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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NEW BLUE THURS - FRI.. SAT. OPEN 6:,15 SHOW  RIDE THE CREST OF 7HE WAVE/ JOIN w ELVIS ,f k PRE3IEY /N A tP PARADISE OF SONG/ I I I CO-HI.T "ALL IN A NIGHT&apos;S TRADEWELL U.S.D.A. CHOICE Ouali-T Meats Meat, makes the meal . , . and Tradewell U,S.D,A. "CHOICE" Quail-T-Meat is guar- anteed to make any meal a success] Try Quali-T and see. If you don't agree it's the fresh, tender luscious meat you're proud to serve your family and guests.., just bring back the wrapper and we'll buy the meal! NOTE: Maximum allowance $3,00 over purchase of meat. Fresh, from light, lean porkers, 3 to 4 Ib. avg, loin or rib end cuts / Pork Loin Roast ELECTRICAL As clean as sunshine itself With electric heat there: soot or smoke to soil • niture and (iraper|es, stay clean, your hore lovelier longer, Public Ulilily "TR,C No. 3 TING of Mason County. J; ,TTER president: Ed Taylor NAYS Webb, commissioners Danielson, manag / I)Qrisp Radishes .... NH. 5  teen Onions .... ',NCH. 5 ¢ alif°rnia Long white New Potatoes 5 ,bs 29 ¢ : FAN CY nnesap Apples , I0 c Fresh, Center cut Rib Pork Chops 59 c U.S,D,A, "OHOIOE" Standing Ri5 Roast "THE KING OF ROASTS" "AGED AND TRIMMED" FIRST CUTS ,.85 ¢ U, S,"¢HOICE" RIB STEAK ,b. 89' Smith's Pride, Tender for roasting or baking, 3 to 31/'. lb. avg. .0. 39' ROASTING OHIGKENS ,b RED SNAPPER .............................. lb. 33 ' SMELT .................................................... ,b. 25  St, Patrick's Day Special, Milwaukee's Fancy lean brisket CORNED BEEF .............................................. ,b. 79  Lennon's Pure Pork LINK SAUSAGE ......................................... , 59  Lennon's Piece out from light lean 6 - 10 Ib, sides SLAB BACON ,b. 45 = ,uo o,, 69' Minute Maid (12 OZ. tins .... 39¢) 5/'1 ""' ITS ,o,. 10€ I)POTATO OmSs .............. 'o,. 39, _,,ORANGE JUICE .................... Eoz. tins 49' SNOBOY, Frozen, Crinkle cutFr°zen Foods 2/45' RACKER ' MAYONNAISE ............................ , oz. jar FRENCH FRIES ............ .,o ........................ oz. oz. Sunshine, Hydrox SNOBOY, Frozen OOOKIES "49" ,,.e..o--,n.,o. o., o.. 12/'1 2/35  ................................ o.. PET FOOD ............................  o., t,n, GAUMFLOWER ................ o o.. ton LI:'" SAUCE tins303 Tenderleaf (price incl. 10€ off label)BLACK TEA BAGS ,s ' , , . h ,, ........ or. oo.. =n. BEADED SHRIMP ................ o o.. Camay <Pri°e 'no'" g °'f "" 4 34¢' ............................ 3 3/t Complexion Soap''> Z% county ,, ,,,, .ooth, $ O0 ....... MEDIUM EGGS Do,. tn. BREADED FISH STIX 49 , * ............................ " BET Tradewei,, No,l-Fat, ,..tint II a Gal. C BASIl DETERGENT l,O41 (Pr,oe ,no,. o= off ,abe,) ........ = 25 DRY MILK ............................................ " " .ra,t. orn 0,, Ora.,. o 4/It 43  DASH DETERGENT jumbo Sunny Jim, Apple, Gra4earty Punch6 MARGARINE ,.. (Price incl. 3¢ off label)  FRUIT DRINKS ........................ o,. t,n, .................................................. 36 r00/Sl 78 69 Onion, Garlic or Celery or Oe,r ady, unpee,ed ha,v. OXYDOL DETERGENT ,e. County a,r. w, Cream ' CRESCENT SALT ............................ o. 3  ICOTS " 2l/'2 / , (Price incl. 7¢ off label) I FRESH BUTTER lb. t,n OXYDOL DETERBENTGiant ........................................,s, , ,..,,, 33' Liquid 67' Big T, Oregon grown, Light 99' REYNOLDS FOIL  ft. to,, THRILL DETERGENT .... o:. WALNUT MEATS ............................ .,, o,. - ........................... • Brao 49' gut, Freestone /$1 Free sponge in pkg. :St' GoidMountain, Fancy, Light 4/'1 CORNED BEEF ........................................ ,,o=.____, eFaTcon, CorvaTr and Lark. HES ann ................ "°--ss 0,u,,,u, ............................ to suspect they know the tin Free room thermometer in pkg.  Chiffon 27 Z the so-caLled "super.corn- SPIO & SPAN, ' € DINNER ROLLS .............. o=. ;urprise ending in Chapter ................ Giant, FACIAL TISSUE ........................ 400 or. pkg. °'"'"°" '°"'°' 3/'1 .,itively, model for model, N00--/S9c ill, .... Erin.go' , i gild"  CHOPPED ONIONS , o. er and Lark. " Mandarin ? .................. 0ek? Could be you'll wan{ NGES ,, o,. , for whom Valiant's a kind i MAKE I Prices effective March 15, 16 & 17. Limit rights reserved. edeveLvm°nth" Thetitlei '= 0'MANNING'S! rs VALIANT FOR VALUE[ Sli0d • °;a)' -'-J . _ . Ist., Sheiton