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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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LIVING . • • HOOD CANAL . . • home 165' waterfront with excellent city but huge view and good beach area. you a country Oysters. $50,000. has a barn. PICKERING PASS•. • 178' of low bank frontage and IDE.. nearly 4 acres of backlands• 2"bedroom home Has 2-bedroom cottage. and attached $27,500. XMAS TREE ESTATES•.. FARMING PLANS... 3-bedroom Here's a good 80-acre tract to and get you started in the Matlock rec. room in area. Owner will carry 4,950. contract. BAY... MOUNTAIN VIEW.•• and Very comfortable 2-bedroom home home with fireplace. Located on double lot with garage. $17,500. * • • 3-bedroom, 2 recreation nearly 4 acres. AWN LAKE .•• 2 bedroom home electronic OME• • • location and room space -= older homes. 0m home. IE TRAC__•TR • • tracts in the as low as Price. Terms. AREA • • • of farm or Xmas $500 Per acre with IES miles from town and good terms. )nt lots and 4 and seller on these. SHORECREST... Mobile home on large view lot -- all utilities in. Comes furnished and good terms. $5,700. SWIMMING POOL... With this enormous 4-bedroom home in Robin Hood Estates. $49,000. WALKER PARK..• Attractive 2-bedroom home with waterfrontage, fruit trees, lawn, etc., $40,000. MASON LAKE... Very attractive 3-bedroom home on the water• Many attractive features -- sunken living room, stone fireplace, carpeting, etc., $34,950. PICKERING PASSAGE.. • Lovely view from this fine 3 bedroom home on 2 acres. All carpeted and newly finished inside. Full basement. $21,500. FREEWAY BUSINESS SITE... 3 acres with corner location adjoining freeway at edge of town. $15,000. MOUNTAIN VIEW... Very attractive 3-bedroom Yment will get home with fireplace, 11/2 baths, Only about 2 and rec. room in full basement. 3wn. $12,500 Large covered patio. $28,000. EDGE OF CITY... IY HOME... Nearly 1 acre of land with this and attached 2-bedroom home with large :arpeted dining area. Has 3 garden spots. $11,500. 10 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CALL ROUSH 426-8522 DON BROWN 426-6388 SAM LARANGO 426-3626 Ilized Real Estate S2ice ime creek frontage. New drilled well with ,urnp. Owner will sell all or part at an • 00 per foot. The fishing is good too! high bank waterfront. Excellent view of Access to beautiful sandy beach down draw. Very private. Call Dick for more at Kamilche Natural creek barrier fences Fine building site on Kamilche point acres for $36,000.00 on good terms. 240' on CIo uallum Creek Beautiful level q ered, partly cleared. ik salt waterfront south of Shetton. Plenty of depth to county road. more detailsl ,, from b N • ess - or- Dick Knauf 26-sss9 IQuf Realty Y Dic Highway North Shelton, We. Call 426-3049 or 426-8110) ms &egal Publxanon rlON development is proposed to be within Hood Canal and/or its NT IAL ass;o, izc'ated wetlands. ~/TL . An person desiring, to =,, mat Y" " e notitieo ~.~ L express his views or to b :. ~/ nas of the action taken on th,: ~or a. aoolication should notify tne permit -r on nr Board of Mason County me- :- L.ommissioners in writing o[ ;.,,5 ,ev~cla/interest within thirty days of .tn.e r~Z÷~'~,` last date of publication at m!s ,:~,~=~.= notice Publication dates of this • -,rain " " 1973 and 2~ r,~ notice are March 8, -~'; '~', March 15, 1973. 3/8-15-2, Legal Publkations NOTICE TO CREDITORS NO. 4373 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON. In The Matter Of The Estate Of EILEEN M. HAYWARD, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed and has qualified as Executrix of the above-entitled estate; that all persons having claims against said deceased are hereby required to serve the same, duly verified, on said Executrix or her attorney of record at the address below stated, and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service, within four (4) months after the date of first publication of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication: March 15, 1973. /s/Madge Brown MADGE BROWN Executrix of Estate Box 250, Alderbrook Union, Washington FRED D. GENTRY Of Bean & Gentry Attorneys for Estate 614 Capitol Center Bldg. Olympia, Washington 98501 3/15-22-29-3t NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4365 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of JEROME KERHART, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal representative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same Legal Public=tions NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT No. 41 79 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF RACHAEL E. GO R ICHS, Deceased. NOTICE IS GIVEN that the Final Account and Petition for Distribution has been filed with the Clerk of the above Court and the personal representative seeks settlement of the account, distribution of the estate, and discharge, which matters have been set for hearing on April 6, 1973, at 9:30 A.M., in the Courtroom of the above-entitled Court. /s/Reita Cullum Kalat Personal Representative NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL ACCOUNT Glenn E. Correa Attorney at Law 121 S. 4th Street Shelton, Washington 3/15-1t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 11386 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON LARRY L. BROWN Plaintiff, vs FRANCES L. BROWN Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON TO THE SAID You are hereby summoned to appear within sixty (60) days after the date of first publication of the Summons, to wit, with in sixty (60) days after the 8th day of March, 1973, and defend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court, and answer the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve a copy of your answer on the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at his office below with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such which has been filed with the service within four months after clerk of said court. March 15, 1973, or the same will The object of this action is for be forever barred, the plaintiff to secure a divorce /s/ Elizabeth R. Crelling from the defendant. ELIZABETH R. CRELLING /s/Ear Halpern 3583 Fawcett Thomas W. Top Tacoma, Washington Attorney for Plaintiff ROBERT L. SNYDER SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION Attorney for Estate Page 1 and last. 125V2 N. 5th Thomas W. Top Shelton, Washington PRISON LEGAL 3/18-22-29-3t SERVICES PROJECT 319 Birch St. No. 2 Shelton, We. 98584 426-5541 CALL FOR BIDS 3/8-4/12-6t MASON COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT Sealed bids will be received separately until 11:00 A.M., Monday, March 26, 1973 at the Mason County Commissioners office in the Courthouse, for furnishing the Highway Department with one (1) new Diesel Powered Motor Grader. Specifications and Proposal forms are available at the office of the Mason County Engineer. The County contemplates selling one (1) 1964 Gallon Motor Grader for which bidders may deduct trade-in allowance or for which anyone may submit a sealed bid in writing, as required by RCW 36.34.070. Said vehicle ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ijii~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~H~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~u~~~~~u~~~~~~~ SIMPSON WOMEN'5~ Women's Hi Gamej Jean Ream 217 Women's Hi Series: Joyce Fitchitt 518 Standings: Accounting 26Vz-131/2, Purchasing 26-24, Lumber 20-20, I.B.P. 19-21, Research 18-22, Engineering 17V2-22z/2, Olympic 17-23, Loggers 16-24. Olympic 1, Cleo Hulet 448; Research 3, Syble Ristine 444; I.B. P• 1, Jean Hartwell 498; Lumber 3, Jean Ream 505; Purchasing 3, Altene Stepper 492; Loggers 1, Joyce Fitchitt 518; Accounting 21/z, Jane White 482; Engineering 1V2, Arlene Liles 491. MEN'S COMMERCIAL Men's Hi Game: Chuck Funkhouser 212 Men's Hi Series: L.C. Leman 587 Standings: Morgan's 35-9, Airport 30-14, Gott 29-15, Verne's 27V2-22V2, Dan's 26-18, Photo 21Vz-22V2, Certified 19-25, Dunn 17-27, B&R Oil 16-28, Foods 16-28, Wolden's 15-29, Sturgeon 13-31. Airport 3, Gene Benedict 545; Certified 1, Chuck Funkhouser 523; Foods 0, Frank Willard 477; Wolden's 4, Ken Walden 523; Dan's 3, Bud Knutzen 549; Dunn 1, Don Brown 512; Verne's 3V2, Dan Brown & Verne Schuffenhauer 532; Photo V2, Roy West 562; Sturgeon 0, Monte Haag 462; B&R Oil 4, Fred Snelgrove 535; Morgan 3, Bob Lanman 562; Gott 1, L. C. Leman 587. GRANGE Men's Hi Game: Bob Florek 196 Men's Hi Series: Paul Challender 488 Women's Hi Game: Doris Neff 192 Women's Hi Series- Betty Hyatt 489. Standings: Harstine 27-13, Pomona 24-16, Skok I 23-17, Southside 21-19, Agate I 20-20, Agate II 19-21, Skok II 18-22, Matlock 8-32. -- Harstine.l,_.Tom Olson 458; Pomona 3,' Paul Challender 448; Skok I 3, Betty Hyatt 489; Agate I 1, Lyle Auseth 414; Southside 3, Carl Goodburn 460; Skok II 1, Jim Williams 433; Agate II 3, Bob Florek 484; Matlock 1, Lottie Ford 350. 309'ERS Men's Hi Game: Floyd Jackson 179 Men's Hi Series: Floyd Jackson 504 Women's Hi Game: Linda Fordyce, 211 Women's Hi Series: Linda Fordyce 525 Standings: Don't Teez 25-11, Repeaters 22Vz-13V2, Team 3 21Vz-14Vz, Rithmetic 21-15, Team 2 18-18, Hawkers 13Vz-221/2, .007 12-24, Beginners 10Vz-25V2. Repeaters 1, Lloyd Goodwin 447; Don't Teez 3, Dot Ridout 488; Rithmetic 4, Dave Van House 457; .007 0, Del Abelein 422; Hawkers 3V2, Linda Fordyce 525; Team 3 z/2, Floyd Jackson 504; Team 2 4, Jean Temple 447; Beginners 0, Darrol Martin 393. MEN'S CITY Men's Hi Game: ale Ramsfield 214 Men's Hi Series: Ed Dunbar 567 Standings: Arctic Circle 26-14, M&R 26-14, Jess's 23-17, 12:30 LEAGUE Women's Hi Game: Evadean Lord 222 Women's Hi Series: Donna Coleman 552 Standings: Dab's Tav. 27-13, stated; and in case of your failure Simpson 22-18, Hidden Haven Nell's 20- 20, Shel. so to do, judgment will be 21-19, Nault's 20-20, Warren 19V2-20i~(-:&L-"-"' 13]/2-261/2~='`-°r''/~ rendered against you according to 14-26, 40&8 8-32. i~el~ ~' ~, ~ ......... ;. the demand of the complaint, Warren's 0, Del Hartwell 467; SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. 11387 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON JACK MEDLEY Plaintiff, vs. LINDA MEDLEY Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON to the said M&R 4, Jack Wheeler 543; Arctic Circle 1, Gene Strozyk 522; Jess's 3, Bob Tobin 546; Nault's 3, Ed Dunbar 567; Simpson 1, Bill Blucher 515; 40&8 1, ale Ramsfield 528; Hidden Haven 3, Aub Blockberger 504. LADIES THURSDAY TRIO Women's Hi Game: Bee Brandt 237 Women's Hi Series: Bee Brandt 587 Stnadings: A&S Ins. 25-11, Dab's Install. 25-11, Clary's 22V2-13V2, Hoodsport Texaco 20-16, Hut 19Vz-16V2, Makoviney 19-17, Fuller 17-19, Shel. Vet. 1672-19V2, Wingard's 15-21, M&O 13-23, Olympic Paint 121/z-23V~, Nye 11-25. Clary's 1, Louise Clary 450; Wingard's 3, Lilly Loitz 430; Dab's Install. 4, Lorraine Huber 451; Nye 0, Jackie Brown 457; Fuller 1, Lucile Farmwald 442; Shel. Vet. 3, Tuey Schumacher 504; Olympic Paint 1, Pat Petty 427; Hoodsport Texaco 3, Bed You are hereby summoned to Brandt 587; M&O 1, Freda Cristy appear within sixty (60) days469; A&S Ins. 3, Land Johnson after the date of first publication ,4B3; Makoviney 3, Merge Hopkin~ of this Summons, to wit, within . 429; Hut 1, Susie VonOsteh 402. sixty (60) days after the 8th day of March, 1973, and defend the above entitled action in the above LADIES THURSDAY TRIO entitled court, and answer theWomen's Hi Game: Clara Erickson 195 Glass C&L 2, Trudy Ellison 417; Dab's Tav 4, Donna Coleman 552; Shel. Glass 0, LaVonne Castle 473. MERCHANTS Men's Hi Game: Bill Bingham 211 Men's Hi Series: Fay Brewer 556 Standings: TCF 27-9, C&L 22-14, Boon's 22-14, White's 16-20, PSNB 16-20, A&S Ins. 16-20, Trailblazers 15-21, SBS 10- 26. Boon's 3, Lloyd Clark 532; A&S Ins. 1, Steve Wellington 521 ; TC F 4 Bob_ Haselwood 525: SBS 0, Mike Scott 436; Trailblazers 3, Bill Bingham 529; PSNB 1, Lad Simpson 541;White's 1, Fay Brewer 556; C&L 3, Cal Johnson 521. WOMEN'S CiTY Women's Hi Game: Char Tobin 201 Women's Hi Series: Char Tobin 535 Standings: Lumbermen's 30-14, Morgan's 28-16, Millo's 23-21, Hoodsport Cafe 7-37. Morgan's 3, Char Tobin 535; Hoodsport Cafe 1, Helen Spaulding 432; Millo's 3, Sonja Cochran 485; Lumbermen's 1, Mary Lou Wicken 43-7~ .... FRIDAY NIGHT MIXED Men's Hi Game: Bud Hildebrandt Write: P.O. Box 884 SHELTON CHURCH of the NAZARENE -- NEW LOCATION -- Fairmont & Holman Lowell Keene, Pastor 426-1298 Jan & Irene (CEF) during Sunday School ...... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Youth Choir ........ 6:00 p.m. Evening Service ....... 7;O0 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed... 7:00 p.m. Mt. View Alliance Church Washington & "J" Sts. Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship . . 11:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m. Prayer Hour (Wed.) . 7:30 p.m. A.Y.F. (Wed.) ..... 7:30 p.m. EARL EVERS, Pastor Foursquare Church 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B. WYSONG, Pastor Sunday School .... 9:45 a.m. Morninq Worship . . 11:00 a.m. Evening Service .... 6:00 p.m. Bible Study (Wed.) .7:00 p.m. Northside Baptist Church 123 W. "C" Street Pastor Paul Butterfield 426-2488 Bible Study ......... 10:00 a.m. Morning Worship ..... 11:00 a.m. Eve. Worship ......... 6:30 p.m. Agate Sunday School ... 2:00 p.m. Jesus loves you -- we do too! S.B.C• PUT DOWN CRITICISM - PART II Three musicians tell how they were healed of problems related to criticism. Broadcast this week over many stations including: KXA 770 Kc 8:45 a.m. KGY 1240 Kc 8:15 a.m. the TRUTH that HEALS A Christian Science radio series FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 5th and Cote downtown Shelton MARCH 18, 1973. A.M. "THE GIFT OF GIVING" P.M. "THE STILL SMALL VOICE" 9:30 a.rn ......... Sunday School *11:00 a.m ..... Morning Worship 7:OO p.m .... Evening Gospel Hour Dr. Arlin M. Halvorsen, Pastor Wednesday Bible Study 7:00 p.m. *The Morning W()rship is broadcast live over KMAS, 1280 kc. G and United Methodist Church King Streets REV. WILLIAM ANDREWS, Minister Sunday School for everyone: 9:00 :Lrn Morning Worship: ]0:30 a.m. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH Arcadia and Lake Boulevard KURT HARDENBROOK, Minister Bible School ...... 9:45 a.m. Family Service ..... 7:00 p.m. Worship ......... ] 1:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study and Prayer - 1:00 p.m. Child Care Service Available at ] ] :00 Service First Church of Christ, Scientist " 302 Aider St., Shclton;Wa. Sunday School 11:00 a.m.- Church 11:00 a.m. Wednesday evening testimony meetings 7:30 p.m. Reading room: ] },4 S. 4th St. Hours: 12 to 5 p.m. Tuesday thru Saturday may be seen at the Central Shop complaint of the plaintiff, and 199 Men's Hi Series: Ken Simons 492 described°n Johns asPrairie'follows:Shelt°n' and is servethe undersigneda copy of yOUrattorneyanSwer for°n 499Women's Hi Series: Diana Fogl155Women's Hi Game: Ethel Rigney I One (1) Gallon 118 Motor plaintiff, at his office belowStandings: Bob s Install W4o7men's Hi Series: Ethel Rigney I CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST LATTER DAY SAIN Grader, Serial No. llBG06060 stated; and in case of your failure 28-12, A&S Ins. 27-13, Clary's Connection & 12th Sts. Phone 426-2805 m~ I/ County No. 40, License No. so to do, judgement will be 231/z-16Vz, Hut 22Vz-17V~, C-26045. rendered against YOU according to Makoviney 22-18, Hoodsport Standings: Team 2 21-7, Priesthood Meeting .. ............ 9-]5 a.m. I The County Commissioners the demand of the complaint, Texaco 21-19, Shel. Vet Team 1 17-11, Team 3 11-17, SundaySchoo ........... ]] ...... I reserve the right to reject any and which has been filed with the 18Vz-21Vz, Fuller 18-22, Wingard's Team 4 7-21. - ................................ :00 a.m. I all bids and to accept only those clerk ofsaid court. 16-24, M&O 16-24, Olympic Team 4 0, Bill Bingham 466; Sacrament Meeting ..... 500 -- bids deemed most advantageous The object of this action is forPaint 14V~-25~/z, Nye 13-27. Team 3 4, Ken Simons 492; [earn ............... p.m.j the plaintiff to secure a divorce M&O 3, Bill Rench 439; 1 2, Lloyd Murr 491; Team 2 2, to the County. DATED this 12th day of March, 1973. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON /s/By Ruth E. Boysen Clerk of the Board 3/15-22-21 from the defendant. /el Lar Halpern Lar Halpern Attorney for Plaintiff SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PRISON LEGAL SERVICES PROJECT 310 Birch St. No. 2 Shelton, We. 98584 426-5541 3/8-4 / 12 -6t Hoodsport Texaco 1, Bed Brandt 459; Olympic Paint 2, Marcia Cook 395; Shel. Vet 2, Sandy Story 437; Bob's Install. 3, Diana Fogl 499; Clary's 1, Clara Erickson 453; Wingard's 1, Frankie Barnes 424; Hut 3, Betty LaMont 423; Makoviney 3, Merge Hopkins 452; Fuller 1, Lucille Farmwald 413; A&S Ins. 2, Land Johnson 450; Nye 2, Jeri Clark Bud Hildebrandt 478. Legal Publications NOTICE TO CREDITORS MASON COUNTY EPISCOPAL CHURCHES ST. DAVID'S 4th & Cedar, Shelton Sunday 8- 10 a.m. First Sunday only, 1 1:30 a.m. ST. HUGH'S Allyn - Sunday 9:15 a.m. ST. NICHOLAS' Tahuya - Sunday 11:15 a.m. ST. ANDREW'S HOUSE Union.-- Sunday 2 p.m. 454. No. 4371 NOTICE OF SURFACE THE SUPERIOR COURT OF WATER RIGHT SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION WASHINGTON FOR MASON APPLICATION No $2-20753 No 11384 -'~---~--'--------'----- COUNTY MT, OLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH STATE OF WAS'HINGTON, IN THE SUPE'RIOR COURT OF IN THE MATTER OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY THE STA'IE OF WASHINGTON ~(~i~$ ESTATE OF TED TOYNETTE MISSOURI SYNOD TAKEvIRGINThatNOTICE=ACHARLESN. BUTLERE" ANDof MASoNIN ANDRoBERTFOR THEe. HENDERsoNCOUNTY OF '~- Application blanks may be thatTHOMPSON'NoTICEthe undersignedlSDeceased'HEREBYhasGIVENbeen 206 E. Wyandotte ROLAND HUBE R, Pastor Bremerton Washington on Plaintiff vs CAROL D. obtained from the Civil Service appointed and has qualified as SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1973 February'14 1973 filed HENDERS6N Defendant. secretary, W.C. Bud Knutzen of personal representative of this • - " 'ermit to divert THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Hidden Haven Park No. 38, estate. Persons having claims apphcatlon for P . LakeW Service at 10:30 a.m., Sunday School & Bible Class 9:15 a.m. the public waters of. oaten to the said Shelton,or from the Sheriff s against the deceased are-required Mid-week Lenten Service, Wednesday 8:00 p.m. tributary of-% in me amount of You are hereby summoned to office. Blanks must be filled out to serve the same, duly verified. 0 01 cubic feet .second appear within sixty (60) days and returned to the secretary not on the undersigned or the • - existing rlgnts from subject to , after the date of first publication later than noon on Mar. 25, 1973. attorney ot record at the address April 1 to September 30 each of this Summons, to wit, within All applicants must be state be ,w an f e tl~ same interviewed by the Sheriff and the with the Clerk of this Court, L stated below and file the same year for the purpose of irr!gation sixty (60)days after the 8th day with le CI rk f tl is :ourt, ith that the aPpr°xl,mw¢~t.P°.mt of of March, 1973, and defend the Commission secretary to be together with proof of such FCI utheron Church diversion is locate.c] . rain Lot 24 above entitled action in the above eligible for this examination, service within four months after e lot oLw°o~,en Lake of entitled court, and answer the of th P . March 15, 1973, or the same will complaint of the plaintiff, and Mason County Civil Service be forever barred. Section 19, . ~/~71v~SmP 23 N. Equal opportunity employer. 7th and Franklin Range 2 w. • ., in Mason serve a copy of your answer on Commission by W.C. Bud /s/ JORDAN G. THOMPSON WORSHIP8:OOa. m. and lO:lha.m. the undersigned attorney for Knutzen, Secretary, Mar. 8, 1973. JORDAN G. THOMPSON CHURCH SCHOOL 9:00 a.m. C°U;rY[:of~Sthi°'aPl~l~a~[ions to plaintiff, at his office below 3/8-15-2t Personal Representative approve ....... on must stated; and in case of your failure ~ JOHN C. RAGAN include.a oeta!l.eO .statement of so to do, judgment will be Attorney for Estate Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service the basis tar ooject=ons. Prot~¢+¢ rendered against you according to must be accompanied ~y a 7"" Title Insurance Building Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone 426-8611 r ;wo the demand of the complaint, 122 Railroad Avenue ~,-~,llars .... ($2.00)_ ecording fee andwhich has been filed with the NOTICE OF HEARING ON Shelton, Washington 98584 i filed w=tn me uepartment of clerk of said court. INTENTION TO SELL 3/15-22-29-3t / EcologY, .~o~nwest Washington The object of this action is for COUNTY PERSONAL ..... I THE FRIENDLY CHURCH .Regional urrlce, O vmn== the plaintiff to secure a divorce PROPERTY, COUNTY Washington 98504, Withi~ t~'rt'~ from the defendant. (30) days Trom March 22 1973". SALE No. 80 | NOTICE IS HEREBY 3/1'5-22-2t /S/Lar Halpern I SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF GOD Lar Halpern GIVEN: That it appears to be in NOTICE OF GROUND ---- Attorney for Plaintiff the best interests of Mason WATER RIGHT I 1521 Monroe St. Mason Younglund, Pastor SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION County that the following APPLICATION No. G2-20819 PRISON LEGAL described personal property STATE OF WASHINGTON, I NOTICE OF APPLICATION SERVICES PROJECT belonging to the County be DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY I CHRIST'S AMBASSADORS FOR SHORELINE 310 Birch St. No. 2 declared surplus and sold: TAKE NOTICE: MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL Shelton, We. 98584 DEVELOPMENT PERMIT 426-5541 One 1963 4-door Ford Sedan, That HIMLIE REALTY, INC. I CAPITOL SECTIONAL YOUTH RALLY Notice is hereby given that 3/8-4/12-6t Sr.co5889No. 3P54C 158632, LiC.THERNO. of 7, Shelton,1973, filedWashingt°napplication°n MarChfor | Featuring: YOUTH CHOIR FROM SUMNER Raymond P. Ellingsen has filed an N O T I C E IS FU R permit to withdraw public ground I (Choir recently toured Spain) appl!cation . for a substantal GIVEN: That the Board of waters through a well situated I Saturday, March 17, 7:00 p,m. development Permit far the construction or devel'~',---"~'~* of PUBLIC NOTICE County Comissioners will meet on within NEV4NWV4 of Section 12, upland retainina w~H'"~"~'~t at The Mason County Civil Monday March 26, 1973, at the Township 20 N., Range 4 I hour of 11:30 A.M., in their W.W.M., in Mason County, in the I I .............. Service Commission will hold aoffice in the County Courthous?amount of 100 gallons per | Sunday School ............................... 9:45 a.m. Pebbe Beach Park tract 33, competitive examination on Mar. Mason County, Washineton Said 28, 1973 at 9:00 a.m. in the at Shelton, Washington, to hem minute, subject to existing rights | Morning Worship ............................. ]l:00a.m. development s -- =- ~- "- --'='hin ~_ _ proposeo ~o u= Mason County courthouse, and determine the advisability of continuously, each year for the | Evening Gospel Service ......................... 6:00 p.m. ~ssociate~°~2tlaCnc~nal and/or its T h e purpose of th s making such sale, at which time purpose of community domestic | Wednesday-Family Night ............... , ....... 7:00 p.m, supply. 1 REVlvALTIME, KGDN, SUNDAY ............... 3:00 p.m. and place the Board shal~ hear ex_rAe~sYhiPerson~ desir ng to examination is to estab sh an employment list of elig b es forevidence, should any be o fered, Protests or objections to .p .~ s views or to be no~ifieo the position of jailers, as to the advisability of makingapproval of this application must I or i~.ne_, action taken on th,s An applicant must be a citizen Such proposed sale. o include a detailed statement of I FOREIGN MISSIONS SERVICE app ICatlon should notifY the of the United States, and an . DATED this 13th day aT the basis for objections; protests uoaram' " ot M....,, .... county elector of the County in which he March, 1973. must be accompanied by a two I WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21, 7:00 p.m. C°_rmpSl°.n, ers n writing of .his resides,, able", to read-and write the BOARD OF COUNTY dollars ($2.00) recording fee and n~ es~. Witl~in thirty days of ~-ngnsn language, in sound health COMMISSIONERS OF filed with the Department of I I With Missionaries Rev. and Mrs. T.O. Jo|mston las~. gate of Publication of- t.h!s with no physical defects, have a MASON COUNTY, Ecology, Southwest Washington no,ice. Public~H,~ -~+"s of mls High School education or the WASHINGTON Regional Office, Olympia, ~o:~cc~ are March"'15~"1973 AND .eauivalent. and must never have /s/By Ruth E. Boysen Washington 98504, within thirty i San Lusi Potosi, Mexico ' oeen convicted of a gross Clerk of the Board. (30) days from March 22, 1973. zz, 1973. 3/15-22-2t misdemeanoro~:felony. 3/15-22-2t 3/15-22-2t- ~ , , Thursday, March 15, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 2!