March 15, 1962 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 15, 1962 |
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Page 18
SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL;- Published in UChristmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton,
For Sale
FOR SALE --, 70 concrete planter box-
es, three patterns and color• One
mile on Masou Lake road froln
]¢ay.hore, M, E. Wright, Box 982,
B(,ute 2. H 3/15- 4/5
evn double white porcclaln sink, no
vim ov prayer. Very good condl-
tiou. Call I t[A 6-d593. B 3/15-22
Fb l-SXlm ::: - iiii t% W-7a-ii--7
bike and tricycle, and scooter. Ph.
ItA 6-n545. T 3/15
saw, gardvn tractor and ass bar-
rolls. IIA 6-8343, G 3/15-22
si:)iii W0i3SS )'577Zih,-g-i;F-g6rW.
Call IlA 6-3010 after 6 p,nl.
F 2/1 tfn
Phone HA 6-4878, V 2/8 tfn
El :E 0i R'() I: i ) X- -8k-LE 7--s Tvie--i
supplies, John Rice. Phone HA 6-
6108. Free demonstrations•
R 1/7 tfa
ton Marine - Hillercmt Hardware,
HA 6-8163. 2/8 tfn
.NEiTV iiJ06 +WXTTT"flifvBiiTiigh-iTiiiiiT:
trailers, boats, campers• $198.50.
Saoger Motor Shop, HA 6-4802•
12/7 tfn
hmger with Fairbanks Morse pumps.
See them at Shelton Electric Co,,
419 Railroad. 3/16 tfn
road and fill gravel, washed sand
and gravel, drainage gravel and pea
grave| for driveways. Norman An-
dorson, l,hone lqA 6-3552. Johu's
Creek Sand and Gravel Bayshore.
7/25 tfn
antazmg, improved finish for floors
and furniture that lasts and lasts
and lasts. 5/25 tfn
Shelton Marine - I411lerest Hardwars
lI, 6-8163. 2/8 tfn
pulleys and shafts. All types sal-
vage. Shelton Junk Co., Fh'st and
Mill. l)hone HA 6-8626. 9/8 tfn
truer. Slab $12.50 a cord; Pole wood
$16 cord. Phone HA 6-4867.
S 10/12 tfn
FOR SAL:B Large selection at re-
conditioned ranges, refrigerators,
pltanceWaSher'center.dryers" EoIIs & Vall 5
J i C6BSiN SXI.]ES -iiiid --Tib-{;tiTcvT'S lii:
ton Marine - ltillcrest Igardware,
IIA 6-8163. 2/8 tfn
Your Craft H0hby and Health cor-
ners• Bar-Din. 520 Franklin. Open
Monday and Friday. B 6/22 tfn
Fi.fti'-BX i]]7:" :---'21 :- i-S;]i] i:-i-A-ff fi'fiTg-ii
with 4-cy;I€.' Brig'gs-Straton meter.
Used nlly two nltmths. $65. Phone
ItA (i-8635. T 3/1 tfn
in good condition. Phone HA 6-
1747. Route 3. Box 3873. Arcadia
load P 3/8-15
For Sale
SIg'E 16 FORMAL for sale. Medium
blue, worn only once. Price $12.
Call HA 6-8095 Sundays tbrough
Tilm'sdays C 3/15
Spgrting Goods
,nent at Walt's Marine Supply. on
beautiful Hood Canal. Phone Hoods-
port TR 7-5244. 1/19 tfn
5C'gXfTi" -- Five gas ranges.-7o-6i gVfiRUb-:-gUg-NTg,T&__St;-ii
condition, best offer, TWO gas heat- out-board service, tided Canal Mar-
ors, good condition, best offer. Mrs. ina, Union, TW 8-2252. 3/15 tfn
T. B, BalclL Brlnnon, Wash,
..... ll/llli PeR SALE -- Regulation pool table,
9N FORD tract-,--gd--tmning con- good condition, Phone HA 6-2250,
dillon, good rubber, reasonable• Also P 2/22 (fn
rear-niomit blade. Phone HA 6- BOATS 8 an-d'10 ft. pranm, $71i)--a-nd
6347 after 8 p.l'I. . A 3/8-22 $60$ 12 ft. fisherman, $80; runabouts
P-j.-BI::l--gX-R'ng--m--acldn-6 '12 and 14 ft•, immediate delivery•
with all attachments, Also baby car- Any size on order. M. J. Hooker,
rtage. Best offer, Call HA 6-6228. 1015 E. Dearborn. HA 6-8511. Bar-
, D 3/8-23 Din, HA 6-6837. B 12/14 tfn
DUTCH BOY "P-AIN'ltln--:hira = F
rtne - Hillorest Hardware. HA 6- or Rent
8163. - 218 tfn
O-L---D---G'RO'H',-'feT"A- COZY ONE bedroom house newly re-
length. Phone Oliver Petty, HA 6- decorated. Stove and refrigerator
2,882• 4120 tfn furnished. $40 per month. Phone HA
FRUIT TRIfle-, "d-rf and regulal:;" 6-4806. H 3/8 tfn
Strawhl:l¢$,,,.PaTgtm. rhoaouen- F6RIF-,NT -- DowntowfiTp-gcio-fi'd
drons, roses,, eyergreeas, peonies, three-bedroom apartment, with din-
oriental I)oppie, tulips' and daffo- ing room, $80 per roonth, includes
dils. Also artificial flower bouquets, all utilities except heat. Mann Real
The Garden Shop. phone HA 6- Estate, phone HA 6-6592 anytime.
3710. 3/1 tfn , 3/8-22
FOR SALI -- 1957 '40" x S ft. C-P'ri -N-- T-6 N"r -'-- Ni' i-,-d -b--Tgo-
Trallerhouse. Two-bedroom, tiara, home in pleasant surroundings, two
isbed. Call HA 6-2245. L 3/8-15 ear garage and full basement. Ref-
FOR SALE -- White enamel "o'ok" erenees available. Phone HA 6-4443.
stove, Excellent condition. Call HA B 3/15-29
FO--I---SAI:E " Holland Stroboaar Convenient to mills and downtown
flash unit, nodel 64-B. Operation
for indoor pictures from hotme cur-
rent• ACand shutter cords included.
$20. Call IA 6-368. K 3/8-15
ptml. Permanent finish
does not discolor with
All kinds, Phone HA 6-6779. Leln-
ke's Servioe• L 10112 tfn
auslc Box, 205 Cots St., phone HA 6-
4302. 2/1 tfn
V]()-6D FOR SALE Alder, mapl,
$15 per cord. Phone HA 6-2382.
H 11/23 tfn
-AT0-ffiTff6L SALES -TK
Shelten Marine - Htllcrest Hard-
ware. HA 68i69•
stores. CAty sewer and water. At
highway bridge. S 4/4 tfn
F--()R---iLNT One-bedroom unfur-
nished, heated apartment, adults on-
ly, 311 N. 1st. Phone HA 6-8025.
P 4/20 tfn
lieges, for rent. Also four room
apartment. 720 N; Fourth• HA 6-3487.
R 6/8 tfn
T Wb- b R--ci{5 M---H?3k---=-- Par--P-a'riT
furnished. Potlatch TR 7-5359 Hoods-
port or FL 2-3746 Olympia.
M 7/13 tfn
SMALL HOUSE on Hlllcrest. 1512
Boundary. Newly re-decorated. Re-
frigerator, hot water heater, electric
stow, with trash burner, movable
220 electric lmater. Inquire John
Getty, 1601 Franklin. HA 6-6265.
2/8 tfn G 2/15 tfn
usle Box, 205 Cots Street. Phone rooms. 100 West Pine. Phone HA
HA 6-4202• 2/1 tfn' 6-4679. R 4/14 tfn
stamps for sale at the Journal. $1.25 furnished, yard, large garage. B. J.
each, 2J.7. We#t C2ta__ .2. ..... 12/1.tfa_ Cole, HA 6-4336, 4/24# tfn
SOUP'S ON, the rug tlmt is, so clean TWO BEDROOM apar(nmnt tT{F-i,
tile spot with Blue Lustre. Leaves
no rings. Lumberme.n's Mercantile H.A 6-4394. K 6/8 tfn
Compsny. 3/15 HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms,
I#'X---OiMj;iE--_--ii-L-R--iFI]iI - linen and dishes supplied. Low
weekly rates. Cameron Hotel phone
transparent plastic coating never HA 6-2081. B 2/22 tfn
needs waxing, polishing or scrub-
bing. Ideal for all surfaces, inside SIX-ROOM HOUSE -- Three bed-
or out. See 5/25 tSn rooms, large, utility. One mile out.
Also furnished cabins. HA 6-4276.
C 3/1 tfn
Used Cars g6f RENT--Two bedroom house, $45,
........ i
FOR SALE 1960 4-door deluxe Hill 654 Dearborn. Contact Don Henlfln,
-- 117 West 8th, Port .ligeles, Wash.
For Rent
FOR RENT -- Unfurnished two bed-'
room bouse on Hillcrest. Near stores.
Available April 1. Phone HA 6-
2403. M 3/15-22
FOR RENT -- Flve-rooel house near
Union. Wired for dryer. Double
.ilulnbing. FlreIllace. $45 month. Ph.
A 6-6476 evenings, M 3/15 tfn
Unfurnished 3 bedrooms, Exception-'
ally hu'ge livinroom. Breezeway to
laundry. Storage. Garage. Lawn, gar-
den€ flowers, fruits, Moored boats
m,e beacbed. Adjacent to Spring-fed
tact. dobn Devereux, HA 6-6592 any-
time or evenings at HA 6-3500.
FOR RENT Two-bedroom home on
Hood Canal, near Union. $60. La-
Blssonlcre Agency. HA 6-4666.
L 311 tfn
FOR RENT -- Two modern water-
front cottages, One partly furnished,
$35; other suitable for single per-
son, $30. Phone HA 6-2420.
D 3/1-21 3t
TItREE-BEDROOM home, newly re-
decorated all throughout. $45 l)er
month• Ready by March 15. Water
furnished. Phone HA 6-6016.
L 3/8-15
(liRe new) ................ $125,00
• 3 - Lime oak tables ............ $39.50
(2 step, 1 cocktail, like new)
I - Davenport and chair .... $50,00
I - Davenport and chair .... $65.00
I - Davenpo,% and chair
(like new) ................ $145.00
1 - Free form cocktail table
blond ash, like new) $15.00
J - 4 Dwer chest. 2 night
stands, full slze bed $40.00
1 - Triple dresser, large beveled
plate glass mirror,
b(mkcase bed, sold new
$299.50. like new .... $125.00
2 - Upholstered cindrs, each. $15.00
I - Upholstered chair ........ $10.00
2 - Rockers ................. each $10.01t
1 - Foot stool (like new) .... $5.00
2 - Davonette Dining
ttbles ................. ca*h $I0,00
i . Drop leaf tttble .............. $10.(KI
i - Natur',tl finish
dinette table. ................ $25,00
1 - Matching buffet ............ $25,00
J - Seigler oil heater .......... $50.00
• I - Spark oil heater ............ $50.00
I - Quaker O11 heater ........... $50.00
'1 - RCA 30" deluxe range
very good) ................ $125.00
2 - 2J" Zenith TV's .... each $95.00
I -. GE wringer wasler ......... 1145,00
1 - Serge automatic washer $75.00
1 Kenmore automatic
washer ............................ $75,00
I - Ironer. ............................... $20.00
2 - Refrigerators ......... each $85.00,
1 - wood heater Ilike new) $75.00
all colors ............................ $9.00
• .HROME CHAIRS each $12.50
red - grey - yellow - green
values to $24•50
,.1 - 5 piece chrome
dinette set .................... $65.00
2 - 5 piece large dinette
sets (acl $95.00
FOR RENT -- Home with lots of pri-
racy, close to downtown, two bed-
rooms, double garage, partially fur-
nished. Call 706 Cota after 6 p,m.
B 3/1 tfn
FOR RENT -- Two bedroom nnfur-
nished duplex. Nearly new, carport.
Call after 5:00 HA 6-6201. S 8/3 tfn
grounds, utilities furnished, $20 per
weel and up. 'Mill Creek Motel• Ph.
HA 6-4420. 7/13 tfn
BABY SITTING -- Oue or two solall
children under school age, in my
home. 'Downtown. HA 6-8545,
T 3/15 tfn
-gf4TjV _-_ -gi7¢i;TV-+e%-i:{f-h:hii-dL
with three-point hook-up. Call HA
6-8779, Ilarry Bergeson. B 3/15-22
i';X h-'i'- -T'-iM g- -NN 0R N 'i Xgr=i;i,N;'i; ( [i;ii:
ist. Afternoon hours. Typing and
shorthand essential. Write Box 50,
c/o Journal. 3/15-29
Rubber Welders. Mt. View. 1/10 tfn
care for your children in my home.
Pbone HA 6-6391. A 1/11 tfn
TREES TOPPED, trimmed, removed.
Larry's Tree Surgeon Service. HA
6-4823. 2/13 tfn
WILLI DO IRONING in nly borne.
$1,00 per hour• Phone HA 6-3262,
P 4/14 tfn
WAT_ITE'i--'-f07or" nmre acres between
Shelton and Olympia. Prefer Ms-
'son County:"Some timber for wood.
Phone HA 6-8154 after 5 p,m.
• A 12/21 tfn
WE BUY scrap iron, batteries, radia-
tors, copper, sah,age of all kinds.
Shelton Junk Co., lirst and Mill
Streets. Phone HA 6-8626. S 4/7 tfn
accurate precision grinding. Now at
Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone
HA 6-4602, 1/15 tfn
I-IANDY MAN -- Odd jobs! If you
think it can't be fixed call Henry
Landis. HA 6-8098. 2/12 tfn
WANTED--House cleaning or ironing
VA the hour. $1 pe.r hour• Phone
6-3407, D 2/22 tfn
TO RENT -- Option to buy or buy
equity, two-bedroom furnished house
---Phone Olynlpia FL 7-8660.
L 3/8-22
WOMAN WANTS WORK of any klnd
LAWTON APARTMF.TS. Bachelor by day or hour. Call HA 6-4378.
units ideal for single men or wo-
men. Also attractively furnished one V 3/8 tfn
bedroom apartments. All untilities 1R-El,-l'A'BiIg'-te{ii-ag-eT-g]':f--fo--b-a76y--t
furnished, except lights. Reasonable. ter. Avallable Friday evenings, Sat-
Phone HA 6-2121 or HA 6-8177. urday and Sundays. Phone HA 6-
12/4 tfn
NEW TWO.ROOM furnished apart-
ments. Linen, dishes and all utilit-
ies furnished. Automatic laundry.
$45 and $50 per month. Also weekly
rates, Phone HA 6-8021. 111 East
Railroad. 1/6 tfn
- FOR RENT ;-- One bedroom duplex
apartment partly furnished• Inquire
1619 'Adams St, S 9/15 tfn
at Goldsborough Apts. S 4/4 tfn
A-F-O-'R-RENT at Goldsborough
apartments, south second. $6 month.
S 5/11 tfn
SAW FILING, grinding and re-tooth-
ing. All work guaranteed. Ted Ber-
ry, 527 Wyandotte, phone HA 6-
2433. 3/8 tfn
O'-P'E-IC_ AVAILABLE for Party
Plan work. No investment. No can-
FOR RENT -- Furnished one-bedroom
downtown apartnlent. Call Vince
Legal Publications
Bert L, Cole, Coumiissiener of Public
Notice is hereby giv,n that on Fri-
day the 30ill day ,)f March, 1962, c(au-
Olt•nch*g at l(!n o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, at tbe Shelton, Dist-
rict Headquarters, located at Shelton,
C()unty of Mason. State of Washing-
ton. by the District Administrator of
said District, tbe gravel on the follow-
ing deseribed state land will be sold
at public auction to the highest bid-
der. to-wit:
Applh'ation No. 27724
NEi, NEU NEl, i NW!;, of Section
24, Township 23 North, Range 2
West, W.M., with an arcs of 2,5
acres, lnore or less.
Applicant nlust be present at tbne
of sale to make tit least ndnimmn bid
in order to obtain material.
Any sale which has been offered, and
for which no bids arc received shall
not be reoffered until it, lies been re-
advertised. If all sah's cannot be of-
fered within the specified time on the
advertised date, the, sale shall contiliue
on the following day between the
hours of tell o'clock a,nl. and four
o'clock p.nt.
Said gravel on said land wlll be sold
for not less than the appraised value,
as appraised by the Commissioner of
Public Lands in the nianner provided
by law, a notice of which is now on
file in tile office of the Anditor of said
cotinty, and District Administrator of
said district,
CALL FOlf llllL',;
The Directors, North Mason Consoli-
dated School District on February 12th
1962, authorized a call for bids on a
new 49 passenger scbool bus. All bid-
3560. W 3/8 tfn ders must bid as per specifications as
........................................... set down by the directors, Specifica-
tions may be received by calling in
person at the district office, or by
writing to the Clerk, North Mason
School Bosrd, Belfair, Washington• All
bids must be returned sealed and ar-
rive no later than eight P.M. March
vassing, collecting or delivering 29th, 1962, at which tinle they will be
Write Fandly Fashion. Route 1, Box opened. The directors, Nortb Mason
Consolidated School District, reserves
the right to refuse any and all bids,
41. Ehna. Washington. No experience
necessary. C 2/22 3/29
DANCE CLASSES every rcdnesday,
Memorial Hall. Ballet, tap, modern
3azz, and acrobatic. Margie Speck
Dauce School. Phone HA 6-2193•
tIbnlie at Waterfront Realty. HA S 11/23 tfn
6-8535. H 3/8 tfn NED-C.SI-'']]--f{]7;{'--K7iI-X:."
otred Shoes. Full or part tiule. High
Classified Service eo,n,nssions plus bonus. Co,nplcte
lille for nlen and wonlen. Equiplne, nt
' furnished free. Write to W. J. Theis-
EXPERT AUTO GLASS installation, son. Knapp Bros. Shoc Mfg. Corp.,
6401 E. Flotilla Street. Los Angeles
7Oif"',q2YEXR'2"Of]d)"'-r'l-';giTri','y-"-U' nan Minx. Iuunaculate. 1-owner, Phone GL 7-3056. 11/30 tfn Jim Pautey Inc. 501 Railroad Ave.
for sale, $:1.50 if you dig" yourself, 950G lniles. Phone HA 6-6216, TWO BEDRO(ffM furnished apart- Phone HA 6-8231. 4/28 tfn 22. California. 3/8-15
,$2.00 if I dig. Cal'i collect or write C 3/15 ments for rent, $50 per month, in- H)--US--T-R-AiiE'R--T(J#iNG-----A-ny= "
• E, T, ,Iohn,+ou TR 6-3992, Rt. 5. Box liJ52R+21MBLER-}la;¢l-t)'l)7--5l-ndi7 eluding water garbage, electricity.
540. P0v! Orchard• where in state• Robert Shumate, Pets, Livestock
.. J 3/1-22 tion, $225. Phone HA 6-6371. phoneHA 6-8423. If no answer phone 2642 East State Ave,, Olympia. PIL
:IJlJ:1AiHiED-'M-A'/:]757:'XNyT)}'/t,76i'I-S H 3/15 tfn HA 6-3532, Also one bedroom furn- FL 7-5358.
twhl I•,yds; fonr Poster mahogany $i:52--:-f§Si'•-iL-i)'-T't'- -. Good trans- Ished. $40. W 2/1 tfn 2/2 !Ill ItI-NUTRIENT ALIC="I"AAL
muole o¢a with spring *ud mattress, portatien. Owner. IIA 6-8132. ,^;'¢iKVrZi,. t rt.Ti•-= ^.7. FOR EXPERT MASONRY fireplaces
, cbinmcys, planters, call R, E. Mason, bottoms, feeder hay. Fr()ni the ba:i'
ifA 6-6266. T 3/1-15 R 3/15 tfn vv ..... ,**. v,. ,v,,, un, . " '
you haven t roonl for? Send them, VrA 6 227 "/ f-
i,'OI¢ :SALE -:L iAke:/iewbddr};6i:n-77ht: i93Si#0Ib.'7-fig-7do-])-d-67"4:= to Lawton Apt-Motel. Apartments II'NC ' . ....... liced the best for' h,ss $25 {Ill ii,a[i
• three J)iee(?s. Also Wire ha rd Ter- IXl0 ru los, B6dy perfect. Also 14-ft. now available by day week' or[ E CLEANING, repairing, in- lots. Call collect Mai'Ysville, "Wash.
month. Phone HA 6-21i or HA 6- stallations, oil conversions. Shelton __Even ilags, eL 9-2556; Q 3/15 tfn
rier for sale, and Shepherd to give I boat. Good condition. Phoue YIA 6- 8177. 7/16 tfn I urnace Co., 321 So. Third. Dial HA RABBIT FRYERS for sale,-
away. ttA 6-3843. K 3/8,29i l'g,.,ell or :trlde' for Ski Boat.
T-V-fSiET%Ti:e,iqiFaTU-'FT:::] ,4; '4 ,i:,:'";: *' ' ...... B 3/8-15 ................ ''- -6121, ............. 5/1 tfn
FOR RENT -- nfurntsbed. 1R--0-(F-IN-(-,---- btt fertilizer. Phone orders between
ter, garbage, furnished. Phone HAl tion. Guaranteed. Phone HA 6-6417. Mc 8/20 tfn
6-3575. J 1/n tfn I 6/20 tfn , a) s*a*';" "
i;ro i- -lie N --2: --6if;- 5- 7:ffSiiT-Tfi -i/i3 NSgEi2 R- T REXTNENTB-TtCii;7Tds= Re
liouse. tsl o two bedro, ore. unfurnshi od i0(,uce .... near the, Lower Skokomlsh
duplex, electric heat garage Phone School Call Projan 7-5438 for ap-
HA 6-6150," ' N 1"2/14 tfn mlntmcnt Saturday, Sunday., and FOR SALE or LEASE --- ,tO acres,
........................ = ................ ednesday. A Io Oppelt 4/16 tfn nouse, creek, so,ne growing timber•
FOR RENT New furmshod bachelor .... - ..................... : -. -:.._--'-v ...... Also two bedroom home, partly fur-
apartment, Five minutes walk to REFRIGERATORS and freezers, re-
town, Phone HA 6-6445 after 5 p m conditioned, reasonable, Shelton Re- nished, Suburban. Phone HA 6-4147,
Mc .0/26 tfn rlgeration Service, 315 Cots, phone S 2/22 tfn
El- 2 Pie(x sectlona,1 DRESSMAKING -0i-iNNT-2_--O-bli3gdFo/ih--filTflii] HA 6-8082 day or night, 1/48 tfn TWO BEDROOM furnLhcd house for
:t-T-f-t-OiA--L--BR-E-I,-iIG-,F{c--. sale. Utility room with washer and
yen. and highly classified sires, dryer, garage. Near sllopping dist-
Dairy, beef and charolais. $7.00. Pi- rict. $4000 Phone HA 6-3510 eve-
per Brothers Inc. John Caulfield. HA nings after 6:30• C 1/11 tfn
6,2084. c 12/15 tfn ;-g2L-ff-ff-i@-ff-2-rToj{7-o-i:
]=gU-S town with garage,. Adults prcferrcd.
calf manna and suckle to our corn- Reference. :Phone HA 6-3218.
--___ B 3/1 tfn
SALE- Three bedrodh--lii'. ,
Angleside. Fb'eplace, sliding glass
door to covered, f(•nced patio• Gar-
age plus carport 60x 100 ft. corner
lot completely fenced[ ihonc HA 6-
6636, " " P 2/22 I, fn
Uso dournal Wanl Ads
"I ...................... I .......... , ,, ........
200 E. PINE
H 2/8 tfn
Used Furniture
Will Buy or Co/reign
6-2411 .
• el
/ Dr,ll,ng ]
/ 6-4245 I
L. _ 7 .A 6.2,55 _j
Drain fleldg, Digging, Sewers
Marr Const. Co.
Phone HA 6-3053 Rt. 3, Box 623
If no answer, Ph. HA. 6.6183
. i
AI.,pt..ATIONS house, water and garbage furnished.
Phone HA 6-8150. N 5/25 tfn
FURS---Remofleled. Expertly done. THREE ROOM furnished apartment.
Terms Reasonable. Washing fnx;llitles and carport. In-
Formerly,..I.Irdon; Paris, quire 825 Cote St. R 2/22 tfn
Los Angeles, --RWN'Y---= -T-ii ii Sh-i- -ffiiii=
lshed apartment. Hot water heat,
city utilities, and refrlgera-
MRS. LA HUNTING tor furnished. I011y Hill Apts: Con-
Phone HA 6.-3487 tact Apt. No. 2 or HA 6-2493.
2/8 tfn B 5/18 tfn
_L__ i ...... i , • __
Pennanelt opening for experi-
enced wattres for new year-
round dining room, Must be
attractive and capable of as-
suming reUponsibillty. Age 25
to 40. Cull for appointment. :EeUs & Valley Applime 0nler
Lake Cushman Resort
Your Washor.Dffor Headquaders
TRojan 7-5388
t " III
National concern Offers up- ; a i
portunity. Married Man above
30 preferred. Must have good
car. Knowledge of tractors
and machinery helpful. Sales
experience not necessary, we I
train if hired, Drawing ac-
count w h e n qualified. For
personal interview, write qual-
ifi¢ati6n, aldress and phone
lcpt., 2Ai0t, 1. O, Box 392,
Dallas, Texas 3/15
;t2S Cote St, HA 6-4702
Boat Building
Seaswift Marine
231.6 Olympic Hwy, :No.
I:IA 6-4652
Old fashioned quality
Paperhanging and Painting
"A Whale of a Paperhanger"
WH 3-1732 Olympia
1./18 tfn
plete and popular line of Purina
feeds, due to our rapid increase
in sales. Cooke's Feed and Hard-
ware, 219 S. 1st St. 3/15
Home Furnishings -- 2nd Floor
Always Iha bed deal, by 6eorga!
Eells & Valley
2nd & Cota St. HA 6-4663
3/2 tfn
--r ' ' ' ' ' .... {I I
, t r I , ,Ill J • I
HA 8-8441
3/2'/ tfn
'-- I .............. II [
Gravel & Pving Co.
Grading, Asphalt Paving,
Drlveways Our 8peolalty
14 years in business
HA 6-4888
8/24 tfn
100-gal.,. 250-gal. 500-gal,,
Drain Fields. Ditch Digging
Phone HA. 6-3880
r'-qr-"-75 ..........................................................................
Lumbermen's Meroantile
3rd and Railroad HA 6-8211
and Delivery
Phone HA 6.6364
Moving Anvhere
In Mason County
Le7l Publications
(Washington 04327)
Published pursuant to section 5 of
the Act of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367),
To wllome:er it may concern:
Notice is hereby given in pursuance
of a proper Request for Publication
heretofore filed in accordance with
section 5 of the Act of July 23, 1955
(69 Stat. 367), and the regulations
thereunder (43 CFR 155,123 - 185.127).
1. That on November 16, 1961, the
Chief, Forest Service, Department of
Ag,'iculture, whose address is Wash-
ington 25, D,C., filed in the Land
Office of the Bureau of Land Manage-
ment, Department of the Interior, at
Spokane. Washington, a request for
publication of notice to all mineral lo-
caters or ang persons claiming under
them involving a mining claim or
claims located on lands in the County
of Mason, State of Washington, de-
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Olympic National Forest,
Mason County, Washington .
The Mason Area. 6-SR-9-11, includes
all lands owned by the United States
which are within the following de-
scriptions. The unsurveyed, sections
listed are those which would probably
embrace the lands when the public
land surveys, are extended to such
Wlllamette Meridian"
T 22 N, R6W: Unsurveyed see. 27.
T 23 N, R 4 W: Sec. 9; partially un-
surveyed secs. 3, 4, 7, and 8; and un-
surveyed secs. 6 and 6. T 23 N, R 6 W:
Sees. 14. 15, and 24; paxtially unsur-
veyed sees. 9 to 12 incl., 23, and 25;
and unsmweyed sees. 1, 2, 3, 5 to 8
incl.. 16 to 22 incl., and 26 to 35 incl.
Terms of sale are: Cash at tium of T 23 N, R 6 W: (Unsurveyed) Sees. 1
salt;, to 4 incl•, 6. 7. 11 to 14 incl., 17 to 20
BERT L. COLE incl., 22, 23, 29, 30, and 31. T 24 N
Connnissioner of Public Lands R 2 : Sec• 7; partially ulmurveyed
3/15 it sec. 5; and mmurveyed sec. 6. T 24 N,
R 4 Wl secs. 5 to 8 incl., 11, and 13
to 35 iucl.; and partially tmsurv.eyed
sees. 1 to 4 incl., 9. 10, 12, and 36.
T 24 N, R 5 W: (Unsurveyed) Secs.
1, 2, 3, 10 to 15 incl., 22 to 27 incl.,
34, 35, and 36.
2. That if any person claiming or as-
serting under, or by virtue of, any
unpatented mining claim located prior
to July 23, 1955, any right, title, or
interest in the vegetative surface re-
sources and other surface resources,
under such mining , claim, contrary
to or in conflict wtth the limitations
or restrictions specified in section 4
of said act as to the above-described
lands or any part thereof, shall fail
North Masou School Board
Belfair, Washington
3/1-8-15-22 4t
Real Estate
FOUR BEDROOM hou)e in Potlatch,
by owner. Forced tt,W. heat, large
roelus on O111.* floor, fln'nisbcd, dou-
Me garage. $12,500. Pbone for ap-
pointment TRojan 7-5420. K 3/15
basenient, landscaped yard, Angle-
side, $1,000 down, $75 nionth.
$9,500. HA 6-3223, D 3/15 tfn
FOR SALE by owner -- I'our reonn
and bath, newly decoratcd. Phone
HA 6-3039. N 3/15
FOR SALE or TRADE -- Acreage, one
nlile front Shelten city liniits, on
black top, Approx. six acres. Phone
1-IA 6-8484. J 3/1 tfn
tain View for sale. or will trade for
boat or dump truck. John Kneeland,
phone HA 6-4889. 2/8 tfn
waterfront honie. Electric beat, dou-
ble glass piclure windows evdrlook-
ing I)ay. Icautifully landscaped. Co-
rile*it walk to beach. Must see to
appreciate. Phone HA 6-6915.
Le 3/1-15
FOR SALE -- Duplex 84x28 with "111
lots. Inquire 1726 Stewart street or
phone HA 6-8150. N 7/28 tfn
ES -- Three-roonl, $600. Five=
room, $4200. 10% down, $50 per me.
__Near Dayton. H_A 6-6537. B 5/25 tfn
INi3-O-l :iET- - b-Y owner. Wil:
take 20' to 80' trailer house as part
payment. Located on Mt. View. Ph.
HA 6-4238. P 5/5 tfn
VI-IST-SACRIFICE two-bedroom Hill-
crest home, furnished or unfurn-
ished, large garage, corner lot, close
to school and stores. Must move.
Will sell at real bargain• Phone HA
6-8549 afternoons or evenings•
M 12/14 tfn
L TWO bedroom home. Dining
oln, basement, fenced back yard.
ureter finish throughout. Excellent
condition• Phone HA 6-4578•
S 11/9 tfn
R .SALE -- House 6n 3 acres near
KOKomish school. Contact A. F. Op-
pe00t Wednosd00 or weekends TR
" , 10/5 tfn
2 b.edroom house -- Large
amiy room Lots 'of built-
ms Wall-to-wall carpeting
--•.Electric Heat Large
sue 2 ear,garage 90
x 140, lot Mt. View.
Phone HA 6-8428
2/1 tfn
i • i
2_o_older_dwellings on Eut Pine
• o a nanayman; • $5,000
-Bedroom home at Union being
remodeled (not waterfront).
• • • $6,000
125 N. 5th " HA -081
Real clean 2 bedroom home, Gar-
age and patio• Partly furnished.
Hood Canal Re',d Estate
& Insurance Co.
TR 7-5211, or evenings call
TR 7-5575, TR 7-5277
Good, Glean, Used Furnilure
and Appliances.
to file in the Land Office of the Bur-
eau of Land Management at Spokane,
Washington, and within 150 days from
the below-stated date of first publica-
tiou of this Notice, a verified state-
ment, properly notarized, which shall
set forth as to such mining clainl:
(1) The date of location;
(2) The book and page of recorda-
tion of the notice or certificate of lo-
cation ;
(3) The section or sections cf the
public land surveys which embrace
such mining claim, or if such lands
are unsurveyed either the section or
sections which would pro'bably em-
brace such mining claim when the
public land surveys are extended to
such lands or a tie by courses and
distances to an approved United States
mineral monument ;
(4) Whether such claimant is a lo-
cal:or or purchaser under such loca-
tion ; and
(5) The name and address of such
clainlant and names and addresses so
far as known to the claimant of any
other person or persons claiming any
interest or ,interests in or under such
unpatented mining claim; such fail-
ure shall be conclusively deemed (1)
to constitute a waiver and relinquish-
ment by such mining claimant af any
ri4ht, title, or interest under such
nnnmg claim contrary to or 111 con-
filet with tbe lbultations or restrie-
thins specified in section 4 of the Act
of July 23, 1955 (69 Stat. 367), as to
unpatented elahns located after that
date, and (it) to constitute a consent
by such mining claimant that such
unpatented mining claim shall be sub-
ject to said limitations and restric-
tidns, and did to preclude thereafter,
prior to issuance of patent, any asser-
tion by such mining claimant of any
right or tide to or interest in or under
such mining clabn contrary to or
in conflict with said limitations or re-
strictions. Section 4 provides, general-
ly, that unpatented mining claims le-
cared after July 3, 1955 shall not be
used for purposes other than pros-
pecting, mining, or processing opera-
tions, or uses reasonably incident
thereto; that such claims will be sub-
ject to the right of the United States
to manage and dispose of, the veget-
ative surface resources thereof and to
manage other surface resources there-
of; and that except to the extent re-
quired for mining operations and uses
reasonably incident thereto or to pro-
vide clearance for such operations or
uses. claimants of such claims shall
not use or dispose of vegetative or
other surface resources thereof; and
that except for clearance for r such
purposes, any permited severance or
removal of timber nmst be in accord-
ance with sound principles of forest
nlanagenlent. Said section 4 also pro-
vides that any use of the surface of
any such mininI" claim by the United
States, its pernnttees or licensees, shall
be such as not to endanger or mater-
tally interfere with the prospecting,
alining, processing or reasonably in-
cident uscs by the mining claimant.
The date of first publication of this
Notice Snail be Jan• 25, 1962.
Dated Jan. 3, 1962.
Manager, Land Office, Bureau oz
Land Management, Dept. of
the Interior, Spukane, Wash.
1/25 2/1-8-15-22 3/1.8-15-22 91
Sealed bids will bc received by the
undcrslgnca until 8:00 p,m, Oil Mon-
day, April 2, 1962, at the office of the
Superinte, ndent of Sellools, Shelton
School District No. 309. Sbelton, Mason
County. Washington fro" Architectural
Mechanical and Elcctrical Trades Con-
tracts Ior Construction of an addition
to the Grant C. Angle Senior High
School for Sheiton School District No.
309, Silelton, Mason County. Washing-
t ou,
Contnmtors amy submit a separate
bid on the Architectural. Meehsnlcal
and Electrical Trades Contracts; or
tljey nl!i.y a/so sullmit a combination
bld to incluae Architectural, Mechani-
cal and Electrical Trades ullder a Gen-
eral Contract•
Plans. specifications sad contract
documents inay be obtained by bid-
ders at the office of Willialn Arild
Johnson & Associates, 3506 Broadway
Ave.. Everctt. Washington.
Each prime contractor will be al-
lowed one set of drawings and specifi-
cations a follows:
Architr'ctural .................... ;
ffed)nnhal .....................
Electrical . .................. ........ $]5 "
Additiomd e.i nlay bc purchascd at
rrprsductlon cos/. '
Plsn holders who do not Cater, a
bon;t fide bid aud who (It) not return,
i lllllarkcd and Innnutalltted, pIjins and
s )ctificatloos prior te bid ol)cntilg, if
llO bhl Is h) be sllbli)ltted, will forfeit
ihoh' deplsits,
Each bid shah be aelolnl)anicd by a
i(,rtifled check, cashier's check, or bid
bond nlllde payable to Sll(]tun School
Distl'hq, No, 309. ill /Ill illllOUllt net
loss Iliau five percent (o){.) of ihe bhl
phls all li ternates, Sc Ioul board dire.e-
Jars reserve the rtgllt 1o waive ally
infernlalities or irregulaeitics ill slly
bid or in tile bidding, and nlay reject
aly or all hids.
No bidder may withdraw his hid
afler lhe hour set for tile opening
tbPrcuf, (n' before award of the eon-
I i'llet, uoh'ss said award is dehlycd
for a period exceeding thirty (30)
days. Sheliml School District No. 309
Clerk of file Board
home is am
the time yo
I'OOl11, attr<
the 2 col
hobby room,
you'll be lrouc
fireplace, the s
NO. the sunny R
SUMMt)NS BY the extra pretty
IN THE SUPERIOR system, so i
STATE OF and nice yard. $1
ANDERSEN and !l located downtown to,
-ANDERSEN, his wil E". & SPacious 4 bedroom t
C, C. HAUPTLY nd.g , ..even an extra roor
HAUPTLY, his " ,ca i/l[: IU!I basement, Dand
if deceased, the unkO::', clive appearance bioYl
C, Hauptly and Jane - /
MAN. his wife tf'tA
deceased, the unknoWn all . ROOM PLUS
R. Eggeman and JanC'.VtV.. extra room for de
DAN SHUHOLM ana.,s YOUrs fo .l. ..,
" Shuholnl and Ja AI
ane lb--.
and all other pei'son$ , OUT A IJe ....
known claiming any, ra!8 COZy. ex-,,,a,,,, ho
tate, lien or lntelest i[;ile Work: the rest of
tate described in tile
in; . Y of room to grow i
LY, his wife, if living,.
the unknown heirs
and Jane Doe
MAN, his wife, if
ceased, the unknown
R. Eggeman and Jane.
SHUHOLM, his wif
if deceased, the
Dan Shubohn arm
and all other
known claimin
lien or interest
scribed in the colnp
You, and each of
summoned to appear
days after tim date
lication of this
in sixty (60) day.'
of February.
Court aforesaid and
plaint of the
copy of your answer
signed attorney
his office below
of your failure so
will be rendered
ing to the demands
in this action
with the chwk of
iect of this
as :
Lots 26 to 29 inclusive71
that part of Lot 1.
Block 49 lytng no,'th
road kllovn as ]t,]
that part of Lois 21 t,.
in said Block 49 lYl.
of said McReavy DI;l
BhL°tSk 25oc to 31 incl%
49; all of Lot#
sive, that part of L0,.,I
elusive lying soutllcru,
.Reavy Drive aud all,. 01
az inclusive in B1oC
to 8 inclusive and L0
clusive in Block °'r
Canal Land & Ilni
Additlon to Union
Vohune 1 of platS,.
GETHER with all t
of wu:ated streets s;, i
ing thereto by i.eaS:
cation ; EXCEPTD u:
public road& if anY. d
against the claim of
and any one of
Office & Post
Bell Building
521 South Fourth
Shelton, WashingtTp
price (
is a lot of hous,
needs planty of r
ally grown, so wil
your place as pm
comfortable fam:
room. Lovely view
Lereage, With small st
too! A v,
room. stmriy
or electric r
a.1 features
Evenings Call MAF
A. R0'
il00e HA 6-6363 RE,
&CT '
_ erOOrn home is the 1
,._.. tric stove sta s, T)
i'tc-wall carpet• e ir
la °me. Many other ni
li' "no, $2,700.00 moves (
l of $62•00 which inch
uSsWe're sure you'll
re to move. Owner wil
i'- With peaceful 2 BR h(
cept $10,000.00. You
room, w
SOURCES, be at b
missioner of S Or breakdowns•
Notice is herchy More than
day the 19th day
mencing at ten
at thc Port ;DROOM HOI
quarters of the DePa this ideal "
Resources. the
est products will living. Th
auction to tbc saving
Approximatel: L Cozy..
M) board feet
growth. Part SW! of the sunn
Scc. 11 Located in home for it'
Twp. 23 N.. Rgc.. One today
County, washing
Forest products
easb basis. "le Vith built-in d
Mininmm accepted stove fun. T]
On or before 3 Sill
a,m., each bidder 1
nnnn deposit of $1:1',
of sale fee. or a ,:,,
forln Of eash, money 9[1'i "
cheek. Said deposit stll,_&,L._
epening bid at the2,*'2tflGER H ......
Upon completion of iTlllOWn - m't J
spccttve deposits s?Sd'l" 'Very €l:" .he spacio,
the unsuccessful ,,,I0 ,=. Y living or t
chaser must pay tliC;,.l lt-h lalS honl A ......
the bid deposit and lilll ," tore ,' ,n wtn
on the (lay of sale. ", Yu31der t=:easonably
be paid by personal ti • ,ue for 2 BR ]
money orders, etc. a,r ] I.!011.
able to the ColnmlSV'Wnla FOB .....
Lands, ' .ti 7', r.._P mANDYMA
bond of $200.00, in 3111li= OOdshe. ....
tlfieu ,ae coutu De
money order, cer' '" at,
draft, to gua.rantee,flllra ::
all terms of the blla..:.ltt i .
Any sale which ]l" 2 t
and for whiclr no ';1"- -'-'
shall not be reofferC :J! I .'llll-,--. .
readvertised. If all all ,lllil IIlliilfili'lrr-
afro, red withiu the 21 ,,'at3UINll
ihe sdvertised datff(.,, tli. --
continue on the follqi]l, lili.l ],(;lqD/t ?1
tbe bours of ten o'Ct-[, . ,J-z'lJLll2
o'eloek p.m, .-'il'/' ..
g lTentS<tis °Pf u ;'J,fi!' itii Even
herein dec,'ibed for.. :'. Y, H"-
purchasurs thereof Sp ' ": ti li '3132
course a,ganst either. '. nrry (Bob) %
Washington or the .,d Vivian Nin,
Beso,,,'ces if the
Forest products _.m_ ._
priur to Dcceluber ;#IglPII Is_ s . __
Located approxilll.'dllbll II llli, I Ilil=l --
sothwc.t or Brcn,Ol: :"', Ulll! W|lh P
ccessloilhy via =
A copy of the
of sale contract
Orchard Dis'
, Oh'
That W• F.
of Union. Washiln
1961, flied
divert the
al, in
suhject to existinl
,13' (!SOil year for
point of
Tracts 2 tt ;I.
Socilen 25,
,V, %,V, M.. iu
Auy objoetions
l)3, a two dolblr
and ftlcd with ill(
of Wab,r
(30) days, frenl Mlr
Wltuess nly ]la
this 9th day ef i
M. G.
State SuperV