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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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tions 3LAIMANTS 327) section 5 of :69 Stat. 367). crn : in pursuance r Publication )rdance with July 23, 1955 &apos; regulations .23 - 185.127). 16, 1961, the epartment of ss is Wash- in the Land rand Manage- ) Interior, at request for II nnneral lo- ahning under ag claim or n tile County hington, de- Forest, hington 9-11, includes United States ollowing do- yed sections )uld probably n the public ded to such dian " veyed sec. 27. partially tro- d 8; and un- 23 N, R5 W: rtially unsur- , 23, and 25; 2, 3, 5 to 8 26 to 35 Incl. eyed) Sees. 1 incl.. 17 to 20 31. T 24 N y urmurveyea c. 6. T 24 N, I., 11, and 13 lr unsurv.eyed , 12, and 36. rveyed) Sees. 2 to 27 incl., aiming or as- rtue of, any located prior ght, title, or e surface re- ce resources, hn, contrary m limitations in section 4 ,Dye-described of, shall fail of the Bur- L at Spokane, L50 days from first publica- trifled state- , which shall ing claim :  ;of recorda- Lificate of lo- :tions ef the lich enlbrace f such lands :le section or )ro'bably m when ete extended to courses and United States nant is a lo- r such loca- lress of such addresses so truant of any claiming any r under such l; such fall- , deemed (1) Ld relinquish- imant oI any under such () or ill con- s or restric- 4 of ttae Act '.. 367), as to '.d after that ite a consent It that such shall be sub- and restric- e thereafter, it. azly asser- hnant of ally t in or under trary to or tations or re- Ides, general- tag claims lo- shall not be :" than pros- essing opera- .bly incident will be sub- United States f the veget- mreof and to ources there- he extent re- Lens and uses to or to pro- operations or claims shall vegetative or thereof; and lee for r such severance or be in accord- lea of forest 4 also pro- le surface of y the United icensees, shall er or mater- prospecting, msonably in- ing claimant. :ation of this 1962. ce, Bureau of t. Dept. of me, Wash. 3/1-8-15-22 9t OR BIDS :clved by tho ,m, oa Mon- office of the DIs, Sbelton lelton, Mason Architectural Trades Con- F an addition Senior High District No, ty, Washing- t a separate , Mcehanlcal ;ontracts ; or conlbination cal, Mechani- ul|der a Gcn- md contract ned by bid- Tilliam Arild 06 Broadway will be al- , aad specifi- ........ 25 purchased at not enter, a :) llOl return. d. pluns and :{ (q)ening. if {, will forfeit{ ,ll)anied by a I I:heek. or bid l(!] [uu Seb(io{ aalolul| net :) of tile bid, I board direc- C) waive, any I ,ities ill slly { cl may reject. raw his bid i the opening of lho con- } is dehlycd thirty (30) 1 ict No. 309 i SUMMONS BY pUB IN THE SUPERIOR C0 STATE OF WASI4II! MASON COUNTY . THEODORE Q. BAILI$ F. BAILEY his wife, ANDERSEN' and HEL -ANDERSEN, his wife, vs. C, C. HAUPTLY aIla HAUPTLY, his wife, if deceased, the unkSO' C. Hauptly and Jane JOHN R. EGGEMAN 0} E.G..GEMAN, his wife, .n, deceaseS, the unknoWafl R. Eggeman and Janej DAN SHUHOLM ann SHUHOLM, his wife, if deceased the unkn Dan Shuhohn and Jane and all other personS known churning anY. r;, tate, lien or interes ,' tale described in tile in; THE STATE OF WA f C. C. HAUPTLY and LY, his wife, if living, the unknown heirs o and Jane Doe HaUP EGGEMAN and JAN] MAN, his wife, if lie: ceased, the unknown R. Eggeman and Jane, DAN SHUHOLM an0 SHUHOLM, his wife, :d if deceased, the unkS Dan Shuhohn arl Jane.,  and all other persons i known claiming ally rig lien or interest in tbe. 1 scribed ill the complamj FENDANTS : '. You, and each of y0 summoned to appear W] days after tlm date 0)'1 lication of this sununOlr"d sixty (60) days aftc[1 in of February. 1962, '] above-entitled action ,4 Court aforesaid and _1 plaint of the plaintlft_ copy of your answer  signed attorney for t I his office below statea, of your failure so tos I will be rendered agall ing to the demands.0¢ in this action wllict,/ with the clerk of sam,[ Tile object of tiffs a¢ title in plaintiffs to  Msa:Son County, :asllillp" Lots 26 to 29 inclusiV that l)art of Block 49 lying nor, road known as that part of Lois . in said Block of said McReavy Lots 25 to 31 Block 49; all of sire, that part clusive lying sot: Reavy Drive 32 inclusive in ] to 8 inclusive and clusive in Block Canal Land & Addition to Union Vohlnle 1 of plats GETHER with all of wu:ated streets ing thereto by cation ; public roadz, if Thursday. Mar 80ME EXCELLENT BUYS pFMASON COUNTY'S FINEST HOMES... d.,_tunning home is one right out of the better magazines. from the ti,ne you drive up. With 3 lovely bedrooms, ;m[e dining room ttrctive den and a very popular fam- ..... xOu'll lik '' ' . ". Ltil ,- e the 2 colorful bqthrooms, pletty fneplaces, S ehen, hobby room, award-winning yard qnd room for • " aurae you'll be proud to own. Like to see it? (ETHIs LOVELY 3 BEDROOM HOME ... z h in room t.a.aY reasons---some of which are the co y "v g ' re[ ve fireplace, the secluded and covered patio, the nice- *CAN, a. T BEAT THIS FOR A FINE FAMILY HOME . . : u located down + _.. ,.. _,.. ;+ o s onvenient to evez 7:A • town uu w,,,.', .... O C 'y- :00.pactous 4 bedroom home, large closets and lots of ster- ne" J,.even an extra room for TV, music, sewing, etc., and ir_a! 1 basement. Dandy 2-car garage, nice yard, and has ,.actlve appearance both inside and out. $14,950-.-better i'T3 BEDROOM PLUS HOME FOR ONLY $7650... Y?u extra room for den, TV, etc. Ah'eady FHA appraised a' rs for only $475 down and $59/month. Excellent dis- '0raeaux school. Nice fenced yard. Better hurry! a, u,, y' expandable home has the most attractive kitchen! ii', e Work, the rest of the house can be likewise. And you ',y of room to grow in. Only $4950. Like to see ? 7;tL'00E A REAL CUTE00 BEDROOM COTTAGE -''--0L: = reasonable price of only $5950 with $450 down and ni'ca%then you'd better check this one. On an extra large umtrict. Immediate possession---check today! - C0. 0MS, FULL BASEMENT, FIREPLACE, $8500!... lY.'tlY is a lot of house for the money! Just ideal for the 't'; 7ama eeds planty of room. 10 percent down will handle. e ,;muy grown, so will consider trade for smaller place. ,,e your place as part payment on this onel Who'll get 0R00M HOME DEN "---Y"tM N ACREAGE la~ , , r. n,,, ,O ... Of'§ e comfortable family home with full basement, and !i "loom. Lovely view of mountains and waterfront. On !..ureage, With small stream. $21,500. SyLt3 ( BEDROOMS, 11,/2 BATHS FOR $6350? • • • ,.. own too. A very comfortable home with easily ed *vmg room, stmny dining room, easy-care kitchen, ttny °rdga,s or electric range, wired for washer-dryer, and / "muonal features you'll like. Owner will carry con- Evenings Call MARY VOSS -- HA 6-8074 WALTER MARBLE  HA 6-3022 ROY DUNN  HA 6-4601 A. ROY DUNN REALTOR )le, HA 6-6363 • 126 Railroad Ave. I AC" )h_L t,. WELL DESIGN ri ht for-two -ue.= . ED JEWELL Just- g - • 'e,,,uroom home is the ultimate for a newly married or re- hee;The work-saving kitche has mahogany cabinets Vk, - vie.Stove stays. The gracious living room has a new aQ'lo:_ walt carpet. The interior has the looks of a decorator a'h)rn;ne" _Many other nice features will convince you this ata --'flz,700.00 moves owner out. Take • over easy monthly ieus;[$62,.00 which includes taxes and insurance, Come in we re sure you'll buy. SFrE, LTON--MASON COU2qTY JOURNAL --- publistled in 'fChr!srnmsto,wn, U.S.A.," Shelton,' Washington Le al Publications B/,'SOIATTION AND NOTICE OF Ell",it"=''(J" nlrI)GFT IIFARING WItEBEAS, the Mason Connty l'uir Boqrd failed to submit an itemized Preliminary 1962 Budget (as provided by RCW 36.37.0,t0) at the I)rOl)er time, t(} be atlopiod with other C-unty ]ud- gets, on tho 1st Monday in October (,f 1961: "rod WIIIGREAS, due to tit(' necessity of providing for a 1962 County Fair, "m '[llergtnt'y ('xists; and WHEREAS, said Mason County Fail' ]oard has IIOW snbnlittcd a Preliln- inary Budgel iov the County Fair in amount $5,400.50, te tim Board ol Coun- ty CollllllJssioners and requested their aetion tllereon. NOW. THERFFORE. according to RCV 36..10.1,I0. ttle Commissioners heroby tlnanilllously adol)t this Reso- lution :ttlci instruct the Clerk of tile i:oard t,, prepare slid publish a Notice of Itearinff ill conllection her(!wJth. ADOPTED this 12th day of Marcil, 1962, Board of County Commissioners of Mason County Wasllillgtou. IIARRY ELMLUND Northeast quarter of tile Southeast MARTIN AUSETH quarter (NE/ of SE) of section 7, JC)HN BABIEKMAN Township 21 N, Range 3 r.W.M.; Attest: Thence West to (he Southwest eor- C. NOLAN MASON. ner of the Northeast quarter of the Clerk of the Board  Soutl,ast quarter (NE] of SE') of ..... Section 12, Township 21 N, Rall'ge 4 NOTICE IS I mREY GIVEN that W.W.M.; the Board of County Commissioners i Thence South al'ong tim East line will meet at their office in the Com't of the Southwest quarteA" of the South- House in Shelton, on Monday, April east quarter (SW'}4 of BE!I) to the 2, 1962, at l :30 p.m., for the purpose of fixing a final Budget on the. above County Fair Fund, and any tax-payer lnay al)I)ear and b(! beard for or against the said I)roposal. DATED at Slmlton, Washington this 12th day of March, 1962, Board of County ColnulissionelJ of Mason County Wosllington. ' By C. Nolan Mason Auditor and Ex-OfIicio Clerk ,)f the Board. 3/15-22 2t NOTICE OF ]l]bLtRING ON I'ETITION FOR PROPO.¢IED FIlf, E PHOTIX'T[0N 1)ITItICT TO THE HONORABLE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS O1 MA- SON COUNTY, WASHINGTON: PE- TITION. We, the undersigned, being quali- fied electors (registered voters) of Union Precinct. County of Mason, Stats of WashiLgtnl, do hexeby pe- tition the Honorable Board of County ComnaLsion(s ,f the County of M- son to pez'ndt the formation of a Fire Protection Distric[ as the santo is de- fined in the Laws of the State of pl" IB Exce tuna uys JUST THE PLACE FOR YOU against the claim of  E bRASTICALL tre *- Y REDUCED due to ill health. Doctor's and any one of them.-dt l),,to move. Owner will sacrifice 20 acres (approx. 6 GLENN E. CO1, Attorney for Fli la'cep  peaceful2 BR hinge. Priced at $12,000.00 but own- Office & Post Office : . ou,uo0.00. You can t go wrong on this buy. Shelton,Bell Buildingwashington_. 'ect i eS 0 f_ n,I 121 South Fourth t I L E.S FROM TOWN. This spacious 3 BR home in aniag . uem,g completely redecorated. Has large combina- reeia+ ald., living room well planned kitchen. Must be seen N()TICE OF SAI, i_nil 16,500.00. 'rllAN $-,-.; &TELY t/' 2 ACRE IN TOWN Ideal for family with STATEpARTMENTOF wASI|OF b'L! '6Lp king or logging business. Has a huge 36 x 46 shop on SOIIRCES. BERT |;Pf erty" Can be at home while working on equipment missioner of Public  gil!l bs or breakdowns. Has comfortable 2 Or 3 BR home dayN°ticethe 19this hercbYdaY of ,,,.,.|.. =ement. More than you would ever expect for $10,50(}. mencing at tell 5'cloC 'IW O BEDROOM HOME NEAR CITY CENTER Bur- at the Port Orcbaraj ResourccsqUarters oftle follWilngjthe epar."l, .,-'--a 0ft[ ees give this ideal "first home" the wonderful privaey est prodl;cts win t,gaceutry_living. The interior of the hou is conven- auction to the higby'ff'| 111 iS :,-. Zor foot saving housekeeping. The good sized liv- Approxhnately N,{m4 ,.b f;:endly and cozy. A generous space for eating is the M) board feet o, ',1 growth. Part SW!L 5|!vill[i.Ur. e of the sunny tdtchen. No need for two cars Sec. l Located in P. n0t inla: home for it's only two blocks from Tradewell. County,TWp" 23 N.,washingtOn.SRge. 2 ( : .  this One today? Selling for'less than $6,500. A CASH . ' 01 "JUST ,, Forest products Wn Phe kit,,. - LOOKING This beauty will end your wor- cashMinimumbasis, acce,tabl'e 0Vera'eoWith bunt-in dish washer, stove and oven makes 170,00. - . ZSas.siz,, L stove fun. The spacious dining room overlooks on or before MarC"  bath.°ackyard, 3 suhstantial BR's adjacent to colored a.m.. each bidder m . this '$'ers equity $1,900. Take over the easy payment nnnn deposit of $117.. , . * ,500 home-owner's dream. Think carefully, but of sale fee. or a total (:|leek. Said deposit: opening bid at the R HOME? Look at this larger 3 BR home in Upon completion o spective de.posits sh{  . ever,, a. The spacious living and dining room are just the unsuccessful b ,:, tl0. ;lt uay living or that special entertaining you may chaser must pay tll( ?Ild St3 home is within easy walking distance to the the bid deposit and on the day of sale. c0aSide .._l'tasonably priced at only $7,950. Owner nloncybe patdorers.bY persoualetc, a! : -IM ._hi0 - ra(le for 2 BR home near Bordeaux. able. to the Comml ,)P,'R HANDYMAN Near schools and stores, large Lands, =, BOND: Upon awar tatlaster BR next to bath, living room has lovely fire- "AND THEN THERE purchaser must alS0t., uty, Wo^,. ecorated kitchen and dining room. Also gar- bond of $200.00, ill ii k: money order, certifiers tell t uusbed could be made into workshop $6,500, $500 draft, to guarantee, all terms of the bu,. Any sale which i 2 aP. small. Din- nl ro shall not be reofferCa i readvertised It' all d IERE AGEN offered will'in the s a. the advertised date';i,  ]S]A][E -- INSURANCE continue on the follqg the lmurs of ten o'C WERE TWINS', Never thought about a bigger home, but now this well designed .2 bedroom home is too g odin  electric heat  all plea'ed _iwel I kept yard. Pri.t ur ,00. ' Mile AQE o'clock p.,1. 006,6006 NOY equal sueb pub]lshca"  . Forest products Wqll _    prior to December S['dl[[lllll k - Located approXt0' "'11 I" • • i ' southwest of B,'eme"tl .... " POIn| ' ,, Aeco00stb,l,ty via..e, ..... Wdh Pride When You Say Thai s Our New Horn A copy of the I . .......... • . e . ,ERT L CO . ' -.:::;:..::.:. :-; ............. ............. .'.::.:: :::.:.i,.*. ................ {:...,..., %... .. ::....-.:.... : COl }uu.sslon( ..................... !i!!i ! ........ * ........ e.-  .................. [f<4. ', ':".':'?i!iiii::ii{..ii;) N ()A STATE ()l, S SOUR TAKE That of Unio 1961, fi divert s,;,,je,.t " ,ly ,l, b '. ...... , [he i., s ' Ki E oint: (, . ,2tll H'n°me that makes friends the moment y o.en¢r, ou II beam when ou Tracts 2"> 'v¢., pI;"'POIN" .... u ..... ,,.,-u u'I't3HED GOI-Urtcu 'PLIAN:CI= ,-,,Y_(_ S,'cthm . ',Pe k'..refrlne--- . ,xl/nv.,., • ............ .. ..._. ,-.h o .,,,.a __ --" n=.=,, ?i]v::!?i:!iliiii!i! ' tt:u;ta :'l!°twa:hnT'e:trrYaes r ande:ir:e p:::e s'on'ly=; +,=506:;0"a: r msea:e:ngalan¢ '  ' c'  ' : arranged ll,d l l,,00Ll :, ('f rat,'r B >s,)ur¢'  ,i ' da,' E i ' CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME ("3O) M. G: w£,:| IflMRR flr, a, u,-,, - Resources. // • ' n " e°u't=1z " 321 =¢aith F,rSt--, Jhelto J0urnaimi WaWalll =,, 000H. " HA 00..00 ublications Wastfington (RCW Title 52) within the following described area to-wit: F, EGINNING at the Meander Corner on the South ShoT(, of Hood Canal, whie]l {£.a/ldel' CoFller JS COnIIIIOn tO Section thirty (30) Township 22 North, Range 2 Wost W.M. and Section twen- ty-five t25) Township '22 North, Bange 3 West, W.M.; Thonee South nlong lind between Range 2 West and P.ange 3 West to the Seutheast corner ef Section 36, Township 22 N, Range 3 W.W.M.; Thence West ah)ng South lille of Sections 36, 35 and 34 in said town- ship to Southwest cornor of Suction 3,{ ; Thence South along East line of Section 4, Township 21 N, Range 3 W. W.M. to Southeast corner of said Section 4 ; Thence West along )lzth line of Section ,{ and Section 5 to Southwest corner of Section 5 in said Township and Range ; Thence South, along E'tst line of Section 7, Township 21 N, Range 3 W, W.M. to Southeast corner of the D'ansferred to another city so must sell. Four bedrooms  large living and dining room  stone's throw from stores  church -- and school. Well built older home. Wood furnace  full basement Priced for $8,700. ine waterfront home located close in on 88 ft. tract• Has 2 bed- rooms, dining room, and conveni- ent kitchen includes range and re- frigerator. Laundry facilities axe in garage which is attached by walkway. Am excellent buy at $14, 000. See it today. MORE THAN YOU EXPECT FOR $13,000 Well-built two bedroom home on IViX. View, fingerprint-free, ready to move in. Plastered throughout, cedar lined closets. Double garage. LOVED BUT OUTGROWN First thne listed for this down- town 2 bedroom home. Located close to schools, stores, Church, award-winning yard. Nice neigh- borhood, l'iced for only $8,750. YOUR FIRST HOUSE Compact 2 .bedroom home an Angieside. A home to please your budget for $4,950. IF YOU HAVE $350, YOU CAN BUY THIS ; .... Four bedroom house, modern kitchen with dining area, electric heat, partially furnished. No wa- ter rent or sewer charge. Won- derful buy for reliable party. Priced for $4,350. THE BUY OF THE CENTURY This is the home every agency dreams of listing, and we have it. 4 large bedrooms, one down and 2 upstairs  1 baths. Massive living r o 0 m with IVlEPIC-. Dining room with built-in glass door china closets, sunny kitchen largo utility room -- lots of storage space, walk-in closets in bedrooms. Easy to heat -- won- derful traffic pattern. Large, full basement mad many more features which you would have to see to ap- preciate. All this for $13,000. OWNER HAS BAGS PACKED HOME ON HILLCREST 2 bedroom  all piastered throughout  double garage fenced in yard with swing set. Priced at $10,500. Estate WILL TRADE 43 ACRE FARM 40 GRASSLAND, CREEK • . Good 4 room home, $8,500 val- ue. 20 miles on Black-top road. Fenced, barn, buildings. Garden, fruits. TRADE FOR livable 1 or 2 bedroom home on about 5 acres, 5 mile radius town PLUS some oa=h to boot. 3 BEDROOM HOME 200' WATERFRONT W/TL • Modern, 1/2 baths, ample stor- age. 2 car garage. Large out- buildings. Fruit trees. 82 miles on Arcadia Road. $20,000 and we can discuss terms. Call Mr. Hul- der for particulars at HA 6-6784. 100  WATERFRONT, CABIN PLUS TIDELANDS • 14' x 20' house, wired, spring water. Ideal summer place. Easy commuting, 8 miles from Shelton. $4,500. Terms $600 down. Call Mt .Hulder for details at HA 6- 6784. 3 BEDROOM HOME WELL LOCATED MT. VIEW • CALL us about this charm- ing home. Newly listed. Hall en- try, spacious living room with wall to wall carpet. Dining area. Smart kitchen. Rear carport storage room. Large fenced yard. Everything about this property is in apple-pie order. $8,500 and fi- nanced with 10% down OR you oan assume 44 % Gi approx. $3, 700 down and $57.60 per month. 3 BEDROOM CONTFMPORARY MT. VIEW, BUILT 2 YEARS • Excellent Iooation. You can walk completely around the hand- some fireplace. Gleaming hard- wood floors. Ranch kitchen has one wall largely of warm red bick. The lovely bedrooms are twin-size. Practically a new home and priced at less than you would expect. $13,900 FHA or Conven- tional with 10% down and financ- ing costa. IDEAL LARGE FAMILY HOME 5 BEDROOMS ON 2 LEVELS • This nice large home has plenty of elbow room. The open spaciousness of the main floor has great appeal, as the living room rio Wslnto the nice dining room and on into the immaculate kitch- en with its separate break- fast alcove. Sewing room, full basement, I t/ baths, rumpus room and large walk-in cooler. Laundry trays. New wood-or-oil furnace. Garage and boat stalls in base- ment. Full price is hard to believe at $8,500. 10% plus financing. CALL HA 6-6592 ANYTIME Legal ons Southeast em'n'or <,l' said Southwest qtu rter o 1he Sontheast (tnarter ; (SWat of SEI) of'said Section 12; i Thence West, along South line of said Section 12 to the East bank of the Skokomish River: Thence Northerly along the East bank of said river to 1toDd Canal; Thence Northerly and Easterly along Ilood Canal, to the point of begin- ning ; all situated ih the County of Mason Le al u ! cations Misc. Culverts, 36 Lin. Feet. and that said work Is io be ])er[ormed by day labor iu accordance with tlic Wasllington State Standurd Specifi- cations for Road and Bridge Construe- tion as adopted by Mason County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tha the aboce described county road pro- ject is necessary and proper, and the esiilnaLed costs of ;mid l)rojcrt al'e herewith set oul ill detail as follows: and State of Washington. For the purpose of the formation of a fire protection district we rep- resent and allege that the fornlatian of said district shall be conducive to the public safqiy, welfare and con- venience, and will be a benefit to the property inch|ded therein. We furth- er state that none of the territory hereinbefore described is within the limits of any incorporated City or Town whatsoever and that the pro'- poses of said district shall include the elimination of fu'e hazards and the protection of life and property. For the purposes herein stated we do hereafter set our signatures. (End of Petition, follwed by 61 signa- tures) NOTICE is hereby given that a hear- ing will be held on said above Petition by the said Board o£ Cotmty Conmfis- sioxmrs of Mason COURt).. in the Of- rice of the Board in the Court HotLe in SheJton, Washington, on the 19th day of Moa'c2h 1962, at 2:00 o'clock P.M., at which time any person so the, - siring may appear and be heard for or against the granting of said Pe- tition. 19DATED.:. THIS 19th day of FebruatT, • Bom'd of Cotmt), Commissioners of Minion Cotmty, Wtmhington By C. NOLAN I%L,%SON, Clerk of the Board. (RCW 52.0.i.050) 3/1-8-15 3t COUNTY ROAD PROJECT NO. 375 In the matter of C.R.P. No. 375 to be IRENE L, OXrIST. I)ecetsed. Gilbert V. Ovisi is the appointed and qualified Administrator of said estate. All 1)ersons having clah}ls against said d(}ceased sre reqtllr(,d to serve the samr in dnplteate, duly xorified, on said Adlninistraior ,>1' his attornqy, Engineering $ 600.00 Road Construction 6.000.(10 Robert I,. Snyder at tie address be- TOTAL $6,600.00 h,w stated, and file the same with The county r,ad project Imrein de- the Clerk of said Court. together with scrih.d is HERI"Y I)ECLABED to be proof of such servie•e, within six a pu).,lic necessity and the Coanty leonths hi'tot the date of first publl- Road Engineer is ItEREBY ORDER- ED AND AUTItOBIZED to rel)ort and proceed tile)re(Hi as by law provid- ed. ADOPTED this 12th day of March 19{;2. Board of County Comnlissioners of Mason Couffty, Washinghm HARRY ELMLUND. Chairmau JOHN BARIEKMAN MABTIN AUSETtt * Attest : C. NOLA.N MASON, Ch'rk of Board 3/15 NO. 3293 NOTICE OF I[IARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN TI? SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON CUNT Y In the Matter of the Estate of DEB. ORAI-t C, CONNOLLY, Deceased. Vinccnt T. Conno]ly lxecutor of said Estate, Im.s fried with said Court his final report and petition for dls- tribution, a.king the Court to settle said report, distrlbutd the prgperty to the persom thereto entilleu and to di.harge said Executor. Said re- cation of this notice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publication: March 1, 19{;2. GILBERT V. OVIST, Adm [nist rator Route 2. Box 120 Shelton, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125, N. 5th , Shelt on. Washington. , 3/1-3-15-22 dt it . NO. 3339 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ()I WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of tbe Estate of ANNA NELSON, Deceased. Virginia A. Charrier is the appointed and qualified Execu|rix r#f said es- tate. All persons having claims against said deceased are requlre.d to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on staid ExecUtrix or her attorlmy, Rob- err L. Snyder at the address bolow stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, togetller with proof of such sovvie, within six months after the date of first publica- tion o1" ibis notice, or the same will be barred. :DATE of first publication; March 1, 1962. Page 19 ............. [.n .......... I I nil Publications Le "al Publications ..... Legal ......... NO. "1338 an(i petilion will be board on tho 6th NOTICE TO CItEI)ITOI{S' day of April, :1962, :it 10 A,M. ill tlw IN TIlE SUPIgRI(:)R COURT CI,  THE C.urtr,on, ,f .mid C(ulrt. in the Coua- STATE OF WAStllNCVI,'ON FOB. ty C,)|lt'thollse at Sh,.lt,m, Was]ling'- MASON COUNTY , ton. In the Matter of the Estate of i DATED Tills 1st dfly Mar(,h, i IIARRY D],]YETTE Ch,rk ef ihe S|li)el'ior Cellrt: by T(' q¢la V rlni]li ,n, l)eputy Clerk. "RORERT "L. SNYDER 125!.'., N.rih 5th Shelton, W .  nrfo/1 3/8-15-22-29 4t NO. 3297 NOTi('E OF IIEAIIINC. FINAL ItEPOB,T AND Pl';'i'lTi(tN l'Oll constructed on Mason County Road No. 200. known h)cally as the Bear 522 Dearborn Creek-Dcwatto road. and more specif- HARRY DDYETTE, Shelton, Wa.Mlington i0ally located in Section 8, Township CIerk of the Superior Court 23. Range 1 West W.M. by: Teckla Wrmillion, IT IS II-'REBY RESOLVED by the Deputy Clerk. Board of County Commissioners that ROBERT L. SNYDER it is their intention to clear, grade, Attoraey at Law drain and ballast 0,28 mile of County 125& North 5th Road on Bear Creek Hill. Shelton, Washington. The principle quantities involved are: 2/22 3/1-8-15 Clearlng, 0.75 Acres Excavatlon Unclasalfled, 7,300 Cubic when a man is pushed, torment. Yards, ed, defeated, he has a chance to Selected Roadway Borrow, 910 Cubic learn somethln Yards. • Ral 'l l Cru.shed Surfacing° 400 Cubic Yards --- p Wa do Emerson port and petition will• be heard on the 23rd day of March, 1962, at 10 a.m. in the Courtroom of said Court, In the County Courthome at Shelton, Washljagton, . VIRGINIA A. CHARRIER DATED THIS 19th day of Febrnary, 1962. • HERB ROTTER and ASSOCIATES ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney at Law 125 V., N. 5th Shelon, Washington. 3/1-8-15-22 4t NO. 334O NOTICE TO CREDITOR. 4t IN THE SUI3RIOR COUTCT OF THE STATE OF WASIIINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the tate of LAW- RENC]] L. COREY, Deceased. Ruby Jane Corey is the appointed and qualified Admlniratrix of said estatE. All persons having clainm again.t said dccea.ed are required to serve the sama in duplLc.te, duly verified, on tid Adminlstratrix or her attorney, Robert L. Snydr at the l address below stated, and fllo the i same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service.. within six months after tile date of, first publication of this notice, or, tbe same will be barred. DATE of first publication: March 1, 1962. RUBY JANE COREY Star loute 1., Box 102 SheMon, Washington ROBERT L. SNYDER A.ttormw at Law 125% N. 5th Shelton, Washington. 8/1-8-15-22 4t Herb Rotter, Broker Walter George, Assooiate Broker Office  HA 6-6642 Evenings  HA 6-3530 $2,750 FOR THIS HOME five blocks from center of town. Easy terms. 4 ROOMS, 2 BEDROOMS, GARAGE, lot 60 x 120, Excellent location, near shopping center and schools. $4000 with $350 down. A REAL MONEY MAKER--= 5 apartment unit, gross $3,300 per year. 90% occupied since 1947. Near schools and shopping center. Landscaped grounds. Full price $32,500. Can be purchased on easy terms. 3 RENTAL UNITS, grossing $1320 per year, Full price $10, 500. Terms. A STEAL ON SALT WATER FRONTAGE $40 per ft. in- cludes tidelands/good building spots. We have just 100 ft. that can be sold on terms, FOR OUTDOOR LIVING IN TOWN you can't beat this one. Large patio with outdoor fireplace. Extra large lot. 2 bedrooms. Illness forces this sale  $6,250. MUST SELL IMMEDIATELY this 2-bedroom home. Full base- ment, furnace, garage in basement. Double lot gives ample room for children's play area. Full price $5,500. NICE 4-ROOM HOUSE with gas stove, wafer heater and re- frigerator. Large lot -- plenty of room for a garden. Price $3,350.00. 4 LOTS WITH A 3 BEDROOM HOME, GARAGE. You can move in this place with a small down payment. Price $6,OOO.OO. 36 ACRES WITH 4-ROOM HOU.E -- 2 bedrooms, bath. This is a good buy at $10,000.00. Terms. 3-BEDROOM HOME, bath, 175 ft. of waterfront on Hammers- Icy Inlet with tidelands. 500 ft. of uplands. All for $9,250.00. Terms. 210 FT. OF WATERFRONT on Picketing Passage with tide- lands. 5-room house -- 3 bedrooms, fireplace, ample water for large garden. Price $14,750.00. Terms. 13 FT. OF WATt:RFRONT on Lake Isabella. 2-bedroom home, bath, flxeplace, etectrlc heat, basement with fur- nace. Price $10,000.00. Terms. 90 FT. ON ISLAND LAKE 600 ft. deep. 3-bedroom home, Gas furnace. This house needs some finish work. Ex- cellent buy at $12,500.00. Easy terms. 150 FT. OF UNIMPROVED PROPERTY ON ISLAND LAKE. Well' wooded with native trees. This is a beautiful home site. DISTRIBUTION IN THE SIPERI()B COUBT OF TItE STATE OF WASttINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. Ill the Matter of the Estate (,f JEAN D. GRAHAM, deceased, Edgar J. Perdtuh Adnfinist raLor With Will Annexod of said Estate, has Iiled with said (?lnn't his final report nnd petition for distribution, asking tbe Court to settle said report, dis- tribute the properly to the persons tlereto entitled and to discharge said Administrator, Said report and l)eti- tion will be heard (,n the lqth day of April, 1,962, at 10 a.nL, in the Courl- room of said Court, in the County Courthonse at Shelten, Washington, I)ATED this 9Ah day of March, 1962, HABBY I)EYETTE Mason County Clerk by: Teekia Vernfi{liou, DcpuTy Clerk. ROBERT L. SNYDEB Attorney at Law 125t/ Nortb 5th Shelt(m, Washington 3/15-22-Z 4/5 4t: NO. 3:N{ NoTiCE TO CREDITORq IN THE SUPERIOR CY)URT OF TIIE MANN REAL ESTATE WE HAVE A 00OOD C.O,CE ,N RE00RTS Fo. SALE This to a real opportunity to cash in on Century 21. =1 south stre00 u h D Ill " + her= no[ter = Anoua[es "HOME-FINDER' AT HA 6-3500 RAL FTAE ........ , 124 North 1st Street union TW 8-2k29 .... i ........ I I I " I I I I • 0LE. 3 lil R -- 3 CHOICE WATER- t; WHAT ABOUT YOU? I ONLY $8,5oo 'RONT, H0 Can,I TeSeL day s ;OT&k:;::y; i = We have just list a dan- Have you been looking for one is looking , | .YnlerOe?rsocm jMt. _View that Just-right waterfront property. Why 4on.t you I " ; j  a few m,,,,,o v-,, ..... ,'-', ..t"'* =,,^"-'* ,,,*'"'1 ,+ , hu,.rv to see this terrific lot I to school and ShODDing It v s ..... . ' . ..... i has had loving cal-e inside Then you should see this new at Phillip's LaKe ".' It nasa i and out. Good-sized living listing located just beyond perfect sandy beach, no I room with wall-to-wall car- Twanoh State Park 113 feet bank, is almost level, and is i petizltbhleanfnikCheen a wltg of frontage, with bulkhead, nicely wooded. You will ag- I carport with storage oom also a well, small cabin, Tee that this is the beat spot 1 pltm a enced yard. Just 10 some trees, and plenty of on the lake, Just $2,350.00. I F:::/:stt d:wn. or assume low off-the-highway parking. A | , " good value at $11,350. Call ,J DON'T WAIT . IDEAL LOCATION Vince Himlie today, i 220' of Waterfront | You cam walk to work r HILLCREST , Here is your chaxtee to buy | from this spacious 2 bed- " a waterfront home at the | room.downtown, home. It has Need a little home? We unbelievable price of only 1 an extra wine lot for privacy, have a spot that is just right $8,750. See this roomy 2- / a full basement for addition- fo," o ..... '- -,,o-,- bedroom home on 11 acres [ al storage, plus a large lie- 'o ............. with large living-dining are , , c,un, , oeorooms, plenty he new roof and [ area for easy en- = . . handy kite n, . , [ tertalmng. Just $7,500 with oz storage room, ann easy concrete foundation, we can $550 down. terms. Why not look today ? arrange #asy terms. [ WATERFRoNTREALTY . o | VINGI HIMI, IIE 817 RAILROO AVE. ' MAR=N 8V(OU  : [ HA §'(II HA '-'535 ANYTIME HA 6"4fl00 ! NO. 3298 NOTICE OF I|LItING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION IOILt DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE' STATE OF WASltINGTON FOR MAF)N COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of: THOMAS NEWBRO, D!eased. Dell D. Weastad. E×eeutrix of said Eshtte. has filed with said Court lter final report and petition for distribu- tion. asking the Court to settle said report, distribute the properly to the perkins thereto entitled and to din- ctlarge said Executrix. Said rep(,rl STATE OF WASHINGT()N FOR MASON COUNTY, In the Matter of the Estate of I,YI)- IA H. WREN, Deecased. Win, R, Wren is the appointed and qualified Executor of said estate, All tenon3 having claims against said eceased are requiretl to serve tile ule ill duplicate, .(Pdly verified, on said Executor or his attorney. Ioh,rt L; Snyder at the address below shtted, and file the same with the Clerk €I' {d Court, together with proof of sBeh scr%tec, within six ntonths aftra' the date of first publication of this no- tice, or the same will be barred. DATE of first publicatioa: March ' 15, 1P,2. WM. R, WREN 1'2005 30th S.W. ,%attle, Washington R()BE!T L. SNYDER Attornt:, at I-lW 125% tortb fith Shell ,,n, Washington. 3/15-22-29 4/5 4t '" ...... , ............. =:-: .=._ :::_-7 The JOURNAL .... , , i ...... ii ' NHII I MT. VIEW ALLIANCE CHURCH Washington and J Sts. Sunday School ............ 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship .... 11:00 a.m. A. Y. F ......................... 6.00 p.m. Evening Service ........ 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) 7:30 p,m. Eugene Breld, Pastor FISHERMEN'S CLUB ? FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th a.d Cota Rev. E. C. Knautz pastor Rev. Alfred ,noval, Christlan Education Direoto. SUNDAY, MARCH 18 MISSIONARY SUNDAY 9:45 a,m. Sunday School. 11:00 a.m. Morning worship. "The Master's Voice" 6:00 p.m. Youth Group. 7:00 p.m. Guest Bpeaker  HAMMOND MAJOR. "Seeing Missions In India" SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD 130 East Pine Street MASON YOUNGLUND, pa=tor William and Hope Brooke, Jr. Missionaries to Costa Rioa, Central America [ Thursday, March 15, 7:00 P.M, - ....;: ...... Clas;;:00 F00,r 00Ui-: ...... -7.9i00 - Morning Wmhip ................................................ 1.1"00 A.M Evangelistic Service ............................................ TO0 P.M: i Fouedar elt0n, Watngton - ' I . laeence A. Lody, Prle6t ] 7:30 AM.  Holy Ekmmlon "" " , | ' 9".80 A.NL  Chux- Sahool and Adult Bible Class I _xx A..  worsp , The Ghueh  aiwa oen foe meditation and praye¢ , H ,  H , I [ I I I  I I I il ] [ I - i i . - i L" . L I ] I I [ FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH ' I Arcadia and LaRe lB0ulvard [ Bible School ........ 9:4 m. Touth Meetings 5:0 p,m. I Worship ............ 11:00 a.m. imfly Serried '6:30 p;Iza i i WedneSday.- Bible Study and Pruyer -- 7:30 p.m. I l Child Care Service valtable at 11:00 Service / ! , , .... , , ...... :.! ! 9':80 Sunday Schl ad Adtilt :Bible Class I 11:00 Morning Worship Srvice | ' CARt, J, CARI,6EN, Pastor I Affiliated: Lttheran Free Ohttrh .-- N t'l LUtheran Ccouncil / n ' L ..i/ ] ..... .. r THE M OrHURON  I Ne:h i.e 6t e,, I ' a0sm,v R. m'ae, m.. I Church 8choob 9:30 a,m. Morning Worehip 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. | ' Methodiut Youth Fellowship, 6:30 p.m. / FIRST OHUROH OF OHRIST, SI)IENTIST I 30 AtdeP tit,, tiheltOn, Wuh, I Sunday Bcltool 9:80 $,m. Church 11 a.m. | . Wednetay evening testimony meetings 8 pma. | mmamlLmom located in church. Readi zoom houta  to | t p.m, on, & FrL We& evening 8:46 to 7:. [ ' - ' IL IL U[L 2 w