March 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 15, 1962 |
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..... / d, IVfareh 15, 1962
Tom Fredson Re eals I ROBERTS THREATEHS .... JUNIOR PiN F L !k-Pr0 -
As County Hoop Shoo! ?GO; TRIO TOP 800 BANR, S 642 SEgiiL,.
ifldllg HIIH l il $i ! ,. ' L ,' o , F', mttVVlO
Ziegim's C'ame'l 8hop 2) 11 .B.!,ck]|h. Jew h' ranees mmlon
Tom Fre:lson will be in familiar :,. " : \\;': ' "" ,. : " • " ," " ....... "" '
I.Y Fra[
V¢ingavd Spor! Shop .... 22 14 ng on the freewav nea
tkes part in the finals of the B & R Oil 19 17 Dairy Quem •
.......................... ...... ............ a area. Steel is bein
St:ate hoop shoot e, ompetiLiorl in %qlson Company. ............ 15 21 Hig'h games-I(eiLl]:i;:!ieh!:oi,>!i, '
the University of Washington ]%itneFs Highbplhrs ..... 14 22 and 233 location of tw
pavilion. Gntt ()i1 .......................... 14 22 High series Keith over th
Hr. was there last year, too. Verh'.'s Sporting Geocts .. 12 24 ............. Creel.
' ,le total 24
• [-tigh games BI1 Roberts 247 : KeiLh Sawtge put gth: Before many month
Tom won a return trip to Seattle a.nd 236. Bud Knuizcn and Bill string of 162, 247 and.
'by successfully defending his Beseh, each 223. : : games to aceumuiatea (,l'muifabyg' hilly road \\;;ill be re
• ' a.n]0dern double lan
Mason Cmmt.y hoop shoot title last High series Bill l¢oberts 681. :(n nll-time record for tb!
week in the Bordeaux .chool gym. Bill \\;.Vilson 620 Hill B(,:ch 615, junior bowling league, !$
Making 22 of his 25 competitive .... day at the Timber BoWl. Mr. and Mrs. resle:
shnts Torn barely edged Vern Bill RoberL fill'led with the Time big series rMsea to ]3ellingha
Buchanan of Mary M. Knight. 700 nla.rk attained by only two age to 175. ing they attende
Vern hit 21 They were pressed other Sbeiton bowlers in league College Sprinl
closely by another trio of sharp- -ompeLiLion when he rapped a 681 SOn. Ronald, san:
shooters wtm each connected on sevm in the men's Commercial n this, pvesentatim
20 shoi.s LeRoy Valley of Mary le:,.g;e last week. 6-h| School Mso pro
"Trial b:
M. Knight. Jan Donaldson and Had his final game (195. been the trn¢tor also sanl
,leff Fredson botll of Evergreen anything approaching his open. :...:
grade school. ,:,,'s ,242 and 236, he'd have made .a=l:; HALF MIH
JEFF. ONLY II years old aria it. As iL was. his two big ()pen- " MR,% Dewey Sig
HITCH leaving this wee]
having three more years of eligl- ers enabled Wilson Company to FISH GLUTTONS--Proof that merganser ducks are rough on where the:
bility ahead of him, s a cousin come off wiLh a 2-2 st:alemate trout is graphically illustrated in this picture taken by Clyde a eoramunitv ehm'e]:
of champion Tom, who at 14 has with Moose Lodge, who came back Ziegler at Lake Nahwtzel last weekend. The mergansers were of this week, Marc]
completed his eligibility. So has] to win the finale with a stout shot by Roe Franklin, a lake resident. The fish in the bills of the Grange wi]
Buelmnan. Valley has one more 1029 team game paced by Bud dead birds are legal size trout and both were stuffed full of fish, to the Matloc]
year to go. Knutzen's 223 and Bill Wilson's Mergansers do so much damage to trout life that they have been members wil
Other competitors in the Ki- 212. The Wilsonians themselves declared predators and may be shot in unlimited quantities on
Evergreen Squar
wanis Club's ,mnual event were: topped the 1000 figure wilt; a 1014 many lakes and streams. Lake Nahwatzel is one, Sportsmen are then proceed t
Tom Malloy, 12. of' ML. View. 18; second game. urged to take advantage of the open season on mergansers in an
;tAlleR McNeil. 14, Shelt,on junior Wilson helped offset Roberts' effort to reduce the population and help save trout.
h)gh, 17; Bob Miller, 13, Hood torrid pin-dmlping by accumulat- . . . . . =
Ctll&] junior high, 16; Art Pagel, ink a 620 total (193-215-212). .m.m,,,..,..,.,,,mm....., ,....m..m,....,..,.,m,,.m,,m..,.,,,,mm,..,.mp.;..mmmm..,.m..:.
13; Pioneer, 14; Mark Hanson. 13, Bill Besch got. ill on the fun __ __ W E I G H T
Hood Canal and Joe Schweitzer, with a 615 on 215-177-223 games / / !i
12. Southside, each 13; Cort but strangely his B & R Oilers lost '
CaRney, 12, Boz'deaux, 12; Mike a 1-3 verdict to time GoLf Oilers. called ODRIN
C, rlpp, 11. Bordeanx, 11; David whose top scorer, Don Howard, fat in 7 day
S].POnlloll (X
]=zl, 12, otlthide, Le Young, hJ ,)nlv 510, 1% . lasage el' takill,
11, Mr. View, and Mike Carper, 13, Wingard's Sport Shop (Charlie IusKv 600is the !indies. crack
Pioneer. who fai/ed to qualify. Dale 539 scored the night's only IN MASON COUNTY 6-hp tractor ever. gum. OD
shutout, over Ritner's (Chub Nutt and easil
IN MKING his successful de- 496), --.._1."€-- - , ,,.l permits at ODRINEX
fen, the champion missed his ._l.Ytt. -' ilII|BIHIUUlUlIUIIlUlIWUIIUU|UlIIUllUlUnulumBHIIUIUUmUmmnm"mlmmm" secol]ds. Eleven If'reals. still en
fh:sL 18th and 24th shots with a SERGEIiN-T-si.ASHEs attachments mean
run of llJ straigllt between his SALT WATER )'ISHING skin divers spear-fishing derby, usefulness mowing, bi=t You simpl:
• ... ' extra t)or
2nd and l'7th, Buchanan missed cultivating, brush drepresse
his 1st, 8th, 23rd and 24th, had REPEATER--Tom Fredson (right) receives state hoop shoot championships after winning the 600 SERIES ON NOSE BEGINS TO PICK UP when actually his achievement is eereases your de
[t ]llUSI. COlll'
a z:lln of 14 straight between No, 9 from John Pill, chairman of the Shelton Kiwanis Mason County crown once again. The county ' ' A few "rile-hard" steelheaders for the Hood Canal Seals derby, ing, snow-casting.
, , , doctor wl]
and No. 22. Club boys and girls committee, his travel check competition was held at Bordeaux grade school MEN'S CITY LEAGUE are sLill making Lhe fresh water PLUS: s, y;m weigl
for the trip to Seattle next Saturday where he last Thursday, where Tom hit 22 of 25 shots to W L holes and riffles pay off. but salt SCUBA LESSONS AVAILABLE fat and liv,
Tom goes to Seattle with a will compete for the second straig'ht year in the successfully defend his county title. 40 & 8 19 8 water angling is beginning to bec- The Pleasant Harbor Dive Shop • All sis $3,00 and i
.................................. forward reverse tEE: If not sat
Jrephy and $10 expense money
fuz'nished by the Kiwanis Club. Frisken Oil ........................ 17 10 ken fishermen more strongly, and the Pool Nuolare of Shelton a ist return th,
BISHOP NEW Beckwith Jewelry ............ 15 1.2 Reports increase of good results are working together with the • One-pedal ,a and get you
The sLatE hoop shoot wl]] be held TRAVELERS THUMPED Shell0n Traveletles VERA , , q, ,tions asked
during the Class AA high school ' Mac's Corner . .................... 14 13 from both cutthroat and black- Northwest School of SCUBA to • 6-p0siti0n h fis guarante,
basketball tournament now in pro. Wilson Company ................ 13 14 mouth feeders all the way from sponsor SCUBA lessons for boys ( ter -- Mai
z,,,,. IN OHEHAUS PAIR Lose League Lead PINFEM PRESIDENT 00,m00so. Timber ................ 12 15 the go]f course in upper Oakland and girls in the 13-17 age group. • 6-hp Briggs&
Lumbermen's Mercantile 11 16 Bay to Harstine Island. Nor is Further information can be ob-
Jack Swanson was chairman of MEN S TRAVEI,ING LF.AGUE Only PhYllis Ziegler hit her av- Vera Bishop will lead the Worn- Rishel Logging .................... 7 20 Hood Canal taking a back- seat. tained by contacting Pool NLlO- , =_J0q I. _
the county hoop shoot again this Lacey .............................. 3S 18 erage at the Harbor Bowl in He- en's City Bowling Association for High games --- Jess Daniels and ] Feeder blackmouth are taking tare (HA 6-3913) oz' by cMling ee us ,Oli: o r the Finest Elec
year. South Bend ............ ........ 30 26 quiam Sunday, so Shelton's entry the coming year with the asistance Toad Sergeant each 232, Nell Sel- ] lu,'es out there, too. either HA 6-4315 oz' HA 6-6491. #ltlIIIP@ i.'r'ii,, _ .... O ""tt'
---- Olympia .......................... 29 27 in the women's traveling bowling of Jane White and Ann Cole.. jestad 223 ] Among the steelheaders, Haz:vey Monday night adults classes U |i
......... , I Cheha]is .......................... 28 28 league not only lost six of eight Tile trio were elected as presi- High eries--Toad Sergeant 600 Greenwood takes the plum this will be completed this week and D unni tiN TItACK
|[Hoquiam .......................... 26] 29 points but its hold on first place dent, treasurer, and sergeant-at- ......... I week with his 12.,-pounder out of will resume when a new class is • NMIU||..JI []
in the standings.
State Motets Inc. II SHELTON ...................... 26 30 arms respectively at the associa- Toad Sergeant hit 600 smack on;the Chehalis Sunday, followed by formed. The Saturday night clas- 29 South Fit. r' • (
1' 1,
I IElma ................................ 24 31 In one match Aberdeen blanked lion's annual post-tournament the snout but only his stout 232]a 13-pounder Tuesday from the ses ave in progress with March Dh^n HA 6 °l';lIIIlI • ii • ",,-
....................... il*00erdoen ....... , ...... , ...... , ...... 2a a3 the Shelton girls while Hoquiam awards dinner Monday night at middle game. helped his Wilsdnlsam e waters. Ellen Greenwood 24 deadline for enrollment. 00SLtl i '
CLIFF WHITEAKER " " " Company tean], pacing its lone win added a 3-pounder Tuesday. * [
Local Representatiw II Shelton's entry in the southwest gained a 2-2 tie. Meanwhile, LarRy Eagles Hall.
Tournament trophies were in an odd-game defeaL at theJ W W Wilson also had & good 17;.
.Ph HA 6-a547 - ely. Fb 7-7707 |J me2, s traveling league slipped won eight to erase Sheton'three- awarded to Lumber of the Simp- hands of Mac's Corner (Stan Ahl- oh.;;' taking: a hair from-the
point lead and take a first place u's • . ........ ,, o .- •
It 560) Monday nl ht A S.hippi
.................... II deeper into the second division by margin of the same size. Son league as team winner, Betty q , . g • ] Skokomish on two separate trins
1961 Plymouth V8 |J suffering a pair of 3-1 defeats __ NOR Olson as singles champion, Donna Jess Daniels got away tea fast ] -h .,h,; ]h '"Ul] hi t-i 9U0 i0 ng Mislake at lhe ,,,,
Fury Hardtop .......... $2395.[}0 |i Sunday aL Chehalis. , ISki H0107-P--k0 Coleman and LaVonlze Castle as start with a 232 opener, the only I o}''ec(n't "successes to five ....
.......... |/ , Despite' L. L. McInelly s 605, B,R doubles queens, and Lil Dale, who game his Frisken Oilers won from " ko'k i(lded a 9 -ca'rider to i •
1960 Chevrolet 6 |J Shelton lost to Aberdeen in one won both the scratch and handicap 40 & 8 (Gale Albrecht 582) but / _ ne .y . -i .......
ST I conversel Ne'l l' ' s'' .... Tea teese rote rest wee,, .nu a
• ' Biscayne 4 door- Real i] pairing, to ChehaUs in the other GUE N BiSMARGK and 1818 totals. ' aa. , ........ as ............... , ' "
sharp for economy $1699.00 i] when Sonny Lowe was high at all-events trophies with her 1692 , . y ] Se ];stads ,'mzhn' .
,.., mindl. , ...... ,, .... ..... I 6-1(} catch to Dared Armstrong
h| ,, t ....... . .... "1 Saturday while Floyd Lord and
....... il587. His ork as founder of North Also, record numbers of pins for ..................................... • .
qually Tuesday to bz g e 8
4door All Power |]'WOME"SIpSON LEAGUIi corperated will be gLyen public 500 series (32) and 200 games , .ry ( ud K.u,- ' "in hem
(22) were handed out. JeLtalPhar- zen 589) was the only shutout win- I - - ' ."
ne o ] pounaets earn
Heal nice $1599 00 I l, .... ,, -- ,)n " recognition when iony Iriski, ris took home the a,;sociation s pol- : f the I ight, over Rishel Log- ] ' ' ,' .,. ,
II ''°
............ Resetvc.h ........................ 23 p,',. 16. qtmlity controller tt: Simpson's in- re'old camera prize, ging (Earl Nason and Neal Den]-] ,,T n.*,' "A¢vlV E
1957 Ford sbok 6 ....... $945.00 r, =. .... ..=
Olympic Plywood ........ 2:l 19 sulating board plant, is guest of eree each o31), while Simnson] ..... """
....... I/Ptlrchasing ...................... 20 20 honor at the 10th anniversary ASTRONAUT STAMPS HERE T;mber ,'T,:,..,- t,,e;a k i Oregon skin aivers conaucea an
won a 2-1'd'i,'] ', ove'FL"MV,'Georg.] eli'ninati°n meet in Hood Canal
1956 Plymouth Savoy V8 |,Insulating Board ........ :. /.9, 20',. stale tourmmlent late this month PosLmasLer J. H. Gray annomlc- Anderson477) ....... ]waters Qff the BUCk Mountain log -- 00,,a0 SIMPLE C
" door Sedan ......... $645.00 |/Eng.h, " .................. 1S 22 in BL, marek, ed yesterdaythe Shelton postoffiee _.--_ _" ,dumo north of Lilliwaup last SUPERB MARK SERii .o.,,._o
.... " .......... I|Accounting .................... 17 23 Briski directed activities from now has another 10,000 of the as- ............................. weetrend. SS r_ .g. nits are rr
,,,:Chevro|et210V8 ||Loggers ............. 15 25 inception of the g.roup through tronaut commemorative stamps RIOE, MdNELLY ADD compet,.o, to oeo
4 door Sedan ............ $645i00 I' t'iigh garne--Jea:n'Ream214 three slate t°urmPments int° °ne whichpr°ved s° p°pular that a A...A = ....... s lateam to ]'epresent Oregon in the COLOR tUc't'et:iiiii
............ I/ High series ...... Jean Ream 542 of the largest spo]'ts organizations first shipment sold out in about @UUS |U LA/I: /U/AL ,,tiona,. are
1954 Ford V8 Auto,. I| "= ...... in North Dakota. It now clain]s ten hours a couple of days after • M a-,,- - ..... "T'e Iholding a s(.ries of three elimina-
4 Passengee Station || 'IMP'ON MEN'S LEAGUE: ............ "' ' tion mr ...... 1 - ,HAcKERA
Wagon. Real nice .... $495.00 |]Loaders .............. 28 12 to be the 'largest true amateur John Glenn made his historic space Dan's Nite Hawks 17 i n i ',e]s m the eatt e area
................. /jEngineer :::..:...:::..:::...:;..::. 28 12 tournamertt in ttle world".
Briski left North Dakota. to ,,o.'. , .. ; o,.2, " ..... G . I fer the same purpose.
And Many, Many Other It ,/, ggers .............................. 21 19 come to Shelton hte in 1954. He " r Bowl unneralded at the time RICK.
Tzmbe .................. 14 13 I . . ' ; '
Real Nice Cars to Choose IJ nops .................................... ±u 2- is to attend the 48-team state Jim Pauley Inc ............. la 131z Hoskms ot the 20 fathoms Club
From ('.'all or See, |] Pib'oad .............................. 1.9 21 meet, the annual spring meeting Northwest Evergreen .. 12 14j z]'eenly spered. !z.. neal'-recolid
"'" .... I' ill 1 .................................... 17 ' 23
Cliff hib li Mill 2 .................................. 15 25 of the gToup's officers and direct- Home Gas Company .. 9 18 ". :" pper ot mden ove. 1-1 17 C'ota Street
; h ame CLCll WaS JUSt two ounds llndel
......... 705 i] Insulating Board .............. 13 27 ors, appear on a TV sportscast, H'g g s--.L]oyd Clark 22, "" ," ' P - • '
HA 6-3547 or ely. FL -, | High game .... Roy A.nderson 209 and be honored at the a.x;ard cere- Jess Daniels 221 ' the world s record. In the very
,| High series --- Roy Anderson 563 monies during the tom'nament, ae- High series-L.' L. McInelly 603, same spot last yealv he speared
, cording to Reynold W. Koloen, ex- Ray Rice 600. one which was only two ounces
......... ecutive secretary ot the ND2BI, $300; and Rennie Thordarson for of the record.
the construction of a $9000 resi- Ray Rice and Mac McInelly con- ' * *
GRANGE LEAGUE denee, tributed two more to the rash of In a recent column Bill Mc-
t tfZ s .i 0 W L 600 series which has marked Shel-Kasson of Lilliwaup was credited
Southside ........................ 25 15 WEATHER ton bowling play of late during with holding top rung on the
Pomona ............................ 23 1.7 High Low Preeip. Major league action Friday at the Simpson Recreation Association's
Patrons ............................ 23 17 March 7 ................ 50 31 Timber Bowl.
Skokornish ...................... 21 1eva March 8 ................ 47 30 .08 in. Ray hit the big number, right
W,,e, ................ o ................. 2, ....... o. 00.out wit00 Hood ,Ganal School
:Matlock ............................ 17 23 March 10 .............. 49 30 .07 in. games as his Northwest Ever-
Agate ................................ 15' 24' March 11 .............. 5Z 29 ,01 in. green quartet goose-egged Mac's TO Got Got Ass|slae
Cloquallum ...................... 1.5] 24] March 12 .............. 50 29 Timber Bowl aggregation. MaR =
High games -Carl Emley 201, March 13 .............. 58 25 piled up his on a pair of 208 el- Following is the context of a
Nancy Desk 200 --Rayonier Incorporated forts sandwiched armmd 187. telegram received by the Jom'nal
High serie -- Nancy Desk 494, Jess Daniels missed 600 by four from Sen. Warren G. Maguson
| - sJ Joe Simpson512 BANTAM LEAGUE pins on 174-221-201 strings as yesterday, The COVINGTON
Y0 W L, his Home Gas fou,' dropped the Senator Magnuson, Jackson DELUX.I SERIES 2|2-G-80-M
0. FRATERNAL LEAGUE Shelton Journal ............. 48fi 14.,,.'.,. odd game to Olson,s Ba.rl0cr & were advised teday dei,artment
Pts. Lions Club ..................... 40 23 Beauty Shop, Which gel away fast " zeation Welfa,r De- 260 square-inch picturo
I[{ .lth E(h
Shelton Hardware ............... 117 Cook's Plant Farm ........ 35 28 on Lloyd Clark's 232 opener, termined Hood Cllrll school
Rai 3 3A ........ U ............... i....... Timber Bowl 32fi 30fi Jim Pauley Inc (Lionel Leman l)|striet No. 404 tentatively en-
00ried the hero/ zu,, Moose ............................... la .................. • SPACE-SAVING ,
Morgan, Eacrett Lbr. 22 41 580) took a 2-1 nod over league- titled $14,332 (hiring fiseai 1962 COLOR TV CONSOLETTE
tary Club ............................ 111 Jay Birds ........................ 11 52 leading Dan's Nile Hawks (Son- wi/h $9,888 certified hnmediate eHigh Fidelity Color Tube
Fuller'Construction .............. 106 High games ..... Sonja Ahlquist ny Lowe 572) in the third match, lmY ment under l)ublic law 874
Let us be your Moose Antlers ......................... 99V, 127, Allen Clover 136 ................................. providing flnanehtl as,uisianee • Powerful "New Vista" Tun0r J
Olu00 ................................. se00os ..... RU I Bur ing P mii s('hool fed-rally,,d I,l'eas.
Kiwanis Club .......................... 84 24;4, Allen Clover 261 ra n er s " • Color-Quick Tuning
your old mortgage. Your Eagles Aerie .......................... 46
High game- Roy Trim 230 Required In East Wash. RrECII'&T][ON LEAGUE • One-set Fine Tuning
payments will be High series .... Roy Trim 575 MIXED FOURSOMES W L ....
V L Shelton Recreation ...... 31 9 • Super-Power Chassl$
StarUng today, oermits will be
rearranged into small WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Timber Ducks .................. 24 12 required by law, will g'o into effect Rainier Beer 23 17
W 1,L3 Knock Outs ...................... 22 14 Western Washington rural an¢ The Lamp Post'::::::....:::. 21 19 •TV' teadiestPicture
monthly installments, re. Timber Bowl .................... 27 Odd Balz .......................... 19 17 [crest areas protected by the State Northwest Evergreen .. 20 20
ducing both inLerest Darigold .............................. 25 15 What's Next ...................... 17 19 Department of Natural Resources, Ritner's Straight Shots 18',. 2,' TH MOST BEAUTIFUL
Lucky Lager. ................ 17 23 E
Ee]L & Valley ..................... 21 19 Pin Basters ........................ 17 19 Land Commissioner Bert .Cole an, O]ympia Bee], . .............. !,
and principal Stop by ott's Oilerettes .............. 21 19 Rusty Ducks ...................... 9 27 nouneed today. * 12 27Vz
and talk with our loan officer. Rietlfield Oil ........................ 19 21 High games--Ken O'Dell 209, The annual burning permit rule, High game.--Connie Cronquist YOU VE SEEN
Ming' Tree Cafe .................. 17 2:] Lynn Hansen 173. required for all outside burnlng m 198. ' EVER
Let us put a happy Bill's Shell Servme ............ 16 24 High series---Bud Temple 583, |, month late;., April 15, in az'ea High series--Connie Cronquist
Allyn Shell Service ............ 14 26 Lynn Ha.nsen 4.7,. east o, the ,,,1,, w,,, e.,,]z- 5009. PRiGES
ending on your home-buying drama. Iqigh Ream 200 ...... tlnue tho 1,,]*,, .............. START AT
High serJes,---Phyt Zlegler 527 MEi¢C|IANTS LEA(;UI3 October 15, Unless extended be- WOMEN'S CITY LEAGUE
, 80000A00F00;00andss n EELLS, VALL
,V L catlse of hazardous col]ditiolls in Ritner's Chtlck Wagon [31 9
Split pick..-Fra|) Fischer 4-5-7 Prepp's Rexall Store .... 21 15 tile fall.
HOUSEWIVES LEAGUE Old Mill Tavern .......... 20' 15/ Cole said that landowners, lease- Hoodsport LtZmber 23 17
LIi]]lbcl'mell' S
"W L Dairy Queen .................. 20 16 holders, or Pro'sons with writLeP T Mercantile 21 19
( I nllssIon fl0 lllA ................
Angle Agency . ................... 31 13 Bill's Shell Sez'vice ...... 19 17 p, .'2s" ' m landowners, .y Morgan ransfer 20 20
obt, un the el , e
. Hood Canal Marina .......... 25 19 Ralpl's Sm've-U .......... 18 18 "! l " I.'mits ithout charg Kimbel Motors APPLIANCE
Joy Now]ty ..... ................. 19 21
Bsmboo .Shop 24 20 Olyinpie Plywood ..... 1.7z 18V " -P' tment of Natural 1.8 22
.................... thlougz De ar ,
FIF H AND ( W i ' '
T ASH NGTON Kelly's Furniture .............. 22 22 Kimbel Motors .............. 14] 21:,,.,. Re, sources field offices or Iota} McConkey DrugC'eie: .... that goes
• 15 23
Evergreen F]oz'ists .......... 21 23 Thm'ston S & L ............ 1;;. 22V_, wa.rdens. Shelton Hotel .....
.................... 13 27
Jim Pauley Inc' ................. 18 24: High game-..4(en Smith 214. With man-caused fires in Wash. High game--...Vi McGee 210 e fhaf People 8v
Olympia, Washington Edward's Salon .................. 18 2,1 High series---Bill Staudt 560. hgtrm registeling a 30 percent in. High series ..... Connie Cronqt|ist
HOT'VIE OFFICE OLYMPIA Batstone IVuneral ............ 17 26 ................................. crease in 1961 over the five year 565 to #tealtheir thun
High game.--Eadean Lord 175 average, Department of Natural Split picks _ I,ouise Stiner 7-6-
High series--.Joyce Fitchitt 4.79 Resources men this yea]' will b( 1.0 and ,l-7-9. Verna Johnson 5-7 erprod
IN SHELTON SEE LOAN COUNSELOR ............ stressing compliance with th(: " .......... op, ie Smoofh
RAYONIER RESEARCH bu.rning pernlit requirement, Cole MR. & MRS, LEAGUE
KURT MANN Water Boy .................... 29]/2 18'/fi warned. Careless debris burners W L ho b/g bo¥$ i8
MANN REAL ESIATE aeet,,t Aues ............... 27 21 last year kindled 17 percent of tire Nit(; Owls 5,., 38
vee Jays ........................
Pin Curlers .................... 27 21 man-caused fires in the State the Vagabonds ........................ 51 11 might as
32/ S. 1st St. Phone HA 6.6592 taintenance .................. 25 2"] Commissioner said. " ..................... 47V., ,14 z:,
Rayonettes .................... 24 24 He emphasized that the permit I. Da, No ""
ilva Foxes .................... 22 26 ru]eapp!ies, to outside burning, ex.. ski ow-L;: : ......... '/" 4" [" HA aJ
Iourfowlers ................. 19 29 cept mat done in properly screen- Gutter Snipes ,16,,h ,t5' Where
................ a0, 6, 6-466 The
Wood Birds ................... 18!,a ,29!La cd oz' htch]er.ators sitzl:l- High games--Jack I.,indsey alld -- '
High games---Rolls Halbert 227, ed in safe places..','he rule also ap- Vern Beeson each 221, Shirley En- By
Wanda Schirmer 175
" 6lies to e.ampflres, except those gen 184. "WE SERVICE ALL THAT WE SELL"
High totals---Rolls Halbert 552, 'built in aesignated and approved High "er]es- -Frank Marler 566.
Shirley Engen 478
;. , ......... Nits Nelson 436 ] camp or picnic area.