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Canal school board
0.2-" "Taking care of Morn and Dad
is becoming a full-time job. With
everything else I have to do, more
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The Hood Canal School he or she will have to be school board member. The
District Board of Directors elected by the voters in or- letter should be submitted
is looking for applicants in- der to continue serving, to Tom Churchill, Super-
terested in serving on the District 2, in general intendent and Secretary
school board to fill a vacan- terms, covers the Skokom- to the Board, at 111 State
cyin the District 2 slot. ish Reservation and Pot- Route 106, Shelton, 98584.
Applicants must reside latch area. All letters of application
in District 2 in order to be Interested applicants should be submitted by
eligible to apply. The board should submit a letter of Monday, April 9.
will appoint an applicant application that includes The school board will
to serve until the next gen- a confirmation of residency review all applicants and
eral election in November within District 2 as well conduct interviews that
2013. At that time, the ap- as a statement about their will be scheduled during
pointees' term will end and interest in serving as a April.
Journal photos by Natalie Johnson
Oakland Bay Junior High freshmen Emily Kester and Adam Cyganow
went on the trip to Washington, D.C. as eighth-grade students last year.
ry stud
funds for D.C. trip
History a favorite subject to urday, March 24, at the Shelton Eagles Club.
The fundraiser includes a prize drawing and
many Oakland Bay students a spaghetti dinner, and ticketscost a suggest-
ed donation of $5.
By NATALIE JOHNSON "There are so many kids who really enjoy
natalie@rnasoncoun(y,con~ the curriculum," Scott said. "There was so
........................................... much interest in the trip. The class is prob-
ably a lot of the kids' favorite class."
This June, 66 eighth-grade students at So far, the History Boosters have donated
Oakland Bay Junior High School (OBJH) $10,000 toward the cost of the trip.
have an opportunity to participate in the The junior high's history program has
school's quarter-century-oldrite of passage- taken a group of eighth-grade students to
a week-long trip to Washington, D.C.. Washington, D.C., each spring for the past 25
"It was defmitely something we'll remem- years, Conklin said. He took over the project
ber for the rest of our lives," said OBJH fresh- in 2004.
man Emily Kester, who went on the excur- In addition to the colonial villages and sites
sion last June. such as George Washington's home Mount
Brett Conklin, eighth-grade history teach- Vernon, last year students visited the Jef-
er and an advisor for the trip, said students ferson Memorial, Vietnam and Korean War
see many historical sites along the way, in- Memorials and the Holocaust Memorial Mu-
chiding Jamestown, Williamsburg, Mount seum.
Vernon and Arlington National Cemetery in "(The Holocaust museum) had a guest who
Virginia. actually experienced it... she was a little girl,"
"It's definitely something that not a lot Kester said. "It was a powerful experience."
of people get to do," OBJH freshman Adam Last year, 37 students went on the week-
Cyganow said. "It's not like a lecture where long journey, organized through World-
you're just listening." Strides, a group that helps coordinate school
However, for some students, the $1,900 trips. Teachers from OBJH chaperone the
price tag for the trip is a large burden to bear. students.
The History Boosters club formed to help The week of travel is intended to enhance
those students take the trip of their young lessons learned in the classroom.
lives, and help the school's history program "Actually getting to go on the trip and see
too. it all made it more real, made me understand
"There was a real need for fundraising it a lot more," Kester said.
support," said Jolene Scott, History Boosters' Conklin said the trip to Washington, D.C.,
treasurer. %Ve just felt it was really impor- may be the first time some of the students
tant to create a vehicle for fimdraising for the leave Washington state.
trip." "It's a trip of firsts -- it's more than just the
The Boosters have scheduled their last history lesson," Conklin said. "For a lot of the
fimdraiser for this year's trip for 4 p.m. Sat- kids it can be really life changing."
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Jolene Scott, treasurer of the History Boosters club, said it has already
donated $10,000 toward the 2012 Oakland Bay Junior High eighth grade
trip to Washington, D.C.
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Shelton-Mason County Journal-Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Page A-3