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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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IIIIIIIIIII It Ill IIIIII I IIlllllllllllllll I IIllllll IIIIIIIIII I llllll IIIIIII IIIII I IIIllllllllllllllllllllll Ill I Ill III II IIIIIIIIIIIII III1|11 III IJ IIIIIII ._.2m m lmlmOmll.mmlilm,llllm,iommml.oml tm. m lt Ill .iol.m rot oral i i omom .m ill i i ill l l~ Simpson --- • • = In fish derby O, m ia, Vanco 0,- new 1973 spring and summer and Aberdeen. A ,, ten ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~G~Ys& DOLLS SIMPSON SWING SHIFT u n,. e rwa huntingavailable seaSOnal thePamphletmore thaniS now900 currentHunterShuntingSh°Uldpamphlet°btainfora ! Your Guide to Expert | iann( Jerry Mallnrv Men s Hi Game: Bob Haselwood Men'sHi Game: Bruce Johnson • Series: Dave"nu en'V 20egn,s Hi Series: Bob Haselwood 24egn's Hi Series: Bruce Johnson A majority of the pamphlet is regulations. K'-'tz'" The Simpson Salmon Derby, license dealers located statewide, complete season details and == Services in Mason County :-- Hi which runs through October 28, I'S" I-t" 590 624 i Game. G,rr,, Women's Hi Game: Joyce Karch Standings Chargers 26-14,has been underway since devoted to the special black bear • ---3 n ..... 206 Hemockers 26-14 Mill 3 23-17,February 3 for Simpson damage hunting seasons and Air Conditioning S Hi Series. G~.... r'2aicf Women's Hi Series: Joyce Karch Mill 4 23-17 Buits 23-17, Dryemployees, members of their descriptions of the 16 units Bowling News Heating • "'" ..... 573 Shed 22-18, (3'uards 13-27. " and Heating I • Heating & Cooling Statics 27-13 Standings: Unfortunates Chargers 4, Scott Robertsonimmediate familiesand retired located throughout western Lefty's 26-14' 30-14, Straf 28-16, lops 24-20, 533; Butts 3, Wiley Evans 495; employees. Washington. WOMEN'S COMMERCIAL Engineering I Sales & Service 151/2, Woodbird~ Lovers 24-20, Carpetbaqqers Dry Shed 1, Lynn McQuilkin 430; Hunters are reminded that Wlolmen's Hi Game: Muggs Ogden I • Sheet Metal lance 16Vz 23z}~ 23-21, Woodch.ucks 23-21, Hemlockers 3, Mel McGee 530; Fish must be caught on Hoodduring this spring and summer Sales & Service I SHELTON FURNACE CO. Ace~/~'~9 ' Sandbaggers 22-22, Morgan Mill 3 1, L.C. Leman 515; Mill 4 553 i 321 S, 3rd 426-4792 cki'ns~Jll8; 22-22, -Outlaws 20-24, Splits 4. Gary Kunnanz 573; Guard's 0,Canal from Seal Rock south to black bear may be hunted from Women's Hi Series: Peg Knutzen Wheeler 471. 20-24, Bullheads 20-24, Dippers Bruce Johnson 624. Be]fair, Oakland Bay, Steamboat, April ] to June 30 only in the 10 Standings: Brown's 32-12, mfield 478'. 18-26. . ~ Harstine and Anderson Islands to black bear damage units described Kelly's 32-12, Fuller's 28-16, Eell's 26V2-171/2, Ming26-18, Woods 5101 Morgan 3, Norm Schimscnat RECREATION be elegible for the competition, in the pamphlet. During the Lamp Post 221/2-21V2, Ogden's Insurance allory 620; 522; ,nutzen 629;, utzen 480. Ganle: Andy Forrest Jack Frost 557 24-12, Lions 21V2-141k, "-agles 19-17, oose Antlers Nimrod 15-21, necker 13-23. Willard 1, Jack Barnes Flint 516; :ewart 512; 548; Clark 540; 549; 513;Eagles West. Auto Iler 1, Jack :11 Hi Game: Donna "li Series: Donna ). Johns 30-14, Dave's 25-19, anke 25-19, Spri ngwater 23, Knudsen 16V2-27Vz, 11V2-32V2. :kie Brown tndy Story 404; ~a Coleman 5; 385; 3n Davison 411 Lou Wicken Witcraft 3e Gallinger bhnson 530; oat 429. Terry Knight 213 Terry Knight 539 anne: Kim Patton FIE Ser es" Cheryl Nolan Hembroff 32-8, k, VFW 22-18 =b's Shoe 20-20' 7-23, Merv's 16V2-231h, Gene Lanman Manke 452; iris Cook 379; 460; Milto's Hembroff 3, 2, Dave Rusty Debbie s 1, Arnie IS BUtch Carr 179 BUtch Carr 290 Game: Tammie Hi Series: Tammie 22-11 VFW 20-1:3, Hut 141/2, ARCO 7-16, Merv s ~Unnbermen's -21, Willour Orr 21 Willour 8; DQ3, S 0, Karen s 3, Jim Mike Wittenberg Mike Wittenberg (~a~e: Sara Chappell ~ries: Sara Chappell 28-2, Ed's Women of 141/z- 151/z 23; N mrod )f March Game: Liles 198; 3; Nimrod 239; Sara Todd M Eke Mel Shelly Western world the Pope With liberal the a Wise man imagine pope• (3. A. Bnrgese ON 556; Unfortunates 1, Carl Niwa Women's Hi Game: Helga Martin 484; Straf 3, Doug Shelton 533; & Sonja Pearson 191 spring damage season there is no 22]/2-21 ~/~, Certified 19V2-24V2, Lumbermen's 18V2-25V2, Outlaws 1, Floyd Fuller 494; Women's Hi Series: Sonja Pearson The Spring two-day derby is bag limit in these areas. Harrison's]5V2-28V2, Fir Lane Splits 0, Rand Petersen 476; 521 scheduled for April 14 and 15. - Sandbaggers 4, L.C. Leman 523; Standinqs: Shel. Rec. 37-3. The special hunting season ]2-32, Pauley's 9-35. lops 3, Dick Wood 539; Dippers Harper's 28-12, Trailblazers Weigh-in will be at Jarrel]'s Cove pamphlet also details spring and Certified 2, Pat Boad 489; Harrison's 2, Jackie Hill 483; t , Jeff Thompson 479 ; 19~/2-20V2, Jess's 17-23, PSNBon Harstine Island between 3 and summer seasons for cougar, Pauley's 1, Sally Whittaker 435; Woodchucks 4, Bob Haselwood 16-24, DQ 16-24, A&S Ins. 4 p.m. both days. Fish must be 590; Bullheads 0, Bill Fredson 15V2-24V2, Swanson's 11-29. bobcat, raccoon, rockchuck, Bell's 3, Glenda Ettlin 548; 468; Lovers 4, Joyce Karch 573; Harper's 4, Vera Bishop 466; weighed on day caught, blacktailed jackrabbit and theKelly's 2, Terry Stewart476; Brown's 2, Peg Knutzen 553; Carpetbaggers 0, Mildred Daniels Swanson's O, Bey Kannanz 386; spring wild turkey gobbler season. Fuller's 3, Lorraine White 463; 461. DQ 1, Helga Martin 500; Jess's 3, Eligible fishing area for this Donna Cannon 503; Shel. Rec. 4, More detailed maps of each of Lamp Post 1, Dion Strozyk 439; Sonja Pearson 521 ; PSNB 0, two-day event is Harstine Island, the spring damage season areas for Lumbermen's 3, Lilly Loitz 448; Fir Lane 1, Tar Johnson 376; Linda Madison 433; Trailblazers Anderson Island, Steamboat black bear may be obtained from Ogden's 2, Marge Witcraft 526; MAN IS not made for defeat, i, Cindy Bingham 390; A&S Ins.3, Island and Oakland Bay. Ernest Hemingway Harriet Richard 447. game department regional offices Ming 2, Kathy Motherwell 443. I Kellogg Mechanical 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 24-hr. emer. service I Tired of shopping? Let us do it for you[ A uto-Home-Boat-Life-Health Business-Preferred Risk? We locate the lowest cost. Insurance is our only btlsiness. ARNOLD & SMITH INSURANCE AGENCY 17 E. Cota 426-3317 Air Conditioning & Heating *Oil *Gas *Electric loan's Plumbing & Heating 1916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 " Serving Mason County Since 1948" Masonry -- Fireplaces -- All brick and -- Block work MASON'S MASONRY Phone 426-2278 Plumbing AutO Glass-- i New and Repail ing Expert Installation BOON'S PLUMBING & HEATING I JIM PAULEY, INC. RADIATOR REPAIR I Mt. View "serving Mason County Since 1948" LKneeland Center Ph. 426-8231 ]916 Olympic Hwy. N. 42G-34~3 Auto Repairing Radiator Repair -- Major Overhauls ] 426-3483 • -- Brakes & Ignition I loon's Plumbing, Huting -- Welding& Tune-ups 'l & Sheet II~II~I- ED'I SERVICE ! 1916 Olympic Hwy. No. 219 So. 1st 426-1212 Barber Men's Hair Styling * Razor Styling * Shampooing * Regular Hair Cuts * Scissor Contouring BERNIE'S HAIR STYLING For Appointment Call 426-20; 2 1618 Olympic Hwy. S. efrigeration Commercial- Industrial Sales - Service KELLOGG MECHANICAL 105 E. Cedar 426-5305 24-hr. emer. service Beauty -- Complete Hair Care -- Wigs - Wiglets - Switches -- Merle Norman Cosmetics -- Pennyrich Bras ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON 6th & Laurel 426-4582 Remodeling Carpentry -- Remodeling Kitchen Cabinets Roofing -- Painting Free Estimates KEN COOTS Phone 426-6602 Cable TV For Service Call 426-1691 Rental Service Almost Anything Anywhere Bulldozers-Loaders-Pumps Folding Banquet Tables & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. LEW RENTS 2216 W. 4th, Olympia, 357-7731 Chain Saws Stihl & icCulloch Chain Saws -- Rentals * New Small motor tune-up & repairs. SHELTON SAW SHOP INC. HOURS: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sat. 9-5 2213 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-4639 Roofing I Shake, Composition Wood, Shigles Bonded, all work guaranteed lENT NAIL CONSTRUCTION 426-1161 Rt. 10, Box 482 Coins Coins Bought And Sold estate appraisals for appointment: 426-4719, P.O. Box 866 OLYMPIC GATEWAY George T. Booth Sewing Machines' AL'S SLEWING II~kCHINl REPAIR Rentals Mt. View 2004 Laurel 426-183] Concrete -- Ready-mix Concrete -- Concrete Culverts & Blocks -- Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone -- Fireplace Screens & Tools GRAYSTONE of SHELTON 7th & Park 426-3344 Sheet Metal & Welding BOON'S Plumbing & Heating "Serving Mason County Since 1948" 1916 Olympic Hwy. N. 426-3483 Custom Gun Stocks *New stocks made * Old stocks refinished * Glass bedding, inlays 426-6495 Shoe Repair * Polishes & laces of all kinds * All types of boots and shoes repaired. EXPERT SHOE REPAIR SHOP 311 Grove Street Drugs -- Helena Rubinstein -- Cosmetics -- Prescriptions -- Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 Farm Slaughtering * Cutting & Wrapping * Curing, Sausage Making * Sharp Freezing HOME MEAT SERVICE Kamilche 426-1415i :loor Covering - Linoleum -- Tile -- Carpeting -- Formica REX FLOOR COVERING Mt. View Ph. 426-2292 Typewriters Adding Machines Calculators * Local Service * SHELTON OFFICE EQUIPMENT 114 S• Second 426-2880 ,Glass Broken glass replaced promptly! Insurance claims handled! Plate-sheet * Thermopane * Auto Mirrors * Shower & tub enclosures -- Free Estimates -- SHELTON GLASS CO. For fast service phone 426-1152 2226 Olympic Hwy. N. Upholstery Supply Do-It-Yourself Upholstery Supply For your Home -- Boat -- Truck -- Auto If it's not in stock we can order Ho(~dsport 877-9206 Thursday, March 15, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11