March 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 15, 1962 |
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ill •
ThurMay, Mare
The next. regtflar
ing of the VFW
heM at S p.m.
in the Mcmori:d
arrangements for
new affiecrs on April
Bernice Ja nsson,
son, Rose h:eir and
Prize will be brought by
dee Sm'ratt.
Mrs. George Grig'gs
turned from visiting
and Wisconsin. She 1,
beford Christnms. Slle
her daughter, Mrs. james
in Indiana and wiUt her
law ill Wisconsin.
Mrs. Griggs reports
to Fe[urn home
is mo:'c agreeabI
15, 1962
Kamilehe Powder Puffs
ailehe Powd,w I h ffl' .1-tl
8 t).nl. March 12 al
Grange Hall. The
Was called Io ordc" and
decided ic, p,,qDmo al]
nlollcy ilntil after
abolll derqtmst r'tI ions ,.x e
• ....... Faye li, ischm. ' reporter.
,lal'c,h 12. {ne'tilu; t)i' It/,'
rojecl meetinp dale
a'cch 31. a! ihe home
It was request-
having small paint
tg them to this meeting
eonlmtlnity s(,rvice
ts V,'cre lnde con-
lly Day and Den>
Itorse Lovers Meet
Tile Mason County Monnted
Sheriff's Posse met at. the Alf
Ribbons residence Monday night
will1 nine members present,
There was a favorabie turn-out
at the posse gr(mnds Sunday and
more are expected to bc present
next Sunday. All horse lovers are
invited to attend dlis event. The
gate opens at 1 p.m.
The next meeting of the organ-
ization is scheduled for Auril 2 at
i;e Aif libbons residence.
crest.ration Day. A'tter Demonstra-
tion Day several members of the
club will visit neighbors to gathe:"
information for our comnmnity
directory sign.
' Scveral suggestions were made
for a money raising project for
i (,ur cabin at camp. A final decision
'will Ice made at tile next meeting.
Also at the next meeting we will
discuss visiting the hospitals at
I f.i)i]e.
Mariiyn Christian gave a den>
onstration on sifting flour; ano-
ther on comnmn spices and their
fuses vca.q given by Collen Shrum.
! Refreshments were served by
l tile Shrums. A Rally Day skit
:practice followed the nleeti!l,
Paris...f0r all who 10ve to knit!
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published in "Christmafown, U.S.A.
It's A Date
Today, Thursday, March 1.5
Ruby Rebckah rummage sale, 9
a.m. ..... 4 p.m., PD'3D auditorium.
OES Past Matrons, 7:30 p.m.,
home of Mrs. Doris Hillman.
Mason Co. Democratic Club, 8
p.rn., PUD auditorium.
Bordcaux PTA, 7 p.m., at tile
Friday, Marvh 16
Rachel Knott Guild, 12:30 p.m.
hmcheon meeting, home of Mrs.
Harold Nordeng.
Ruby Rebekab rummage sale, 9
a.m. -- 4 p.m., PUD auditorium.
Methodist WSCS rummage sale,
9 a.m., church baselnent.
VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., Mem-
orial building.
Saturday, March 17
St. Patrick's Day.
Annual Mason County 4-H Rally
Day, Mt. View grade school.
Legislative Appreciation dinner
and ball sponsored by Mason
County Democratic Club, Memorial
HaD, social hour 7 p.m., dinner 8
p.m., dance to follow.
State Patrol driver's license ex-
aminer, city hall, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday, Mnreh 18
Sheiton churches invite you to
attend the church of your choice.
Shelton Yacht Club potluck, 6
p.m., PUD "auditorium.
Monday, March 19
Shelton Garden Club, 1:30 p.m.,
PUD auditorium.
SRA Pinochle cluh, 8 p.m., Mem-
orial hall.
Donkey baskethall exhibition
" Shelton, Washington
Page 3
WFA Gets $15,508
[':1 I'|t fD II]IV Illelll t)eFbl seFvetl hy
the ;llot (m })l•a rich of \\;Vest(t'l 1
),':u'nlcrs[A':.suci:Hion reteived $15,-
:l) :t b th(.!ii :dl;re of xAr[;'A's
,}','.500.-(J9 ()perali!lg ltlal'giit:; cre-
l;I¢il fron I.()GI','.; I ecord bllsincss
volume of $'/2,3b7,766, reporls
]IPiCl; [:;.'vh2k I)t';tllch ln;lllagel'.
q"'e :i(* I'HI lllll P ? eli viDg. 1] O\\;,"
being distributed i'cprcsent 7!;._.
:.,: ',, .::,!', q' ;tJl :t\\;c1"12',," €)I' $6,00 per
ton [m rOl'nl/l][I f(CtiL 7 percent
ret/ll'n (Ill all II()tl-fc(I fal'l?l Drtl-
ducti(m supplies purchased t.hro'ugh
VF'A in 1911, an(i a l cellt per
1)Oll;id (h;.ferr(M ilayltlt!nl (if fowl
1 ll [-I r k C t e (l•
Open til Noon
J. Y. "Joe"
)u gel on terms like
AD TICKET on the
in your stub and get your
It would think you were
ae condition that you drive it ':
he full purchase price ?
ld wonder about your sanity,
on the condition that
ill your rent back when you
tldn't even listen to you.
RANCE on the condition
ugh the years and then if you
have invested ?
Here is real knittin " , ,
I • It..,, , g excrement for you. The world s loveliest
i=,,.__ i.iellfi: Yarnsthat only French-enius could create the reci us ets
IP t"O,1 i 'of Continental knitters..eac exquisitely'new Pand iffePre t
vw LJL,,a. v k, ' 1,,,ill C
vv =-. ,., -.- .,vx=.,, a, ,,-- i; olors to make your mouth #ater! The world's finest
!;; Yarns at down-to-earth prices:
.. 00aom .... , ,
=)='; • ;|'I TWEED-Fabu,0us yarn. Entirely new. 0nly
7 SUMMIT DRIVE • PHGNE HI the French could create it! No one else can make it!
' 00ILLI'M ,, a BIG 50 GRAM BALLS $1.19 each
---An amazing, indescribable texture and color
M It goes all the way
the roof. Only
has Deep-Dip
in primer
roof--plus 8 other I
rustproofing steps= 1'
iiiiiiiiiiJ '" , ,
They stop when o|;';I
brakes can't DoUbl '1
Safety Brake System n'Jll
brakes st I work and*l I
"L,f J- versa. Self-adjustl0)!
brakes standard, too. !'
........ - .-]
American car's.
V.8 beat all other
in front-seat
(even Cadillacl
six 6.footers easily,
They won't rult o
I/ Ceramic.Armored
2 fler, tailpipe
against defect as
as you own your
Rambler. If either
] out, collLion
cepted, a Rambler
makes free re
blending such as you've never seen!
JE"UELAINE"00 BIG 50 GRAM BALLS $1.29 each
-Bulky to the eye, but soft and wispy to
the touch. Knits fast and easy.
BIG 50 GRAM BALLS $1.00 each
They're America's IoV$
Only Rambler bringS '
Amer ca's lowest ,
gested retail priceS'
convertible, 2.doer P}
4-door sedans and I
one--all q u ality,l=.
with Rambler excellem:;
:t Car Excellence
7 SI First St.
SHELTON ESA members hosted the Western Regional meeting
of tile organization at the Pool Nuotare Sunday. Mrs, Floyd
Ridout, left, acted as Toastmistress. Mrs. John McKnight, right,
is the state president of ESA. The bathing beauty in the middle
is Mrs. Dick Holland, who welcomed guests at the door, attired in
an old fashioned bathing suit.
Over 100 women gathered at the
Pool Nuotare last Sunday as Beta
Zeta• Chapter of Epsilon Sigma
Alpha hosted the Western Region-
al meeting for Washington state.
As members were registered
they were given :,mall pink fish
with their name and chapter, as
name tags. All officers and chair-
men were presented with corsages.
Mrs. Wayne Herren presided at tile
noon Punch Bowl as Mrs. Ed Dun-
bat' and Mrs. Dick Holland, in old
fashioned bathing suits, welcomed
guests to their Aqua Folly.
'Tables for the buffet luncheon
had decorated styrofoam fish and
seahorscs as centerpieces. Nut
cups with a comical bathing
beauty atop served as favors• Pro-
grams portrayed a small pool on
the cover. Pahn trees placed at
random on the floor completed the
Aqua Folly theme.
M's. Floyd Ritlout acted as
• g I
toastmlstre, s throughout the i
luncheon with vocals by Miss t
Charleen Smith. The Wah-itulas, t
local girls' swim group, performed [
several of their water ballets as I
entertainment. Door prizes were I
given out prior to the business,
Tile business meeting was con-
dueled by Mrs. John MeKnight,
Washington State President, and
l-:er officers and chairmen. Menl-
hers pre,;ent were from Olympia,
Centralia, Chehalis, Wmcouver,
Longview, Goldendale, Tacoma,
Seattle, Bellevue, Spokane, Ephra-
ta, Walla Walla and Shelton.
Saturday evening Beta Zeta
Call Hoodsport TR. 7-5237
Our Hood Canal
Chrysler-Plymouth Cars
International Trucks
members joined the state officers
and chairmen at a no-host dinner
at Ritner's Chuekwagon Room. An
Open House followed for all at the
}tome of Mrs. Wayne Herren.
Local merchants supplying the
door prizes and souvenirs were:
Dairy Queen, Banner and Burnett,
Dorothy Towle, representative of
Avon products, Beckwith Jewelry,
McConkey Drug Center, local Pa-
cific Northwest Bell, Acrolympic,
Angle Travel Agency, Kimbel
Motors, Jim Pauley, Inc. Timber
Bowl, Elainc's Beauty Salon, Sears,
Darigold-Mason-Kitsap Dairy, Sae-
ger's Motor Shop, Ziegler's, Shel-
ton Printing, 3'nc Bootcry, Park-
er's Mr. and Mrs. Slmp, Safcway,
Polka Dot, Rayonier, Inc., Shelton
Chamber of Conuncrcc and I';lcil's
Chairmen for the Aqua Folly
were: Mrs. Ken Evans and Mrs.
Wayne Herren, Sat. night Open
House; D0nnagene Evans, hospi-
tality; Mrs. Glenn Sowers, invi-
tations; Mrs. Dick Holland, pre-
eg'istration; Mrs. Gene White,
favors and Art. woi'k; Ml's. Bob
Wolden, centerpieces; Mrs. Ed
Dunbar, programs; Mrs. Bill Hunt.
er, Mrs. Bill Kimbcll and Mrs.
Larrey Corey, name tags and reg-
istration; Mrs. Floyd Ridout, door
prizes and souvinirs; Miss Charleen
Smitll, corsages; arid Mrs. Bob
Scibert, Mrs. Galen Burgess, Mrs.
Ken Smith and Mrs. Haroht John-
son on miscellaneous work. Mrs.
Dick Holland acted ms General
The Shelton Yacht. Club pot-
luck meeting will be held at 6
p.m. Sunday at the PUD audi-
A delegation from Tacoma will
be there to discu:;s the daffodil
parade. Members are m'ged to be
there to greet them.
Walleye fishing on tbe Delaware
is increasing. Even now these
fish are caught in better-than-av-
erage numbers, ranging from six
to eight pounds.
Jour, nal Want Ads Pay
I00hildcra|t shees
with. Pen|red soles
NO W :f $5.99 ,
limited time
ount o SIZES 8 TO 3
[a t 'then,enney's for Pentred oles e-uaranteed to out-
;?ers tt:I? el•s, or a new uai;' free' Scuff-resistant
t,2} C'e ','?sist scratches: ;'epel &ter, defy wear'
ile o 'eeps sha ) shoe tells when
" ' Utgr. . 'pc f(r life of , "
'wa. anitized for cleaner wear! Clarge it!
Soft, strong urethane keeps its
firm shape no matter how you
squash it! 17" x 25-; blue or,
pink striped covers.
2 '7
Get heavy dnty C()Llon canwts
gloves tor tough jobs! Inside
nap for comfort, cotton knit
wrmts for snug-fit!
3 pairs for 1
sponsored by Shelton Lions Club, 8
p.m., Shelton gym.
Tuesday, March 20
Fred B. Wived Post 31 American
Legion, 8 p.m., Memorial hall.
VeLInesday, March 21
BP'W potluck dinner, 6:30 p.m.,
home of Mrs. Mabel Bm'k.
Lain'el Court, Order of Ain-
aranth regular meeting, Masonic
Rcpubncan Women's Club, 1:30
p.m., The Garden on Hood Canal.
Hillcrest Homemakers, 12 noon
potluck, home of Mrs. John Jack-
State Patrol driver's license ex-
aminer, city hall, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thnrs(hty, March 22
Golden Age Club, 6 p.m. potluck,
Memorial hall.
Rotary Basketball Banquet, 6:30
p.m., Mt. View school.
Board Of Education,
Gitizens' Gommillee
Hold Dinner Meeling
Tlmsday evening, March 6th, the
Shelton Board of Education and.
the Citizens' Advisory Committee
l',eld a dinner meeting at the Ever-
green School.
The meeting" pr()vided an on-
portunity for Board chairraall
Wooldridge, to thank the memoe, s
of tile present and past advisory
I|luttroted Literature and
"FARM-FAC?S" Plonnlne Form
Write or,Call Today
Western Farmers
EACH YEAR EVERGREEN PTA gives recognition to a man or
woman who has done outstanding work with or for the children in Association
our community. This year Mrs. Josephine Moss, first grade teach- 407 S. First
er at Evergreen was singled out to receive the award. This is her or
23rd year of teaching children in Shelton. Other "lifers" are S()Ulld Farm
Mrs. Ruth Tylczak, Dr. Frank Maranville, Mrs. Mary Anderson,
Mr. Torger Lee, Mrs. Louis Beck arid Mrs. Etna Eliason. EqUll)mLllt
ely. FL 2-4230 Littlerock
Christian Science Service Slated ....
How to gain dominion over lack ed into the heart of man, the Name ..............................................
and limitation will be explained in things which God hath prepared Address ...........................................
the Lesson-Sermon on "Substance" for them that love him. But God
Town ..............................................
at Christian Science churches Sun- ha(h revealed them unto us by his
day. Spirit."
From "Science and Health with .---------, ...... - ............................................ II ..... --""'= ........................... : 27 ........... L_
Key to the Scriptures" by Mary AVOID TRAFFIC
Baker Eddy this statement will be
read (p.301): "As God is substance
and man is the divine image and - TO
likeness, mhn shmlld wish for, and SEATTLE-TAGOMA AIRPORT
ill reality has, only the substance
of good, the substance of Spirit,
not matter." Save Time -- 20 rain. from Shelton -- Fly with
The Golden Text is fro,n I Col A¢l)n/VUnln Ir_n
inthians (2): "Eye hath not seen, lLUii=illlilU Iii
nor ear heard, neither havc enter-
Newt and See Townsend
A good listener is not only pop- ['tt()NE IdA 6-2.101 (,r HA 6-6106
ular everywhere, but after a while
" o
he knows sometifing. , P. 0. Box ,)26 --- Shelton, Washington
--Wilson Mizner --..,---..,..a,,,,,,,
committees for
that has been rendered to Lhe
Mrs. Hal McClary, chairman of
the Advisory Committee, discussed
plans for the future and introduc-
ed other officers and committee
chairmen. Mr. William Looney is
vice-chairman of the comn)ittee
and Mrs. Betty McClanahan, sec-
retary, while the following are
chairmen of various sub-commit-
tees: Curriculum and Materials --
Rcv. E. C. Knautz, Administration
and Personnel--Mrs. Mary Briggs,
Finance and Buildings -- Mr.
Robert Tanner• Others present in-
cluded Dr. Douglas Larson, Frank
Heuston, Virginia. Martig, Board
members; Mrs. Laura Murphy,
Board Clerk; Homer Taylor, As-
sistant Superintendent; Frank
Maranville, P/ttricia Connolly,
Phyllis Goldschmid, Irene Bur-
right, Dorothy Carlon, Virginia
Bayley, Carol Carlson, Rae MeN
cmn, Ctet Dombroski, Ruth Good-
win, Selden VanderWegen, James
Barrom, George Kaszycki, Advis-
ory Committee members 1961 and
1962; and R. W. Oltman, Superin-
The Citizens' Advisory Com-
mittee consists of eighteen mem-
bers. Fifteen ate laymen and three
faculty member of District 309.
• Appointments to the committee
are made by the local School
Board or Advisory Committee
Shelton General Hospital
Mr. and Mr's, Douglas Goldsby,
Rt. 1 Box 9, a boy, March 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary King, Rt. 3
Box 580, a boy, March 9.
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick McGee,
317 West C, a girl. March .
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Love, 206
Pine St.. a boy, March 12.
Mr, and Mrs. Marshall McGuire,
600 So. 6th, a boy, March 13,
Mr. and Mrs. Le.ster Bienek of
1211 E. Ellinor, are the proud
g'randparents of a baby girl born
o their daughter and son-in-law,
M'r. and Mrs. Win. S. McGee, Fir-
crest, Wash.
Mr. McGee is the former An-
nette Bienek of Shelton Bal35,
,lenny Lynn weighed in at 5 lbs.
1.5 oz. She was born February 10
aL the Tacoma General Hospital.
Other proud grandparents are
Mr. and Mrs. IO. SLuart. McGe.e.
ro.rnlerly of Shelton, now of Diabhl,
Texas, and great grandmnthcr Mc-
Gee of Yonngstown, N.Y.
Timber Owners Meet
"Timberland owners in the Shel-
ton district met Wedneday at the
DepL, of Natural Resow'ces office
in Shelton. Purpose of the meeting
was to look forward to the sum-
mer season and determine whether
any extl'a fire hazard areas would
be under closure.
Office of Comnlisionev of In-
ternal Revenue was created July
the fine service ...................................................................................................................... " ......................................................................................................
OF 6|IIU|N| eee0000NtR-;00
Englander's exclusive Red-Line foun-
dallon prevents sagging or horn-
mocking because the coils are
ioined together only in the mlddle
by flexible steel bands. This allows
the upper Ioyer of coils to yield
ta your body Weight whUe the
lower spring layer gives firm, oil
over support.
328 Cota
Why not enjoy the best in rest when it's so
easy to own this enuine Airfoam Red-Line
ensemble. Only &irfoam gives you the luxurious
cushioning of coal, buoyant foam latex. And
only Red-Line gives the firm support that is
required ta match this gentle Airfoam cushion-
ing. Start tonight to enjoy the miracle sleep lhat
is yours with this outstanding sleep set.
Englander Mattress
of Goodyear Airfoam ........ $7,).7;)
Englander Red-Line Foundation ........ $71).75
01se00 C0.
"Fine Furniture for the Home'
Ph. HA 6-4702