March 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 15, 1962 |
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Bday, March 15, 1962 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY-- JOERNAL-- Published in "Chstmasfo,wn, U.g.'A'.," Slaelton, Washing[on II Page 9
.c _.nn CANAL ,,,,.,,,,,.¢J'unm NEWS Beachcombers Vl m' .ned on Jim and Judy , the hono,• g'est with gts Missionaries To Speak ..........
- as a surprise. Bob is working at to commemorate the natal day. At Shelton Church
was a most happy one. 'Chose attending were Mrs. J. En- Rev. and Mrs. William Brooke
;.-.--ne, To Discuss Student Code Of Victor In The judges ock, ms Seh.nger, Mrs Dick Jr will be
uonduct Monday, Carnival-Dizmer Lauded " and rating on the posters at At- Rttsmussen, Mrs. R. FcnLon and Shelton .Assembly of God on
lyn Grade school. The winners will the hostess, Mrs. Lund. A most Thursday, March' 15, at 7 p.m.
"pecla' Luncheon =o ,coo ,o momoa00,o W, a*o missionaries to Central
Doll Brown, grade ]citer, $100 each to the best is an annual event before the For- Slyke. America and have spent their last
term in Costa Rica. Colored slides WELLS -- TEST HOLES
seventh and eights grade letters, est Festival in Shelton held every Mr. and Mrs. Knoell of Tacoma of their work will be shown in
The letters will be judged on year.
originality, neatness, and English By Lois Terrcll have been spending a few days this service.
or High school Guid-
, :Will moderate a
PTA panel entitled
I dents Need a Code
at a regular xA
P.m. next Monday.
Will be aL the Hood
High school.
Will bc H. H.
son, Mrs. Dick Bue-
SB president Ed
Lyman, Girls
and Earl
grade teacher. Re-
II be served
C rival and dinner
for those who
enjoyed trying
us booths 'and
"Circus Time"
by the young-
urkey dinner
is. After the
had a spec-
enjoyed very
The Junior High Pep staff held
a slave sale last week. The pro-
cceds went to help pay for their
About 50 junior high girls were
sold to masters for the remaining
three days of the week. It was
a common occurrence to see girls
getting trays for the boys at noon,
polishing shoes, carrying books
and cleaning lockers.
The boy's lettermen's club' is
planning to have a return sale
next weck to help promote funds
for their April banquet.
* $ €
Mr. Jackson fhlished up the
ninth grule basketlmll team for
this year. We thank him for
cochhzg. The players on first
string were Edd Latham, Rusty
Bakin, Rick Peterson, Marl,y
Mr. and Mrs• Paul Mackay were at their beach home at Victor, Bedell Drilling €o.
ALLYN -- The Beachcontbers Tacoma visitors on Thursday. while here Mrs. Knoell attended
Garden Club of Allyn-Victor held shopping and visiting friends the Beachcombers club luncheon When overtaking or passing
its regular meeting last Thurs- while in Tacoma.
day. Club members treated them- on Thursday. Mrs. Knoell is an ac- another boat, always steer clear
selves to a luncheon "out" this Mrs. Betty Lund was hostess to Live member of the club and in of the boat you are overtaking.
time. at Cliff's Steak House on the a group of friends on Friday at the winter seldom misses a meet- If your craft is larger oz" has a LAWRENCE BEDELL
Silverdale highway. A very nice luncheon in honor of Mrs. Harm ing when the weather is more deep draft, iL is good manners for Route 3, Box 170, Shelton
hmcheon and meeting is reported. Van Slyke--the occasion being springlike the Knoells will spend the skipper of the smaller boat
Mrs. Van Slykes' birthday. After more time at their beach home to pull over and let the larger Phone HA. 6-4713
There were various rep°rtslthe luncheon the group present- at Victor.
made by the chairman of each[ craft pass.
committee. The big events in the I
future are the arrangement clan-J
munity church in April. Call Mrs. ,'ilj ,,L-'lb,J %112".p
Carl Izett, CRestview 5-2280 for [,"--" ----- -- - _
• - • • - * - t* "/ r' 7 o/ *J-, "4 ['* _ "V t,
club toward the planting of old[ z I/,
fashioned roses at the old Roth-J -%f .,'/
child home in PorL Townsend, I.-l--" iR
terity.Which is being preserved for pos- I "J ;EP, fijme. w-,
A tour of the Arboretum In Se- _iM ., 1.,
attle is also planned for the fu- ''"
Lure. Thc April 12 meeLing.will "----"
be held at the church after the /7[
PT£ W6Uld •like to thank
II0wiag Peo le
0atribu,:_ P for their help
ons for the carni-
larshn Anderson,and Hle Ml's. Robert
Plaane - - Spaulding,
tll u most of the affair),
Parents, teachez,s and
,:" helped . ....
--., t" "- • - peelal
the r.. Gray, custod-
usport school
iRI, , * * •
LAsss .sY
,s h anal Junior high
• ^ as been learnin
aninu,. : g the
!g, Th? ot design and
...... z *earn to develope
" te rise of diff
such _ erent med-
li^, as charcoal poster
' 'mur b '
t. totailgs. Tl, e stude;lis
tons or m PUrposes. doing
,Ys, a ,- parties, scener
I board eeping up the ha y
Rose and Dave Smith.
There was a game s('heduled
flower arrangment classes. Time,
2 p.m.
witl North Mason, March 9,
but they fo'el(l. This means
the Trojans have won six games
and lost one. They lost to l[-
mllche 22-16. The ,eventh and
eighth grmle team's next game
Mrs. Henry Dahl spoke on rose
culture. Garden problems were
discussed by all members at an
open session.
Mrs. Mildred Gaetana of Vic-
tot" is confined to her home with
is with Imllche this Friday. a vim•.
, , , Earl Terrell is still confined to
MINSTREL SHOW FRIDAY bed after a bout with pneumonia.
/ I/,
w,.a .... -h* *x-., V ...... He is some improvcd at this writ- ,k.;/., ,,,/;
a ma Satmda) excmn A nrand "< "% • •
adu)ts, is 40 cents, and children, . *" ": -' g Infant Onrd.rnv flr.,anave I I a,,.,I,., n,lh,..,
2 cents. It is taking place at rin;;HeP;e• R ..... %/_ "'''''n'z']Pw'" I I .vuunaun nruuuuwo ,'1,
tle Hoodsport g,qn. The students ..... -. EE recelveu %," Sna Cr ^* ......... I I Rego.laP $3.89 each ,',,41".
¢ pZlm-s, LS n ele N -- . 113" J i II ,-m-,----- J '' " 1/
eache'r NEXT WEEK S M.ENU S "" g. . g , "< cibl \\; 7
,_ Mrs. Barbar, M, March i9 Snanish rico h, Oceansith and Pahn Desert visit- , pe I l' I N 1- I ....
a ca.. m art a-a .... sticks hot muffin atl'inc" h .... mg fiends at thcse places• The w I I -, • .•m 'l-
quLucation., ,,. ''... """ . ,. ' ,,/: ..... ' ...... ' counle really enjoys its retire- j/ IX. | a p.=..,..... | l[$[tl[ Illlllll " ; "7"\\; '
'{oi °lumbia l';eiv'esailh: *m[ara"20n'-'.'Roast pork sandwich men't...: :" : ' I L_ I PP'L;IAL I "L'.,7,'0;'77 .,,' '"
ted " cit "" w i ' mr. ann az's. teve oyc are ,. x. /
the f:'onl th yteaWh:r s :hie " cahs .YlibkU. fueled corn, fruit, planning a trip to Hawaii" in the I .,.'4 ISll@ v,..o, €,,, I [] A I -- €-. ,,a
.gai- tat to Barna-- ,-," Ma]ch ,), k,_ s ........... near future flying by jet to Hono- w -emmlmu liVrJ I llO I P • i £ •me i ",iF "'1 _JlJ --lF'a-
" lata-': , ' rq ,.,ul- " , ,.t-----v,a st-rt pucaLue, • .L. t_ " r ° r •" " ' Jt I - I n m m / -- z m o m vv /--,, -.
Ig i . jormg in -, ..... wiene,.s .- --..-', , ..... • ^^,--- mm zor a to-eeE stay. ' i'' ^ I ----" I Ior .L 11 i %
/,teducation .... nu c ..... t' ,;3',.'', °" ,,u.fft:,;y, The Carl Izetts were hosts to -IZ izes- Small to Ex• Large I k I -- -- " ,.
-.oow • -. ....... , ..... , ..o ...,, ru,,o, , Z IITA t T _D I • l
ear ell attend ,- - -i6 and mi"- thc Cleveland clan Thursday exe- .'M"// m .... ,=- - nn .. ,.-- I I][ N :/
.of V.,!!ege at the Uni- March 22-Chili 'lint buttered ]t,ng befo, e M,s• ,zetts brothers ...(3--.. SPECIAL "ZHOO | /'Ll " J. i' | .L--."_ ._._Le .... (/---
,,,, -:a*ntou cot , ' . ,. ,e.v ;or ,,,s:,,t ,o open , -- I I r uusn|ons ;
allel - - She also n muffms cold slaw fruit jel CheLations h-,- To,,n ....... ]71 ...... W/-LJ,J uau
hin'2 'eet the re.ui..-/_-u"" M::--.h ou' m...X,. .......... Cleveland left for their destina- • I/. SPECIAL O0 I I . , l
O € 'to --- . scl°ol at th ..... lo and milk ,- ...................... ILOll o- . .egutar,o,.uu i. " Re ular 129 )TI
stoa s . ,-merits -,,., *,. .,-..,,.v v,q,, ,,u,L- tio Sa r ' . / 3,____ I /
iclj tale as a ed ch . . n tu day mornmg and will "" t '%1"
,, ................ FASHION co _ .
• - owell . . teacher, eese sandwich, celery or cal'- renlain th("i ...n ,, ....... ,,.=.
eVe oz HI h m .............. 4" SALE J- ..
Madly._ J.aught art at rot sticks, fruit 'and milk. (....m • ' "
( "" Juni .... .... bad nt the fall. ;t.C
59' i
also,,Yea,.s, s n graez , Local .AIINr .ArvA¢ visiting friends at the beach Fri- • I/. _. I i:v rl J// I tt/
t, La.u+ . I ..... ,,--.--= ,,-vvv da , eveni,l .x-i t Irl..l_ BI ...... I -- v ..--,,e • I %n/
o tlnls 't tt Ho0dspolt • • • h an I "" .--. UI[15 OI0U$$ --" ..
ti ' • "1 'V '"' " " ". M's. Bruce Con don ' -
go. zs :: eek, a few Wnlh Hnsioru© Fhel ,,f oo .................. I / Gollon Yardage .:
art '' zvtcl.)OWell I • • ,• ,,,.e,',,. ,t=,': aturday eve- d Sizes 3 - 6X and 7 - 14 ..'.::!:::i!::,:
' fifth net.,--, • now, Vmtor M. Otto, fl,'eman, USN, nmg vmltors at the Jinl Von Os- "] 7\\;' I ;;:;;?;,,:;: ;%"
t- *uta )n Ollr I *
' son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin C. tens. I z Re 1 ," :;;:! ;:i;S/:iii::: $ i
' hi:,-,': * *' Otto of Route 1, She]ton, is serv. Jim and Betty Dahl and (he I .&l7/ .... gu ar $2 . -- 150 S ,ecml $1.69 ] ' / ..a..,'-.1 O0 _..--7.: /
Ik I € [Mt,": ta graders .... ; ing aboard the dock tanding ship girls spent the "weekend at the I,- [--- egmar $3 00 -- Special $2.00 I | I -- ...u. . -j
.. ll., : °r, ." thelr 'ohZ._.::'Hnrnc_ (i I USS Spmgcl. " Grove, a, unit of the Henry Dahls. Jnn' and Betty live ,;qlFiw'- -- Rul, CA'tin -- :-z a,o- aa I :::::: i .- ...... .,. -IFJ--:'
Flffe reh 6, V, hlel .... ;z=zto]z AUantze Fleet Amphibious force, on Orcas Island no do not gel to /i i - -%7z .... t,=z.uu- pt;tzz O.U I i| / orv IbrOO(IS el) -" S"%'
I1, eeur,. ...... I headquartered. _aL.2al:f.olk. Vs.. come down as often as the Dahls J .. | |
.... ',- t.stcy nlay v , I r ';.,,.
O.ASTS ]tY are : '. I which celebrated its 20t" armiL Sr. would like to have them vis- k_X/. __ ' I :, I -- "7- ..................... ,i/,
sto- asked to ")1 .... versary on Feb. 20. , it, There is much visiting and '%.,... Kiddies Koller Deut. • I / u:.n.__ _-:u. OL.'_- -,',il@"
Ih s( r the next t/.- "in vnelr n Organized on Feb 20, 1942, \\;the catching up on news while they J ".-['-- • v I IlT/'m '" ," ,,, , I nluRU[V wurK onlrl
',mfl - ,,ree .ears ' '. .... " " ' " ....' II/rIUR u lU LT ";lil,-
[e tle. " The tu(len;,, ,,.'. I f°rcc lead every major Alhed am- aze here. J n ,\\; I .... _ _ I Deep Double Back -- Sizes 141/ to 18 '., . %
[ 0 -,'°ltrses thr' ;.:s ,..,- i phibiou s 'landing fn North Africa L Mr. and Mrs. Carl Izett spent] " ,. FLAT LATEX qi " /,.,:
C ,for',. and the"Jntcres land Europe during World Warii the weekend in Seattle visitingj _._ J 489 ' "4111l , I_/,
; ,q, .m,ir fuhlre, '-:'qulrc(z Today nearly 17,000 men as: their daughter, Mrs..Francis E. ONE GROUP I PER GALLON i I -/,; '-._qlLD"
ht(i.:m,ationa, ::, ,,, signed t.o 58 sh'i s and su ortin Leever, while in Seattle, Mr Iz- " ' i "
00n49 . I .A|,.. ,--A.I,... I / ;'--"
: th r'at ''z" 1.1:OII1 [teams with the Atlantie'I,'leef Ma- D.U.Q.le8 of World War I, the 41st [ -- ,". -UlIIUO t,WUeilO / '{i_ I ," l-
ie, tlt, College 1 ..... pro- [rine Force to provide a vital am- mvLm,°n" I _ /.. | ,]Jji I . , L//
des'.,?Ommere'l=Pon.r.a.t°ry [ phibious striking capability for ttle Donald Edwin Woodbury I .'..... Cardigans and Slip-ons -- Sizes 38 to 42 / 1"1i;]i I All :nt|R Ilml, ,,I1 '.,7
'%u*,-, ''qrs, a ..... .,mrse, t the na,tion. Combat-rcadv Units Jr,, aria ms mother, Pare, 'have I.-.." / xi;" I 11411 151,11111511 1511111511 qlUli -"
! ', i ..... Gcn- range thc Atlantic, Indian , Arctic been ,v.iting his .grandparents, the J 'TT. P_a_t.e,I and Dark Co/ors / I Medium Weight -- Sizes 38 to 46 /1/%
i, C"'-*' * land Antarctm" Oceans, as well a,s M.err, n sojs..ana. great grandpar- J € ,, negmar ,,.o ,o ]a.w / ll I Short or Long Sleeves i" .t.
L'ytte,EST [tbe Caribbean and Mcditerranean cnt, u].c. _vvlu}anl __Caldcrs for a J , M/m7/ A, • • m . .. / 21 I .... x2,9,,
..ll01 ',t[in Seas. ee, or" ,o. M. Ison gave a -" ' .It , %_,..,..,
}, ploCed atgth:°n.test .has Vice Adm, Alfred G Ward, con,- !j.neheon for he," daughter on J :: 000e¢lal V Otl / I 18 . -
--A , ,.;:.Orod b,. .'.'-m°-r nigh Jmander of the Atlan'tie am-hibs weanesaay oz mst week to close' ",%" --r ......... i - ...... i i
b0ttaata a,.. s soemtion nt a personal anmver,ary mes- vmntE Donald t- " -d'!clng I . ,, m INTERIOR SEMI- O N LY / ,,
C ltes "'aers A -' .t-ueWash. se " . r ' frlenas ann neighbors intro " P r Jl "
, : OVer = to writ "- ,^- I sage to me men ot nis zorce prais- - = ....... -- ..u .an aanzzrmg / --.,k,7 - / .............. - J "-,.
[tntt,r. 20 WOrds t," Jing their importance as a "van- egTPdam m a graauate of Irene [ | BLU&5 LNAM $Q / ma_ .. . • . '
I b e ia ".c and ashin2" I,g a,': a in peace and spearhead ha "'Tile "JIM VON "',,,--,*- [..-- | PER GALLOM vv / men s uotton namneoam =--
c b Hera * e,- a ar "'.Lr. $ were ......
hit 1 The 1t t %- 11 1"%"
o- " ten --:'. letter ] " pleasantly surprised to llave -i t ONE GROUP / / Entlre Remaining Stock / |
!y neOne tttot Would be i Inconsistency is hown by words school frid from Denver ca[ J ,,/. ......... . I $. 8^. ....... , I --_. _. . ., i.
.-- oe c' o*- " yr typed. }Clouds without rain. Kreuuzer ot Denver is li in tn i i"" ,--,.=wv .....,-= mmav / -- -- / Illl I Ii1.1;1111111 -----"
Sh Prizes, $150/ --fa *' Baker F_Idy Seattle. He and his nehcl. "-,::;- /'$11111 / / v'm, U v unnmvvvlmsmu. ,,'.ll--
• a v ' "u" I 'Tk " Pleated and Slim Styles / / • Tk "
• /' I" Matching Sweater Colors I i r •.
• ' ' m ' W .
"/' n =, P " "- ' " I CORNINGWARE | oys Wmler Jackeis ,.
% Sizes 8 to 18 Regular $10 95 to $29 95 B ., 7
NOW UN¢ POLICY [ S '"°'"'"
m¢.Huer l00nal % off / STA RT E R $ ET / D.d,,,.A * "
• " ' Illlilllrll IVi - ,..
--V | ,t, . @ Ready,,to Wear Dept. O O Men sDepartment O #t--,
:7" [ Siem Gobhis
- ' - - Gra -- / _..-.i / Co,ors ". T,,r..o,.e , z
P - /.,, Dorolhy ,, y Shampoo i -: A i - €
)rns ".. , SAFECOmake iteasy for agents, likeourseh, est. I" -" .1.50 Size $" l/h I - 15 ' 9.. R ..' ,",1
I ;,._0WNERs u^= .... I give you the finest, most complete insurance covera- | "# \\;" P..IAL lV I *&F, ['/r | m ]or Mnt .7' ,
I vta/,..."_,-.. i ,ossibleForex,mpl.-- *" / I" =" -- | /
INSURAN Today, the new GNERAL E-OWNER policy " _- ' ",%
.W?TII c.z_Hm)s | revents dsn erous coverage gaps-saves You mo , , " / _ e, a,,,,_- c,; t =_ | 24 zal, Plaslle Garbage 0an .
,1€. p - ,v. nnu t IS Rew policy save ou o , • J ! 1J t %
I PR-MIU L" - .... I Not only does h' . . )' time, trouble | /.. e,,_._, o .... .,.__ / "11111 (fil$|0th Plllt / gu r $A /
I ""t tAFt,-" V rnum I and money, it offers total coverage oz your home under | . LL. Kffi Dale llpS / / 9 o D"" . LL _
• tended coverage (frozen pipes, broken glass =+' '1 -- Nylon -:-- White and Black / OW 'l'' | RJlI--"
J and even allows f .... g expenses while / | I A Few Shorts and Tails / Uld b0 $1245" / =J--. @ ..... = B|= t
I AGENT! I one, all.inclusive policy. This takes in fire, theft ex- |--' / .. Ct' / '" -,7
-- or additionalhvln ........ -- - ]%- If bough! separately , "]Tty
repairs are being made. xes, all these, risks, and ...... .... | I.//_. Ii Sizes 24 to 28 Waist / ¥0usave 57,,.. / U Ulllgld| owul$ I111 . i/,z
y,. _ more now can be bound together 111 one planned ro |' . ) . _ o ...... I . _ I -,....,,, o.,.,.. ,.'.
39 C . c. ,... .... '-,, fr°m Y°ur SAFECO ^, v" .... i I.---- , regul.r .mu . -J¢lll / I,eov, t ,,. th,, erap,I.o , / Irluu.. u|.m- .. I111'-!...
--'.,. ......... ,o v .... ." : . ,-,sent. ,€ , '' cook-serve ware goes instantly trom , ' d'",\\;,.
::H,S Pkg. "L, W/-/£, SAFECO offers many other t,me-saving, money say J ';-k, , SPECIAL = / tr.zer to ,a,e top (,ha .vie. vers0 | Regular $1179 ,',
" ............. ld be our leasur^ *- -. . " ., ,,/-- / without breaking, It serves oeautifully / ,) ,) _l L/.,.,
',::35 ;:°"°"° :'ie! tE'cO ?¢z° vEf2e ie:Gc he ' ( " Aeeess°l'ie2 Li]_. 'gel"Ze Dellt: : I. '!t';:nlti'! / O Hard:::re'& Gif't Del)t" " "
00000cky ff Agannv ">Wt-', i[ NTI L£
-: = -- ,,. a o+ [, \\;1[/-.xL< -,x X&,. ,.-. \\;[.,' ,-_\\;&-j -.'-\\;iV/"-...L< "x-iJ "-'-_\\;AJ "-x-X'J ,.'-\\;iJ --_NL,'. "<'-\\;Ai' "-'_\\;J ".KJ "-\\;/..x, ..x\\;K,
-_____ .,,. ,.. ,,,,, ,., ,,,,, ., ,,, ,,,
to dealers.