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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page PTA Oouncil To Sponsor Review On Dr. Fromm's Dook The Mason Co. PTA Council will sponsor a boOk revww by Mrs. Hal McClary at 8 p.m. March 28 at the Evergreen school. Mrs. McClary's subject will be Dr. Erich Fromm's book, "May Man Prevail". This is a challenging ex'mination of the problems facing us today, The book offers a new way toward life and freedom. Dr. Fromm was horn in Get many. Fie is one of the world's greatest psychoanalysts He is also a leading authorily on the East-West problem. Tickets will be $1 each or 2 for $1.50 in the stone family, ant may be obtained from yore' local PTA or at tile door. Coffec and cookies will follow tile review. CHOOSE THE ) 0000USTANG THAT SUITS YOUR TILLING [D$ purpose her, TLe extensions avail- able to 46-inch tilling width. Quickly edh:table depth shoe. Forward ana reverse mpeeds. Easy Spin etrer. vertieal-dHve-Blmit filler with enclosed orm-gear and clutch assembly. Quality at a budget price. //79' heavy-duty tiller.  / Designed for rearm r2L.)JF Use. TOi*h, sfrolg, ,] durable - yet well- baland -- easy to handle. Many trou- -- ble-ftt features.  See us today COOKE'S FEE9 I HAROWARE 219 South Fir Phone HA 6-2412 So cial Even ts * High School Spotlight * BONNIE LOCKE, Irene S. Reed senior, intends to major in Edu- cation when she starts to college next fall. She wants to be an elementary teacher• O If Bonnie Locke carries through with her plans to be an elementary teacher, her students will lmve a hard time picking her out on the playground. Bonnie is 4'11" and weighs leas than 100 pounds. Bonnie may be small but she is determined to get her education. She works after school and Satur- days at the Little and Big Shoppe then goes to the Ming Tree Care which her parents own, and in some time behind the counter, She plans to attend Everett Jun- ior college next year then trarmfer to Western Washington State col- lege the follo,ing year. Her sub- jects this year are basic civics, senior compotion, HEADQUARTERS,00 FOR , USED TRUCKS 59 Ford F-100  Ton Pick-up $1395.00 Heater  3 Speed  Custom Cab Valve Grind on 6 Cylinder Engine Rebush  New Brakes & Paint 58 International 3 Door Travelall .... $1395.00 6 Cylinder  3 Speed  Heater ,, Panel Type Rear Doors  New Paint 700 X 15 6 ply NEW Rubber 56 International S-100 I/, Ton Pick-up $795.00 Heater  3 Speed  Rebush Valve Grind  New Brakes & Paint 56 InternatinnM s/A Ton Pick-up ........ $1295.00 4 Wheel Drive  4 Speed Mechanically Sund -- NEW Paint --= 700 X 16 6 Ply Rubber 54 InrnationM Heavv Duty I/, Ton $795.00 LonQ Wheelbase Pick-uo  4 SPeed Heater  Reconditioned  New Paint $3 Dodge =A Ton Pick-un ...................... $595.00 Heater  3 Speed  New Brakes Real Sound -- Valve Grind 1P 52 Inf n.,tm,.M 14 Ton Pick-up .......... $575.00 3 Shred  Heater RehuiH, Engine  New Paint 51 Ford F-50 sA Tnn Pink-up .............. $495.00 6 Cylinder  Valve Grind Good Body & Tires H.D. 3 Shoed 52 Illt'n,tinsl IA Tfm P;ok-.D ........ $ 11t0 Runs €Iood  Body a Little Rough AS IS 51 Fo/I IA Ton Pik-uo ........................  rn O0 6 Cylinder  4 Speed AS IS {8 ChevPnlP, t €19 Delivery ................ $, 00 GoOd Body- Runs AS IS HAEW DUTY UHITS 52 Dod 1 A Ton ,h & Chassis ........ $695.00 4 Sneed  2 Seed Axle--- Short L0gq Bnnks  ,Rood Rubber t8 Intevnnt;one,l gR6F Fiat Bed ...... $150&00 Six Wheel  5 Speed 3 Soeed Auxiliary  New Short Block Good Rubber  Cab & Sheet Metal Good 18 Foot Flat Bed with Lumber Roll t7 Chevrolet I Ton Panel ............... ....... $345.00 4 Speed & Good Rubber SEE US FOR YOUR TRUCK NEEDS SAVE -- SAVE -- SAVE NEW INTERNATIONAL SCOUT PICK-UP 2 Wheel Drive wlt Powr-Lok Axle Heater  Directional Signals Retail Price ............................ $2035.80 SAVE ........................................ 236.80 Snecial Sale Price Sl,799,0D This Won't last long at this price  SO HURRYI KIHSEL MOTORS, IH¢, CIHYSLER  PLYMOUTH -- VALIANT RAMBLER -- INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS 707 So. First St, HA 6-3433 atics and teachers' orientation. She also works as librarian in the school library. FTA and Pep Club are two school organizations Bonnie is in- terested in. She is senior repre- sentative in FTA. In the ninth grade Bhe was a yell leader and vice president of Southwest Wash- ington Girls'. League. Bonnie was bo May 10, 1944 in Seattle. She moved to Shetton with her family when she was in the third grade. She now lives on with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Locke, and one sister, She has an older sister in college. Designing and flower arrang- ing are special interests of Ben- rite's. Sewing is another. She makes all her own clothes as she can buy nothing that fits without alteration. ___L_ BPW Hears Results Df Local Heart Drive Eight And Forty Dinner Meeting Held On Monday Shamrocks and daffodils were tile table decorations for the 7 p.m. dinner served to t4 members of Eight and Forty Salo 508 Monday. Hostesses for the de- licious dinner were ParUlers Iva Parr. Lucy Edmiston and Mary Sylen. Tle business meeting, which was presided over by Le Petit Chapeau Addle Norris, convened at S p.m. Partner Child ,elfare chairman Shirley Clinton reported the chil- dren's garments will be sent to Firhnds. II was voted to send a cash contribution for purchase of needed clothing for children pa- ticnl.s at Firland. Following adjournment of the meeting a dance routine was pre- sented by Shirley Clinton and June I:Ioard. ']'he next meeting will be April RECLPTION FOR GOLDEN WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 10 at the Colonial House. Depart- mental officer s ill be guests. Bonieaux-PT-A- qP. T rh 1,. . n,n.__. FIFTY YEARS OF MARRIAGE will be the will fete the couple with an open house from 2-6 occasion for a reception in honor of Mr. and p.m. at the Skokomish Community building (old All of the family is invited to at- Mrs. William E, Bray of Skokomish Valley this school). The Brays were married March 17, tend when Bordeaux PTA meets coming Sunday. The citizens of the community 1912 at Plato, Missouri, a.t 7 p.m. tonigtt in the school •  •  • auditorium for a brief but im- Mr. and Mrs. William E. Bray Tile couple was nlaie.d Marcl.llteacher s being nluch differell: pro'rant business meeting, will be feted at a reception in 17, 1912 at Plato, Mo. 'rney move. [ than they are now. They married, Iglectton of officers for the corn- llonor of their 50 years of mar- to Shelton in 1946 and have l.zvea I continued teaching, and achieved ing year will be tile main oz'der riage this Sunday from 2-4 p.m, in the Skokomish Valley smeelhighe r education for themselves. t t e k I ..' y . • • . . . [ . and • .... ',, ..... ,_.' ..... - of business followed at 7:30 p.m. a h S o¢on{ish Comnmnit. that time MI lay worKea lOf MI M)s R, nv lilra n, dma bmldm the old school) nine yeals at the Navy xata m  o by an interesting program of fam- : ' ' g ( ' • _ . " . . . . .. '  I 'ng t gether. They both love flow- ily entertainment presented by  tremerton. 1-5 .... on,ore ms reuremen era and eniov working: wth' fzmt' " Pacific Northwest Bell Ielephone.  as. su  nl , . land vegetables. In fact, Mr. Bray This program comt.s highly rec- 111|| w0n no Before setling here they lived worked with fruit in California ommended by all who have seen It. ----r ........... y _ in California, Missouri and Neb- and raised apples in Nebraska be- Refreshments will be served fol- Me01 A! The Garden' raska. Each of their three daugl, fore coming to this part of the ters was born in,a different state, country. lowing the program. Next .= .We'nesaa - They are Mrs. Bernice Reeves The Brays still like to camp and and Mrs. Juanita Reeves, both fish. In days gone by they spent "The Garden", one of the most of Nebraska, and Mrs. Edith Hcas every weekend at Lake Cushman beautiful resorts on Hood Canal, of Union. Tim Brays have 10 indulging in this favorite pastime. will be the setting for the next grandchildren and eight great It is with pleasure that Mr. antl regular meeting of the Mason grandchildren. Mrs. Bray look fomvard to visit- County Women's Republican Club Mr. and Mrs. Bi'ay were child- ing this Sunday with their many next Wednesday at 1:30 p.m. In hood sweethearts. They attended friends on the occasion of their the course of the business meeting, the same schools. Both taught Golden Wedding anniversary. Amaranth Meeting Slated Next Week Laurel Court Order of Amar- anth will hold its regular stated meeting at 8 p.m. next Wednesday evening at the Masonic Temple. It will be Friend's nigt. Royal Matron Ruth West and her officers of Gray's Harbor Court of Aberdeen will perform the opening ceremony. Royal Matron 3oyce Warren and her officers of Capital Court from Olympia will perform the closing ceremonies. All members are invited to at- tend. Faculty Wives Meet Next Monday Night Faculty Wives will meet at 8 p.m. next Monday in the home of Mrs. Willard Rublin, 1218 East Fairmont. Dr. Douglas Larson will be guest speaker. His topic will be his meat inspection work for the City of Shelton. Hostesses for this meeting will be Mesdames Loren Lyle, Gerald Knutson and Bob Dethlefs. !Mem- bers are urged to make owry effort to attend. Mrs. Susie Pauley was hostess to the Business add Professional Women's Club Marcl 7. Reports of the Heart Drive were received. The complete contribu- tion results will ,be published in the near future. Delegates and alternates, Mabel Burk, Ella Chase. Lodema John- son, Maybell Daniels, Susie Pauley and Mary Dobson were appointed to attend the distrmt meeting in Elms March 24. A 6:30 p.m. potluck dinner will )recede the next meeting of the club in tle home of Mrs. Mabel Burk, Wednesday, March 21. Marionette Show To. Be Presented By PTA The Evergreen PTA will pre, ent the Williams Marionettes iP two performances of "Rip Van Wintde" at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.l March 24 in the Evergreen audi torium. The tickets will be 50 e.ents or 3 fo]' $1 afl(t In3v be pilFcTaHt:'d at tile dOol  before each pel'fol'ltlance. The SRA Pinochle Club will meet at 8 p.m. next Monday eve- ning at the MernorJui hail. ..................................... Spoon's Use Journal Want Ads 00or00an Ruth ? LocM Toastmistress Wins Olympia Contest Mrs. Robert Sargent of Island Lake Drive, member of the Olym- pia Toastmistress Club, won first place trophy a the annual speech contest held last Wednesday eve- ning at the Marigold Care in Olympia. Mrs. Sargent's speech, entitled Distimction, Extinction and In- finity, won for her the opportunity to compete in council speak-off Sunday aftenmon, April 15, in Aberdeen, Marriage Licenses Applying for marriage licenses in the Mason County Auditor's office this past week were: James L. Dishon, 17, Shelton and Lillie A. Thompson, 17, Shel- ton. Earl W. Hunter, 18, Montesano and Carole Ann Newman, 16, Mon- tesano, Harold R. LeGarde, 50 Shelton and Jean Lund, 42, Shelton, Our apologies to Ruth E, Boy- sen, courthouse em ph)yee, for printing last week that she ap- plied for a marriage license with Ted Spoon, 18, Olympia. Mr. future bride is Toni 16, Aberdeen. Sorry, plans for a special event in May school after they finished file will be discussed. The main feature eighth grade, requirements for of the program will bc open forum discussion of political topics of WSCS To P current interest. Mrs. Kraus, club resent president, requests members to bring clippings or other pertinent Two Cancer Films maLtcrial on two propositions now under consideration by Congress: For Women Wed. (1) Federal medical aid for the aged, and (2) purchase by the U.S. The Woman's Society of Chris- of United Nations bonds. Other tian Service of the Methodist topics will be discussed as time Church has made arrangements permits, for the showing of two educational All Republican women are cor- films dealing with the yearly de- dially invited to attend tds reset- tection of cancer. The program will ing. "The Garden" is two mile begin at 1 p.m. next Wednesday at north of the junction of the high- tke church and last approximately ways to Hoodspor and U72.=% -- 45 minutes. toward Hoodsport. Transpertation The films, put out by the Ameri- will be arranged by the following' can Cancer Society, are "Time and from the Shclton area. Mrs. Guy Two %Vomen", dealing with cell Norris. HA 6-6066 or Mrs. L. L. examination for uterine cancer, McInelly, HA 6-3198 or HA 6-8452; and "Breast Self-examination" from the Hoodsport area, Mrs. which emphasizes the importance D. H. Pierce, TR 7-5350; from the of early diagnosis and treatment Belfair area, Mrs. Carmelita in the control of breast cancer and Shackleford or Mrs. Harold Stirl- shows women how to perform the ing. If you want u'ansportation to simple monthly examination re- this meeting, or are willing to quired to detect a danger signal. fm.nish transportation, please call Plans are being made o have a one of these womem physician present to help explain the fihns. The public is invited to attend. Amaranth Choir To There will be no admission charge. Sing For Grand Court Amaranth Choir of Laurel Court has been invited to perform during the session of the Grand CoI't at the Masonic Temple. Harvard aud East Pine in Seattle, for three days. The session will open at 8 p.m. March 15 and continue through March 17. This will be the 71.h time the choir has been invited to sing for the Grand Court. The choir con- sists of 12 women with Mrs. Loui Larsen as accompanist alld con- ductress. All members with paid-up dues cards are welcome to attend the session. HILLCREST HOMEMAKERS SI, ATI NOON IOILI" " I CK Hitlcrest Homemakers Club will lleet for a 12 noon potluck dirlller next ¥ednesday at the honle of Mrs. John Jackson. Mrs. Jane Windsor will give a talk. At the last meeting :7 members nd 2 visitors heard a talk by Mrs. Mabel Btu'l¢ on Spring Fab- ries. Whatever we have dared to thtnk That dare we also say. ..... James Ruasell Lowell • CRYSTAL CLEAR CUT, TAC SEW or SEAL HUNDREDS OF USES INDOOR & OUTDOORS POItCN 041M INCtOSUIIS WINOOV RENTAL SERVICE • Floor Sanders • Floor Polishers FLASHIN6 WealSer Siripping ROOFIN6 STORM DOORS Slorm "Windows HOR6AN & EACrR[TT LUHBEB COHPAHY 1332 OLYMPIC IIGHWAY SOUTH (HILLCREST) PHONE HA 6-4522 VFW Regular Meeting The nexl. reg'tflar ing of the VFW held at 8 p.ra. tomorrO in the Memori,'d a rran,gements for new afficers on April Inl(10. Reh'eshments Bernice Jansson, son, Rose I{eir and Ida Prize will be brouaht b dee rratt. Mrs. George Griggs turned from visiting and Wisconsin. She beford Chrishnas. Sloe her daughter. Mrs. James in Indiana and witl her law in Wisconsin Mrs. Griggs rcporS tO Fetul'n home ts more agreeabl 15, 1962 4.HNe00s K[nfl(h Powder ilche Powdo. I'ut'f 1 al 8 t).)n. M'r('h 12 ch(: Grange Hall. q Was called Io erda,. decided t o p,)i p,rlo Inolloy Ililtii 1" abOll[ der, lOili l,P,i ions March 24. 5{eelii'lg u ........ Faye Fi.che r. 1'(, port 5Iareh 12. rne,qin?,- of " llleetinA," d; 'ch 3t. a! the ho] It wa" reque having small pa to tiffs meeti OllI' eolluntlnuy SUI'V [Its 'a,ere Intde c( Y Day and De Paris... for all wh0 420 SOUTH FIRST Open 'til Noon J, V. "Joe" SI Whal else can you gel on lerms like Can you buy a RAILROAD TICKET on the conditio make the trip, then turn in your stub and get your No, the ticket agent would think you were Can you buy a CAR on the condition that you drive it and then trade it in for the full purchase price ? No, the dealer would wonder about your sanity, Can you RENT A HOUSI on the condition that you 20 or 30 years, then get all your rent back when you No, the owner wouldn't even listen to you. Can you buy LIFE INSURANCE on the condition that mily is protected all through the years and then if yoU get bacR evmT dollar you have invested ? YES, YOU CAN. L J Iq'It Hereisrealknittingexcitenyarnstht I__'€€ only French geni, es os ' 0f Continental knitters.., e, Colors to make your : Yarns at down-to-earth pric What's different It goes all the waY ,i[: the roof. 0nly Ram about Rambler's has Deep-Dip rustprO ' ing--entire bodyimme ..j In primer paintright uP!! rustpr00fing ? ;OsO[;PSn 8 steh;:, bOY What's different about R brakes? They stop when otJ brakes can't, Safety Brake ,, tandem masterc If front brakes fail, brakes still work and versa. Self.adjust brakes standard, too, PINGOUIN TWEED_ the French could BIG WILLIA00I _,An amazing, bl BIG JACQUELAINE_00uI00y , • ] Wh at s d,fferent a00out Rambl00r's headroom? WS g American car's. Classic 6 and / V.8 beat all other in front-seat (even Cadillacl , six 6.footers easily, ' : L \\;, • --,.. . ......... ,,,. .: % What 's different e , to.,,,| \\; Th y won t ruP  ,  . - - " '  |/ - tier, tailplne guara "t' I . about Rambler's ,'. agalnst;efecta$1!:L  t _ ,,, - , ," _ as you own your ":;iX -- '" ,',, , mUTtlpr nd Airi  ."  Ramb er. If either r';[  " ",,._ """ • 14111"ll00 r , out, co 00Jon 00ama00'?i| • , • • . e !:.: i rdS f,l,,,,^9 " : ::iiii!!iil cepted a Ramble ='[ |,._ • I ",',:'.,:::::.:.:.:.:.:.>;+.'.. ,,'..; '.,;,:.:: :::;:: r@w Cll||, ili :!'.i:!:i: makes free replace  '='=*'= =" =** -, ,, ,,,.--, -- D ........... ----* .......... --*,--,--,= k Only Rambler America's lowest gested retail convertible, 2.doe€ 4-door sedans and ons--all quality'l with Rambler 00RAMBLER World Standard of Compact Car Excellence IIhildcraft st with Pentre00 ,, Ilarlv $5.99 W :for limited KIMBEL MOTORS iN(},, 707 S, First SI, I I I i i Ill