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Shelton-Mason County Journal
for league
• Poor weather,
gives team
more time
With poor weather can-
celing two of the Shelton
fastpitch team's preseason
games this week, the Lady
Highclimbers have more
time to prepare for league
"With the games be-
ing canceled, that gives
us extra time to do what
we need to do with our
drills and get prepared for
our games," senior Kylie
Schnitzer said.
the team
Is so young
this year,
it has a lot
more work
to do than
in previ-
ous years,
she said.
Kylie " T h e
Sehnitzer more time
we have,
the bet-
ter," Schnitzer added.
The Lady Highelimbers
are-setto begin play in the
4A Narrows League at 4
p.m. on Wednesday, March
21, at Bellarmine.
Bellarmine has an ex-
perienced pitcher in the
circle, Schnitzer said.
"Our batting is crucial
for that game because they
have a very good pitcher,'!
she said.
She said the team needs
to be on its "A" game and to
help with that, it has worked
on skills development.
"We've broken down our
skills from our feet to our
heads so we're prepared for
it," Schnitzer said.
Prior to the first league
game, the team is sched-
uled to play at 3:30 p.m. on
Friday, March 16, at Tim-
At practice on Tuesday,
March 13, head coach Kim
Goldsby said she thought
the team's first game
would be the Bellarmine
game, anticipating poor
weather and bad field con-
ditions for the rest of this
"We need to play a
tight defense or we'll be in
trouble," senior Jordanne
Krumpols said.
Shelton senior David Gorman gets North Mason freshman Daniel Burggraaf out at
Highclimbers' game at NMHS on Saturday, March 10.
Shelton senior Forest Puterbaugh pitches
against the Bulldogs. Puterbaugh pitched four
innings for the Highclimbers, throwing 46
strikes and striking out four batters.
The first game of the season was a
loss for the Shelton baseball team.
On Saturday, March 10, North Ma-
son outhit the Highclimbers for a 4-1
"The game wasn't as good as it could've
been," senior David Gorman said. "It was
the first game and it was nonleague and
everybody knew that so we didn't show
up to play. The other ~eam came pre-
pared and took advantage of us."
Gorman and senior Dylan Helser led
the Highclimbers in hitting. Both were
1-3 and junior Jared Haynes scored one
Senior Patrick Fabrizio started the
game on the mound for the Highclimbers
for one inning. In the second inning, se-
nior Forest Puterbaugh took over pitch-
ing until the final inning, when Gorman
took the mound.
Puterbaugh threw 46 strikes, 25
balls, three hits and struck out four bat-
ters. The Bulldogs scored two runs --
one earned -- on Puterbaugh.
Fabrizio threw 13 strikes, 11 balls
and two hits, and struck out one batter.
The Bulldogs scored two runs on Fab-
Gorman threw 11 strikes, two balls
and no hits, and struck out two batters.
"It was an eye-opening game because
Journal onoto by Emil~ Hanson
first base during the
~it showed us what we
need to work on," Gor-
man said.
At the start of the
team's first full week
of scheduled games,
poor weather affected
SATURDAY: the schedule.
North Mason. 4 The team's game
Shelton .......... 1 against Yelm on Mon-
day, March 12. was
TOMORROW: rained out and re-
Shelton vs. scheduled to Tuesday,
Bellarmine, March 13, and was
7 p.m. then rescheduled to
4 p.m. on Tuesday,
March 20,
As of press time. the Highclimbers'
game at Bellarmine on Wednesday,
March 14, had not yet been played. This
will be the team's first league game in
the 4A Narrows League.
The team is set to play at 4 p.m. on
Friday, March 16, at home against Bel-
"Assuming we play, I think we can do
very well against Bellarmine," Gorman
said. "Now that we've all woken up to the
season, we could easily take one of the
two games from Bellarmine."
Head coach Erik Engstrom said the
team (0-1) will have a lot of practice this
week, predicting the weather would can-
cel all games this week.
Regardless of when the Highclimbers
play next, Engstrom said theteam will
Jou/nal photo by Emdy rlansor
One week before the Mason County Jamboree,
the Shelton High School track was spruced up
with the lines and numbers repainted. All three
Mason County high schools plan to compete.
By EMILY HANSON what they have to do to set themselves pete at the team level. up for success," Bevers said. "They'll do well individually," he
Sells said he expects the Highclimb- added.
ers and the Bulldogs to compete well Bevers said he was not sure if the
For the first time this school year, against each other. Bulldogs were ready for the meet yet.
teams from all three Mason CountyAlthough SHS is a 4A school and "We've got a lot of young kids." he
high schools will be at one sporting NMHS is a 2A school. Sells said the said. "The good news is it's a jamboree
At 3:30 p.m. on Friday, March 16,number of athletes on the two teams is with only three schools so it shouldn't
the first Mason County Jamboree will fairly close, be too crowded."
take place at Shelton High School. "North Mason has a really good Brehmeyer said she tells the Owls
track team for being their size," he said. not to think about how much bigger
"This is the first Mason County jam- "It's going to be a good competition be- opposing schools may be. She said
boree ever held," Shelton head track tween North Mason and Shelton." that since all of the athletes are in
coach Doug Sells said. "It'll be nice since The Mary M. Knight track team - high school, the Owls should focus
we never get to see the other schools now up to 17 athletes -- will also be in on doing their best and challenging
through the season because we're all attendance at the meet. themselves.
different divisions."
"I have no idea how we'll do but it'll "This meet will be good to see what
North Mason head track coach Jeffbe interesting ~o see how we compare we have," Sells said. "It'll be fun and
Bevers said he thinks the Bulldogs will against a 4A and 2A school," MMK laid back."
use the jamboree as a starting place for head track coach Kitty Brehmeyer said. In preparation for the meet, the SHS
the season. Sells said that since MMK, which is track, which is about sxx years old, was
"I think our kids will do well in their
a 1B school, has such a small team, it repainted on Thursday, March 8, so the
own right to go out and perform and do would be difficult for the Owls to corn- lanes and numbers are clearer.
Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 15, 2012 - Page C-1