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Now, for your
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or those gardeners
who include lawns
in their landscape, it
is time to do a spot check
for European Cranefly.
The larvae of the European
cranefly feed on the crowns
of grasses during the win-
ter and
N spring.
can be
severe in
as large
of dead
By ,JEANNE or dying
NEItWALDT grass.
The grass
usually recovers when the
larvae stop feeding, but
weed invasion may occur in
the weakened areas. Adult
craneflies are mosquito-like
with long legs. The body is
about one inch long. They higher than this, lations exceed 25+30 at that
emerge from lawns and You will need to sampletime, then treat. Note: Do
pastures in late August several areas of the lawn not treat in the fall if an ef-
through September and to determine if there is a fective treatment was made
may gather on the sides of problem before making any in the spring. Two applica-
houses in large numbers, chemical applications. Star- tions per year are unneces-
Eggs are laid in the fall. lings, robins, and many pre- sary. Many pyrethroids are
The full-grown larvae are dacious insects often feed toxic to bees. There is no
about an inch long, gray- on crane fly larvae in lawns data currently available on
brown and worm-like with reducing numbers of crane the bee toxicity of cyfluth-
a tough, leathery skin fly larvae to below damag- rin, a pyrethroid registered•
which gives them the com- ing levels by spring, for lawn use. Be cautious
mon name leatherjackets. If you suspect that youand mow or remove weed
They feed in the soil from have a cranefly problem, it flowers before applying.
fall through spring, pupat- is important to determine If you choose to use a
ing in the summer. They the level of cranefly infesta- pesticide, some examples
feed primarily at night and tion. Monitor the lawn in of products~that are legal
during cloudy weather on March and consider treat- in Washington are listed
overcast days. Treatment ment if larval numbers ex- here. Always read and fol-
is usually not necessary ceed 25-30 per square foot. low all label directions.
unless spring sampling in- If you have had serious pre- Bayer Advanced Garden
dicates numbers m excess vious infestations or missed Power Force Multi-Insect
of 25 per square foot. Also, the spring application, you Killer R-T-S and Ortho
well-established lawns should monitor larval popu- BugBGon Max Insect Kill-
that are properly irrigated lations in mid-November to er/Lawns are registered for
and fertilized rarely need December when larvae are use on lawns for European
treatment even at numbers about 3/8-inch long. If popu- Cranefly.
Dinner buffet, wine ta ling at
Xinh's to benefit Sound Learning
The Board of Directors of Sound
Learning (formerly known as Mason
County Literacy) is having a fundrais-
er in Shelton from 5:30-7:30 p.m. on
Sunday, March 18.
The wine tasting and buffet din-
ner will be at Xinh's Clam and Oyster
House. There will also be a presenta-
tion by Bill and Phyllis Broich, owners
of Nanstead and McGavick Wineries.
Xinh Dwelley, who is an alumna of
Sound Learning's English as a Second
Language program, has been a sup-
porter of the organization throughout
the years.
"I'm really grateful for Sound Learn-
"I+m really grateful for Sound
Learning helping me .+. We+re having
a fundraiser and m+m cook+ng so !
hope everbody comes.
ing helping me," Dwelley said. "We're Tickets are $50 each and can be
having a fundraiser and I'm cooking so purchased from a board member, or
I hope everybody comes." at the Sound Learning office at 133 W.
The community is invited to eat, Railroad Ave.
sip, and support Sound Learning in The mission of Sound Learning ls to
the work they have been doing for educate adults to be equipped to suc-
more than 20 years, ceed and contribute in our society.
• _. - J2 :. : ')"? 2 --+-2 '.. .2 £
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Noon and 5:30 p.m., Al-
coholics Anonymous, 125 W.
Cota St.
5 p.m., AA, New Commu-
nity Church of Union office.
951 E. Dalby Road
5:30 p.m., Overeaters
Anonymous, Mason Gen-
eral Hospital, Washington
Room, 901 Mountain View
6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
Anonymous, The Right
Path, North 80 Tribal Cen-
ter Road.
7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
Episcopal Church, 324 W.
Cedar St.
7 p.m., Friends of Bill
W. Chapter at Hood Ca-
nal Community Church, 81
Finch Creek Road, Hood-
8 p.m., Narcotics Anony-
mous. Mountain View All+- Church, 324 W. Cedar St.Library for women only
ance Church, 314 E. J Street Noon and 5:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
AA, 125 W. Cota St. Anonymous, Spinners Gone
Fridays 7 p.m., Narcotics Anony-Straight, St. David's Episco-
11 a.m., NA. United mous, Ell+nor Room at Ma- pal Church, 324 W. Cedar
Methodist Church 1900 son General Hospital. 901 St.
King Street Mountain View Drive
Noon, A1-Anon group, 10 p.m., The Point Is, Mondays
Saint David's EpiscopalEasy Does It, 125 W. Cota Noon and 5:30 p.m.,
Church, call 427-6831 St. AA. 125 W. Cota St.
Noon, 5:30 and 7:30 6:30 p.m., Crystal Meth
p.m., AA, 125 W. Cota St. Sundays Anonymous, Belfair's New
6:30 p.m., Celebrate Re- 8 a.m., noon, 5:30 and Hope, Belfair Community
covery, 419 Railroad Ave. 7:30 p.m., AA, 125 W. Cota Baptist Church
Childcareprovided.Call St. 7 p.m., AA, Saint David's
426-8461 9:30 a.m., NA, PUD Hall, Episcopal Church, 324 W.
7:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport 307 W. Cota St. Cedar St.
Library 3 - 5 p.m., Freedom in 7 p.m. Narcotics Anony-:
8 p.m., NA, Ell+nor Room, Recovery, New Horizons mous, Mountain View All+-
Mason General Hospital, Church, 307 E. F St. ance Church, 314 E. J Street
901Mountain View Drive 4- 6 p.m., Gateway to 7 p.m. AA, Fir Lane
recovery at Gateway Chris- Health and Rehabilitation
Saturdays tian Fellowship, 405 S. 7th Center, 2430 N. 13th St.
10 a.m., Overeaters St.
Anonymous, Saint David's 4:30 p.m., AA, Hoodsport See 12 steps on page B-3
Call 426-4412
CrossPoint ServiceTraditional Service : .....
A more ( onlo,~11+orary servk e A more t [adit kma+ servke
that begins +it 9:OO AM that begill,, at 2
• /• Praise Band • Priliserl{'alll 10:45 AM +~+
• Con{enlporary Message Choir
Children and Adult Sunday School ) AM • Childcareboth services
i:il ....
" Wednesday Night Service
Sunflav Services +, )
9:00 AM I Celebration Service 7:00 PM ] Ml~l-~{~ek Service
Ntirserv to 2 YeaFs
10:30 ,\M I Celebration ~t'rvi{'e ~ ( hildrolYs C'l.lsses
Attended Nursery ~ SOIIIFiRE YOUTH, ()Ill 12+J~ {;r,ldo
Children's Classes
zt:{){} r,M J G~IIe%MI} [o ~c('t)\ (l'V ) The l)urp°se °f ~ ~ i~ to help
(hi/de(~#~,P/owiel~'d peol}le bec,,n+e ~ z~ ~ ~+ through wo, sl++p,
ADDRESS ] 4O5 S 7t I1 St, Shelton PHONE [ 360 426 2758 WEBSlTE I WWW.Rotew~Iy{
Faith Lutheran C ureh
Come Hear What Has
Sat+fled Our Souls
Evergreen Elementary Library
900 West Franklin St. • Shelton
Every Wednesday ' 7:30 p.m.
• Non Denominational
• No Collections • A//Are Welcome
Ministers: Everett Swanson & Ross Wetherell
.~haHng ~De Hfeg#v~g h,~e of .le~.~ 360426-8461
• Sunday Morning Worship 9 + 10:30 am
Sunday School for all ages
• NightChurch 6pro
• Domlngo La !glesla Baut!sta 0 pm
Sewlcio en EspaSol
• Wednesdays 6 pm : 2
YOU h Chdrch, AWANA K B, Adull Classes
• JuevesO pm Elgmp
L Mt. Ol!ve il St. David's of Wales
utheran Church 7i ~PiSCOPAL CHURn"
Miss0uri Synod ~ ~'"
206 EastWyandotte avenue ::i} A place where all are welcome
:[ 324 W. Cedar St.. Shelton
Wednesdays 3/21 & 3/28
Soup Supper 6pm • Lenten Service 7pm ]
Contemporary Service .......... 8:30am SUNDAY SERVICES
Christian Education ................. 9:45a.rn. :i] 7:30 & 10:30a.m.
Traditional W0rship ............... 11:00 am ilit 9:15 Conversational Bible Study
Offnce 426-6353 ~! .......
Oavcare 4273165 :i] Office phone~ 420-~$47Z !ii]
New Community
+ Church of Union
Refreshed ~ RestoreJ~ R~ne-wed-
in Rivers of Grace Sunday Gatherings
+ (A!! ,+re ~Z~ome.')
• Alliance Church 8:30 and 10:30
: 2320 Washington St. at the
Sunday Night Worship 6:00 p.m. Union Fire Hall
50 E. Seattle St.,Uni0n 98592
438-8531 360-898-7855 web site:
Page B-2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 15, 2012