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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, March ve In visible gaimt Escape :ain" ring- l ton nard De- )nnc- netic most save yca r limi- ]lard "I)IiYI'E(?TOll %VIII l']S" shllled in lll itl'ea chainlink fences entire facility. Similar mounted atop the inside Thcse wires operate ly in setling off sound alarms v,hen a person. qlen contact is nlade nmgnetie field produced detector wires, buzzers ill the nearest gunrd in the main control ccnl;er indicate within where the intruder ilas barrier: Dehnore said that any tO erav¢] ilnder or pas the wires would detected. lie EMPIIASIZEI) three guards to man 24 hours a day, every year. Correctional lnan ttle towers are $400 a' month. Clyde J. Fenn, Jr., of engineering and for the Department ministration, said the be installed by the prime or, Mutual-Valle of Seattle. Tile company ting up offices and liminary work on the correetional center. The center is in operation in early 1964. It will serve as security facility for inmates and will man HOME GEAR P CHAIN THE MONEY-MAKIN' PRODUCTION SAW. • new large.capacity radical tim cleaner, coo er eng n'e • new, stronger bar mounting • new "on-off" switch • new, bigger cranksMft abuse • only 21 pounds, less bar a • fells trees up to 7 feet In • as little as $6.e5 weekly after ! Have makin' saw, • Saeger Molor ON H WE SERVICE WE SELL m you save here there iS l LO0 minimum and no ding back part of your turity date. Every ral rate of return, erly intervals. re ! Your savings Insured Safe up to Lgs and Loan Insurance t U. S. Government )t be the insurable limit mes this amount, even insured through the use .ts, ve with this specialized sa ing thrift, profitable and our basic interests. ton Branch I)ounty !ca ) TO $10,000 BY THE F.S.I"!; • Monday thru Thursday 4 to 5:30 Fridays Branch II 313 Railroad IShelton, W; Private, Confidential, 115, 1962 By Joyce Se,itt Couple Given Farewell Party Saturday --Mr. and Mrs. were feted by over ;nds at a farewell Saturday and Shel- -rtained with cloy- office was the alTallgClnents Don will bc lear- morning for his m the Porthind of. month of Al)ril he school in Col- e 'and the chihlren m Hobdsport until They will be living next. door to the rmcupie(I by the eighbors of Mr. ilbert felt a for- W,e tlA 64245 or HA 6-2455 ty-ninth wedding anniversary was an important enough event to have a celebration, so they drop- ped in and surprised them (m Thursday nighI. Congratulations, Billy and Cecil. The I'TA Carnival on Saturday V/lie a }]llge success. According tO those h] charge, dllOVeS of child- en arrived on tile stroke of two an(I enjoyed themselves to the fullest. Dinnors were served to over 200 hcfore the food supply was exhausle(1. Mr. and Mrs. aid Anderson and family visited friends in McCleary on Sunday. TINY TIM Orthopedic Guil'd met at the home of II'ma Laramie on Wcdrmsday evening. Plans were discussed for a Dake sale near Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Scott and Sybcl of Portland were Hoods- port visitors on the weekend. Portland school children are en- joying spring vacation this week. Jack Rodman, Jenny and David joined them for a family dinner on Sunday at the Andy Scotts'. Girl Scouts will be having their annual Cookie gale starting March The Spring Rush Is On For 21 :tnd lasting untir April 2. The girls will be gr)ing door to door as well as having a table net lip in Steve's store. Chris H.ansen from Shelton was a weekend guest of her grand- parents, the William Gilberts. The life of Stephn Foster will be portrayed In a musical by stu- dents of the Lower Skokomish school at the Hoodsport gym on Friday, March t6. at 7:30 p.m. This is being presented to raise money to help pay for the school piano. Adult admission will be 40 cents -students 25 cents. Rich- ard Endicoll is directing this ev- ent. Boy Scolfls and Explorers will be distributing Goodwill bags in the Canal area on Saturday and will gather them on the following Saturday. The boys would really appreciate your contributions to lhis drive. George Yocum was taken to tile Shelton General hospital on Mon- day afternon suffering from a severe heart attack. Jonettie Moore Called By Death Jonettie Moore, 78, former Shel- ton resident, passed away Monday, March 12, 1962 in an Aberdeen hospital. Mrs. Moore was born at Grafton North Dakota, September Dayton Pinochle Club Stales Saturday Meeting At Lemke Home By Mahlq Khhl DAYTON . The Traveling pin- ochle Club met Sahn'day cvening, March 10 with MI. and M s, A. E. Lemke hostino-. High prize win- ners were Hazel Williams and Ed Valley, low, Mary Kimmerley and Bud Williams. traveling pinochle was held by Shirley Shelton and Archie Lemke. Dave Rayson was pretty excited and pleased when he held a 1500 t.rIimp hand dur- ing the evening. The nexl. meet- ins will bc held on March 31 with Mr. ;tnd Mrs. Dick Leonard host- ing. On Wednesday of last weeR, Mrs. Etta Sherid. Jan Marie and Marcy and Mr. Milton Brumbaugh of Shelton were buffct dinner guests of Mr, and Mrs. William Rietdorf and family. The occasion was to celebrate the birthdays of Nfr. Rietdorf and Bud Rietdorf, Jan Marie and Marcy Sherid. There was a birthday cake for each of the honorees. Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Stoner spent the weekend in Paulsbo with Mr. and Mrs. Earl King and visited her father. Mr. George King who ls in the King County Hospital. TItE GERALD Needham fam- SandlYi Rietdorf spent ily and the weekend in Kent as house- guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Al- len Mrs. Cecil McLain and children of Kent were weekend guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke. Mr. William Rietdorf was Fri- day overnight guest in the Elma STATION 5 1883. She came tO ttle west coast in 1904 and resided in Shel- ton for 25 years until moving to • Aberdeen a year ago to live with her daughter. ., Mrs. Moore was a member of WAGONS andthe GOldof Starthe MotherScalvary OfLutheranShelton gan.h°me of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Mot church in Aberdeen. On Stmday, Mr. and Mrs. War- The funeral service was held at ren Williams and Linda accom- Mills and Mills Chapel at 11 a.m. partied by Mrs. Esther Kidd of VVednesday March 14 Rev. Lyle Shelton motored to the Olympia Imme officiated. Burial was in the home of Mr and Mrs. Dale Ev- FORB Falcon Wagon arts to see their new daughter, family plot in Masomc Memorial Darin. The tiny miss i the great- Park in Olympia. PLYMOUTH Custom Suburban Survivors include 1 daughter, gz'anddatghter of Mrs. Kidd ' Mrs. LeRoy (Margaitl Newman, Ted Reynolds of Kingston spent Aberdeen; 2 sisters, Mabel Colemer the weekend in the home of Mr. -.m, iivlleulnPiVldnnTu Delu Suburban and Miss Lena Thompsdn, Olym- and Mrs. John Young. xe pla; 2 grandchildren. • The Darl Goldys motored to Olympia last Monday on business. FORD W R id 0 Steve Anderson of Cloquallum " Ranch agon es ent f 50 .as weekend guest in the home of his sister, Mrs. Walter Chap- PLYMOUTH Suburban Years Dies Here pell Weekend guests of M:r. and Fred Rose, 79, of Arcadia Road Mrs. Seab Combs were Mr. Chas. passed away at the Shelton Gen- Edwards, Maurice, Leslie and Lat- eral Hospital Thursday, March 8, ry Pea:son of Seattle. 1962. Mr. Rose was bomz in Michi, Louise Zelenak of Pacific City gan, February 10, 5883. spent Sunday at the Panhandle 1954 He had lived in this area for the Lake home of her parents, Mr. past 50 years. Before he retired he and Mrs. NL J. Zelenak. • m || ,ln'erna"ona' up"um-- Truck worked for Simpson Timber Co. Mr and Mrs. Alvia Chapman both as a cook and a watchman and son were Friday dinner guests He was a member of the South- of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Chappell. 1 To,n side Grange. Mr. and Mrs. Darl Goldy were The funeral was held Monday', Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and March 12 at 1 p.m. at the Batstone Mrs. Ralph King of Shelton. FunerM Home with Rev. Rohert Darlene Bloomfield was one of 15 and 4 lrucks R. Rings officiating. Interment the three princesses chosen to was in Shelton Memorial Park. compete for the honor of being more cars Surviving is his wife. Mrs. Bessie queen of the Forest Festival. to choose from at E Rose, ShelLon; 1 daughter, Mrs. Visiting with Mr. and Mrs. m • i Alice I)awson. Albany, Oregon; 3 James Einersson is her brother stepsons. Art and George Rogers, and family, Mr. snd Mrs. John Shclton, and Robert Morgenstern, Huff of Myrtle Point, Ore. Jim Pauley Inc Minneapolis. Minn.; 3 stepdaugh- MI*I and Mrs. Start Dyson at- lers, Mrs. Elnora Frazier, Shelton, tended the Shelton Trailblazers Mrs. Mary Glffssey, Shelton and Hare Scramble on Sunday, • , Mrs. Harvey Rose, Spokane; 23 Mrs. Chester Valley of Slcoko- grandchildren and 2 great grand- mish Valley and Mrs. Alvin Hul- 5th & Railroad children bert motored to Olympia. 5th & Cote HA 6-8231 on Sunday :Mr. and l'J Mer- There is nothing as ponpous as lin Rickards and family and Mrs. an "authority" who has to main- Ruby Hitchings of Shelton mot- tain his reputation, ored to Vashon Island to call on PARTY TUMBLERS REGULAR $1.50 VALUE* NATIONALLY ADVERTISED Yours For Only YOUR ENTERTAINING PLEASURE INSULAT.ED. ! You will be intrigued with these unique Tahitian Tumblers wltb theb double walHnsulateu actton that keeps cold drinks refreshingly cold longer and bet drinks i in hot Tahitian Tumblers never "swear, P P g ' -. or leave water rings.., no need for ceastere • ., never clammy.,, comfortable to held. O BEAUTIFUL.! Decorator.designed,  handsome and tasteful • • • they fit In anywhere. • • living room, play room, patio.,, all year 'round, Hand.weven rattan from thl South Seas is uniquely inlaid between the double walls. SO p. HA. C .TI.CA.L! New design takes all size ice cubes easily ... crafted of a new stain.resistant, mgn ,mpaut material, Durable, easy to clean Ideal for all cold drinks, and hot drinks toO. Tahitian Tumblers are a wonderful premium buy. Order our sets of dulorator calonl lldayl ideal for sift iziving alsol • EACH CUP is a guaranteed $1.50 retail etori value. KITSAP-HASON DAIRY SHELTON PLANT AT 3i'd & Grove  Phone HA 6-4473 Mr. Charles Martindale. Also vis- iting huu were Mr. and, Mrs. Ger- ald Coleman and children of Shel- ton and Mrs. Dick Staley of Sko- komish Valley. MR. AND MILS. Clyde Rlld(lelt and children spent Sunday in Se- nttle with her brother and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ponath. Also there was a sister and hus- band. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fulks of Monroe. :Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Todd were Stlnday diuner guests of lVIr and Mrs. Alex Donaldson of Skoko- mish Valley. Saturday overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Tibbits were Mr. and Mrs. Dale Tibbits and son of Seattle. Sunday callers in the Alvin Hul- bert home were Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hulbert of Grisdale. On :Monday, Mrs. Dana Dyson and children accompanied by Mrs. Lloyd Kimmerley and children called on Mrs. Fred Fouthe. Mr. and Mrs. Morton Adams of Shelton called on Mr. and Mrs. L A. Todd Saturday evening. ,'USAN BLOOMIELD was a Friday night guest at a slumber party in the Mountain View home of Robyn Johnson. Other guests were Jan Valley an0 Kathy Me- Lain. Mrs. Start Dyson visited on Thursday in Olympia with her mother, Mrs. F. A. Schmidt. Monday evening callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L A. Todd were Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Todd and son and Mr. Bill Strope of Shelton. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman and son motored to Lakewood on Sun- day and visited with his sister and family, Mr and Mrs. D. A, Meyers. Ladies' Club met on March 7 with Mrs. John Anderson as hos- tess. 'Time Watchers' Stage Thursday Night Heetings By Mrs. Ray Kratcl SOUTHSIDE Time Watchers 4-H Club held a meeting at Cindy Jackson's Thursday. The business meeting was called to order by president JudyRains as the Time Watchers leader Mrs. Edith Bedell was .unable to attend. The mem- bers discussed Rally Day and all members had names for their dem- onstrations for demonstration day, March 24. Each 4-H member has chocolate mints to sell for a money raining project. Rally Day for all Mason County 4-H'ers will be held on March 17 at the Mt. View School. Busy Bells 4-H Club met at, Mrs, Doris Jackson's on March 7, and the members discussed field trips. Mrs. Jackson gave the 4-H mem- bers information about Rally Day and talked about demonstrations. The 4-H Club members nominated Cindy Jackson to run as queen, for 4-H. The club talked about the new lodge at Panhandle camp and at the end of the meeting they worked on their skit for Rally Day. Mrs. Jackson served refreshments, reported Kathleen. FRIENDSHIP CLUB will meet at the home of Martha Woods on March 21 and her new address is 605 South 8th. The members are asked to come about 10. a.m. and bring a sack lunch, as they're going to work on a quilt. The last meeting was held at Florence Bzmbaugh's on Wednesday. Cub Scouts Den 7 met at Mrs. Ronald Gunter's Saturday with Curtis Baker, Danny Schnitzer and Dallas Gunter attending. The Scouts worked on bear books and completed three achievements. Southside Homemakers Club will meet at the home of Mr:. Vernon Chambers on March 20. MR. AND MRS. Harold Castle left by plane Friday to visit their daughter Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre of Honolulu for about two weeks. Baptist Church To Hear Rev. H. 5Iajor Rev. Hammond MMor will start the Missions' Confe;ence at the Baptist Chm'ch on Sunday morn- ing by breakfasting with the Fish- erman'S Club at the Cottage Cafe at 7:30 a.m. He will be speaking to the Sunday School boy's and girl's during the Sunda School hour and to the young people at 6:00 p.m. that evening. To proper- ly finish a very busy day he will speak at the evening service about his work in India. Other speakers of the week will be Norma Jacobsen, Taiwan; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnson and Miss Camilla Drake, Alaska; and Miss Joy Llmberg, Philippines. Miss Jacobsen will speak and show films on Tuesday evening while Miss Joy Limberg will be the featured speaker for the regular Wednes- day .evening service. Following the serwee on Wednesday evening there will be a eception for Miss Limberg in the Church parlor. On Friday night at 6:30, mem- bers and friends of the church and the Johnson's and N/iss Drake will gather for an all-family church potluck dinner. During the serv- ice that evening there will be a nursery for all preschoolers and Miss Drake will speak to grade- schoolers in a separate service. During the other special services there will also be a nursery service available for those who wish to bring their small children with them. Members of thd community are most welcome to attend these special meetings. T.rl Late Tn Bla0000iN TO GIVE AWAY -- Golden retrelver. Good with children. About three years old. Call HA 6-8597. D 3/15-29 4-in. jointer, long bed. Phone HA 6- 6288. J 3/15-22 Belfair Calendar Marked By PTA Events This Week By Rachel Freelin Johnson. Mrs. William Venard or KImneth l'al] to Euiene through Mrs. Doug Corliss. a howling blizzard, and to climax BELFAIR .... PTA meetings seem to be taking top place on the Belfair calendar of events. The Elementary group, whose :March I date was changed be- cause of snow, met last Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Cora Kelly, third grade teacher, spoke on the reading pro- gram. She stressed the important role parents take in preparing children fro" reading, and stated that the ultimate goal is to teach the child to seek knowledge. Open house before the meeting was held by grades 2-3, with Mrs. Simonson's room winning room count, The style show of local sewing talent will be held April 27. The PTA hopes to make this an all- community affair, and anyone who sews, weaves or knits garments they would be willing to display is asked to contact Mrs. John Lenten Services Continue This Week The 3rd in a series of Midweek Lenten Services will be held at Mt. Olive Lutheran Church this Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. Chaplain Goeres has chosen as his text Luke 22:47-53 "The Power of Darkness and the Sovereignty of God". As usual a portion of these services will be devoted di- rectly to the children. Sunday evening at 6 there will be a dinner for the Walther Leag- uers followed at 7 by their regular meeting. All young people of the church and Sunday School from the age of 7th grade up are invited to attend. This dinner and meeting will take place in the Parish Hall at Mt. Olive. Lutheran Girl's League will meet Monday at Brooke Johnson's (7:15 p.m,). Dr. Oswald Hoffman, Lutheran Hour speaker will speak on the subject entitled "God Gives Us Bodies" on the Lutheran Hour this Sunday. The text of his sermon is taken from Phil. 1:20. The Lutheran Hour is heard in this area over KGY at 8:30 and over KMO at 6:30 p.m. on Sun- days. Sunday School Teachers are re- minded of the Teachers Meeting to be held at 7:30 Tuesday eve- ning in the Parish Hall All teach- ers are requested to attend as well as substitute teachers. TONIGHT ,March 15) the high the whoh, Irip arrived at tlmir school PTA will lnt?ct aL 8:00 D. I Nort.h Shore ]Ionic to find SilO%V m., with a panel disc.usston on tile (m the groun(I timely question, "Are Today's Parenls too good to their chih:t- ren ?" Representing vartous viewpoints on the panel will be Mrs. C. W. Henningsen, Mrs. R W. Cady, the Rev. Milton Glre. Jud Turner, and Nancy Mattus. Mr. Robbins, principal, has asked all parents of seniors to a meeting at 7:00 to discuss plans for graduation. Belfair is again extending sym- pathy and all the help possible to burned-out z'ostdents of the community. The Frank Greenlers of the old highway lost their seven-room home and all its contents in a blaze early last Friday. All three fire trucks, manned by 23 mem- bers of the volunteer fire depart- ment and 13 Junior firemen an. swered the alarm. But fire fight- ere found the entire house al- ready ablaze and the roof t'allen in when they arrived on the scene. THI WlNTER' outbreak of home fires makes the community grateful for its able and active fire department. But it does seem that it is al/out time the vohm- teers got a little rest. Mr. and Mrs. Ecker Swanson of the North shore claim they have lost all enthusiasm for Feb- ruary vacations. Tle Swansons returned last week from a two week trip to California, where they encountered some rain every day and temperatures that didn't rise above 48 degrees. The Swansons found much of Disneyland closed, were rained out of Knott's Berry Farm, and on going to Reno to escape the rain found temperatures of 10 below zero. In Oregon they drove from ON TIlE I'I,ICAANT vide, they t.njoyed their visit with Mrs. Swlin.q(nl's sister, Mrs..|lille Pet I.crsnn of San Diego, and their stay at the home of the Art ¥ou- ens in Marin Connty. The Youens lift' slnnlner visitors on the canal. Their fl'lends al"e sending best wishes for a rapid recovery to two aecident victims. Mrs. Jerry Kies- zling of the ohi highway, and Mrs. O. E. Hardcastle. Donald Cady" was honle for a shm.t visit last week, enroute from Fort Greeley, Alaska, to E1 Paso, Texas, ana should be hc)me for a longer stay in a few weeks. SCHOOL MENU Week of March 19 - 23 Monday - Spaghetti casserole, buttered string beans, cabbage and raisin salad, hot buttered French bread, fruit, milk. Tuesday Hamburger gravy over fluffy rice, whole kernel corn. hot rolls, cimcolate pud- ding, milk. Wednesday -- Chili Con carrie, flesh vegetables, peanut butter sandwich, fruit jello with whip- ped cream, milk. Thursday --. Creamed turkey on hoi biscuits, mixed vegetables, fresh fruit, milk. Friday -- Tuna fish sandwich, tomato soup, carrot sticks, fruit salad, milk. Supplement your child's diet with Plenamins from Prepp's Rexall 133 RR. HA 6-4642 15-YEAR ROOFIHG ECONOMY ROOFING OVER OLD OR NEW AS LOW AS $11,90 PER I00 SO. FT. Example -- 10-Square Home Only $119.00 BAYSlDE ROOFING Call Evenings HA "6-4541 m t Several Peira of Long-Range Blnoculara Giveh Awayl ° .! !!i)! REGISTER TO WIN EXCITING PRIZES! Gilbert 6g-Power "Spotler Scope," } Kodak "Hawkeye" Flashgun Camera with Bulbs, Batteries, Film and Necketrap. COME IN, REGISTER, AND BE SURE TO SEE \\; Only Children 14 Years of Age or Under FIRST AWARDS APRIL 14 -- 2 binoculars and telescopes SECOND AWARDS MAY 19  3 binoculars and camera set GRAND PRIZE AWARD JUNE 8 -- THE BICYCLE I III I IIIIIII III I I ll