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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1962     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1962
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i i+ ....... r Grapeviewite Gets Rude Shock From Driverless Auto Saturday GRAPEVIEW .... Miss Pare Clay- ton exl)erieneed a tilde stlock early last Saturday evening as size sat in her father&apos;s parked ear near Na.uffle's Grocery it Altyn. An un- eecupied auto owned by Allyn tav- ern proprietor Leonard Olson shot across the ilighway in reverse smashing into tile right side of the Clayton car severely damaging the rear section on that side and Imekling the rear seat. Mr. Olmm had been working ()n the motor ot his ear with the hood tip when the vehicle took off on its own and he could only stand t) 5, and watch the ensuing results in help- less horror. Fortunately. Pare was sitting on the left side of the front +eat waiting for her parents who were in the store so received only a shaking up and an unexpected Vide. into the neighboring yard. Wdt and Salli were able to take their bruised and rmttered "baby" (which, by the way iv less than two months old/ home under its own power but it. will certainly be laid up for extensive repairs. Our recent blanket of snow must Imve been just what the good earth needed to soften it. up for pre- spring gardening and many Grpe- vtewltes took adwmtage of a mild weekend t9 got out of doors with their shovels and hoes. Some, how- ever, preferred taking to the water armed with fishing poles. AI Okonek was proud: iadeed, to treat him grandson Bobby Okonek to a fishing excursion with a happy ending. Young Bobby hooked and landed a thirteen pound salmon, his first of the season. SUMMER, RESIDENTS Mr. and Mrs, Ralph Green with three sons, Bill, Don and Mige, .weekended here at Orapevtew and spent a good part, of their time visiting with relatives Mr. and Mrs. Orin Buckingham. A fishing trip on lvckingham's trim yellow cruiser netted one small salmon +for Ralph. Mr. and Mrs. Russ Wells were ))leased to play host to a forrner ,,,hipma£e of .Fuss's last, weekend and treated him to a "buslllan's holiday" with a trip around our water on their outboard CrLIiSeI' Sunday. Erne,t Nipper, who was stiLt.toned with R.Hss aboard tim U.S.S. l,Ittmnl just before Russ was reth-ed, now h.s dnty abonrd the carrier Kearsarge. tcrnporarily statianed in Bromerton. A Calif- ornia resident, this was Mr. Nit)- per's first visit, fo our area. Tile Jack Milners spent the w(,ekend at tlleir :tllnlncr cotttge bringill g alollg their tWO (iallgh- t,vrs Panl ;Hid Dcbble. for a rc- l;iXlng resplle fl'onl tile big city of Sea, ttlc. JITLIE AND l)OlCJN St,ocl de- sel:'ted the Bn]mna Belt la,t Satur- day to drive nortl]ward to Belling- ham for a visit wiLh the Carl Ntock.u Julie's brotller's family). A severe all(I /Inexpected 81"11)%'- storD1 slowed their trip !lOlne to a lnail's pace for a t inle, Clem, Well.% on a: brief trip aw/y |'1+O10 his All' l"ol+eP, ditty at Neah BaY, stopped in with ;t frield for  quickie visit with his folks, the l.h£ss Wells lasl Men(lily afternoon. A rtK:eIlt letLer to the Wells fronl [h(Hr youngei' rH')II ,lael< clinic fronq F/t,rnu)sa wher'c he was spending some time a..ihorc. (rein his ship, tile destroyer U,S.S. Brame, He told his folks that he is very }lappy witll his dt.lly a,t. sea Col'nir+ K a.ll the way frolE Hlbhil/g, Mirlneota. AI Okonek's COl 11 l"l, l'ranccs lerll&l'd, rrlllSt ha+re fell; right at home with otlr ,no-a,eovered countryside when abe spent a few days with the Okoneks retx}ntly, Nhc l'ovc lip with her son Philltp mid'family from Sandy, (_;l'eK0ll. A highliglL el their stay besides the enjoyable, family visiL- aliens, v,'a, t trip throllgh tbc St. Charles Winery where AI is em- ployed. This was an epecially happy reuninn smcc AI bad not: eeJl his cousin since lie was e.ight yeal oh|. LAII,II;Y ETtIERTON, drove+ otlt fvon3 .Seattle to pend an overnigllt vitli ':'his parent& M: and Mih. %VCb ';fBtherton, last. Satm'(hty ttrtd i.o celebrate thein',port.snt oerasion of becoming, l.weJlty-one. Larry br¢)ult with him ltliss Gall Ltttes of a, tt,le and the two young people surprisetl :Web ihd RutJt' by as yet. Another surprise for the Ethertons eanm around midnight on Saturday when daughter Bar- bara and family, the De.1 Smiths, drove in fronl Marysville. Inci- cidentally, Barbara ix Leaching eighth grade Math at Marysvflle Junior High where I.)al teaches seventh and eighth grade Core. A 4-It Barnacles naeeting was hehl Monday after school at the Henry Gatlin home. Danny San- ford was elected to the Vice-. presidency to fill the vacancy callsed by Donnie Pogreba's res- ignation. The group discussed demonstrations for Demonstration Day which will be March 24. We'll go oat on a limb again and an- rmunce that the oft.-postponed Rally Day will be held this Sat- urday from 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. at the Mountain View School. TIlE I,ES SOIII,E4 took a day off to drive to Tact,ms last Tues- day for dinner and an enjoyable visit with old friends, tile Lionel Brubachers, Seems the sun was shining early this week just to make sure that little nix-year-old Kim Munsey of Tacoma, enjoyed the first three days of bet spring vacation from se+hool here with leer grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Teat,. Her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Mnn- sey drove over Tuesday to'take her home and left eight-year-ohl brother Bmmctt in her place until the weekend when they will drive up again to "re-group" their fam- ily. The Munseys have recently moved to Tacoma from Portland and have been spending the week getting settled in their new home. Grapevlew Mothers' Club met Wednesday, March 7 a.t the Grape. view School. Members were happy to have Salli Clayton in attend- ancc again after severa.l months' absence duc to a teaching stint at the Shelton Junim" High. TIlE MOTHERS' Club will host a Game Night this Saturday, March 17, at; the ,Jehoolhouse. The theme? Take a. guess Fnn and prizes and delicious refreshnmnls are promised by capable hostesses, Shirley Engen and Elizabeth Gat- lin. S put on yore best "green" bib and tucker and join the happy lhroug! 8:00 ll.m. -. Saturda.y! Sarah Eckert O,'thopedic Guild meet,. Friday, Marcll 16, 2:00 p.m. at Mr;. Pearl RetzrnmTs h)vely now home with Mrs, ]Vary Uhly servitor as co-hostess. The Guild remiwfs nil you energetic spring honst+.'l('tlll{rS that. yollr job can be made. Paisi(,r it' you renl, tile w;.Ixel' and p(di;;he! IIIIW available tit the (]rtq)evio\\;v (;l'o('ery. .hast a..'lt< t he [lropriiq()r. Fair Harbor Grange meets to- night. Thlll+sday, t;. thc Grapevlew School. g:o0 p.m Fa©uHy Urges Parenls e ,, i .... tTP Sm!d Gh Idren To Gentury 2+1 World Fair Shell.el7 so, heel faculty Illembers are m'g'ing Shclton school district parents LO send their children to the Century 2] World's Fair in Seatlle this year as a "great op- portnnity for a worthwhile edu- cational experfenee". The teachers t)oinf out that "it will be an npportvnily of a life- lime as lhis iv the only Werhl's Fair heht in the II.S. in ihc h:d 22 years and it will no doubt t)e a. long time until another will be loca,ted so near." The educators e:+peclally urge that children of junior and senior tligh age attend the educational exhibits a.t least one. day as "it is very likely that sue, h experience will stimulate their thinking, or- ient and direct their aelivity to tmore worthwhile tnn-po,ses and 'help theln establish goals Wbicll they need to make their 8choo) ca,reel'S niore ineanlngfu]." World'.s [Pair tickets may be purchased at a, savings here in Shelten from the Rainier Ortho- pedic Guild+by calling HA 6-8405. The only way to ,ontertain some do we listen patiently 1:o the reo )+lle' and eregit whirl, is said? .... Mary Baker Eddy SHELTONMASON COUNTY JOURNAL- Published in "Christmastown, U.S.A.," Shelton, Washington :J Thursday, Ma Thriftway Prices Effeetive March 15 - 16 - 17. und U. S, CHOICE-- FULL CUT k Ib € CUT-UP, PAN-READY, FRESH WASHINGTON GROWN Ib € Right to Limit. th FROM LEAN SHOULDERS Ib KIPPERED i i A LENTEN FAVORITE Ib € € HE C S HUR-FRESH PR ERV WESSON SALAD OIL DAISY MAID BUTTER FRISKIE DOG FOOD STRAW- BERRY 2=,/2 LB. JAR 24 OUNCE BOI LB. PRINT 63 16OZ.+IN+ 8/5 MAYONNAISE ..:.:..L..?..:..:.: ......... oo,,, 49' GHiLI WITH BEANS .ALLEY' REG. ........................................ o-oz. 59* HEARTY BEEF STEW NALLEY'S ................ o.o. T,NS 79 +¢ LUMBERJAGK SYRUP N ALLEY'S ............................ =.o. 30 ¢ +POTATO OHIPS NALLEY'S ............................ TR,PLE PAC 59 ¢ LARGE CHEX EGGS ........................................................................................ ooz, CARNATION EVAPORATED MILK '"]==" ..................................... TINS SHUR-FRESH+ COFFEE .oo..DRIP OR ,I TINsLB" 55' 2 LB,TINS+I 6-OZ. SHUR-FRESH INSTANT COFFEE ................................................ 15, OFF ALBER'S FIJINAOK MIX ................................................................ , L*. BAO 49 ¢ LESLIE PLAIN OR IODIZED SALT ....................... ,+.o,. BOX 2/27 ¢ CHOCOLATE DRINK °""^'°' ''+79' INSTANT ................................ POUNDS / li '++-+,R.+ + +:,EI  . ""w-- m' :I'' + '[I:. i SPRY SH011TENING .................................................... 3TIN 19 + " , 8-OUNCE8 UNCE '€' ' ' L , FISH STICKS ........................................... PKG$' O2/69 I HINUTE RItE .......................... .............................................. ,+o...o 45 t BUD:PAgtEY : + i/.i LUX LIQUID DETERGENT ::::;%=: ................ 59  BREADED SHRIMP ................................ ..:,o. 59' [[: IF BUYINGA NEWGE.T ou, ,00il !, WISK LIQUID DETERGENT ;o:::o:,. ........ '1137 O00KED SCALLOPS .................... ,.oz.,o. 45 [ WE 0AN SAVE Y0U +MONEY' 19§6:llii'+Imo;lh[ii+ull+{)oup.e... ,595.00 I] I A"011TED SlIAOKS :":?° ..................................... 3./,io o - [ .+o,o..oo,+ ,,,  MAPLE BARS :7..::..."..::?. ........ ............ .......... ',o.o,, 29' ll°nlelOWn new: 1957 Dodge Hardlop . .., $1195.00 " "'"" GRAPEFRUIT r,rm ";:?':..I 5/s FRESH DrONUTS .... :.?..F.;[."..,.?. ......... -.,+ DOZEN 39 1955 Plymouth4-dr., 6.cylinder. $495.00 I 1954Rl}'ord-2.dtr:-°:e":+'+:... $395.U0 --,.. ,m,..--__-- i COLGTE(GIANTIZE) 41{ ,,ooo o, Re+,,,t ,otor TOO HPASTE 4 - -. . ,953 F0rd2.dr.,aulomafl,.. $2!15.00 CABBASE 19 +..o- .................. GHEESE SLIGES. 3/'+ 1952 Buick 4-dOor . . i . r ' $245'00 EADS BRYLcREAM " 1952 Ford 6sid, irans, .... $245.00 tARP-- sw:rss-- MONTEREY DODGE DART AVOCADOS -3/25' Owners repeal 22 miles per gallon, PAULEY MOTORS 1st & RR. HA 6-8183 POTATOES , Whites ib5 €