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Charles Emil Clausen
Charles Clausen 61, passed away in
Olympia on March 7, 2012, after a long
and courageous battle with pancreatic
cancer. He bravely fought until the end.
Charles attended public schools in
Vancouver, WA. In 1967 his family
moved to Olympia, WA where both
parents were educators. He graduated
from Olympia High School in 1968,
lettering in swimming and track. Charles
attended Western Washington University in
Bellingham receiving degrees in Theater Arts
and English. During summers he lifeguarded
and taught swimming at Capitol Lake in Olympia.
This is where he first met his wife Marcea.
In 1972 Charles joined the Army. He passed up Officers Training School
ashe wanted to "soldier" from the "ground up". While stationed in
Germany he discovered a large number of younger fellow soldiers lacked
a good education and so Charles decided he should become a teacher.
Charles returned home and re-enrolled at Western Washington University
in 1975. He studied history, social studies and educational philosophy and
graduated with another Bachelor's degree in the Spring of 1979.
Charles substituted for 4 years throughout Thurston County. He also
joined the Army Reserves during this time. Unable to find a full time
teaching position, Charles became a Washington State Park Ranger. After
a number of years he worked for the Washington State Dept. of Licensing.
He also worked at Hanford in Security. In August t987 Charles was hired
full time at Shelton High School teaching social studies and history. He
became the coach of the girls swim team from 1988-1993. Charles also
was a traffic safety instructor for many years. In February of 2003 Charles
was reactivated by the Army back into service until Sept. 2003. He was
again called to duty in July 2009. In 2010 during his last year of active duty
Charles retired in July as a Master Sargent after 38 years of military service.
Charles and Marcea were together for 23 years. April 18, 2012 they would
have been married 4 years. Both joked they believed in long engagements.
Charles enjoyed many things in life. He was an avid reader especially
of history. Charles like home remodeling, pottery, welding sculptures and
gardening. Over the years he and Marcea adopted many animals: cats,
dogs, and about 20 pot-bellied pigs. Over the last ten years his favorite was
a puppy named "Victor" whom he received as a gift for Christmas. Victor
misses him deeply. In the final months of Charles' life he took up beading
making dozens of prayer beads and giving them to his church for those in
need. Charles is survived by his loving wife, Marcea M. Sherman; mother,
Isabelle K. Clausen; brother, James K. Clausen; niece, Adrian Medina; and
nephew, Jacob Higgins. He was preceded in death by his father Elmer E.
Clausen. A memorial service will be held Tuesday, March 20, 2012 at 3:30
pm at the Performing Arts Center, Shelton High School, 3737 North Shelton
Springs Road, Shelton, WA. Memorial gifts to assist in burial costs may be
given to St. David's Episcopal Church, P.O. Box 339, Shelton, WA 98584.
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Worthy of
Your Trust
Competitive Pricing " Pre-Arranged Planning
Locally-Owned, Affordable,
Full-Service Funeral Provider
eFhank you
"he Cook Family wishes to express their gratitude
to those who contributed hugs, food, flowers, and
prayers to our family during our time of loss. We
appreciate all the generous donations toward the
memorial fund. Our families have been uplifted
and strengthened by your thoughtfulness.
Thank you for thinking of us.
-John Cook arnily
James Michael Jazuk
James Michael Jazuk,
61, died Friday, March 2,
peacefully at home with
his family on Harstine
Island. He had been a resi-
dent for 27 years.
He was born Oct. 3,
1950, in San Francisco to
George Jazuk and Dorothy
(Harvey) Jazuk.
ated from
San Ra-
fael High
School in
San Rafa-
el, Calif.,
James Francisco
Jazuk State Uni-
and Olym-
pic College in Shelton.
He married Marjorie Lo-
ken on March 13, 1976, at
Mission San Rafaet Arch-
angel, San Rafael, Calif.
He worked at Hunter's
Point, Mare Island and
Puget Sound Naval ship-
yards, retiring after 42
years of service in the
Department of Defense on
Sept. 2, 2010.
He had many interests,
including motorcycle rid-
ing, boating, and camping
and hiking with his fam-
ily. He spent 10 years as
a volunteer firefighter for
station 11, Fire District 5.
He enjoyed restoring clas-
sic cars, wooden boats, mo-
torcycles and tractors. His
family said he enjoyed new
He is survived by his
wife of 36 years, Marjorie
Jazuk; son, Ruskin Jazuk;
daughters Kalina Jazuk,
Michelle Jazuk.of Port-
land, Ore., and Amber
Frye (Kevin); grandchil-
dren, Hunter and Blake
Frye; siblings, Joann
Lowrie of Petaluma, Ca-
lif., Joseph Kazuk Sr.
of San Francisco, Calif.,
Jeannie Dunn of Silver-
dale, Mary Mathews of
Indianapolis and George
Jazuk of Walnut Creek,
Calif.; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
A celebration of life will
be held from 1 to 4 p.m. on
Sunday, March 18, at Har-
mony Hill, 7362 E. State
Route 106, Union, WA
Memorial donations can
be made to the Mesothe-
lioma Applied Research
Foundation, 1317 King St.,
Alexandria, VA 22314.
Kristin M. Berry
Kristin M. Berry, 23, died
Tuesday, March 6, in a car
accident in Bothell. She was
a resident of Seattle and for-
mer resident of Allyn.
She was a graduate of
North Mason High School,
West Sound Technical In-
stitute in Bremerton and
Everest College.
She was a licensed mas-
sage therapist and CNA in
King County.
She enjoyed dancing,
movies, shooting pool
and paintball. The fam-
ily shared that she was a
wonderful person and will
be greatly missed by all
who knew her.
She is survived by
her mother, Janel Berry
of Seattle; father, Scott
Berry of Bremerton;
sister, Tiffany; brother,
Shawn; foster-sister,
Cassey; niece, Trinity;
grandparents, Dave
and Linda Swan of A1-
lyn; grandmother, Bar-
bara Wortly of Wyoming;
grandfather, Larry Berry
of Missouri; aunt and
uncle, Jennifer and Rich-
ard Anderson; cousins,
Jayden and Rhonan;
aunt, Jena Chance and
cousin, Savanna.
A celebration of life
memorial service was held
on Wednesday, March 14,
at the Kitsap Unitarian
Universalist Fellowship
in Bremerton. In lieu of
flowers, donations can be
mailed to PO Box 425, A1-
lyn, WA 98524 to assist
her family with related
Page B-6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 15, 2012
Marjorie Adeline Brown and Emma Jurin.
Marjorie Adeline Bina He graduated in 1942
Emsley Brown, 86, died from Carl Schirs High
of Friday, March 9, sur- School in Portage Park,
rounded by family. Chicago. In 1948 he re-
She was born in Sat- ceived an engineering de-
sop, on Oct. 25, 1925. She gree from the University
spent her childhood years of Illinois and also attend-
in the Ag-ed the Illinois Institute of
~ ate area Technology.
ofShel- : ::::::: : :i.i: He was
ton. She *'*" a:' ~:.:: ~: a member
married of the U.S.
Walter E. Air Force,
Emsley as a pi-
at the age lot from
of 17 and 1943-
raised 1945.
Marjorie three He
Brown daugh- married
ters. Five Robert JoAnne
years af- Jurin Neff in
ter his death she married Tacoma.
Ern Brown. He
Most remember her as was an engineer. With his
the director of the Shelton brother-in-law, A1 Wis-
senior center until she re- low, he founded the Black
tired in the 1980s. Hawk Co. in Chicago. He
She was also instru- developed a finishing ma-
mental in starting the chine, for which he still
Nifty Thrifty Second Hand holds the patent.
Store, whose proceeds He was a member of the
continue to help keep the Shelton Kiwanis. His hob-
Shelton senior center in bies included gardening,
operation, building things, fishing,
She enjoyed helping card playing, swimming
people and is also credited and traveling. He spent the
with starting the food bank winters in Yuma for three
in Matlock. She continued years. His interests in-
to run the food bank until cluded walking his dog and
she lost her sight and fell playing the French horn.
ill three years ago. His family remembers him
She has earned numer- as a quiet, gentle man and
ous awards and recogni- as a very gracious host.
tion for her selfless service He is survived by his
to others, wife, JoAnne Jurin of
She is survived by her Shelton; daughters, Jill
husband, Ern Brown; Duggin (Mike), Robin
sister, Lila Beebee; Popovich (Larry), Wendy
daughters, Gwen Avery, Near (Art) and Vicky
Irene Faver and Carol Jurin; grandchildren,
Schmidt; step-children, Chris, Andrea, BJ, Dayna
Mike Brown, Beverly Swift and Tina; step-children,
and Judy Neumann; their Michael D. Cross (Loni),
spouses and many grand- Shelly Benson (Carl3,
children, great-grandchil- Garth Cross (Nikki) and
dren and one great-great- Carolyn Olson; step-
grandson, grandchildren Courtney,
Memorial services were Hannah, Garrett, Brandon
held at Hope Chapel of Morrison, Bailey, Ashley
McComb Funeral Home on and Blake.
Wednesday, March 14. His parents and a
brother and a sister pre-
George W. Carlo ceded him in death.
George W. Carlo, 83, A memorial service was
died Tuesday, March 6, at held at Shelton Presbyte-
Alpine Way Retirement rian Church on March 14.
Apartments in Shelton. Memorial donations can
He was born on Feb. be made to the Kiwanis
16, 1929, to George Carlo. Club of Shelton, P.O. Box
an Italian immigrant, and 477, Shelton, WA 98584.
Florence Edgbert of Arca- McComb Funeral Home
dia. of Shelton handled the ar-
He graduated in 1947 rangements.
from Olympia High School. Online condolences may
He served in the Army be sent to the family at
Corps of Engineers during
the Korean War.
He was one of the three
people who established
the Olympia branch of the
Mountaineers, where he
led and trained many of
its members. He enjoyed
introducing young people
to the outdoors.
He enjoyed sailing with
his lifetime compamon, par-
ticularly in the Caribbean
and South Pacific. He re-
tired at 62 to enjoy his sail-
boat and his dogs. He had
varied interests, including
astronomy, the Internet
and sharing humorous sto-
ries. His family said that he
had many fond memories of
the people he worked with
in Olympia and Shelton.
His sons, Mathew Carlo
and John Tolan; daughter.
Julie Carlo Miller; two
grandchildren and two
great-grandchildren sur-
vive him.
Funeral Alternatives of
Washington in Tumwater
is handling the arrange-
Robert John Jurin
Robert John Jurin, 87,
died Thursday, March 8,
at Harstine Island Adult
Home Care in Shelton. He
was a resident of Shelton.
He was born March 31,
1924, in Chicago to John
Bernard Lee Shaw
Bernard Lee Shaw, 75,
died on Saturday, Feb. 25.
He was born March 19,
1936, to Clark and Ida
Shaw in Craig, Colo. [
He graduated from
Palisade High Schoo! in,
1954. That same year
he married Marguerite
earned a
of science
degree in
from the
sity of
Bernard Colorado
and later
Shaw received a
degree from Western State
College of Colorado and
furthered his education at
the University of Wash-
He spent 30 years as a
high school principal in
Olathe, Colo.; Montrose,
Colo.; Shelton and West
Hills, Calif.
He is survived by his
wife of 57 years, Mar-
guerite; children, Terri
Manke (Scott), Steven
Shaw (Christi) and Tracy
Howell (Mark); grand-
children, Marci Nolan
(Trevor), Kellen Manke,
Ty, Caleb, Kellen and Dil-
lon Shaw and Meighan,
Troy and Trent Howell
and great-granddaughter,
Anna Nolan.
A celebration of his
life is planned for 1 p.m.
on Saturday, May 12, at
Canyon View Chapel. In
lieu of flowers, donations
can be sent to Hospice &
Palliative Care of Western
Colorado, 3090B North
12th St., Grand Junction,
CO 81506.
Everette LeRoy Spatz
Everette LeRoy Spatz,
90, died Sunday, March
11, at Fir Lane Health and,
Rehabilitation of Shelton.
He was born Oct.21,
1921, in Walton, Neb,, to
hy)Ferdinandspatz, and Mary (Lea-
moved to
ton during
the De-
in 1936:
Everette ated from
Spatz High
School in
1941 and worked on local
farms until he enlisted in
the Sea Bees in 1943. His
Navy service included ac-
tive duty in North Africa
and the Philippines. He
was discharged at the
end of World War II.
Carolyn Marie Kurz He married Joyce Lahr,
Carolyn Marie Kurz, 74, the cadet nurse he met
died Tuesday, March 6, at while on the East Coast
Providence St. Peter Hos- during the war.
pital in Olympia. She was He worked as a clerk
a resident of Shelton for for the railroad for 30
10 years, years and enjoyed a long
She was born Aug. 10, retirement in Shelton.
1937, to Clinton and Re- The family shared he
gina (Gilbert) Corey m had fond memories Of
Chicago. riding his horse on the
She married Robert plains of Colorado when
Kurz on Nov. 20, 1954, in he was young. He en-
Chicago. joyed traveling, liked
Bank of America era- small towns and back
ployed her as a personal roads. He volunteered in
banker for 30 years, his community as a se-
ller hobbies included nior center driver and at
reading and gardening, the tourist information
She was a member of the office.
Catholic church. His wife of 66 years,
She is survived by her Joyce; sons, Eddie and
husband, Robert of Shel- Patrick; daughter, Susan
ton; daughters, Dawn Beauchamp; brother, Dale;
McLaughlin of Sacramen- three granddaughters; one
to, Calif., and Christine step-grandson and three
Donovan of Yuba City, great-grandchildren sur-
Calif.; sons, Robert Kurz vive him.
Jr. of Everett and Douglas He was preceded in
Kurz of Yuba City, Calif.; death by his parents, old-
15 grandchildren and 14 est brother, two sisters
great-grandchildren, and son, Mitchell.
She was preceded in The family will gather
death by her parents and to celebrate his life at a
sons, Keith and Lawrence later date.
Kurz. Forest Funeral Home
A memorial service was of Shelton is handlin~ the
held on March.~:~ ~:~,,,~:.,~i~i~,,~!~,W:~oaag~r~,. :
Forest Funeral: ~~':'~¢" ~:~" ......... "" :
Shelton served the family. See Obits on page [i-7