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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 1963     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 1963
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2O Southside Students Take Trip 1&apos;o Olympia To See Legislative 00+asic00 By Mrs. Ray Kratcha SOUTHSIDE.--On a beautiful spring day Friday 40 of the sixth and seventh grade students of the South Side School enjoyed the sunny day gomg on a field trip to the State Capitol in Olympia. The students were accompanied by +Mrs. Howard Yule, James Cronk and George Snydcr. First on their Held trip they were greeted by Senator Gordon Sandison and given the red carpet treatment and were in rime to see the open- ing of the Senate. The students talked with Governor Albert D. l.Losselini and also talked with the Secrcry of the State Victor A. Meyers. The group of visitors on their field trip also viewed the Justice Building, Supreme Court Chambers. Judge Hale and Judge Tnrner. The field trip site goers viewed the Dome of the Capitol and ate hmch by the fountain. Southside P.T.O. met March 4 for their regular monthly meeting. Mr. C3nk's room won the room count. Films and slides were shown of the past May Pole, which wa.s quite interesting to the new members. Members are to be thinking of a, gift for the kitchen shower that wilt be coming up m the near future. Mrs. Hess and Mrs. Holtorf, sixth grade room mothers served refreshments at at he meeting, the nc:<" ,'m  ] will be held at Mrs. td'e,, ...., March 21 All the Busy 13::+ " ,-. Club members attende i t/,..,: Night at Mr. View. Saturda.,'. ';':, ch]b members gave a skit enLi "Kingaroo Court' Bell Riders Saddle Club in spike of the cold windy day held its work party Sunday at l,he Coffee Grounds. with most of the mem- bers turning out to help put the siding on the building, digging post holes and getting the posts set m and also cleaning the grounds. Friendship Club met at the home of Mrs. Elsie Buining, March 6. Mrs, Jane Windsor was a guest at the meeting and gave an in- teresting talk on the new fair grounds. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Florence Brum- baugh's on March 20. MR. AND MRS. O. C. Serm and family of Cole road were glmsts of Mr. and Mrs. Axel Jacobsen and Patrick of Bremerton last Sunday, and Peggy Senn cele- brated her tenth birthday with Pat%k Jacobsen celebrating his sixth. Live Wires 4-H Club members met at Linda Rains, March 7, and continued working on their knit- ting, also practiced their skit. Re- freshments were served by Linda SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Chrlstmastown, U.8.A.", Shelton Washington Thursday, SHUR-FRESH TOMMO JUICE Rich and Red, Tops For Flavor! 46-OZ. "I+INS .................. 4/+1 SHUR.FRESH ORAHGE JUICE Fresh-Frozen (12-oz., 2/89€), 6-OZ. TINS ........... 4/89' BETTY OROGKER Pancake Special! 40-OZ. PNG. Rains. The next meeting will be the meeting. The next meeting will ....... "  CVD! ID ILl 111 |lIP. I. 11 IIi11 PII,A. IkV lUI LIIlUiI'IUI 1 held at the Southside school, be Dad's Night and will meet on March 21. April 1. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clar- PATBI@IA ARCIIER daughter erie  Madsen s)endi h of al" alia Mrs K ArcIlei" was w • + .... ale Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gmsy of married to John Spencer of Fort Nevada Lewis, Friday mon3ing in Tacoma. Ghost of Mr. and Mrs K Ar- Famous, old-fashioned Maple Busy Bells LJ-H Club members cher spending the weekend' was I'WAKF"UP B,ke, Bus J1 l/U r Flavor, specially priced! L meeting as called to order Feb. Mrs. Frances Sehamp of Philo- 28 at the home of their leader, mattL Ore. On Sunday Mr. and s"!kTTuYh!" oRNS   -OZ. "O1'__ Mrs, Jackson,. Darlene Holtotgave Mrs. Tom Rose and boys of Aber- ,  LE a demonstration on+macaroni and deen visited the K. Archers. cheese, JoAnn Cale gave a demon- Visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Ray sLration en the three dinner rolls KratehaandJaniceSaLurdayeve- 33 llll   i AA LARGE A and Toni Cole gave a demonstra- ning were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred i:ioi+on how to make white bread. Kadoun, Steve and Kin-t and Dan Mot Y' J € 'n' eat for breakfast! + I L , Mrs. Jackson selwed refreshments ,,orm,er. Pkg. of 4's for only ............ l-00afiationOf-[au,d rom at Is00-- r.'il R'l. q U.S.D.A. fresh fancy quality, IDnTI[D DI)IAh  l   Serve them every morning! in Progress in Allyn Community ,,.€.. -----.,- , .ozE00 - ,,.,..,,,,,,,o,, ,,st,, .nd Mrs James ,'on Osten and r +t tost0. '1t I£1fllC  m m .m,m ,m. 222-OZ. loaf in , J[ r       ALLYN.--Leonard "Ole" Olsen,l<arm, and Shari had a delicious +...., | I HIlL I}ARIGOLD reports that work is proceeding on I pheasant dinner at Mr. and Mrs. Poly Bag Now! ......... 11' ' , t • the installation of a laundromat j Me7 .+211 Hemphills Friday. next h) the Allyn Tavern. It will[ '.:,% l,'ran Jones and daughter have t'o proceed slowly until the Ter:'i, have returned from San    E E E r  rl weather and ground conditions f Dieg;o to staywilh her folkswhile Grade AA Sweet permit installation of the drainage thor ml,*ban(l is .lati(,ned overseas.    E    Cream, cubes or print system.early snmmer,Olsen WatcheXpectSfort° definitehaVe it rand[ Mr.Mrs.and.Don Mr::BeesonROdsunday.Itanson  mm  1-LB. PKG. open for operation late stn'ing or[ stopped by for awhile to visit Mr.  --- =_- __ _:   : : _ _+ . . : - opening date. I Mr. al]d Mrs. Harold Armstron l)on'L forget tile Minsl, rel Show I are now permanent residents (;f Sat,mlay, March 16, being put on l Victor. ,,,, .o,.t. M+oo +,,,.o,+, +oo,o, .,, +,,,,,.,+ ++,, +o,.+. +o+,,, t __ Betty Crodrer Cereals, ' t+!igl P.T,A. at the high school ttdx+antage of the beautiful gym., There will be the etd+tnen er Wednesday and Look a drive to variety acts, comedy, ; mixed T+mma-,trr visit Lois' cousin, Mrs. ,:horus, the High S(;i,ool Band, and J tfi'+, S torie, on returning home PI - -- M/X or M A TCJ'J  i + ,,. + ++ ,+, ,+ + +v+ +o+ \\;vhieb will provide an c.vcning of Olympia. fun and hilarity. Tickets are )row VICTOI[ COMMUNITY (JLUB on sale from fLT.A, members or met Friday evening. Doug Bab- ll____ || @ Cheerios (10½-oz.) @ Wheaties (12-oz.) a, / Mrs. Alice Harris. Prices are $1 cock showed fihns of his fishing uxAPEFgmr for adults, 50 cents for high school ill Alaska. Very interesting in-. I! e Trix (8½-oz.) Sugar Jets (10-oz.) students, and 25 cets for children, deed. FI Mr. and Mrs. Pete Paterson HOIVARD IVYNN and "Pe+ri Mc- Or/da In' ar]dfarrl<]*l+]+"ve'Itt°tl]+beacllaleel ''ent fisllin+ ,g 'ain this iiiii.__.. :}ea. of,hes2:: I IU/89, BEEF---00----"ROAST ::::::::::::::::::::: , -,a. • +++,. ++, +,,.++ ,o ++ +,++ w++, +,,+ +++.+,,, ASPARA6U$ ° °" They had a real nice trip and an- They brought 3 real nice (+)+10S • JoYed. • the day. very. ranch, home, including a 10 pounde,',.. 'E ARE very happy to re- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland port the Bible Study at the Wynn cntertained the 'Cleveland Clan P ]b residence °n M°nday " afteln°°n' this past rednesday evening with CABBA6 E 2/49 ONELE HAN 3:30-4:30 has starLed very well a lovely buffet dinner. This was Sixteen children attended to listen the last get-together of "The or Half Fully Cooked Ib to Mrs. Coutts tell stories of the Clan" for the winter as Haro:'d and Bible. The study in inLerdenomma- ElLen left from Sea-Tac aiYport tional and everyone is invited. Saturday morning for Ketchikan, California Crisp Firm ,Heads Bar-S Choice Brisket For We aft sorry to hear Mrs. Walt- ¢r McCrady is in the hospital at Bremerton. She hasn't been feeling well for quite me time and they m,e running tests on her. She has been ill for more than a week and we hope she will soon be feel- mg better. A week ago Saturday evening Mrs. Carol Battles was helped to cel+>brate her birthday by Mr. and Mrs. Dean Cook. Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson, and husband, Bob. Mr+ and Mrs. Eric Asphmd and chitdi'en, Fina and K. O. of Gig Harbor, spent Sunday with her sister Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wmn and family. MI, AND MRS. Bill Morgan and grandson, John, spent the weekend at Mossy Rock wii,h daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrcll. Mr. and Mrs. Jewel Yon Osten, Mr. Alaska and from there on over to Traitor's Cove on Marguerite Bay, where Harold and his partner, Was Davidson have their logging camp located. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Terrell drove to Potlatch Sunday to attend the 50th wedding anniversary open housq of Mr. and Mrs. William Gitberl,. held at the Potlatch Won]- en's Comnmnity Club. The Gilberts and Terrells were old friends in Sea ttle. +Are would like to welcome back Carl and Marianne Hirsch. former AII residents, recently reamed from Honolulu Hawaii. Marianne ;s presently over in Richland with her sister and mother. Carl is staying with the Jewel Von Os- tens. visiting with his many friends and tending to bnsiness, Journal Wanl Ads Pay It t USED CARS ( . 19(,1 FALCON ehlb sedan ................ s1495 real clean, R & H, auto. LE l' ll ,59 CHr VRO x Be a" ............... s1445 Club Sedan 1.956 DODGE 4-door sta. wagon ........ ¢645 1955 PLYMOUTH 4-door, V-8 ............ $45 automatic, radio and heater 19a4 FORD 6 sta. wagon, ........... $495 Clean, Engine RebUilt 195:+ STUDEBAKIER pickup, 6-cyl ..... =245 1952 FORD 2-(leer, stick ...................... $19+5 WE STILL HAVE A FEW MORE CALENDARS! See Bud Pauley for a '63.Dodge :Remember 50,000 mile and 5-yr, guarantee -- at PAULEY MOTOi00S lsL & Railroad Phone 426-8183 CORNED BEEF +,..++o+ (;ROUND BEEF BEEF MEW PORK SAUSAGE ,, SLICED BACON + SKINLESS WIENERS Bar-S FLASH FROZEN FILLET RED SNAPPER+ 39 c OYSTERS F;liez'int ea 63 SCALLOPS Size Ib Ib Eastern 1-LB, o Ib 2000h CENTURY Prices effective March 14-15-16 -- Right to limit. Home of RED GrARPET Service Bumble Bee, 6-oz. Tin CHUNK TUNA Nalley's, Big 32+oz. Jar MAYONNAISE Zee, asstd. Colors, 4-packs BATHR'M TISSUE V ELVEET A GHEESE FOOD PooNo 79 ° LOAF ................... N    ESCAI E IHSTNT 10-oz. size NoW (Reg. price $1.29) ...... ONLY