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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Skok. Grange Drill Team To Exemp!!fy Work y ary V I y SKOKOMISH VALLEY . Th( Skokomish Grange 3rd and dth degree drill team will exemplify the work on Thursday evening, March 29, at 8:30 p.m. Drill Cap- lain Martin Smith has called for a practice for next Tuesday at 8 p.m. Tim Degree work will be at tile Skokomish Community Hall and the hmch will be &apos;Potluck'. Rev. and Mrs. Warren Hale of Winlock, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Pop Williams o£ Shelton, were callers in the valley on Men- (lay. Mrs. Martin Smith is Spending a week in Seattle with her daugh* tar. Mrs. Bill Anderson who uno derwent major surgery this week, Mr. and Mrs. George BarMey attended Pomona Grange at Cloo quallum on Sunday. LITTLE LAT!CIA Richert, dauglter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richert, celebrated her first birth- day last Friday. Those helping to honor the event were the ma- ternal grandparents from Olym- pia, Mr. and Mrs. E. J, MeCauly, and the paternal grandparent Mr. anti Mrs. Ted Rlchert. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson dive to Sumner on Sunday to at- tend a bit<hday dinner in honor of their, Mrs. Ronald Johnson. , Mrs. Sharon Johnson entertain- ed the Barbara Gibbs MissiQnary Circle of the Shelton Baptist church on Monday evening. Mrs. Joan Hunter was to.hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Justin Taylor and children of Oyster Bay were Sun- day dlzmer gests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hnnter. Mr. mid Mrs. Humphrey Nelson ere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Hudson at Little Skoo- kum on Saturday evening. MR. AND MRS. GEORG Val- ley, Susan and Jan of Island Lake were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and MrS. Chester Valley. Mr. and Mr& Jim Hunte ell- tertained with a dinner last week in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Start Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bray aze to be honored at a reception this Snnday on their 50th wedding an- niversary,, from 2 to 4 p.m., at the Skokommh Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mlngus of Brockdale spent last Saturday ev- ening at the Chester Valley home. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Todd of Shelton were Sunday dinner glzests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Don- aldson. Ivan Dyson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Rebman, is home after spending some time in the hos- pital from an appendectomy. __ tiiiiwa@ P00a-fly Ser[e! gloses y • :rs. Nell Vnc. LILLIWAUP --- Lilliwaup Corn. reunify Club held its business meriting Friday with 25 members and friends attending the potluck dinner. The business meeting fol- lowed. The card party 8 p.m. with eight tables of pinochle be- ing played. High score went to Esther Christensen and Edd Sehe- uer; low to Nancy Card and Nell Vance; 300 pinochle to Kathryn McIntyre and Esther Christen- en. Frank McIntyre won the door prize. This was the last party in a series of five. Mrs Cecil Gilbert won first prize of the series with a score of 22,090. Her prize was donated by Edd $cheuer. Matt Kaare won high score for men with 21060. Another series will start March 23. We have a lot of tim at the card parties. Anyone who doesn't attend really misses a good time. Evely Nlcholon and Mlllie Dieaen were hostesses for the evening. HOOD CANIL Garden Club met last Tlmrsday at the Liili- wasp Community Club hall, with 22 members and guests attendhg. The pot hlck lunch was served at 12:30. Tim tables were beauti- fully decorated with baSketS of daffodils and St. PatrlCk s Day dec,ooations. The meeting was called to order by vlce president Lois Pierce. Tte remgmtion of Mrs. :Marie Tin.nor, president, • was acca[Ked with regretS. Mrs. Turner Was injured in an automobile accident several months ago and is still under treatment. Mrs. Grace Blank, past direct- or of the Olympic District of Se- quire, Mrs. Barney Broten of Rockport, Me,, and Mrs. Walter I'hWaltes were introduced and gi- ven a hearty welcome. The club project thi year is landscaping, planting shrubs and flowers at the new Hood Canal sclmol at the junction. Anyone wishing to donate shrubs or bulbs t the project will be welcomed, They could phone Mrs. Vepa Sh'ortsleeves, TROjan 7-5514. Mrs. Blank show- ed slide pictures of the Ohms Gardens at Wenatchee, and Lois lCierce tshowed pictures of the club members planting the first tree at the new School. Mesdames Cecil Gilbert, Bernice Leimback, Alice Hilii Anna Dick- rosen, and Vera Shortsleeva wer llostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith of Sprtngwater visited Mrs. Smith's sister cud family, Mz.. and Mrs. Arnold Tahja of Tacoma, several days last week. Jack Dwyer of Lilllwaup iR confined to the Shelton General Hospital, His many friends wish hhn a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. JacR Jolmston en- joyed dinner Sunday at the homo. of Ma . ad Mrs. barry Miles Lilliwaup, um00oR couPtE ,oe00 FRoe off for a vacation. However, last Feb. 8, they left via bus for the start of a real holiday trip which took them to California, Arizona and Mexico, Son Richard remain- ed to take care of his ducks, which are nesting now, and with Mrs. Marlene Bostrom of Shelton, Mrs, Cain's sister, in charge generally. The Cains were later joined by another sister, r. and Mrs, Rob- err Reynolds of Seattle, who met tlem by arrangement, when they drove Ul) from Florida, where they had spent a couple of weeks of their vacation. Mr. and Mrs: Cain were most impressed by the quaint Danish Village of Solang, whiCl is seem. ingly not advertizel too much as a tourist attraction. According to Mrs. Cain the entire colony is composed of Danish residents. The type of arclfltecre all being al- ong Danili OId W0ild lives. Num- erous small shops featuring arti- cles of like type, wit'h balelqeS and sweets---shops adding a pic- turesque and colorful tOuch. The candies are said to be much like out" rich cookies, and the Danish pastrys are, of course, familiar to everyone, TIlE GAME AND FUN night of Hood Canal Improvement Club which was set for last week and postponed, is all set for this Fri- day night, Mat 16 at 8 p.m., at Commmflty Hall. Witli a good time assured all attending, prizes and refreshments also included, and the public invited, a good crowd is expected. Funds raised will be for the benefit of the club treasury, to help defray expenses of improvement and also to be applied on rages. Randall Updyke, Harry Mawson and Mrs. Alfred Cowan are in charge of ticket sales. March 19 is a very important day for little Maria Burnett, as she will be celebrating her second birthday at the home of her ma- ternal grandm&ther, Mrs, F.-C. Snyder of Sporfsmans Haven. Mrs. Joan ]]urnett, her mother, will also be on hand to help with the birthday cake and the little inci- dentals which make for a happy birthday for a tiny ymmg miss. Union residents turned out in large numbers for the Carnival anti supper sponso:ed by the PTA at Hoodsport last Saturday night. Assisting from Union were Carol Fuller, Elleanor Bar,hal, Molly Puter, Dorothy Msller and Helen Tlmm, members of the association. Mrs. Beulah Nicimls motored tO Seattle' last Tueiday bringing back with her Mrs. H, H. Short, her aunt and who will be spend- tng the next two weeks visiting both Mrs. Nichols and ister Mary McBra tney. RE2URNED HOME after a two week wcation trip are ,Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hamilton. They left Feb. 18 via Union Pacific at Olympia for a tou, of the desert country, and interesting plabe to stop .off and visit with relatives and friends at Indio near Palm Springs, Calif., and also at Riverside: and Marllo- ma, and enjoyed the fzlt season at its best and the Date Festi- val. According to the Hamfltons the best dates are picked and re- served for KfltirdHt tti t211 i clmin stores throughout the na- tion. Lik some of our other vaca- tionists the Hamlltons brought back wi[ them sotvimlrs. Mrs. lloyd Ludwig accompan- ied by hr cousin, MtS. Mary Al. maden of Sl|elton, and Mrs. Jew- ell Head of Bremerton, who is Mrs. Ludvig's daughter, and also Mrs. Yvonne Parrott of Tacoma left via Jet plang last SttlSay from International Air, oft, Seat- tle, for Hawaii, where they ex- pect to end the new few weeks. • At th home of Mr. and Mrs. George [teelman Friday was Mar- vin Lamee£ e/ I$0titH RO't; who is presently stationed at Fort LeWis With the 82ild Division. Sat- urday evening r. and Mrs. Steel- man, along with Mz'. and Mrs. Al- fred Cowaa¢ tooR their visitor to tile Carnival and dinner at Hoods- port school. Mrs. Edwin Metzler was incharge o pen/y pitch game and Shirley Cowan was in the flo- WerbOoth. A good representatfon of the entir far)ily goup. LAST THURSDAY'S meeting of Union Ladies Civic Club at Commuhity Hall was largely at- tended some 20 members being present, GueSt beirg Mrs. George Stelman and Mrs. Steve Morris. Hostesses for the potluck lunch- con were Mrs, Don Beckman and Mrs. Karl O'Berry. The luncheon a bowl of were of St, were formu- party the club Apfll, Friday 13th, proving the women are not indulgihg 'L r  "itte up¢rat[. ti0ns. clmnccs on which were sold, with rillie Sherman holding the lucky number. The contents consisted of an unusual collection, WiMch'; oc- casioned much merriment .Gifts were presented to retiring officers Sherman and Updyke by the mem- bers. Lucille Wojohn Won the door prize. Mr. David Emerson of Alder- brook's staff of last summer with Wstern Hotels was a/Sunday can ler at Atderbrook where he visit- "ed With Mr. and Mrs. Wes John- son, and also at the Dalby home, before departing for Seattle where he will be employed with West- em Hotels at the Olympic Hotel for the plsent time. Last Friday found Mr. and Mrs McOuire Of Puget,* Sound Nursery and Gift Shop of Tacoma busily at work at FlagWood Gift Shop, getting things in order in prepa- ration of the arrlval of Mrs. Corn Campbell wlo will be in chagc Ok ampbelt, formerly of Sextons and Flagwood. Assisting Mrs. Camp- bell part-time will be Mrs. Janet Rutter, who is presently a resi- dent of Little Hoquiam, in the old Callow home, and now herself a real Cmmlite, and like many others think there is no place quite like it. Flag'ood will reopen at a very early date, and will he all set to go for the opening of tim Century 21 World's Fair. TtHRSDAY evening Mr. and tM:rs. Dave Barclay entertained at dinner for Waldo Chase, the occasion being his birthday. After dinner a few additional friends dropped in as a surprise, and to spend a pleasant evening, and en- joy the dessert supper by the cheerful fireplace and also wish Waldo many happy returns. Saturday saw Vern Wyatt busy at work at Azalea Place shop opening for the season. Noted were some pretty and colorful flowers on the lot, giving localit- ies and passersby an opportunity to make their floral selections ear- ly for beautifying their home grounds and gardens. Fritz Dalby has a dozen or more of fiis landscapes and marine pain- and Petty. Phms were formulated for the spring conference to be held at Port Orchard April 12 at 9 a.m. at "Myhers". At this time election of officers and also the installation of officers will take place. Included will be a report of the Presidents of lh¢ various club groups. MR. AND blR,% ARNE Gab- rielson took the drive up from Oregon to spend the weekend at theh' Canal home. They also at- tended the reception given by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mille at Hood Canal Womens' Club house Sat- urday evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hansons' 25th wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen at- tended the Carnival and dinner at Hoodsport Saturday evening, and then ,vent on to join the celebra- tion and reception tendered Mr. and Mrs. Hanson by her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Mille, at Hood Canal Wmnans' Club. Visiting at the home of Mrs. Don Beckman at the present time is Mrs. Jean Reed of Seattle, HeN ens sister-in-law, and who will be her house guest for the next two weeks. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Timm were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Timm of Bremerton. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Richard- son and daughter Cheri spent the weekend visiting friends and rela, tires at Portland, Ore., motoring down and back home Sunday night. Mrs. Paul Sherman has with tings on exhibit at Edmonds, nmst lmr at the present time Mr. and of which are in oti with a few Mrs. Robert Mendenhall and water colors adding to variety, daughters Cini]y and Robin, who During the past couple of years have been visiting with her for he has placed quRc a'few of his the past week, while their art works through sales to view- tmme in Shelton is being' readied era as well as friends, and collect- for occupancy about April 1. or. Mrs. JacR Kaltnski and child- Mr. and 1Vfrs. Thomas Turner ren of Klamath Falls arrived at made the trip to Seattle last Fri- the home of he,' parents, Mr. and day, returning the same evening. Mrs. George Young last Sunday The trip having been made to to spend tim spring vacation. She consult further with Mrs. Tumor's will be remembered by many Is- personal physician, cal' fl.iends as the former Pat Mrs. Nine Miller, vice president Young, having attended school of the Peninsula District of the here. The Kalinskis lmve recently Federation of Womans' Clubs at- removed to Lake Grove at Port- tended the meeting and luncheon land, Ore. of last Thursdays at "The Top of Ed Dalby spent the weekend at the Ocean"at Tacoma. Also at- Seattle getting in a good visit tending from Shelton were Meu- with son Kenny, returning home dames Core Drake, Dolores Drake Sunday night. [6 FREE J VACATIONS I VIA PAN AMERIt}A'N 'JET iLI.PPER. ] Safewfy offers 6 race÷ions in I H,wM,. Three couples or 6 J indlvid..uals. Win * vacation €o [ Hawa,,. I_  FULL K'AII3 M YOUR SAFEWAY - .- x : . T | [ lit lIE I [ NEEDHAH'S FOOD CENTER 29.oz. tin Knott's Berry Farm 6 *''rYj:: ''APEFRU ' T 5 for Wolden's Ghevron Servi00 , Genuine Atlas 2-cell F,!AS,!}00HT -- 99' , . N ERIES -- Regular $1,40 PIZZA .s, New at A &, W. You'll love it  cheese, sausage Pepperoni  Try itl AND Taylor Radio Electric Free Tube Testing (with technical advice, as usual) SAVE $5.00 OR MORE on. new tubes (if you need 10 or more) Century 21 Flighl Bags . . . $1.59 (Regutar $2.50 value) FORD'S Ammonium Sulphate 25 lb. bag $' (Fri. and Sat. only) , i I il,,, Shelton Printin. ,,, ,,, ation00¢ Regular $1.00 boxed Parchment Stationery M siz wh Genlury 21 Souvenir Lelters 39c pkg. IOc Gandy Bars . . . . 3for 21c nOW 75' |ZIEQLER'S t , [  Regula ¢OLOll FREEZER SALE MARCH 16-17 Here is what you get with these Coldspot freezers during thi I00 Ibs, of Ghoice Beef su plied by your local TBABEWELL, Assorlmenl consi$1 , S)eaks, Roasts, Boneless Boiling Beef, Ground Beef and Shod Ribs 30 0u. fl. Upngh!Ooldspot Freezer wdh 1.00 pounds of Beef , , , , , , , $3d ;2_. .... 20,5 ou, fl, Upnghl Goldspot Freezer wdh i O0 pounds of Beef , , , , , , $205{ ( hh 20.5 ou. fl. 0hesl Goidspol Freezer wilh I00 pounds of Beef . . . . . • . $"3.,. -,, -,, 17.1 cu. ft. 0hest r00,dsp0| Freezer with iQ0 poundsof Beef (I only-17.1) . S2!ll.k't 12.4 cu. fl. UprigM Ooldspol- Freezer wilh I00 pounds of Beef , . , , . . $24 NOTHING DOWN ON SEARS EASY PAYMENT. "  ,t EXTRA SPECIAL -- GLAD BULBS 2¢ EACH WHILE THEY LAST  SEARS CATALOG SALES OFFI(I,. EVERGREEN SQUARE- PHONE HA 6-820 ii',,, mode 0 Day OUR 22nd ANNIVERSARY , Repeal, '%, Nyion OPENHOUSE FRIDAY the 161h & SATURDAY the 17th , 1st grade __ full t Door Prizes t i reg 9 c $ - ......... $ 4-9ozW. aterGlasses...whilet ,%s L • 1 -ecup G.E. uuto, Coffee Maker   last..Coly -7 glasses to w ess- N( I 1 - ominion auto. Toaster   Coffee & Cookies : , DUTCH BOY i . < Si i ,  \\; We will demonstrate !i| £ \\;  pais ow easy it is to apply. i } w i, ,,t ,. I Came in and see whaoffer [: iii I n in You'll find our prices are right! , _; €I:Li . .... . : -"U GARBAGE OANS reg. $.0 '3.95 STEP LADDERS % t:,$3'__'4 '' i,, : -- SPRAY PAINT reg: $,.,, 9,8¢ ' 12 qt, Galv. WATER PAILS  . 50 Gomplele Line of 1962 Evinrude Ontboard Motors Stereo Re Free "Fun Afloat" pamphlet. Ask us for one. Enter the Evinrude Boat Show Contest. 1023 prizes, movie cameras, camping and fishing outfits, ete. With the puz III)A.VlOTOR It Shelton Marine- Hillcrest Hardware-- o, liraited ,, quart