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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 15, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 15, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7 DAY AD SPECIALS 14 thru 20 L,M,TR,GHTSREsERVED Florida Indian River. Pink or White. Jumbo 32 Size. Each e Sugar Sweet and Ripe. Jumbo Size. each Fresh RhubarbHothouse"tr°F°nC',b 39' Cherry Tomatoesz:;';: cup 3/Sl Newtown Ann|aeGreatf°r 4/Sl • •~F ~FII~) Pie. lb. Ripe Tangelos .... ,o Jumbo lb. 5/Sl Petite ButterhornsorCUst°mcherry.Baked'16 ct.Vanilla 99c ( t St. Patrick Cupcakes CustOmDecorated,Baked.12 ct $ 1 .29 Custom Baked. 13 ct. Cherry, Cake Donuts Plain. Powdered. Devils F oo d I 65¢ DAIRY SPECIAL: e Assorted Flavors. Pint Carton Yogurt Darigold. 8-ounce cup Sour Cream O=iga,. 16-oz. cup 5/Sl Ice Cream Shur-fresh, 75' Half-gallon 69' Trim Milk 30' Chip Dips Oar,.o,. 3/S1 Asst'd. 8-oz, un ! UI These prices are made possible by exceptional buys or discounts. Hi Ha Crackers 39¢ 0 White King Soap Sl .29 Mixed Nuts ...... , .... .... 89¢ Slender o,..,., 4/Sl Asst'd. IO-ez. can Cri Eva II's COOKBOOK COLLECTION Get the New 18 Volume Set! C~KLESS COOKBOOK COOKBOOK NO. 3 FoI)(J I l I ~l :~ | t' T" J) i~2 ('p s I[I llIifl U~('N! ( "OIllhHl~' ('OI1- Vt'llltql('t' [(Io(|s, w(HId/,['~ lul l)~ themsel,,'es, gar m~,h m" elnbellish will1 Olll(!r ('Oll V L'HI~ql~'P loads and tngr(.dients Soups, htl~,a(|s lllal[1 dishes, saJ- cldY~. CI('SS(tII|S all with lhe iJil'~rOt' r]uhness usually achieved hy hmg uooking Volumes No. 1 & 2 Still Available. Start Your Set Today! COOKLESS COOKBOOK VOLUME NO. 3 NOW AVAILABLE Soft Tissue. 4-Roll Pkg. Low, Low Price Powdered. 49-ounce Package Pure, Thick, Rich 8, Tasty. 46-oz. Can Kraft Proc- essed Cheese. 2-lb. Box Frozen. 100% Pure. 12-oz. Can Miracle French & __~5~: Dress• ng .e.u.., F.o.~....--" sco rteningii =n 99¢ porated Milk ,%% 20 Winona Brand. Packed by Maple Leaf Farms. Frozen 5 to 6-lb. Birds'b.I Turkeys USDAlnspected. Armour Star Rotisserie. 69' Quartered Fryers Fresh Wash. 4-9 lb. Average. Fresh Frozen. lb. Grown. lb. :k 63' • Boneless USDA Choice. Flavor Aged. per pound Beef Rib Steak USOACbo,ce. Sl.75 Flavor Aged. lb. Sliced Beef Liver Young Steer. Deveined. lb. 85' Beef Blade Roast USDAChaice. Flavor Aged. lb. .... i:::¸(%, : i:: ;' ' .7\ '..., /..'" 89' Chuck Wagon Steak Armour Breaded. lb. Lam ~1 Steak USDA Choice. Broil or Bake. per pound 99' Lamb Loin ChopsLamb.USDAChoicelb. s2.05 Veal CutletsCubedA ...... Portions.Slicedandpound ;1.89 Lamb Rib RoastRackUSDA Choice.of Lamb. lb. '1.79 Quarter Pork LoinFr"h C°,LoinEnd. 14 to 17 lb. lb. q.25 Lamb Leg RoastLamb.USDAChoicelb. Sl.15 Pork Cutlets Ou.ktoF,,per peund sI.59 Armour-kMi Serve Corned Beef & Cabbage on St. Patrick's Day. per pound Sliced Bacon Rath Black Hawk. SL09 Beef Wieners Western Family. 89' I-pound package I-pound pkg. Ranch Style BaconBatbB'a .awk ,-,b pkg s2.15 Smokey's SausageHawk.RathBlackg-oz. 93' Canned Ham Swift Premium.,.,b can 5.95 Buddig SmokedS'ic'd Meats S,x3..,,ndSpk, 39' .. ::: .., ....... ...... ........ ,.. ......... :::~:~'5/ All bat F Weight Watcher's Delight. Broil, Fry or Poach. pound il Meat Steamer Clams Serve withDButter, lb. .... 59' Fresh Oysters Medium Size.,o.ounce jar 89' Keg-O-Ketchup ..,.. 3,ounc. 61¢ " Rolls 3:'1 Quick Crescent Pecan Pie Bars These quick and easy IOQrs taste much llke pecan " 8 ounce can Pdlsbury Refn orate " ' "g d Quick Crescent, Pillsbury. I Crescent Dinner Rolls Regular, and I egg, beaten Onion & Garlic. 8-oz. ½ cup chopped pecans ½cup sugar Bis ½ cup corn syrup Pillsbury Buttermilk or Extra 1 tablespoon Parkay Margarine, melted Lite, Ballard Sweet Milk. 8-oz. ½ teaspoon vanilla ~)l • ~, I Preheat oven to 3750. Lightly grease 13x9-inch pan. ©..i,.er's CoK.... A, -J b .n .. (~1~4~tI4~ "~.JC~411rg~ , - Downy. 1 ~1~ Separate crescent dough into 2 large rectangles. IV~II~ I1~ Grinds ~) can "~,d[,l~I __ -- Fabr, c Softener ....."" pre, rectangles over bottom and ½-inch up sides m. | I ~'~ ~'" All I~h~q~r II~ll~l'~'Iir(]r~I~l~l' -" SarSoa- Su-3 G.! of prepared pan to form crust'seal oerforations t.olaer s -olrl'e, ..- ,) Ib $1 R; ~WIII~I~I I~I~ILIL~I~I~Ill r~amay ~F,...~P=[ ' '=' Bake crust at 3750 for 5 minutes'. In med'-ium bowJl .~,~ .... -- ............ V~ .... i I ..... 27c combine remaining ingredients. Pour over partially baked Fnlaer's Coffe, V' . 1 lb. oo¢ rowaerea. JI I ~,omer ~.leanser,o" crust. Bake at 3750 for 18 to 22 minutes until golden =''~'~ _ -,-',- ~rinoI I con llr Regular Tablets. 84-ounce IiII .. . 0.,o,oto, So,h-49c brown. Cool; cut into bars. Makes 2 dozen bars. 20 count pkg. ieIII II ~.omer room Pack• 4/6"ox'High altitude: No change. .... Scope Mouthwash ..... 1.19 undt Cake Pan 33 , , GOLDEN GRAIN I ( II I • " "" ' II oo&L Alum,num Oven Liners s,. 49 , NOODLE NO O.DL.E RONI IllllmT _et ,Ox)6-inch } Folger s Instant Coffee. N EI I ~ ~ ~ Brown-in-Bag ~~-~ . ,q ::::": ~ pW~t h " FRw E, Elhis .o.po. .... o* C::upen 1.79 • • tii.,, 3 • , I eynolds Giant Foil,., .,,, S1.7 ~Grape Juice can ~) ~ .ic~l ) .~(~.4~J~ W/Coupon ~ FOR $ ! ) '~._~... £'~ Total Value $2.42. Your C0st'$1.79 ~1 | | (~:.:I You Save 40c (60+ 3) 1~ I I[~'~ q I ] --~/'~t You Save 63 Total. ,[_~' i~;....i. I~... ,.~,., .... ,~o.~ .... , .... ,,~ '2151 l~i~P Limit I Coupon Per Customer ]~I ~~ ~ ...~i~l~t" I Coupon p~.rFomiiy. CashValue 1/20c .~] c Mar 973~'. "='='-- -" Exp,res March 20, 1973 II~Ill.. I--r= P•tat~e~.Al|in~ .... ' ...... ~/ t ~l'CashValuel/20--Expires oh20, 1 .~)1 }_'..~arieties.- A .A~ ) /~I~l]~l~'/~l, ~1 .,c.O" '-'-. ,-...¢.-,o~..-.°-"'"'- .,",', ~l~~ ;;~~.~~l ! F°ur van=ET;lres W/Coupon 3 FOR ,~ ! ~ . ~l~JA~l~l~ ...,~ ,~1..~.~'/. I Aunt Jemima Waffles .... 49¢ I ,, j v v ! DISCOUNT NON FOOD.~ Pan~ ?9 - Shelton-Mason Cn,,ntv Jr),lrnnl - Th,,r,','-I'~,, I~.~,-,-I-, ~ = tc,~'~