real estate: Beginning at the southwest corn- er of the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 17, Township 23 Norlh. Range 1 V.M,. thence north 300 feet along the West line of said property thence Easterly ,90 ° 100 feet thence south- eHy 90  300 feet thence westerly 90 ° 100 feet to the poinl of beginning. Situate in Mason County, Wash- ington at a private sale at the office of Ar- thur &" Hanley, Mezzanine Floor• Har- rison Bldg.. Brenmrton, Kitsap County, Washington. All bids for said property must be in writing and addressed to the undersigm,d Guardian and deliv- (,red to her attorney at the above ad- dress or filed with the Cterk of the above entitled Court at or before noon on the 5tb day of April 1963. TERENCE HARLEY Of Attorneys For Guardian of the person and estate of the above named inconlpetent. ARTHUR & HARLEY Attorneys for Guardianship Harrison Building Bremerton Washington 3/14-21 2t NO. 3436 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF %VASH INGTON MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SAM V¢INFIELD DIGGLE. Deceas- ed. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned hss been appointed and has qualified as the Administra- tor' with \\;Vill Annexed of the Estate of Sam Winfield Diggle, deceased that all persons having c]abns against said deceased are hereby requ rdd to tim sanle, duly verified, on tile under* si'ned Administrator with rill All- nexed or his attorney of record at the address below stated and filc the same with the Clerk of tbe said court, toget]ler with proof of saeh scrvic( within six numths after the date of first I)ublication of this notice or (he same :will be barred Date of lit'st l)ublication: March 14, 1963. LA%VIFaNCE A. CAI%LSON Adulinistrator with Will An- nexed GLENN E, CORREA Attorr.,ey for Estate Bell Building Shelton Washinglon 3/14-21-28-4/4 4 t SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, Pastor Sunday School ........................................................................ 9:45 Morning Worship ................................................ 11:00 a. m. Christ's Ambassadors ........................................................ 6:00 p, m._ Evangelistic Service ............................................................ 7:00 p. m. Bible Study and Prayer ................................ 7:00 p. m. MT. OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH MISSOURI SYNOD Olympic Hiway So. & Cascade, The Rev. Gerald L. Herman, past. Sunday School. Adult Bible Class .................................... 9:45 a.m. Morning" Worship ................................................ 8:30 a.m. & 11 a.m. Midweek Lenten Service - Wednesday evening ................ 7:30 p.m. FAITH LUTHERAN CHURCH 7th and Franklin Street 8:15 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services 9:30 Sunday School and Adult Bible Class CARL J. CARLSEN, Pastor Affiliated with American Luthern Church RRST GHURGN OF GHRIST, SGIENTIST 302 Alder St., Shelton, Wash. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.  Church 11 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8 p.m. Reading room located in church. Reading room hour=  to 4 p.m. Men. & FrL Wed. evening 6:45 to 7:45. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard Charles D. Wigton Bible School ....... 9:45 a.m. Youth Meetings 5:30 p,m. Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. Family Sewice 6:30 p.m. Wednesday -- Bible Study and Prayer  7:30 p.m. hild Care Service Available at 11:00 Service THE METHODIST GHURGH North 4th and Pine Streets ROBERT R. RINGS, Miniaer _ 9:30 a,m, Sunday School and Morning Worship. - 11:00 a.m. Morning Worship 6:30 p,m. Ymlth Fellowhlp