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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P_age 8 SHELTON--MASON COT.TNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington Thursday, March i i i i L I I I I 15, 1962 CANAL Sq To Discv Monday; C Wright Don Brown High school Guid will moderate panel entitle( Need a Cod a reg]Jlar PTJ SHOPPERS SPECIAL At Our SNACK BAR &apos; "+++" +,+," Banquet Dinners school, Will be H. H Mrs. Dick Bue 4-SB president E¢ Lyman, Girl., and Ear Hamburge   s, erved.teacher'Re r Fresh Frozen € Beef-Chlcken-Ham R rriVal for and thosedinnelwh( enjoyed tryin fresh choice ground i -- l]l Haddo_ck-.Sallsbury IF rious booths ant beef on bun with  , . J ] Steak-Turkey-eft. e, "Circus Time' dy by the young. "., . "Choice fruits and vegetables are 'Safeway meats ere top government S t or turkey dinnel rehsh & mustard  .............. l! Ju t heat and ea . crAosen oy oateways own ouyers graaes, guarameeo tanner ann Tin. E k.---- -- +/-._1 isals. After th m,m+tm rePwt, m nFFt+ll 5,+ fro rich growing areas and whisked Vldul. Cuts are trimmed of excess I( lijmiP/ll gers had a spec. i.. wJ.J Jw+L, ,,J----- -+-+- "'''- "P" tO Safeway stores at peak freshnets, waste and fat before weighlng te | X+Jl(JmJ... I mmmi Ames hey enjoyed vet5 ....... . ,, They alwoys taste so good!" 9;re you mora value." ! ,?_.j/.r kn|H JOIN THE FUN -- LUCKY SHOPPING CARTS -- a IF]/ IllelqBlil PT£'wOttld li k Nothing to buy --. You may be the/u.cky winner of one of "The brands you know, nationally ado "Safeway's wide assorfm¶n+ o_f fln ! ,'' [lowing _ . e to Lhan] the many prizes 1:o De given away i-rloay ancl aturoay at; verfised and locally popular labak, frozen foods is kept perfect-frozen. | y..,.-- 0tribu,Pe°P£e for their hell: Your Sheiton Safeway. " are ready in • wide selection of sizes Spe<ial emperature ¢ontr,ols guard qL  l°s for the eat'n]. .... "' en Safeway shelves. A tremende agalnLt any thawing and pro+ec larsha Anderson,and ffeleMrs' Robert , , varle/ . . . at low prlaes." quality, flavor, color." latlae - 1 Spaulding tll - u most of the affair) Mild Cheese tlt /  i '  I P ,'8 LI *l;|o,.z2OOdgO WhO)rerlts' teachels Cr h 8j :8+usP°l't°Janal'ezpec[l"be ^1" . ray," ".ffchool.juHlorRklU]L rCuStOd'Specla]hian'g' l . • . ,,[, i UsemcasserolesorLentendlshes lee J1 / I / / iitik -Chni.ue a *earning the "mchme +Usea c.° dt.m.ent reed. -- O" --" I  m mmm  '" ' earn to develope m m g| )  ,,o,o,ooo,,o+,o, ...... hey .',' OlOcs, and pas- t0 -[s' The student tions Ue.hl Proposes, doimz ,y ...e parties, sce nUlUiBmlF iuvun L !!1  NBB i [fl[_g I " , ..... ,,++,,++,.o. ++.+ t boarq. ,, , GOLDEN 41' , rql N  H,,-u,, m k 'P" c):r.+M. rs. Barbara Mc- " "' | / WHOLE I a ed::' m art and rain" 't'i V 'ork'o|ulbiacit U niver s°i'Y" MD TISSUE 3 + +1 N lk t I i"ee*" aeteachersc°l" TOILET TISSUE 4-ROLL ' ,I ga{n at,t0 Baynard Col- .e fron  ,1_ Y" When she I g in .:J0ring. in: art and ASSORTED mie " ] 4cUUcation. ' on- OWell attended her ' o'f of COllege at the Uni- ) f Washington S sire ia . as, ..aU.ghtart a'a ..... he also POWDER ROOM E P +)" MANOR HOUSE € 'to incr. t SChool at+the uni- GA 0o. o+ +oo  ¢ t Up Fryers +,0,, Froze. Jb 39 + ++wao,,Stateas-ateachc+ m..,.---.----,- _ s =. ,.- --€ +°#++':++.++.. , , Leg 0t tam • ,0 LO+ Fryer PaKs o:U+':,++:-++:::++,,o+oo,,, +9 ,+0- +:,+, ,,+ oo+,.+..+ 00e)t+er+9 r +mE+OS ! ;;+ ++++:ii,° u: . M%Y °r 1+ |[ +o .'' a week, a, fewzt,, *ifthtS" eDowellperiod, it, nOWour + ° CoredBeef 75' '"*::+ Cre , ,,tapeh -elr orlentt++tion fe:,. 6, which tell tbou ( I the Crop, A€ ] Lamb R,b Chops Choice lb. 79+ .. ' " " " ...... "  . . A . . " . -- -- ' '  ' 1  " 0 "+ *h*" ; 65c ' Size I Large 'AA l[J. 11 l . mm-mAiinmn um=:, oau mua, -',in € [+P:+++ke,! Prn.m Ohnnn ! Do.+o.,  m I Lamb Loin Chops ;m+ + + ' ,  " 98+ .ammuut ,b. .+7 ,b. 1  " ,+, + i + "+. *- + TM*,, ,,+ '' ' '*" ''" P+ ' '' +' r F+ ,lie ',?" The st,,,i,,.. ,,., ,/D a: |Br i +:+ 41,1 er°" tO'L"''+++ +'.. " ,+ .,- '+++'"*' ( ['"1' tlte|P", the req,tlred GG35 0 &+s' a , "nterest ,. Piece Bacon -+,-.,.,-,.+ PH phldelt Pail°hal edm alio • + s hla ' ' "" Ideal for ,,loots, 8.oz  tier Dozen ¢ h+',, pm,t,n, ,,I bak+n, ordips Pkg'+" ' ' , C-offee + 98 49 • i MAXWELL € i € o. ,.0 :...... o,+, oo,..+. .00filfliMRFgq +'+''+'+-- r ' -._..-, 2-lb. 1- b. + c+ + + ..... ' HOUSE Can [,+tt++ o+.+ . + i wessonuli o,:: +,. 24-OZeeottle 3Y" .+,+.o.,+oo,.,,o . ru OVer vqt e a let- Itttattlz.y ] Words, publi. Tasty nd Mil --  ''ltte%'' ..The let'e. II be  ". out o  ., he C ip.  x.,:,and.wr,.. - the state. . " LADY ELBER*" ;:'---- "- V i+i + Now)ON your+avorffesala, i i i I Uo_,ke ANo. 2,/, +1 I+ -- -- I -- -- ---- i i 'i ' rrnm I mr1 Firm--+olden m.m. , , i i i i I m vHEimv Dehcmous Flavor  Cons i EACH i V i . , "LUO NE SAt DS- ,  +!i CESY ..... . ,,- ....... , I Co,.-s,ow. Ca.o,-Romn. ma+a-  Pint €'0" ! a =t,.v''.'. + ,+..+++.,..O'Anj°u- Pears__, .-- .ram .ruara.RAMAMAq __l, I ,+,o+ _ ,,, .,..+ +.,.+, o .+, +,. i fruttbu, l , Z I ZV den---U.S. No. ,--Our besf..Perfecfly r,pened f-YORK CIGARETTES--I Rmmlt+mmkne.. )+ ^ • ., .. ,., l   ii ...I /+,,, ..+ ,..,,., ++,...... .,.0.+.... +2"/ ipulumwmumvmuu.i nrmnu uu...u,,ollgTTnflll¢ /r + J IL [I / °+'',, Popular King Size Brands AfIUR -- _m +l+:,,;;.:=,;;N".mi,'t;',%;; +.+. +++ , ,u.,+:,':+L+::' 25,0, 29 c OS. I oe"or--- TILLAMOOK CHEESE 91  '  rr +' m " AN .... CRACKERS L"!: 33* I' I m lq il r e P_in.oPr+oa' "" "" ,Be °::nr,::: L':+ Sl.4  """ "" + ---- SNOWFLAKE WA S ;:=0+ 4++ i uetergent u G u Gnu I +' t ,. '+ "--- "- .. w,,+.,+ nnc luXli/aT¢ ,, , "" " 7'/,;°x' 39€ Ic. ,,,,,<'" '+'1". (" .I WISK GallonH°lf $1AdPEI .YT GingerbreadMix,,DROMEDARY IllStal]t l m "immlmMlIK TIoNCAR NA - Pkg.50 "q t <CIln trash uoflu[s Suga st;°k' Pkg' J" " 4 1 u tUA;XR£W:oNvE: 3;_ so,+ _.3'€ I I--.1--'.1 14-oz. 1 € imiJUHlhilnl/ T-=-- STAR" OZ,12/2" ego rrlckh Rrod sKYLARK Large qC i, StkECq I LSmii Pkg. i IIIIIH ms, c.. UO liOli ialOUU .o. st,,. t00, uu + Z .,'s l € [ Insfanf 14-oz, L¢ ,., , V 15411111541 ,+, ; ! ........ T,KI,, 0,,,+,,, , ., ,+.oz. lOc ....... __ i HALLEYS POTATO CHIPS ,°o, 69 '+" / Let + ,u  ORIYH'S BOttle 0 R71 +' k;' 79++ S are Y p MODESS Pkg. € IvoRY SOAP FLAKEs ,+.' 39' : ' P.,:" 41€ / ........ Dnfofnae PILLSBURY 64-oz, 4qC Sani+ary Napk;ns.. of 24 U  d I IVORY SHOWSOAP R'],t "e'' ?" ] ooaCl IU-OZ. Ari I[- |||Jrm|| |r..' A Grafln r 9, "ru . i ;t; 84¢ /P+cke+s Pkg, ai7 iV'''VV" U " " , * | ' I +°'°s. 49€ I • , 7 c / +., ,,owo,,, c.n" 7 R0c Pkg. • " T 3-1b Sale starts ? A.M. t,, .; ,,+ T,ny Shr, mp Shortening +.. March 15th,,hrou,+ ,zoz PACIFIC 4 0Z WI r;s:::t;fi:h$? i: h:J -" "1,+ - '/,-.,so • - . .... n,. Z  :: : : o.lo " " / PEARL Can  m .is. 6-OZ. i[ I  @COPYR iAFEWAY STORES INCORPORATED to dealers. • . ,,, I,sta+nt 5OTTO6  , , SUNSHIHE VANILLA SUGAR WAFERS PLANTERS COCKTAIL PEANUTS DAWH FRESH MUSHROOM SAUCE CAMAY TOILET SOAP CAMAY TOILET SOAP OXYDOL BLEACH DETERGEHT BLUE CHEER DETERGENT DASH DETERSEHT JOY LIQUID DETERGENT CASCADE COMPOUND SPIC 'N SPAN CLEANSER IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT POWNY FABRIC SOFTEgER ,.w P,,