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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 14, 2019     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 14, 2019
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, March 14, 2019 -Shelton-Mason Coun + LETTERS cont. from page A-6 or Congress, or the Judiciary, but rather the Constitu- age is done to the rule of law when laws m tion, which is an expression of the will of the people, that directly violate rights protected by thence A- 7 day are used in wars? but could not be enacted and cannot be amended by tion, and it is insisted that we follow and enforce Why do the schools not have rights to be safe from means of a simple majority vote. It is bettor to err on the side of individual rights % ;hose who think owning a gun is more important than Next is the idea that the law applies equally to all. choosing not to enforce a law that is later ruled to be ;he rights of those children to be safe in school? If you break the law, you should be treated the same, constitutional, than to enforce a law, in spite Of consti- Why do we not have a right to be safe from gun- whether you are the poorest man on the street, or a tutional questions, that is later ruled unconstitutional. :arrying advocates, not only in my home but out in celebrity With millions in the bank. Karen Herr also charges the BOCC and the sheriff ;he community? We have laws and police to protect Then we come to two principles held in balance: With usurping the vote of the people However, quite as. Should we get rid of them? First, that citizens are obliged to follow laws passed aside from the fact that no majority vote can strip What right does a gun owner have over the life of a by legitimate legislative bodies. Second, that those people of their rights, the BOCC and the sheriff are :hild? You did not mention the school shootings, legislative bodies are obliged to only pass laws that beholden to the people of Mason County, and we voted The statistics are valid, I did not make them up, are in harmony With the Constitution. against 1-1639 by 55.48% - 44.52% King County alone )ut they are ignored. You should check them if you This results in a system where we as citizens are made up 40 percent of the votes in favor of it, but less ]on't believe me. I always make a point ff I make a not at liberty to "pick and choose which laws we will than 18 percent of those in opposition. Indeed, if you tatement that I have verifiable references to support abide by, and which ones we will defy based on our own take only King, Snohomish, and Thursten counties out t. You need to keep these statistics in mind, as you personal opinion," but neither are we obliged to obey of the equation, 1-1639 would have failed. These three :ally around gun owners' rights, but say the non- laws that clearly violate the Constitution. This balance counties usurp the Will of the entirety of the rest of our )wners have none. is fundamental to the rule of law. When laws become so state. This is why our nation hasan Electoral College. I am sure this reply will be ignored and youwill numerous, or so onerous, that large'percentages of the Perhaps it is past time that our state had one as well. till say I have no rights, so I take back my apology, people don't know they exist, don't understand what they mean, or are otherwise unwilling to obey them, Kristopher Kord Patricia Vandehey then the rule of law erodes. More than that, great dam- Shelton Shelton 'Shut that door!' ditor, the Journal Bruce Finlay, herein, writes that he doubts scien- ;ists analysis and projections regarding meteorologi- ;al "global warming." Bruce, I have a friend at Bob's Tavern who doesn't hink "global warming ' to be credible until one day a tiesel truck left idling backed up and parked by the ear door was spewing toxic carbon emissions into ;he room. It was hard to breathe, so With grimaced bee and a ready complaint he yelled across the room Turn that truck offi Shut that door!" I took the opportunity to say: Friend, imagine the arth as a tavern, but instead of one truck spewing, magine 100 thousand trucks filling the "room" With iammg carbon emissions, and then, my friend, add to ;hat the same count of factories and twice that in ears md 5,000 airplanes 24/7 spewing emissions into our ltmospheric "room " Respectfully, can you now see or understand Bruce ;he scope of this looming problem? If you were there, ou]d you have yelled "Shut that door!" too? Be honest. Darrell Barker Shelton Learn more about EICDA ]ditor, the Journal Although I support the environment, I did not vote n favor of our State Bill 1631 to enact carbon emis- Lions legislation. I thought it would financially hurt rdinary folks. However, there is now better federal egislation that can be enacted tomorrow if sufficient ,upport can be generated for its passage The Energy nnovation and Carbon Dividend Act (EICDA - H.R. '63) has been introduced in the U.S. House with )ipartisan support. It taxes big polluting companies md then returns the revenue in the form of dividend hecks to everyday folks. So, if you don't buy a whole ot of those polluting products, you]] actually end up aaking money. Having worked in corporate America nest of my life, I realize that we'll never make prog- ess on fossil fuel CO2 emissions until corporations an either make money on it or avoid costs. This hi- )artisan bill will finally put a price on CO2 emissions md won't financially hurt average folks. I urge every- ,ne to learn more about EICDA at energyinnovatio- and then tell your senators and member of ]ongress to pass this first step to a green new world Dave Daggett HEALTH NOT|F| iON A major name brand he aid pro- vider wishes to field testa le new digital g entm the area. This offer is free of charge mad you are under no obligation. struments use latest technology to comfortably and almost invisibly help you hear more clearly, tech- nology solves the "stopped up ears" and "head in a b "sensation some people e enence. If you w sh to p ate, wilI be req d to hmle your hearimg tested in our office E OF C to de ne candidacy and w your resets vdth the he you so desire, at a tremendous s for particip in this field test. Speci testing will be done to ne the in- .F creased benefits of this tec log : Benefits of hearing aids by type and degree of he loss, noise enviro nt, acc y of hearing test, proper fit. This is a de opp to determine hear- ing help is available for he loss and get he ng help at a very affordable price. Call Now and Make a Reservation if you wish tobe Included! THiS WEEK ONLY. Expires 3-22-2019 ff~] Since 1990 the Miracle-Ear Foundation~ has been providing hearing aids, follow-up care, and educational resources to people with hearing loss who demonstrate personal inability to financially provide for their hearing health needs. We do ~-ff / j~ this because we believe everyone in our community deserves quality hearing instruments. Shelton Special Notice State Employees . . You may qual~for a hearing aid benefit up to $4 000 every 4 years. Call for with I ---- e--I~.t=.I .I II ll=~.I'~II'II'"=~'t''w'iII''~W' ~ - eligibiitystatus. - " ssues ! " . I am writing in response to Karen Herr in last veek's Journal She made a cou le oints that touch F " - : P P l tpon the root of the confusion over the actions of the OCC and the sheriffon 1-1639. The first is "the rule of law." Herr said, " by refus- ag to respect the vote of the people on 1-1639, the BOCC) has upended the rule of law in Mason County." lhe further suggested that this will result in citizens isobeyingwlvatover laws theydon t ti - s a fundamental misunderstanding of the rule of law. Contained Within the rule of law are several prin- iples foundational to our republic. First is that the aw is the highest authority, not any government of- mial, or even the people acting by democratic vote. 'his is why the highest authority is not the President, MIRACLE EAR SHEL ON. MIRACLE EAR ABERDEEN 116 W. Railroad Ave. Ste. 106 323 W. Wishkah Street Shelton WA 98584 Aberdeen WA 98520 360-836.4098 visit us online at: Hearing tests are always free, Hearing test is ma audiomeluic test to determine proper amplification needs only. Hea~ n g Aids do not restore n0111ra! hearing. Individtm! experiences will vary dep~ndit~g on severity of toss, accawavy ofevalua~ion by ~ Consultant, proper fit. and th~ ability to adjust amplflicatiom If you are not completely ~atisfied~ *he aids must be rettuned within30 days of the ~omplet " ton of fitting, in satisfactory condition for a full refund. L 4-