March 15, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 15, 1973 |
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IiiiiiinllllllllllUlnlllnllnUlnlnllnlllllUUlllll ~-----------~-,-~--------~"-~-
on the docket in
aunty Justice Court
Gerald Whitcomb
past week were:
Luhm, 1224 South
iton, driving while
$150 fine, license
days; Joe Seymour,
Olympia, public
$25 forfeit; Vernon
Box 78. Shelton,
$21 forfeit; Edith
W. 8th, Port Angeles,
James Burns, Ft.
operator's license
;10 forfeit; Georgia
5, Box 198,
eding, 30 day
Lingbloom, 842
tie, speeding, $25
Rt. 2, Box
defective foot
red 30 days;
Rt. 5, Box 214,
$25 forfeit;
Rt. l, box 638,
proper parking on
of highway $1 5
Harold Hul leen,
HOtel, Shelton,
to keep right of
operator's license
forfeit; Martin
S. Third, Shelton,
to keep right of
forfeit: Charles
L St., Tacoma,
forfeit; Merridee
W. Pine, Shelton,
equipment, sentence
,ne month; Robert
Rt. 2, Box 675,
to yield right of
while intoxicated,
suspended 30
being siphoned from a barrel.
Mike Kruger brought a sign to
the police station stating he had
found it.
Vehicles driven by Joe
Anderson and Kenneth Stodden
collided at the city dump.
Clyde Howe reported items
taken from his truck.
Three plate glass windows and
four 150-watt light bulbs were
reported broken at the Methodist
Vehicles driven by Burton
Alderman and Roger Boulby
collided at First and Franklin.
Bill Got( reported four tires,
rims and tubes taken.
Billie Morgan reported when
she returned home she found her
television sitting in the yard and
the fence broken.
David Walter reported a
newspaper rack taken.
M rs. Richard Patterson
reported vandalism to a mail box.
Walter Rybacki reported a
bank deposit bag with $935 in
cash, $357 in checks and other
items taken from his residence.
Walter Henry Nason Jr., 35,
was reported missing by his
mother. He was last seen in tile
Dayton area. He was located and
taken to Mason General Hospital.
Vandalism was reported at
Pioneer School.
Lanning's Appliance store
reported a window broken.
Vandalism to a pump was
reported by the county road
Ellinor Gardner reported a
trailer broken into.
Mrs. Bob Eller reported a
door broken in.
One Mason County resident
was among 231 heart patients
who used the Washington State
Heart Association's Cardiac Work
Evaluation Unit in Seattle last
year to determine if they would
be able to return to work.
The unit is a free service for
the heart patient who must be
referred by his doctor.
Referrals are made only when
there is uncertainty as to the
amount or type of physical
activity the patient can do safely.
The patient's vocational
experience and training is
reviewed in addition to his
emotional, social and economic
adjustment to heart disease.
Working with the patient are
physicians, vocational counselors,
social workers and psychiatrists.
During the 19 years since its
founding, the Heart Association
has learned that about 88 percent
of the men and women attending
are employable and that most of
them return to work within six
Directing the unit is Robert
Levenson, M.D., Seattle
cardiologist and Heart Association
board member.
It is one of the community
service programs supported by the
public's contributions to the
Heart Fund.
High Low Precip.
March 8 59 37 --
March 9 52 39 --
March 10 49 43 .76
March 11 50 33 .41
March 12 53 42 .01
March 13 50 35 .23
March 14 53 32 --
Periods of showers are forecast
for the weekend with high
temperatures ranging from 45 to
55 degrees and lows from 35 to
45 degrees.
at Pauline Ethridge reported a
Ward, 5001 108th toy white poodle missing. TOO Late to Classify
fishing for game Doug Walker reported a house -----------.---------------_-_-_-_-_-._-..
closed season, $25broken into. " .... BABYS,-r -ING
e D~ rland Jr., RI.4, Edward Besett reported a mine.'~Weekends,YOURvacation.h°me
Or(hard,orv._ did throw ,:cabin broken into. Re l i~a:ble, refel:ences, own
transportation. Call 426-6094
t~ ~ear Creek one
th bottles on land Joe Andrews reported two after 5 p.m. A3/15tfn
own, $25 forfeit.
Anderson, RI. I0,
no arterial
orfeil: David Kamin,
I)x 819, Shelton,
closely, negligent
le; Klaus Frodcnt,
n, Olympia, no
no vet icle
fine; Harvey
I, Box 146,
in public, three
approved by
• ounty Planner's
Past week were
old, residence,
am Finnerty,
Ben Fulton,
he, $5,000; Dale
Vacation home,
Schmidt, shop,
outboard motors taken.
Dean ttilling reported a cabin
broken into.
Building permits approved by
tile City of Shelton during the
past week were to Louis Herzog,
carport and utility building
$2,000; Mud Bay Construction,
residence, $14,352; Victor
Woodall, fence, $420.
March 12, 3:15 p.m., Simpson
green sorter.
March I 3, 9:20 p.m.,
Goodwill container at Prairie
FOR SALE air conditioner, wall
mounted style. $125. Call
426-4892. W3/15
LOST NEAR Shelton airport
small black female dog, 8 years
old, white on chest, very shiny,
part dachSl~und. Upright ears,
answers to Babe. Gift from
Vietnam uncle. 426-4241.
TOP OF the morning -- happy St.
Patrick's Day from Kay and the
girls at Kay's Draperies. K3/15
1967 DODGE 3/4 ton pickup, new
tires, good co_n.dition, 4-speed,
V-8, $1100. I-~one 426-1851.
140 FEET salt waterfront, older
three bedroom home,
approximately . 13/4 acres, only
$13,950. Just minutes from town,
Shelton Land and Homes,
reported a parked
:lVen by Adolph
a Power pole at
reported a gas can
Binger,s Service
elson reported a
a wallet
:n by Ricki
! l ss reported fuel oil
"~ These tides are for the
Union area. For Shelton and
Oakland Bay add an hour
and a half and 2.4 feet.
Thursday, March I 5
High ....... 2:49 a.m. 11.9 ft.
Low .......8:34 a.m. 6.2 ft.
High ....... 1:35 p.m. 10.0 ft.
Low .......8:27 p.m. 0.7 ft.
Friday, March 16
High ....... 3:30 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low .......9:23 a.m. 5.0 ft.
High ....... 2:49 p.m. 10.3 ft.
Low .......9:14 p.m. 1.1 ft.
Saturday, March 17
High ....... 4:03 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low ...... 10:04 a.m. 3.8 ft.
High ....... 3:47 p.m. 10.6 ft.
Low .......9:59 p.m. 1.7 ft.
Sunday, March 18
High ....... 4:32 a.m. 12_.2 ft.
Low ......10:39 a.m. 2.8 ft.
High ....... 4:43 p.m. 10.9 ft.
Low ......10:39 p.m. 2.5 ft.
Monday, March 19
High ....... 4:57 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low ......1 ] : 15 a.m. 2.0 ft.
High ....... 5:29 p.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......11:16 p.m. 3.1 ft.
Tuesday, March 20
High ....... 5:23 a.m. I 1.9 ft.
Low ......11:51 a.m. 1.3 ft.
High ....... 6:16 p.m. 11.0 ft.
Low ......11:56 p.m. 4.2 ft.
Wednesday, March 21
High ....... 5:48 a.m. 1 1.6 ft.
Low ......12:25 p.m. 1.0 ft.
High ....... 7:05 p.m. 10.9 ft.
Applying for marriage licenses
in tile Mason County Auditor's
office this week were:
Gary Morgison, I0, Sequim,
a nd Kimba Kohler, 1 7,
Elmer Smith, 18, Shelton, and
Jo Ann Pede, 19, Shelton.
Christopher Elmlund, 20,
Long Beach, California, and
Deborah Fowler, 21, Aberdeen.
Mason General Hospital
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Kurt
Hardenbrook, 530 E. Birch,
March 7.
A son to Mr. and Mrs. Dan
Walter, Route 2, Box 6003,
Olympia, March 12.
A son to Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Allen Durkin, 1924
Walker Park Road. March 14.
A daughter to Mr. and Mrs
Donald ('. Neth, 102 E. J Street.
March 14.
Shauni Louise
was born in Spokane on
March 3 to Mr. and Mrs. (;ale F.
Rcttkowski of Wilbur,
Washington. She joins a sister,
Tracey Gale. Her grandparents are
Lieu tenant Colonel (Retired) and
Mrs. J.A. Tobler of Shelton and
Mr. and Mrs. E.C. Rettkowski of
Wilbur. Great-grandfathers ale
W.C. Tobler and J.B. Cormier of
Shel toll.
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Legal Publications
that sealed bids will be received at
the Business Office, Shelton
School District No. 309, Shelton,
Washington, until 8:00 p.m.,
April 3, 1973, for furnishing
Auditorium Seating.
The bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud
immediately after closing time for
their receipt. All interested
persons are entitled to attend the
bid opening.
Bid prices will include
delivery and installation of items
bid. Installation of the
Auditorium Seating should be
scheduled to be completed before
December 1,1973.
Specifications may be
obtained at the Business Office of
Shelton School District No. 309,
Evergreen School, 8th and Pine,
Shelton, Washington.
The Board of Directors
reserves the right to reject any or
all bids or to waive any
irregularities in any bid or
By order of the Board of
Directors of Shelton School
District No. 309, Shelton,
Washington, March 13, 1973.
/s/ Louis R. Grinnell
that sealed bids will be received at
the Business Office, Shelton
School District No. 309, Shelton,
Washington, until 8:00 p.m.,
April 3, 1973, for furnishing
Bleacher Seating.
The bids will be publicly
opened and read aloud
immediately after closing time for
their receipt. All interested
persons are entitled to attend the
bid opening.
Bid prices will include
delivery and installation of items
bid. Installation of the bleachers
should be scheduled to be
completed before December 1,
Specifications may be
obtained at the Business Office of
Shelton School District No. 309,
Evergreen School, 8th and Pine,
Shelton, Washington.
The Board of Directors
reserves the right to reject any or
all bids or to waive any
irregularities in any bid or
By order of the Board of
Directors of Shelton School
District No. 309, Shelton,
Washington, March 13, 1973.
/s/Louis R. Grinnell
THERE IS danger in reckless
change: but greater danger in
blind conservatism.
Henry George
Alta E. Russell
Miss Alta E. Russell of
Shelton died last Thursday in Fir
Lane Terrace Convalescent
Center. She was 76 years old.
Born April 1 5, 1895 in
Russellville, Missouri, she had
lived in this area since 1918 and
was a member of the Methodist
Miss Russell is survived by a
sister, Mrs. Beulah Gowan of
The Reverend William
Andrews officiated at a service
held at I p.m. Saturday in
Batstone Funeral Home.
Eva C. Myers
Eva C. Myels of Everett died
Marcia 7 in Fir Lane Terrace
Convalescent Center at tile age of
94 years. She was born July 1.
1878 in Attica, Indiana.
Mrs. Myers had resided in
Everett for 34 years prior to
moving to Shelton nine months
ago. She was a member of
Westminister Presbyterian Church
in Everett and for many years had
served as a Red Cross vohmteer.
Survivors include a son, Ivan,
of Shchon; two grandchildren:
one great-grandchild: and three
nieces who live in Olympia.
The Reverend John
Hoogstrate officiated at a
graveside service held at 2 p.m.
Friday in Cypress Lawn Memorial
Park, Everett.
In lieu of |lowers donations
were made to the building fund of
the Westminister Presbyterian
Church of Everett.
Karl Faulhaber
Karl Faulhaber of Mesa,
Arizona, died there on March 12.
lie was born in Denver, Colorado
on October 8, 1900.
Mr. Faulhaber was a member
of Velda Rose United Methodist
('hurch of Mesa, and of Mount
Moriah Lodge No. 11 and Order
of ["astern Star ('hapter No. 40 of
Shelton, where he was frequently
a visitor. He was a past president
of the Southeast Los Angeles
Rotary Club and held
membership in several other
He had been confined to a
wheelchair for the past four and a
half years because of a broken
back and neck resulting from a
car accident.
After a service conducted in
the Mesa Methodist Church by
Apache Lodge No. 69 of Apache
'Junction. Arizona, Mr.
Faulhaber's body will be Ilown to
Los Angeles where tile Southeast
Los Angeles Rotary Club will
officiate at a flmeral.
Memorials may be made to
either tile Velda Rose United
Methodist ChurclL 5440 East
Apache Trail. Mesa, Arizona
85205 or to tile United Methodist
Churcla of Shelton.
REASON IS one thing and
faith is allOlbcr and reason can as
little be made a substitute for
faith, as faith can be made a
substitulc for reason.
John tlenry Newman
Menus for 8helton
Schools and
Shelton Senior
Hitch School
Week of Mar. 19-23
Iv;u,iday -- Tacoburgers, whole
kernel corn, apple pie and
Tuesday -- Chicken pot pie
with biscuit topping, vegetable
t ra y, a p plesauce, chocolate
cake and milk.
Wednesday -- Meat and potato
dish, green beans, sandwich,
fruit and milk.
Thursday -- Beans and wiener
pennies, warm buttered bread,
cole slaw, maple bars and milk.
Friday -- Pizza, lettuce with
1000 Island Dressing, fruit
Jello with whipped topping,
Supplement your child's
diet with Plenamlns from
,p's Rexall
133 Railroad Ave.
Phone 426-4642
Announcing the Opening
Real Estate Sales and Leases
• Land .Waterfront • Commercial
I-lorry M. Tokos, broker
AI Kneeland, associate
Center -
Lee Ballard, zone service
manager of the Ford customer
service division, presents to
Jerry Medley, of Jim Pauley
Ford, the "Best of the Best"
service plaque. Jerry earned
this award by his personal
efforts in insuring his
customers the best possible
vehicle service. Only 25
awards were made among
1250 competing Ford
At Jim Pauley Ford our motto is:
Jerry Medley Special
Plugs, points,
scope engine
Most cars
Cash value 1/20 of 1¢ Expires 3/31/73.
Jerry Medley Special
Most cars
Cash value 1/20 of 1¢ Expires 3/31/73.
'n KFCS' r
Mt. View at. Kneeland Center
Thursday, March 15, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 tiii