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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1973
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Patty Francis h School Spotli ht 15, 1955 whenand attends Saint Martin s Lght of da in College Her brother, Peter, ,ton, until the attends Shelton Junior High in Shelton as an School. Jimmy and Gail are Lty Francis has students in Bordeaux School. t~ Miss Francis holds ~atmrily moved to membership in German Club, set°Alaska, where Girls' Club and the Catholic aool She later Youth Organ.lzatlonl Sht~ S~odlr~~ Years m Port civics, sen]or E~g , . ~ach she resided history ecology business law and ~on. The upperchoir. She student-teaches eighth gan became hergrade Englisb. Her favorite eears before she subjects are senior English and are Mr. and Mrs. sister, Robin, ool graduate choir. Patty is employed as a page in the city library, and reading is one of her greatest pleasures. Her hobbies include traveling, trips to the ocean, decoupage and sewing. Music is a very special interest. She studies piano, and ~t also plays guitar and banjo. She will attend Willamette University 3 the Busy Bees in Salem, Oregon to major in a meeting at themusical therapy. a( Ray. She intends to work through d '.nt called the music with the blind, deaf, dumb ;r Lori Powell led and mentally ill. _, and Diana White salute. The secretary tad found three : and 15 present. Vere present and Hood Canal ~,s displayed a CIU~) to meet we talked about Samples. We areThe Hood Canal Woman's make Easter Club will meet next Thursday in '!r Lane Terrace the clubhouse on Route 101 in ike sale on April Potlatch. Luncheon will be served demonstrations,at 11:30 a.m. ng will be heldA short business meeting will PUrpose of thisprecede the 1:30 p.m. program. Club librarian Mrs. Virginia :aboutis to beaCtivitieSheldon Allison, will review several,of the books inthe 'Indian and le meeting with"Northwest sections of the club t by Kathleen, library. ~n, Shawn and All women are welcome to attend this meeting. Club Z Byrne, reporter ' members are reminded to bring items for the Bring and Buy table. League e ing 26 h; ,League of Washington to be in the functions explained League in the explore an In Mason, be dent Jocelyn of the VOters of' Collings,' Shirley the North are further Wei be: son, | SALE Mrs. Richard E. Marchisio HAM DINNER St. Edward's Church Hall Fourth and West Pine St. By The Men of the Parish Family ticket $7.00 Adult ticket $2.00 Children's ticket $ .75 12:00 - 5:00 p.m. March 25. 1973 COU The Blue and Gold dinner was held on February 27 for Cub Scout Pack No. 112 at Bordeaux School. Bill Blucher, cub master, welcomed Boy Scouts, Cubs, parents and guests. Webelos den presented the colors and led the flag salute. Honored guests introduced were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Thompson, district committeeman; Mr. and Mrs. AI Shelton Camp Fire groups will observe Birthday Sunday on March 18 by attending church in uniform. The ensuing week is Camp Fire Birthday Week, and girls will wear costumes to school on Wednesday. A window display will be seen in Miller's Department Store. Sixty-three years ago the national youth organization Couple plans May wedding Ronica L Freeman, daughter of Mrs. Patricia Freeman and the late Run Freeman, will become the bride of Robert L. Mitchell on May 19 in Saint Edwards Catholic Church of Shelton. Her fiance is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H. Mitchell of Seattle. He is a graduate of Olympic College and is employed in Oregon, where the couple will reside. Miss Freeman, a Shelton High School graduate, also attended Olympic College. publican Women set p.m. The purpose of the Crisis Clinic will be explained by Ms. Keiffer, who will outline areas in which clubs and individuals may be of assistance. Mrs. Florentine Connolly and Mrs. Laura Gruver will hostess the tea to be given in celebration of the Shelton Garden Club's 34th birthday. ol LaBissionnaire, Cub Scout committeeman; Mr. Hal Lovgren, Boy Scout committeeman; Mr. Eldon Reed, Cub Scout trainer; Mr. Bill Scarth, Mason District scout executive and program director for the Tumwater Council. Boy Scout Troop No. 112 held their family night dinner with the Blue and Gold dinner with Keith Anderson, Scout master, presiding over his troop Jue-an - o and Run fletcher and Bill Johnson, assistant scout masters, helping. The Webelos held the first Arrow of Light ceremony ever to be held in the Mason district. Webelos reaching the age of ll years are conducted up stairs illuminated by Webelos holding candles. Cub Master Blucher gave a talk to Webelos Rex Morrison and Tim Glassey and their parents. stated its conviction that "we must look at the individual and allow her to do what is best for herself and for the community.? The Camp Fire slogan is "Give Service." In towns and cities throughout the country members give service by support of rubella vaccination campaigns; in assistance to bloodmobiles; in development of community beautification projects; in I inner recycling worK; zn contribution of funds to sponsor American Indian children. Birthday Week will witness the organization of new groups in grade schools. Flyers will reach all interested girls and a Mothers' Tea to be held on March 27 will serve as an organizational meeting. Camp Fire is supported by UGN of Mason-Thurston Counties Each Webelo and his parents were then led across the Arrow of Light Bridge to the Boy Scout Troop, stripped of his Webelo scarf and hat, given a Boy Scout scarf, and welcomed into the Boy Scout Troop No. 112. Cubs who earned awards this month are for Den 2, Joan Zangl, den mother; Patrick Zangl and Leon Longan, wolf badge; Rubble Coleman and Danny Johnson, bear badge; Scott Lisk, bobcat. For Den 3, Carol Blucher, den mother; Jay Evanhovich, bobcat; Tyler Diggle, bear; Mark I-ester, bear gold arrow, wolf gold arrow; Chris Gilman, bear gold arrow; Shannon Wiley and Tim Rickards, wolf gold and silver arrow; Darron Bell, bear silver arrow; David Kendall, bear silver arrow; Mike Snellgrove, wolf silver arrow; John Rodius, wolf gold arrow. For den 4, Claudia Jacobson, den mother; Larry Bonderant, bear badge and wolf gold arrow; Mike Gamber and Billy Swisher, wolf A MARCH 31 WEDDING in the United Methodist Church of gold and silver arrow; Tom Shelton is planned for Chris Sytsma, daughter of Mr. and Gigstead, wolf gold arrow. For Mrs. C. Dale Cameron, and AI Brotche, son of Mr. and Mrs. and by candy sales. Den 5, Carol Blucher, den Charles Brotche Jr. All are of Shelton. Miss Sytsma, a Shelton mother; John Willey and Scott High School graduate, is employed at Simpson Employees' Boad, wolf gold and silver arrow; Federal Credit Union and her fiance is an employee of the Alan Schneider, wolf gold and Shelton School District. g : ~.L.',~| nummmguwuS, silver arrow and bear badge; The first hummingbird of theRobert Buckles, wolf badge; season appeared on Monday atJeffrey Schneider, bobcat. the Agate-area home of Mr. andWebelos, Mike Longan, Webelos ~t~ G Mrs. Bill Valley. leader; Robert Miljour, cra-ftsman; . Willie Flint, one-year pin and irl Scouts observe ',naturalist; Davey Dugger, Film to be shown naturalist,Eddy Nelson,andaquanant,°utd°°rsman;artist; ~ sixty-first bi hday in Memorial,, Hall Terry Thomas, two-year pin; Rex Girl Scouts of Shelton and birthday of,, irl Scouting with a Morrison, two-yearpin. Hoodsport will end their Wilderness day at the Mason "Only the Strong is the title Two cakes decorated with observance of thesixty-first Lake Recreation area on of the 27-minute documentaryCub Scout emblems were cut by film to be shown at 8 p.m. Friday Mrs. Nelda Flint and served by Saturday. The programmed events in the Memorial Hall by the VFW the Webelos in honor of the 63rd will begin at l0 a.m. and close at • , , . 3 p.m. Post. year of scouting. AA & .,,.. set The public is invited to view The Webelos den then retired ,,,,ee,lnk/ Bonnie Kelly of Evergreen the showing, which will deal with the colors and the pack was by U College is coordinating the events, preparin materials and arranging the shifting balance of military adjourned. Next months meeting women . g ..... [or guest speakers ann gumes. power, will be held March 27. American Association of Subject matters covered are style show "First Ladies on Parade," a special showing of the When Luv, my beautiful He was so right. One sniff of halfas good as your food!" Seeley-Deer collection of replica brown Burmese cat, became ill his it sent Luv reeling from the room He looked me straight in the inaugural gowns, is announced by physician prescribed for him a with a paw over his nose. eye. Silently. Unblinkingly. the Mason County Women's very special diet designed to ease I picked up the phone. Accusingly. Reproachfully." Republican Club. his ailing innards. "He won't eat it, Doc." What could I do? The fish and The event, sponsored by the The prospective purchaser is "It's imperative that he eat it. chios went back to the kitchen. I Washington Federation of made aware at a glance that this Keep trying." prepared for myself a plateful of Republican Women, will begin canned preparation is definitely a I offered the food once more. ; 4 5-cents-a-can Cat food. From with a no-host social hour at prestige product. No blatant blues The,cat gagged and turned away. affectionate fingers I fed tidbits 11:30 a.m. in the Olympic Hotel and no rowdy reds gaudy up the 'You d better hurry up and to my mollified pet. Grand Ballroom in Seattle. The pristine label. No blaring black eat it, ' I warned him,,"or I'll give The cat recovered, and I feel luncheon and fasliion showing words beseige the bewildered it to Peter and Paulsy! ' ten years younger. Who wants fish will be held at 12:30 with Mrs. eyeballs in vulgar recommenda- (Peter and Paulsy are and chips? Dan Evans as a special guest, tion of the carefully concocted Blue-point Siamese and therefore But, as the good doctor says, contents The 23 authentically created " accepted by Luv as near-equals, a little of that stuff sure goes a Quietly understated letters of All of my cats, even the mongrels, goWnSpresent ahaVewidebeenvarietySelectedof stylest° butterscotch gold on whisperAg are inclined to sneer at the long way..., ranging from those of Martha white discreetly drop a name. n plebeian and unpedigreed hand How I pity inconspicuous rectangle of genteel that feeds them.) People who Washington's day to those worn and unobtrusive fine print !,gave it to Peter and Pau!sy. Laugh at creatures by Jacqueline Kennedy and Pat modestly mentions a number of See how they like it! I Nixon.Reservations must be mane" no delicate ingredients ~xclaimed with somewhat forced In the zoo. later than March 26. Payment If a cautious customer, such nthusiasm. Perhaps the hippo- may be given to Mrs. Faye as I, should yet harbor a reluctant ,L, uv remained unimpressed. Potamus Bennett, 728 Franklin Street; doubt as to the superiority of this 'See here," I said, "this Is too po' "~ Mrs. Esther Horton, 918 Ellinor; material, he need only ascertain delicacy cost 45 cents a can and To laugll ~s. ece, Route 2 or Mrs. Lucille Spy . the price, which is nearly three it s strictly a gourmet item. Just times as much as that of the listen to the formula: ordinary feline foods. "There's korse meat, purebred L b Club As I quickly swallowed a Arabian; blue-ribbon beef IL3OOmxS couple of tranquilizers, I heard by-products; imported wheat; the soothing words t'i" the tropical fish-livers.., for YOU Ms. Keiffer veterinarian: , Luv wasn t listening. He Ms. Patricia Keiffer, director "It really isn t all that leaped to the back of a of the Thurston-Mason Counlv expensive in the long run. This dining-room chair and looked /WHAT'S CASTILE -~ m~xture is three times as Ion m at m ra ldl codlin Crisis Clinic, will speak at the " " " g" gly Y P" Y " g SOAP? , lton Garden Club s birthda nutritious as cheaper varieties, fish and chips. meetingShe to be held on Monday any You'll find that it takes, very little "You wouldn't want that Q. What is a 'Castile" the home of Mrs.Martha Witsier. of it to satisfy your cat. junkp' I assured him "That isn't soaP?other soaps?H°w is it different, from A. At one time, 'Castile" The meeting will begin at I p.m. meant that the soap was made with the program to follow at 2 in Spain exclusively from olive oil. As the term "castile soap" became more popular, however, it began to be applied rather loosely to any soap containing ingredients similar to olive oil. Today, soaps labeled "castile" may be made from coconut oil or animal fat. REMOVING BLACKHEADS Vel Service Is the kin RESERVATION cKNTER The best time to share the good times in the northwest is after 5 T 'M on Weekdays. That's when lower Long Distan atesb " r egm. And that's when you' re likely to find lends and family at home., So go ahead and sp~ ad the good word. Long Distance calls get people together. )Pacific I~rthwest Bell ~181 It yOurself rates apply s - seed with an Opera or where dial fecili ies are not glVailable ulal direct rate's do not apply to coati, Cr~clit card, collect, petson-to-0e~son, o.o.ot .,... 01 Railroad AvenUe lit.l|/| or 421.4134 Q. What's the best way to remove blackheads? A. Frequent cleansing of the face is the only way to control blackheads. Choose a cleanser recommended for your skin type and use it 2 or 3 times a day..Finish off the cleansing process with a freshener. To guard further against the formation of blackheads, use washing grains instead of a liquid cleanser twice a week. These granules, mixed with water, will help to wash away excessive skin oils and the mpurities that cause blackheads to form. Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 University Women will meet atmedicinal properties of our native 7:45 p.m. Tuesday in the flora, edible wild plants, plant Women's Club, Tenth and identification, arts and crafts Washington streets, Olympia, to from native materials, survival hear Arleigh Jones of Seattle First skills, and soil and water testing. National Bank speak on Estate Shelton scouts will meet at Planning. Husbands are invited, the courthouse at 9:15 a.m. Girls Members will have the should bring a sack lunch, eating opportunity to pre-register for the utensils and a pocket knife, and state convention to be held at should wear boots or sturdy Evergreen Inn April 6 to April 8. shoes. I 1 Ill - I ' ":"~ ..... ::: ..... spark \ ~ 1~ ?~ ~ , -~, i ~" ,, ~ ,,., / "/,4!i!% iJ,, i, # i~'-7~ ";;i ti ,.;i', il ti.,r i!: ;; !i !? Keds® grasshoppers® ~ 8andals Here is the smartest, most versatile addition to your ward- robe. Wherever you go and whenever you want that well-put- together look--its Keds® Grasshoppers® Sandals. They just coordinate with every- thing--at home, with tunic and pants.., for that special night out in your very special dress.., with your mini, midi or maxi. Put together your own bright look with gold or silver Keds Grasshoppers Sandals. You'll love every style. 107 S. 4th Shelton Thursday, March 15, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 7 J