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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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![ ...... ThursdaY, Marc-- EFFE0*,VE Thurs.-Fn. ,Sal, Percy M Pio 6017 S.E. 86th Ave Portland, Ore IN0000:UNBENTS OECIS00IVELY DEFEA+TED • Marc.K 8-9-10 -- ,Right ,o Ltmii,.,.rv00adene Bloomfield Chosen Queen Of 18th Annual Forest Festival AT YOU + ;WISS 2/29&apos; + 33' PLIO BAG ...... L ............................................................................................................................................... 76TH YEAR NO. 11 Published in "@hristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington 44 Pages -- 4 Sections I Thursday, March 15, 1962 Entered as second class matter at the post office at Shelton, Washington, , under' Act ,ff March 8. 1879. Publlshad weekly at 227 West Cots. l(.} Cents per Copy CountyOfficials Rotary Club To Honor Players Settle Stresses Vote To Open At Annual Hoop Banquet Need For Local Bids On Trucks in°neShelt°nHighclimber°f theSp°rtStop basketballathleticfans willhistoryteamshOnor - Participation next Thursday night at the annual Doctor .lois W. Settie a mem- r[hC VIeedaSon l°vp 0t bas(' fdoerC C°uinty ::tUnS yC°mmnlqi°n' Rotary Club banquet, bet" of the Council of Children and The dinner will be held in the Youth for the state of Washing- Mt. View grade school cafeteria at , ton, stressed the need for com- dmp trucks at their regular 6:30 p.m. March 22 with mem- munity interest at one of a series meeting last Tuesday. bets if the 1962 team and their of hm'cheon-meetings at the Shel- The date set for the opening of mothers as honor guests, along ton General Hospital yesterday. the bids is April 2 at 2 p.m. Spec- with the coaching staff. ifications of the required equip- FEATURING the program, at- !! Dr. Settle stressed the import- ance of making local citizens ment may be obtained from the ranged by l)tarian George Valley,  aware of problems in the field of County Engineer's office, will be Hank Luisetti, one of the ¢ juvenile delinquency and expressed The County Engineer appeared greatest Pacific Coast players of *...< before the commissioners request- all-time during his career at Start- the desire of the cmmcil to help ins permission to purchase and ford and an All-American.for two i: i In the formation of a single, in- install new grader motors in the years. Although not the originator formal organization of laymemde- county vehicles to replace those of the now-common one-handed ' signed to study the problem and now in use. A mdtion was made jump shot, Luisetti made it pop-' : determine what action should be to that effect and it carried un- ular with his highly successful Use recommended to the legislature. animously, of it as he established hll-time The Olympia physician offered ' '  s Stanford school season and career :. statistics concerning Mason Coun- THE COMMIS,.IONERS di,- records from his freshman through  ty Juvenile problems. According his senior seasons. ! *'- to Dr. Settle, Shelton was chosen cussed the possibility 9 f purchas- ing a two-way portable radio for As emcee of the program, popu- as a pilot area for the study pro- the engineers office and witnessed lar Eldon Parke, now a State Pc- CAPT. ELDON PARKE gram over two other Western a. demonstration of one costing trol captain in Spokane but a for- Returns As Emcee Washington. cities as the eommun- $375. The radio is a six or 12 volt mer Shelton Rotarian. will be back ity most nearly average in juven- mechanism that may be used in again to act as master of cere- games and coming closet' to reach- ile delinquency on a national basis. an automobile or powered by a monies, ins the state tournament than any Dr. Settle stated the age group LENE __ Charming, vivacious brunette Darlene 110 volt outlet. Donna Vermillion. wife of Coach previous Highclimber squad, he is most directly eonceed with reign over he 18th annual Mason County Forest A letter was received by the Jerry Vermillion. will sing and Tickets for the banquet are now is between eight and 11. Accord- Darlene was chosen to rule the royal court county officials from R. L. Mof- John Halvorsen will play his ac- on sale at Eeels & Valley Appli- ins to him, many Mason County estival committee Tuesday night. , felt, the present Justice of the cordion for musical interludes, ance Center, Johnny's Music Box, youths in this group have been * • - , , , , Peace in the Lilliwaup area, re- THE 1962 Highclimber basket- and the L,M, men's department, referred to the court for minor or a OUnty's 18th Forest questing his resignation as of Ap- ball team established a season rec- All sports fans,  women included, major offenses, although it was ago and the nior play this term. ril 1. The resignation was accept- ord second only to that of the 1961 are invited to attend the banquet, not as high as the national av- q Uea is 'pretty, person- She+ is an avid sports fan, which ed with the understanding a let- team as the best in Shelton's Turkey will be the main course, erage of 20 percent, but very few d ..Uo£ar 'Darlene Bloom- ter be sent to Moffitt praising him school history, winning 14 of 19 Tickets are $1.75 have been committed to institu- "°a "--v = Lntyfap}/rnc'hy'btlunett3 is characteristic of her entire fa- for the good work he has done ally, including two sisters and in th past. lions or offered actual assistance logger, Pete Bloom- one brother. Darlene's classmates A REPORT was received dur- in rehabilitation from the court. y at Iren, e S. Reed. high school---ing the Tuesday meeting on the Savage Announces ofDr'whichSettleareiS a father Ofin the 11-18five'f°Urgroup. ear-old senior at Irene Cathy Heuston and Colleen Dom- Harstine Island Ferry receipts. ,gh School will rule over : }. Although the council was cre- broski--and princesses yet to be For the week of March 10 a lotal - =- - -- ¢;a+ndida- + ____¢y +,Orestdfor lViayFeStival'24, 25whiChand announcedKnight andrepresentingNorth MasonMarYhighM' ferry.el $406.95 was received: from the Lea-.slat | ated by a 1951 act of legislature, v e Dr. Settle stated it is completely ,, her birthplace actuall schools wiil complete the Forest The Mason County uditor ap- free of political influence. ,my/letol ' ,' + y Festival .royal court, peared before the commissioners Charles Savage announced to ,8"-" Darlene zs really ItEUSTON, daughter of requesting the authorization of the the Journal today that he will be a V |sr'-¢ Am L t°niat for she, was MISS a tllt,:Ww°rld..War, II while ,Mr,+.and.,Mes.,.B, F. Heuston, is painting' of the Auditor vault ILnd candidate this year for State Rep- :.zd l_ as selling iff the the + adjoining rooms. PermissiOn resentative for the Pz'irdary Elec- [+': .... la[, ,_ .f mother, Maxine, iter the Navy Yard city taP st .of her life she aelton = .. ham t POpUly  becommg one of tllde r ancl active ,'iris .h,{A t body at high schgool bar N lSU't enn'ely I lens for she w l : IllEeo' a aS eho- 'alber ¢.n!ng. Queen by the "uOtball squad last :mnong the top 10 scholars in her senior class, is president of the was granted by the commissioners, tions to be held in September. class, a member of the Honor So- Savage was first elected to the Funds ciety, works on the yearbook staff, :Legislature in 1938. After serving Dormant belongs to the Pep Club, and has .....o.a'd;*;on$ kill,c"' three terms was elected to the, the unusual distinction of being United States Congress. As a+ 4/1'$4 the only girl member of the For J. E Show member of Congress during and  The. House Interior and In@ular school's golf team. She is also an fallowing the war, he had the rare Affairs Committee today gave un- avid skiier, privilege of serving on the steer- animous approval to a bill to am- ins committee in Congress for Miss Dombroski, daughter of end the act admitting the State Mr. and tv/rs. Chet Dombroski, Auditions for the annual Junior adoption of the United Nations of Washington to the Union. is another extremely active girl. Chamber of Commerce amateur Charter and the narrow victory to She has been a song queen talent show slated for Friday, put Atomic Energy control under Introduced by Congresswoman March 23 at the Junior High a civilian committee rather than Julia Butler Hansen, the amend- 0' throughout her three years, mem- ment to the historic act would t eho:en to attend the ber of the Pep Club all three SchoOl Auditorium will be held the military. .,- a¢lermya! '' is permit the State to use land grant SINCE SERVING in Congress, funds for the construction of the 29 € Thursday and Friday' N[arch 15 Savage has served an additiOnal State Correctional Center at Shel- last Lip conference at years, the Thespian Society two and 16. .:t, a Girls' Club years, participating in the senior The competition s open to all eight years as a member of the ton, -lee -'- nber of the Girls' and junior class plays, on the students in the Shelton School Dis- state legislature. h tttive board, Thespians, Girls' Club executive board two trict who may register with the Serving in the U. S. Congress is MRS. HA24SEN was praised by na°Ph°:n°re" 'e°tittee Years,in her jUn-p years, sophomore class secretary- copy+ of the official registration a full time job but serving as a searchC°mmitteeinto memberSrecords of forths passageher re- "ca u butm'e Teachers e! treasurer, member of Future Tea- blank found in this edition of the member of the State Legislature al°ac l °ok part in the chers of America, the school news- Journal or by a similar form that is only p part time Job, so in the of the+ original atct in 1889, as an paper staff this year, press club, may be picked up from any music meantime Savage has been doing essential background to consider- Play two years teacher in the distriet. Auditions other work, part of the time as a on the 16th will be limited to ele- logger in partnership with his and board of control, i ation of the proposed amendment. [%issioners Deny Request o need for this legislation, CHARLES R, SAVAGE according to the congresswoman s H r, Lurc L mailed to the general ehairmn of manager for the Hofert Christmas IWA he worked for the state in formation Institutions fund caat- nhd +o snow, erald Knutson, 1021 Tree Company. Prior to taking his the capacity of safety education ed by a.federal land grant in the South 7th st., Shelton, Washington present job as husiness manager consultant in logging'and lumber admitting act. church san tha;t the errection of a self- on or before March 17. and safety director for Local 38 manufacturing. Since 1889 proceeds fxm the 100,00O acres allotted to the CEP ................ Savage has been active for many and RI fired have built up to a City Lib- service dry cleaners was within ,' ............................................... purposes, the present zoning regulations and | 1962 All SCHOOL TALENT SHOW years in various community or- C ganizations. He was instrumental total of more that $9 million, she Commis- City Clerk Alma Catto, who is | rusty meet- handling such matters in the ab- -- OFFICIAL REGISTRATION -- in organizing the Simpson Em- said, of which only the interest sence of a City Engineer, was in- | Division-- ployees Credit Union more than 20 has ever been sed. structod to issue the building per- | High School 1. Name ....................... .......................................... years ago. He also organized the The 1961 Legislature ordered $7 b , = 4-H Club Leader's Council back in million taken from the principal sit. Mayor Moore asked the corn- | Jr. High Address ..................................... Phone .............. the thirties. He served for 12 of the fund for the construction • years as chairman of Mason Coun- of the Shelton Institution without mission to instruc him to sign ; Elementary +| ty Democratic Central Committee. a clear determtdation of whether the Wash- the contract with the Cascade 2. Name ................................................................. | He is now Overseer of the Mason the admitting act permits the use a Construction company of Shelton Type of.Act | County Pomona Grange. His of the principal. Phone are for work to be done On the City Address....:. .............................. .............. | mother, Ers. Christens Savage, %Vith the unanimous any relig- Library. A motion was made to Singing ..................... ' and many other relatives live in of the Interior Committee, Mrs. BOX It this effect and unanimously car- 3. Name ................................................................. | and around Shelton, Hansen's bill now will be sched- ................................. cereals- rind by the Finance anff Street Dancing ................. | uled on the Consent Calendar of Phone was Commissioners. Moore requested Dancing Address ...................................................  the Hotzse for automatic passage,  REG, ads, this the fact that he had been instruct- . ............ , OLDTIMERS INVITED if there is no objection from the |rw of the ed to sign the contract, be entered Acrobatic . . 4. Name ................................................................. | Old-time Simpson employees are floor. .............. in the meeting's minutes. " .... = invited to attend a potluck gath- It will tien go to the Senate, Phone Banner, one A REPORT on two fir trees in Iusical. ...................... Address .................................................. | ering at the Little Skookum club- where an identical bill has been rTi 27- SChool su. a part€ins strip near tile Shelton Comedy. Return entries to Gerald Knutson, i hOuse Sunday between 2 and 6 Introduced bySenatorsWarrenG. was General Hospital, previously re- " .................... 1021 South 7th, Shelton, Washington,  o'clock to honor Mabel Burk's is- Magnuson and Henry M. Jackson. OUNCE years ported as a safety hazard by hos- Other . ................ on or before March 17, 1962. pending retirement from the Lum- Hearings have not yet been held | pital officials, was given by street, o ......... ..... . .... ..... ...........-- . .... .... . ..............., bennen's Mercantile Company. on the Senate bill, commmsmner W, F. McCann, xh .................. I-OUNCE t the re-statcdhesawnocxistinghazaraiuregardstothetreea. 32 Foot Santa Clam To Be Erected This Week Hospital officials felt tle trees LB$. 011 to ride x:ez'e in dauger of being" uprooted BISECTED SANTA--Construc- egality of in a strong wiud but according made be  to McCanu it would take winds tion on the 32 foot Santa Claus, IEO of his of near hurricane force to cause sponsored by the Shelton Cham- .OUNCE PKG ................... ae inaetivc serious damage. McCann ,stated her of Commerce seems to be disnissed by he would conduct furtilel' invest- coming along fine even though its mammoth size doesn't allow igation of the matter by obse)- n'ted by Ra- the trees chn'ing a strong wad. it to be constructed in one piece. 1%OUNCE ........................ The work is' being done by By Taking Out Lots Of+Books "Beau" Beauohamp, a retired art st for the Simpson Timber 00LOSURE S Company, in the Shelton City UNCE PKG ................... Garage.- The erection date has not been set, but it is expected Will start iiln'ary Imolcs. Mrs. leelil¢', urg- to be sometime before the open- KERY DEPT. Public es librry palrons (timro arc ing of the World's Fair in Se- (hty. ,sorer, 5,000 registered) to ehe('l¢ attic. The idea behind the san- keeping with the "Christ- S BUNS cut +Iltl hohl as n,any b+.+ks ,is of the they wish [llldt;r S, spt'¢tial P,X- mastown, U.S.A." theme inittat- tended return privilege until bersed severalof the),° bYlt ismem'de- y 39 ¢ May 10. This w ouhl greatly as" signed to attract tourists during sist lhc librarY staff in <,ozn- } pteting rc.arrngement of the the World's Fair beginning in rday. iihrary hook stocks, whicit will April. It will be erected near exact have to bc moved twiee during the Shelton Hotel and,plans have been expressed to move the "san- S PKG. OF 6 29¢ ,g :dZouhl the remodcliltg, ta's House" presently located The rento(h;ling contract has appar= been awarded to tim Czscade- the°n thenewPOStsantaOfficeandlaWnmakenearerit a Week's Construction Company permanent tourist information o£ ol ;ca. booth. Voters Select Complete New Slate Of City Commissioners NANCY BRIGGS Perfect ,Gra?e ,Average Student Gets Perfect Grades For Three Years Among all of her additional ac- tivities such as tennis, swilnming, piano and flute playing, partici- pation in F.T.A., honor society, Thespians and the Quill and Scroll to mention only atew, it is amaz- ing that Nancy Briggs, an 18- year-old senior at Irene S. Reed high school finds time to study. You couldn't tell it by her grades, however, she has a perfect grade point average for her three final years of high school. ACCORDING tO George Hermes high school principal, this is the first time any student has ac- quired a perfect GPA since he was installed as principal in 1944. Nancy has acted in the Senior play, been a counselor at a girl scout summer camp, is vice pres- ident of the Thespians, m copy odi- tor for the school annual, has belonged to a 3unior orthopedic guild, won first place in an es- say contest for her theme on Civ- il Defense, was active in girl sc@uts, belongs Lo the Methodist Church and still has received no- thing but 'A' semester grades in three yeara of high hool and, as she recalls, two years of Jun- ior High, Nancy was born in Shelton and has lived at 825 Grant Street since her birth. She has applied for a merit scholarship and plans to apply for one of the local Reed grants for assistance in her col- lege carrier at either the Univer- sity of Washington or the Univer- sity of Oregon where she plms to major in chemistry. NANCY, with her 4.00 average; headed a list of 10 top students of ISR released today by+ Hemes. Second on the list was Joan Balcy with 3:86, followed by Sharon KeN lerman with 3.73. The fourth and fifth places are held mutually hy Lynn Jeffers and William Ray- mond both with 3.71. In .sixth place with 8.69 is Sheryll Schlegel and seventh is Nancy Burnett with 3,59. The number eight alet is filled by Gene Seibert, who has a 3.58 average. Number nine is Cathy Houston with 3.48 and the 10th spot is a draw between Jerle Albrecht and Barbara Johnson, who have 3.47 averages. IN ORDER to give recognition more members of the elite group of students, a validictorian will not be chosen but one member will be selected to represent the group aL graduation exercises next spring, One Car Mishap Injures Two One mile southea,st of Shelton on the Walker Park Road was the scene oPa one-car accident Saturday resulting in minor injur- ies of two persons. Margaret Chapman, 18, the dri- ver of the totally wrecked vehicle was treated for minor lacerations when her car failed to negotiate a cuzwe just north of the inter- section with Arcadia, Road. [ Stephen Bliner, 21, also suf-[ fered minor injuries but treatment  was not required by a doctor as I it was in the case of Chapman. ] The cause of the accident has t been termed by Mason County] Sheriffs office aM "negligent driv-'.] ins". Shelton voters gave 3-to-1 plur- alities to Frank Travis, Jr. and El- roy Nelson and a 2-to-I victory margin to Dave Kneeland as they swept a complete new city ad+ ministration into office in 'rues- day's municipal election. In knocking out the present ad- ministration, city voters 'gave Travis a 1340 to 443 margin over incumbent Mayor Earl Moore, Ncl- son an almost identical 1342 to 438 majority over incumbeut street and public improvements conunis- sioner W, F. McCann, and Knee- land a substantial 1186 to 597 ad- vantage over incumbent finance commissioner Steve Viger. (These are unofficial tabulations and do not include nearly 100 absentee ballots yet to be counted.) Mayor Moore is serving his first term as head of the city govern- ment, McCann his second. Viger ham been a member of the com- mission for only the past four months. The new city commissioners will take office on June 4 and erve until April of 1966, The five polling places which served the ].4 city precincts for 2hesday's electton turned out the following unofficial vote tallies: CITY HALL: Tz'avis 221. Moore 64; Kneeland 216, Viger 69; Nel- son 226, McCann 58. COURTHOUSE: Tra via 221. Moore 83; Kneeland 186, Viger 121; Nelson 224, McCann 82, MT. VIEW: Travis 175, M:oore 71; Kneeland 156, Viger 86; Nel- I son 177, McCann 69. PUD: Travis 365, Moore 96; Knee- land 314, Viger 139; Nelson 345, McCann 106. H I LLC R E ST: Travis 38, Moore 129; Kneetmd 305, Viger 172; Nel- son 360, McCann 113. YoUth Injured /n Motorcycle Mishap Sunday Grant Hartline, an 18-year-old Shelton youth is reported to be in good condition at the She[ton General Hospital after a motor- cycle accident at tle intersection of 13th and Laurell streets Sun- day, Hartline is reporteci t.a have been traveling SouLhcast wtxer two dogs began cP.asing the ve- hicle. He stated that he swerved to avoid the animals when he lost control of the motorcycle. He ca- reened across the treet and into the Laurel Sl:reet residence of James Walters where he was thrown from the bike and into the side of the house. The report of the accident was phoned to the Shelton Police Sta- tion by Mrs. Laurel Weston a 3:58 in the afternoon. Thrce po- lice officers and the ambulance from Batstone's Fmerat Home were dispatched t:o th( scem of the mishap and Hart]ine was tak- en to Shelton General hospital where he was treated for multiple lacerations of the face,, Accord- ing to Dr. B. B. Formosan. Hart- line was in minor surgery for nearly two hours and some ski grafting may be necessary in the future. Private Housing Survey Sought A survey to determine what pri+ vale houtling in this area may be availabIe for Century 21 Fair tourists is being undertaken by the Shelton-Mason County Cham- ber of Commerce. People interested in renting rooms or guest cottages are asked to write the Chamber. P.O. box 269, Shelton, giving ddtails of tlieir accommodations. Premises will he inspected and rates suggested equal to commer- cial housing rates. Only clean, nicely furnished quarter., with good beds and congenial surround- ings will be considered.. Surveys show tourist dollars are spent almost equally tor lodging, food, transportation, and miscel- laneous purchases, no any extra lodging dollars which can be at- tracted here would add to the community economy, Chamber leaders point out, Private housing wotld be util- ized only after commercial space had been filled. :It is believed the infhlx of Ccntm'y 21 vtsitora to Ihe Northwest will keep commer- cial housing sa, Lurated during the Fair and that a considerable am- mmt of overflow can be diverted to private sources. Week At Camp Added To Prize List SUBSCRIPTION DRIVE OPENS The ammal Journal subscrip- get to Lown may mail m tile cou- lion drive begins this week, This year a new feattwe has been ad- ded . . . a. grand l'ize. Tim young- sLer who sells the most subscrip- tions will receive in addition to his bike, watci and cash commis- sion a week's vaeation at th "Bar 41" ranch near Cte Elum, Boys and girls age 9 and ]5 in- elusive who want to take part in the drive are to fill in the cou- pon on page 12 in this week's Journal and brin it into the of- rice at 3rd and Cots Streets. They will be given their receipt books and will be ready to go. Those youngsters living- in ont. lying areas who are to pen and receip books witl bc sent. Lo them. To earn a bicyclc they must, sell 28 Jom'nal one-year subscriptions, of which 10 are new subscribers, or 35 one-year subscriptions of wiich less than 10 are lew. Timex wrist watches will go to the jai- lor salesmen who sell eight sub+ scrtptions of which two must be never. Cash commissions will be paid for additional subscriptions, or the payticipant: may take ca:+h com- mission instead of the bike or watch. April 14 has been Set as Lhe final da the drive.