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Continued from page B-6
Vera Maud Sloane
Vera Maud Sloane died
March 1, in her sleep, with
her dog Bella beside her in
Santa Barbara at her daugh-
terEve's home.
She was born in Rich-
mond, England, on Dec. 23,
~ 1923, to
I~:i:!~~ George and
I~ii ~!~ Drusilla
l~i~~ Taylor. She
I~~ attended
[~i ~ the Kew
N ~ ing World
Vera War II she
Sloane trained and
:,, qualified
as a nurse
at the London Hospital. She
married Robert Bruce Sloane
in 1946.
She was involved in volun-
teer work, from Girl Guides
and the Kingston Art As-
sociation in Canada, through
running the Wissahickon
Skating Club in Chestnut Hill,
Pa., to being a stalwart of the
Mandeville Canyon Associa-
tion, University of Southern
California (USC) Medical
Faculty Wives and the Los
Angeles County-USC Hospital
Gift Shop for many years in
Los Angeles. She did school
volunteer work at a long and
wide-ranging series of schools
and had church membership in
Canada and Philadelphia. She
re-trained and qualified as a
Registered Nurse in California
in the 1970s. She enjoyed walk-
ing and ascending Mt. Whitney
in California. She played ten-
nis, jogged, sailed, rode horses
and skied for most of her adult
life. She spent her last years in
Shelton, where her activities
included piano lessons, book
club, English Ladies Society
and church. She enjoyed music
and poetry. She is survived by
hersisters, Mary Preece and
Sybil (Peter) Scroggs; children,
Judith Blocker (David) of Hay-
wards Heath, England, Oliver,
Antonia and Jack Blocker,
Joanna Richey (Jeff) of Seattle,
David and Sasha, Bill and
Lorie Sloane of Shelton, Peter,
Michael~ [Fayt0r and~Julianne,:
PollyBhy~ (Owen~,-~kw:a~ i
toga, Calif., Morgan (Tracy
Ng); Sarah and Amy, Robin
(Cameron Cassidy) of Bellevue,
Austin and Ashlyn, Eve Kuesis
(Bruce) of Santa Barbara, Ca-
lif., Frannie, George and Fiona
and 17 grandchildren.
Her husband, Robert
Bruce Sloane, brother Ber-
nard, sister Dora, parents
and her father-in-law, Robert
Sloane, preceded her in death.
The family would like to
thank Carolene and Paul
Jones of Shelton, and the
Catholic Community Services
of Mason County for helping
Vera live at home during the
last few years of her life.
Remembrances may be
sent to St, David of Wales
Church, 218 N. Third St.,
Shelton, WA, 98584 or to
local animal shelters, the
American Cancer Society or
the Alzheimer's Association.
"Your Key to Any
Automotive Service"
Low Price
Plus -
: Quality Care Multi-
Point Inspection
All Fluids, Belts and
Hoses Checked
Includes complimentar
car wash
*Some gas cars slightly higher;
diesel vehicles not included.
2°d Shelton exit off Hwy 101
Courtesy pholo
Participants in the second "Tour School with a Pioneer Eagle" event included, from left, Denny Hamilton, Liz
Winchell, Dick Parretti Laura Vanderhoof, Mike Felton, Dick Patterson, Pete Butkus, Pat Patterson, Darrell
Barker, Sandy Kramer, Caroline Ray, Jim Thomas, Carol Thomas, Chloe Colello, Marty Brewer, Lilly Tratnick and
Jake Kramer.
Pioneer School Superinten- ticipated, teachers and principals and have Organizers of the event noted
dent Marty Brewer recently in- This inside look at studentscoffee with Brewer. that one of the district's goals
vited the community to the sec- working to achieve success was Members of the ASB led the is to work closely with the com-
ond "Tour School with a Pioneer initiated by Supintendent Brew- tour and answered questions for munity members to ensure that
Eagle" event, er and the Associated Student the touring public. The schedule the students are receiving a well
The event was held from 9 a.m. Body (ASB) last fall with an in- this year included an introduc- rounded learning opportunity.
to noon on Tuesday, March 6.augural "Tour Pioneer Schooltion to the day at 9 a.m., a tour Those that are interested in
Officials said the the tour fo- with a Pioneer Eagle". of the primary school at 10 a.m., getting more informatation about
cused on education and provid- Community members attend- a tour of the intermediate/middle the district or the schools are
ed vital information about the ing the initial event were able to School at 11 a.m. and a wrap-up asked to call the district office at
school district to those that par- visit classrooms, talk to students, with the superintendent at noon. 426-9115, ext. 3.
to present'
Hospital & Family of Clinics
well with Diabetes' class
Mason General Hospital & diabetes can achieve a normal, providers from MGH & FC who those with the condition and their
Family of Clinics is running an- healthy lifestyle through proper will cover the diagnosis and treat- family members. Due to limited
other "Living Well With Diabe- self-management of the condition ment of diabetes: its medications, space, advanced registration is
tes" evening class from 6-9 p.m., and professional support. MGH & proper meal planning, exercise, required. Diabetes education is a
on Tuesday and Wednesday, July FC would like to make that pos- prevention and treatment of com- covered service under most insur-
10 and 11 and from 6-8 p.m. on sible, as well as help prevent the plications, stress management, ance plans. To pre-register, call
Thursday, July 12, in the Skokom- advancement of diabetes and its living well, and the use of support Sue Barwick, R.N., certified dia-
ish/Washington Room at the Hos- serious complications, people and a healthcare team. Ef- betes educator at 426-1611, ext.
pital. Living Well With Diabetes isfective self-management of diabe- 3301 from Allyn 275-8614, ext.
Studies show that those with presented by a team ofhealthcare tes has shown to be beneficial for 3301.
Mason General offers free community C PR classes
With spring approach- either one of the two free
ing and more outdoor adult, child and infant
activities, it's great to basic life support CPR
be prepared for a medi- classes offered by Ma-
cal emergency. Anyone son General Hospital &
can learn basic lifesaving Family of Clinics from
skills, which may mean6-9 p.m. on Thursday,
the difference between April 12, or on Thursday,
life and death. May 10, at MGH & FC's
Learn these skills atLearning Center, located
next to McDonald's on and participants are ad- the Learning Center at
Olympic HighwayNorth. vised to wear comfort-427-3609.
The classes will cover able clothing. A Spanish- Reservations must
the correct technique for speaking interpreter will be made by April 6 for
adult, child and infant also be made available, if the April 12 class, or by
CPR, and how to recog- necessary. May 4 for the May 10
nize and react to signs of As class size is limited, session.
aheart attack and stroke, you must pre-register This is not a First Aid
Anyone in the communi- and specify the class you class.
ty is welcome to attend want to attend by calling
Nith new mini dental implant technology
you can enjoy secure eating comfort again. ............
In one short procedure you can have a stable
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Now open some evenings & Saturdays.
Go ahead.., bite into that apple!
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.................................................. Or Drop OffAt: Shelton Valley Christian Child Devclopment Center
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Shelton-Mason County Journal- Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Page B-7